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Wiz War: Magic For


A non-official expansion by Ogid (bbg, ffg and edge forums)

Doors: The doors can be hold open, you only have

to stay adjacent (in your turn) and declare it. You
can hold it open out of turn but you cant close it
until your next turn. If it is sealed cant be opened
by any means, but can be broken.

Basic Rules.
First, read the rules and the FAQ, have you read it?
Great! Lets clarify them a little more:

Creating walls: All of them share this requisite:

Cannot be cast on a border line that is already
occupied (i.e., there cannot already be a wall or
door there). All Walls block LOS and movement
unless the card specifies it dont.

I have divided this section into three parts,

Summary of Forum extracts are Official
information that could be contrasted in the forums,
There isnt any doubt. Advanced concepts are
rules that sometimes are problematic for people,
there isnt any official confirmation but Im almost
100% sure it works the way I describe. Conflicting
Rules is the part of rules and cards that I cant be
100% sure of how it works with the current
available information, I rule them but each group
could find another valid answer.

Objects that blocks LOS: Objects like

"Rosebush" that block the LOS, let a character
staying in it and fill the entire square cant let
target someone in the square from the exterior and
vice versa.
Cards with two types: The cards only have the
type which it is casted, so a "pain link" casted as a
counter cant be canceled with "Negate neutral".

1. Summary of Forum extracts

VPs from kills: The source of the damage has to
be a direct attack to gain the victory point. What is
more, the source must be the attack not the
consequences of it. Hence the damage from spells
with lingering effects (like acid bath or disease)
doesnt count as an attack so it doesnt give any
VP. For example, passing a wizard through a wall
of fire several times dont get you any VPs because
although mental force is an attack the source of the
damage is the wall. Another one, if you cast a
fireball to an enemy with 4 life and a boomstone
you get the VP, but if he have 6 life you dont.

If you dont want to revise the forum extract (it is

in the appendix, the last section), here is the
organized and extended information. Ill put it in
red when I cant add an official link.
Boosting spells and actions with energy: All
of the spells have a basic energy of 1, you can boost
it with an energy card with replaces (not add to)
the energy of the spell. You can boost any spell
with energy and only the mundane actions that
specify it can be boosted with energy. The energy
value only add to the spells damage if the spells
specifies it (you could cast a fireball with 1 or 10
energy but it would do 5 damage).

Wall of earth: The trigger is hidden, it is an

attack but is very implicit, so when anybody
(including caster) cast a spell this counterspell can
be used. But, according with the FAQ it can block
the movement of a wizard at the timing of the
attack (featherweight, waterbolt...).

Casting a spell: You must announce all boosters

and choices, then others players decide if they want
to counter. You can wait until a counter is resolved
before play another one.

The wall last until the attack ends not only 1 hit, so
if anyone cast a Lightning bolt with his back on a
wall he can be fried with his own spell (if you cast a
wall of earth in front of him the spell bounce a lot
of times between the wall and the wall of earth).

Adjacent: Two squares are adjacent when they

share one side (not a corner) and both line of sight
(LOS) and movement arent blocked between
Targeting yourself: You can do this if the spell
has "Caster" range icon.

Waterbolt: The wizard who cast the "Waterbolt"

chooses the order of the effects. The wizard can
choose to push first and then do damage or vice

Direct attack and indirect attacks, Targeting

and attacking: An attack is a direct action against
other wizard, sometimes actions like swap
positions or steal an item (actions that arent
offensive actions) have the attack consideration
because this way you can use counterspells to stop
this tricks.

Lightning Bolt: The spell is considered 1 attack

an 1 source of damage, so you can roll once for
evasion and if you use an object or spell that reduce
the damage you may reduce the damage as 1 source
(bloodshard only reduces 1 damage, a boosted
shield can reduce the damage of multiples
bounces). Lightning goes from dot to dot for 1

An offensive attack can target an enemy wizard

(like fireball), target a square (like Psychic Storm)
or no target at all (like Lightning bolt) but all are
attacks when affecting others wizards. Although an
attack spell doesnt target you it is an attack if its
effects can hurt you. Any counterspell with the
trigger When you are attacked / being attacked"
can be used, but not one with "When a spell targets
you". Imagine it like a shoot and a grenade, both
are attacks, one require more finesse targeting and
the other is more like massive destruction.

Mist body: A Mist body wizard cannot be attacked

by any means (even if the attack doesnt target it),
but it can be damaged from a non-attacking source
(destroy wall, disease, slime form...)

Magic and Mundane actions: Magic actions

provide from magic cards (attack spells, Neutral
spells and Counterspells), this cards are casted.
Mundane actions provide from rulebook actions
(punch, move) or items cards (dagger...) but it
could provide from spells too (this usually have the
mundane trait), non-spells cards are played. This
difference is very important to know when you can
counter something, in general you must look for
indicative words:

2. Advanced concepts:
Unfortunately I dont have links or official
confirmation for all of the following, I get these
conclusions joining pieces of information but I
really think this is the way the game works:
Attack and Attack Cards: An attack (unless it is
stated) is only an instant action, when an attack
card target caster its a way to limit a powerful card
(for example disease, this card could be a neutral
card but then you could attack in the same turn
you use it) but unless it is stated the card effects
arent attacks.

Mundane actions: Move (unless it is the effect of a

spell), punch, pick up, drop, throw, stab, play,
Magical actions: Cast, Shoot

An attack card (it can be a spell) let you to do

attacks; you are attacking while you are resolving
the casting or playing sequence and all damage
during it is an direct damage (if you kill with it you
get VP and cards), then the attack end and if the
card still stay in play starts others effects, effects
that arent attacks (unless the card said it) and if
its effects kills target you dont get Vp nor Cards.
For example, Brain Burn is an attack and deals
damage while you are casting it, so it gives VP.
Disease or Curses deals damage after casting so it
is indirect damage.

Spells and cards that letting doing physical

actions: There are some spell which are casted
(so, they dont have the mundane trait and can be
canceled) but it let physical (so mundane) actions
that cant be canceled. How can we distinguish this
kind of spells? Two tips: The target is usually the
caster, but the card have others actions which are
mundane actions; Search for critical words. Some
Stones spikes, fireball and Ka-bong: Stone spikes
target is the caster, and the word used is "throw"

which is a mundane action, so the spell creates the

spike and the caster throw it (you can counter
during the cast with negate neutral or afterwards
with dispel but you cant cancel 1 spike with full
shield, it is like the throw of a dagger). Fireball is a
spell whose target must be in LOS, it creates a ball
of flames but it is shot at the same time, as an
effect of the spell. Ka-bong creates a maul that hits
the target but although it creates an "physical"
weapon its not like stone spikes, the target type is
adjacent so the whole action is magical and the
spell targets (the mallet in this case is a funny
appearance of a spell but is as magical as a
lightning for countering). If "Ka-bong" would be a
neutral spell with similar text but "Caster" target
type, the attack action would be like stone spikes, a

remains in the original square. Teleport is a

difficult one, the target type is caster and the text of
the spell says "move", it looks like a movement, a
more magical one, but at least a movement that
should start at your physical body, as occurs in the
previous case, even if the astral form could teleport
your physical body doesnt move. If the type would
be anywhere and the text would be something like
"Choose 1 empty square within 4 squares of you
(ignoring walls and other objects, but not counting
diagonally) and immediately place your wizard in
this square", then you could use astral projection to
enhance the range of teleport.
In general it looks like targeting the caster are
useless with Astral Projection. Disease, Adrenaline,
the transformations, Mad Dash, Strenght,
Meditate, Pain link... but in movement cases can be

Stretch and Yoink!: Stretch is a spell that let the

target doing physical actions in a special way. The
target is the caster, whose arms become like Mister
fantastic, now the caster can do one of the actions
printed on the spell, but this three are mundane
actions: Pick up, drop and punch. Yoink! however,
is an spell whose target is someone in the LOS and
it takes his item (It is a very good planning not to
use pick up here). With Stretch you physically take
the item, with Yoink! you teleport it from other
wizards pocket.

