#5 Vocabulary List Megumi Ojima No.11310070

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#5 Vocabulary List

Megumi Ojima No.11310070

1. Gloss(見せかけ、うわべだけの)

An attractive appearance that often conceals something unattractive or inferior.

A gloss of politeness

2. Forecasts(予報する、予言する)

A description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information

that you have now

I will forecast the winner.

3. Executive(重役、取締役)

A manager in an organization or company who helps makes important decisions

My father is an executive of McDonald’s.

4. Conducting, Conduct(~を行う)

To carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get

information or prove facts

Conduct a survey.

5. Afar(遠くで)

From a long distance away

I saw her from afar.

6. Taunt(あざける)

To try to make someone angry or upset by saying unkind things to them

He taunted Masa about his weight.

7. Stemming, Stem(~の流れを止める、~に逆らって進む)

To stop something from happening, spreading, or developing

Stem the flow of blood.

8. Tantrums(不機嫌、かんしゃく)

A sudden short period when someone, especially a child, behaves very angrily

and unreasonably

He throws a tantrum when he can’t eat whenever he wants.

9. Tip of iceberg(氷山の一角)

A small sign of a problem that is much larger

This is just the tip of iceberg.

10. Treaty(条約、協定)

A formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments

Treaty is only valid until the next month.

11. Dispersant(分散剤、噴霧器)

A liquid or gas added to a mixture to promote dispersion or to maintain dispersed particles in


You will hardly see dispersant sold in supermarkets.

12. Dilute(~で薄める)

To make a liquid weaker by adding water or another liquid

Diluted lemon juice

13. Consternation(非常な驚き、仰天)

A feeling of worry, shock, or fear

Let’s fill him with consternation.

14. Respirators(人工呼吸器)

A piece of equipment that pumps air in and out of someone's lungs if they are

too ill or weak to breathe

A lot of respirators are used in hospitals.

15. Summon(呼びつける、召喚する)

To order someone to come to a place

Summon a waiter at restaurant.

16. Trap(わな)

A piece of equipment for catching animals

Set traps to catch cockroaches.

17. Baby boomer(ベビーブーム世代の人)

Someone born during a period when a lot of babies were born, especially

between 1946 and 1964

My dad is one of the baby boomers.

18. Debate(討論する)

Discussion of a particular subject that often continues for a long time and in

which people express different opinions

I belong to debate club.

19. Catch up(追いつけ追い越せの姿勢、運動)

In order to catch up, we must run!

20. Policy(政策)

A way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a

political party, business, or other organization

The business policy is not so clear to everybody in this company.

21. Pave a way(開拓する)

To make progress or development easier

Pave the way to a new market.

22. Standpoint(観点 、見地、立場


See the fact from a scientific standpoint.

23. Cultural awareness(文化的認識)

The awareness between cultures

There were some differences of cultural awareness.

24. Competence(能力、力量)

The ability to do something well

The competence of making people mad is really high.

25. Discrimination(差別、えこひいき)

The practice of treating one person or group differently from another in an

unfair way

Racial discrimination should not happen at any cost.

26. Miscarriage(流産)

If a woman who is going to have a baby has a miscarriage, she gives birth

before the baby is properly formed and it dies

She has experienced miscarriage.

27. Fetus(胎児)

A baby or young animal before it is born

I have a picture of myself when I was still a fetus.

28. Sensitive(敏感な)

Easily upset or offended by events or things that people say

I am actually very sensitive.

29. Congenital(生まれつきの、先天的な)

A congenital medical condition or disease has affected someone since they

were born

I have a congenital disease.

30. Plausible(妥当な、納得のいく)
Reasonable and likely to be true or successful

That is a plausible reason to quit club.

31. Punitive(罰、過酷な、懲戒的な)

Intended to punish someone

I am majoring in punitive laws.

32. Novice(初心者、 駆け出し)

Someone who has no experience in a skill, subject, or activity

I am a novice at swimming.

33. Exclusive(排他的な)

Available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared

I want to join an exclusive club someday.

34. In principle(原則として、原則的に)

If something is possible in principle, there is no good reason why it should not

happen, but it has not actually happened yet

In principle, people should have a baby after they get married.

35. Prestigious(名声のある、一流の)

Admired as one of the best and most important

I went to a prestigious school in Tokyo.

36. Expedition(遠征、探 検
A long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar

place, or the people that make this journey

A group of expedition.

37. Inflate(膨らませる、膨張させる)

To fill something with air or gas so it becomes larger, or to become filled with air

or gas

Inflate a big balloon with our mouth.

38. Biodiversity(生物の多様性)

The variety of plants and animals in a particular place

I am surprised to see the biodiversity in the forest.

39. Endemic(地方特有の)

An endemic disease or problem is always present in a particular place, or

among a particular group of people

A problem endemic to the entertainment industry.

40. Long-term(長期の)

Continuing for a long period of time into the future, or relating to what will

happen in the distant future

We need a long-term plan to build a house.

41. Imperative(必須の、避けられない)

Extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately

In the form, writing your name down is imperative.

42. Tremendously(すさまじく、恐ろしく)

Very big, fast, powerful

I was tremendously damaged.

43. Spring up(飛び上がる、跳ね上がる)

A sudden quick movement of jump in a particular direction

I sprang up when I saw a snake.

44. Empower(権限 を与える)

To give someone more control over their own life or situation

I am empowered to go through your stuff because I am your boss.

45. Subsidy(補助金)

Money that is paid by a government or organization to make prices lower,

reduce the cost of producing goods etc

The amount of subsidy given to people should be reexamined.

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