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Past Year Examination Questions

Unit 4: Chemical Bonding

Jan 99

With reference to the structure/lattice and bonding, discuss the electric conductivity of:
i. magnesium
ii. graphite
iii. sodium chloride


For SF4, NH3 and CCl4 molecules, draw their shapes and state whether these molecules are
polar or non-polar.


Elements phosphorus and nitrogen are in the group 15 of the Periodic Table.
i. Draw the Lewis structures for PCl5 and NCl3 molecules.
ii. Explain why phosphorus can form compounds PCl 3 and PCl5 but nitrogen can only form


Elements combine among themselves or with other elements to attain their stabilities.
By using fluorine and magnesium elements as examples, discuss how the following bondings
are formed:
i. electrovalence / ionic bond
ii. covalent bond
iii. metallic bond


Fluorine and chlorine are elements from the group 17 while boron is an element from the
group13. Boron reacts with fluorine to form BF 3 compound. Chlorine reacts with fluorine to
form ClF3 compound.
i. Compare the bond angles for F B F in BF3 with F Cl F in ClF3. Explain.
ii. What are the hybridisations of B atom in BF3 and Cl atom in ClF3.

Jan 00

How would an atom acquire an octet arrangement when it forms bond with the other atom?


Xenon, Xe in the noble gas group has octet electronic configuration. Xe is able to form
compounds like fluorides with formulae XeF2 and XeF4.
State the number of bonding electron pairs and lone electron pairs which surround the
central atom Xe in XeF 2 and XeF4. Why Xe atom allows these numbers of electrons
surrounding it?
Give the shapes of XeF2 and XeF4 molecules.
State the hybridisation of Xe atom in XeF2 and XeF4.
Apart from XeF2 and XeF4, give another molecular formula for a fluoride compound
of Xe.


What is meant by hybridisation?

Sketch and label the diagram of orbital overlapping in ethene, C 2H4 and explain the
hybridisation of the carbon atom.


State the factors that determine the polarity of molecules.

State and explain which compound has the most ionic character amongst the compounds:
N2O4, H2O2, HF, CO2 and IBr.


Past Year Examination Questions


The table below shows two elements with their respective proton numbers.
Proton number



Based on the above table, what types of bonds are formed between elements U and V. Explain
how the bonding is formed.

For nitrate ion, NO3, draw the resonance structures; give the shapes of the ion and state the
hybridisation of the central atom. Determine the polarity of this ion and indicate the direction
of the dipole moment on its structural formula.


Arrange in order of increasing boiling points for the solid crystals of copper, Cu, iodine, I 2 and
diamond, C.
Explain your answer with reference to the attractive forces between atoms.
Which of the solid crystals can conduct electricity in the solid state? Explain.


a) For SF4 molecule

Draw its Lewis structure
State the number of electron pairs on the central atom.
Predict the actual geometry of the molecule.
What is the hybridisation of the central atom S?
b) Iodine can form compounds with more than one oxidation state like in ICl 3 and ICl4
Draw the shape of ICl4 ion.
Explain the difference in bond angles between ICl 3 and ICl4.


Boron hydride, BH3 and ammonia, NH3 react in the ratio 1:1 to form a product.
a. Explain how the bond can be formed between NH 3 and BH3 by means of Lewis
b. What type of bonding is formed between BH3 and NH3?
c. What happen to the bond angles in ammonia and BH 3 after forming the product?
d. Compare the boiling point of BH3 with NH3. Explain the differences.
e. What types of hybridisation are experienced by the element B in BH 3 and N in NH3?

Jun 00

Given the Lewis structures of three resonance structures of thiocyanate ion, SCN :

i. Calculate the formal charge of each atom in each resonance structure.
ii. Give the most plausible Lewis structure.

Given the electronic configurations for hydrogen atom and phosphorus atom:
H : 1s1
P : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
i. Sketch the molecular geometry of phosphine, PH 3 and state its shape.
ii. State whether the PH3 molecule is polar.


Determine which of the compounds, hydrogen bromide, HBr or carbon tetrafluoride, CF 4 has
a higher boiling point. Explain.


Past Year Examination Questions


How the covalent bond and the electrovalence bond are formed?
State the factors that affect the strength of electrovalence bond.
Discuss the strength of electrovalence bond for Na 2O and MgO.


The central atom of IF4+ ion does not obey the octet rule.
Show the orbital diagram for the central atom in the ground state and excited state.
Show the hybridisation that occurs for the central atom of this ion as well as the overlapping
of its orbitals with the orbitals of the terminal atoms.
By using the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory, show how the geometry
for this species can be determined. Sketch its geometry.