Effects that must be dispelled separately:

For example, Fire Darts and Bobby Trap. These
spell has 2 parts, first you cast the spell, and then
you create (Energy) darts or 4 traps. If you are able
to cancel the spell in the first step with a counter
(with the trigger as it is cast) it is canceled
(Negate neutral, absorb spell, Reduce energy) but
if the counterspell requires it target you (full shield,
backslash) you must counter in the second part
(each dart separately).

Astral projection: Remember you arent in the

target square so you there is some spells that you
cannot do. In general, mundane actions and selftargeting spells. For example:

3. Conflicting Rules.

Stretch is a "caster" type and it let the target do

physical actions (pick up, drop and punch), as the
caster isnt physically in the square he cant done
any of it. On the contrary, Yoink is a spell that
"teleport" an item from one wizard to your play
area, the target is the other wizard not yours. This
isnt physical and it doesnt drag the item towards
you (in which case the item should be dropped at
the astral square).

There are cards and rules that should be specified

because a range of interpretations could be true; I
put some of that and the best solution I found, but
different players probably find different answers.
Around the Corner: When you are orthogonally
to corner there is no problem but when you arent
I recommend the rule from wizard to square (next
to corner)/corner (both in LOS), and then from
square/corner to target. But remember you can
never turn back the angle, so the case number six is
illegal (see below)

Windrider is a movement, and again, it is a caster

type. The windrider let you to move in a straight
line avoiding objects, your astral form isnt your
physical body and even if it could move your body

LOS and Spells: I thought spells works like throw

weapons (are stopped by walls), but some cards
and the rules of the past editions let me think the
spells can affect its target if the wizard, even if the
spell creates a shot.

Counters and Triggers.

The counters are one of the mainstays of Wiz War,
it provided a lot of fun but it could be a source of
problems when the triggers arent clear. If you
dont understand how it works it will limit your

Strength: This spell stated: double any physical

damage dealt by the target this is a bit general so
it could include indirect damage dealt by the target
(like Disease or Slime Form), there isnt an official
response so you have to rule it. I heavily
recommend only double the direct damage (punch,
Ka-Bong, Stone Spikes) for balance but the spell
isnt clear so you can double indirect too.

1. The triggers:
Spell targeting something (Full shield, Antianti, Backlash, Null powder // Control Spell,
Devour Attack): These only can be cast when a
spell target "something". This makes its spells
situational. These are useless against mundane
actions. For example, Full Shield can be triggered
against fireball but not against Lightning Bolt,
Psychic Storm, a Punch or a spike from "Stone
Spikes". Anti-Anti can be used against "Absorb
spell" but not against "Pain link" (because Pain
Link doesnt target your spell, so Anti-Anti cannot

Big man Form: Big man states No one can move

past a big man, cast spells past him, or enter his
square. I dont know how to use Lightning Bolt
when it collides with a Big Man. Lightning only
bounces if it hit an object that blocks movement
(not a wizard) but an spell cannot pass through a
big man, I think the spell enters in the big man
square dealing 3 damage and ends, but this should
be clarified.

Spell as it is cast (Negate neutral, Absorb spell,

Wall of fire // Reduce Energy, Absorb Energy):
These cancel one kind of spell when it is cast, the
kind of spell could be more or less restrictive:
Absorb spell is the most versatile, it can cancel any
kind of spell; "Wall of fire" is more restricted, only
cancel water spells. These are more versatile than
the previous category, you can react against spells
that not target you or even your owns spells. This
category is still useless against mundane actions.
Absorb energy requires an energy card played with
the spell.

Thornbush plus Mental force: Thornbush

states "immediately ends its turn" and Mental
Force states "The target moves as normal, per your
direction. So if you moves as normal and run into
an effect that normally ends your turn, It should
cancel the rest of the movement of Mental Force. If
it not, the pushed wizard get 1 stun marker every
time he enters in the square (and it is too powerful,
but it could be)
Movement and cannot move: There are
some effects that can move you without being a
movement action so it could be legal. For example,
knock back or Swap (but this needs an official

When you are attacked / being attacked

(Invisible, Flood, Featherweight, Gnome form,
Pain link, Teleport // Blink, Spell Collide,

Acrobatics, Feline Reflexes, Protective Shield):

These spells require you are attacked but not
require direct targeting, so you can defend against
your owns attacks if for any reason you are affected
by them. The counterspells can be casted against a
magic or mundane aggression. For example, if your
cast Lightning Bolt and a wall of earth is raised you
can use a counter with this trigger. These usually
are very useful as a defense. Spell collide have an
extra requisite the attack must can deal damage.

Movement: This is like Teleport, Blink and

Acrobatics, the wizard change position, if he isnt a
valid target anymore he evade the spell. Its
important difference this two cases: A spell which
target the wizard and one that target the square.
We have to remember the target cant be reselected so, if the target is a wizard well checked
whether he is still a valid target. If the target is a
square the target square cant be changed, even if
the wizard moves without break the line of sight.

An attack (Wall of earth): This category is more

general than the past. Currently there is only a
counter with this trigger, Wall of Earth. This
trigger is very versatile, this spell can be casted
when an attack is declared, but not require
targeting, being attacked, LOS... you can also react
against your own attacks even when your arent
affected by them.

For example: If you cast "Teleport" to counter a

fireball with around the corner, when you teleport,
"around the corner" can be used to target you even
if you teleport behind other corner because the
target of the spell is you. But if the spell casted
would be psychic storm the square cant be reselected.
Personal reactions: This is a very general effect,
like "Shield", Pain-link" or Protective Shield.
The only things advisable is it doesnt target the
attacker or the spell, its target the caster, so spells
like anti anti cant be played against it.

Damage being dealt to you (Shield): Actually

only "Shield" exists with this trigger. This require
that your wizard suffer damage from any source,
but it is irrelevant, you can reduce the direct and
the indirect damage (from Wall of Fire to punch).
With enough energy is a formidable defense
against direct attack, but is useless against attacks
that dont hurt you when they are casted like "Slow
death", "Swap", "Stretch".

