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High Speed Sensor

Pratyush Parimal
11403287, RE2407A14
Lovely Professional University
Dept. of ECE
Jalandhar, India

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to perform a review on
the high speed sensor. High speed sensors, high speed cmos image
sensors , ccd image sensors ,fibre optic sensors and their
applications have been discussed in this paper. We look into the
important role that the cmos image sensor play in design of
digital cameras. We also see the comparision between ccd sensor,
cmos image sensor and optical fibre sensors.
IndexTerms Sensors, CMOS image sensors, CCD sensor ,
Optical fibre sensors, Digital cameras.

Sensors are devices that are used to detect changes in inputs
and provides a corresponding output. Thermometer, Elevators,
Automatic doors, Thermocouples, Oxygen sensors
,Galvanometer, Metal detector, Rain sensor ,Seismometers,
Flow sensors, Water meter, Barometer, Strain gauge, LVDT
and Radar are some of the examples of sensors. A sensor's
sensitivity means how much its output changes when the
input quantity being measured changes. High speed sensors
detect changes in input quantities at a higher rate and gives the
corresponding output at a higher rate .High speed sensors are
of many types. Some of them are High speed image sensor,
High speed fibre optic sensor, High speed proximity sensor,
High speed pressure sensor, High speed counting sensors.
CMOS sensors are high speed image sensors. Image
sensors are devices which converts an optical image into
electronic signals. Image sensors are used in camera modules,
digital cameras and other imaging devices. Optical fibre
sensors are those sensors which work on the optical fibre
operations. Proximity sensors are those sensors which detect
metal targets approaching the sensor, without any physical
contact with the target. According to the operating principle
proximity sensors can be further classified. Proximity sensors
give stable detection in harsh environments.

Image sensors change optical signal input into electrical
signal. These are used in camera modules, video camera,
mobile camera, digital cameras and other imaging equipments.
In earlier days we were using analog sensors like video camera
tube. Now a days we are using semiconductor charge coupled
devices and cmos sensors. Dynamic range, low light sensitivity
and signal to noise ratios are the parameters to judge the
performance of image sensors. As the size increases the
dynamic range and signal to noise ratio improves. On the basis
of colour separation there are different types of colour image
sensors. They are foveon sensor, bayer filter sensor and ccd
sensors. Foveon sensor uses array of layered pixel sensors. It
separates light via the inherent wavelength dependent
absorption property of silicon in a way such that every location
senses all three colour channels. Bayer filter sensor is the
cheapest and mostly used colour sensor. It uses a colour filter
array which passes red, green or blue light to selected pixel
arrays. This process forms interlaced grids sensitive to red,
green and blue. Demosaicing algorithm are used for plotting
the missing colour samples. Colour cosite sampling uses piezo
mechanism to shift colour sensor in pixel steps. Back
illuminated sensors are used in bayer filter sensors where light
enters the sensitive silicon from the opposite side. All digital
cameras use flat sensors. Recently sony launched a prototype
of a curved sensor which will avoid the petzval field curvature
occurring in a flat sensor.


CCD is charge coupled device. Now a days most cameras
use either a cmos image sensor or ccd image sensor. In ccd
image sensor each cell is an analog device. When light strikes
chip it is held as a small charge. Both sensors capture light and

changes light into electrical signal. Charges get converted to

voltage one pixel at a time as they are read from chip

Additional circuit in camera converts voltage into digital

information. CMOS image sensor is a kind of active pixel
sensor formed using CMOS semiconductor process. There is a
extra circuit for changing light energy into voltage. Chip also
includes additional circuit to convert voltage to digital data. We
cant say confirmly that a particular technology has more
advantage in image quality. CCD sensors are more susceptible
to vertical smear from bright light sources when sensor gets
overloaded. CMOS sensors do not suffer from this problem.

Fig.1 Bayer Sensor

CMOS sensors are cheaper than CCD image sensors. CMOS

sensors are susceptible to undesired effects which come as a
result of rolling shutter. CMOS sensors need fewer components

for its implementation. While CCD sensors need more

components for its implementation. CMOS image sensors
consume less power while CCD image sensors consume more

