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................................................................................................ 2
. ........................................................................9
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. ...........................................................................10
...................................................................................................... 12
. 4 . . . . .....................13
.............................................................................................. 13
..................................................................................... 123
. ......................................................................123
.................................................................................. 125
...................................................................................................... 176
................................................................................................ 294
................................................................................................. 315
.................................................................................................... 325
.................................................................................................... 348
................................................................................................ 369
.................................................................................................... 387
............................................................................................. 409
, , ............................495
, .....................................................................508
, ..........................................................................527
Exile in ancient Greece..........................................................................585
Exile in Greece........................................................................................ 599
............................................................................................... 600

- .
, , , .
: . . .
. .

, .
- - 2012.
' ;
: 456 .. 69 , .
, 525-456..

. ,
, .
, ,

: 404 .. 48 , .



. ,
, ,

. ,

, .
, ..
: 428 .. 72 , .
: 468 .. 72 , .
( 550 .. - 467 ..)
( )

(490 ..)
, ,
. ,

() , 484/483 ..


( 480 ..)
, ,

. ,

. ,
, ,

. ,
: 385 .. 61 , .
16. -

, 429 .


. "" ,
( ),
. ,

. ,
, "",
, .

"" ,

388 ..

: 322 .. 62 , .
. 384 322
... , ,
, , ,
). 324 .. ,
, " "

, , .

. , 12
322 .. 42
, , ( ),

: , , , ,
(337 - 283 ..)

. , , (

, ,
), ,


, .

, .
, ,
. .

. 283,
: 406 .. 74 , .
: 426 .. 59 , .
: 461 .. 66 , .
: 396 .. 64 , .
15. - .
. ,

, ,
. ,
424 .
20 . ,


. ,
404 .,
. ,
, ,
. , ,


: 420 .. .
: 388 .. 99 , .
: 489 .. 65 , .
: 429 .. 66 , .
: 374 .. 80 , .
: 500 .. 80 , .
: 406 .. 74 , .
: 399 .. 71 , .
: 429 .. 66 , .

, ,
, ,

() ()
. ,


. ,
, ,
/ .

, .
10 .
, .

, ,

, ,

: . 1.
, . 2. (., .)

: ~ (.
. .
(AM ) [] 1.
, 2.
|| (.) 1. ,

2. (.)


. Vitae philosophorum (0: )Diogenis Laertii vitae

philosophorum, 2 vols., Ed. Long, H.S.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964,
Repr. 1966.Book 2, section 103, line 7.

. .
, , ,
, .

. , ,


(485 .. 406 ..),

. (485 .. - 406 ..),

. - 417
.. - .
Liddel-Scott. , , v. . -, , , () out of
the bounds of one's country, Poll.6.198. II. Subst., (sc. ), ,
exile, Marcellin.Vit. Thuc. 47, Eust.1161.35. Julius Pollux Gramm.,
Onomasticon. , , ,
, .
. .
. ,


(5) , , ,
, [ , ,
, ,
. . , ,
, (10) ,
, .
, ,

. 4 . . . .

. HA 578b.29 ,
, ,
, ,

. ,
, ,
. 1414b.29 , ,
, []
, .
, ,
. (
" ,


. . (0006: )Euripidis fabulae, vol. 1, Ed.

Murray, G.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902, Repr. 1966.Line 16
' .
, ' '
, ' . ' '
. '
' '

. Heraclidae Line 257
{.} ;
{.} ;
{.} ' , ' ;
{.} ', ' .
{.} ' , ' .
{.} .
{.} ', , .
{.} .
{.} ' .
{.} ' ;
. . Euripidis fabulae, vol. 1, Ed. Murray,
G.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902, Repr. 1966.Line 1380


, ,
' ' ' ;
; '
. Ion Euripidis fabulae, vol. 2, 3rd edn., Ed. Murray, G.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913, Repr. 1966.Line 504
..., '


, ,

, , ,

. . (0006: 011)Euripidis fabulae, vol. 2, 3rd edn.,
Ed. Murray, G.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913, Repr. 1966.Line 1106.
{ } ' {[.}


' ,

' ,

. . (0007: 049)Plutarchi vitae

parallelae, vol. 2.1, 2nd edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner,
1964.Chapter 37, section 3, line 2.
' ,
. . '

. ,
, ,
[] ,


. (402 - 317 ..)

, , , .
45 , .
84 , ,
. Phil., De sera numinis vindicta (548a568a)
(0007: 107)Plutarchi moralia, vol. 3, Ed. Pohlenz, M.Leipzig: Teubner,
1929, Repr. 1972.Stephanus page 549, section A, line 5.
, |

. (fr. 979)
. Phil., De sera numinis vindicta (548a-568a)
Stephanus page 559, section D, line 9.

. ,


. . (0008: )Athenaei Naucratitae
deipnosophistarum libri xv, 3 vols., Ed. Kaibel, G.Leipzig: Teubner, 1
2:1887; 3:1890, Repr. 12:1965; 3:1966.Book 6, Kaibel paragraph 25,
line 15.


.. ,
. , .
' ' ,

. . (epitome) (0008: 003)Athenaei
dipnosophistarum epitome, vols. 2.12.2, Ed. Peppink, S.P.Leiden: Brill,
2.1:1937; 2.2:1939.Volume 2,1, page 90, line 34.
, .
' .
. ,

' ' ,
, .
. ., In Midiam (4: 021)Demosthenis orationes, vol. 2.1,
Ed. Butcher, S.H.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907, Repr. 1966.
Section 105, line 5.
' ' ' '
, ' . ' ,
, ' '
' , , ,

, ' .
' ,
' ;
. ., In Aristogitonem 1 (4: 025)Demosthenis orationes, vol.
2.1, Ed. Butcher, S.H.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907, Repr.
1966.Section 95, line 8.


, ' '
. , , , '
. , ,
, ,
, , ,
' , .
. '
, ' ,
, .
. ., In Aristogitonem 2 (4: 026)Demosthenis orationes, vol.
2.1, Ed. Butcher, S.H.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907, Repr. 1966.
Section 26, line 5

, '
. '
, . ,
Fragmenta (9: 014)Fragmenta comicorum
Graecorum, vol. 2.2, Ed. Meineke, A.Berlin: Reimer, 1840, Repr. 1970.
Play Nau, fragment 1, line 1
' ;
Dinarchus Orat., In Demosthenem (0029: )Dinarchi orationes cum
fragmentis, Ed. Conomis, N.C.Leipzig: Teubner, 1975.Section 77.
' ,


Hyperides Orat., Pro Lycophrone (0030: 002)Hyperidis orationes sex,
Ed. Jensen, C.Leipzig: Teubner, 1917, Repr. 1963.Fragment Ar, column
16, line 16
... , (
) '
Oratio in Leocratem (0034: )Lycurgi oratio in Leocratem,
Ed. Conomis, N.C. (post C. Scheibe & F. Blass)Leipzig: Teubner,
1970.Section 89, line 3
; , ,
, . , '

Oratio in Leocratem Section 113, line 4
... ,
, , ,

. {} , ,
. Symposium Platonis opera, vol. 2, Ed. Burnet, J.Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1901, Repr. 1967.Stephanus page 197, section d, line 4
... , ,
' ,


, ,
, '
, ,
, ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, ,
. Leges (0059: 034)Platonis opera, vol. 5, Ed. Burnet, J.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907, Repr. 1967.Stephanus page 874, section
a, line 3
, ,
, .
, ,

. . (lib. 120) (0060: )
Diodori bibliotheca historica, 5 vols., 3rd edn., Ed. Vogel, F., Fischer,
K.T. (post I. Bekker & L. Dindorf)Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1888; 2:1890;
3:1893; 45:1906, Repr. 1964.Book 13, chapter 111, section 5, line 2
, .
' , '
' .

' ,

. . (lib. 2140) (0060: 003)


Diodorus of Sicily, vols. 1112, Ed. Walton, F.R.Cambridge, Mass.:

Harvard University Press, 11:1957; 12:1967, Repr. 11:1968. Book 34/35,
chapter 1, section 2, line 4.



, ' .

. . Dionysii
Halicarnasei antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt, 4 vols., Ed.
Jacoby, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1885; 2:1888; 3:1891; 4:1905, Repr.
1967.Book 5, chapter 12, section 2, line 7
' '
, ,
. '

. . (0086: 010)Aristotelis ethica
Nicomachea, Ed. Bywater, I.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894, Repr.
1962.Bekker page 1180a, line 10



, , '
, .
. ' , ,
. (0086: 033)Aristotle's protrepticus, Ed.
Dring, I.Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1961.Fragment 23, line 2

, ' ,
' .
[ .]
, .
' ,
' , ' .
, ' ,
. (0086: 035)Aristotelis , Ed. Ross,
W.D.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957, Repr. 1964.Bekker page 1336b, line


, .
, ,

. Bekker page 1336b, line 13

, ,


. , . . (0087:
036)Herodiani partitiones, Ed. Boissonade, J.F.London, 1819, Repr.
1963.Page 232, line 16
, .

, ,
. , , ,
. , , , ,
. , , , ,
, .
. , . . Page 268, line 5
, , , , , . ,
. , .
, , , ,
, , , ,
, ,
, . , , ,
, , .

. Elementa harmonica (0088: )Aristoxeni

elementa harmonica, Ed. da Rios, R.Rome: Polygraphica, 1954.
Page 30, line 3


. '
' ,


, ' ,
Pseudo-Plutarchus, De musica (1131b1147a) (0094: 002)Plutarchi
moralia, vol. 6.3, 3rd edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1966.
Stephanus page 1145, section A, line 10
, . ' , '
' , '
, ,
. . (0099: )Strabonis geographica, 3 vols., Ed.
Meineke, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1877, Repr. 1969.Book 11, chapter 11,
section 8, line 8.
' , '
. , ' ,
. ' ,

. (0284: 045)
Aristides, vol. 2, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 96, line 17

. -


. .

, . Acta apostolorum apocrypha, vol. 2.1,
Ed. Bonnet, M.Leipzig: Mendelssohn, 1898, Repr. 1972.Section 12, li5


, .
, ,

, . Section 14, line 4
, .
. ,
, .

. . ..


, . Section 113, line 16


, . (recensio) Acta apostolorum apocrypha,
vol. 2.1, Ed. Bonnet, M.Leipzig: Mendelssohn, 1898, Repr. 972.Section
14, line 3
... .
. ,


, . (recensio) Section 38-41, line 3


- .
... X
, A

. ' ,


; , ,
, , . Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, vol. 2,
6th edn., Ed. Diels, H., Kranz, W.Berlin: eidmann, 1952, Repr.
1966.Fragment 7, line 3.
, , .
LYCURG. Leocr. 113
[Phrynichos, ermordet 411] ,
. ARISTOT. Rhet. 15. 1375b 32

[fr. 18 Diehl]. XEN. Hell. II 3, 1. 2 '
[404/3] ...
2.3.7. 238,
, ,
, ,


. Cope (1877: 276-277)

.238 15.1375b 31-34:
. . .

. .
. . .
. . Cassii Dionis Cocceiani
historiarum Romanarum quae supersunt, 3 vols., Ed. Boissevain,
U.P.Berlin: Weidmann, 1:1895; 2:1898; 3:1901, Repr. 1955.Book 38,
chapter 26, section 2, line 1.
... ' .
', ' , '
' ,
. '
, ,
, '
. , .
. . Book 76, chapter 6,
section 3, l. 2
... ' ' '
. ' , , . , ,
, '


.. ,
, .
. . (Petri Patricii excerpta
Vaticana sive Maiana) (0385: 011) Cassii Dionis Cocceiani historiarum
omanarum quae supersunt, vol. 3, Ed. Boissevain, U.P.Berlin:
Weidmann, 1901, Repr. 1955. Excerpt 21, line 2
. Mai. 82
p. 202 = p. 184, 30 32 Dind.

, ,
. 65
, .
Acta Petri, Martyrium Petri (0389: )Les actes de Pierre, Ed. Vouaux,
L.Paris: Letouzey & An, 1922.Section 32, line 35
. , ,
; .