LOS and Movement block: It is like Wall of

Earth, the labyrinth conditions changes and when
it occurs the legality of the targeting must be
checked. In this case if targeting is illegal now the
spell simply cancels (thrown objects hit the wall
and land). Wall of earth last the whole attack
duration not only 1 hit so it is extremely useful
against simultaneous multiattack spells (like Fire

Pick a treasure (Ward, Fools gold): There is a

nuance here. Ward state "...a target wizard...",
however Fools Gold state "... another wizard ...".
That doesnt implies that you can cast "Ward"
when you pick one of your treasures, Ward doesnt
have the "Caster" range.

But there are some special cases, Lightning Bolt

doesnt target nothing so it is cast and when it hit
the wall it bounces (normally hitting its caster),
Psychic Storms area isnt stopped by walls but
targeting it so, if wall of earth blocks targeting of
square cancel the spell but if the spell can target
the square the area cannot be blocked.

Drop a treasure (// Illusory Gold): It doesnt

have caster range.

Counterattack The only issue is specify when

occur. If the trigger is targeting, casting, being
attacked or an attack the counterattack solves after
the original attack (because this kind of
counterspells are resolved after the main action). If
the counterattack kills the attacking wizard or

2. Counterspells effects:
The basic effects are cancel, reduce and evade,
these mechanics are very well explained in the
rulebook. However there are others possibilities:

Redirection: Other wizard re-selected targets of

the spell. It should be specified if the interrupted
player is considered the new caster or if he only
chooses targets. Control Spell is one of my
counterspells which works this way.

creature the attacking action doesnt occur. It is

the case of Feline Reflexes
But if the trigger is "Damage being dealt to you"
the counterattack solves before the original attack.
Reduction of energy: Energy reduction isnt
complicated, It only reduces the spells energy, If it
would be equal or lower than 0 it cancels the spell.

3) New schools of magic.

I have fun doing and playing these schools and I want to share with the community, these schools are
playtested, balanced and ready to print and play. Before card section you can find clarifications for cards.

Schools of Magic:
Metamagic: This school focuses magic in depth. It optimizes the uses of magical
energy and punishes whose doesnt know well the powers they manipulate.
Mastering it limits of magic can be overcome, weaving new and powerful spells. Its
magic energy are average but the correct use of this spells can easily multiplicate it.
Illusion: Stealthy as shadows and very skillful, It isnt known if its achievements are
for his spells or for its intensive training. This school focus on confuse and overwhelm
his enemies with their traps, illusions and tricks. Illusionists shine at versatility and
map control but arent the most aggressive spellcasters.

War: The masters of this school of magic arent library mice. These wizards rely in
their physical training and equipment, using magic to support and potentiate
themselves. Armors, weapons and strength booster are frequent in this school.
Unfortunately this physical focus weakens its magical energy.
Destruction: These wizards arent the most patient and understanding. In fact,
these concepts confuse and infuriate them! This school goes for the straightest way,
and if there isnt one it can be created destroying something. These wizards are
fearsome in duel; they only cast powerful spells until nothing is standing up.

Creatures, unless otherwise noted on the card, may

not attack their creators, carry items or treasures,
cast spells or use cards from your hand. They are
permanent creations, until killed. You may not
boost their movement with energy, but you can cast
spells that state target creature you control on
them. Players may not attack a creature that they
control. Creatures, like Wizards, will suffer the ill
effects of objects in the corridor (like a Thornbush)
just like Wizards.

General Rules:
Rules for Area of effect attack and its
interaction with the board: If something
explode in the square the borders lines arent
affected but if something that explode hit one
border line it explode, damaging all at this border
line and the square compartment. If an explosion
would extend to other square and there is any in the
border line that block the movement it is affected
but the other square isnt (but it doesnt block the
movement both are affected)

Creatures attack once per turn. They cannot attack

the turn they are created, but may move on that
turn. Creating a monster counts as your attack only
on the turn it is created (You and your creature may
both have attacks on later turns). Creatures can
attack other monsters. If a monster attacks a player
and kills him, the controlling player neither gets the
dead player's cards nor any victory point.

Changes of damage nature: If you changes the

damage nature of a spell to Magical Fire or Water
damage (Magical Form, Impromptu Spell) the
spell is a Fire or Water spell and if the spell have a
Magical Fire or Water damage and you changes it to
Magical o Physical it isnt a Fire or Water Spell
Anymore. So it doesnt destroy Magic Stones, ends
fire spells or wash acid.

Armors: All armors end the turn of the wizard or

creature when it is gotten (by any means, picked up,
by a spell...). Any effect that let you pick up a
treasure without end turn let you pick up (or play)
any armor as a normal item.

Illusion rules: When an illusion is cast every

wizard throws a die, on a result of 1 it is ignored for
this wizard, (put a hat marker). You automatically
ignore your own illusions. This means you ignore
this illusion as it doesnt exit but the illusion square
arent empty, you can only roll once, if you dont
success you are affected until the illusion ends.
Even if you ignore an illusion you can target it or
attack it, if an illusion is under an area of effect
attack that cannot be evaded it is affected.

Reduce Damage: All reduces calculates

separately and then adds. For example: A wizard
with Golem form and Heavy armor attacked by a
Werewolf reduces damage by 4, so it cannot be
damaged (but it has 1 point of base movement).
Trade Life: When you sacrifice life to gain a
bonus, this loss of life cannot be evaded, reduced or
canceled by any way, but it can be delayed. If for
any reason you dont lose life you dont gain the

Creatures are affected by illusions affecting the

wizard who control it. If there is no wizard
controlling it the creature automatically believes
Creatures: Creatures follow the commands of its
creator (unless otherwise noted on the card), even
then out of line of sight (LOS). They move any time
during the controlling player's turn, so if a player
gets an extra turn, or loses a turn, so does the

List of Cards:

any bonus (for example a fireball or Werewolf


Cards Clarifications:

Advance Targeting: You cannot cross a wall

with Pass through wall unless you are adjacent (the
spell doesnt move you)

1. Metamagic:

Combine Spell: This spell link 2 spell as 1 spell

which have advantages and disadvantages. You use
1 energy card and it applies to both spell, but if the
energy is reduced (Reduce energy) or increased
(Magic Feast) the energy of both spell are reduced
or increased (Seal Spell affects both too). If negate
neutral target Combine Spell it only cancel one of
the spells (the caster must say which spell is the
"secondary" neutral spell before the counter). If
one Neutral spell is canceled or ends the other
immediately ends too. If a neutral spell create an
object and it is destroyed both spells end (because
the first one ends). But there arent the only
interactions, if one spell is controlled by other
player (control spell), the other remain with its
owner (but they are already linked so if the
controlled spell is ended the other ends too).