Show how the Lewis structures for phosphate ion, PO 43 can be obtained.
Sketch and name the geometry of phosphate ion. Hence compare the geometry of phosphate
ion with that of sulphite ion, SO32.
Draw the Lewis structure for magnesium phosphate compound.
Identify the types of bonding that exist in the compound. Explain.

Mac 01

An element of iodine combines with chlorine to form ICl 2+ and ICl2 ions.
i. Draw the Lewis structures and predict the shapes for these two ions based on the valenceshell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory.
ii. State the hybrid orbitals for the central atom iodine, I in both ions.
iii. Determine whether these two ions are polar.


Explain the van der Waals forces and give its types.
Explain how the atomic size or molecular size can influence the strength of these forces.


By drawing suitable diagrams, explain all the possible types of hybrid orbitals formed
between s orbital and p orbitals.
Draw an orbital diagram for benzene molecule, and label all the - and -bonds.

Aug 02

The table below shows the melting points, boiling points and solubility in water and CCl 4 for
compounds E and F.

Melting point

Boiling point

Solubility in water

Solubility in CCl4


Very low

i. Predict the type of compound for E and F.

ii. The boiling point of compound E is higher than that of compound F. Explain.
iii. Compound E has a higher solubility in water. Explain.

Give the factors that influence the strength of the van der Waals forces.
Oxygen and sulphur are elements in the group 16 in the Periodic Table.
Compare the boiling points of H2O and H2S based on the intermolecular forces.


Past Year Examination Questions


The proton numbers for elements S, T and U are 9, 17 and 38 respectively.

Write the electronic configurations for element T and U.
Give the formula for the compound formed when element T and U combine as well as state
the type of bonding formed.
If TS4 and TS2+ ions exist, Draw the Lewis structures for these two ions and determine the
hybridisations of T atom in TS4 and TS2+. Hence predict the possible shape for both ions.

Sept 03

Phosgene, COCl2 is a colourless and highly toxic gas. Draw all the possible Lewis structures
for COCl2 and determine the most likely (plausible) resonance structure by showing the
formal charges on each atom.


(a) Explain the hybridisation of phosphorus atom in phosphorus pentachloride, PCl 5. Hence,
show the shape of the molecule.
(b) Sodium chloride, metallic copper, diamond and sulphur are four examples of solid
substances which have a giant structure. With the aid of diagrams, show the bonds that
built the giant structure for each of the substances.


(a) Using suitable examples, explain the formation of compounds through covalent and
dative covalent bondings.
(b) By using a suitable example, explain hydrogen bonding and its effects on two physical
properties of the substance.

Oct 04

Consider the SF4 molecule. Draw the orbital energy level diagram for valence shell electrons
of sulphur in the ground state and the hybridised state.


What is meant by resonance hybrid?

i. Write two resonance structures for NCO ion. Designate formal charge on each atom, if
ii. Which structure is more stable? Explain.


The following table apply to the compounds QClx and RCly.


Melting point

Boiling point

Solubility in water

Solubity in CCl4


Complete miscible

Compare the physical properties of QClx and RCly in terms of bonding, physical state at room
temperature, volatility and solubility. Explain.
Oct 05

Nitrogen and phosphorus are in group 15 of the Periodic Table and can form covalent
i. What is the maximum number of covalent bonds that can be formed by a central atom of
nitrogen and phosphorus respectively? Explain the differences.
ii. Draw the Lewis structures for NH3 and PCl5.


Past Year Examination Questions


The reaction of xenon, Xe with fluorine, F forms xenon tetrafluoride, XeF 4.

i. Draw the structure of XeF4.
ii. Predict the polarity of the bonds and the molecule of XeF4. Explain.


(a) Explain the formation of bonding in HCOOH molecule using the hybridisation and orbital
overlapping concepts.
(b) Explain the differences between covalent bonding and dative covalent bonding using AlCl 3
and Al2Cl6 molecules as examples.

Oct 06

(a) Explain why the boiling point of Cl2 (-34.6C) is lower than that of Br2 (58.8C) and the
vapour pressure of acetone, CH 3COCH3 is higher than that of ethanol, CH3CH2OH at room
(b) There are two possible structures for BeCl 2 but the more stable structure is one which does
not obey the octet rule. Explain your answer.


(a) What is meant by hybridisation?

