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Issue 1,146 Wednesday 2 June 2010 FREE

FBI set to
oil disaster


in the balance last night after its
dream of taking over AIA died, PRESSURE on BP mounted last night
drawing a line under what one as the US attorney general said he
shareholder called “an unprece- would launch a criminal and a civil
dented shambles”. investigation into its massive Gulf of
The insurer is expected to tell the Mexico oil spill.
London stockmarket this morning Eric Holder said the federal agen-
it will abandon its calamitous cies, including the FBI, would partici-
$35.5bn (£25bn) pursuit of AIG’s pate in the probe and warned: “If we
Asian operation. Following a series find evidence of illegal behaviour, we
of mishaps that frustrated will be forceful in our response.”
investors, Prudential’s bid was The investigation came as BP’s
effectively torpedoed when AIG’s shares suffered their worst one-day fall
US government backers refused to for 18 years yesterday, hit by news that
shave $5bn from AIA’s price in 11th- the oil giant’s latest efforts to plug the
hour haggling. leak over the weekend had failed.
Sources close to Prudential said it BP’s shares closed 13 per cent lower
would pull out of the transaction at 430p yesterday. The shares have now
rather than face the humiliation of lost 34 per cent of their value since the
being voted down by more than 25 accident started, wiping £40bn off BP’s
per cent of its shareholders at a market capitalisation.
meeting on 7 June. Analysts warned cleaning up the
According to one estimate, the spill, still leaking up to 19,000 barrels
beleaguered blue chip will now Prudential boss Tidjane Thiam (left) and chairman Harvey McGrath are under pressure to quit Pictures: NEWSCAST, GETTY of oil into the Gulf per day, could cost
have to pay up to £500m in break over $20bn (£13.6bn), which, together
fees and advisory costs – the equiva- paign against the AIA tie-up, said: M&G boss Michael McLintock and Prudential shares gained 6.3 per with the shares’ collapse left the com-
lent of its 2009 dividend. “It’s a matter of honour. Given former Prudential head Mark cent to 575.5p on hopes of a break- pany vulnerable to a possible
Chief executive Tidjane Thiam what’s happened it’s inconceivable Tucker were two names being up bid for the company. takeover. BP said yesterday that the
and chairman Harvey McGrath they can continue. This is a sham- bandied about for the post of inter- Analysts at BNP Paribas put out a cost of its failed bids to stem the flow
called a lengthy board meeting yes- bles on an unprecedented scale.” im chief executive. But some note remarking the insurer could had risen to $990m as it launched
terday as Prudential’s shares soared One large shareholder, who investors called for reflection be in play, echoing previous new measures to cap the leaking oil
on news of the failed talks with the asked to remain anonymous, said before any management changes. rumours of interest from Clive using remotely operated vehicles.
US Treasury. It is understood nei- McGrath’s position was more pre- A second shareholder said: Cowdery’s Resolution and Aviva. Concerns that BP’s latest move
ther man is close to resigning even carious than Thiam’s. “The chair- “Whether senior management However, one investor said the could fail and make things worse per-
though some shareholders want man has let himself down. He think they have lost so much of the outcome was far from obvious. “It’s sist as pressure from the US govern-
their scalps. should have kept the new chief in shareholders’ support they can’t the wrong time in the cycle to be ment on chief executive Tony
Robin Geffen of Neptune Invest- check and warned him of the continue, I don’t know. It’s going to breaking up the Pru,” he said. Hayward continues to escalate.
ment Management, who led a cam- potential pitfalls. This is a fiasco.” be a personal decision.” ALLISTER HEATH: P2; MORE: P5 One shareholder said: “The pres-
sure on Hayward goes up with every

FTSE 100 ▼5,163.30 -25.13 DOW ▼10,024.02 -112.61 NASDAQ ▼2,222.33 -34.71 £/$ 1.47 ▲+0.02 £/¤ 1.20 ▲+0.02 ¤/$ ▼1.22 -0.01 Certified Distribution
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2 News CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

Why Pru’s chair and CEO must resign NEWS | IN BRIEF

Darling backs David Miliband
Former chancellor Alistair Darling has
backed David Miliband in the Labour
McGrath, the firm’s chairman. The Generale in the middle of all of this sell-side coalition of 30 investment leadership race. He released a statement
idea of turning the Pru into an Asian was the last straw even for his support- banks tasked with the fundraising. last night saying: “We are fortunate to
powerhouse – an HSBC for the insur- ers, who couldn’t understand how he The received wisdom was that the have a field of very strong candidates,
ance world – wasn’t a bad one but the could have been so badly advised. power of the banks – and the vast each with different qualities. However, I
price of the deal was ludicrously high. Given the turmoil in which the Pru amount of money they were promised believe strongly that David Miliband is
A business is owned by its sharehold- has now been plunged and the dra- to underwrite the deal – was such that the right person to lead our party, first
ers, not its managers; unfortunately, in matic thumbs down given to its stra- the ordinarily lily-livered institutions in Opposition and then back to power.”
this case as in so many others, a hubris- tegy, the only right and proper were bound to surrender. Their refusal David Miliband is currently neck and
EDITOR’S LETTER tic, empire-building CEO started to act outcome is for Thiam and McGrath to to do so marks an important shift in neck with his brother Ed for the top job
as if he owned the place. While Thiam resign, preferably immediately. the balance of power in the City. at the party.
ALLISTER HEATH is a charming, self-effacing and highly Michael McLintock, the excellent
intelligent man, some of his team con- boss of the Pru’s M&G Investments WHY MICHAEL FALLON IS BEST BA and Unite to resume talks
WHAT a mess. Prudential’s entire strat- ducted themselves in an arrogant and unit, should become the interim (and With so many dramatic changes being British Airways (BA) and Unite have
egy lies in tatters, its supposedly trans- often incompetent manner, angering possibly permanent) chief executive, planned to the way the UK economy is resumed negotiations in a bid to settle
formative $35.5bn bid for AIG’s Asian shareholders as well as the Financial while James Ross, the senior non-exec- managed and regulated, the House of the bitter dispute that has resulted in
operations all but over. The firm’s last- Services Authority (FSA), which forced utive director, should become acting Commons’ Treasury Select Committee cabin crew taking to the picket lines.
ditch attempts at cajoling the US gov- the Pru into an astonishing climb- chairman. Their mission should be to will soon take on a renewed impor- The news comes as the airline
ernment, AIG’s majority shareholder, down over capital requirements. ensure that the Pru pulls through the tance as a watchdog and check on the announced it will increase its capacity
into cutting AIA’s price never got off The FSA was clearly desperate to next few weeks, to hammer out a government and Bank of England. during the final five-day strike period,
the ground. The deal’s demise is a vic- establish that it had changed since the robust strategy for growth and to Michael Fallon, Tory MP for Sevenoaks, which starts 5 June. BA said it will fly
tory for shareholders and London’s bad old days when it allowed RBS’s cap- mend fences with institutions. deserves to be its new chairman. He is up to 80 per cent of long-haul and 60
long-suffering institutional investors, ital to fall to rock-bottom after its pur- Perhaps more than anything else, financially literate, economically per cent of short-haul flights from
who have at last had the guts and fore- chase of ABN Amro – but Thiam this sorry affair has seen a rare tri- sound and spent years as an entrepre- Heathrow. The commercial liner will also
sight to block a value-destroying mega- should have seen this coming and umph of buy-side firms – fund man- neur and director of a top City firm. fly a full schedule to South Africa for
deal; but it is a bitter, personal been more respectful of the regulator’s agers and others investors, aided by Let us hope MPs vote for him at next World Cup football fans. Currently
humiliation for Tidjane Thiam, the authority. The fact that he was plan- brave, independent research houses week’s elections. Heathrow Airport is the only BA hub
Pru’s chief executive, and Harvey ning to accept a directorship at Societe such as Hong Kong’s CLSA – against a that has been affected by the strikes.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street,
London, EC3R 8AJ
Caja Madrid
seeks €3bn
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7248 1729
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
EUROZONE CRISIS bank CajaSur last month, the Bank of

Associate Editor David Crow

Features Editor Jeremy Hazlehurst BY STEVE DINNEEN Spain is pushing harder for mergers Business secretary Vince Cable says he hopes to protect firms from short term investors
Art Director Darren Soulsby among small savings banks, whose

Cable begins M&A review

Pictures Alex Ridley SPAIN’S banking woes continued yes- credit quality has deteriorated
terday after its second-largest savings sharply due to heavy exposure to
Commercial bank Caja Madrid is understood to Spain’s ailing property sector.
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery have sought up to €3bn (£2.5bn) But analysts have already questioned
Deputy Sales Director Harry Owen from a government rescue fund. the cost-saving potential of a merger
Head of Distribution Nick Owen Caja Madrid entered preliminary between institutions with little scope
merger talks with five regional sav- for branch closure or staff cuts. M&A investors having an undue influence

Distribution helpline ings banks last week. But the Spanish Fellow Spanish bank Caja Avila said over the process.
If you have any comments about the distribution BY STEVE DINNEEN
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email lender released a statement saying it is in talks for a virtual merger with It will also look at whether compa- the reports it will seek government Caja Madrid, Caja Insular de BUSINESS secretary Vince Cable yes- nies making bids should be forced to
funds are “speculation”. Canarias, Caixa Laietana, Caja terday launched a formal investiga- supply more financing information.
Editorial Statement The rescue fund is set up to pro- Segovia and Caja Rioja. tion into M&A rules. The new rules could prevent hedge
This newspaper adheres to the system of mote mergers among the country’s The move comes after intense criti- funds and others from voting on
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints network of unlisted regional banks. Miguel Fernández cism of Kraft’s conduct in the lead-up takeovers if they bought stock during
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the The bank’s misery was compoun- to its takeover of Cadbury. It follows a bid battle, and could force compa-
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Ordóñez, president of
ded when its ratings were placed on calls from Cable’s predecessor Peter nies to disclose the fees paid to invest-
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at
CreditWatch negative by Standard & the Bank of Spain, is Mandelson. The panel will examine ment banks for merger advice.
Poor’s, which expects “pronounced pushing for regional whether the threshold of sharehold- Cable said: “We welcome foreign
Printed by Newsfax International,
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, pressure” on its profits this year. lenders to merge. ers voting in favour of a bid needs to investors but we want all sharehold-
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS Following the bailout of savings be increased to prevent short-term ers to be empowered.”


One of the most exclusive addresses
VOLUMES more than £150m after receivers took LANDS IN PARISIAN COURT The European Union could seize con- Covidien agreed to buy vascular
Options trading volumes in the US control of a 1.3-acre site on Piccadilly Jean-Marie Messier, the dashing trol of green taxes across the conti- device maker ev3 for $2.6bn in a
soared to a record last month as mar- owned by the family trusts advised by Frenchman who proclaimed himself nent in order to make low-carbon move aimed at accessing markets for
ket volatility and the “flash crash” Simon Halabi, the property mogul. a master of the universe while chief energy cheaper. Biofuels and wind or products that treat problems with
added to secular growth in the indus- The buildings were once at the centre executive of Vivendi Universal, will wave power would become less costly blood vessels in the legs and head.
try. Nearly 406m listed options con- of plans by Halabi to create the UK’s stand trial for criminal fraud in a than energy produced from fossil Covidien has been reshaping its port-
tracts were traded in May, according most exclusive six-star hotel and club. courtroom in Paris today. Messier, fuels, under draft plans obtained by folio since its separation from Tco
to figures released by the Options Allsop and Jones Lang LaSalle have who transformed Vivendi from a Reuters, the news agency. The EU International in mid-2007 to focus on
Clearing Corporation, up 29 per cent been appointed to sell the Piccadilly sleepy French water company into a wants to overhaul Europe’s €240bn higher-growth, higher-margin busi-
from May 2009. estate. $51bn media group, is accused of mis- annual taxation of energy. nesses. Yesterday, it agreed to sell its
leading the stockmarket, manipulat- sleep-therapy business to privately
CARMAKERS TPG Capital’s leading China dealmak- misappropriating company money. SELLING UP OVER CGT RISE”
The global car industry is poised for a er is quitting as a partner of the US A quarter of landlords claim they are TELEFÓNICA SWEETENS BID FOR JV
rebound to a record year in 2010 on private equity group, becoming the THE BELL NEVER TOLLS FOR considering quitting the buy-to-let sec- Spain’s Telefónica has sweetened its
the back of strong demand in emerg- latest high-profile investor to launch WHITECHAPEL FOUNDRY tor ahead of the new government’s bid for Portugal Telecom’s indirect
ing markets, the chief executive of an Asia-focused investment fund. Output at the Whitechapel Bell planned hike in capital gains tax, stake in Vivo Participacoes to €6.5bn
Renault and Nissan has forecast. Weijian Shan established TPG as a Foundry, Britain’s oldest manufactur- research has shown. Around 26 per from an earlier offer of €5.7bn. In a
Carlos Ghosn said the global industry pioneer in foreign private equity ing company, rose 27 per cent last cent of landlords said they were think- filing to Portuguese stockmarket reg-
should produce and sell 70m light investing in China and Asia and led a year. Alan Hughes, whose family has ing about selling their properties ulator CMVM, Portugal Telecom said
vehicles in 2010, with most of the string of lucrative deals after joining run it for more than 100 years, says before the tax is increased from its it had received Telefónica’s revised
growth coming outside the US, the firm in 1998, including its buyout the foundry is often at its busiest dur- current rate of 18 per cent, according bid. The new proposal comes with
Europe and Japan. of Shenzhen Development Bank. ing times of recession. to LSL Property Services. two alternatives.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 News 3

City A.M. panel blasts CGT rise

compared with just 34 per cent in impact of the tax. Our panel was
favour of it. firmly behind calls to taper relief to
Predictably, Tory voters were most be introduced on CGT, meaning the
vehemently opposed, with 71 per tax rate falls over the period an asset
cent saying they “somewhat dis- is held, with 84 per cent agreeing, agree” or “strongly disagree” with
the rise. Traditional Labour voters
including 91 per cent of Tories.
Liberal Democrat MP David Laws
were split 50-50 on the proposed tax. did not fare well with our voters,
OUR panel of City opinion-formers David Cameron’s pledge that with 64 per cent saying he should
has slammed the government’s pro- there will be “generous allowances” have resigned over his expenses
posed hike in capital gains tax. for entrepreneurs went down better scandal. But 53 per cent think his
More than 65 per cent of voters with the panel, with 55 per cent replacement Danny Alexander will
disagreed with the planned tax, agreeing this lessens the undesirable be less effective. STEVE DINNEEN
Brian Winterflood (above), property
mogul Nick Leslau (left) and Jupiter
fund manager Ian McVeigh support City in association with Apply to join today at
A.M.’s campaign against CGT hikes

More protest
over CGT plan
CITY A.M. and creating jobs,” Leslau told City
A.M. “It is crucially important that the
CAMPAIGN Conservatives don’t just roll over and
BY VICTORIA BATES let the Liberal Democrats take the
lead on a proposal that could damage
CITY heavyweights rushed yesterday our economy and jeopardise the
to add their voices to City A.M.’s cam- recovery.”
paign against the new coalition gov- Jupiter Asset Management fund
ernment’s damaging plans to raise manager Ian McVeigh also pledged
capital gains tax (CGT) to levels simi- his support. “Politicians rely on gen-
lar to income tax rates. eral ignorance of how companies are
City veteran Brian Winterflood, the owned to attempt tax hikes on savers
founder of the market-making firm when they should be cutting the
of the same name, threw his weight deficits that their gross overspending
behind the cause, claiming that the has caused,” he said.
proposals would wreak havoc on The campaign has already received
entrepreneurial spirit and invest- backing from the likes of private
ment in the UK. equity mogul Jon Moulton, Seymour
Other big-hitters who yesterday Pierce boss Keith Harris, Tullett
signed up to the campaign included Prebon chief executive Terry Smith
Nick Leslau, the Prestbury Invest- and entrepreneur Luke Johnson.
ments property entrepreneur who Instead of the proposed CGT hikes
last year pulled off one of the most – which could see rates rise as high as
successful floats of the year, raising 40 per cent, in line with income tax –
£220m by listing his investment this newspaper supports the system
vehicle Max Property on Aim. of tapering CGT rates over time,
“I have always believed that short- which would prevent people disguis-
term investing should be penalised ing income as short-term gains while
and that people should be rewarded propping up long-term investment in
for making long-term investments the UK economy.