Impromptu Spell: The energy of the spell has to

be distributed between the categories (if you have 5
energy and invest the 5 in damage you cant buy
any advanced area or Range). The area affects
caster, so if you buy a big area and no range you
will be attacked by your own spell (it is like casting
a psychic storm adjacent to you). You cannot buy
more than 1 option per category (you cannot buy 2
damages for example) If you buy Magical Fire or
Water damage the spell is a Fire or Water spell. If
you buy an advanced area you must target the
Control Spell: If you choose discard the counters
and play an energy card you receive any bonus to it
from objects like Powerstone or spells like Magic
Form but as you removed the energy counters the
base energy of the spell is 0 (only relevant when
you are in Magic Form). If the spell affect the
caster you benefices from it, if it doesnt (for
example target a square creating something) you
cannot move or reselect it (but you can end it).

The attack spells case is a bit different, when you

cast 2 neutral spells you cast 2 spells normally
which are linked but when you cast 2 attack spell
only one does its effect, the other boost it (the
damage reduction of secondary spell only works to
direct damage not for indirect or delayed damage).
You are casting only 1 spell, so other boosts affect it
normally (like Overload, Around the corner, Astral
Projection). Punch and throw (Stretch, Stone
Spikes, Chains) arent spells, so it cannot be

Magic Feast: If it reduce the energy below 1 it

cancels the spells (even permanents), you can put
an energy counter over your spells for every point
of energy reduced.
Absorb Energy: You take the card when the
counter is casted if it isnt canceled, so you can use
the energy card just before (for example to cast a
Reduce Energy or a Shield). You can use the card
normally if you wish (if it is a 2-3 energy card with
another effect).

Secondary effects: Drop item or treasure, take

item, Stun (Zot), Curses (damage for draw cards,
damage from acid in Time Passes phase, damage
for energy boost when casting), knock back, Swap,
Brain burn (damage for keep cards, when casting
as a secondary it is reduced by half because it is
direct damage), share life, steal cards, steal energy
tokens, take control of spells, share spells, discard
cards to prevent damage (mana burn), create an ice

Reduce Energy: The caster of the reduced spell

can choose how the energy is reduced (for example,
in a waterbolt can choose either damage or knock
back). All Spell have an base energy of 1 an can be
boosted with energy even if the energy doesnt add


Effects that arent secondary effects (they are

linked to the way the spell is cast so it cannot be
used when casting as a secondary spell): Stun
(Lightning Bolt, Ka-Bong!, Whirlwind), Extra
darts, Targeting as Globe of pain, bounces
(lightning and Sonic Boom), Area of effect spells
(even if it only affect 1 square) and cannot be
evaded, create a Whirlwind, Deal 1 crack per point
of damage (Disintegrate), Damage cannot be
reduced (hit of disruptive blade).

bounce and stuns, when the lightning damages

a wizard or creature who doesnt have been hit
by this spell yet it deals 5 damage (3 magic
damage and 2 magic water damage, 3 + 4/2).

All of effects are linked, so if a psychic storm

combines with slow death as secondary attack all
wizards who receive at least 1 point of damage are
affected by the curse (even you!, remember delayed
damage isnt reduced), but if the damage is
reduced to 0 the curse is ignored. The direct
damage is always the first effect (even if you cast a
Thought steal as primary spell with a Zot!, first
does damage and if it does any damage then you
can look his hand and pick the cards, so Shield can
cancel the entire combo).

Disintegrate + Mana Burn: Cast a spell which deals

10 magical damage (6+7/2) and deals 1 crack per
point of damage, the target can discard an energy
card to reduce damage by the energy of the
discarded card.

Mana Burn + Disintegrate: Cast a spell

which deals 10 magical damage (7+6/2),
the target can discard an energy card to
reduce damage by the energy of the
discarded card.

Brain Burn + Powerthust + 5 Energy: Cast brain

burn (anywhere), it deals 4 magic damage (7/2), if
it deals any damage the target must discard cards
or suffer damage as the spell state.

If any secondary effects are related to damage (for

example the knock back of waterbolt) it can be
activated with the total damage. The damage
nature remains, for example, a fireball plus a
waterbolt would do 5 fire damage plus (energy/2
round up) water damage. This damage could be
modified by different means (for example, Strength
double physical damage and Water armor nullifies
the fire damage). If the damage is reduced the
wizard who reduces it can decide which kind of
damage want to reduce.

Powerthust + Brain Burn + 5 Energy: Cast

Powerthust (LOS), it deals 7 magic damage,
if it deals any damage the target must
discard cards or suffer half of the damage
the spell state (round up).

Psychic Storm + Acid Bath + 4 Energy: Cast a

Psychic Storm which deals 4 magic damage, any
wizard who receive at least 1 point of damage (even
you) suffer the curse.

You cannot combine 3 spells at the same time

using 2 combine spells.
I give you some examples because I know this spell
could be a bit complicated to understand, the first
spell is always the primary spell:

Fireball + Zot (with stun): Fireball which deals 5

magical fire damage and stun 2 turns.

Waterbolt + Lightning Bolt + 4 Energy:

Cast a Waterbolt which deals 6 damage, you
can trade this damage for knock back (4
magic water damage and 2 magic damage,
4 +3/2), no stun.

Acid Bath + Psychic Storm + 4 Energy: Cast

one spell which deals 2 (4/2) magic
damage, if target receives at least 1 point of
damage it suffers the curse.

Hit of Disruptive Blade + Whirlwind: Hit

(adjacent) for 5 damage (3 magical 2 physical,
3+3/2), this damage cannot be reduced.

Zot + Firebal: Zot which deals 3 magical

fire damage and stuns 2 turns.

Lightning Bolt + Waterbolt + 4 Energy: Cast a

Lightning bolt which deals 3 damage in each


Whirlwind + Hit of Disruptive Blade: Cast a

whirlwind (LOS) for 5 damage (3 physical 2

magical, 3+3/2) and stun any wizard or

creature in target square, this spell cannot
be evaded. When maintaining whirlwind it
deals 3 physical damage normally.

2. Illusion:
Whirlwind: If you kill an enemy when it is
created you receive the VP (in that moment it is an
attack and can be countered as an attack), but not
later. When it moves if the direction is an object,
wizard or creature that blocks movement it doesnt
move, otherwise move it up to 2 squares (as long as
is possible up to 2). It can enter in a big man
square but must end its movement in it (it can
leave it if moves again)

Share Spells: The caster and its target are

affected by: the maintained spells of the caster,
maintained spells of the target, any maintained
spell affecting either the caster or the target. If two
spells are incompatible it only affects its caster
(like transformation spells). Items are not included
in this spell. If any control a creature it acts in both
Move and Cast phase. When this spell is being cast
you may only end the spell if you can do it normally
(not if the spell is affected by Seal Spell for

A legal square is one in which a wizard can

normally stay or enter. You can target a square
filling with other thing (like Thornbush, Corridor
Trap or Big Man) if you have LOS with its central
dot. A Forcefield (war) square isnt a legal square
even if it caster is in it.

Seal Spell: The energy counters can be discarded

when it isnt the Time Phases phase as an effect of
a spell or as a cost of the sealed spell. The spell
works normally.

If whirlwind stay in a square with another object,

wizard or creature that fills the entire square
anyone who has LDV to the square can see both.