' ,
. Contra Apionem (= De Judaeorum
vetustate) FlaVII Iosephi opera, vol. 5, Ed. Niese, B.Berlin: Weidmann,
1889, Repr. 1955.Book 1, section 257, line 4
; ,
; , '


, , '
. Contra Apionem (= De Judaeorum
vetustate) Book 2, section 291, line 5

' '
, ' , '
, , ,
, ,
, , , [] .
. Historiae Plybii historiae, vols. 14, Ed.
BuettnerWobst, T.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1905; 2:1889; 3:1893; 4:1904,
Repr. 1:1962; 23:1965; 4:1967.Book 2, chapter 7, section 10, line 5


. Paedagogus Clement
d'Alexandrie. Le pdagogue, 3 vols., Ed. Marrou, H.I., Harl, M.,
Mondsert, C., Matray, C.Paris: Cerf, 1:1960; 2:1965; 3:1970; Sources
chrtiennes 70, 108, 158.Book 2, chapter 3, subchapter 36, section 2, li 1

. , '


. Paedagogus Book 2, chapter 8,
subchapter 66, section 3, line 3
, ,
; .
, .
. Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Epicteti dissertationes
ab Arriano digestae, Ed. Schenkl, H.Leipzig: Teubner, 1916, Repr.
1965.Book 1, chapter 29, section 6, line 3
... ' . , .
, ; ,
. ,
. ,
, . { } ; {
} ,
, . ; ; '
; . ' ; ;
. Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Book 2, chapter 1, section
39, line 1
...', ' , , . , ' . , , , , , . , ' ,
, ,

. Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Book 2, chapter 6, section


22, line 1. (50 - 138 .. )

... , ; '
, ; ;
. ; ;
; ; ; ' .
; ; . ;
; , , , , ,
. ;
. ( )
. .

1947 1952, 1955 1961
1967 1974. .
: "", ,
. , ,
"" ,

: ",
- -
, .
' ,
. "
: ,
.[3] .
, , .
: " , , , ..."


(300-200 ..).
, "
. Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Book 2, chapter 6, section
22, line 2
... ' , ; ;
. ; ;
; ;
; ' .
; ; . ;
; , ,
, , ,
. ;
. Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Book 4, chapter 7, section
14, line 2
, '
; ; ,
. ; , . ' ;
, , ' .
, . '
Orationes Dionis Prusaensis quem vocant
Chrysostomum quae exstant omnia, vols. 12, 2nd edn., Ed. von Arnim,
J.Berlin: Weidmann, 1:1893; 2:1896, Repr. 1962.Oration 33, sec 34, li 4

' ,
' .
, ' ,


, , ,.
Apollonius Phil., Apollonii epistulae [Dub.] (0619: 003)FlaVII
Philostrati opera, vol. 1, Ed. Kayser, C.L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1870, Repr.
1964.Epistle 70, line 3.
... . . ,
' , ' .
' , ,
, . ,
Dictionary of Greek . .
26 ,
, . , . N.,
Meletius Med., De natura hominis (0730: )Anecdota Graeca e codd.
manuscriptis bibliothecarum Oxoniensium, vol. 3, Ed. Cramer,
J.A.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1836, Repr. 1963.Page 149, line 3
... ' ,
, '
, ,

, ' ,
, , ,
Alexander Phil., In Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum i
commentarium (0732: 005)Alexandri in Aristotelis analyticorum


priorum librum i commentarium, Ed. Wallies, M.Berlin: Reimer, 1883;

Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 2.1.Page 4, line 29
... '
' .
, '

' .

Ctesias Hist., Med., Fragmenta (0845: 002)FGrH #688.VolumeJacoby-F 3c,688,F, fragment 14, line 86.

, ,
, ,
. ,
. '
, .
Photii bibliotheca - 1-2 - 41 - Photius Ier ((patriarche de
Constantinople ;), Saint Photius I (Patriarch of Constantinople),
Immanuel Bekker 1824. ...
, ...

Posidonius Phil., Fragmenta (1052: )Posidonios. Die Fragmente, vol.

1, Ed. Theiler, W.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1982.Fragment 131a, line 10
... -


. .

' . .
Posidonius Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 402, line 51
... , ' '

, '
' ' ,

Posidonius Phil., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 2a,87,F, fragment 109,
line 10
... . (2)



' . (3)


Apocalypsis Joannis, Apocalypsis apocrypha Joannis (1158: )

Apocalypses apocryphae, Ed. Tischendorf, C.Leipzig: Mendelssohn,
1866.Section 6, line 3
, ;
. ,

, ,
, ...
Apocalypsis Joannis, Apocalypsis apocrypha Joannis Section 16, line 16
... , , '
; ;
. ,
. ,
Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol., PseudoClementina
(epitome de gestis Petri praemetaphrastica) [Sp.] Clementinorum
epitomae duae, 2nd edn., Ed. Dressel, A.R.M.Leipzig: Hinrichs,
1873.Section 178, line 7

, '
. ,
, ,
. '
, .
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio F (cod. Flor. Laurentianus Ashburn
1444) Ps.Kallisthenes. Zwei mittelgriechische ProsaFassungen des


Alexanderromans, 2 vols., Ed. Lolos, A., Konstantinopulos,

V.L.Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1983; Beitrge zur klassischen
Philologie 141 & 150.Chapter 5, section t, line 1


, ,
, ,
, . .
: (), (, ), , ,
, , , (),
(), (), , (), ,
( ), , , , ,
, .
, , , , , ,
. ,
: (), (), ()...
, , - ,

, ,
, .
. ,
, ,
. ,


, .

, ,
. , ,
. , ,
, ,
, .
; ,
. ,
, , .
, ,
. ,
, , ,
, ;

( , 1935, .
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio F (cod. Flor. Laurentianus Ashburn
1444) Chapter 49, section 5, line 2.




: ... - Alopsis.


Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio F (cod. Flor. Laurentianus Ashburn

1444) Chapter 78, section 12, line 5.
... , .

. , .

Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio F (cod. Flor. Laurentianus Ashburn



;. , .
' ,
, .
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio F (cod. Flor. Laurentianus Ashburn
1444) Chapter 125, section 12, line 13.

, ,
, .
. ,
, .
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio E (cod. Eton College 163) Ps.
Kallisthenes. Zwei mittelgriechische ProsaFassungen des
Alexanderromans, 2 vols., Ed. Lolos, A., Konstantinopulos, V.L.
Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1983; Beitrge zur klassischen Philologie
141 & 150.Chapter 5, section t, line 1
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio E (cod. Eton College 163)
Chapter 49, section 5, line 2
. . -


, .
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio E (cod. Eton College 163)
Chapter 78, section 12, line 6

. .

. .

Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio E (cod. Eton College 163)
Chapter 80, section 12, line 6

;. , . ' , ,
Historia Alexandri Magni, Recensio E (cod. Eton College 163)
Chapter 80, section 16, line 15



Harpocration Gramm., Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos (1389: )
Harpocrationis lexicon in decem oratores Atticos, vol. 1, Ed. Dindorf,
W.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1853, Repr. 1969.Page 223, line 16

. , ,
' ,
' . ,
, .
, . .
Irenaeus Theol., Adversus haereses (libri 12) (1447: )Sancti Irenaei
episcopi Lugdunensis libri quinque adversus haereses, vol. 1, Ed.
Harvey, W.W.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1857.
Book 1, chapter 1, section 5, line 54
... , [] ,
, ' . ,
[], , ,
, ,

Theophilus Apol., Ad Autolycum (1725: ) Theophilus of Antioch. Ad


Autolycum, Ed. Grant, R.M. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.Book 2,

section 26, line 3
..., ,
, , .


, .
. (fragmentum) (2: 037)
Themistii orationes quae supersunt, vol. 3, Ed. Schenkl, H., Downey,
G., Norman, A.F.Leipzig: Teubner, 1974.Dindorf page 300, section a, line
. '

. Analyticorum posteriorum paraphrasis (2: 038)Themistii
analyticorum posteriorum paraphrasis, Ed. Wallies, M.Berlin: Reimer,
1900; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 5.1.Volume 5,1, page 61, line
; ;
. '
. ,



, .
. In Aristotelis physica paraphrasis (2: 039)
Themistii in Aristotelis physica paraphrasis, Ed. Schenkl, H.Berlin:
Reimer, 1900; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 5.2.Vol. 5,2, page 86,
... ;
. , ;
, ,
, . ,
, .
, , ,
, .
, .
Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil., Epistulae (2003: 013)
L'empereur Julien. Oeuvres compltes, vol. 1.2, 2nd edn., Ed. Bidez, J.
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1960.Epistle 114, line 9
... ,

, '
' . ' , ,
, ' , , , .
Synesius Phil., Oratio de regno (2006: 002)Synesii Cyrenensis
opuscula, Ed. Terzaghi, N.Rome: Polygraphica, 1944.Section 17, line 72


... , . ,
, '
, .

Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., Contra Eunomium (2017: 030)

Gregorii Nysseni opera, vols. 1.1 & 2.2, Ed. Jaeger, W.Leiden: Brill,
1960.Book 1, chapter 1, section 123, line 2
... ,


. .

, . Praeparatio
evangelica Eusebius Werke, Band 8: Die Praeparatio evangelica, Ed.
Mras, K.Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 43.1:1954; 43.2:1956; Die
griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 43.1 & 43.2.Book 14, chapter 26,
section 14, line 2

, . Historia


ecclesiastica Eusbe de Csare. Histoire ecclsiastique, 3 vols., Ed.

Bardy, G.Paris: Cerf, 1:1952; 2:1955; 3:1958, Repr. 3:1967; Sources
chrtiennes 31, 41, 55.Book 9, chapter 9a, section 2, line 4




, . Vita Constantini
(2018: 020)Eusebius Werke, Band 1.1: ber das Leben des Kaisers
Konstantin, Ed. Winkelmann, F.Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1975; Die
griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller.Book Pin, chapter 1, section 52,
line 1
. .
. '
. .

. ,
, . Vita Constantini
Book Pin, chapter 2, section 30, line 1
, . Vita Constantini


Book 2, chapter 20, section 2, line 3

, '
, ' .
' ,
. '

Epiphanius Scr. Eccl., Panarion (= Adversus haereses)
Volume 3, page 152, line 1
... , ,
. , ,
. ,
Epiphanius Scr. Eccl., Panarion (= Adversus haereses) Volume 3, page
161, line 25
, '
, .

. '


. Epistulae (2022: )Saint Grgoire de

Nazianze. Lettres, 2 vols., Ed. Gallay, P.Paris: Les Belles Lettres,
1:1964; 2:1967.Epistle 140, section 3, line 2
; ' , , . ; . ;
( ),
, ' ,
. Funebris oratio in laudem Basilii Magni
Caesareae in Cappadocia episcopi (orat. 43) (2022: 006)
Grgoire de Nazianze. Discours funbres en l'honneur de son frre
Csaire et de Basile de Csare, Ed. Boulenger, F.Paris: Picard, 1908.
Chapter 46, section 1, line 3
' .
; , , ,
, , .
. Funebris oratio in laudem Basilii Magni
Caesareae in Cappadocia episcopi (orat. 43) Chapter 49, section 2, line 1
. ;
; . { } , ; { }
. { } ;
. { } , , , . { } , ,
; { } , ,
. Funebris oratio in laudem Basilii Magni
Caesareae in Cappadocia episcopi (orat. 43) Chapter 49, section 3, line 1


... { } , ,
; { } , ,

. Funebris oratio in laudem Basilii Magni
Caesareae in Cappadocia episcopi (orat. 43) Chapter 54, section 1, line 2

, , . .
. ,
, ,
, ,
Iamblichus Phil., De vita Pythagorica (2023: )Iamblichi de vita
Pythagorica liber, Ed. Klein, U. (post L. Deubner)Leipzig: Teubner,
1937, Repr. 1975.Chapter 30, section 168, line 2

. ,
, ,
De abstinentia Book 1, section 30, line 8


...' , '
, ;

, , .
Athanasius Theol., De decretis Nicaenae synodi (2035: 003)
Athanasius Werke, vol. 2.1, Ed. Opitz, H.G.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1940.
Chapter 41, section 17, line 1
... ,
, ' ,

, []
, ,

' .
Athanasius Theol., Apologia contra Arianos sive Apologia secunda
(2035: 005)Athanasius Werke, vol. 2.1, Ed. Opitz, H.G.Berlin: De
Gruyter, 1940.Chapter 3, section 5, line 7
. '
, ,
. ,
. , ,
' '
. '
, ' ,


, ( )
, .
Athanasius Theol., Apologia contra Arianos sive Apologia secunda
Chapter 37, section 4, line 1
... , '
. ,

, ,

' ' .
' ,
, ,

. . Chapter 34, section 4, line 2

ATHANASIOS. Archbishop of Alexandria (qq.v.); theologian,
archopponent of Arianism (q.v.); proponent of the Nicene Creed and of
monasticism (q.v.). Athanasios was secretary to archbishop Alexander
(q.v.), with whom he traveled to the Council of Nicaea (q.v.) in 325. He
succeeded Alexander in 328, working tirelessly for the Nicene party,
promoting the Nicene term homoousios (q.v.), meaning of one
substance, to describe Christs relationship to God the Father. He
introduced monasticism (q.v.) to the West during his periods of exile
there. His vita of Antony the Great (qq.v.) was very influential, as
witnessed by the impact it had on Augustine (q.v.) and his circle of
... , ,



. .
, '

Athanasius Theol., Epistula ad episcopos Aegypti et Libyae (2035:

041); MPG 25.Volume 25, page 549, line 2.

