University Technology Mara (UITM) Kota Samarahan ECS 356 Civil Engineering Design Project (Professional Talk Report)

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University Technology Mara (UITM)

Kota Samarahan
ECS 356
(Professional Talk Report)

Title : Building Foundation

Speaker : Mr. Ir Liew Hui Chiat
Date : 26th August 2016
NameSahidzuwan Bin AG Salleh
Student ID 2013289062
Group: EC1106A
Prepared forMdm. Chiew Fei Ha
[Due Date]

Table of Content




Determination of Foundation


Shallow Foundation


Deep Foundation




On the 26th August 2016, a professional talk was being held at the Studio 2
University Technology Mara (UITM) Kota Samarahan campus 2 by the Mr IR.
Liew Hui Chiat. The talk is organized and being held with the objective targeted
to student of Diploma in Civil Engineering (EC110) for the enhancement of the
students knowledge on social, cultural ethics and sustainable development
issue regarding to the Building Foundation. The talk can be mainly divided into
three topics which are the determination of building foundation, the shallow
foundation and the deep foundation.

Determination of The foundation

The first topic discussed in the talk is about the determination of the
foundation. In general, the types of building foundation can be determined by
the following principle factors:

> The function of the structure and the loads that the foundation must carry.
> The sub-surface condition.
> The foundation of the adjacent structures.
> The cost of the foundation itself with the cost of the superstructure.

The first principle is concerned about the functionality of the structure

needed to be constructed and how much its loads that the foundation needs to
held. The loads from the superstructure is the most crucial things need to
assessed. This is because, the total loads is needed in order to design and
build proper and safe foundation for the structure.

Next, the second principle is about the condition of the soil where the
structure intended to be constructed. In this matter, the soil condition need to
be investigate to obtain the data of the structure can be constructed under the
existing condition or need some modifications. Furthermore, the soil capability
to carrying the loadings requirements from the structure also needs to obtain to
avoid future detrimental settlement. These kind of data can be collected by
doing the soil investigation such Rock Coring, Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
and the Quantum of Test.

The third principle is concerning the existing adjacent structures

foundation. Before constructing the foundation, the engineer needs to collect
the adjacent structures foundation for their references to design their
foundation and to prevent the existing foundation of the adjacent structure to
be malfunctioned.

The last principle factors of choosing foundation is about the cost. The cost
of the foundation and the superstructure needed to be assessed to ensure the
project runs smoothly and more economically,

All these principles needs to be apply when choosing the building

foundation with the proper design to ensure the foundation is sustainable and
will not affect the social and cultural matters at the surrounding of the building
during the construction periods and after the construction is finish the
foundation is failed.

Shallow Foundation

The second topic cover about the Shallow Foundation. Shallow foundation
is mainly use for building where the superstructure or the building loads is low
for example single storey house. Besides that, the shallow foundation also is
used when the subsurface of the soil is hard because the subsurface can cater
the loadings from superstructure for example the subsurface is hard layer and
not sandy or clay type of subsurface.

The shallow foundation is more economical to constructed than the other

type of foundation and easier to be constructed but the base of the foundation
needs to be treated properly to avoid the settlement.

The shallow foundation mainly has several types such Pad Footing, Strip
Foundation and Raft Foundation. The pad footing is the types of shallow
foundation where the concentrated loads is from a single point load such
structural columns. The strip footing is used to cater a line of loads such walls
loadings and closely-spaced columns. While the raft foundation is the
foundation that consist of a concrete slab which extended over the entire
loaded area to spread the loadings which will reduce the stresses experienced
by the foundation soils and to prevent differential settlement to occur.

The figure below shows the simple drawings of the shallow foundation.

Deep Foundation

The third topic being discussed during the talk is about the deep
foundation. The deep foundation is the foundation used where the subsurface
condition is weak for example peat type of soil. This type of soil contains
materials and have not consolidate enough and subjected to the moisture
movement because the subsurface has many pore area. The deep foundation
is very suitable for these type of subsurface condition which it can sustain high
output loadings from superstructure. The deep foundation can hugely minimize
the settlement as the foundation is supported by firm strata but it is costly to
build and consume a lot of time to be constructed.

There are

types of deep foundation and there are the End Bearing Pile,

Friction Pile and Replacement Pile. The End Bearing Pile also often called
driven piles because the pile usually driven into the ground until the pile
reached the firm strata or hard layer. The loadings from the superstructure is
being transmitted from the column to the pile cap to the pile and to the firm
strata. The friction pile is used when the hard layer is too deep. The pile is
transmitting the loading to its surrounding soil via friction between surface of
the pile and the soil. The replacement pile or bored pile is used in cohesive soil
where the ground layer is being drilled to installed the reinforcement and the
concrete which will act as the pile foundation.

The pile is installed by using several piling machinery such Diesel Hammer,
Frame Winch operated Drop Hammer, Hydraulic Hammer, and Jack Pile. The
environment and social issue when choosing of pile machines used for the
installations of piles needs to be assess first. For example, in the residential
area, the diesel hammer is cheap in cost but not suitable because it is highly
polluting to surrounding and also has a lot of noises. These kind of awareness
needed to ensure the constructions runs smoothly without affecting any
constructions issues.

The Static Load Test need to be executed after installing the pile to ensure
the piles workability and the pile are usually tested to twice of the design load
for safety precautions. There are few types of static load tests which are
Vertical Load Test, Horizontal Load Test and Uplift Load test. The testing
equipment needed are clock to record time, hydraulic jack to jack the load to
pile, dial gauge to measure the settlement. The procedure of the test is mainly
the same and only has differences on where the loading is being subjected
either from horizontal, vertical and uplift direction. The Pile Dynamic Analysis
(PDA) test is done to evaluate the pile capacity, driving stresses, hammer
performance and pile integrity during the installation of test piles and
construction of piles. It is very crucial to take PDA test on the static load test to
ensure the correlation between the two test to be determined.


The professional talk by the Mr. Ir Liew Hui Chiat on 26th August 2016 has
enhance the knowledge of the students of Diploma in Civil Engineering
(EC1106) on the Building Foundation. Based on the talk, many issues can be
related with the building foundation. The talk is focusing on three main topics
which are determination of foundation, shallow foundation and deep
foundation which is plays a big role in construction of a building. The
determination of the foundation needs to be done really carefully and some
criteria are important to be assessed first to maximize the workability of the
foundation. The type of foundation is chosen either deep foundation or shallow
foundation based on some studies and investigation. The studies and
investigations are such the soil conditions is either have adequate strength to
carry the loadings from the structure, is it more economical to build, what the
methods to use to build the foundation and its effects on the surroundings.
These studies and investigation are important to minimize its impact on social,
cultural, ethics and also the sustainability of the developments itself.

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