Guardian Glyph: Face down cards cant be

looked or picked when an enemy look the hand of
cards of the wizard, this cards cannot be taken to
the hand again and dont count for the hand limit,
when the spell ends all cards go to discard pile, it
occur too if the spell is canceled or dispelled (even
if it isnt be played). Even if the wizard activate the
glyph as an attack it doesnt give any VP for kills.
Any boost (energy or other kind) must be played
from the cards face down. The creature cannot
boost its movement with energy, but can play cards
or items that let it move or increase its base move
(for example, wherewolf form, Speedstone,

Stiletto: You may roll only when you are picking a

lock, the Stiletto cannot break when attacking.
Corridor Trap: You may use an Illusory Wall as
one of the 2 wall this spell requires.
Fake Earthquake: This spell hasnt any effect
on treasures.
Illusory Big Man: If you dont believe in it you
can stand in its square and you arent pushed by it.
If you are in an Illusory Big Man square you cannot
be seen from outside (it block LOS) unless you fill
the entire square (for example you are in big man

Be creative, you can add any kind of card to the

glyph, so you can create very funny and annoying
effects (imagine two create wall, or a lightning bolt
against the wall, glue your treasure when you are
taking your second, use it as a safe to hide two

Illusory Doubles: You cannot count the 3

squares crossing objects that blocks movement
when it is casted. You can put the three wizards in
the same square if you want. Maintained spells,
items and treasures carrying are removed with
your wizard and doesnt interact with the game
(but temporary spells still lose energy counters).
When your wizard is placed again they work again
(even if the wizard is placed for an attack, for

Magic Flow: You can use Astral Projection to

cast a spell boosted with it, but you must check the
six squares requisite starting from your real


example, in this case Bloodshard and Golem Form

reduces the attacks damage). Illusory doubles can
cast temporary counterspells, but it ends just after
the attack resolves.

If the attacked wizard cast Featherweight as a

counter it only is knocked back if it becomes
unable to move (in the original direction, it cannot
choose unless original attack was in its square).

When the spell ends, the movement spent for the

illusory double count toward your movement for
the turn (for example if you move 3 squares and
stop maintaining you must play an energy card if
you want move again). Every illusory doubles can
boost it movement each turn but each have to
boost it separately (discarding an energy card).

Feline Reflexes: If this counterattack kills the

attacker the attack doesnt start (even a mundane)
but the cards and any booster is discarded. If the
counter makes the attack illegal it is evaded. If the
attack states you can do an additional attack
(chains), you must follow this card limitations (you
cannot play card and you can only cast one attack

If you are under any spell that damages you under

any circumstance (like Slow death or Acid Bath)
when Illusory doubles is casted it affect your
double (if you can cast a counter that prevent the
damage you dont have to reveal yourself). If the
spell is casted after, it only affects the double it
target (but if it is you the spell remains when your
wizard is placed again).

Thirsty Sword: This sword is an item when it is

being carrying and a creature when it drops (so any
spell which cannot be legally casted on it ends). Put
a hat token over it when drops to know who was its
last owner. If there are two wizards or creatures at
the same distance roll a die. If its last owner
attacks the turn it is dropped (even if its owner
attacks after drops it) it doesnt attack the same
target (but it moves), this means if owner cast an
attack card on itself the sword doesnt attack it.
Thirsty Sword is immune to damage but can be
stunned (in this case it moves only if it cannot

Illusory Gold: This spell trigger just before the

treasure is dropped, so if it is casted when a wizard
drops its second treasure in its home base square it
switch it before it is in the square, so the wizard
doesnt win.
Blink: If you are maintaining 2 Blink spells you
can move 2 squares every time they trigger as a
counterspell (discarding two energy token). As a
caster range cannot be casted with Astral
Projection to enhance the range.

The sword enters in the wizard or creatures

square if it has enough movement points. Wizards
can pick up Thirst Sword as an item with stretch,
Enchant: If you throw or drop an enchanted
weapon and dont end this spell the enchanted
weapon could be used against you. A fist isnt a

3. War:

Existential Division: Slow death damages one

wizard, the caster of slow death chooses. If Acid
bath is casted after the division when split the
wizard may choose who takes the effect (but it is
permanent). You cannot voluntarily ends this
spells unless both wizards are in the same square,
but you can dispel it. When you cast the spell the
other wizard is created, you can transfer it in that
moment any item or transformation spell, but not
a treasure. It can act the turn it is created. When
you voluntarily ends the spell if any of it is carrying

Force impact: The target doesnt change

direction at intersections, if it hits an object it
suffer the damage. If you hit an immobile object it
receives 1 crack per point of damage (but double
the damage because it cant move). If the caster is
maintaining Strength it can be devastating (Deal
2xdamage and moves 2xdamage squares). Force
Impact is a booster (caster range) so it cant be
casted with feline reflexes.


Protective Shield: The damage is reduced by

half rounded down, so if you receive 3 damage it is
reduced to 2 (by 1).

a treasure you keep it. If you have any counter (like

stun counters) when you cast it, both maintain it
but when the spell ends only the major add

Chains: This works like Stretch, the action is

magical, a spell but both actions are mundane.
When you cast the spell you can cancel it with
negate neutral or absorb spell, but the attack cant
be defended with full shield, for example, because
it is a mundane attack. The additional attack is free
(it doesnt use up any of your attacks).

Forcefield: This spell can create an object to

block one square like stone block or can create a
protection area to you (but remember that the
enemy have LOS, so it cannot get you with a punch
fireball but it can with a fireball, a Zot! or an Acid
Bath). The square is illegal for all but the caster if it
cast on itself (and only while it is in the square. If
someone or something is in the square at any time
the spell ends (for example Drop Object, Gravity or
Swap), this only applies when it is in the square not
only if it cross without stop (for example with

This spells doesn't ignore anything that block

movement or do damage so if you (or the target)
past over a booby trap it trigger and if you past
over a Black Ice (illusion) your movement ends. If
anything blocks your movement you stop moving.
You must move to targeted objects square or
adjacent to it if you cannot enter.

If you leave the square, you cannot enter again.

Forcefields blocks movement so the squares arent
adjacent. With Existential Division both are caster
so the spell doesnt end.

4. Destruction:
Telekinesis: You are adjacent to these squares
but not vice versa. You have to have LOS and the
movement cannot be blocked to considerer the
squares adjacent. You can open and hold open the
door if you are adjacent to it (2 squares while
maintaining the spell).

Spell Collide: The spells damage must be direct

damage, delayed damage (slow death, disease)
doesnt count as damage for collide. Brain Burn
hasnt got any base damage, so it cannot be used to
collide or countered.

Transfer Wall: To indicate the position of the

original wall use energy or stun tokens. Both
border lines must be targeted when the spell is
casted. If the original location is already occupied
when this spell ends destroy the transferred wall.

