Unit Test 3B: Were Talking

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Unit test 3B

1 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past

Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.


We were talking (talk) to our friends when a

plane ______ (fly) noisily overhead.

One day I ______ (lie) in my hammock

when suddenly a snake ______ (bite) me.

De Palma ______ (start) his journey in

Russia and ______ (finish) it two years later
in China.


3 Write the questions for the sentences in exercise 2

with the question words from the box. You can use a
question word more than once.
What Where How long How Who
1 What brought the country to a stop?
2 ____________________________
3 ____________________________

______ (you, go) out last night or ______

(you, stay) at home?

4 ____________________________

A man suddenly______ (come) running

down the mountain while I ______ (climb)

6 ____________________________

5 ____________________________
7 ____________________________
8 ____________________________

What were the natives ______ (do) when

he ______ (arrive) at the village?
1 point for each correct answer

1 point for each correct answer


2 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of

the verbs in brackets.

4 Write the Past Simple form of these regular verbs in

the correct group.

mend live explode die walk want
stop watch laugh listen injure record
star work

The strike brought (bring) the country to a


Manchester United ______ (beat) Chelsea

in the FA Cup Final.

He______ (cut) his finger with a knife.

/d/ injured


The journey______ (take) three months.



The injured police officer ______ (bleed) a


/d/ exploded

She ______ (go) into a dangerous part of

the forest.

We ______ (drive) from the east coast of

the USA to the west.

The soldiers ______ (fight) bravely but

many died.
1 point for each correct answer


1 point for each correct answer


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Unit test 3B Continued

Yes. It was $100.

5 Choose the correct options.

It was Saturday afternoon and there were

lots of people in the gallery. Some (1) looked
/ were looking at the paintings, and some (2)
talked / were talking on their mobiles. Can it
really be true that nobody (3) saw / was
seeing the well-dressed woman who (4) took
/ was taking a 1,000,000 Matisse picture? It
seems incredible, but the cameras in the
gallery (5) recorded / were recording all day,
and (6) didnt show / were not showing a

1 point for each correct answer

The thief (7) stole / was stealing the valuable

picture from a London gallery yesterday.
Then she (8) got / was getting into a cab and
she (9) drove / was driving away. The
woman, who (10) wore / was wearing a black
coat and (11) had / was having a large hat
on, (12) took / was taking the drawing
without anyone noticing, the London Voice
(13) reported / was reporting.
1 point for each correct answer


6 Read the answers. Then use the notes to write the


what / you / do / last night?

What did you do last night?

We watched the football.


why / you / go / Shanghai?

I went on business.

when / they / plant / the bomb?

Around seven oclock, I think.

how / you / break / arm?

I was skate boarding and I fell badly.

why / you / not listen?

I wasnt listening because I was tired.

who / be / on strike?
The train workers were.

he / pay / a fine?
Editable Oxford University Press 2012

Unit test 3B Continued

7 Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs in brackets.

He spoke. (often, slowly)

9 Write the dates in words.

He often spoke slowly.

the fourth of July

My son is thirty years old and he lives at

home. (already, still)

Whats the date in five years time?



Do you win when you play tennis with

your dad? (always, easily)

Whats the date tomorrow?


Whens your birthday?


She checked her emails, she started work.

(first, then)

What year were you born?



What year was your father born?



Check your work for mistakes. (always,


1 point for each correct answer


Does he speak Hindi? (really, fluently)

We work and we party. (hard, hard, too)
1 point for each correct answer

We almost / almostly died!

The gunfire hurt me bad / badly.

The answer was complete / completely


The train was fastly / fast but travelled


Did you always get up late / lately when

you were a student?

The dentist told me to clean my teeth

regular / regularly.

Were just / justly in time to catch the bus.

Were they getting on well / good when

you saw them?

Please go in quietly / quiet. The film began

ten minutes ago.

8 Write the dates in two ways.

1 11/01

the eleventh of January

January the eleventh

2 27/12


3 05/07


4 31/10


5 02/01


10 Did you pass your piano exam easily /


1 point for each correct answer

10 Choose the correct options.


What date is US Independence Day?

1 point for each correct answer

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Unit test 3B Continued

11 Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the

adjectives in the box.



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careful fluent brave heavy

patient passionate
1 I checked the damage to my car carefully .

The native spoke ______ to the

adventurers in Spanish.

She kissed him goodbye ______ .

Snow fell ______ and soon covered


We ______ agreed to run a marathon for


He waited ______ until it was his turn to

1 point for each correct answer

12 Translate the sentences.

Why did you refuse to go down the chute?

Do you think Bob Dylan is a folk hero?

I didnt sleep in the hammock last night

because it was cold.

When did you last cook a meal for your


Whats the date of your parents

1 point for each correct answer

13 Write the preposition. Some sentences dont need a


She arrived at the party at eleven oclock.

Shall we go out to dinner __ Thursday


I cant believe we were on holiday __ a

week ago!

Are you doing anything special __ tonight?

Our anniversary is __ 11 November.

__ winter we always go skiing in Norway.

We went to Trafalgar Square __ 2000 to

celebrate New Year.
1 point for each correct answer

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