Phoenix closes fund at £450m corporate links with America and a
Phoenix Equity Partners, the mid-market world class financial services hub helped
buyout owner of fashion brand LK the UK keep its ranking, even as foreign
Bennett and handbag company Radley, money flowed into Europe at a slower
has raised £450m for a new private pace than during previous years. France
equity fund. Ontario Teachers’ Pension came second and Germany was third.
Plan, AlpInvest, Adam Street and New
York State Teachers’ Pension Plan were Starbucks brings latte to NYSE
among investors in the vehicle, which Starbucks, the upmarket coffee chain, is
surpassed its fundraising target of opening an outlet on the floor of the New
£375m despite a tough environment. York Stock Exchange as the platform
tries to transform itself into a modern
UK holds onto investment title working environment. As part of a $7.5m
The UK has retained the top spot as the (£5.1m) overhaul of the iconic dealing
most attractive destination for inward space, Starbucks will begin serving lattes
investment in Europe, according to a and frappuccinos to the NYSE’s 500
report by Ernst & Young today. Good equity traders.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Focus on Prudential 5



push ahead with plan A -- the
takeover offer for AIA and an auda-
emphasising to
investors high levels
A. Prudential -- after suffering its
first major setback with an
unprecedented regulatory delay to
cious plan to become Asia’s biggest
foreign-owned insurer. This is widely
seen as implausible. AIG’s manage-
of growth seen in first-
quarter results, when sales rose 26
per cent to a record £807m.
the deal last month -- was already ment is unlikely to return to the
facing growing shareholder discon-
tent. A withdrawal today, after
negotiating table and accept even a
face-saving discount for Prudential, Q. WHAT ARE THE ODDS ON A
Prudential management meets top
investors, would avoid taking the
deal to a vote at a general meeting
after the earlier statement sticking
to the original terms. And Prudential
has little motivation to take the
A. Talk of breaking up Prudential
into its US, UK and Asian arms
has been in the market for several
scheduled for 7 June. Prudential $35.5bn offer to shareholders next years. But with several major rivals
would need 75 per cent of voting week and face what would likely be dealt body blows by the credit
stock in favour to push ahead, and it an unprecedented defeat. crunch -- not least AIG -- this scenario
was increasingly unclear it would is now seen as unlikely. Analysts

James Leigh Pemberton of

have gathered that support.
emphasise hedge funds and some
banks will continue to pursue this
Credit Suisse is among
Prudential’s advisers Q. ISCOULD
PRESS AHEAD? A. Prudential, faced with volatile
markets and ruffled sharehold-
option. But hostile bids this complex
-- reminiscent of the three-way
Picture: REUTERS
A. The alternative option for
Prudential management is to
ers, will most likely return to its pre-
vious, independent strategy,
takeover of ABN Amro -- are virtually
unheard of in insurance.

Bankers miss
Pru fees but
eye AIA float
Shareholders mocked the compa-

BY OLIVER SHAH ny’s reliance on a lengthy cast of
advisers. Referring to the afternoon’s
LONDON bankers will miss the fees board meeting, one investor joked: “It
bonanza promised by Prudential’s was probably held in the O2 Centre,
swoop on AIA, but advisers in Asia are there are so bloody many of them.”
rubbing their hands at the prospect The refusal of the US Treasury and
of a listing for AIG’s Far Eastern arm. New York Federal Reserve, who own
Prudential was preparing to show- 83 per cent of AIG, to accept a lower
er £850m on a raft of investment price for AIA sparked suggestions an
banks led by Credit Suisse, HSBC and initial public offering (IPO) for the
JPMorgan, and lawyers led by asset could be back on the cards.
Slaughter & May, to strong-arm the AIA had been due for a $35bn flota-
City into backing its $35.5bn (£25bn) tion on the Hong Kong market before
takeover of AIA. Prudential’s trade offer halted the
After the collapse of the deal, process in February. Investment
expected to be confirmed this morn- bankers in the region are already dis-
ing, the advisers will receive an esti- cussing a flotation in the third quar-
mated £350m for their services to ter after AIA’s first half results.
date. Prudential will shell out a
£153m break fee to AIG. It budgeted ANALYSIS l Prudential 575.50
£500m for currency hedging, p 1 Jun
although market movements since
then may make the resolution of that 560
exposure less painful.
The insurer’s advisers came under 540
fire alongside management yesterday
for the gaffe-laden process that culmi- 520
nated in the deal’s implosion. Ian
Nelson at Wyvern Partners said: “At
least 50 per cent of the blame would 480
go to the investment banks.” 1 Mar 19 Mar 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May

A good idea, a bad deal

EVERYTHING about Prudential’s finally found trying to batter AIA’s
play for AIA happened back-to-front. price down in last-ditch talks with
Desperate to pounce on the Asian the US government over the bank
business before it floated, holiday weekend, a discussion it
Prudential boss Tidjane Thiam should have had before Christmas
raced in with the generous offer of when the batting opened.
$35.5bn (£25bn) – 25 times new At $30.4bn it might just have
business profits, a multiple worked. A multiple of 1.4 times
unheard of for insurers even in embedded value (EV) rather than
China – and then had to work back- 1.6 times would have been more
wards to model an aggressive sce- palatable, and the deal would have
nario to make the numbers work. been earnings neutral by 2013.
The news leaked before the idea That’s the poignant thing: AIA
could be properly road-tested with was almost a great concept. But at
Prudential’s largest shareholders, the wrong price, a good idea quick-
meaning a dialogue that should ly became a bad deal.
have happened sensibly behind
closed doors was increasingly
played out through the press.
And the British company was
Analysis by Oliver Shah
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CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Aviation News 7

AirAsia moves into profit as

leisure travellers flood flights
of 2010, despite recent violence in one already trades on the Bursa Malaysia

BY MARION DAKERS of its hub cities, Bangkok. Stock Exchange.
Tony Fernandes, the group’s chief Head of Thai operations Tassapon
BUDGET airline AirAsia yesterday executive, refused to be drawn on the Bijleveld said on Monday it was consid-
posted bumper quarterly profits of likelihood of an IPO, saying only that ering an additional flotation on the
£46.4m after tax thanks to a surge in AirAsia is “constantly reviewing, Stock Exchange of Thailand, but did
leisure travel, but remained coy about re-evaluating and restructuring” its not elaborate.
plans for an initial public offering of internal operations. “We are deter- Revenues rose 10 per cent year-on-
its Thailand operations. mined to stay ahead of the competi- year during the quarter to £181.9m.
The group credited its success to a tion through constant innovation and The Indonesian arm of the group pos-
17 per cent rise in passenger numbers wider use of technology,” he said. ted its first ever profits thanks to a 37
to 3.7m during the first three months Asia’s biggest low-cost airline per cent jump in revenue.

Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary will receive a €20m payout once the plan is approved

Ryanair pays
out €500m as Independent Experienced Responsive

earnings leap
to do a deal with Boeing that would

BY EMMA SADOWSKI have seen the airline buy up to 200
new aircraft.
Qualities that have
RYANAIR is to pay out a €500m
(£417m) dividend to shareholders
Ryanair also surpassed many rivals
last year as profits trebled to €319m.
stood the test of time
after the budget airline saw profits According to the airline, the rise in
for the year soar by 204 per cent. profits were due to lower fuel costs, The fact that Close Brothers enjoys a long-standing
Subject to approval, the Ireland- which were partially offset by a 13 per reputation as one of the City’s most respected
based airline said yesterday that it cent decline in average fares during financial institutions is no accident.
would be in a position to make the the year.
€500m return to shareholders More than 66m passengers flew It’s a testament to our commitment to the qualities
through either share buy-backs or a with the budget airline last year, on which we were founded.
one-off dividend payment. representing a 14 per cent increase
Ryanair said it anticipates it will from the previous year. In the current economic climate, changes don’t
make the payment, which will see However, Ryanair took a €50m hit always happen overnight, they can occur minute-
chief executive Michael O’Leary from the Iceland volcano disruptions, to-minute. So reacting quickly to changes in the
receive €20m for the four per cent of which caused 9,400 flight cancella- economic climate enables us to ensure that we’re
shares he owns in the airline, in tions for the airline alone and the loss always acting in the best interests of our clients,
October following a shareholder vote of 1.5m passengers. and realising every opportunity.
the month before. The airline expects to pay out
“Now is the appropriate time to do €300m in rising fuel costs next year, Flexibility and agility are nothing new for us. They’ve
a dividend payment,” said O’Leary but it expects passenger numbers been central to our business model since 1878,
yesterday morning. He explained that to climb by 11 per cent and fare prices and now, more than ever, we’re helping clients and
the payout was possible because to increase between five and 10
shareholders to weather the economic storm.
Ryanair last year pulled out of plans per cent.
All of which we believe helps to make us one of the
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in the UK today.
RYANAIR’S RESULTS? Interviews by Emma Sadowski
There when it matters

“ The business model for the airline seems to be in good shape

and Ryanair has strengthened its top line with the sale of lower fares.
The fact that the airline will pay out a dividend is good news because

dividend payments for airlines are as rare as leprechauns.

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“ “
Discover the qualities that define our business at
These are a These are
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the volcano, the airline seems to be soaring cut in fuel prices. O’Leary has every right

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CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 News 9

Gartmore star trader

will face an FSA probe
returned to the firm following an can resume his former position.

BY STEVE DINNEEN internal investigation. Gartmore said the investigation
The high-flying fund manager, who was “no big surprise” and claimed it
JUST as embattled find manager was jointly responsible for more than will not affect Rambourg’s position in
Gartmore thought the worst of its 20 per cent of Gartmore’s £21bn the company.
woes were over, the Financial Services investment portfolio, is now working It added that the FSA probe centred
Authority (FSA) yesterday announced as a lowly investment analyst while he only on Rambourg and “not any
it will launch its own investigation awaits an FSA ruling to reinstate him. other individuals or Gartmore itself”.
into one of its star traders. The fresh probe casts further doubt In the wake of the scandal shares
Guillaume Rambourg’s “directing over his long term future, as in the firm tumbled by 30 per cent in
shares” scandal will be put under the Rambourg will have to wait until the a single day. Yesterday they fell 2.75
spotlight just a month after he investigation is complete before he per cent to 120.2p.

Guillaume Rambourg will remain as an analyst until after the probe

The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010


RYANAIR’S Michael O’Leary isn’t results presentations and the notori- in a hotel for three days, then flying
known as a man his rivals could turn ously verbose airline mogul was still back and taking a week’s holiday are
to in a jam, but it appears leopards very firmly on the bandwagon in sup- long gone.”
really can change their spots. port of his one-time arch-enemy, Mind you, that little tirade was
Just a few weeks ago, O’Leary beleaguered BA boss Willie Walsh. tame in comparison to the stinging
lashed out at the Unite union, which O’Leary repeatedly labelled the BA indictment that the Ryanair chief
is representing British Airways cabin strikers “grannies” and “wrinklies”, reserved for Unite boss Tony Woodley,
crew in a series of damaging strikes, roaring: “Flying is like taking a bus whom he dubbed an “old beast with
labelling them a “bunch of dimwits” with wings. BA cabin crew should, at a perma-tan”.
and “lions leading donkeys”. this point, realise that the days of fly- Should we expect trolley dolly bags
Fast forward to yesterday’s full-year ing to New York, being put up by BA at dawn?

O’Leary’s behind BA when it comes to “Tangoed” Tony Woodley Picture: REUTERS

val, Kantor was disappointed when

EASYJET JIBE his horse South Easter was pulled out
Speaking of Ryanair and the airline of the running on the morning of the
industry’s most colourful represen- Derby after developing a nasty cough.
tatives, how could activist easyJet With any luck, though, this year
founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou resist may be a different story – I hear that
having a simultaneous dig at both South Easter has been entered for the
O’Leary and the executives with Coronation Cup at the weekend (a
whom he is clashing over dividends similar race to the Derby itself but for
and aircraft purchases at his own older horses).
airline? He may not be favourite to win the
Nestled in the top of Ryanair’s race – an accolade that goes to the
results announcement yesterday was part-John Magnier-owned Fame and
the revelation that the group will be Glory – but here’s hoping he gets the
paying a one-off dividend to share- chance to give the competition a run
holders, the first since its float in for their money this time round.
Stelios promptly fired off a riposte
City World Cup fever continues apace,
with Gary Jenkins, the fixed income
specialist at Evolution, the latest to
offer his predictions for the winner of
the tournament before the weekend.
Jenkins plumped for Brazil as the
eventual winner, though I hear he
decided to use a different prediction
model this time around compared to
the last time he ventured a World
Cup forecast eight years ago.
Back then, he asked his dad to pick
his favourite all-time team, which
Stelios isn’t one to pass up an opportunity promptly got knocked out in the early
stages and caused a flood of client
via his preferred ultra-private method complaints. This time, he saw fit to
of communication – RNS – quoting use a whole raft of economic data
O’Leary from a newspaper article in from the competing countries along-
2008 as saying: “When the Queen side footballing prowess, though his
knighted Stelios she hit him a bit poor old man didn’t get a look in.
hard with the sword… He is “No way,” Jenkins tells me, firmly.
suffering concussion. Look- “He got me into enough trouble last
ing for a dividend from an time…”
airline is absurd.”
“I never thought the day
would come so quickly FAIR PLAY
when I would be able to While we’re on the subject of
say, ‘Thank you, football fever, the Federation
Michael’,” Stelios of Small Businesses has pro-
taunted. “Obviously I duced a handy guidance
hope (incoming pack for firms concerned
easyJet chief) Carolyn about “employment
McCall and (chair- issues” during the World
man) Sir Mike Rake are Cup – squabbling over
watching this closely. I time off, pulling carefully
would expect nothing timed sickies, you know
less from easyJet…” the drill.
Advice includes gran-
ting employees special
HIGH STAKES unpaid leave to watch
Just days to go until the England player Wayne Rooney
Investec Derby festival this (left), flexible working hours
weekend at Epsom and on match days, having the TV
anticipation is in the air. on in the background,
One chap hoping for success demanding GP sick notes for
in particular is none other unplanned absences, and “not
than Investec’s managing favouring male employees
director Bernard Kantor, him- over female employees”.
self a huge horseracing fan and “There are 32 teams partici-
owner. pating in the World Cup and
Last year, just weeks after his football has a strong female
firm had announced its high- following,” the FSB reminds
profile sponsorship of the festi- us, sternly. Hear, hear.
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12 News CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

European insurers line up to

buy half-stake in Barclays Vie
interest, as have Britain’s Aviva, tion of up to €450m, payable in cash

BY VICTORIA BATES Germany’s Allianz, Italian insurer over a 12-year period depending on
Generali and Swiss Life, according to the future performance of the ven-
A QUEUE of European insurers is France’s La Tribune newspaper. ture. Barclays also entered into a
waiting in the wings to snap up half Any tie-up is likely to run along 25-year agreement with CNP to mar-
of Barclays’ French life insurance similar lines to Barclays’ life insur- ket and distribute its life and pen-
business, Barclays Vie, after the bank ance joint venture in Iberia, where it sions products through its retail
last week entered talks to offload a 50 sealed a deal to sell half of Barclays network in Spain, Portugal and Italy.
per cent stake in the venture for Vida y Pensiones Compañía de Barclays held a preliminary round
around €65m (£54.2m). Seguros (BVP) to CNP Assurances just table meeting last week to kick off
French groups CNP Assurances, last year. As part of that deal, CNP bidding for the Barclays Vie stake.
Axa and La Mondiale are all thought paid €140m in cash for the stake, in CNP and Axa are expected to emerge
to have tabled preliminary offers of addition to an additional considera- as the preferred partners.

Kenichi Watanabe and his executives enjoyed a bumper payout of £10m Picture: REUTERS

Nomura team
triple pay pot
most valuable asset…We have devel-

BY VICTORIA BATES oped our compensation policy for
both executives and employees of
JAPANESE bank Nomura tripled the Nomura Group to ensure we attract,
amount it handed out in compensa- retain, motivate and develop talent.”
tion to its executive team last year The pay hikes came despite a show
after the bank returned to profit, of restraint among the world’s largest
arguing that it needed to maintain a banks. Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd
“competitive” pay structure to keep Blankfein surprised investors earlier
top talent on board. this year by announcing he would
Chief executive Kenichi Watanabe, take a bonus of just $9m (£6.1m), in
chief operating officer Takumi contrast to reports he could have
Shibata and eight other executives been in line to collect much more.
shared a total pay pool of 1.45bn yen Nomura charged back into the
(£10.86m) in the 12 months to March. black last year, racking up a net profit
That compared with a pot of just of 67.8bn yen compared with a loss of
829m yen in the previous year, 708.2bn yen in the previous year.
although that figure was split
between 20 executives, most of whom ANALYSIS l Nomura
have now left the bank. 700
¥ 569.00
Nomura’s 10 directors (excluding 1 Jun
Watanabe and Shibata, whose pay
was included in the executive pool) 650
received 516m yen, of which 160m
went to the six outside directors.
“Nomura is establishing its status 600
firmly as a globally competitive finan-
cial services group,” the bank said in
an investor report. “To support this, 550
we recognise that our people are our 1 Mar 19 Mar 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May

Deloitte rewards staff in the UK

following expansion of business
man John Connolly said: “Even in

tough market conditions it is impor-
GLOBAL accountancy giant Deloitte tant that we recognise and reward
has promoted 32 staff to its partner- the people who have committed their
ship in the UK, across audit, tax, con- careers to Deloitte.”
sulting and corporate finance. Deloitte saw revenues plunge 4.7
The move comes in addition to the per cent to $26.1bn (£17.8bn) last year
creation of 30 new partners since the during a tough time for the account-
start of the year following develop- ing world. But the firm continued to
ments to the business, including the invest in recruitment, adding 4,000
acquisition of commercial property staff worldwide to take its total head-
agent Drivers Jonas. Deloitte chair- count to 169,000 at the end of 2009.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 News 13

Barnier ready to outline

Picture: REUTERS
tough bank regulations
top officials will outline plans to rein- insurance sector alongside banks. “We

BY HARRY BANKS vigorate momentum for reform. have put out the fire with Greece,” one
Michel Barnier, the European com- European Commission official said.
THE European Commission is today missioner in charge of an overhaul of “In the run up to the G20 meeting,
expected to announce its intention to banking regulation, will level harsh Barroso wants to make clear that
extend pay curbs in the financial sec- criticism at shareholders and man- Europe is taking the action needed in
tor and tighten control of credit rating agers for not acting to avert crisis. regulating the financial markets.”
agencies. At a news conference with Barnier will also put credit rating
Against a backdrop of growing frus- European Commission President Jose agencies under the watch of a new
tration with sluggish progress in regu- Manuel Barroso, he is expected to pan-European supervisor and give it
lating a financial industry blamed for announce the EU executive’s plans for the power to demand information or
the crisis, the European Commission’s further laws controlling pay in the impose penalties. EU commissioner Michel Barnier will criticise banks, shareholders and managers