CMOS image sensors provide faster readout while CCD

image sensors provide slower read out. Hence CMOS sensors
are used as high speed sensors. CCD is a more mature
technology while CMOS image sensor is a less mature
technology. CMOS image sensors are cheaper with respect to
manufacturing while CCD image sensors are more expensive
with respect to manufacturing process. Advanced version of
CMOS image sensors is SCMOS which consists of CMOS
read out integrated circuits that are bump bounded to a CCD
imaging substrate a technology that was developed for infrared
staring arrays and now adopted to silicon based detector
technology. Another approach is utilizing the very fine
dimensions available in modern CMOS technology to
implement a CCD like structure completely in CMOS
technology. We can achieve this by separating individual
polysilicon gates by a very small gap. These hybrid sensors are
in research phase and can potentially harness the benefits of
both CCD and CMOS technology. Back illuminated CMOS is
a new sensor technology which uses less electricity than
traditional CMOS, with better performance than CCD. CMOS
is a cell phone consumer. CCD sensor has virtue low noise,
great TDI. CCD sensor has vices high powers , slow serial ,non
standard fabrication. CMOS image sensors has virtue low
power, fast (parallel), easy to fabricate. Sram,dram is
microchip used in CMOS.CMOS image sensor has vice high
noise. In CMOS lots of amplifiers are used. This is the vice of
CMOS. CMOS sensors are now widely used in cellular phones
and other mobile devices, and due to this reason sales of these
devices have been increasing rapidly. Demand for CMOS
.sensors has been increasing in fields that require high speed
imaging functions like digital single lens reflex cameras.
CMOS image sensor advantages over CCD include lower
power consumption and higher speed, main strength is system
integration because analog and digital circuits can be
implemented on a single chip. We can achieve high speed

characteristics using CMOS sensors that can not be achieved

by CCD technology and can provide superb image quality
which surpasses that of CCDS by taking advantage of these
characteristics. Now a days Sony has implemented a CMOS
image sensor which achieves both improved image quality and
high speed image readout. By taking advantage of these CMOS
sensor characteristics and integrating column parallel analog to
digital convertors on the same chip. This CMOS sensor can
read out 2.8 mega pixels images at the speed of 180 image per
second. Furthermore this device achieves noise level
comparable to those of CCD image sensors. High speed CMOS
imaging technology is based on column parallel analog to
digital conversion. Noise cancellation is implemented using
analog CDS circuits and then digital outputs are provided by
integrating analog to digital convertors on the same chip.

guided inside the core region by total internal reflection at the

core-cladding interface. Depending on the size of the core
region,one single or multiple light paths (modes) are permitted
to propagate, referred to as single-mode or multimode fibre.
Typically, the bare optical fibre has an outer diameter of
125m with a core diameter of 9m in the case of single-mode
fibres and 50mor 62.5m for multimode fibres.
Different protective coatings are applied to protect the fibre
from possible mechanical damage and its protection

Fig.2 Optical fibre

Recently, fibre optical sensors (FOS) have gained increased
popularity and market acceptance. In comparision to
conventional sensors they offer a number of distinct advantages
which makes them unique for certain types of applications,
mainly where conventional sensors are difficult or impossible
to deploy. These are sensors which basically works with the
help of optical fibre. In optical fibre generally there are three
parts ie core, cladding and buffer. There are two types of
1.)Intrinsic sensors
2.)Extrinsic sensors
In intrinsic sensors, optical fibres are used as sensing (any device that receives or stimulates a signal.)In
extrinsic sensors optical fibres are used as a path of relaying
signals from a remote sensor to to the electronics so as to make
the signals. Fibre optical sensors are mainly used to monitor
the environmental changes and based on properties they are
changed. Some of the important properties of fibre optical
sensors are small size, highly sensitive, conduction of location,
multiplexing capability. An optical fibre consists of a
centre or core region having a slightly higher refractive index
than its surrounding region or cladding. . Light is

The column-parallel A/D conversion technique introduced in

achieves radical improvements in the speed and picture quality
of CMOS sensors. Sony is now developing CMOS sensors
that adopt this technique and take maximum advantage of
CMOS sensor high-speed characteristics for application such
as seamless imaging that can capture video at the ultrahigh
speed of several hundred frame per second.Sony is now
developing products that aim at creating a new imaging world
by combining the high sensitivity and high picture tool
quality technologies created during Sonys CCD development
efforts with the high-speed imaging technology that CMOS
sensors can achieve.
Optical fibre sensors can be used to monitor the strain
development of composite laminates.
CMOS image sensors are used in digital cameras and
imaging devices.
Proximity sensors are used in parking sensors to sense
distance to near by car for parking.

CMOS image sensors are used in mobile cameras and

video cameras for faster and better resolution.
Now a days most of the cameras like sony, canon, nikon are
using CMOS sensor technology.

So we have understood that for sensing inputs fastly and
giving corresponding output we need to use and develop high
speed sensor. Now a days we are using high speed sensors in
many fields.High speed sensor will compel the architects and
designers to rethink their approach to their design work

I am thankful to the university management system for
providing me with the activity such as Term paper. I sincerely
thank my faculty in charge for providing me with an interesting
topic. I learned how to make papers for publishing. It was a
good experience exploring a new technology. Such term papers
should be further provided to give and explore knowledge
about recent technologies.s

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