; ,

. . (2037: )
Ioannis Stobaei anthologium, 5 vols., Ed. Wachsmuth, C., Hense, O.
Berlin: Weidmann, 12:1884; 3:1894; 4:1909; 5:1912, Repr. 1958.
Book 1, chapter 49, section 69, line 19
... ,



, ,
. . Book 3, chapter 1, section
123, line 124
... , , '
, ' .

, ' , . '
. . Book 3, chapter 5, section
46, line 3
, .
' ;
' , ,
. .

. Epistulae (2040: )Saint Basile. Lettres, 3 vols.,

Ed. Courtonne, Y.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1:1957; 2:1961; 3:1966.
Epistle 8, section 2, line 35
, ' ,


, , ,
, .
. 9, section 2, line 29
... , ,
' ,
. 69, section 2, line 4
..., ,
, ,

, , ,

, ,
, .
. 139, section 1, line 17
... ,
, -


, , , ,

. 168, section t, line 2

. Epistulae Epistle 264, section t, line 2

' ...
. 289, section 1, line 3


, . ,

. Asceticon magnum sive Quaestiones (regulae
fusius tractatae) (2040: 048); MPG 31.Volume 31, page 1044, line 38
... ,


, . '
, ,
. Homilia dicta in Lacisis (2040: 058); MPG 31.
Volume 31, page 1456, line 12
, , .
. ' , ' ,
' ,

. ,
. Liturgia (recensio brevior vetusta) (2040: 071);
MPG 31.Volume 31, page 1636, line 49
, , ,
, .
, , ,
, ' , , .
. De oratione (2042: 008)Origenes Werke, vol. 2,
Ed. Koetschau, P.Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1899; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller 3.Chapter 9, section 1, line 14





. Fragmenta ex commentariis in epistulam i ad
Corinthios (in catenis) (2042: 034)Documents: Origen on I
Corinthians, Ed. Jenkins, C., 1908; Journal of Theological Studies 9 &
10.Section 22, line 8
, 8
, ,
, ' ,
, 8
8 8
. IV 21 V 2 [ ,
. ,
, .
. Fragmenta in Psalmos 1150 [Dub.] (2042: 044)
Analecta sacra spicilegio Solesmensi parata, vols. 2 & 3, Ed. Pitra,
2:Paris; 3:Venice: 2:Tusculum; 3:St. Lazarus Monastery, 2:1884; 3:1883,
Repr. 1966.Psalm 93, verse 11-13, line 8
... , , ,
' .


Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (2048:

)Sozomenus. Kirchengeschichte, Ed. Bidez, J., Hansen, G.C.
Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1960; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller 50.Book 2, chapter 16, section 1, line 2
... , '
. ,
, '
, , .

Eunapius Hist., Soph., Vitae sophistarum (2050: )Eunapii vitae
sophistarum, Ed. Giangrande, J.Rome: Polygraphica, 1956.Book 10,
chapter 3, section 15, line 4
... ,
, '
' .
, , .
' ,
, .
. .
(2057: )Socrates' ecclesiastical history, 2nd edn., Ed. Bright,
W.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893.Book 1, chapter 2, line 54
..., .


, . ,
, , ,
. , ,
. . Book 1,
chapter 8, line 156
. ,
, .

, , ,
, , , .
. . Book 1,
chapter 14, line 1

, ,
. . Book 1,
chapter 14, line 5
... .


, ,
, .
, .
. . Book 1,
ch. 23, line 4


, , , , ,
. . Book 1,
chapter 33, line 10

, '
. ,

, , '
, .
. .
Book 1, chapter 35, line 3




. .
Book 1, chapter 35, line 17

, , , , . ,
. ,
. '
. .
Book 1, chapter 37, line 1

. .
Book 1, chapter 37, line 8

, ' ,
, ,


. .
Book 2, chapter 1, line 5
, .

. .
, ,
. .
Book 2, chapter 27, line 18
, ,
, .
, .
, ,
. .
Book 2, chapter 37, line 287.
... ,

, . ,
, ,
, , ,


, .
. .
Book 2, chapter 37, line 293
... ,
, , ,
, .

, .
, ,
, .
. .
Book 2, chapter 37, line 296

, .
, ,
. ,
, ,
. .
Book 2, chapter 40, line 150
..., .
. ,

, '
. ,


. .
Book 2, chapter 43, line 34
... , ,
. ,
, . '
. ,
. .
Book 2, chapter 44, line 15
... ,

, .

, , .
, ,
, .
. .
Book 3, chapter 1, line 143
... .

, -



. .
Book 3, chapter 5, line 3

, ,
, . , , , .
. .
Book 4, chapter 11, line 21
... .
, ,
, ' ,
, .
. .
Book 4, chapter 14, line 14
... .

, .
' .


. .
Book 5, chapter 11, line 16
..., , ,

, . , ,
, , .
, ,
, .
. .
Book 5, chapter 20, line 13
... , , ' , . ,
, .
, ' , ,

. .
Book 6, chapter 15, line 52
... , .
. ' '
. , , ' .


' .
Asterius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae 114 (2060: )Asterius of
Amasea. Homilies ixiv, Ed. Datema, C.Leiden: Brill, 1970.
Homily 3, chapter 10, section 3, line 3
... ,
; ,

. .Adversus
oppugnatores vitae monasticae (lib. 13) (2062: 003); MPG 47.Vol 47,
pg 379, ln 53
, , , ,

, ,
, ' .
. .De beato
Philogonio (= Contra Anomoeos, homilia 6) (2062: 014); MPG 48.Vol
48, pg 756, ln 11
..., , , -


' , , , , , . ,
, .
, ;
, ,
, .

. .Epistulae 18-242
Vol 52, pg 683, ln 34
... , . ,
. ,
, , ,
; ,
, .
. .Epistulae 18-242
Vol 52, pg 684, ln 26
... '
, ,
, '
' , ,
. ,

, .


. .In sanctum
Joannem praecursorem [Sp.] (2062: 135); MPG 50.Vol 50, pg 802, ln
... ;
, ;
; ;
; ,
. .Epistula ad
Cyriacum (epist. 125 + recensiones) Version or recension 1,1, ln 36
, , .
. , ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, . ,

. .Epistula ad
Cyriacum (epist. 125 + recensiones) Version or recension 1,3, ln 77
, . , , , '
. ,
. , . , .
, .


. .Epistula ad
Cyriacum (epist. 125 + recensiones) Version or recension 1,3, ln 102
, ,

. . ; ;
; ;

Pseudo-Macarius Scr. Eccl., Sermones 64 (collectio B) (2109: )

Makarios/Symeon Reden und Briefe, 2 vols., Ed. Berthold, H.Berlin:
AkademieVerlag, 1973; Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller.
Homily 2, chapter 2, section 5, line 1
... .

, '
Pseudo-Macarius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae spirituales 50 (collectio H)
(2109: 002)Die 50 geistlichen Homilien des Makarios, Ed. Drries, H.,
Klostermann, E., Kroeger, M.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1964; Patristische Texte
und Studien 4.Homily 21, line 12
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
, , , ,


, '
Palladius Scr. Eccl., Historia Lausiaca (recensio G) (2111: )
Palladio. La storia Lausiaca, Ed. Bartelink, G.J.M.Verona:
Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 1974.Vita Pref, section 10, line 2
Palladius Scr. Eccl., Historia Lausiaca (recensio G)
Vita 46, section 3, line 2

. '
, ,
. , ,
Libanius Rhet., Soph., Declamationes 151 (2200: 005)Libanii opera,
vols. 57, Ed. Foerster, R.Leipzig: Teubner, 5:1909; 6:1911; 7:1913,
Repr. 1963.Declamation 13, (subdivision) 1, section 47, line 9
. '



. Alexias (2703: )Anna Comnne. Alexiade, 3
vols., Ed. Leib, B.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1:1937; 2:1943; 3:1945,
Repr. 12:1967.Book 1, chapter 16, section 4, line 11

, ,
. . Page 217, line 15
... , .

. , .

. ' .
. . Page 381, line 11
... .




. . Page 402, line 4

, , ,
, .
, .

, , .
, '

. . Page 411, line 7
, . .
, ,
, .
. . Page 478, line 20
... .
, ,
Romanus Melodus Hymnographus, Cantica (2881: )Romanos le
Mlode. Hymnes, vols. 15, Ed. Grosdidier de Matons, J.Paris: Cerf,
1:1964; 2:1965; 3:1965; 4:1967; 5:1981; Sources chrtiennes 99, 110,
114, 128, 283.Hymn 36, section 22, line 5


... .

, ,
. Epistula ad Theophilum
imperatorem de sanctis et venerandis imaginibus [Sp.] (2934: 050);
MPG 95.Volume 95, page 376, line 2
... ,
, '
, ,
. ; ,
. Commentarii in epistulas Pauli [Sp.]
(2934: 053); MPG 95.Volume 95, page 860, line 34

. ' ,
, ' , '
, . ,
' .
VII , . De virtutibus et
vitiis Volume 1, page 153, line 9
... , ,
; . . -


VII , . De virtutibus et
vitiis olume 1, page 155, line 23
... .
, .


[] .
VII , . De insidiis (3023:
003)Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti confecta,
vol. 3: excerpta de insidiis, Ed. de Boor, C.Berlin: Weidmann, 1905.
Page 149, line 26
' .
VII , . De insidiis
Page 169, line 9
, ' ,

, .


' .
, , ,
. .
VII , . De insidiis
Page 175, line 17
... , ,

, , '
. 50.
VII , . De insidiis
Page 186, line 15
... .

, '


, .
VII , . De insidiis
Page 187, line 7
... ,

, .
, .


' .
, '

VII , . De insidiis
Page 187, line 9
... ,
, .
, .
' .
, '


VII , . De sententiis
(3023: )Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti
confecta, vol. 4: excerpta de sententiis, Ed. Boissevain, U.P.Berlin:
Weidmann, 1906.Page 244, line 3
. 22.

VII , . De administrando
imperio Chapter 29, line 141
... , ,
, , , ,
. ,


, ,
, ,
, ,
, , '
VII , . De administrando
imperio Chapter 29, line 166
, ,
, , , ,
, , , ' ,
VII , . De administrando
imperio Chapter 50, line 137
, , ,
, ,
, ,

, ,
, ,



VII , . De administrando
imperio Chapter 50, line 149
. , ,
, ,
. ,
. . (lib. 14) (3043: )
Georgii monachi chronicon, 2 vols., Ed. de Boor, C.Leipzig: Teubner,
1904, Repr. 1978 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).Page 444, line 14
' , ,

' .
. . (lib. 1-4) Page 448, line 4

, '
, , .

. . (lib. 1-4) Page 510, line 12
, , ,



. .

. . (lib. 1-4) Page 517, line 16
, .


. ,
. . (lib. 1-4) Page 519, line 13
... .

, ,
, .
, .
. . (lib. 1-4) Page 549, line 21
... .
. -


. .

. '
. . (lib. 1-4) Page 551, line 2

( ) ,
, .


