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Abby Washington


Philosophy Statement
Why do we teach mathematics?
Mathematics plays a large role in our New Zealand curriculum, interlinking with all curriculum
areas. Not only is it important for all teachers to be able identify and explain how and why we teach
mathematics to all learners, it is also crucial that children know the reasons behind their learning.
Teaching mathematics to children from a young age builds up a foundation of knowledge that they
can apply to the community and world they live in.

Teaching mathematics includes two important aspects: content and pedagogy. Content is the
intellectual integrity of the subject (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011, p.6). This is where the students
apply and appreciate mathematics being provided with rich learning experiences. This means
children can make links to other curriculum areas and their world beyond school. Pedagogy
relates to developing supportive environments, having a culturally responsive lense,
respecting and incorporating all cultures.
As mathematics teachers we must create learning experiences where children can
acknowledge how mathematical content is transferred over to the real world. Teaching
mathematics from a young age provides children with a range of strategies that apply to
context out of school. Teaching mathematics equips children for life beyond the classroom
environment, developing childrens thinking and problem-solving abilities.
What are the characteristics of effective mathematics teaching?
There are many characteristics that contribute towards being an effective teacher of mathematics.
These characteristics are crucial to being an effective mathematics teacher. These characteristics
allow teachers to create a learning environment where all learners can gain a quality understanding.
Teachers have a powerful influence over how and what students learn. Through providing the
appropriate learning environment in which the content and pedagogy match the background, needs
and interests of individual students, all students can learn mathematics (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011).
Teachers need to know their learners on an individual level being able to identify how each
individual learns best. An effective mathematics teacher will know the preferred teaching approach
that suits each child. Teachers should adapt their teaching styles to cater for the needs of all
children. Some children require visual representations and hands on activities to progress new key

Abby Washington

mathematical ideas. Knowing the needs of all learners also requires choosing an appropriate
learning environment for all learners. Teachers will make the appropriate decisions on wether to
teach their classroom in groupings or

as a full classroom. An effective teacher will make this

decision based on the environment that will best fit the learners in the classroom. Groupings can be
used to cater for specific achievement levels, learning styles and interest groups (Jorgensen & Dole,
2011). I believe whole classroom teaching is most effective when introducing new learning that is
appropriate for all learners. Effective mathematics teachers will provide children with a range of
activities to transfer new key mathematical ideas to a deeper understanding. Every individual learns
in different ways and progresses at varying stages. Effective mathematics teachers will monitor the
learning of each child, making on-going formative assessments on how well the children are
progressing. Monitoring childrens learning will allow teachers to identify which children need
more support.

One of the most important influences on the childrens learning is having teacher that believe all
students can learn mathematics. Creating an effective classroom community means teachers care
about all students engagement. Building relationships through the development of self and others,
incorporating aspects of other cultures in mathematics is important. Teachers need to establish
caring relationships with all learners at the beginning of the new school year. These relationships
will transfer into mathematics meaning children feel respected and valued. This will allow children
to be working in a safe respected learning environment. This will create a learning environment
were all children are confident in giving answers ago showing their mathematical ideas.

Having an understanding of the theories that underpin how students learn in mathematics enable
teachers to develop good practice that both supports and enhanced students learning. Having a
strong theoretical basis of their work means teachers in mathematics can understand how students
learn. This means that teachers are able to re organise learning in ways that enhances the capacity
for learning (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011).

For effective mathematics teaching to happen in a classroom the teacher needs to use mathematical
language effectively, having a deep understanding of the mathematics they are teaching. This means
having a clear understanding of the key concepts for all areas of mathematics. Part of the challenge

Abby Washington

in understanding mathematics is learning the specific language of mathematics. This means teachers
need to pay particular attention to teaching the language of mathematics (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011).
If teachers are well aware of potential problematic areas, teachers will be better able to organise
effective learning environments for all students. This allows includes teachers having a culturally
responsive lense to teaching as this is particularly important when considering students whos first
language isnt English.

A characteristic of an effective teacher is using questioning as a basis for teaching. When used
appropriately, it enables students to be actively engaged, providing teachers with valuable
information for where the childrens current knowledge is at making formative judgements. The
ability to ask effective questions will promote higher-order thinking (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011).

How can the mathematics program be linked to the wider community, including parents?
Having parental support in your mathematics program is important for your learners to succeed to
the best of their abilities in mathematics. Teachers need to create relationships with whnau through
communicating regularly, setting up meetings where appropriate. Family needs to be informed of
their childs progression using appropriate language / terms they can understand. Working together
whnau, children, and teachers can set achievable goals for children. Through effective
communication families and whnau will have knowledge of the curriculum and assessment
activities. Establishing these relationships will create a home learning environment between parents
and children. If families are aware of the direction of their childs mathematics program, they can
support and extend this learning at home. This is beneficial in bridging the centre-home
community divide (Anthony & Walshaw, 2007, 44). The mathematics program has a range of
potential learning experiences that can be linked to the wider community. I believe students learn
best when learning activities are practical, relating to the world we learn in. Teachers need to show
links between key mathematical ideas and the community the children live in. Tamariki need to be
shown how mathematics links to their world, as children learn best when learning is relevant to

Abby Washington

References used.
G, Anthony., & Walshaw, M. (2007). Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics/ Pngarau Best
Evidence Synthesis Iteration. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Education.

Jorgensen, R. & Dole, S. (2011). Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools 2nd Edition. Crows
Nest NSW: Allen & Unwin.

Abby Washington

Four goals for on-going professional development.

1. Knowing my learners - have a deeper understanding of childrens prior knowledge and

abilities before implementing a unit.

2. Continue to make on-going formative judgements for all learners. Use a range of
assessment tools to measure SLOs.

3. Provide children will hands on activities to reinforce speci\ic learning Eliminate all work

4. Further develop the ability to use formative assessments to make appropriate adaptations
during lessons.

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