Japan mulls new loan programme Reinsurers transfer $2.4bn in risk
The Bank of Japan may lend at least one Reinsurers transferred $2.35bn (£1.6bn)
trillion yen (£7.5bn) to commercial banks in catastrophe risk to capital markets
under a new loan programme to support before the US hurricane season that
industries with growth potential that began yesterday, higher than the $1.4bn
was outlined last month. The central last year, as the catastrophe bond sector
bank will begin lending to banks from starts to resume normal issuance after
September and keep the facility in place the global financial crisis. The cat bond
for about five years. The bank’s board will sector, in which insurers transfer risks
decide on these details at its next meet- linked to natural disasters to investors, is
ing on June 14-15. expected to end the year at $4-$5bn.
14 News

Dubai Holding’s assets include the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai Picture: REUTERS

Asset sales on
Dubai’s agenda

FINANCIAL SERVICES gations, estimated at $14.8bn out of a
BY HARRY BANKS total $109bn owed by the government
of Dubai and its related entities.
DUBAI Holding’s main unit yesterday “Dubai Holding has always been
said it may resort to asset sales to deal lurking in the background as a serious
with its debt after posting a $6.2bn problem to address once the situation
(£4.2bn) loss for 2009, sending shares in with Dubai World had been clarified,”
Dubai tumbling as the market reacted said David Butter, head of Middle East
to the latest setback for the emirate. and North Africa at Economist Intelli-
Dubai Holding Commercial Opera- gence Unit in London.
tions Group (DHCOG), a unit of the con- “We now have a clearer view of the
glomerate owned by the Gulf Arab dimensions of the problem.”
emirate’s ruler, took a big hit on its Dubai’s main index closed down 3.1
exposure to Dubai’s property crash. per cent with property stocks weaken-
The unit said it was in talks with ing on anticipation that DHCOG will
banks to roll over debt and had access sell more property units into an
to emergency funding if needed as it already saturated market. Bank shares
renegotiated obligations to trade credi- fell on renewed balance sheet worries.
tors. Among its high-profile assets is “It is sure to have knock-on impacts
the Jumeirah Group of hotels. on the entire economy. The banks will
DHCOG said debt restructuring was be seriously challenged to lend, so it’s
not needed but it was considering all again part of a vicious cycle,” UBS
the sale of certain assets to manage its analyst Saud Masud said.
cash flow. Dubai Holding is part of a matrix of
The loss increases the challenges for firms commonly known as Dubai Inc,
Dubai Holding – one of the emirate’s which was badly battered by the finan-
three state-owned firms along with cial crisis. Its Dubai International
Dubai World and Investment Corpo- Capital unit last week sought a three-
ration of Dubai – to meet its debt obli- month delay on debt repayment.

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CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Economic News 15

Canada is first G7
Leading surveys
continued to fore-
cast an expansion
in factory activity
in May in the US,

state to hike rates

the UK and the


The Bank of Canada’s statement

BY JESSICA MEAD concluded: “Given the considerable
uncertainty surrounding the out-
THE Bank of Canada has become the look, any further reduction of mone-
first G7 central bank to hike interest tary stimulus would have to be
rates at its monthly meeting. weighed carefully against domestic
It hiked the cost of borrowing by 25 and global economic developments.”
basis points to 0.5 per cent at its Paul Ashworth at Capital
monthly meeting yesterday. Economics said, “The strength of
But analysts said that the tone of Canada’s domestic economy meant
the accompanying statement suggest- that the Bank of Canada simply
ed this could be a one-off hike. couldn’t hold off any longer.”

World factory
output shows
clear growth
of the survey – rose from 58.5 to 59.8,

BY JESSICA MEAD its strongest reading for six years. Ian
Harwood, chief economist at
THERE was little sign yesterday of a Evolution Securities, said this augured
slowdown in the strong global manu- well for this Friday’s non-farm payrolls
facturing recovery, as leading surveys report. New orders also remained at
continued to forecast an expansion in April’s 65.7, which is a historically high
factory activity in May in the US, the level.
UK and the Eurozone. The Markit purchasing managers’
In Britain, the Markit/CIPS manufac- index for the Eurozone also signalled
turing purchasing managers’ index an expansion in factory activity in May
(PMI) remained at April’s record high of despite at 55.8 being slightly down on
60.7, which was the strongest growth the flash estimate of 55.9.
since June 1994 and well above the 50 However, the sharp fall in the PMI
level that separates growth from con- from April’s near four-year high of 57.6
traction. highlighted the growing fragility of the
Companies cited solid growth in recovery, said Markit. Chris
incoming new orders as the principal Williamson, its chief economist, said:
factor and Societe Generale UK econo- “The May PMIs highlight the speed
mist Brian Hilliard said the strong with which uncertainty surrounding
report reaffirmed his view that further the sovereign debt crisis appears to
strong gains in manufacturing output have hit business activity.”
have been made during the current May saw the second-steepest slow-
quarter. down in the rate of expansion of out-
Across the Atlantic, the US ISM man- put since the survey started in 1997
ufacturing survey was also impressive. and a markedly slower rate of growth
Although it was lower than April’s six- of new orders. In spite of a sharp slow-
year high of 60.4, at 59.7 it was stronger down in Germany, growth was still the
than expected and marked its tenth strongest of the four biggest Eurozone
consecutive month of expansion. economies. Greece, meanwhile, was
Encouragingly, the employment bal- the only Eurozone country to see an
ance – which tends to lag other parts ongoing manufacturing recession.

Australia’s rate Oil falls below

stays on hold $73 per barrel


AUSTRALIA’S central bank yesterday OIL fell nearly two per cent to below
chose to keep interest rates on hold at $73 per barrel in choppy trade yester-
4.5 per cent and indicated that rates day as the euro slid and Chinese and
could remain steady over the next few European data raised concerns about
months. the global economy.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) The euro fell to a four-year low
pointed to concerns about sovereign against the dollar on signs the
creditworthiness in several European Eurozone’s debt crisis is spreading to
countries. Its governor, Glenn its banking system. A stronger dollar
Stevens, said that monetary policy weighed on crude, making it more
was appropriate for the near term. expensive to those using other cur-
The pause was widely expected by rencies.
the markets and it marks the end of a The front month July NYMEX crude
series of rate hikes, which has seen contract fell $1.39 to settle at $72.58 a
the cost of borrowing in Australia rise barrel. ICE Brent crude for July fell
1.5 per cent since October. $1.94 to settle at $72.71 a barrel.
16 News CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

Lloyds gives BRENDAN


Crystal Palace CRYSTAL Palace Football Club

administrator Brendan Guilfoyle said
he was a concerned man yesterday

crucial lifeline as he appeared to run out of options

for saving the club.
“It’s like playing with a rubik’s
cube in a game where you cannot
lock all the pieces together,” he told
City A.M. in the morning ahead of a
crucial deal between the bidding
consortium and the administrator

LEISURE believed to be worth something like

BY DAVID HELLIER £2-3m. for the company that owns the
Crucially the consortium has stadium.
THE survival of championship foot- agreed to an anti-embarrassement Guilfoyle has specialised in busi-
ball club Crystal Palace appeared clause which will repay the vendors if ness rescue and insolvency for 30
more likely yesterday after a last- the stadium is later redeveloped and years and is a partner of the P&A
minute deal saved it from the threat sold on for a much higher price. Partnership, a firm that has its main
of liquidation. This was seen as a sticking point offices in Sheffield and Leeds.
A life-saving agreement to sell the late on Monday. He’s not unused to football
club’s stadium to a consortium bid- Barry Gilbertson, partner at insolvencies, having been one of
ding to own both that and the club PricewaterhouseCoopers, the stad- three administrators appointed by
itself was clinched mid-afternoon. ium company’s administrator, said: Luton Town to help sort out its
The deal, which seemed like it “Throughout what has been a very financial difficulties in 2007.
might be coming apart late on complex administration, we had He has not escaped criticism
Monday evening, came as hundreds remained hopeful that we could con- regarding his role at Crystal Palace
of Palace fans protested at Lloyds clude a deal with a purchaser whose with former owner Simon Jordan
Banking Group’s Gresham Street vision for the ground matched that of C.P.F.C 100 Stadium Agilo accusing him of not trying hard
headquarters. the community, the football club and backed by enough to find a rescuer.
The fans were angry that the its supporters. At Crystal Palace he is trying to
bank’s Bank of Scotland arm The consortium still needs to reach balance the interests of employees
appeared to be blocking the sale of agreement with the administrator of £2-3million – 27 of whom he had to let go last
the stadium by refusing to take a hit the club itself, Brendan Guilfoyle week – with those of the club’s sup-
on its loan to the stadium-owning from P&A Partnership. porters and hedge fund owner Agilo
company Selhurst Park. Realistically, it is likely to be some Administrator Administrator that bought him in to run the club.
According to sources, Bank of weeks before the process, which By the end of yesterday, Guilfoyle
Scotland had originally hoped the includes the successful passing of a must have been in better heart, but
stadium would attract a bid of creditors’ voluntary agreement, is TALKS UNDER WAY he still knows there’s a way to go.
around £6m but in the end the deal is concluded.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Technology News 17

ISPs slam Ofcom’s piracy rules O2 bites into Apple with

er ISPs argued the costs of matching regulator. BT has also expressed con-
package for Dell’s tablet

illegal downloads to customers would cerns about the bill.
BY STEVE DINNEEN make their businesses prohibitively The DEB attracted criticism from
OFCOM yesterday confirmed it will expensive. However, analysts fear the both sides, with some arguing it is computer, which can double as a

apply tough new anti-piracy laws only decision could cause a mass migra- too tough and risks criminalising mobile phone, will help it compete
to internet service providers (ISP) with tion of pirates to ISPs outside the innocent people and others saying it TELECOMS giant O2 hopes to muscle with the iPad.
over 400,000 subscribers. reaches of Ofcom. does not do enough to protect the in on the roaring success of Apple’s The five-inch tablet will hit shelves
The controversial Digital Economy The new piracy rules will now affect rights of copyright holders. iPad by offering a package for Dell’s in the UK this Friday. Dell has yet to
Bill (DEB), passed after Gordon Brown BT, Talk Talk, Virgin Media, Sky, It was tabled by Liberal Democrat new tablet device. announce pricing for the Streak,
had dissolved his government, will Orange, O2 and the Post Office, as well Lord Clement-Jones and passed by 165 It will give free mobile connectivity which it said will appear in the US
force ISPs to write to users suspected as some bigger regional providers. votes to 140 in the House of Lords but to users already signed up to its this summer.
of piracy and could eventually force TalkTalk has been particularly out- was slammed when only a handful of mobile broadband package costing Dell will be the first firm to take on
them to cut the users off. spoken against the ruling, issuing a MPs turned up to the Commons to from £25 a month. the iPad with a device that runs on
The decision was made after small- “see you in court” challenge to the debate the issue. Dell hopes its new Streak tablet Google’s Android operating system.

Google bans
Vodafone in Windows over
$2bn Indian security fears

tax setback

GOOGLE is phasing out internal use of
rival Microsoft’s Windows operating
system because of security concerns
following a Chinese hacking incident.
The decision to move to other oper-
ating systems including Apple’s Mac
government’s behalf. Vodafone is OS and open-source Linux began in

expected to appeal against the notice. January after Google’s Chinese opera-
BY STEVE DINNEEN The move is the latest in a long tions were hacked.
VODAFONE’s long-running battle tussle over the UK firm’s Indian Internet security firm McAfee said
over an acquisition it made three business. the cyber attacks on Google and other
years ago continued yesterday when This year Vodafone was forced to businesses had exploited a previously
India’s tax department served a new take a £2.3bn impairment charge on unknown flaw in Microsoft’s Internet
notice on it, which could see the pair the division thanks to fierce com- Explorer browser, which was vulnera-
battle it out in court afresh. petition and rapidly escalating spec- ble on all recent versions of Windows.
The case relates to Vodafone’s trum costs. Google said in a statement: “We’re
$11bn (£7.5bn) acquisition of And last month it paid £1.74bn for always working to improve the effi-
Hutchison Essar in 2007. Indian a section of the Indian mobile phone ciency of our business, but we do not
authorities believe Vodafone should spectrum to provide 3G services. The comment on specific operational
have paid a mammoth capital gains telecoms giant was involved in a matters.”
tax bill on the acquisition as the fierce bidding war that pushed the Google, which already competes
transfer involved an Indian asset, price far higher than it hoped to pay with a number of Microsoft products,
even though the business was regis- – three times the predictions of some is developing its own operating sys-
tered in the Cayman Islands and is analysts. tem based on its Chrome browser. It
not usually liable to pay tax in India. Vodafone last month revealed will initially target netbooks, or inex-
The Indian authorities argue overall profits of £8.7bn, up from pensive, pared-down notebook PCs.
Vodafone should have withheld $2bn £4.2bn a year earlier. Revenue for the Microsoft Windows runs about
in capital gains tax on the deal on the group rose 8.4 per cent to £44.5bn. Chief executive Vittorio Colao faces a fresh battle over an acquisition Picture: REUTERS nine out of 10 of the world’s PCs.



“It really is the biggest waste of “I haven't seen one yet, but I will “It should have launched with a camera
money ever. I can’t see what the probably not get one. I’m happy just attached. I would want to wait until
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other computers. If it was a gets used to the idea of a touch- before buying one. Touch-screen
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to link with a Mac computer scared of change. It might be phone but I find it quite frag-
to get the most out of it.” a bit of a grower.” ile and fiddly.”
18 Consumer News CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

Regulators to Unilever chief executive Paul Polman
and Sara Lee’s Vincent Janssen (right)

guru slams
look again at food chains
Unilever deal

TV shopping guru Mary Portas has
blamed supermarkets for “killing”
Britain’s smaller shops.
CONSUMER “This merger creates significant The star of BBC’s Mary Queen Of

BY HARRY BANKS overlaps in a number of products used Shops, raised the alarm over what
by consumers on an everyday basis,” she describes as the “seemingly
EUROPEAN Union regulators yesterday Competition commissioner Joaquin unstoppable march” of the super-
extended their probe of Unilever’s bid Almunia said in a statement. stores.
for Sara Lee Corp’s bodycare business An in-depth investigation does not Writing in the Radio Times, Portas
after the Anglo-Dutch company necessarily mean bad news for said she believed communities were
refused to offer concessions to address Unilever, said antitrust lawyer Bertold suffering for the sake of convenience.
competition concerns. Bar-Bouyssiere at DLA Piper. She said she was brought up “know-
European Union watchdogs have “There have been several cases ing every shopkeeper in our town”
said they will need to carefully scruti- where investigations have been termi- and described them as “the corner-
nise the deal to buy Sara Lee’s personal nated, sometimes even without a state- stones of family life”.
care business as they fear it could give ment of objections. When there are Portas said: “The rise of the super-
the enlarged company too much overlaps, competition concerns could market giants – and our love affair
power in some markets. be fixed with divestments, which can with them – is killing Britain’s small

£889m £1.77bn
The European Commission, the EU be done in phase two,” he said. shops. We’re sacrificing not just our
competition watchdog, yesterday The deal would be the largest pur- greengrocers, our butchers and our
extended its regulatory approval dead- chase by Unilever since its $2.6bn bakers, but also our communities for
line to 5 October when it will decide acquisition of Ben & Jerry’s in 2000, convenience.
whether or not to approve the $1.3bn and the first acquisition under new “In 1954, St Albans was the unlike-
(£889m) deal. Its previous deadline chief executive Paul Polman. the proposed offer for Sara Lee’s the price Unilever paid for ly starting point for this revolution
was 31 May. Sara Lee is selling the businesses to bodycare division Ben & Jerry’s in 2000 when it was chosen as the pilot loca-
Unilever said last week it expected concentrate on food and beverages. tion for Tesco’s first ever convenience
regulators to take a closer look at the store ... greengrocers, butchers and
deal, delaying the asset purchase to ANALYSIS l Unilever Sara Lee’s bodycare range includes corner shops have gradually disap-
the fourth quarter of 2010 from a pre-
vious third-quarter target.
2,000 p 1,861.00
1 Jun 5 OCTOBER BADEDAS, RADOX peared.” She added that the move
into other product ranges had also
Sara Lee, whose bodycare range 1,950
D-Day on deal for regulators AND BRYLCREEM been a step too far.
includes Brylcreem and Radox, said an
extended investigation would delay 1,900
Mary Portas is sad

some of its planned share buybacks.
The Commission said its initial 1,850 at the way small
investigation showed potential compe- businesses have
tition concerns on several product Unilever staff around the world been squeezed out
markets such as deodorants, skin 1,750 by the big chains
cleansing and fabric care products. 1 Mar 19 Mar 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May

Visit London this Summer Whitbread quashes City rumours


of plans to issue equity in business
LEISURE that it has no current intention of over from Alan Parker. Parker has

BY JOHN DUNNE raising funds through the issue started collecting his pension,
of equity.” including a one-off payment of
PREMIER Inn and Costa Coffee con- Bank credit facilities of £1.15bn £5.4m.
glomerate Whitbread yesterday are due to run out by March 2013, He has been at Whitbread for 18
insisted that it has no plans for a with the first reduction of around years, and will be entitled to an
rights issue to boost its finances. £225m expected in December 2010. annual payment of just over
Whitbread, which was respond- Whitbread’s new chief executive £135,000 on top of the lump sum
ing to City speculation, said it was Andy Harrison, formerly of easyJet, he has already received.
looking at “diversifying the sources starts in September, when he takes The company has a market value
and tenure of its debt” and could of around £2.4bn at its current price
issue new debt in the next 12 Alan Parker will and has risen in value under his
months. stewardship.
Whitbread, which also owns the hand over the reins Parker, 63, slimmed down the
Beefeater chain, had net debt of to Andy Harrison group, and sold off assets such as its
around £513.4m at the end of its after 18 years with fitness club chain at the top of the
financial year in March. the firm market. Harrison will receive a basic
It added: “Whitbread confirms salary of £700,000.