. .
. . (lib. 1-4) Page 600, line 16


, ,
. . (lib. 1-4) Page 777, line 11


, ,
, ' .
. . breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio recentior)
Volume 110, page 517, line 32
... ,
, .
(2) ' ,
( ) . . .
( (90b)
) () .
. . breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio recentior)
Volume 110, page 625, line 36
( , ,
, )
, ,
( ) , '
. (100b) (2)
. . breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio recentior)
Volume 110, page 772, line 41
(13) , ,
. (14)
, ] . (15)
. ,
. . breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio recentior)


Volume 110, page 864, line 20

... .

. (8)
() (,
, ), .
. . breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio recentior)
Volume 110, page 1081, line 23
, ( )
. (16) ('
) () () .

, 761
. . breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio recentior)
Volume 110, page 1148, line 45

, . (32)
Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia (3079: )Michaelis Attaliotae
historia, Ed. Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber, 1853; Corpus scriptorum historiae
Byzantinae.Page 182, line 4
, '



, .
Theophylactus Simocatta Hist., Epist., Historiae (3130:
003)Theophylacti Simocattae historiae, Ed. de Boor, C.Leipzig:
Teubner, 1887, Repr. 1972 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).Book-dialogue-index
8, chapter 5, section 4, line 1
... , .


Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem
rhetoricam commentarium (4026: )Anonymi et Stephani in artem
rhetoricam commentaria, Ed. Rabe, H.Berlin: Reimer, 1896;
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 21.2.Page 70, line 18
..., ' . [b3]
, ,
. [b6] '
, . [b8]

Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem

rhetoricam commentarium Page 111, line 24
... , . [a11]


, ' .

. [a15]
Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem
rhetoricam commentarium Page 111, line 26
... .
, ' .

, ,
. [a15]

, ' . [a17]
, '

Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem

rhetoricam commentarium Page 140, line 11
... ,
, ' , '
. [b2]
; [b4] ,
, ,
, ,
, .


Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem

rhetoricam commentarium Page 141, line 1
... . [b13]
, ,
, , . [b13]

, ,
, [b15] ,
, .
. Photius. Bibliothque, 8 vols., Ed.
Henry, R.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1:1959; 2:1960; 3:1962; 4:1965;
5:1967; 6:1971; 7:1974; 8:1977.Codex 53, Bekker page 14a, line 18
... , . .
, . ' .
, .
. . Codex 59, Bekker page 18a, line 37




. . Codex 63, Bekker page 24b, line 25
... , , ' ,


( ) .
. . Codex 65, Bekker page 27b, line 16
... ,
, , .

. . Codex 65, Bekker page 32b, line 5
[ ]
, ,


. . Codex 72, Bekker page 41a, line 39

. ,
. ,
, .
. . Codex 80, Bekker page 62b, line 23
... )

, ,
, ,

, .
. . Codex 86, Bekker page 65b, line 42
... ,
. '
... ,

, ,


. . Codex 96, Bekker page 81a, line 32
. , '
. '

, ,.
. . Codex 96, Bekker page 82a, line 29
' ' , ,
. '

, .
, ' .
. . Codex 276, Bekker page 515b, line 39
' .
, ,
, ,


. . Codex 277, Bekker page 525a, line 20
, .
, , ,

. .
. . Eustathii archiepiscopi
Thessalonicensis commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem pertinentes, vols. 14,
Ed. van der Valk, M.Leiden: Brill, 1:1971; 1987.Volume 4, page 248, line
, , , ,
, [ , ,
' , '
, . .
, ' , ,
, ,
. ,
, ' ,
. (-) (4085: 002)Hesychii Alexandrini lexicon, vols.
12, Ed. Latte, K.Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1:1953; 2:1966.6670, line


( 347)

. (-) Alphabetic letter delta, entry 914, line 1

. (-) Alphabetic letter delta, entry 1907, line 1
. v

, (Plat. leg.
9,873 e ..)

. (-)
Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 3943, line 1
[. ] ( 166) ASn

(Greg. Naz. c. 2, 1, 34, 80) nT

[ ]
(Dem. 21, 105)

, . . Graecarum
affectionum curatio (4089: )Thodoret de Cyr. Thrapeutique des
maladies hellniques, 2 vols., Ed. Canivet, P.Paris: Cerf, 1958; Sources
chrtiennes 57.
Book 1, section 84, line 2
... , ,


, ,
. ,

' '
; , . ' ;

. .
(4089: 003)Theodoret. Kirchengeschichte, 2nd edn., Ed. Parmentier,
L., Scheidweiler, F.Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1954; Die griechischen
christlichen Schriftsteller 44.Page 3, line 4
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Page 92, line 1
' .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. ' .
. .
Page 92, line 7
. ' .
. .


. .
. .
. .
. .

. .
Page 97, line 15
, ), , ,
, .
. .
Page 104, line 14
... , , .
, ,
, ' . ' ,

, ,
' ,
. .
Page 104, line 15


, ,
, ' . ' ,

, ,
' ,

. .
Page 110, line 13

, , , ,
, , , , , ,
' ,
. .
Page 129, line 6


' .

, .
. .
Page 129, line 11


' .

, ,
' .
. .
Page 134, line 4
, '
. , '

, , , .

. .
Page 135, line 23
. ,
. ,
. .
Page 175, line 13


. .
' .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Page 180, line 15

' , '
. .
Page 208, line 5
. .
. .
. ,
' .
. .
Page 212, line 2
' ,


. .
Page 245, line 20

. ,
( )


. .
Page 256, line 26
... , (
' ) ,
, ,
, ,
, ' , '

. .
Page 289, line 20

, ' .

, -


. ,
, '
, . . Collectio
Sirmondiana (epistulae 96-147) Epistle 125, line 65

, ,


, . . De incarnatione
domini (4089: 021); MPG 75.Volume 75, page 1424, line 31
. .
( , ' ,
, ), .
, . . Quaestiones in
Octateuchum (4089: 022)Theodoreti Cyrensis quaestiones in
Octateuchum, Ed. Fernndez Marcos, N., SenzBadillos, A.Madrid:
Poliglota Matritense, 1979; Textos y Estudios Cardenal Cisneros 17.Page
29, line 2

, ,


. ,
, . . Quaestiones in
Octateuchum Page 225, line 13

. '

, .
, '
, ,
. .Nicephori Gregorae
historiae Byzantinae, 3 vols., Ed. Schopen, L., Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber,
1:1829; 2:1830; 3:1855; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.Volume
1, page 27, line 12
... , , . , , .

' ,
, . ' . (.) ,
, , , .
. .Volume 1, page 95, line 5
... ,

. -


. .Volume 1, page 127, line 16
. (.)
, ' .
' ,
, , , , , , , . '
( ' ),

. .Volume 1, page 169, line 1

... ,
, , .
, , ,
. .Volume 1, page 287, line 1
... '
. .


. ' .
. .Volume 1, page 309, line 10

, .
, .

, .
. .Volume 1, page 397, line 5
... .

, . '
. (.) '
' '

. .Volume 1, page 398, line 22
... , .
, ,


. ' , ,
. .Volume 1, page 441, line 18

. (.)
, . , ,
' , ,
. , , .
. .Volume 1, page 549, line 24
... . ' ' ' ,

. (.) ,
, .
. .Volume 2, page 622, line 19
... .



. (.) , , ,
. '
. .
. , .
. .Volume 2, page 625, line 20

, '

, '
, .
. .Volume 2, page 772, line 24
... ,

. (.) '
' . '
' ,
. .Volume 2, page 784, line 19
... , ' -


. (.) , , ,

. .Volume 2, page 797, line 16

. ,
. (.)

, ,
. .Volume 2, page 824, line 4
... , '
. (.)
, ,
. , ,
, , ,
. .
. .Volume 2, page 824, line 13
... . , ,


, . , . ' , .

, .
. .Volume 2, page 983, line 11
... ,

, , ,
, ,
. '

, .
. .Volume 2, page 1033, line 8
... , .
' , . ,
. .Volume 3, page 554, line 4
, ' '


, , .

, '

. .
. (ACO), Concilium universale Ephesenum
anno 431 Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum, vol., Ed.
Schwartz, E.Berlin: De Gruyter,.Tomvolumpart 1,1,1, page 7, line 19


: :
However, Nestorios remained in exile in Egypt (q.v.). In 433 moderates
on both sides agreed to accept the epithet Theotokos (q.v.) for Mary, and
agreed to a compromise formula stating that Christ had two natures that
existed in an unconfused union. Nestorioss followers retreated to
Edessa...Historical dictionary f Byzantium. John H. Rosser.
. (ACO), Concilium universale Ephesenum anno
431 Tomvolumpart 1,1,7, page 135, line 34
... '

. '
, .


; ,
, .
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem (scholia
vetera) (5008: )Aristides, vol. 3, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829,
Repr. 1964.Treatise Tett, Jebb pagline 220,8, line of scholion 3
. ]
. ]
Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Aeschylum (scholia vetera)
(5010: )Scholia Graeca in Aeschylum quae exstant omnia, vols. 1 &
2.2, Ed. Smith, O.L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1976; 2.2:1982.Play Ag,
hypothesis-epigram-scholion 641, line 1
] . ]
. ] . ]
. ] .

Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Prometheum vinctum (scholia

vetera) (5010: 005)The older scholia on the Prometheus bound, Ed.
Herington, C.J.Leiden: Brill, 1972.Vita-argumentum-scholion-epigram
sch, verse 183c, line 4
' .
, .
, .
P (continuatur cum sch. 178): ']
, .
Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Aeschylum (scholia recentiora)
(5010: 009)Aeschyli tragoediae superstites et deperditarum fragmenta,
vol. 3 [Scholia Graeca ex codicibus aucta et emendata], Ed. Dindorf, W.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1851, Repr. 1962.Play Ag, hypothesis-


verse of play 641, line 1

... ]
. ] .
] . ] .
] .
] .
. Scholia in equites (scholia vetera et
recentiora Triclinii) (5014: 002)Prolegomena de comoedia. Scholia in
Acharnenses, Equites, Nubes, Ed. Jones, D.M., Wilson, N.G.
Groningen: WoltersNoordhoff, 1969; Scholia in Aristophanem 1.2.
Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch eq, section-verse 855a, li 2

] , . Lh
vet : ,
. : .
, .
. -
, ,
, ' .
Scholia In Dionysium Periegetam, Scholia in Dionysii periegetae
orbis descriptionem (scholia vetera) (olim sub auctore Demetrio
Lampsaceno) (5019: )Geographi Graeci minores, vol. 2, Ed. Mller,
K.Paris: Didot, 1861, Repr. 1965.Vita-verse of Orbis descriptio 461, line
of scholion 10
, (fr. 202)
, ,
. .

, . ,


, ,

Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem (scholia vetera)

(5023: )Scholia in Euripidem, 2 vols., Ed. Schwartz, E.Berlin: Reimer,
1:1887; 2:1891, Repr. 1966.Vita-argumentum-scholion sch Hec, section
1285, line 1
... ',
: : : Mg
Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem (scholia vetera)
Vita-argumentum-scholion sch Hipp, section 1173, line 3
: . [ ] : NB : . : B

Scholia In Oppianum, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (scholia vetera et

recentiora) (5032: 002)Scholia et paraphrases in Nicandrum et
Oppianum in Scholia in Theocritum (ed. F. Dbner), Ed. Bussemaker,
U.C.Paris: Didot, 1849.Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 273, line 2
' , . .
. .

Scholia In Oppianum, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (scholia vetera et
recentiora) Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 273, line 15


... ,

, ' ,
. .
. , .
. , , .
Scholia In Oppianum, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (scholia vetera et
recentiora) Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 278, line 2
... ' .

. , . ,
, , . , . .
, . ,
' .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum
(scholia recentiora) (5037: 005)Scholia Byzantina in Sophoclis Oedipum
tyrannum, Ed. Longo, O.Padua: Antenore, 1971.Source of scholion sch
mos, scholion 100-01, line 1
... ] ,
, , . ] .
] . ] .
' , , , , ,
, , , .

Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch mos, scholion 305-09, line 5
... , , -


, ,
, , ,
, .
] . '] , .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch mos, scholion 623, line 2
... '] . ]
, .
] . ] .
, .
, , , .
, , .
, .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch mos, scholion 658-59, line 2
] . ] .
] .
] . ] .
] . ] .
, , , .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch mos, scholion 822-25, line 4
... , , , , ;
, , , ; ] . ] .
, ' .


, ,
, ' .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch mos, scholion 947-48, line 2
...] .

