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The Guardian


by Nancy Hufnagel

I bear the torch for the millennium,

rekindling the fervent fires of freedom.
I belong to every race and religion.
I am the fabric of this nation.
The lifeblood of the people.

with charity for all:

with firmness in the
right, as God gives
us to see the right.
Let us strive on to
finish the work we
are in: to bind up
the nations wounds:
to care for him who
shall have borne the
battle, and for his
widow and his
orphanto do all
which may achieve
and cherish a just
and lasting peace
among ourselves,
and with all nations.
Abraham Lincoln,
March 4, 1865

I wept on that infamous morning,

as tragedy pierced the American soul.
In the silence of another dimension,
I embraced the innocents lost.
They will not be forgotten.
I shined through eyes of valiant ones,
who choosing to serve life, risked their own;
heroes who knew an eternal presence,
in the instant of their selfless choice.
A moment in time transcendent.
I saw the glorious colors of courage,
banners of crimson, blue and white,
raised high and proud above the rubble,
waving free throughout the land.
Witness to a spirit unbroken.
I watched the patriot rise from the ash,
and humbly bow to a great inner light.
Through the night, my lamp burned brilliant,
melting frozen walls of separation,
Transforming life forever.
I look beyond these perilous times
and behold humanity evolving.
The compassion of magnificent hearts,
reflected in the glow of infinite candles.
Radiant symbols of solidarity.
I stand guard for my beloved country,
with hope and strengthened resolve.
Evil cannot withstand the almighty power
of a people awakened, united in truth.
Terrorists, you shall not prevail!
I am the protector of the golden door.
I am Mother Liberty,
The Indestructible Spirit
of America.
In memory of the victims
of September 11, 2001

Natural Life News & Directory

September O c tober 2002

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