Spells that increase damage bouncing (like

lightning bolt or Sonic boom) reduces its base
damage, if it reach 0 cancel the spell. Reduced base
damage affects lightning bounces too. You can use
spells that strikes more than once, like fire darts, in
this case use the sum of all darts, if you overcome
the attack, you can target the attacker with
remaining darts normally. You can use area of
effect spells like Psychic Storm or Whirlwind (this
one reduces its damage when casting but not when

Titan Strength: To deal 1 more damage the

attack must can deal at least 1 point of physical
damage to target (before apply any damage
reduction). Punch do 2 damage (even against a
Golem), Swap doesnt do any damage. It applies to
the other card effect (the throw which deals 1
damage if you throw the target at least 2 squares).
Count the number of squares from dot to dot (as
Lightning Bolt), if it crash with a wall or something
between two squares it doesnt count as 1 more

You are hitting the spell, not the caster, hence you
dont gain extra damage from magic stones or
maintained spells when casting Stone death or
Overcharge (but you can apply it if you target an
enemy wizard after collide).


Disrupt Reality: This spell affects caster too, you

could use it with combine spell to attack the whole
gameboard, but this spell target nothing so it is
useless as primary spell. If it is used as a secondary
spell to attack a wizard it still affects all. It can be
combined with Disease or with Existential Division
as secondary spell.

and cancel one of the two replicates) or absorb

Double Barrel (getting it and preventing the
creation of the replicate spell). Either way, you
have to counter one more attack to fully evade the
attack. Reduce energy works this way too.
Wall of earth last until the end of the attack, both
attacks are simultaneous, so a wall of earth can
stop both.

Double Barrel: If the spell cast has area and it

overlap both spells can affect the same square
twice. Lightning bolt doesnt target but you cannot
cast both bolts in the same direction. The spell
replicates after boosting, so both maintain boosts.
You can wait until all counters have been solved to
decide which spell you want to maintain. With this
spell you cast two simultaneous spells.

Ice Prison: It can be cast on a home base square;

a treasure into an ice prison still gives 1 VP (in a
home base square). Even you cannot maintain Fire
spells you can cast it and receive damage from
them. A wizard with a Fire Cloak can punch an Ice
Prison without lose it. Ice prison is only an attack
when target wizards or creatures (its important to
combine spells and double barrel)

Remember you choose which spell cancels after the

counters resolves and before the attack spell
resolves so you cannot cancel the counters effects
(the spelld be picked with Absorb Spell, you
receive damage from Backslash, but you dont
receive double damage from pain link because only
1 do damage), if you are unlucky two
counterspells could kill you, imagine other wizard
cast against you a Powerthust with 6 energy and
you counters with Backlash and Pain link, at the
end you receive 8 damage and the attacker 14!.

Disruptive Blade: This is a spell that let you use

a magic based weapon, for its nature it is consider
a spell. It has adjacent range and target when you
are attacking.
The energy of Disruptive Blade doesnt matter for
the energy of the hit, it is always 1, unless you boost
it with energy. Any boost is used normally (like a
Powerstone or a Magical Form), the energy boost
doesnt have any effect on damage but can be
handy against reduce energy (and a drawback
against backslash). It is a spell, so a wizard or
creature in Magical Form can use it to attack (and
it can change the damage nature)

Remember you decide what spell cancel. For

example your enemy has 6 life and you cast a
Disintegrate with double Barrel, if you enemy plays
a counter and a shield it let him with 3 life (an easy
prey), in this case you should cancel the spell
countered with shield to prevent other wizard
finishing him easily.

A hit is an adjacent range spell, it can receive boost

from neutral cards and items like Powerstone,
Visionstone, X-Ray Vision (can attack through
wall), Telekinesis, Double Barrel, Overload, Astral
Projection, Advance targeting (cannot be evaded
and LOS range), combine spells (Damage cannot
be evaded isnt a secondary effect, if you want it
you have to hit as primary spell)...

Its important to notice differences between

Double Barrel and Fire Darts. With Absorb spell
you can cancel Fire Darts when it is being cast
because Fire Dart is one spell which create (energy)
spells, so if you cancel the "mother" spell the darts
never show up, but when you cast an spell boosted
with Double Barrel you are casting two
independent spells (you dont cast an spell that
split), cancel one doesnt have any effect on the
other. Casting Absorb Spell for example, you can
either absorb the attack spell (which is under the
effect of Double barrel so, you get the attack spell

And can be canceled by counterspells that affect

spells (full shield, backslash, absorb spell, reduce
energy...). A wizard who cast Absorb spell against
Disruptive Leaf gets the spell but against a hit get


Madden: Spells with more than one type must be

returned if attack is one of them. If you are playing
with more than one magic deck it affects to all
magic decks (but counting only the players using
every deck). For example, in a 2v2 match with a
magic deck per team you must show the first 10
cards of both decks (you cannot exchange spells
between decks).
Overload: Now the only spell that hit several
times is Fire Darts (Double barrel doesnt count as
double hit). Calculate total damage of spells such
Lightning Bolt or Sonic Boom before increase it. It
increases damage of creatures and
transformations. Curses damage is the only kind of
indirect damage it increases (For example, It
doesnt increase damage of Destroy Wall, Disease
or Slime Form).
You can cast it when casting a spell (instant,
temporary or permanent) or to increase the power
of one of your maintained spells (temporary or
Sonic Boom: The bounces of this attack works
exactly like lightning bolt (see the FAQ, basically it
goes from dot to dot), the whole attack is one
attack, so the damage reductions apply only once
as well as any evasion roll. If other spell is
combined with it using combine spell, the
secondary waves deal the combine damage too (but
it only is taken once, either with the first impact or
with a secondary wave).
For example: A wizard casts fireball (damage
booster) and Sonic boom (primary attack), using 3
energy and Combine Spell in a tight and long
corridor (so waves going through corridor never
bounce back), the wizard in target square receives
(4 magical + 3 magical fire) damage and a wizard
adjacent to it (1+3), even if it deals 3 damage from
fireball this damage has to adapt to rules of
primary attack, so it doesnt damage walls.


Absorb Energy:

Guardian Glyph:

Combine Spell:

Magical Form:

Old Grymoire:

Control Spell:


Knowledges Price:

Magic Feast:

Reduce Energy:



Impromptu Spell:


Magic Flow:

Illusory Wall:

Seal Spell:

Black Ice:

Share Spell:

Illusory Gold:

Advance Targeting:

Illusory Doubles:

Library Wall:



Water Armor:



Stone Trap:

Force Impact:


Protective Shield:

Sweet Feets:

Potion of Life:

Fake Earthquake

Heavy Armor:

Corridor Trap:

Thirsty Sword:

Illusory Big Man:

Titan Strenght:

Quick Fingers:

Transfer Wall:

Transfer Wall:

Existential Division:


Feline Reflexes:





Vampiric Sword:



Disruptive Blade:
Life For Power:

Spell Collide:
Mana Burn:

This resource is intended for use by the owner of

the original game to enhance their gaming
experience and may not be used in any way other
than intended. The resource may be re-posted
online as long as include a link to an original post
or give credit, but it cannot be sold or altered.