, , , .
] .
, .
] .
] . ] .
] . ] .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch thom, scholion 1340, line 1
... .
] .
] . '] .
] . ] . ] . ] .
] .
] .
] .
] .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch thom, scholion 1518, line 1
... ]
. ] , . ] .
' ... ] .
, . ] .
] .
] . ] .
, .


, .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) ource of scholion sch tric, scholion 1432, line 2
... , , , ,
, , .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum Coloneum
(scholia vetera) (5037: 006)Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum Coloneum,
Ed. de Marco, V.Rome: Bretschneider, 1952.Hypothesis-scholion 431,
line 1
] ' . LRM
, . LRM
: ' .
' , . '] .
. . .
, , .
Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (scholia vetera et
recentiora) (5039: )Scholia in Thucydidem ad optimos codices collata,
Ed. Hude, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1927, Repr. 1973.Book 2, chapter 27,
section 2, line 1
: .
. : ,
, : .


: . : . : . : .
: , , .
Anthologiae Graecae Appendix, Epigrammata exhortatoria et
supplicatoria (7052: )Epigrammatum anthologia Palatina cum
Planudeis et appendice nova, vol. 3, Ed. Cougny, E.Paris: Didot,
1890.Epigram 116, line e4
..., ,


, ,
, , .
, , ' , '
. . (9010: )Suidae lexicon, 4 vols., Ed. Adler, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1.1:1928; Lexicographi Graeci 1.11.4.
646, line 3
: . '
, .
. : , . , .
: . .
. . letter alpha, entry 783, line 12


. , , .


. . letter alpha, entry 3531, line 1
, .
: , , .
: , , .
. , .
: .
, .
. . 3563, line 1
...' ' ' .
: . .
. .
. .
. . Alphabetic letter gamma, entry 427, line 4
: . ,
. .

, , , .



. . Alphabetic letter delta, entry 1352, line 22

... '
, .
' .
, ,
' .
. . Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 1807, line 1
: . ,
: . .
. .
' .
: . .
. . Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 2540, line 3
: .
, .
, .
. . Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 3777, line 3
... '
, .


. '
. . Alphabetic letter iota, entry 401, line 2
.... ,
' . .
: . ,
, ,

, , .
. . Alphabetic letter iota, entry 461, line 2
; .
: .
: .
: . .
: .

, .
. , .
: .
. . Alphabetic letter theta, entry 391, line 2

, , ;
, , .


: . .
: , ,
, .
, .
: .
: . , .
, .
. . Alphabetic letter mu, entry 1140, line 3
, ,

, ,


. . Alphabetic letter nu, entry 252, line 2

. . . ,
, . .
, , . .
, .

' ,
. . Alphabetic letter omicron, entry 425, line 5
, .

. , ,
, ' ,
, .

, .


. . Alphabetic letter omicron, entry 762, line 6

, ,

' ,
. . Alphabetic letter omicron, entry 763, line 15

, ,
. . .
. ,
. . Alphabetic letter omicron, entry 764, line 3
. ,
. , .
. . Alphabetic letter pi, entry 1223, line 1
: .


: .
: .
: .
. . letter sigma, entry 798, line 8

' ,
, , , , ,
. . letter upsilon, entry 169, line 20

, , ,
. ,
. ' ,
. . letter upsilon, entry 333, line 1
, , ,
, .
: .
. . letter phi, entry 810, line 1
: '
. , .


: , . , .
, . ,
. , . .
. In artem rhetoricam commentaria Page 320, line
... ,
[1410 a 12]

. [1410 a 13]
. ,

. .

, . .
6o . .. .
, , ,
. , ,
. 6.000 ,
, .


, , ,
, ).
: , ,
, ..

6 . . ... .


" ",

( )
( ...

: ,

6 ,





, , .
( ),
6.000 .

. ,

. ,

( ):
487 .. ,
486 .. , .
485 .. ,
484 .. ,
482 .. .
471 .. ( 471 .. )
461 ..
460 .. ,
457 .. ()
442 .. (


440 .. ()
440 .. ()
416 ..
, 10 '
, ,
5 ..

. ,


. Themistocles (0007: 010)Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol.
1.1, 4th edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1969.Chapter 5, section 7,
line 6
...' .

. ,
. ,

, .
. Themistocles Chapter 22, section 4, line 1
' ,
, .
' ,


, .
. Themistocles Chapter 22, section 5, line 2
' ,
, ' .
. Pericles (0007: 012)Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.2,
3rd edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1964.Chapter 7, section 2,
line 3

. ' , '
. Pericles Chapter 9, section 5, line 4
. '
, '
, ' , '



(10, 1) .
. Pericles Chapter 10, section 1, line 1

(10, 1) .

' ,

, ' .
. Comparatio Alcibiadis et Marcii Coriolani (0007:
017)Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.2, 3rd edn., Ed. Ziegler,
K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1964.Chapter 4, section 8, line 6

, ,
, '
, .
. Aristides (0007: 024)Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.1,
4th edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1969.Chapter 1, section 2, line



, ,
, ' ,

. Aristides Chapter 7, section 2, line 1

... ,
, ,
, . , ' '
, .
. Aristides Chapter 7, section 3, line 3
, ,
. ' ,

. Aristides Chapter 7, section 6, line 4


, . '
, .

. Aristides Chapter 25, section 10, line 3

, .
' .
' ,
, , '
, ' '
, ' .
. Aristides Chapter 26, section 5, line 7
... ,

, ,
, .
. Comparatio Aristidis et Catonis (0007: 026)
Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.1, 4th edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1969.Chapter 2, section 4, line 3


', , ,
, , '
. Cimon Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.1, 4th edn., Ed.
Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1969.Chapter 17, section 3, line 8
, .
, , ,
, .
. Nicias (0007: 038)Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.2, 3rd
edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1964.Chapter 6, section 1, line 5
... , ' .
, '

, ,
. Nicias Chapter 11, section 2, line 1


, .
, '
. Nicias Chapter 11, section 6, line 1
... ' .
, ,
, ,
, ' ,
, .
. Nicias Chapter 11, section 10, line 1
, ,
, , . ' (fr. 139 W.) , ,
. ' .
' ,
. Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata [Sp.?] (172b
208a) (0007: 081)Plutarchi moralia, vol. 2.1, Ed. Nachstdt, W.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1935, Repr. 1971.Stephanus page 186, section A, line 9
. ' ,



, ;
' ,
. Comparationis Aristophanis et Menandri compendium
(853a854d) (0007: 122)Plutarch's moralia, vol. 10, Ed. Fowler, H.N.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936, Repr. 969.Stephanus
page 853, section C, line 7

, ;


Themistoclis Epistulae, Epistulae (0055: )Epistolographi Graeci, Ed.

Hercher, R.Paris: Didot, 1873, Repr. 1965.Epistle 1, line 6
, , ' , ' ,

Themistoclis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 19, line 2
, ,



. '
. . (lib. 120) (0060: )
Diodori bibliotheca historica, 5 vols., 3rd edn., Ed. Vogel, F., Fischer,
K.T. (post I. Bekker & L. Dindorf)Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1888; 2:1890;
3:1893; 45:1906, Repr. 1964.Book 11, chapter 55, section 3, line 5
... ' ,
, '

. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 19, chapter 1, section 3, line 6


, '
. '
. ,
. De sacrificiis (0062: 027)Lucian, vol. 3, Ed.
Harmon, A.M.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1921, Repr.
Section 4, line 7
... ,


, '

. Fragmenta (0093: 010)Theophrasti Eresii opera, quae
supersunt, omnia, Ed. Wimmer, F.Paris: Didot, 1866, Repr. 1964.
Fragment 139, section 1, line 1

. (Plut. Nicia c. 10.)
. , , , ' . (Plut. Nic.
c. 11.)
. (0284: 045)
Aristides, vol. 2, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 90, line 9
... ' , '
, ' ,
' -
, ' ' .
, , '
, '
' ..
. (0284: 046)
Aristides, vol. 2, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 280, line 13
... '


, , . . ,
, ', ,
, . .
, ,
Jebb page 284, line 13
, . ,
; ,
, ,
, , , '
. ' ,
, .
Julius Pollux Gramm., Onomasticon (0542: )Pollucis onomasticon, 2
vols., Ed. Bethe, E.Leipzig: Teubner, 9.1:1900; 9.2:1931, Repr. 1967;
Lexicographi Graeci 9.19.2.Book 8, section 19, line 6
... ,
. '
, ,
, .

, , ' , '


Julius Pollux Gramm., Onomasticon Book 8, section 20, line 1

. '
, ,
, .

, , ' , '
Julius Pollux Gramm., Onomasticon Book 8, section 20, line 3
, ,
, .

, , ' , '

Claudius Aelianus Soph., Varia historia Claudii Aeliani de natura

animalium libri xvii, varia historia, epistolae, fragmenta, vol. 2, Ed.
Hercher, R.Leipzig: Teubner, 1866, Repr. 1971.Book 13, section 24, line
. .


. .
Demetrius Hist., Phil., Fragmenta Demetrios von Phaleron, Ed.
Wehrli, F.Basel: Schwabe, 1968; Die Schule des Aristoteles, vol. 4, 2nd
edn..Fragment 95, line 9

, ,
, .

, '
: , ,
.... es folgen die Widerlegungen Plutarchs, z. T. nach Panaitios,
dann ib.:
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta logica et physica (1264: )
Stoicorum veterum fragmenta, vol. 2, Ed. von Arnim, J.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1903, Repr. 1968.Fragment 565, line 5
Scholia Hesiod. Theogon. v. 115. ,
, , .
, ,
, .
Philo quaest. et solut. in Genesin IV 5 (p. 248 Aucher). Manifestatur et aliquid huiusmodi a praesenti scriptura, quod homines per
aquam lavati mundantur, aqua vero ipsa per divinum pedem. Symbolice
autem pes ultimum et infimum corporis est; ultima vero divinorum sortitus est ar, animans creaturas congregatas.
Craterus Hist., Fragmenta (1288: 003)FHG 2, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 6, line 24
, -


, ,
, ,
. Plutarch. Cimon. c. 12, 5:

Harpocration Gramm., Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos
Harpocrationis lexicon in decem oratores Atticos, vol. 1, Ed. Dindorf,
W.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1853, Repr. 1969.Page 22, line 16
. .
: . ,
, ' ,
. '
. , .
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus Gramm., Hist., ' (/
Sutone. . , Ed. Taillardat, J.
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1967.Section 8, line 10
, , ' .
(fr. 153 Kock)
, '
, ' , '
Athanasius Theol., Sermo contra omnes haereses [Sp.] (2035: 073);
MPG 28.Volume 28, page 509, line 44


, , .
, '
, .
, ,
. ,

. Adversus eos qui per calumniam dicunt dici a
nobis tres deos (2040: 061); MPG 31.Volume 31, page 1489, line 39
. .

, '
. .

, .
, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum Rhetores Graeci, vol. 4, Ed. Walz,
C.Stuttgart: Cotta, 1833, Repr. 1968.Volume 4, page 158, line 12
, -
, ' , ,
' , ,

Philostorgius Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (fragmenta ap. Photium)


(2058: )Philostorgius. Kirchengeschichte, 3rd edn., Ed. Winkelmann, F.

(post J. Bidez)Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1981; Die griechischen
christlichen Schriftsteller.Book 1, fragment 10, line 4


, . , '
. ,
, .
. Fragmenta in Jeremiam (in catenis) (2062:
186); MPG 64.Vol 64, pg 789, ln 27
, ,
. ,
. ,
, ,
[] , ,
, ,
, .
In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio (in catenis)
(2102: 030)Didymi Alexandrini in epistulas canonicas brevis enarratio,
Ed. Zoepfl, F.Mnster: Aschendorff, 1914; Neutestamentliche
Abhandlungen 4.1.Page 21, line 32

, '

, '


Palladius Scr. Eccl., Dialogus de vita Joannis ChrysostomiPalladii

dialogus de vita S. Joanni Chrysostomi, Ed. ColemanNorton,
P.R.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1928.Page 28, line 23
, ' , .
, , ,
, ,
, , ' ,
. , .
Libanius Rhet., Soph., Declamationes 151 Libanii opera, vols. 57,
Ed. Foerster, R.Leipzig: Teubner, 5:1909; 6:1911; 7:1913, Repr.
1997.Declamation 23, (subdivision) 1, section 43, line 6
' '
' .
, , , ;
, , , ,
, .
Timaeus Sophista Gramm., Lexicon Platonicum (e cod. Coislin. 345)
(2602: )Platonis opera quae feruntur omnia (ed. J.G. Baiter, J.K. Orelli,
A.W. Winckelmann), Ed. Dbner, F.Zurich: Meyer & Zeller,
1839.Epistle-alphabetic letter epsilon, page 986a, line 1
<. .
, '


Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Homilia in nativitatem Mariae
(olim sub auctore Joanne Damasceno) MPG 96.Volume 96, page 684,
line 4
. '
' , .
, ,
. ,
, ,
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae (2714: 002)
Theodori Studitae Epistulae, vol. 12, Ed. Fatouros, G.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1992; Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Series
Berolinensis 31.Epistle 8, line 10
, ,

' ,
, ,
, , ,
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 33, line 28
, ',
, '


, ,
, ,
. .


Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 249, line 9


, ,
. ,
, '
Manuel Philes Poeta, Scr. Rerum Nat., Carmina Manuelis Philae
Carmina, vols. 12, Ed. Miller, E.Paris, 18551857, Repr. 1967.
Chapter 3, poem 237, line 93

, ,
Evagrius Scholasticus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (2733: )
The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia, Ed. Bidez, J.,
Parmentier, L.London: Methuen, 1898, Repr. 1979.Page 14, line 11
, .


' ,
, ,
Evagrius Scholasticus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica
Page 191, line 28

, ,
, .
, . '
Evagrius Scholasticus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica Page 213, line 32

' .

, .

Contra Jacobitas (2934: 007)
Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos, vol. 4, Ed. Kotter, B.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1981; Patristische Texte und Studien 22.
Section 4, line 4


Epistula ad Theophilum imperatorem de

sanctis et venerandis imaginibus [Sp.] (2934: 050); MPG 95.Volume
95, page 353, line 43
, , ,

. , ,
, ,

Epistula ad Theophilum imperatorem de sanctis et
venerandis imaginibus [Sp.]
Volume 95, page 353, line 52
, ,

Encomium in sanctum Joannem
Chrysostomum PG 96.Volume 96, page 780, line 50
. , ,
, .


. ,
Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum (3018: )
Georgius Cedrenus Ioannis Scylitzae ope, 2 vols., Ed. Bekker, I.
Bonn: Weber, 1:1838; 2:1839; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.
Volume 2, page 112, line 21
, ,
. ,

( ), .

Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum
Volume 2, page 296, line 15
, ,
, ,


, , ,
Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum
Volume 2, page 380, line 15
' , -


' '
, . .

VIIImperator Hist., De legationibus
(3023: )Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti
confecta, vol. 1: excerpta de legationibus, pts. 12, Ed. de Boor, C.
Berlin: Weidmann, 1903.Page 223, line 17
, '
, , ,
, .
' ,
Josephus Genesius Hist., Iosephi Genesii regum libri
quattuor, Ed. LesmllerWerner, A., Thurn, J.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1978;
Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 14. Series Berolinensis.Book 4,
section 11, line 3

, .
' ,

Josephus Genesius Hist., Book 4, section 35, line 17


. '
, , , ' ,
' , ,
, ,
. , .

, , .

Georgius Monachus Chronogr., Chronicon breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio
recentior) Volume 110, page 649, line 28
, , , '
, .
Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum
Emperor life Const7, section 14, line 13
, . ,
, .

, ,
. , , , .


Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum

Emperor life John1, section 2, line 12
' ,
', ,
' ,

, ,


Symeon Logothetes Hist., Chronicon (sub nomine Leonis

Grammatici vel Theodosii Melisseni vel Julii Pollucis) (redactio A + B
operis sub titulo Epitome fort. sub auctore Trajano Patricio) (3070: )
.... ,
, ,
, .
Constantinus Manasses Hist., Poeta, Compendium chronicum
(3074: )Constantini Manassis breviarium historiae metricum, Ed.
Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber, 1837; Corpus scriptorum historiae
Byzantinae.Line 5624

, .


, ,

, ,
, ,
Nicephorus I Scr. Eccl., Hist., Theol., Refutatio et eversio definitionis
synodalis anni 815 Chapter 68, line 25

, ,

. ,
, . .
Nicephorus I Scr. Eccl., Hist., Theol., Refutatio et eversio definitionis
synodalis anni 815 Chapter 68, line 30
. ,
, . .
, , , .
... ,
Historia (= ) (3094: )Nicetae
Choniatae historia, pars prior, Ed. van Dieten, J.Berlin: De Gruyter,
1975; Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 11.1. Series
Berolinensis.Reign Man1,pt1, page 58, line of page 21


, '
, ,
, ' ,

Historia (= )
Reign Alex3,pt1, page 491, line of page 25


, ,
, ,

Theophylactus Simocatta Epist., Hist., Historiae (3130: 003)
Theophylacti Simocattae historiae, Ed. de Boor, C.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1887, Repr. 1972 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).
Book-dialogue-index 1, chapter 8, section 9, line 1
' .



Pseudo-Zonaras Lexicogr., Lexicon (3136: )Iohannis Zonarae lexicon
ex tribus codicibus manuscriptis, 2 vols., Ed. Tittmann, J.A.H.
Leipzig: Crusius, 1808, Repr. 1967.Alphabetic letter epsilon, page 757,
line 17
[ ,

.] <. . [ .
, '
. .]
Anonymi Exegesis In Hesiodi Theogoniam, Exegesis in Hesiodi
theogoniam (3156: )Glossen und Scholien zur hesiodischen
Theogonie, Ed. Flach, H.Leipzig: Teubner, 1876, Repr. 1970.
Page 377, line 25
. ,
), , .
, ,
, .
; , ,
' ,
Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Gorgiam commentaria (4019: 005)
Olympiodori in Platonis Gorgiam commentaria, Ed. Westerink, L.G.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1970.Chapter 1, section 13, line 47

, -


, .

, ( ;), .
, ,

Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca (4040: )

Photius. Bibliothque, 8 vols., Ed. Henry, R.Paris: Les Belles Lettres,
1:1959; 2:1960; 3:1962; 4:1965; 5:1967; 6:1971; 7:1974; 8:1977.
Codex 73, Bekker page 50b, line 27
. , '
, .
, ,

, . ,
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca
Codex 247, Bekker page 419b, line 27
, '
, '
. '
, '
, ' ' .
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca
Codex 248, Bekker page 425b, line 26


, ' [<] . .

. ( ) (4040: 030)
, pts. 12, Ed. Porson, R.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1822.Alphabetic letter iota,
Page 110, line 16

' .
. ( )
Alphabetic letter omicron, Page 353, line 24
< :
<: .
< : ,

, .
. .
Volume 3, page 538, line 21
. , , ,
, , , ,
, , ,


, , ,
, , ' ' '
'. ,
. .
Volume 4, page 248, line 7
. [ '
, , , ,
, [ , ,
' , '
, . .
, ' , ,
, ,
, . . Historia
ecclesiastica (4089: 003)Theodoret. Kirchengeschichte, 2nd edn., Ed.
Parmentier, L., Scheidweiler, F.Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1954; Die
griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 44.Page 34, line 12
, ' .
' ,
, ,
. ' ,
, ,
, , , .
, . . Historia
ecclesiastica Page 172, line 18



. '

. .
, . . Historia
ecclesiastica Page 236, line 17



, ,
( ),
, . . Historia religiosa
(= Philotheus) (4089: )Thodoret de Cyr. L'histoire des moines de
Syrie, 2 vols., Ed. Canivet, P., LeroyMolinghen, A.Paris: Cerf, 1:1977;
2:1979; Sources chrtiennes 234, 257.Vita 8, section 10, line 6


. , , .
. .


Etymologicum Gudianum, Additamenta in Etymologicum Gudianum

( ) (e codd. Vat. Barber. gr. 70 [olim Barber. I 70] + Paris.
suppl. gr. 172) (4098: 003)Etymologicum Gudianum, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed.
de Stefani, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1909; 2:1920, Repr. 1965.Alphabetic
entry epsilon, page 489, line 14
, .
Ps. 144, 20
{ }Ps. 108, 15

, ,
Ps. 89, 5? ,
Magnum. (4099: )
Etymologicum magnum, Ed. Gaisford, T.Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1848, Repr. 1967.Kallierges page 349, line 15
: , ,
, .
' , .
, ,
, ' .
: , .
, '
, .
Kallierges page 402, line 41
. , ,
, .,
, , .
: .


, ,
, ,
, ,
Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Lucam (typus B) (e codd.
Paris. Coislin. 23 + Oxon. Bodl. Misc. 182) (4102: )
Catenae Graecorum patrum in Novum Testamentum, vol. 2, Ed.
Cramer, J.A.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1841, Repr. 1967.
Page 155, line 33
, ,

Lexica Segueriana, Glossae rhetoricae (e cod. Coislin. 345) (4289: )
Anecdota Graeca, vol. 1, Ed. Bekker, I.Berlin: Nauck, 1814, Repr.
1965.Alphabetic entry omicron, page 285, line 20

, , ,
<, . , ,
. .


Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus

rhetoribus et sapientibus multis (<b) (recensio aucta e cod. Coislin.
345) (4289: 005)Anecdota Graeca, vol. 1, Ed. Bachmann, L.
Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1828.Alphabetic entry epsilon, page 225, line 7
<: .
<: .
< : .
<: .
<: .
Lexicon Vindobonense, Lexicon Vindobonense (auctore Andrea
Lopadiota) (e cod. phil. gr. Vindob. 169) (4294: )Lexicon
Vindobonense, Ed. Nauck, A.St. Petersburg: n.p., 1867, Repr. 1965.
Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 298, line 1
< .
< .
. (ACO), Synodus Constantinopolitana et
Hierosolymitana anno 536 Tome 3, page 147, line 20
, '






Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem (scholia

vetera) (5008: )Aristides, vol. 3, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829,
Repr. 1964.Treatise Tett, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram hyp Cim,
line 12
. , ' .
, .
. , ,
, ' ,
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem (scholia
vetera) Treatise Tett, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 158,15, line 8
, . .
' ,
. ,
. ,
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem (scholia
vetera) Treatise Tett, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 158,18, line 3
] . , '
, ' '


, .
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem (scholia
vetera) Treatise Tett, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 185,13, line 3
] . ] . A.
. . . , .
] .
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem (scholia
vetera) Treatise Tett, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 254,5, line 2
. A
] . A.
] , ,
. Scholia in equites (scholia vetera et
recentiora Triclinii) (5014: 002)Prolegomena de comoedia. Scholia in
Acharnenses, Equites, Nubes, Ed. Jones, D.M., Wilson, N.G.
Groningen: WoltersNoordhoff, 1969; Scholia in Aristophanem 1.2.
Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch eq, section-verse 282a, li 4
Tr ] . Lh
Tr ] . Lh
vet Tr ' : ,
, ,
. Scholia in equites (scholia vetera et


recentiora Triclinii) Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch eq,

section-verse 855a, line 1
... ] .
. ] , .
] , .
vet : ,
.: .
, .
. ,
, .

. Scholia in vespas (scholia vetera, recentiora

Tricliniana et Aldina) Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch vesp,
verse 947a, line 12
... ,
. Lh
RV**Ald* [

Lh], R [ VLhAld]
RVAld [ Lh], RVAld
[ Lh] (.) RVLhAld Lh .

. Scholia in plutum (scholia vetera et fort.

recentiora sub auctore Moschopulo) (5014: 014)
Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem, Ed. Dbner, F.
Paris: Didot, 1877, Repr. 1969.
Argumentum-scholion sch plut, verse 627, line 22
. : [


, .
. Commentarium in plutum (recensio 1)
(scholia recentiora Tzetzae) (5014: 015)Jo. Tzetzae commentarii in
Aristophanem, Ed. Massa Positano, L.Groningen: Bouma, 1960; Scholia
in Aristophanem 4.1.
Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch plut, verse 627b, line 4
, .


. Commentarium in nubes (scholia
recentiora Tzetzae) (5014: 017)Jo. Tzetzae commentarii in
Aristophanem, Ed. Holwerda, D.Groningen: Bouma, 1960; Scholia in
Aristophanem 4.2.
Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch nub, verse-column 60a, l 10
, .
, , '

, .