Summer in London from £99 incl VAT

Stay at the stylish Apex City of London Hotel from just £99 per room
per night incl VAT or the luxurious Apex London Wall Hotel from just £129
Northern Foods relies on Goodfella’s
per room per night incl VAT. We’ll even include continental breakfast!
LEISURE relaunch of its Fox’s biscuits, which Cup, which starts this month. T 0844 875 5113 BY JOHN DUNNE lifted it to number two in Britain’s Northern Foods, which also makes
biscuit market behind privately own-label products for retailers as
" & " #$(# $'      NORTHERN Foods has said it hopes owned United Biscuits. diverse as premium food seller
"  $ $ " $# #  "
 "% the relaunch of Goodfella’s pizzas “We have high hopes for this,” he Marks & Spencer and discounter
 #$ " $ % "#"&$ &% # "!%" $ $ $  will help it to cope with tough trad- said of the pizza revamp, which Aldi, posted profit before tax and
 # " # #%$ $ "$ " &$( ing conditions as it yesterday repor- includes new recipes and an adver- one-off items of £39.2m for the 53
ted flat annual profits. tising campaign featuring the weeks ended 3 April.
Apex Hotels )  ) %" ) % Chief executive Stefan Barden “pizza fairy”. However, taking into account
said the firm aimed to replicate the Barden added that pizza sales changes in pension fund contibu-
success it achieved with the could also get a lift from the World tions profit dropped by 28 per cent.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 News 19

Exploring Britain’s attitudes towards alcohol

almost half (44 per cent) of those asked agreed drink at the weekend”. There were also “special ANALYSIS l Different types of drinkers
that alcohol is bad for your health; not bad occasion drinkers” (26 per cent), “after work
enough, however, to prevent 43 per cent saying drinkers” (14 per cent), “daily drinkers” (12 per
they drink as much today as they always have. cent), and “pub goers” (6 per cent). The most
Yet strongly-held opinions on the effects of alco- concerning group of respondents classed them-

hol on people’s health do seem to have influenced selves as “anytime, anywhere drinkers”, who
drinking behavior overall – 33 per cent of those sur- “enjoy a drink at every opportunity” (3 per cent).
veyed have cut down on their alcohol consumption The lack of “pub goers” reflects a broader
BRANDINDEX in the past year, with a further 10 per cent saying socioeconomic trend, as 47 per cent of alcohol
they have given up alcohol completely. And 60 per drinkers reported that most of their drinks
STEPHAN SHAKESPEARE cent of respondents think that alcohol packaging budget is spent on drinking at home, compared
should contain health warnings to warn people with 27 per cent who said they spent it going

S THE new government proposes to tack- about the negative impacts of alcohol abuse, much out. The “take home” market share of the alco-
le Britain’s binge-drinking culture, like the protocols in place on cigarette packets. hol industry has increased by over 3 per cent,
YouGov has looked in detail at the atti- The SixthSense report also identifies differ- whereas the “on-trade” (bars, restaurants etc.)
tudes of those who drink alcohol, as a ent types of drinkers, based on when and where market share has dropped by the same amount 38 Weekend drinker 12 Daily drinker

part of a YouGov SixthSense sector report. the respondents normally consume alcohol. It over the past ten years. 26 Special occasion drinker 6 Pub goer
Although 95 per cent of respondents believe found 38 per cent of respondents defined them- Stephan Shakespeare is founder and chief executive 14 After work drinker 3 Anytime, anywhere drinker
that a drink from “time to time” does not hurt, selves as “weekend drinkers”, who “only really of YouGov


accounts rules
to finalise its to be delayed


Axa Asia deal THE head of the Financial Accounting

Standards Board (FASB), which sets US
accounting rules, said yesterday he
does not expect FASB to meet a 30
June, 2011 deadline for convergence
with international accounting rules,
requested by the G20 group of indus-
FINANCIAL SERVICES The watchdog has expressed con- trial and emerging countries.

BY MARION DAKERS cern that NAB, Australia’s fourth The Norwalk, Connecticut-based
biggest bank and owner of Clydesdale, FASB and the London-based
INSURER AXA has given National would choke competition by control- International Accounting Standards
Australia Bank (NAB) six more weeks ling too many retail investment plat- Board expect to announce changes to
to win regulatory approval for its forms. The ACCC is reluctant to allow their convergence work plan in the
takeover bid for insurer and wealth NAB to merge its own Navigator plat- next week or so that would delay the
manager AXA Asia Pacific Holdings form with APH’s internet-based North completion date by about six months
(APH). system. and allow for greater public com-
All three firms are locked in an AMP, an Australian wealth manage- ment on the boards’ proposals, FASB
exclusivity agreement until 15 July ment company which said last month chairman Robert Herz said.
while NAB continues talks with the it remained in “high level” negotia- “We’ve been working on a revised
Australian Competition and tions with APH, was unavailable to work plan with the IASB,” Herz said.
Consumer Commission (ACCC), which comment on the extension. APH was Herz said that to issue final stan-
blocked its A$13.3bn (£8bn) bid in also unavailable for comment. dards by June 2011, the boards would
April. NAB’s proposed takeover would split have to release about 10 proposals in
After five months of negotiations APH’s operations between AXA Group the next two months and rush
NAB is said to be considering selling and the bank. The complex deal would through the public comment process.
assets to satisfy the regulators and see NAB acquire 100 per cent of APH, The G20 set a mid-2011 deadline for
stave off rival bids. The bank would which is currently 51 per cent owned GENERAL Motors received a setback yesterday in its effort to secure €1.1bn (£0.92bn) in creating a single set of high-quality
not discuss its plans, but said in a state- by AXA Group. NAB would then sell German aid for its money-losing Opel unit after a government panel declined to endorse accounting rules, but the US
ment: “NAB continues to pursue its the Asia-Pacific operations back to the request. Germany said that its technical experts were “very critical” of the US car- Securities and Exchange Commission
options in relation to the ACCC objec- AXA Group, and retain the New maker’s request for loan guarantees. GM and Opel want Germany and four other said that the deadline should not be
tions to the proposal.” Zealand and Australian branch. European governments – including the UK – to guarantee €1.9bn in loans in total. met at the cost of lower standards.

A New Government A New Banking Era?

Angela Knight, Chief Executive of the British Bankers Association will
offer her insight on what she believes will be the key considerations for
the new government.

EAB is proud to sponsor this event which is hosted by the Arab Bankers

To watch the debate live go to at 12.45pm on 2nd June 2010

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+* &(!) % (+#* . *  !%%!# (,!) +* &(!*. ---'#&$
20 News CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010


ANALYSIS l Informa
430 p
1 Jun
JP Morgan Cazenove reiterates its “over-
weight” rating on Informa after assessing
Alan Ruddock,
writer, editor,
lenders are
its margin upside potential. JP Morgan said
the company has proved itself good at
removing costs to offset revenue shortfall,
dies suddenly
370 the stock offers a higher equity free cash

flow yield than the business-to-business

in good shape
350 and professional publishing sub-sectors and ALAN Ruddock, one of City A.M’s
340 columnists at the time of the
1 Mar 19 Mar 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May
the stock may see technical buyer support. paper’s launch, died suddenly at
the weekend.
His death came shortly after
ANALYSIS l Travis Perkins TRAVIS PERKINS he played cricket in his native
950 p UBS maintains a “buy” recommendation on Ireland.

BANKING “But there are still large risks and 798.50 Ruddock, 49, held a number of
uncertainty has recently increased.” 900 1 Jun
Travis Perkins and said the BSS acquisition executive roles in the UK press,
In the event of a more negative out- 850
is strategically important and well timed. including editor of the Scotsman
SWEDEN’S central bank slashed its come, the Riksbank said the banks UBS said that the indicative offer to at the time of devolution.
forecast yesterday for loan losses for would still have enough capital to 800 He was also executive editor of
acquire BSS brings a strong fit between
its four major financial groups and manage potentially higher loan losses BSS’ plumbing business and Travis Perkin’s the Sunday Express and a former
said the country’s lenders were in a but that they could face trouble city editor of Eddie Shah’s news-
strong position to weather uncertain obtaining funding. 700
City Plumbing, while the good margin (7.6 paper Today.
market conditions. Sweden’s top four lenders focused per cent) in the industrial division in BSS is Most importantly he was an
The Riksbank central bank said it on reducing risk and boosting capital 1 Mar 19 Mar 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May a new growth platform for Travis Perkins. inspiration to a legion of young
expected loan losses at the four major levels during the financial crisis and not-so-young reporters, never
banks – Nordea, SEB, Handelsbanken which led to big losses for the banks, afraid to take on vested interests.
and Swedbank – to reach SEK61bn many of which had built up big expo- He wrote a well received book
(£5.31bn) over the next three years. sures to the crisis-hit Baltic region. ANALYSIS l Zurich ZURICH FINANCIAL SERVICES about Michael O’Leary, the
It cut its forecast for loan losses this Most indicators show Sweden is in 270 CHF
Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BoAML) Ryanair founder.
year to SEK28bn from a previous good shape. Its economy grew a much 237.60 said it rates Zurich Financial Services Although the controversial air-
SEK65bn. better-than-expected 1.4 per cent in 1 Jun line magnate refused to co-oper-
260 comfortably as a “buy”. BoAML said in a
The bank said in its twice-yearly the first quarter from the previous ate with the creation of the book,
stability report that while risks three months. sell-off driven by heightened macro uncer- Ryanair yesterday took out a
remained, mainly due to the effect of tainty, Zurich is a stock that BoAML is small notice in the Irish Times
Greece’s debt woes on markets and FAST FACTS | SWEDEN 240 happy to put forward – it particularly val- which described the author as
the possibility that a recovery in the ues the defensiveness of the balance sheet “one of the good guys”, a testa-
Baltic region would stall, banks’ ● Sweden’s economy grew by a better-than- 230 ment to both his independence
finances were robust. and the roughly one-third of earnings that and likeability.
expected 1.4 per cent in the first quarter.
“The banks are well equipped to ● Losses at its top four lenders are expected to 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May it says are annuity-like. Ruddock, a charming man to
meet unexpected and negative events reach SEK61bn (£5.3bn) over the next three work and to socialise with, leaves
in the period ahead,” the Riksbank years, according to Sweden’s central bank. a wife and three sons.
said in a statement. To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 News 21

SSE rules itself out of EDF bid Eurotunnel snaps up rail

Alexander said in a statement. at least £4bn for the French firm,
freight firm in £31m deal

The British utility said, however, it which expects firm offers by 21 June.
BY HARRY BANKS would still work with partner
SCOTTISH & Southern Energy (SSE) Borealis Infrastructure on a deal that ANALYSIS l Scottish & Southern Energy FirstGroup earlier confirmed it was

yesterday backed down from seeking could potentially give it a small inter- 1,140 1,079 selling its rail freight business to
a major stake in the UK networks est in the networks. 1,120
1 June CHANNEL Tunnel operator Europorte, for a total consideration of
being sold by France’s EDF after rul- The statement from SSE could 1,100
Eurotunnel is buying Britain’s third- £31m including pension liabilities.
ing out raising equity to finance any hand the advantage to two rival bid- largest rail freight operator, GB FirstGroup said the proceeds of the
bid. ders – Hong Kong’s Cheung Kong Railfreight, from UK transport com- disposal would be used to further
“We have always maintained a Infrastructure Holding and an inter- 1,060 pany FirstGroup for €26.3m (£21.9m) reduce its net debt.
highly disciplined approach to acqui- national consortium of Australia’s 1,040 in cash, it said yesterday. GB Railfreight, which specialises in
sitions, investment and to financial Macquarie, Canada Pension Plan and 1,020 The acquisition will be combined hauling freight for customers, had
management generally, and that will the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. with Eurotunnel’s Europorte unit, annual sales of about £55m and a net
continue,” finance director Gregor Analysts expect a sale would raise 10 Mar 30 Mar 21 Apr 12 May which it bought from Veolia last year. profit of around £5m.


M&G loans £100m to Stobart
M&G Investments yesterday said it had
arranged for its UK companies financing

jobs in a $1bn fund to extend a 10-year £100m loan to

logistics firm Stobart Group. The loan will
be used to pay down Stobart’s existing
bank debt and to fund further invest-
ment, including developing Southend
Airport, which was granted consent for a

restructuring runway extension in March. M&G

received financial advice on the loan from
Panmure Gordon’s debt advisory team.

EADS loses out on euro weakness

Aerospace group EADS’s hedging pro-
grammes will prevent the company from
improving profitability,” said Tom taking advantage of the weaker euro over

Iannotti, senior vice president and the next two years, chief executive Louis
BY HARRY BANKS general manager of HP’s Enterprise Gallois told shareholders yesterday.
HEWLETT-PACKARD (HP) said it aims Services. “Now that the integration is Gallois noted a hedging programme
to boost margins by cutting jobs and largely complete, we have identified would mute currency impacts for 2010,
reallocating spending to more prof- significant opportunities to grow and 2011 and at least part of 2012 but said
itable technology services, shrinking scale the business.” the stronger dollar “will certainly improve
its workforce by a net 3,000 jobs, or HP plans to cut 9,000 jobs over profitability over time.” EADS’ revenue
one per cent, over three years. three years as it shuts down older guidance for 2010, targeting stable
The move, which will result in a data centres. But it will also add 6,000 results compared to 2009, assumes a
$1bn charge, comes as rivals like IBM new positions over the same period as ratio of $1.40 to the euro. The euro hit a
and Cisco Systems vie for supremacy it invests in more advanced data cen- four-year low of $1.2112 yesterday.
in the lucrative business of fitting out tres and expands its global opera-
corporate data centres that handle tions. HP said severance and asset Capita buys Premier Medical
communications and store huge impairment charges will result in a Capita Group has acquired medical
amounts of information. $1bn restructuring charge over three reporting and screening specialist,
HP bought technology services years, with half of that to be recorded Premier Medical, for £60m on a cash-
company EDS in 2008 for nearly in the third quarter. On a net basis, free, debt-free basis. According to the
$14bn to expand in the services busi- the company sees savings of $500m to outsourcing giant, the move adds “depth
ness, and it said yesterday’s $700m annually by the end of its 2013 SUNSEEKER, the company whose yachts have been used to epitomise the ultimate luxury and breadth of expertise” to its existing
announcement was a further attempt fiscal year. HP currently has about lifestyle in the James Bond films, yesterday secured a new investor in the form of bou- services for the health market, which
to bolster its enterprise business. 304,000 employees worldwide and is tique firm FL Partners. FL, which owns the Racing Post newspaper, said it had provided include running the NHS Choices pro-
“Over the past 20 months, we the world’s largest technology compa- £25m of new capital to Sunseeker and refinanced its current debt facilities with a long- gramme and the health informatics firm,
focused on integrating EDS and ny by sales. term package provided by Macquarie Bank and Haymarket Financial. CHKS.

