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R2 Games Mentor Code of Business Conduct and Confidentiality Agreement

1. R2 Games Mentors must sign and return this COBC and Confidentiality Agreement notice which
is kept on file.
2. R2Games Mentors will study, know, follow and enforce (when necessary) the game TOS.
3. R2 Games Mentors are expected to communicate professionally with all players, R2 Staff, and
fellow Mentors and report all relevant information. We are expected to be helpful, courteous and
have positive attitudes at all times. We represent the company. We pride ourselves on our level of
professionalism and expect the same from our staff. We work together as a team to produce the
highest gaming environment for all players.
4. R2 Games Mentors are to follow direction from GMs on duty or CRMs and take instruction as
needed. If you should encounter an issue that you are unsure of, please contact the on duty GM
first. CRMs are available for assistance if a GM is unavailable or if needed for a mute/ban in-game.
If staff contacts you for assistance, please be as professional and helpful as possible.
5. R2 Games Mentors are allowed to play their personal account(s) while on shift as long as it
does not interfere in their duty time. We strive to provide as much assistance to players as
possible and must remain vigilant on all assigned servers.
6. R2 Games Mentors at some point may have confidential or proprietary information in regards to
the company including, but not limited to, Mentor Account passwords, document website
accesses, passwords, etc., staff member or player information. You may be given advanced notice
of events or new products. Under no circumstances is any information to be released to anyone,
including the general gaming community.
7. R2 Games Mentors duty is to serve players as knowledge providers and protect them from
offensive behavior. Your role places you in a position of trust to be able to serve our customers
better. Players on our servers are our customers and should be treated as such. At no time shall
you use your position within the company to gain advantage or restrict players by using your
given powers.
8. R2 Games Mentors are expected to take an active role in forum management (example:
Answering inquiries). Forum activity is an important role in monitoring and should never be
9. R2 Games Mentors will at times run into a challenging situation or a difficult player. You must
keep a level head at all times and DO NOT respond or react to insults or abuse. Keep a positive
attitude and remember that these players are customers who may be experiencing difficulties.

Signed: _____________Nikola Aleksic _______________

Print Name: __Nikola Aleksic


Chosen Mentor Title: _____DArtagnan_________________________________

Date: __09/10/2016____________
For Mentor compensation purposes, please provide the following: Server Number &
Name: __S8-Mt.Terror___________________________
IGN: ____sheytan_________________________________

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