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Peaceful Coexisten

By Ruwan Kadam


If our humanity needs to flourish into blissful tomorrow,

Peaceful Coexistence should be our genuine aspiration.
We the children of this new world should light the torch today
And carry this fire within us to spread in our grownup world tomorrow

Dear friends, teachers and all the beings of this world,
I believe this beautiful world we live in, needs peaceful coexistence right now. Peaceful
coexistence means Live and Let Live for all beings of this world. But let us stop a while
and look around. While there are a few communities such as Bhutan who live a life of
peace and promote coexistence, the examples are not many. For all times, we have
seen conquest and wars by humans for the basic bad purpose of Spread for Greed.
Spread for Greed power deforestation by which earth species get extinct. Spread for
Greed moves countries to expand for control, resources, land and due to which
civilizations get uprooted and disrupted. Spread for Greed allows superiority, religion,
culture, caste and belief systems tighten its ugly grip on humanity and mankind. At a
personal level Spread for Greed breeds Dog eat Dog attitude enabling disproportionate
wealth accumulation, economic bias and lack of human empathy. As you can see that
in our world since beginning of time, the pursuit of Peaceful Coexistence has been
plagued by this infamous intrinsic human value of fulfilling greed by spreading beyond
what humans actually need.

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Dear friends, teachers and all the beings of this world,

Peaceful Coexistence is our opportunity. We are the young minds of tomorrow. We can
drive it. We will take the right stuff with us and leave the wrong one behind. We will
simplify. We will reduce our desire for Spread with Greed by simplifying our needs. What if
a new society emerges in which it is no longer required to horde more than we need?
We, the children of this world can build a new social world order. A way of life in which
each year we will consume less than the previous year. When human consumption of
resources is decreased, more will remain. When more remains, contribution to the needy
can be done, forests will be saved and no country or person will be required to conquest
on others to survive or grow. If we simplify the belief that God will be known as Goodness
within and around us as the universal ultimate truth then there can be no belief system
conquest of protecting, spreading, categorizing, sacrificing humanity. We can have a
social way of living, where Live and Let Live becomes the penultimate rule.
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Dear friends, teachers and all the beings of this world,

So let us children come together and pledge ourselves to Peaceful Coexistence.
Let us never waste any resource Water, Food, Electricity, Fuel, and Unwanted Items. For
greater use of earth resource makes it scarce, which in turn threatens peaceful
Let us be clever and discriminate between what we need and what we want. We should
go with what we need. What we want almost always threatens peaceful coexistence.
Let us all respect all faiths and beliefs both religious and cultural. Let all of them take us to
the path of absolute kindness for all around us. Let us all live with the goodness in us and
let us all let live believing the goodness in others. Let there be no superior or inferior
person, caste, society, county, culture or religion. Anything else will always threaten
peaceful coexistence.
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Creation of a fresh new world order needs a fresh canvas.
We children of this world are the paint, painter and the
canvas all rolled into one. Let us come together and paint
up a world that can peacefully coexist with all the elements
of mother earth in a sustained and happy way. This earth of
ours has more. It can give for all to be happy. But first let us
be true citizens of mother earth. Let us start as children. In
our innocence we will carry the torch of real divine
peaceful coexistence to our adult life. Let us spread this fire
of real divine peaceful coexistence around us in our world
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