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Victoria Bates

Axa Investment Managers LoveFilm Alliance Trust Asset Management

Hermes The investment manager has hired Nick Dawn Airey, the chairman and chief The asset management business has
The asset manager has appointed Chris Goudie Hayes from Henderson as a portfolio executive of Five, is to join the film appointed Ella Riesco as head of retail
as an executive director for global business manager in its fixed income team. rental subscription provider as a non- marketing, responsible for promoting
development and chief executive of Hermes Hayes will be based in London, taking executive director. its equity and bond fund range.
Fund Managers in North America. Goudie joins over responsibility for the Axa Sterling Airey was previously chief executive Riesco joins from Jupiter Asset
from Pyramis Global Advisers, the fund man- Strategic Bond Fund. of Channel 5 before leaving to pursue Management, where she was senior
agement firm he helped to establish for Fidelity. Since 2003, he has been a senior roles at Channel 4, BSkyB and ITV, lat- marketing executive for three years,
Hermes has also hired Heiko Dahse, pictured, fund manager in the fixed interest team terly as managing director for global responsible for marketing to financial
and Marcus Money-Chappelle from Fischer at New Star, which was taken over by content. She returned to Five in 2008 advisers, institutional consultants,
Francis Trees & Watts, to lead its sales teams in Henderson last year. Prior to that, he and now sits on the management board direct investors and Jupiter’s strategic
Europe and the MENA region respectively. worked at WPP Group. of the broadcaster’s parent group RTL. alliances.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career updates and pictures to
22 CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

| Fund Management

AND GROSS Diversify your exposure
DEBT HABITS After losing credibility
DICK TURPIN in 2008, investors are
MANAGING DIRECTOR, ARTEMIS once again choosing
to spread their risk,
EBT is the issue. The sub-prime parcel went
round and round. But governments simply
nationalised that $2 trillion when the music of says Jessica Mead
Lehman Brothers and others stopped in
September 2008. At $9 trillion, the combined public

and private debt of the troubled European countries is AVIGATING market volatility is
another matter altogether, demeaning markets and always tough for any fund manager
injuring investors. The problem with sovereign debt is seeking to generate alpha and the
that there is no backstop; no lender of last resort. ongoing sovereign debt and bank-
It’s a complex nexus of inter-indebtedness. Italy, ing crisis in Europe has been a definite test
for example, owes France $511bn, or nearly 20 per of managers’ mettle.
cent of France’s GDP. Of Portugal’s $286bn of sover- Recent data shows that worried
eign debt, nearly a third is held by, ah, Spain. What an investors have been redeeming assets held
unholy alliance. Greece, for example, isn’t so much in funds. Outflows from European equity
indebted as insolvent. Small surprise. Google Earth funds in the week ending 19 May have
has identified 17,000 pools in the suburbs of Athens. been the worst since April 2008 and
Yet only a princely 300 Demostheneses pay the investors redeemed a net $3bn from high-
swimming pool tax. Once again we are as a species yield bond funds in the second and third
surprised and disquieted – when, inevitably, the music weeks of May, according to EPFR Global,
stops. Well, the best hope for investors is that the which tracks fund flows.
“austerity packages” will be ones not just of form, but So where have these investors been real-
also of substance. With the FTSE 100 Index down locating their cash? The EPFR Global data
almost 7 per cent in May, the packages will have to indicated that the primary beneficiaries of
be good. Spain passing its tough budget, even if it the Greek debt crisis were US bond and
was by only one vote, augurs well. After all, observes commodity funds, both of which are per-
the optimist in me, South Korea and Indonesia flour- ceived to be a refuge from the storm cur- Having a little bit of everything can be a good thing Picture: REX
ished only after the Asian currency crisis of the late rently engulfing Europe. For example, in
1990s brought about budgetary restraints and finan- the week ending 19 May, commodity funds managers more cautious, says Peter Fuller, earlier gains.
cial reforms. received inflows of more than $1bn as lead analyst on European equities funds at Peter Toogood, director of investment
The pessimist in me, or perhaps that’s the realist, investors fled to the safe-haven of gold. S&P Fund Services. services at OBSR, a Morningstar company,
notes the European Central Bank’s warning yesterday Castlestone Management’s chief executive But he points out that fund perform- advises: “Investors will need to be oppor-
that Eurozone banks face up to €195bn (£163bn) in a Angus Murray reckons that the precious ance has polarised between broadly defen- tunistic and should favour a barbell of
“second wave” of loan losses over the next 18 metal will reach $2,400 in the next decade, sive funds with significant large-cap good value, defensive growth stocks, high
months. Meanwhile, against this overall background spurred on by sovereign debt crisis. exposure – as would be expected – and yielders and industrials all with exposure
of indebtedness, specific tragedies like that affecting Castlestone says: “Precious metals invest- dedicated small-cap portfolios which, as of to growth markets.”
BP and the Gulf of Mexico have an exaggerated ments have historically shown to be an mid-May, seem to be hanging on to their Diversification is back in vogue.
impact on markets overall. insurance when added to a diversified
So on balance? As a result of austerity budgets, portfolio, acting as a safe-haven asset in ANALYSIS l Performance of the All-Share over the past three months
growth will fall. But the growth we end up with will times of turmoil.” 3,000
be better quality. In time this will be good for mar- This reallocation suggests that institu- 2,950
kets. Until then, I suspect, investors’ patience will con- tional investors are increasingly keen to 2,900
tinue to be tried by demanding debt. make their portfolios market-neutral, 2,850
spread the risk and hedge against volatili- 2,800
ty. Joshua Spitz, head of European index
derivatives trading at Barclays Capital, says
he has seen significant investor appetite 2,700
for the new iPath VSTOXX short-term 2,650
futures exchange-traded note, which 2,600
allows investors to hedge against European 2,550
equity volatility.
The volatility has also made equity fund 2010 12 Apr 19 Apr 26 Apr 4 May 10 May 17 May 24 May
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 23



Bond markets
Germany’s bond yields
have been artificially

Picture: REUTERS

could be about
to change gear
Yields look over-extended and future risks
should be considered, says Kathleen Brooks
payment burdens, UBS has found that ernment debt. It has continued to perform
countries with the most at-risk bond mar- well, and outperformed its benchmark,

OVEREIGN risk has risen as the debt debt, especially in Germany and the US, kets include Italy, Belgium and Japan, the BarCap Euro Aggregate 500m+ Index,
problems facing Greece have come have been artificially depressed during the although France, the UK, Germany, to return 4.32 per cent in the year to 31
out into the open. And volatility in credit crisis, and at this level the risk of a Canada and the US also score fairly highly. March.
the bond markets is likely to contin- reversal is growing. “Bond markets in the It would have been a very gutsy fund It’s not just equity markets that can
ue after Fitch, the ratings agency, down- US, Germany and Japan are overvalued rel- manager who would have been happy to move both up and down: bond markets
graded Spain late last week, reigniting ative to the cyclical drivers of growth and short US, Japanese and German bonds in can too, and the pressure is rising.
concerns about credit risks. inflation outcomes, but potentially also recent weeks, but this is exactly what UBS
All of this has caused a massive diver- relative to longer-term questions about fis- research suggests. So how can investors
gence in bond yields and countries per- cal sustainability,” UBS analysts wrote last prepare for the future? ANALYSIS l Interest payments to GDP ratio 2009-2011 Source: OECD

ceived as having low sovereign credit risk, week. Choosing a dynamic fund manager is 6% % of
such as Germany and the US, have seen Investors who plan to hold bonds for the one way to do this. Morningstar, the fund GDP 2009 2010 2011
theie borrowing costs fall. long term need to be aware of the sover- ratings service, recently upgraded 4.5%
But there is a strong argument that eign risks of the future, most notably the BlackRock’s Euro Bond Fund to superior. It
yields for “safe haven” bonds are now too age-related liabilities facing the G7. UBS says that one of its strengths is fund man-
low and don’t reflect the actual economic notes: “the costs of the financial crisis pale ager Michael Krautzberger, who uses quant 3%
reality. This argument is supported by in importance when compared to the costs models combined with his own judgment
investment bank UBS, which recommends governments are likely to face from to generate ideas. This worked to good 1.5%
an underweight position in both nominal unfunded pension liabilities.” effect in the run up to the financial crisis
and inflation-linked government bonds. Using its sovereign risk index, which back in 2007 when the fund went against 0
It argues that yields on government measures future liabilities and interest the trend and boosted its holding of gov-


Iveagh Private Investment House – home of Financial services company Northern Trust One of the oldest continually-operated mutual
the Guinness family’s office – along with 47 yesterday announced the latest enhancement funds marked its 60th annniversary yesterday
Degrees North Capital Management have to its Hedge Fund Monitor. Ian Headon, senior and has consistently outperformed the S&P
launched the new Iveagh Newcits Fund at the product manager for alternative asset servic- 500 on an annualised basis since 2002.
start of June. This is a fund of Ucits hedge ing at Northern Trust, said: “The new offering Neuberger Berman’s Guardian Fund was
funds that is within a Ucits structure, which will help fund managers running Ucits funds- launched on 1 June 1950 by Roy Neuberger,
offers investors – both institutional investors of-hedge-funds to monitor their compliance who managed it for the next 28 years. The
and private clients – access to a diversified with restrictions on liquidity, concentration risk fund now has $1bn of assets under manage-
portfolio of Ucits regulated absolute return and exposure to underlying non-Ucits funds.” ment and has been managed since December
strategies. The fund corresponds with all Northern Trust said the enhanced monitor 2002 by managing director Arthur Moretti
Newcits regulations, and sells itself on the comes at a time when a growing number of and his team. Under Moretti, the fund has pro-
transparency and liquidity it can offer investors require greater transparency from duced an annualised 8.51 per cent net return
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24 Investment | Foreign Exchange CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

LONGER SUCH The chances of
a strong pound
are still bleak

F POLITICIANS in the West want to cheer
themselves up all they have to do is look at the
approval ratings of Yukio Hatayama. Less than
20 per cent of the electorate feels that Japan’s
prime minister is doing a good job. Even Richard
Nixon still had the trust and approval of 25 per cent
of the American public at the height of the Even after the election, budget constraints kick in, the UK could
find that its exports fall even though the
Watergate scandal. Hatayama’s troubles reached
their apex on Sunday night when the Social there is a lot weighing pound is weak. This is already being seen
in the economic data – the UK’s trade
Democratic Party – a small member of his coali- deficit actually widened in March to
tion – resigned in protest over his failure to move an on the currency, writes £3.7bn from £2.2bn in February, according
American military base off Okinawa. to figures from the Office for National
Normally, such political manoeuvering is viewed Kathleen Brooks Statistics, and this was before the extent of
with casual detachment by the market, but the debt crisis in Southern Europe came to
traders are becoming increasingly concerned the public’s attention.

about the vacuum of leadership in Japan. O WHAT now for the pound? Not Lastly, some argue that the UK’s new tax
Hatayama faces parliamentary elections on 11 even a Conservative-led coalition regime could hurt sterling. Laffer
July and given the current discontent among the and a credible plan to cut public Associates, an independent economic
voters, the chances are high that he may lose his spending has been enough to lift the research company founded by Art Laffer,
position of leadership. UK currency out of its malaise – it has fall- the supply-side economist who became
When Hatayama first swept into power, up- en 5 per cent against the dollar in the past popular during the administration of
ending more than 40 years of Liberal Party rule, month and has been unable to break above President Ronald Reagan in the US, has
investors held high hopes that he would be able to the €1.18 mark against the euro. This has noted that a paradigm shift in the UK’s
reform Japan’s sclerotic economy. However with defied some market commentators who attitude to taxation will weigh on the
deflationary pressures still as strong as when he thought the pound was due a correction pound. “If the United Kingdom continues
first took office, he now faces the wrath of the once the election was out of the way and travelling down its current policy path, the
voters as traders watch the political drama with the Labour Party was unseated from result will be economic stagnation à la the
unease. power. 1970s”. an even more difficult financial position”.
Currency markets abhor political instability and But now analysts at Bank of Tokyo- Planned increases to capital gains tax Laffer Associates argues that overly com-
the yen’s vaunted status as an instrument of safe- Mitsubishi UFJ expect sterling to fall to and value added tax, along with the hike plex progressive tax regimes will be too
ty could come under question if Japanese elec- $1.38 against the US dollar in the coming in the top rate of income tax to 50 per cent high to bear and will stunt economic
tions result in further confusion. The yen, which months as the new Lib-Con coalition gov- from 40 per cent, could actually reduce the growth for the foreseeable future. Instead
typically strengthens during times of risk aversion, ernment’s honeymoon period comes to an amount of revenue the government col- it suggests “fundamental tax reform that
actually weakened significantly on Monday end. So why has the pound stalled? There lects, it argues. “Britain’s government replaces the UK’s progressive tax system
despite the fact that equity markets were lower. are three factors weighing on sterling: believes that these increases in tax rates with a flatter, more broad-based tax struc-
Until now, markets have blithely ignored Japan’s fears about growth, the UK’s exposure to are necessary to prevent financial catastro- ture,” as the best remedy to the UK’s prob-
fiscal debt burden of 200 per cent of GDP. Since Europe and investors’ reactions to changes phe. However, it fails to remember that lems.
Japan generates massive capital surpluses and to the tax regime. raising tax rates does not necessarily raise The extent of Britain’s economic and fis-
has always been able to finance its debts internal- Firstly, although the market broadly wel- revenue. The Laffer curve states that after a cal problems is truly epic, and it is only at
ly, credit markets have given it the benefit of comed plans to cut public spending, certain tax rate, revenues begin falling, the start of its journey to recovery. All of
doubt and bought the yen in times of stress. But Duncan Higgins from Caxton FX says that and this is exactly what the UK could expe- which means that right now there are few
with the global recovery losing momentum and the focus has now turned to the impact rience over the coming years – putting it in reasons to support a stronger pound.
Japan’s pool of savings dwindling in the face of this could have on economic growth:
ageing demographics, the yen may no longer be “There are risks that these cuts could ANALYSIS l UK net debt as a percentage of GDP
the safe harbour currency it once was, especially if undermine the strength of the recovery. Source: Laffer Associates
political turmoil delays critical fiscal reform. Monetary policy will likely be kept loose 65%
Boris Schlossberg and Kathy Lien are directors of longer than was initially expected to
currency research at GFT. Read commentary at accommodate these cutbacks, which pro- 55% or e-mail vides another drag on the currency.” Added to this is the enormity of the task at
hand: the UK’s net debt burden as a per- 45%
centage of GDP has surged in recent years
(see chart) and this round of spending cuts
is only the tip of the iceberg. 35%
Secondly, the UK’s largest trading part-
ner is Europe, and with growth there
expected to slow as austerity measures and 25%
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CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Investment | Foreign Exchange 25

There aren’t many pil-

lars to support ster- THE TIPSTER
ling this year
Picture: Micha

S PREDICTED in this column yesterday,
a collapse in the Prudential-AIG deal
was always going to see cable pop
upwards as a result of the massive
hedge that was in place needing to be
unwound. Cue a 260 pip rally yesterday fol-
lowing news that the deal is almost certainly
off by the end of the day. It rallied all the way
to first resistance at $1.4725 and a close
above $1.46 should bring the next resistance With no deal, cable jumps Picture: REUTERS
around $1.48 in to play this week. Spread Co
offers a spread on sterling-dollar of $1.4697- euro-dollar at $1.2120-$1.2121.
$1.4700. The Swiss franc has had a mixed week,
The yen has continued to show weakness dropping to a low against sterling but still
after the weekend news of splits in the riding high against the faltering euro. Swiss
Japanese government sent the dollar-yen to central bank intervention has kept the franc
its highest levels for over a week at ¥91.60. relatively low but with the dollar looking
Expect the yen to weaken further on the back overbought, investors are looking for an alter-
of stronger US fundamentals and buy on dips native safe haven. As Eurozone fundamentals
towards ¥90.30. CMC Markets’ spread on deteriorate, the franc is in a good position to
dollar-yen is ¥91.20-¥91.22. catch the extra demand. Spreadex offers
The euro continues to get hammered and euro-Swiss franc at SFr1.4165-SFr1.4171.
hit a fresh four-year low today against the The Mexican peso could weaken on the
dollar after warnings from China that the back of a sluggish global recovery, particular-
Eurozone sovereign debt crisis could derail ly if there is a slowdown in China and the US.
the global economic recovery. Despite China’s The peso is sensitive to global growth due to
reassurance that it still plans to hold onto its Mexico’s dependence on oil as its biggest
reserves, the bears will have their next tar- export, which has fallen in recent days. IG
gets in sight at $1.1300, another 6.5 per cent Index offers ₱12.89875-₱12.90875.
below current levels. Capital Spreads quotes Juliet Samuel

The dollar is a tough act to follow

With the greenback overbought,
the hunt is on for an alternative
safe haven, writes Juliet Samuel