Cyanide ion, CN- is formed when the carbon atom undergoes hybridisation and bonds to
nitrogen atom. Show the hybridisation in CN - and draw the overlapping of orbitals.
(b) Briefly describe metallic bonding.
The boiling point of sodium, magnesium and aluminium are 881, 1105 and 2467C
respectively. Explain the differences in the boiling points.

Oct 07

(a) Draw the possible Lewis structures for COCl 2 and determine the more stable structure.
Explain your answer.
(b) Predict the shape of IF4+ ion.


What is meant by hybridisation?

Glycine, NH2CH2COOH is one of the essential amino acids. State the types of hybridisation
of C, N and O atoms in the glycine molecule. Draw and label the overlapping of orbitals
showing all the and bonds formed in the glycine molecule.
Predict the C-N-H and C-C-O angles in the glycine molecule. Explain your answer.


(a) Explain why

ammonia, NH3, has higher boiling point than methane, CH4
diamond has a very high melting point compared to aluminium, Al
(b) i.

Draw the orbital diagram for phosphorus in PCl6Name the hybrid orbital used by phosphorus in PCl6Draw and name the geometry of PCl6- ion


Past Year Examination Questions


(a) Magnesium is a good electrical conductor. Draw a diagram of an electron sea model to
explain the bonding formed in the metal. How would the model explain the electrical
conductivity of the metal?
(b) Based on the skeletal structure of peroxynitrite ion, OONO - , draw all the possible Lewis
structures. Assign formal charge to each atom in the structure. Determine the most stable
Lewis structure for the ion and explain your answer.
What us the hybridisation of the N atom in the peroxynitrite ion? Estimate the O-O-N and
O-N-O bond angles.


42. (a) Hydrazoic acid, N3H, can be represented by several possible Lewis structures in which
the atoms are arranged as NNNH. Draw TWO Lewis structures of N3H and predict the
hybridization of N atom bonded to the hydrogen atom in each structure.
[ 4 marks ]
(b) Referring to butane, propanal and propanol, explain
i. The type of intermolecular forces in the compounds.
ii. The relative boiling point among these compounds.
[ 6 marks ]
43. (a) Arrange the following compounds in increasing boiling points. Explain.
[ 6 marks ]
(b) Explain the polarity of BF3 and NF3 molecules.
[ 5 marks ]
(c) Draw and name the molecular geometry for the species in bold.
i. BF3 + Fii. ICl3 + Cl-

BF4ICl4[ 4 marks ]


The shape of water, H2O, ammonia, NH3 and methane, CH4 molecules are the consequence of
the sp3 orbital hybridisation.
Draw the lewis structure and state the shape of each molecule
[3 marks]
Predict the bond angles of each molecule and explain the differences in the
bond angles
[7 marks]


Past Year Examination Questions


The valence orbitals of N in the nitrogen trifluoride, NF 3 molecule are hybridised. N uses the
hybridised orbitals to form bonds in NF3 molecules. Identify the hybridised orbitals on N
By applying the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), predict the molecular
geometry of the molecule.
Determine whether the molecule is polar or non polar. Explain your answer.
[15 marks]

MST 2011/2012


(a) AlF3 is an ionic compound while AlCl3 is a covalent compound.

(i) Draw the Lewis structures of AlF3 and AlCl3.
(ii) AlCl3 forms a dimer, Al2Cl6. Show how the dative covalent bond in the
(b) Explain why BeH2 and SF6 disobey octet rule.
(c) Draw two possible Lewis structures for sulphate ion, SO4-. Determine the most
plausible Lewis structure.
[ 4



Draw the electron dot symbols for Cl and O atoms.


marks ]

Draw the Lewis structures for ClO3- and ClO4- ions. State the molecular
geometry and predict the bond angles in each ion.

marks ]

Elements X and Y have proton number of 12 and 7, respectively. Write the

chemical formula of the compound formed between X and Y. Show the
formation of the compound using Lewis symbol.

marks ]

Draw all the resonance structures of nitrite ion, NO2-.


marks ]

Based on valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory, describe the
geometry of methane, CH4 , ammonia, NH3, and water, H2O molecules.
[ 20


Past Year Examination Questions



For each of the molecules given; PCl3,PCl5 and POCl3,



draw a Lewis structure and name the shape based on molecular

predict the bond angle and deduce the polarity.
[12 marks]

Show the formation of a dative bond in the reaction of;

AlCl3 + Cl-

AlCl4 [3



By using Lewis dot symbol, show how the formation of the compounds,
BCl3 and LiCl, from their respective atoms. Identify the types of bond in
each compound.
Explain the hybridisation state of the central atom in the BCl3 molecule.
State its molecular geometry.