. .
' ,

, . ]
. ] .


Anonymi In Hermogenem Rhet., Commentarium in librum

(5024: 018)Rhetores Graeci, vol. 7.1, Ed. Walz, C.
Stuttgart: Cotta, 1834, Repr. 1968.Volume 7, page 150, line 1

, ,
. . ,

' ,
, , , '
Scholia In Hesiodum, Scholia in opera et dies (scholia vetera partim
Procli et recentiora partim Moschopuli, Tzetzae et Joannis Galeni) (5025:
002)Poetae minores Graeci, vol. 2 [Scholia ad Hesiodum], Ed.
Gaisford, T.Leipzig: Khn, 1823.Prolegomenon-scholion sch, page-verse
196, line 3
. ,
, , , ,
, , .
, .
Suda, Lexicon (9010: )Suidae lexicon, 4 vols., Ed. Adler, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1.1:1928; 1.2:1931; 1.3:1933; 1.4:1935, Repr.
1.1:1971; 1.2:1967; 1.3:1967; 1.4:1971; Lexicographi Graeci 1.11.4.
3903, line 8
. ,
. . ,
, , .
( )
. ,
, . .


. ,
. alpha, entry 3903, line 10
. . ,
, , .
( )
. ,
, . .
. , , ,
. .

Suda, Lexicon
Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 1811, line 1
< .
<: . .
< . .
' .
< .
<: . .
. iota, entry 523, line 3
<, . . , ,

, .
, . ' .


. theta, entry 368, line 3

. .
. <: ' .


Ignatius Biogr., Poeta, Vita Nicephori (9012: 002)Nicephori
archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani opuscula historica, Ed. de Boor, C.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1880, Repr. 1975.Page 143, line 23

Ignatius Biogr., Poeta, Vita Nicephori Page 198, line 24
. ;

, ' . '


Thomas Magister Philol., Ecloga nominum et verborum Atticorum

(9023: )Thomae Magistri sive Theoduli monachi ecloga vocum
Atticarum, Ed. Ritschl, F.Halle: Orphantropheus, 1832, Repr. 1970.
Alphabetic letter omicron, page 264, line 4
, , .
< , ,
. , ' .

. Bekker page 1284a, line 36
... , ,
, ,
, .
Julius Pollux Gramm., Onomasticon Book 8, section 19, line 6
... ,
. '
, ,
, .


, , ' , ' .
Julius Pollux Gramm., Onomasticon Book 9, section 118, line 2
... ' , ,
, ' ' ,
, . , . '
Julius Pollux Gramm., Onomasticon Book 9, section 119, line 5
...' , .
' ,
' ,
' ,
, . ' ,

. ' .
Theopompus Hist., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 2b,115,F, fragment
91*, line 2
CYRILL. c. Julian. VI p. 188 A Spanh:
(sc. ) ,
' .


< (F 261) '
(III), .
Philochorus Hist., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 3b,328,F, fragment 30,
line 4
, (372 F 12).
KASILON (Miller Melanges p. 398); LEX. DEMOSTH. Aristocr. (P.
BEROL. 5008) B 27:
[ ]
. ' , ,
, ' ,
Philochorus Hist., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 3b,328,F, fragment 120,
line 8
/ ] .....
. .
** ('
) '
. , (350 F
1), , .
(115 F 91)
< '
(324 F 37), .
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus Gramm., Hist., ' (/
Section 9, line 1
, ' ,
' , '
' , ,


, ,
. ( ) Alphabetic letter kappa, Page 155, line
< : .
<: .

. ( )
Alphabetic letter omicron, Page 353, line 21
<: .
<: ' .
< :
<: .
< : ,

, .
. .
Volume 4, page 248, line 8
, , , ,
, [ , , '
, ' ,
. . , ' , ,

, ,


, .
, ,
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter omicron, entry
1461, line 1
< ( 460) n
<' ( 61)
*< ( 91 ..) A
*< ,

. AS
< ,
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( )
Alphabetic letter pi, entry 2044, line 1
<[] []
<[] .
< .
< [] .
Kallierges page 349, line 15
: , ,
, .
' , .
, ,
, ' .
: , .
, '
, -


, .

Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus

et sapientibus multis (<b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co
Alphabetic entry epsilon, page 225, line 7
<: .
<: .
<: .
< : .
<: .
<: .
<: . .
< : .

. Scholia in equites (scholia vetera et

recentiora Triclinii) Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch eq,
section-verse 855b, line 11
. ,
, .
, .
, .
, , ,
, , .
' ,
VEMLh vet ] , . E2
totus versus] . Lh
Tr ] .
. Scholia in vespas (scholia vetera, recentiora
Tricliniana et Aldina) Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch vesp,
verse 947a, line 6


vet Tr :
Ald. VAld Ald R

VAld VAld. RVAld ,

, . VAld
V* [ .
. Scholia in vespas (scholia vetera, recentiora
Tricliniana et Aldina) Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch vesp,
verse 947a,col 2, line 6
. Lh
RV**Ald* [

. epsilon, entry 1811, line 1

< .
<: . .
< . .
' .
< .
<: . .
<: .
< : ,
, , , .
. epsilon, entry 1854, line 2
. , .


< : .
: . .
. kappa, entry 1359, line 1
<: . .
<: . , ,
. .
< : .
<: .

. omicron, entry 716, line 1
<: , .
< ,
Thomas Magister Philol., Ecloga nominum et verborum Atticorum
Alphabetic letter omicron, page 264, line 8
< , ,
. , '
, ...


Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium

reliquiae (2034: 014)Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem
pertinentium reliquiae, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed. Schrader, H.Leipzig: Teubner,
1:1880; 2:1882.Iliad book 10, section 416sqq, line 34.
... , ( 55)
( 7) ' .
' , ( 159).
( 63). '
( 248). ,
." ",
." , , 63 ( ) ( ) | .

. . Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 1807, line 1

: . .
. Scholia, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (et
recentiora) Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 278, line 2
... ' .

. , . ,
, , . , .
. . (1339: 005)FHG 2, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 63, line 2


. Plutarch. Agesil. c. 3: '

' . .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum (scholia
recentiora) Source of scholion sch mos, scholion 305-09, line 5
... , , ,
, , ,
, . ] .
'] , .
. . Book 6, chapter 61, section 7, line 4
... , , '
. '
' , .

, .
. . Book 6, chapter 92, section 3, line 1
... (
) .

. , , ,


. , '
. . Book 6, chapter 96, section 3, line 6
.... .


, ,
, .

. .(0: )Diogenis Laertii vitae
philosophorum, 2 vols., Ed. Long, H.S.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964,
Repr. 1966.Book 1, section 72, line 1
, , , ,
. .

, .
, .
. .Book 6, section 21, line 11
. , .
, ,
, ,


Theocritus Bucol., Idyllia (0005: )Theocritus, vol. 1, 2nd edn., Ed.
Gow, A.S.F.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952, Repr. 1965.
Idyll 24, line 129
' .
' ,
, ,
, ,


. Fragmenta (0006: 029)Select papyri, vol. 3 [Literary

papyri], Ed. Page, D.L.London: Heinemann, 1941, Repr. 1970.
Fragment 12, line 307
' '
' .
{ [] } , , .
{ } ,
, .
{[}] ,
, , ,

. Romulus (0007: 002)Plutarchi vitae

parallelae, vol. 1.1, 4th edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1969.
Chapter 18, section 4, line 1
... ' ,


. ,
, ,
, '
, .
. Themistocles Chapter 28, section 2, line 2
... . '
, '
, , '


. Comparatio Lysandri et Sullae (0007: 034)
Plutarch's lives, vol. 4, Ed. Perrin, B.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1916, Repr. 1968.Chapter 5, section 1, line 4
, ,

, '
, , ,

, ,

. Sertorius (0007: 042)Plutarchi vitae

parallelae, vol. 2.1, 2nd edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1964.
Chapter 1, section 10, line 3


... [] , , '
, ,

, ,
, , .

, , ' ,
, '
. Agis et Cleomenes (0007: 051)
Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 3.1, 2nd edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1971.Chapter 25, section 5, line 3

. '

, . '
. Tiberius et Gaius Gracchus (0007: 052)
Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 3.1, 2nd edn., Ed. Ziegler, K.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1971.Chapter 8, section 6, line 5
' ,
, ' ,
' (SVF III 245 sq.). , ,


. De liberis educandis [Sp.] (1a14c) (0007:

067)Plutarch's moralia, vol. 1, Ed. Babbitt, F.C.Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1927, Repr. 1969.Stephanus page 10, section
C, line 2
' ,

. .
, '
, ', , ' .
. De exilio (599a-607f) Stephanus page 602,
section C, line 8
... , ' ,
, , .
(Trag. adesp.
393, Com. adesp. 1238)
. De exilio (599a-607f) Stephanus page 607,
section B, line 9
; ; ;

, ;
, , , '
(Eur. fr. 819, 3) ,
adesp. 131);

. Amatoriae narrationes [Sp.] (771e-775e)

Stephanus page 774, section C, line 3


, '
' , ,
, ,


. ,

. De proverbiis Alexandrinorum [Sp.] (0007:

149)Plutarchi de proverbiis Alexandrinorum libellus ineditus, Ed.
Crusius, O.Tbingen: Fues & Kostenbader, 1887.Fragment 16, line 2
: ' :

. ' ,

. . (epitome) Volume 2,1, page 92,
line 32
. ,
, .
, , .
' ' , .

. In Lochitem (orat. 20) (0: 003)Isocrate. Discours, vol. 1,

Ed. Mathieu, G., Brmond, .Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1929, Repr.
1963.Section 8, line 3


' , ,

. Panegyricus (orat. 4) Isocrate. Discours, vol. 2, Ed.
Mathieu, G., Brmond, .Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1938, Repr. 1967 (1st
edn. rev. et corr.).Section 114, line 1



; ' , ' ,
. Evagor(orat. 9) Isocrate. Discours, vol. 2, Ed. Mathieu,
G., Brmond, .Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1938, Repr. 1967 (1st edn. rev.
et corr.).Section 19, line 5

, '

. Philippus (orat. 5) (0: 020)Isocrate. Discours, vol. 4, Ed.
Mathieu, G., Brmond, .Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1962.
Section 67, line 1
, ,
, '


, '
. ' ,
, ' , '
, ,
. Panathenaicus (orat. 12) (0: 021)Isocrate. Discours, vol.
4, Ed. Mathieu, G., Brmond, .Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1962.Section
259, line 2

, ' '
, '
' ' .
, '
. Antigone (1: 002)Sophocle, vol. 1, Ed. Dain, A., Mazon,
P.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1955, Repr. 1967 (1st edn. rev.).
Line 200
, ' ,

' , ,

, '
, ,
. Oedipus Coloneus (1: 007)Sophocle, vol. 3, Ed. Dain, A.,
Mazon, P.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1960, Repr. 1967 (1st edn. rev.).Line


', ' ' ,
' , , ,
. Fragmenta (1: 008)Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, vol.
4, Ed. Radt, S.Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977.Fragment
799, line 2

{ ( )}
' , '

. (6: )Hrodote. Histoires, 9 vols., Ed. Legrand,
Ph.E.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, Book 3, section 138, line 3
, .
, ,
' ,
. Book 5, section 34, line 13
, -



, ,

, .

, .
. Book 5, section 62, line 8
, . ,


, ,

' .
. Book 5, section 96, line 7
, ,

' .

. ,
, .

. Book 8, section 65, line 1



, ,
' .
Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 1, line 3

(Gen. 3, 8).
, .
, . '
, ,
. In Ctesiphontem (0026: 003Eschine. Discours, vol. 2, Ed.
Martin, V., de Bud, G.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1928, Repr.
1962.Section 79, line 4
, '

' ,
, '
, '
. In Ctesiphontem Section 171, line 6
. .


, '
Dinarchus Orat., Fragmenta incertae sedis (0029: 008)Dinarchi
orationes cum fragmentis, Ed. Conomis, N.C.Leipzig: Teubner, 1975.
Fragment 19, line 1
Pollux 8, 70 , ( (fr. 238 J.)
, ), , .
.Hellenica Book 7, chapter 3, section 11, line 4
, ;
; , ,
.Anabasis (0032: 006)Xenophontis opera omnia,
vol. 3, Ed. Marchant, E.C.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1904, Repr. 1961.
Book 1, chapter 1, section 9, line 3

' .