ITH speculation growing that
the dollar could be forming a
short-term top, Deutsche Bank
has released research suggesting
“an increasing likelihood of dollar correc-
tion”. The bank suggests that the dollar’s
rally to over two standard deviations above
its 200-day moving average is a strong indi-
cator that a dip could be imminent.
As the bank reports, only on seven occa-
sions in the last 20 years has the dollar
been overbought so far from its average
(see chart) and “each time the dollar rally
has over-run to this extent, a significant
pull-back has materialised.” But if the dol-
lar dips, which currencies can investors
expect to see rise?
One factor driving the dollar rise is the
flight towards a safe haven currency in
volatile times. Over the past eight years,
investors have diversified by buying the The dollar is nearly as franc, Norwegian or Swedish kronor and But a dollar correction could be fleet- euro, has suddenly come into question
euro, which is now involved in over half of as impenetrable as sterling. While all of these currencies look ing. The continued European debt tur- and investors are placed in the position of
all dollar index trading. So the possibility Fort Knox overbought, it is by significantly less than moil means that the greenback is still the trying to find credible alternatives.”
of a dollar correction might prompt a the dollar. Still, Derrick recommends stay- only safe haven. As Derrick says: “The Unless investors find one, a big dollar cor-
switch back to the single currency. Bank of Picture: REX ing clear of Europe entirely: “The only cur- largest alternative reserve currency, the rection could prove elusive.
New York Mellon’s Simon Derrick says: rency I’d really consider as a credible
“Over the course of the last two weeks alternative is the Canadian dollar.” ANALYSIS l The dollar is trading well above average - standard deviations away from the mean
there has been quite a bit of buying back Investors might look at the yen, which
of euros precisely because people have is trading close to its 200-day moving aver-
been looking for some kind of correction age. But a dollar-yen downslide is limited 2
to take place.” by potential market intervention. As
But with ongoing uncertainty, includ- Michael Hewson of CMC Markets says:
ing Friday’s downgrade of Spanish debt, “The bank of Japan will not tolerate a 1
this might be unwise. Derrick sees the strong yen because it will harm its
euro buy-backs as no more than a rebal- exporters, who are important for econom-
ancing of the extreme shorts seen two ic growth.” 0
weeks ago. The overall trend for the euro So investors must look further afield. If
is downwards: “So much of this is not equity rises make increased risk palatable, -1
about the dollar; it’s about a loss of faith traders could consider the Australian or
in the euro.” New Zealand dollar, which both show
Likewise, Deutsche Bank advises that high intra-day correlations with the green- -2
investors looking to short the dollar “are back. Or, with the Pru-AIG deal in doubt,
better off positioning themselves in the Hewson says: “sterling could be buoyed up
more equity-sensitive “high-beta’ in the short-term” – perhaps for just long -3
European currencies” such as the Swiss enough to catch a dollar downslide. 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
26 Markets & Investments CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291.10 +6.20 314.80 216.75 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .537.00 +1.50 567.50 307.75 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.05 –0.85 71.75 31.75 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1335.00 +6.00 1450.00 764.00
3i Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . .108.50* –0.10 114.40 85.25 Cookson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452.30 –22.50 616.00 220.00 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .561.50 +7.00 604.50 393.00 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1057.00 +6.00 1185.00 643.50
A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .963.00 +6.00 1045.00 718.50 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .963.50* +11.00 1047.00 498.50 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1559.00 +26.00 1814.00 1077.00 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . .1079.00 +27.00 1206.00 357.50
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .140.00* –1.00 155.60 111.00 CSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390.20 –5.80 524.00 320.75 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166.00 –19.00 1634.00 567.50 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .571.00 –1.00 623.50 376.00
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1315.00 +25.00 1403.00 833.50 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .484.50 –2.70 539.00 264.25 Kesa Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.50 –0.10 162.00 99.75 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287.50 +1.40 403.10 250.00
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.80 –2.20 137.30 79.75 Dana Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . .1048.00 –3.00 1549.00 968.50 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224.60* +0.90 255.00 171.40
Afren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94.70 +0.85 111.00 38.50 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387.70 –1.30 442.30 307.00 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139.20 –2.20 177.31 114.60 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .612.00 +1.00 656.50 394.30
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1278.00 +14.00 1300.00 476.25 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .903.00 +12.00 1021.00 808.50 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .477.10 +0.70 540.00 416.70 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1221.00 +23.00 1242.00 921.00
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317.80 –2.10 352.70 260.25 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59.45 +0.30 96.25 55.90 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .609.50 +8.50 743.50 415.25 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380.00 +6.10 426.50 284.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790.00* –5.00 891.00 603.50 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1340.00* +4.00 1490.00 844.00 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81.85* +2.80 94.40 49.37 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1407.00 –14.00 1526.00 798.50
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376.60 +1.80 428.50 291.00 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .138.90 –1.50 148.00 107.75 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .57.41 +0.79 75.58 39.62 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.60 — 146.60 82.25
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2647.50 –13.50 3015.50 1540.00 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1058.00 +3.00 1176.00 829.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.30 +1.60 149.10 70.00 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .626.50 — 700.50 435.25
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .883.50* –2.50 1100.00 546.50 Dimension Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99.85 –1.85 105.00 53.75 London Stock Exchange . . . . . . .638.50 –3.50 949.50 606.00 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1036.00 +2.00 1177.00 649.00
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .376.10 –0.30 490.00 172.75 Domino’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .354.10 +0.50 371.20 192.75 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1677.00 –7.00 2198.00 950.00 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1606.00 +6.00 1796.00 1068.00
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252.50 +6.30 263.70 103.00 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340.50 +4.90 497.50 321.50 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236.60 +3.80 373.60 199.60 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800.00 –22.00 928.00 493.50
Arriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .764.00 +0.50 782.50 378.50 DSG Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.20 –0.32 39.75 19.25 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .356.70 +3.00 412.70 277.75 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1415.00 –14.00 1591.00 749.50
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248.00 –3.40 311.20 183.25 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368.70 –3.50 438.40 202.00 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300.00 +0.80 328.70 151.75 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108.30 –0.10 127.80 54.50
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2904.50 +3.00 3136.00 2472.00 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412.70 +11.70 499.90 260.00 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218.90 –2.40 251.50 87.75
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .683.50 +16.50 730.00 511.50 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .381.70 +1.60 412.40 297.50 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .890.00 +3.50 1002.00 716.50 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99.15 –2.65 134.00 72.50
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1754.00 +2.00 1897.00 1121.00 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .216.00 +2.30 245.00 134.25 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .366.60* –4.30 461.50 218.50 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .802.50 –5.50 893.50 481.25
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168.00 –5.00 1237.00 661.00 EnQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100.20 +2.55 112.70 87.35 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .477.60 +1.80 550.00 300.90 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .249.70 +1.50 296.90 167.00
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328.60 +8.70 474.00 274.75 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . .998.00* –6.00 1276.00 582.00 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .408.20 –5.40 496.30 217.25 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183.40 –0.70 204.90 114.75
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .572.50 –1.00 660.50 448.50 Euromoney Inst Inv . . . . . . . . . . .592.50* +4.00 599.50 191.25 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227.30 +2.20 264.50 157.25 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1662.00 +25.00 1847.00 1115.00
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324.00* +1.30 389.90 294.20 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .631.50 +13.00 664.50 434.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .323.00 +6.00 343.90 221.75 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183.30 +1.90 237.00 172.60
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255.90* +2.60 328.85 238.50 F&C Comm Prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95.00 –0.05 96.80 73.50 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228.20 –0.50 281.70 204.25 TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122.80 +1.30 147.10 106.60
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303.30* –1.80 394.25 255.00 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258.10* –8.90 396.20 112.00 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409.90 –8.60 488.00 182.00 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .365.00 –5.00 501.50 315.00
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . .106.30 –1.70 193.31 91.80 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .382.10 +5.30 448.80 322.75 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290.70 +1.70 321.20 222.00 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .427.20 +7.00 481.40 284.75
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189.40 +2.30 220.00 105.00 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .272.80 –4.40 297.20 210.25 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266.10* +1.90 306.30 234.25 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33.56 –0.67 54.90 30.75
Beazley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.10 –1.10 122.00 86.00 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .905.50* +1.50 935.00 438.00 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .816.00 –8.00 893.50 575.00 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .386.00 +3.00 455.00 272.00
Bellway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .689.00* –3.50 927.50 591.50 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262.50* –0.30 285.70 197.90 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .229.90 –1.10 256.80 135.08 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .526.50 –4.50 598.00 346.50
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .798.50 –2.50 989.50 716.50 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .453.00 –0.60 484.00 370.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .503.00 +3.70 607.65 466.71
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1088.50 +27.50 1248.00 966.90 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122.00 –2.20 155.00 67.49 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2087.00* +8.00 2360.00 1402.00 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412.70* +1.10 454.90 347.40
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1874.50 –38.50 2346.00 1274.50 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . . 1158.50* +1.50 1347.00 1015.50 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .278.40 +0.90 296.30 219.90 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206.20 –1.50 277.20 191.90
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .579.50 –3.00 654.50 346.00 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .313.10 +5.40 332.10 203.75 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.00* –1.00 127.20 70.70 Tomkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242.20* –1.60 258.50 135.00
BlueBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323.70 +2.00 393.00 178.25 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398.50 +2.00 504.00 359.50 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268.30 +7.20 339.70 213.30 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .798.50 +8.00 915.00 461.00
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40.76 +0.76 49.50 31.00 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .499.30 +8.50 524.00 299.00 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .943.50 –7.00 1069.00 574.00 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232.90 –4.80 313.90 215.50
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430.00* –64.80 658.20 411.50 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244.70 –3.90 278.50 164.75 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .532.00 +7.00 558.00 434.40 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321.40 –0.90 436.20 261.20
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .756.00 +1.50 831.60 709.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365.20 +5.00 460.30 272.25 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406.90 –1.10 534.50 340.25 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131.00 +14.00 1375.00 834.50
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203.00 +1.80 255.80 117.30 Hansen Trans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85.80 –3.30 172.50 78.00 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1153.00 +27.00 1294.00 580.00 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .80.15 +0.70 84.90 59.50
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2115.00 +72.50 2335.50 1637.00 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .344.40 +0.20 387.00 197.25 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1246.00 +44.00 1370.00 515.00 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1585.00 +14.00 1650.00 1058.00
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .425.40* –3.10 467.90 338.50 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100.00 –1.10 119.00 80.00 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216.30* –2.50 249.70 121.25 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1861.00* –7.00 2024.00 1419.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .456.90 +6.70 532.00 353.00 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132.30 –3.10 157.80 81.50 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1152.00 –14.00 1431.00 984.00 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .552.00 +12.50 575.00 429.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .464.00* +3.80 497.70 253.25 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431.90 –3.80 630.00 409.80 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .806.00* –5.00 986.00 763.00 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .508.00 –3.00 579.50 364.75
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250.00 –2.00 284.30 204.25 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .698.00 +25.00 730.00 412.00 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .575.50 +34.00 665.00 350.25
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .570.50 –5.50 637.50 423.75 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.20 +0.10 369.30 279.50 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293.80 +4.60 300.20 168.00 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2305.00 –7.00 2967.00 1262.00
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129.50 +2.50 151.00 88.80 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .292.70 +2.00 370.60 220.00 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.70 –0.80 179.10 113.90 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1049.00 –5.00 1078.00 498.50
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .726.00* +9.50 784.50 478.50 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249.60* –2.40 336.50 235.00 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .6195.00 +205.00 6285.00 3351.00 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138.50 +0.35 153.80 111.20
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .704.00 +13.50 745.50 359.00 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2146.00 +35.00 2161.00 1336.00 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3256.00 +11.00 3667.00 2635.00 VT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .743.00 +1.00 773.00 416.00
Cable & Wire Comms . . . . . . . . . .59.25 +0.90 150.00 53.00 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .635.50* +7.70 766.80 487.00 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478.90 –2.70 548.00 403.75 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .915.50* –13.50 1076.00 437.50
Cable & Wire Wwide . . . . . . . . . . .81.50 +1.70 94.80 68.60 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .486.10 –15.90 659.50 377.00 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88.05 –0.50 125.50 58.75 Wetherspoon(J.D.) . . . . . . . . . . .426.00 –4.70 556.00 348.00
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405.00 +2.10 441.50 306.80 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387.00 –0.80 478.30 291.70 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120.60 –0.70 140.20 80.50 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438.30* –9.10 551.00 405.25
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1609.00 –6.00 1759.00 1459.00 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379.60 –0.50 436.30 216.50 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61.85 –0.35 100.00 59.30 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1407.00* +22.00 1645.00 778.50
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .780.00 –0.50 829.50 643.50 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .235.80 +5.80 289.30 80.00 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316.40* +2.00 330.50 222.50 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175.40 –0.90 219.50 160.50
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . . . . .104.40 +0.40 125.40 99.60 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .646.00 –9.00 742.00 275.25 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .715.50* +18.00 725.50 334.00 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434.50 –7.50 487.00 329.50
Capital Shopping Centres . . . . . .329.70* +1.70 580.00 300.20 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .1840.00 +40.00 2159.00 1547.00 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3152.00 –37.00 4104.00 1822.00 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1662.00 +12.00 1742.00 986.00
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319.00* +2.50 361.90 236.75 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283.70 –5.40 347.00 270.20 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . .1088.00 –3.00 1159.00 861.50
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2614.00* –14.00 2937.00 1431.00 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374.70 –3.30 439.40 216.00 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .588.00* –1.50 631.50 321.25 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .318.90 –15.00 411.70 231.25
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334.80 +8.30 380.50 284.75 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .760.50 +5.00 819.00 491.00 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1340.00 –29.00 1482.00 779.50 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .648.00 –8.00 744.00 380.50
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274.50* –0.30 320.00 212.50 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . .1094.00* — 1175.00 584.50 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .46.80 +0.07 58.95 28.25 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1006.50 –9.00 1344.50 555.10
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .678.50 –16.50 855.50 395.25 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .270.50 +10.40 332.00 170.25 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .1812.00* –11.00 2068.50 1431.00 Yell Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32.14 –1.56 86.00 20.25
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3146.00 –24.00 3711.00 1910.00 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1410.00 –12.00 1576.00 987.50 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .1741.00* –10.50 1997.50 1437.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Chloride Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280.00 +1.50 308.40 129.00 Intl Personal Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . .218.50 –1.50 283.00 65.75 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.70* +1.50 142.00 113.10
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .713.50 –2.50 806.50 623.00 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291.30* +1.00 354.00 228.00 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1947.00 –4.00 2090.00 1210.00 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231.20* +0.20 278.60 164.90 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275.30 –1.60 350.30 212.25 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240.10* +2.40 260.50 167.20
COLT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.80 +1.60 144.20 98.25 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487.80 –2.30 565.00 309.75 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326.80* +2.80 373.00 306.50

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Fears over BP’s survival drags FTSE 100 Slide in energy shares hits
lower as its latest bid to plug leak fails US as jittery investors sell
when you do that, the backdrop is
still reasonably promising,” said
Mike Lenhoff, chief strategist at
BHP Billiton, Kazakhmys and Rio
Tinto were the worst-off dropping
1.2 to two per cent.
THENEW YORK the well, tumbled 15 per cent.
Halliburton, which performed some
work on the well, lost 14.8 per cent

REPORT Brewin Dolphin.

BP was the standout blue chip fall-
er, off 13.1 per cent after abandon-
Prudential topped the blue chip
leader board, up 6.3 per cent, with
its bid for rival AIG’s Asian unit
REPORT after Goldman Sachs removed the
company from its “conviction buy
list.” Transocean, which owns the rig,
ing its “top kill” attempt to plug the close to collapse after the British slid 11.9 per cent to $50.04, while the

OP shares fell yesterday led by well on Saturday after several insurer failed to secure a price cut, S stocks fell yesterday as energy S&P energy index shed 4.3 per cent.
a plunge in BP shares after the attempts to pump thousands of bar- triggering talk it might itself shares slid after the latest The Dow Jones industrial average
company’s failure to stem an rels of mud down the well, seen as become a takeover target. failed attempt to halt the oil dropped 112.61 points, or 1.11 per
oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the best method, failed to stop the spill in the Gulf of Mexico and cent, to 10,024.02. The Standard &
but they finished off lows thanks to flow of oil. ANALYSIS l FTSE the US government announced a Poor’s 500 Index fell 18.70 points, or
upbeat US construction data. Peer Royal Dutch Shell fell 0.6 per criminal probe into the disaster. 1.72 per cent, to 1,070.71. The Nasdaq
The FTSE 100 closed down 25.13 cent. BG Group, however, put on 2.6 6,000 5,163.30 Investors punished shares of com- Composite Index gave up 34.71
points or 0.5 per cent at 5,163.30, its per cent, bolstered by an upgrade to 5,800
1 Jun panies directly involved with the spill points, or 1.54 per cent, at 2,222.33.
lowest close since 26 May, in a chop- “buy” from “hold” by Societe and losses accelerated into the close On the upside, Apple rose 1.5 per
py session in which the index Generale. following the news of the investiga- cent to $260.83 as a successful inter-
dropped as low as 5,063.20. Miners were hit by weaker metals 5,400 tion. national launch of its iPad prompted
“We are in the midst of an prices after China’s factories scaled 5,200
“It’s the fact that no one can really analysts to raise earnings estimates.
extraordinarily volatile period ... but back production last month and quantify the cost of the BP disaster In merger news, ev3 jumped 17.4 per
I think you’ve got to look at the mar- eased back hiring in response to a 5,000 out there,” said Gary Bradshaw, port- cent to $22.22 after Covidien agreed
kets in the context of the broader critical drop in new orders, sparking 4,800 folio manager at Hodges Capital. to buy the maker of stents and other
fundamental picture, and I think investor worries over demand. 1 Mar 19 Mar 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May US-listed shares of BP, which owns vascular devices for $2.6bn.
City Focus HOW TO LEARN 27

Shopping around is the future of law

A new report looks at what consumers really
want from high street firms, writes Jon Robins

