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Primary Year 2

Visiting Lecturer Practicum Report




Tahuna Normal Intermediate


21 May 2015

Practicum 2A YES

Whole class


Practicum 2B

Plan, implement and evaluate a programme of linked learning experiences

Taught whole class social studies, maths, social sciences, physical educa5on, evaluates a7er each lesson, keeps record of students
work to evaluate, uses key mathema5cal language, iden5es how she can improve the lesson, able to iden5fy correct use of learning
inten5ons and success criteria, well organised tabulated folder, all resources are included

Demonstrates eec9ve teaching and assessment strategies for all learners

Ensures eyes on her, demonstrates new learning, uses inclusive teaching strategies, incorporates fun learning ac5vi5es, comfortable
in using new technology in an interes5ng way, reinforces knowledge already acquired, invites the children to predict making shapes,
praises individuals for good work, concludes lesson by re-exploring their predic5ons and conrming their ndings and why, provides
extra support for students who need help, knows, comfortable and uses regular rou5nes, outlines on the board the dierent groups,
concludes lesson by asking what have we learnt today, wriCen down one thing that I found easy (so I can extend you further) and
what I am s5ll struggling with (so that I can help you tomorrow).

Demonstrates appropriate professional rela9onships, communica9ons and classroom management

Knows childrens names, warm, caring and suppor5ve, think about who you are siJng beside now you can move, uses countdown
method to focus children on task, outlines expected behaviours listening quietly, hands up, praises whole class for working silently
on tasks praises posi5ve behaviour, uses think/pair/ share technique, gives instruc5ons for when nished eyes up and folded
arms, praises student for specic behaviour reinforcing posi5ve behaviour, roves the class to ensure students are on task,
implements consequences siJng out at PE for inappropriate behaviour, writes up childrens names on board for being on task the
en5re lesson, reminds class of whole class reward aims,

Reects on teaching experience and takes ac9on

Engages in regular evalua5on, has been working on incorpora5ng posi5ve praise and able to reect on how successful this is, full
reec5ons learning about teaching and self as a teacher, concentra5ng on management techniques and incorpora5ng te reo Mori,
able to iden5fy strengths and weaknesses, links prac5ce with theory (McGee and Fraser, 2008),

Demonstrates professional behaviour

Strong teacher presence, uses ini5a5ve, works closely with associate teacher, good working rela5onship, children respect you as a
teacher, you are condent as a teacher and know the material that you are teaching

Models Standard English - Yes

Demonstrates meaningful integra9on of te reo me ng 9kanga Mori - Yes

Uses te reo Mori to greet children, praise, instruc5ons, countdown for focusing children is incorporated into her planning and
threaded throughout planning from start to end of lesson and in full control, uses whakatauk and karakia

Sugges9ons for further development

Explore further behaviour management strategies quite a bit of shhhs try out your associates leCers on/o the board
Try not to rush instruc5ons
Preparing resources ahead of 5me
Ensure all children are quiet so that they can hear and follow your instruc5ons get children to reect instruc5ons


If applicable, please list areas of commenda9on - yes,

SIGNATURE: Kelli Te Maihroa Date: 21 May 2015

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