Sonic Boom:

Disguise Power:

Some of the artwork used for this resource is

copyrighted to the game published. I make no
claim to any of the copyrighted artwork used artwork has been used without the owners

Double Barrel:
X-Ray Vision:
Devour attack:
Ice Prison:
Disrupt Reality:


Appendix: Forums
official extracts.
Here are some extract from forums, I recommend
you to go into links to see it in context.
In bold type is remarkable information, in bold
type and red is the most important information
which isnt neither in the rulebook nor in FAQ. In
gray are questions (only when it is important to
understand the reply)

1. Casting and Boosting a spell.
Right. Cards have a basic energy of 1 without an
energy card added to them. The ENERGY icon at
the bottom center of the card has nothing to do
with the spell on the card; you can use the card
as a spell OR you can use it as an energy
source. This is described in the rules on page 12,
upper left box. If a spell has an energy
number on the bottom of it, you CANNOT
add that to the spell on the same card.
So, anyway, yeah, Mistbody lasts one turn if no
energy-cards are added to them.
This is pretty well defined in the rule book, under
ATTACKING. "If casting an attack spell, he plays
any cards used in the attack." You play any
associated energy card first (and any other
"pumps" if they exist yet), THEN the
opponent decides whether to counter.
On the bottom left of page 15 of the rule book it gives an
example of blocking a Fireball with the Shield spell with no
additional energy reduces damage by 2. The Shield spell itself

says, "Reduce damage being dealt to you from a single source

by this spell's energy plus 2." However on the bottom left of
page 11 it says, "Normally, a spell's energy is 1." So shouldn't
Shield block for 3, not 2?

Yeah, I treat that as a "3" myself. A spell's base

energy is 1, plus the 2, for three. If you use the
Energy card, it replaces the base energy of 1, so a
"4" energy would make the Shield a 6.
There's some Water pushing spell that you can cast on yourself
OR on others, and it has a "Caster" symbol AND a "Line of
Sight" symbol. So I think if you could target yourself it would
be explicit.

That sums it up nicely! In old WW, there was

actually a rule that you could not attack
yourself. This is controlled in the new version by
specifically showing the "Self Wizard" icon on
the card if you are allowed to use it on
I was wondering if I could cast "lightning bolt" at a wizard that
is standing next to a wall then cast "wall of earth" so that the
lightening would bounce off of the "wall of earth" then back at
the wizard.
A- active wizard
W- wizard being attacked
|- Dungeon wall
{- earth wall
In the above diagram the active wizard is in an adjacent square
to the wizard he is attacking. So if I cast a "lightning bolt" with
an energy of 4 I could do 12 damage in 1 attack. Both the spells
are instants so I'm not sure if the "lightning bolt" would fully
resolve before the " wall of earth" could be cast.

That's actually a tough question. It's clear you can

cast Counters during your own turn, otherwise
Anti-Anti would be somewhat meaningless. In the
physics of Wiz-War, counters generally react
in reverse order, the last one acting first.
This interpretation means that "counters always
resolve before the attack card does," which


fits the prior explanation. And means that this

particular card combo will not be as nasty as it
could be.

3. You can't open a door out-of-turn. Pick Lock

doesn't actually state that.

Let's go with that. It'll make future similar

questions logically consistent.

Yes. Also, the doors do not "stay open" unless you

announce that you are holding it open. If you say
nothing, they close as soon as you pass through
them, even though you are still adjacent. You can
(as it states in the rules) also open a door without
passing through it, cast a spell through it, then
close it without moving.
Official response from Mark O'Connor at FFG:
While the Gravity spell is being maintained,
the text "All wizards and creatures immediately
drop all carried items and treasures" remains in
effect. It doesn't just take effect once at the time
the Gravity spell is cast. So if a wizard plays a
new item (as in your example), he immediately
drops that item. During the duration of the
Gravity spell, items cannot be carried normally.
What happens if a character is iIN a square with an object (ie.
Rosebush) that blocks line of sight? Can another character
target them since they are in the square (I know they couldn't
if they were in the square behind)?
Was this ruled correctly?:
In my last game two wizards stood side by side, with the Red
Wizard in Mist Form and on a Rosebush (which wasn't
currently hurting him due to Mist Form). Dispel was cast by
the Blue Wizard on the Mist Form wof the Red Wizard which
caused him to return to normal and thus take 3 damage from
the Rosebush. Drop Object was then cast by the Blue Wizard
on the Red Wizard which requires line of sight. I ruled it works
since the object (Rosebush) was not technically between the
two characters. I envision the Red Wizard as entangled in it
and easily targetted.

2. Movement, walls, vision and

Line of Sight through Portals: Treat it as though
the two board edges connected by the Portals were,
indeed, actually connected together. So you could,
if no walls were in the way, cast diagonally through
a Portal, just like those board edges matched the
ones in the center of the game board.

Is this correct?

If you're in a bush, and the bush blocks LOS, then

I'd rule that you still can't see the guy in the bush.
The first thing your LOS encounters is the
bush that fills the square.

1. You can only use the Pick Lock on your own turn.

First of all, no, you can't cast one wall on

top of another. I'm pretty sure that's
already in the rules.

2. You can announce when you open the door that

you are holding it open (still your turn), and it will
remain open until the beginning of your next turn,
or until you move or are moved away from the
adjacent space (say, by being blown away when in
Featherweight mode).

3. Counters.

You nailed it pretty well. Any spell, neutral,

attack, counter, being cast can be cancelled
and absorbed as it is cast. It doesn't work on
continuing spells that have previously been cast.
That is, you need to use it as a response to the
other spell being cast, when it is cast.

Right, what Igor said. Speedstone, Boomstone, etc.

are Items and cannot be absorbed by Absorb
Spell, which only affects Spells.
Does the Negate Neutral spell work againts neutral
spells that can be used as counters? (like Teleport,
Flood, and Pain Link for example...)
In other words, are these spells still considered
neutral when used as counters or are they then
"counterspell" that cannot be negated with negate
The spell becomes a Counter if used as a Counter,
and a Negate Neutral would not work on
such a "dual" card (it's not MTG!) when used
as a counter.
Counters can, indeed, counter counters. In
old Wiz-War, I once saw Fireball countered by Full
Reflection, countered by another Full Reflection,
countered by a normal Reflection (1/2 on each
player) countered by a Blunt (-2 damage). In the
current edition, one example would be the use of
Ward out-of-turn, followed by Shield during the
turn of the player who received Ward's damage.
Likewise, Shield could work to blunt damage done
to you on your own turn from Pain Link, as the
damage isn't being EVADED, but REDUCED. Or,
you could have this exchange:
SPELL (on the Sheild), ANTI-ANTI
(stopping Absorb Spell).
So yes, you can cast Counters on your own turn
when needed.
"Back" means "further away from the attack than you were
previously", usually this will mean "reverse", but not always.
"Intersection" means "anywhere that gives you a choice of
In the example given, the wizard will not take damage, unless
he is in a dead end. He chooses which direction he will be
knocked down, and will turn any corners he chooses. Yes, this
means that with careful thought, the attack can actually help
him move around the dungeon and towards his goal, or even
win the game... 'aint Wiz-War grand?
In most situations therefore, a Featherweight wizard will take
no damage.
I'm unsure as to the booby trap question since I don't have
access to the card yet, but Featherweight is played as a counter
to an Attack, so I imagine that it couldn't be used in this way. I
could be very wrong though, depending on the card text.