OMMENTATORS talk excitedly company Claims Direct. The law firm
about “Tesco Law” and the ongoing
liberalisation of legal services as
though it were a latter day gold
rush led by big name supermarkets and
Russell Jones & Walker bought the Claims
Direct name relaunching the service in
2007 with a £5m annual advertising cam-
banks. But what is it that consumers RJW chief exec Neil Kinsella is sceptical
want? New research suggests that there is about the collective approach. “If solici-
little enthusiasm on the part of the public tors are banding together to take over a
to associate legal services with high street market that they have already effectively
big name brands. got, all they’re effectively doing is scrab-
In a survey of more than 2,000 people bling for market share and then paying
commissioned by the legal research com- somebody in the middle to do the market-
pany Jures, consumers were asked if they ing,” he says.
could purchase legal advice from house- A couple of weeks ago QualitySolicitors
hold names from the retail, banking and launched its national “high street” branch
insurance sectors, which one would they network with the first 15 of 300 planned
go for. While the most popular of the big “branches” across the UK. A number of
name brands was Marks & Spencer (14 per well-established regional firms had a com-
cent), the big news was that more than plete make-over, reappearing as
half remained unmoved by the prospect of QualitySolicitors Burroughs Day,
big names (54 per cent). Despite the hype, QualitySolicitors Lockings, etc.
only one in 20 consumers linked the retail- Craig Holt, chief executive of
er (Tesco) that has become synonymous QualitySolicitors, is taking inspiration
with the new market with legal services. from a well-known brand from the retail
The results are in a new report world. Specsavers became a fixture on the
Shopping Around: What Consumers Want high street following deregulation of the
from the New Legal Services Market, out opticians market in the 1980s. The Legal
last week. From October 2011, the first Services Board, drawing a parallel
alternative business structures will open between the reconfiguration of the opti-
their doors for business under the Legal cians’ market and legal services, last year
Services Act. This move has been likened noted that a small number of chains cover
to the law’s equivalent of the City’s Big 70 per cent of the market though “a sub-
Bang in the 1980s which came about as a stantial number of independent opti-
result of the deregulation of financial cians” remain.
services and banking. ABSs will enable Under the Specsavers joint venture
non-law businesses such as supermarkets, model, each practice is an independent
banks and insurers to have to compete in business owned by chain and practition-
the legal services for the first time. ers jointly, meaning it can deliver
Professor Richard Moorhead, deputy economies of scale on, for example, mar-
head of Cardiff Law School, is unsurprised keting, while practitioners remain respon-
that consumers don’t automatically gravi- sible for delivering the service and A model for the there is a future for small community ticularly commercially or consumer
tate towards the comfort of familiar running the business. law industry? solicitors’ firms in a world where shoppers astute”. “So the likes of the Co-op see that
brands. “The findings suggest there is Will walking into a branch of have increasingly chosen to go local. He as being fairly fertile grounds to make
everything to play for,” reflects Prof QualitySolicitors feel like walking into Picture: Micha cites “farm shops and home delivery of inroads,” he says. “Our approach is to take
Moorhead; adding that his own research Specsavers? “All aspects of each firm will Theiner CITY A.M organic vegetables” as evidence that with the ground away from them. We want to
found that consumers, in his words, be branded in the same way from signage “some clever marketing and a targeted adopt the retail approach, take up posi-
“don’t do much shopping around”. The through to stationery and website, right local approach the consumer has gladly tions in high streets and shopping centres
overall winner in the Jures survey was down to business cards, compliment slips returned to smaller providers”. and head them off at the pass.”
M&S. “It is seen to be good quality and and the front of house staff uniforms,” There’s “strength in numbers and firms Are lawyers going to be giving con-
value for money which is, of course, the Craig Holt replies. He wants the can harness marketing clout by forming sumers what they want in this post LSA
magic combination here,” notes Prof QualitySolicitors brand to be “as familiar networks”, argues Jervis. “The big advan- market? “As far as I am concerned Tesco
Moorhead. People were asked which fac- as going to Barclays for banking or tage that small firms have in terms of sells peas and we do law,” says IL4U’s
tors were likely to influence their decision Thomas Cook for a holiday”. building brand is that they can use per- Martin Cockx. “You’d never go to a chi-
to buy legal services, “reassurance of a Claimant firms were slow to react to the sonality. The Richard Branson school of ropodist to sort out your eyesight. It is cru-
well know brand” (26 per cent) came some threat of newcomers such as Claims marketing which has worked very well for cial for an organisation like ours to push
way behind “quality of service” (60 per Direct, which entered the market on the Virgin can be just as effective for a small the message that this is all we do.’
cent); “fixed prices” (35 per cent); “ease of back of the Access to Justice Act 1999. The law firms.” Jon Robins is director of the legal research
location” (32 per cent); and “speed of serv- non-lawyers took a huge amount of mar- QualitySolicitors’ Craig Holt argues that company Jures ( and a freelance
ice” (27 per cent). ket share away from law firms through consumers presently “see a fragmented journalist. You can find out more about
saturation TV campaigns. The solicitor-led market” with law firms that “aren’t par- Shopping Around at
BRAND AND QUALITY marketing consortium Injury Lawyers 4U,
But, as Prof Moorhead notes, “brand” and now one of the biggest-spending advertis- ANALYSIS l Legal brands ANALYSIS l Choosing a firm
“quality” are hard to separate. “Most con- ers on TV, was a successful attempt to
sumers have absolutely no idea of how to wrest back some of the territory lost. Are Marks & Spencer 10 20 30 40 50 60
measure ‘quality of service’,” he argues. they worried about the proliferation of Tesco
Asda 14%
“The finding might reinforce the impor- solicitor networks effectively diluting Don't know 2% Quality of service: 60%
tance of the “reassurance of well-known their message? “No, competition from the 20%
brand”. It might well be that they use the profession is a healthy thing,” responds
brand as a proxy for quality.” partner Martin Cockx, a partner at the Fixed prices: 35%
The practical challenge for firms is Manchester firm Amelans who set IL4U
achieving brand visibility in a newly-liber- up. “Solicitor consortiums are, as we have If you could Convenience
alised, increasingly crowded marketplace. proved, the way forward.” purchase (ease of location): 32%
Client recognition of law firms is poor. Loyalty Law is a new scheme aimed legal advice
The Law Society’s Gazette recently report- specifically at high street solicitors. The from the Speed of service: 27%
ed that more six out of 10 consumers concept is “to build a nationally recog- following brands
couldn’t name a single firm, despite the nised legal brand providing a quality legal which one would Reassurance of a
well-known brand: 27%
fact that almost eight out of 10 had used a service from smaller firms”. The “loyalty” be the most
solicitor before. element encompasses a number of ideas… appealing? Cheapest price: 25% Which of the following
Law firms have been doing their best to clients rate the service, plus every time
change this by harnessing collective mar- someone uses a lawyer they receive a factors would be
keting might through networks such as “credit” against future legal purchases or Other: 4%
likely to influence
Halifax your decision
Injury Lawyers 4U, Quality Solicitors and a voucher towards a non-legal reward 6%
Loyalty Law. So far few legal brands have scheme. Virgin when purchasing
impinged on the public consciousness in Does the LSA mark the beginning of the 7% Barclays bank Don’t know: 12% legal services?
None of the above
any meaningful way with the possible end of the high street solicitor? Nick 34% 11%
exception of the claims management Jervis, director of Loyalty Law, believes
28 CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

to all people
The Allroad is far trendier than this distinguishes the Allroad from its
On our test model, Audi had toned
down the contrasting wide arches and
familiar four rings. An all-black screen
would have been so much more stylish
We were testing the 3.0 TDI quattro ver- instead the colour of the wheel arches and would have left the dash entirely
your average estate car, with sion. The most striking first impression is matched the body. This meant there was uninterrupted.
that it is just incredibly well built and so very little to suggest that it was actually Perhaps the only downside of the car
great design to match practicality cleverly conceived. It seems to do every- an Allroad other than its understated was the boot, which was less generous
thing either very well or well enough, badge at the rear. Seing as it’s actually a than I expected – I would question how
without uncomfortable compromises. On bit of a rocket, this seemed deliciously practical the car would be on a long road

HE AUDI A4 Allroad has been the road the car is a surprisingly good covert. trip with a couple of kids. A clever load-
launched into another new seg- drive. This is in part due to a wider track of carrying restraint system was no doubt
ment that Audi seems to have creat- 20mm more than a regular Audi A4 Avant AUTOMOTIVE ALCHEMY useful but just appeared to reduce the
ed. You can probably count the and an elevated ride height (up 37mm). Inside, the car is clean and calm and possi- boot size further (although I could have
number of four-wheel drive estates you These are elements that make the car very bly a little dull. But what the interior lacks removed it). A reversible rubberised load
know of on one hand. The others are useful on back-country roads yet don’t in character – thanks to its minimal, func- mat which can be rolled out as a rubber
Audi’s own A6 Allroad, the Subaru seem to result in too much rolling in the tional design – is more than made up for carpet to welcome a dirty baby buggy,
Forester and the Skoda Octavia Scout corners on the tarmac. in quality. The interior is well made and compost pile or the like, while protecting
which at its heart is an Audi with In terms of speed the 240bhp the real wood trim is a treat: it does just the rear of the car, seemed an unneces-
a Polish winged arrow on the 3.0 litre V6 engine delivers enough to break up what is quite a big sary addition.
bonnet. an acceleration time of swathe of black plastic across the dash. Overall, the A4 Allroad Quattro may be
The A6 Allroad was 6.4 seconds which, The car is comfortable, particularly the one of the few truly desirable estate cars.
essentially one of the when combined with leather seats, and there are enough cub- It’s not a particularly emotional driving
world’s first “crossover” its safe-as-houses feel bies to stow a few bits and pieces. But it is experience as it lacks some soul. But ulti-
vehicles when it was (this is thanks to the the switches (some of which are in cool mately, the car is a triumph of automotive
launched in 2000, quattro four-wheel- chrome), the controls and the multimedia alchemy and is a superb all-rounder.
being a combination drive system), gives system (Audi’s MMI system) that are a tri-
of off-road SUV and you a surprising umph. It’s all so intuitive and functions so THE FACTS:
practical estate car. kick in the pants well that you can use it straight away
Now Audi has intro- when joining the M11. without having to consult the manual. AUDI A4 ALLROAD
duced its smaller A4 It’ll go on to a top speed Phone docking and dialling was a breeze PRICE: £36,145
Allroad sibling. It’s one of of 148mph if you are crazy and the design and function of the inter-
the few estate cars that is cooler enough to taunt the Essex face a genuine pleasure to use. For some 0-62MPH: 6.4 secs
and better-looking than the saloon constabulary. reason this model had virtually all of my TOP SPEED: 148 mph
car that spawned it, and in a market of The Allroad is either a comfortable top 20 albums from the 80s and 90s pre- CO2 G/KM: 189
estate cars – hardly a trendy segment – and quiet ride with very little road noise loaded into it, which was a pleasant sur- MPG COMBINED: 39.8 mpg
for cruising, or an impressive and spirited prise. Accessing them was easy and
driver for when you’re in a hurry. It feels
surefooted and you feel both confident
similar to scrolling through the music on
an original scroll wheel iPod.
and safe. What’s more, it does all of this The only minor grumble was that, DESIGN hhhhi
while still delivering surprisingly good when switched off, the MMI screen PERFORMANCE hhhhi
fuel economy, so filling the car is less defaults to a silver off screen which was PRACTICALITY hhhii
painful than expected. comprised of the MMI logo and Audi’s VALUE FOR MONEY hhhii


you can afford a Mercedes Docklands is going to become petrolhead
heaven next week as the area plays host to
The Alfa 8C Spider is the Italian marque’s
The event includes an exhibition of classic
The figures: the annual Canary Wharf London Motorexpo.
The free event see Canary Wharf’s spaces
stupendously cool new soft-top, and it’ll be
on show alongside the Mito MultiAir
vehicles to have taken part in the Le Mans
24 hour race, with vehicles from the likes of
filled with displays of many of the zippiest, Cloverleaf – about the most stylish Aston Martin, Audi, Ferrari and Porsche funkiest and downright grooviest new cars
from some of the biggest names in the auto
runaround you can get. amongst others. The showcase is organised
by BEN, the charity for those working in the
For more information on our tailor-made industry. It’s a chance to ogle at the most NORTON automotive industries.
advanced machines around as well as gain an Motorcycles that are the very
packages or to book a test drive, visit us online. idea of the directions in which car design is essence of dashing English cool The 2010 Canary Wharf London
heading. Here are a few of the highlights: are Norton’s stock in trade, Motorexpo runs from 7-13
and its 2010 June and is free to
CONVERTIBLE (pictured right) Commando 961 information go to
The classic British carmaker’s four-seater Café Racer –
mixes those beefy Bentley proportions with and breathe –
sleekness and sexiness, and the kind of power is a thing of
that’ll take you from zero to 60mph in less real, two-
than four seconds. wheeled beauty.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Lifestyle | TV& Games 29


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12 7 35 17 29 16 42 6 
8 33
20 18
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 14 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 22 11
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 15 21
above or to the left of it. 9 28 7 23
You can only use the digits 1-9 12 16 
  and you must not use the
7 18 15    
same digit twice in a block. 17 15
   The same digit may occur 34 16  
   more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a 24
19 23
9 37
  separate block.
32 10
     17 22

1 Relating to Antarctic 1 “Hey ___”, said by
WORDWHEEL or Arctic regions (5) a magician (6)

   T N 3 Lariat (5) 2 Concerned with one

specific purpose (2,3)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 7 Engraves with acid (6)
  ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
I M 4 Not silently (5)
10 Vegetable known as
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters I lady’s fingers (4) 5 Opaque gem (4)

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
P A 11 London district (4)
12 Precariously balanced
6 Set up (9)
8 As well (3)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
T E situation (coll) (5-3-2) 9 Stir vigorously (5)
QUICK CROSSWORD 9 8 6 8 9 8 3
15 Narrow-minded about 13 Rank (5)
$ 1 * 6 7 % ( / 2 :
3 4 2 1 6 7 9 6 SUDOKU         
cherished opinions (10)
14 Remained (6)
6 7 + 5 2 1 ( ,
2 1 3 5 1 4 2          20 Notion (4)
+ 2 1 ( < 2 ) 7 ( 1 2 1 8 9 2 4 6 1
         16 Relating to sea waves (5)
( 5 $ 5 * 9 3 1 7 1 3 21 Semi-aquatic
         17 Type of firearm (5)
6 : ( ( 3 6 7 $ . ( 6 8 7 4 9 8 6 7 9 creature (4)
( 2
7 ( 6 7 0
$ 7
+ ( 6
5 4 2
8 9
3 6 1
2 5
WORDWHEEL          22 Refuge (6) 18 Snare, trap (3)
8 < 1 + ,         
' 5 $ 3 ( : , / ' ( 7 5 3 4 3 1 2 The nine-letter word 23 Very recently (5) 19 Knock senseless (4)
9 1 5 7 4 2 3 1         
2 ' ( / $ < 6 9
was HOUSEHOLD          24 Facial hair (5)
5 8 ' ' < ( ( 5 , ( 8 3 9 8 5 8 9
30 Sport CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010

Bridge): Essex 329 (M L Pettini 96, J S Foster 59, S J
Mullaney 4-31) and 152-2 (R S Bopara 57no) v
Now’s the time to unleash Shahzad
Nottinghamshire 217 (S J Mullaney 53, C M W Read 52, D D
Masters 4-48). Nottinghamshire (7pts) drew with Essex to Tim Bresnan has given the Shahzad will alter the result and pre- months or so, and I feel the balance of
(9pts). (Edgbaston): Durham 379 (P Mustard 100, M D Nottinghamshire seamer what could vent England wrapping up a 2-0 series the side was right for the occasion.
Stoneman 77, G J Muchall 60, Imran Tahir 8-114) v
Warwickshire 100 and 229-4 (I J Westwood 86no, R be a final chance to show he still has win, but I just feel it’s the perfect time Old Trafford is a result wicket and I
Clarke 66). Warwickshire (6pts) drew with Durham (10pts). the pace and guile to succeed in the to give Shahzad a run-out to see what believe they will stick with the same
(Headingley Carnegie): Lancashire 416-9 dec. (T C Smith Test arena. If he doesn’t, then that he can do on the Test stage with a formula with the only dilemma being
108no, A G Prince 78, A U Rashid 4-121) v Yorkshire 199-8
(A U Rashid 65, T C Smith 4-46).Yorkshire (5pts) drew with may be the last we see of Sidey in the tougher schedule ahead of us. whether to give Sidebottom the nod
Lancashire (8pts). five-day format. over Shahzad.
LV COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP - DIVISION TWO: (The But while I applaud the selectors’ POWER OF GOOD Reaching the magic 500 will have
SWALEC Stadium): Glamorgan 372 (G P Rees 86, M J decision to give Sidebottom another The selectors took their fair share of also boosted the confidence of
Cosgrove 82, M A Wallace 58, J W Dernbach 4-78) and 7-0 AT THE CREASE WITH
chance in a Test after an impressive stick after the first Test victory at England’s top order – in particular
v Surrey 303-9 dec. (S M Davies 83, M R Ramprakash 73, J
A R Harris 4-82). Glamorgan (10pts) drew with Surrey
(9pts). (Grace Road): Leicestershire 464-3 dec. (J W A
ANDY LLOYD World Twenty20 tournament, I per-
sonally would like to see young
Lord’s with some critics suggesting
the four-man bowling attack wasn’t
Jonathan Trott. I’ve had Trotty here at
Warwickshire for a long time and I
Taylor 206no, A B McDonald 176no) v Middlesex 356-5 (O

A Shah 156, N J Dexter 118). Leicestershire (9pts) drew YAN SIDEBOTTOM will be play- Yorkshire pace man Ajmal Shahzad enough. know that was a massive double cen-
with Middlesex (8pts). (New Road): Gloucestershire 245 (C ing for his future in the second given his chance. For me, it’s difficult to criticise the tury for him. It’s all but cemented his
G Taylor 71) and 243-7 dec. (H J H Marshall 50, A Test with Bangladesh at Old I don’t believe that the decision selectors for what they’ve contributed place for the summer and that will
Richardson 4-68) v Worcestershire 388 (M M Ali 106, B J
M Scott 67, A N Kervezee 57, J Lewis 4-55). Worcestershire Trafford on Friday. A foot injury whether to include Sidebottom or to the English game over the past 12 have done him the power of good.
(10pts) drew with Gloucestershire (7pts).