Formic acid is widely used in the preservation of biological specimens. Its

chemical structure is shown below:


Draw and describe the formation of bonds by involving the overlapping of

orbitals. What is the possible intermolecular forces that exist between
these acid molecules?
MST 2012/2013



TABLE 2 shows the chlorides for beryllium and magnesium.



Past Year Examination Questions




State the type of bond in each chloride.

Draw the Lewis structure of beryllium chloride and magnesium
[ 4 marks ]

Dinitrogen oxide molecule, N2O, has three resonance structures. The atomic
arrangement in the molecule is NNO. One of the resonance structures is
shown below:


Draw the other two resonance structures.


Calculate the formal charge of each atom in the resonance structure in



Determine the most plausible Lewis structure between the two

resonance structures. Give your reasons.





Referring to iodate ion, IO3(i)

Draw all the possible Lewis structures.
Choose the most stable Lewis structure.Explain.
Explain why iodate ion, IO3- disobey octet rule.
[ 7 marks ]
By using Lewis structure, show and label the three types of chemical bonding
that exist in an ionic compound, ammonium chloride, NH4Cl.
[ 3 marks ]




Ammonia, NH3, is a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell.

Using Lewis dots symbols show the formation of ammnonia from the
respective elements.
Predict the hybridization of the central atom of ammonia and draw a
diagram of the molecule showing the overlapping of the orbitals.
Describe the polarity of the ammonia molecule.
[9 marks]


Use the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to explain the
difference in the bond angles between the following pairs of compound/ion.
CO2 and CO32(ii)
PCl3 and H2O
[6 marks]

Past Year Examination Questions



CO2 and BeH2 are triatomic covalent molecules. Describe in detail the
formation of covalent bond in these molecules and explain why CO2 obeys the
octet rule while BeH2 does not.
[10 marks]


Formal charge is a useful guide in determining the best or preferer structure.

Explain this statement using [OCN]- ion as example.
[10 marks]

MST 2014/2015



Referring to the compound of ammonium azide, NH4N3,

show the formation of dative bond for the cation in the above
compound using appropriate Lewis symbol.
draw all the resonance structures for the anion in the above compound.
State the most stable resonance structure.
[5 marks]
The following molecules are some of the covalent compounds of fluorine.
NF3 , BF3 , ClF3

Draw a Lewis structure for each of the above molecules.

Identify molecule(s) that do not obey the octet rule and state the type(s)
of octet rule exception.
[5 marks]



Draw and explain the structures of BH3, NH3 dan PH3 using valence shell electron pair
repulsion theory. Also, show the overlapping of orbitals in the PH3 molecule.
The boiling points of BH3, NH3 and PH3 are 173 K, 240 K and 185 K, respectively.
Explain why the boiling point of PH3 is greater than BH3 but lower than NH3.



The formula of formic acid is HCO2H. One of the carbon-oxygen bond lengths
in this molecule is 1.36 while the other is 1.23 . Draw the Lewis structure
of this molecule and label these bonds.


Xenon can be covalently bonded to flouride and oxygen to form xenon

compound, XeF4 and XeO2F2. For both compounds,
determine the number of bonding electron pair(s) and lone electron
pair(s) around the central atom xenon.
[4 marks]

state the molecular geometry.

[2 marks]


determine the hybridisation of xenon atom.


Past Year Examination Questions

[2 marks]

predict their polarity.

[2 marks]

MST 2015/2016



Aluminium fluoride, AlF3, is an electrovalent compound.


Define electrovalent bond

Use Lewis dot symbol to show the formation of AlF3
State the type of stability of the F- ion.


Draw THREE (3) resonance structures of NCO - ion.

Identify the most plausible structure and give the reason.

[5 marks]

[5 marks]

An atom X has 5 valence electrons. X reacts with fluorine gas to form XF3 and XF5

For each compound,


draw the Lewis structure,


predict the electron pair geometry and the molecular geometry and


draw the molecular geometry and state the bond angle(s).

[13 marks ]


Predict the change in hybridization (if any) of the X atom in the following reaction:

XF3 + F2


[ 2 marks ]

Name the bonding theory that explains orbital hybridization.

Using orbital diagram, describe the hybridization of the central atom in sulphur
hexafluoride, SF6 and formaldehyde, H2CO molecules. Draw the orbitals overlaps of
each molecule and state the expected bond angles.
[20 marks]


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