You've nailed it very nicely. A Featherweight

wizard would still set off a Boobytrap; you merely
need to "enter the space", not step on it. Also, you
can't open a door while blowing past it in
your Featherweighted body. I think it's
reasonable to say that you can only open a door on
your own turn (unless a card lets you do otherwise,
of course).
First Question: During my first game, someone cast a fireball
spell at me and I cast a Wall of Earth between us. What
a. The wall blocks LOS, so the attacking wizard's spell is
countered and discarded.
b. The wall blocks LOS, so the attacking wizard is unable to
cast the spell and keeps it in his hand.
c. The spell goes off regardless of the fact that LOS is
blocked, hits the wall, and the wall is destroyed (this
is how we played it).


Second Question: Can you only play Wall of Earth in response

to a spell, or can you play it any time, such as during your
opponent's turn (even if he isn't attacking) or during your
Third Question: The wall is immune to damage, but is
destroyed after it gets hit once. If it gets destroyed after being
hit, why specify that it is immune to damage? Is there a case
where it can be damaged without being attacked?

C is correct. "A" is not; think of a Lightning that

could reflect back to the caster. Question 2:
Technically, you could play a Counter at any
time; there are some Counters (like Anti-Anti)
that are almost always played on your own turn.
You could use a Wall of Earth to support
another player who was being attacked, also, if
you felt like it. It wouldn't do much on your own
turn; appear and suddenly collapse. Third
question: I think that's merely to point out that it's
completely impenetrable by damage for the
moment that it exists.
Can a punch be blocked by a Wall of Stone?
I think YES, because the punch is an adjacent
attack (which should require LOS) and WoS breaks
Certainly, but you can still punch a wall,
especially if you are a Werewolf with Strength, and
can cause a Crack per punch.
Wall of Earth can, indeed, block a punch IF the
attacker who is punching you is in an adjacent
space such that the wall can be cast on the line
between you. If the attacker is in the same
space, it won't do you any good at all.

one vote for, one vote against.

As i said, it does make sense that you 'should' be
able to block a punch with with Wall of Fire, BUT,
the card says it can not block non-LOS attacks.
Even though the punch requires LOS, it is not
considered (at least the fire Punch isn't) a LOS
attack since it doesn't carry the EYE icon.
Let's hear more.
Interesting. As I mentioned in my prior post, an
attack from an adjacent space or the same
space is, by default, an LOS attack,
although, to your credit, this is not specified
in the rules.
Psychic Storm targets a space, not a wizard. So
Null Powder cannot negate the spell.
Your strict interpretation is correct!
Another counter spell Q: If i throw a Lightning bolt
at another wizard and he uses Pain Link against me
can I use a Full Shield to cancel the damage from
the Pain Link?
Technically, Pain Link targets the caster of
pain link - notice that the range icon indicates
that the spell targets the caster. Full Shield only
works against spells targeting the user of
Full Shield, so in this case it would not protect

3. Attacking
All the card says about limitations is that it
can't block against non-LOS attacks. It does
NOT state that it doesn't work against
adjacent physical attacks (which are, by
default, LOS).
Oh, yeah...addressing the first question, thrown
objects stop adjacent to the first barrier
they come to, assuming the object is


Essentially what we had discussed here and this is the prompt

answer that I got:

allowed to be thrown. Of course, if you are

throwing a Dagger at a Wizard, it will end up in the
same space. Certain cards may let you target a
particular space for a thrown object, too.

"Thanks for your question. The wizard who cast the

"Waterbolt" chooses the order of the effects. If the
wizard chooses to push first and then do damage,
he would get the victory point because the
"Waterbolt" killed the opposing wizard.
Got some questions on this card.
Case 1) On the turn you play this card, I understand that it
"uses up" your attack phase of your turn. However, if you then
move into a square where another wizard is, does the damage
done to the wizard count as an "attack" (for the sake of counter
spells - Like featherweight)? ()
Case 4) Also, is damage dealt to an opponent wizard when they
step into your square on their turn (if the spell lasts)?

Case 1; The damage from Disease is not

considered an attack. It's somewhat like the
damage from a Destroyed Wall, which exists only
because you were in the wrong place at the wrong
time. Featherweight wouldn't work (or Pain Link).
Case 4: Technically, the card only works when
Red moves into Blue as described on the
card, not when Blue moves into Red.
Otherwise the card would be worded "each time
you are in a square with an opponent during a
turn" vs "each time you enter a square".
Thanks for your question. No point is scored. The
Wall of Fire is not an attack, so killing a wizard
with one provides no victory point. Although
Mental Force is an attack, it does not
actually deal the damage that kills the
wizard, so using it to cause a wizard's death
provides no victory point.
Mark O'Connor
Associate Game Producer
Fantasy Flight Games"
I asked the question of water bolt having the dual effect of
pushing a wizard (with 5 life points) back through a fire wall
and causing damage with both, the wall and the bolt.

4. Attitude
First of all, no, you can't cast one wall on
top of another. I'm pretty sure that's
already in the rules.
Second, if it's a concern, I'd recommend
establishing house rules to prevent weird
stuff like this. Anyone who's been following the
"most damage in one turn" forum knows that you
can do over 200 points of damage in one turn with
the Mental Force + Wall of Fire + Rose Bush +
Tacks combo. Unlikely to occur, but it could. You
could prevent this from being very deadly merely
by stating (house rule) that Mental Force can only
move you in one direction.
I've also noted that with the right cards you can
Punch for 20 points of damage in a turn, or with
Adrenalin, 40 points. Also a very unlikely combo.
It's worth noting that conditions have to be "just
right" for the player to get nailed by the Wall of
Fire / Mental Force attack. Both cards have to be in
play, the player can't have any useable counters,
and he has to be standing fairly close to the Wall of
Fire. I think I would have been merciful to the
newbie, but that's probably just because I'd want
him to buy the game afterward.
Familiarity with the game (as with most) is
definitely an advantage. I wouldn't call it "broken"


since everyone has the same chance to get the same

stuff at any time, and you can actually PLAN for
stuff like this. But of course, familiarity is a
prerequisite to planning.

something like 250 points of damage to a player in

one turn in the old edition if you had all the right
cards. Of course, there was also Full Reflection to
make someone think twice about it.

If anyone's going to Dundracon, I'll see you there.

Anyway, I'm afraid that if someone Mental Forced

me back and forth through a Wall of Fire, I'd
laugh so hard I'd choke on my beer. But yeah,
perfectly acceptable. I've been thinking of posting a
little contest to see what the max damage is that a
person could cause in one turn in the new edition. I
know it's over 30 points, easy.
Sudden death and Amplify aren't in the new
edition. Believe it or not, it was possible to do


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