Tim’s setback
Sussex 155-7 v Somerset 103. Sussex (2pts) beat Somerset
by 52 runs.
TRIANGULAR TOURNAMENT: (Bulawayo): Zimbabwe 118
(H Masakadza 62) v Sri Lanka 119-1 (T M Dilshan 60no). Sri
Lanka (2pts) beat Zimbabwe by 9 wickets.

hands Sidey
Australia.......................(0) 1 Denmark.............................(0) 0
Holland............................(1) 4 Ghana ...................................(0) 1
Portugal.........................(1) 3 Cameroon..........................(0) 1
Switzerland................(0) 0 Costa Rica .........................(0) 1
NHL—Stanley Cup: Chicago Blackhawks 2 Philadelphia

Test chance
Flyers 1 (Chicago Blackhawks lead best of seven series 2-0).
FRENCH OPEN (Roland Garros)—Men’s Singles Quarter-
finals: (5) Robin Soderling (Swe) bt (1) Roger Federer (Swi) 3-
6 6-3 7-5 6-4, (15) Tomas Berdych (Cze) bt (11) Mikhail
Youzhny (Rus) 6-3 6-1 6-2. Women’s Singles Quarter-finals:
(5) Elena Dementieva (Rus) bt (19) Nadia Petrova (Rus) 2-6 6-
2 6-0, (17) Francesca Schiavone (Ita) bt (3) Caroline
Wozniacki (Den) 6-2 6-3. Men’s Doubles Quarter-finals: (2)
and then four against New Zealand a

Daniel Nestor (Can) & Nenad Zimonjic (Ser) bt (6) Lukasz CRICKET
Kubot (Pol) & Oliver Marach (Aut) 7-5 6-3, (10) Julian Knowle
BY JON COUCH year later. National Selector Geoff
(Aut) & Andy Ram (Isr) bt Marcelo Melo (Bra) & Bruno Miller said: “It’s very unfortunate that
Soares (Bra) 6-7 (3-7) 6-2 6-0, (4) Wesley Moodie (Rsa) &
Dick Norman (Bel) bt Marc Lopez (Spa) & Pere Riba (Spa) 6-1 SEAMER Ryan Sidebottom has been Tim Bresnan will miss the second Test
6-4, (3) Lukas Dlouhy (Cze) & Leander Paes (Ind) bt (8) handed the chance to resurrect his through injury as his bowling benefit-
Mariusz Fyrstenberg (Pol) & Marcin Matkowski (Pol) 6-1 6-3. Test career after being called up for ted from five days of Test cricket dur-
Women’s Doubles Quarter-finals: (2) Nuria Llagostera Vives Friday’s second contest with ing the Lord’s Test and he would have
(Spa) & Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez (Spa) bt Monica Bangladesh at Old Trafford.
Niculescu (Rom) & Shahar Peer (Isr) 6-2 6-4, (12) Kveta
been looking forward to getting more
Peschke (Cze) & Katarina Srebotnik (Slo) bt Alona The 32-year-old left-armer has overs under his belt at Old Trafford.
Bondarenko (Ukr) & Kateryna Bondarenko (Ukr) 4-6 6-2 6-3. been drafted in as a replacement for “It does, however, provide Ryan
Mixed Doubles Quarter-finals: Vania King (USA) & all-rounder Tim Bresnan, who picked Sidebottom with an opportunity to
Christopher Kas (Ger) bt Tathiana Garbin (Ita) & Marcin up a stress fracture in his left foot in push for Test selection following his
Matkowski (Pol) 6-4 3-6 10-7, Yaroslava Shvedova (Kaz) &
Julian Knowle (Aut) bt (2) Cara Black (Zim) & Leander Paes the eight-wicket win at Lord’s on outstanding performances in the
(Ind) 6-3 6-7 (2-7) 10-7. Boy’s Singles 2nd rd: (5) Tiago Monday. World Twenty20.
Fernandes (Bra) bt Oliver Golding (Gbr) 6-2 7-6 (7-0). Boy’s Sidebottom, who played the last of “The entire bowling unit will be
Doubles 2nd rd: Oliver Golding (Gbr) & Alexander his 22 Tests for England against South better for the overs bowled during the
Rumyantsev (Rus) bt Andrea Collarini (USA) & Denis Kudla
(USA) 6-1 6-7 (4-7) 10-2. Africa in January, gets his chance first Test and looking to further build
after impressing in England’s recent on this in Manchester.”
TODAY’S DIARY World Twenty20 triumph, where he Sidebottom’s inclusion stokes the
finished joint leading wicket-taker debate over the balance of the
CRICKET with Graeme Swann, with 10. England pace attack on Friday with
Friends Provident T20 - North Division: Leicestershire v Bangladesh have never played a selectors questioned for picking only
Derbyshire (Grace Road). South Division: Essex v Kent Test match at Old Trafford, but four bowlers in the first Test.
(Chelmsford). Nottinghamshire seamer Sidebottom SQUAD: A Strauss (capt), J Anderson, I
has a good record in his two matches Bell, A Cook, S Finn, E Morgan, K Pietersen,
SPORTS EDITOR JON COUCH at the Lancashire home, taking three M Prior, A Shahzad, R Sidebottom, G Swann,
email wickets against West Indies in 2007 J Trott. Sidebottom claimed 10 wickets in the World Twenty20. Picture: ACTION IMAGES

Punters lose £3m on Saint Nick Williams out for Wales Tests
Schiavone turns on style to
reach Roland Garros last four
RACING: Bookmakers estimate that pun- RUGBY UNION: Shane Williams has been
ters may have lost up to £3m in early ruled out of Wales’ Tests against South
wagers after long-time favourite St Africa and New Zealand with a shoulder
Nicholas Abbey pulled out of the Epsom injury.
Derby with a “slight muscle injury”. The absence of the Ospreys winger,
The Aidan O’Brien-trained colt failed who is Wales’ record try-scorer with 51
to impress jockey Johnny Murtagh in a to his name, gives Leigh Halfpenny his
workout on Friday where it was found he chance in Saturday’s clash with the well. I’m enjoying it so much. played today, world No1 Serena
was suffering from a tear in his hind Springboks at the Millennium Stadium. FRENCH “I have been doing this job all of my Williams takes on Australian Sam
Saint Nick was market leader for
James Hook has been granted permis-
sion to play despite awaiting a shoulder
OPEN 2010 life. It’s a very special emotion to
reach the semi-finals especially when
Stosur, while fourth seed Jelena
Jankovic faces Kazakhstan’s giant-
seven months for Saturday’s race, only to operation. BY JON COUCH you work hard every morning, every killer Yaroslava Shvedova.
be ousted as favourite on Friday by sta- FRANCESCA SCHIAVONE produced afternoon.” Meanwhile, in the other men’s
blemate Jan Vermeer. Red Bull pair look to move on the performance of her life to stun Schiavone will now play Russian quarter-final, Andy Murray’s con-
FORMULA ONE: Mark Webber is set to world No3 Caroline Wozniacki and Elena Dementieva in the last four after queror Tomas Berdych marched on
Widdop gets shock England call hold clear-the-air talks with Red Bull become the first Italian woman to the fifth seed came from a set down to after he destroyed Mikhail Youzhny
RUGBY LEAGUE: Melbourne Storm full- team-mate Sebastian Vettel following reach a Grand Slam semi-final in 56 beat Nadia Petrova 2-6, 6-2, 6-0 and for the loss of just six games.
back Gareth Widdop is the surprise inclu- their collision at the Turkish Grand Prix years. reach her first French Open semi-final The in-form Czech clinched his
sion in England’s 19-man squad for the on Sunday. The 29-year-old dominated from since 2004. place in a first Grand Slam semi-final
international against France on 12 June. A feud between the pair erupted after start to finish, outgunning the Danish Both players struggled with with a comfortable 6-3, 6-1, 6-2 victory
Widdop, 21, was born in Halifax but Vettel spun out attempting to pass race teenager with a powerful all-round injuries in an error-strewn match but over the Russian.
emigrated to Australia when he was 16. leader Webber in Istanbul, allowing rivals game before coming though 6-2, 6-2 at Dementieva, seeking a first Grand It signals a remarkable change in
He is one of three uncapped players in McLaren to claim a one-two. a rain-sodden Roland Garros. Slam success at the 46th time of ask- fortune for the 15th seed, who had
Steve McNamara’s squad and is pre- “We’re both adults and we need to Schiavone broke her opponent’s ing, won through after comfortably been eliminated in the second round
ferred to Hull KR’s Shaun Briscoe, one of find a way of racing together that does- serve six times, and said: “It’s an hon- taking the final two sets. in five of his six previous appearances
three players dropped. n’t compromise the team,” Webber said. our for me to play here. I played really In the remaining quarter-finals, at Roland Garros.
CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010 Sport | Football 31

Barry inclusion is Has Fabio missed a

key, insists Green trick with Johnson?
Leaving Theo Walcott out is a brave
shout by Capello – now we will see what
WORLD CUP guys to go on and play the game,”
he said.
with that,” Green added. “It’s a
tough choice to make but I’m sure
the Arsenal winger is made of.
After his single-handed demolition of
2010 “A lot’s been said about Stevie G it’s a pleasing choice for the man- Croatia in Zagreb, Capello was looking
BY JON COUCH [Gerrard] and Frank [Lampard] not ager because he’s got such difficult for Walcott to grow in stature, but
being able to do things, being held choices to make.” whether it be through injury or indiffer-
ROBERT GREEN believes the inclu- back, and he allows them to do that. Meanwhile, Green’s goalkeeping ent form, he hasn’t found himself and
sion of Gareth Barry is a massive “He’s kind of an unsung hero in rival David James says every mem- THE MAN IN THE KNOW matured in the way he would have liked.
boost to England’s World Cup that respect to go out and do the ber of Capello’s squad is ready for Now, it will be interesting to see how
hopes. job that he does and I think he’s duty. TREVOR STEVEN the young man reacts. It could crush his
Barry was named in Fabio proved his importance in that the The Portsmouth veteran, who confidence completely or it could make a

Capello’s squad for South Africa yes- manager has waited until news of won his 50th cap against Japan on N PAPER, Fabio Capello’s squad man of him. Thankfully for Walcott he’s
terday after he was cleared to play whether he’d be fit to announce his Sunday, said: “The way Fabio looks well-rounded, but I just can’t got someone like Arsene Wenger to put
following an ankle injury. squad. I’m looking forward to see- Capello sorts things out I’m certain help thinking he’s missed a trick an arm around his shoulder.
And West Ham goalkeeper Green ing him on the plane tomorrow.” we’ll be in the best shape we can. with young Adam Johnson. At the same time, the luckiest man in
insists the Manchester City mid- Green has also shown support to “I’m hoping it’s going to be me If you’re picking players on form, Capello’s 23-man squad this morning is
fielder has a big role to play for Sunderland striker Darren Bent, chosen [as No1 goalkeeper], of there’s no-one quite in the mould of the Shaun Wright-Phillips. I can’t remember
England in South Africa. who missed out on a place in the course, but it’s about the squad Manchester City winger right now and I the last time I saw Wright-Phillips ter-
“He’s a tremendous holding play- 23-man party. and everyone will be prepared if just think that blend of confidence, raw rorise defences like he used to and I
er in midfield which allows the “Darren will be disappointed called upon for the first game.” pace and a ‘no fear’ element that he pos- think he’ll be breathing a mighty sigh of
sesses would have been a nice weapon in relief at getting the nod over Walcott.
the armoury. Some may say that Leighton Baines is
ENGLAND'S 23-MAN SQUAD FOR THE WORLD CUP FINALS Johnson’s omission leaves Capello also unfortunate to miss out to Stephen
with no naturally left-footed attacking Warnock, but any fears of homesickness,
player, although you can only assume it as Baines has hinted at over the last cou-
THE GOALKEEPERS was the versatility of James Milner and
Joe Cole which swayed the Italian.
ple of weeks, have to be eradicated. It’s a
World Cup, there’s nowhere to hide.
Robert Green Joe Hart David James
Age: 30 Age: 23 Age: 39
Club: West Ham Club: Man City Club: Portsmouth
Caps/Goals: 10/0 Caps/Gls: 3/0 Caps/Gls: 50/0

Jamie Carragher Ashley Cole Rio Ferdinand Glen Johnson
Age: 32 Age: 29 Age: 31 Age: 25
Club: Liverpool
Caps/Gls: 36/0

Ledley King
Age: 29
Club: Tottenham
Club: Chelsea
Caps/Gls: 78/0

John Terry
Age: 29
Club: Chelsea
Club: Man Utd
Caps/Gls: 78/3

Matthew Upson
Age: 31
Club: West Ham
Club: Liverpool
Caps: 22/1

Stephen Warnock
Age: 28
Club: Aston Villa
32/2 ,117+(3$
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Gareth Barry Michael Carrick Joe Cole Steven Gerrard DAY NLY
Age: 29 Age: 28 Age: 28 Age: 30 - DO S TO G
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Caps/Gls: 36/2 Caps/Gls: 22/0 Caps/Gls: 54/10 Caps/Gls: 80/16
Frank Lampard Aaron Lennon James Milner S.Wright-Phillips !
Age: 31 Age: 23 Age: 24 Age: 28
Club: Chelsea Club: Tottenham Club: Aston Villa Club: Man City
Caps/Gls: 78/20 Caps/Gls: 17/0 Caps/Gls: 8/0 Caps/Gls: 31/6

Peter Crouch Jermain Defoe Emile Heskey Wayne Rooney
Age: 29 Age: 27 Age: 32 Age: 24
Club: Tottenham Club: Tottenham Club: Aston Villa Club: Man Utd
Caps/Gls: 38/21 Caps/Gls: 40/11 Caps/Gls: 58/7 Caps/Gls: 60/25


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hopping V illage • A W
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His father Zizinho admitted: “Gio is Also omitted were goalkeeper Meite also misses the cut.
very hurt and he wants to be at home
with us. He is there now and he’s not
Rowen Fernandez, defenders Bryce
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well. We don’t know if he will play [at fielder Franklin Cale. SLOVAKIA coach has gambled on the EEntry
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IVORY COAST boss Sven-Goran his World Cup 23. Skrtel has been out
McCarthy is shock omission Eriksson will go to South Africa with since February with a broken mete-
SOUTH AFRICA’S all-time leading four strikers – much like he did as tarsal but came through the 1-1 draw
scorer Benni McCarthy has been left England coach four years ago. with Cameroon on Saturday.
32 CITYA.M. 2 JUNE 2010


Ouch! Walcott
shock victim
of Capello’s
England cull

Walcott (left) was one of seven omitted, along with (clockwise from
top left) Bent, Johnson, Dawson, Baines, Parker and Huddlestone.

was also culled, as were Sunderland name in England’s 2006 World Cup who was playing golf when the with the 29-year-old the only special-
WORLD CUP striker Darren Bent, Manchester City squad, earning a call-up from Sven- Italian called him to break the news. ist holding midfielder in the squad,
2010 winger Adam Johnson and West Ham Goran Eriksson despite not having “I would like to wish the team the although he is still likely to miss the
BY FRANK DALLERES midfielder Scott Parker. played a Premier League match. best of luck and hope they have a real- opener agaonst USA on 12 June.
Tottenham pair Tom Huddlestone This time the surprise is that he will ly successful tournament.” Bent, who hit 24 league goals last
ARSENAL winger Theo Walcott’s and Michael Dawson were the others not be among the party flying out to Walcott looked to have a bright season, did not hide his fustration at
international career lies in tatters to receive the dreaded phone call. South Africa this evening. An injury- future under Capello when he hit a being the striker to miss out. “I feel
this morning after Fabio Capello Midfielder Gareth Barry was blighted 18 months has seen his hat-trick in a 5-1 victory over Croatia really disappointed,” he said. “I have
ruthlessly axed him from England’s passed fit after an 11th hour test, standing subside, but he had still in September 2008. But weeks later always said to myself, if you play well
World Cup squad. while Walcott’s omission means his expected to be included and was last he suffered a shoulder injury that and do your best for Sunderland then
Walcott, 21, was the shock name Manchester City team-mate Shaun night said to be stunned by the snub. sidelined him for six months, and there is a chance you can go to the
among seven victims as manager Wright-Phillips is also in. Aston Villa’s “I am very disappointed not to be was plagued by niggles during the biggest tournament in the world. But
Capello whittled down his party to Stephen Warnock, not Baines, will be included in the squad going out to last campaign, making just 15 starts. obviously on this occasion it has not
the final 23 yesterday. Ashley Cole’s understudy at left-back. South Africa, but completely respect Barry’s recovery from an ankle worked out.”
Everton defender Leighton Baines Walcott, then 17, was the shock Mr Capello’s decision,” said Walcott, injury is a major relief to Capello, TREVOR STEVEN: PAGE 31

Soderling claims top scalp Italy and Denmark wade

again and ends Federer run into World Cup ball row

Denmark coach Morten Olsen also
unstuck amid rain interruptions and not won in 12 previous matches ITALY goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon waded into the debate after his side
FRENCH heavy conditions, collapsing to a against Federer, however, and said: “I has become the latest star to launch a lost 1-0 to Australia in a friendly yes-
OPEN 2010 shock 3-6, 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 defeat.
“At some stage you hope they [loss-
came close a couple of times before
and I feel one or two times that I’ve
scathing attack on the new World
Cup ball.
terday, saying: “We played with an
impossible ball and we need to get
BY FRANK DALLERES es] don’t happen, but they do,” said actually been a little bit unlucky. It is The Adidas Jabulani has so far used to it.”
Federer. “It’s been an amazing streak. nice to beat the world No1 two years proved particularly unpopular among Spain midfielder Xabi Alonso
ROGER FEDERER’S astonishing run of If I could have signed for all those in a row on centre court.” keepers, with Julio Cesar of Brazil and admitted it was “different”, but said
23 consecutive Grand Slam semi- semis back then, I would have. The loss also threatens to derail the USA’s Marcus Hahnemann voic- he was adjusting to the ball, which
finals was brought to an abrupt end “I’m very proud of that streak and Federer’s tilt at racking up the most- ing their disapproval. Adidas has billed as its roundest and
last night when the world No1 it’s one of the greatest ones I have in weeks at the top of the ATP rankings. “I noticed the first day that this ball most accurate ever.
crashed out of the French Open to my history book.” He is one shy of matching Pete wasn’t right,” said Buffon, a veteran “The ball is different but little by lit-
giant-killer Robin Soderling. It is the second year in succession Sampras’ record of 286, but will have of 100 caps. tle, we are getting accustomed to it,”
Defending champion Federer that big-hitting Swede Soderling has to wait to equal it if Nadal wins his “The World Cup brings together said the former Liverpool player. “I
looked on course to progress from the summoned a heroic performance to fifth title at Roland Garros, thereby the best players in the world and to think as days go by and once we play
quarter-finals when he breezed oust the reigning champion, having replacing Federer as No1. those players you must provide some- more games with it, I am certain we
through the opening set, but came beaten Rafael Nadal last year. He had ROUND-UP: PAGE 30 thing decent. The new ball is not will feel more comfortable with it.”
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