.Anabasis Book 1, chapter 2, section 9, line 4

. ,
, .

. .
.Anabasis Book 1, chapter 7, section 5, line 2
. ,

' . ,
, , , ,

, ,
' .

.Anabasis Book 2, chapter 6, section 4, line 2

, ' .
. ,


, '

.Cyropaedia Xenophontis opera omnia, vol. 4, Ed.

Marchant, E.C.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910, Repr. 1970.Book 6,
chapter 3, section 11, line 6
, . ', ,
; ,
. ,
, ;
' .
', ,
Themistoclis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 13, line 45
, ' ; , ;
, , , , ,
, '
, ,
, '
, ' ' . '
, .
. Phaedrus (0059: 012)Platonis opera, vol. 2, Ed. Burnet, J.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1901, Repr. 1967.Stephanus page 241, section
b, line 3
... , '
, '

, ,

. , ' , -


, ,
' ,

. Respublica (0059: 030)Platonis opera, vol. 4, Ed. Burnet, J.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902, Repr. 1968.Stephanus page 618, section
a, line 6
, .
, ,

, '
, , .
. Timaeus Stephanus page 85, section e, line 10

, '

, ' ,
. Leges Platonis opera, vol. 5, Ed. Burnet, J.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907, Repr. 1967.Stephanus page 682, section
e, line 1
{.} , ,



' ,

, ' .
' , ,
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 13, chapter 37, section 2, line 1

, '



, ' .
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 13, chapter 59, section 5, line 2

, '
, . .
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 15, chapter 13, section 2, line 3



. ' ,
' ,

. '
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 15, chapter 40, section 1, line 8
, .
, .
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 18, chapter 8, section 4, line 4


. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 19, chapter 2, section 2, line 1


, .

. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 19, chapter 5, section 4, line 4


. . (lib. 21-40)
Book 25, chapter 19, section 1, line 97
... ,
, ,

, .
Pseudo-Scymnus Geogr., Ad Nicomedem regem, vv. 1980 (sub titulo
Orbis descriptio) (0068: )Geographi Graeci minores, vol. 1, Ed.
Mller, K.Paris: Didot, 1855, Repr. 1965.Line 31
, ,
, ,
, , , ,
, ,
, ,

, ,


. Antiquitates Romanae (0081: )Dionysii
Halicarnasei antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt, 4 vols., Ed.
Jacoby, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1885; 2:1888; 3:1891; 4:1905, Repr.
1967.Book 1, chapter 46, section 4, line 1

, , ,

. Antiquitates Romanae Book 1, chapter 73,
section 5, line 1
( ) .
, .
[ .]
. Antiquitates Romanae Book 5, chapter 13,
section 4, line 9

. ' -



. Antiquitates Romanae Book 8, chapter 78,
section 5, line 4
, , '
, . '
, ' '
. ,

. .
. Supplices (0085: )Aeschyli tragoediae, 2nd edn., Ed.
Murray, G.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955, Repr. 1960.Line 74
{[. .}
. '
, .
. Supplices Line 196
' ,
, ' ,
', ,
' .
' ,
' .


' .
. Agamemnon (0085: 005)Aeschyli tragoediae, 2nd edn., Ed.
Murray, G.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955, Repr. 1960.Line 1282
' ' ,
' .
' ' ;
. Ethica Nicomachea (0086: 010)Aristotelis ethica
Nicomachea, Ed. Bywater, I.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894, Repr.
1962.Bekker page 1104b, line 31
, .

, .
, , []
, ,
. Fragmenta varia Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum
fragmenta, Ed. Rose, V.Leipzig: Teubner, 1886, Repr. 1967.
Category 1, treatise title 13, fragment 84, line 7
: ...
' ,


Gregor. Corinth. ad Hermog.
c. 19 (Walz Rhet. Gr. VII, 1277)
(Dem. or. 18, 24):
. ,
' .
. Fragmenta varia Category 9, treatise title 56, fragment
665, line 12

, . (225)

, .

. .
(0087: )Grammatici Graeci, vol. 3.1, Ed. Lentz, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1867, Repr. 1965.Part+volume 3,1, page 49, line 13
..., , , , ,
, . . , ' .
. , .

. . Part+volume 3,1,
page 54, line 1
, , ,
, .


. .
. .
. , , .
. . Part+volume 3,1,
page 57, line 28
, , , ,, , . .

, ,
. ,
( ' ) .
, ' .
. . Part+volume 3,1,
page 296, line 13
... .
. , ,
. .
. . .
, , , .
. .
. (p. 768)
, .
. . Part+volume
3,2, page 637, line 13
, . ,


, ,
. .
Eustath. 300, 14:
, ,

. , .
. . Part+volume
3,2, page 658, line 30
, ,
, ,
, , .
, . ,
. . (0087:
026)Grammatici Graeci, vol. 3.2, Ed. Lentz, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1870, Repr. 1965.Part+volume 3,2, page 896, line 25
. . ' .
' .
. , ,
(p. 343)
. . De figuris (= ) [Sp.]
(0087: 035)Rhetores Graeci, vol. 3, Ed. Spengel, L.Leipzig: Teubner,
1856, Repr. 1966.Page 98, line 16
, .


' , '
' '
. . Partitiones (= ) [Sp.?] (e
codd. Paris. 2543 + 2570) (0087: 036)Herodiani partitiones, Ed.
Boissonade, J.F.London, 1819, Repr. 1963.Page 146, line 8

, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
Zenobius Sophista Paroemiogr., Epitome collectionum Lucilli Tarrhaei
et Didymi (0098: )Corpus paroemiographorum Graecorum, vol. 1, Ed.
von Leutsch, E.L., Schneidewin, F.G.
Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1839, Repr. 1965.
Centuria 2, section 87, line 3
, , , , .

, , .
, , .
. . Book 10, chapter 2, section 13, line 9
, '
' '


' , [] . '
, , ,
. Aristides, vol. 1, Ed.
Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.Jebb page 25, line 28

' ,
, , ,
, , ,
. (0284: 038)Aristides, vol. 1, Ed.
Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.Jebb page 486, line 34
, ' ,
, , ,
, , ,
' , '
, .
. (0284: 042)
Aristides, vol. 1, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 530, line 3


, ' ' , '

' .
, , .
. (0284: 045)
Aristides, vol. 2, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 67, line 28
, ' '
, ,

, ,

. .
. (0284: 048)Aristides, vol. 2, Ed.
Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.Jebb page 339, line 16
' , ' .
, ,
, .


. Ars rhetorica [Sp.] (0284: 056)Rhetores Graeci,

vol. 2, Ed. Spengel, L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1854, Repr. 1966.
Book 2, chapter 13, section 1, subsection 22, line 11
, ,

, .

, ' .
Lycophron Trag., Alexandra (0341: 002)Lycophronis Alexandra, Ed.
Mascialino, L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1964.Line 175



, ' ,

Cassius Dio Hist., Historiae Romanae Book 38, chapter 27, section 3,
line 3
, ,
, ' ,
..... ,


, , ,
, )
, .
Alexis Comic., Fragmenta (0402: )Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta,
vol. 2, Ed. Kock, T.Leipzig: Teubner, 1884.Fragment tit 257, line 1

' ' '

. ,

. Antiquitates Judaicae (0526: )FlaVII
Iosephi opera, vols. 14, Ed. Niese, B.Berlin: Weidmann, 1:1887;
2:1885: 3:1892; 4:1890, Repr. 1955.Book 4, chapter 173, line 1
' ,
, '
. ' ,
, ' . '

. Antiquitates Judaicae Book 6, chapter 315,
line 2
, .


; ,

. .
. Antiquitates Judaicae Book 18, chapter 81,
line 1

, .
' , .
Septuaginta, Machabaeorum ii (0527: 024)Septuaginta, vol. 1, 9th
edn., Ed. Rahlfs, A.Stuttgart: Wrttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1935,
Repr. 1971.Chapter 4, section 26, line 2

' .

Septuaginta, Machabaeorum iv (0527: 026)Septuaginta, vol. 1, 9th
edn., Ed. Rahlfs, A.Stuttgart: Wrttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1935,
Repr. 1971.Chapter 4, section 1, line 4

, ,


Arius Didymus Doxogr., Liber de philosophorum sectis (epitome ap.
Stobaeum) Pagcolumn 87,1, line 8
... ,
, , ' .
' , , ' ,
, .
. Areopagiticus (0540: 007)Lisia. I discorsi, Ed. Albini,
U.Florence: Sansoni, 1955.Section 41, line 2
... ,
, .
, ,
, ,
' ,
, , '
. . Book 9, section 158, line 2
, , ,
, , , , (XXV 95) (fg 232 Bl)
, (I 24. 5)
. , , , ,
, , . , , ,


(fg 939)
, , ,
, ,
. Book 18, chapter 10, section 10, line 3
, , , , ,

' , , , ' ,
, .
. Book 22, chapter 15, section 6, line 2
[] , '
. ,
Sextus Empiricus Phil., Adversus mathematicos (0544: 002)
Sexti Empirici opera, vols. 2 & 3 (2nd edn.), Ed. Mutschmann, H.,
Mau, J.Leipzig: Teubner, 2:1914; 3:1961.Book 7, section 158, line 6
. '
, '
, ,
, , ,

, -


, .
Sextus Empiricus Phil., Adversus mathematicos Book 11, section 134,
line 1
. ,

, ,

, ' , ,
, , ...
Claudius Aelianus Soph., Varia historia (0545: 002)Claudii Aeliani de
natura animalium libri xvii, varia historia, epistolae, fragmenta, vol. 2,
Ed. Hercher, R.Leipzig: Teubner, 1866, Repr. 1971.Book 4, section 8, line

. '
, ,
, ,
Claudius Aelianus Soph., Fragmenta (0545: )Claudii Aeliani de natura
animalium libri xvii, varia historia, epistolae, fragmenta, vol. 2, Ed.
Hercher, R.Leipzig: Teubner, 1866, Repr. 1971.Fragment 86, line 9

. . ,


, ' .

. .
Pseudo-Apollodorus Myth., Bibliotheca (sub nomine Apollodori) (0548:
)Apollodori bibliotheca. Pediasimi libellus de duodecim Herculis
laboribus, Ed. Wagner, R.Leipzig: Teubner, 1894; Mythographi Graeci
1.Chapter 1, section 147, line 3

, .
' '
Apollodorus Gramm., Fragmenta (0549: 005)FHG 1, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 1853.Fragment 45a, line 17
, ,
, ,
, ,
, , , ,
, ,
, ,

Apollodorus Gramm., Fragmenta Fragment 65, line 3


Idem: , .
Steph.: , .
' .
Idem: , .

Appianus Hist., Bellum civile Book 2, chapter 5, section 33, line 16

, ,
, ,
, ,
. '

Artemidorus Onir., Onirocriticon (0553: )Artemidori Daldiani
onirocriticon libri v, Ed. Pack, R.A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1963.
Book 1, chapter 4, line 21
. .
( , ' ) ,
, ' , .
. '
Artemidorus Onir., Onirocriticon Book 1, chapter 78, line 106


. , '


' , '
, ,
Chariton Scr. Erot., De Chaerea et Callirhoe (0554: )Charitonis
Aphrodisiensis de Chaerea et Callirhoe amatoriarum narrationum libri
octo, Ed. Blake, W.E.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1938.Book 6, chapter 1,
section 4, line 4

, ,
' , , ; ;
. ,
. Paedagogus (0555: 002)
Clment d'Alexandrie. Le pdagogue, 3 vols., Ed. Marrou, H.I., Harl,
M., Mondsert, C., Matray, C.Paris: Cerf, 1:1960; 2:1965; 3:1970;
Sources chrtiennes 70, 108, 158.Book 1, chapter 7, subchapter 55,
section 1, line 4
, .
' , , , , , ,


, '

Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae (0557: )
Epicteti dissertationes ab Arriano digestae, Ed. Schenkl, H.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1916, Repr. 1965.Book 4, chapter 11, section 23, lin3.
, '
, , , ,
, ,
, .
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Imperator Phil., (0562: )
The meditations of the emperor Marcus Aurelius, vol. 1, Ed.
arquharson, A.S.L.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1944, Repr. 1968.Book 4,
chapter 29, section 1, line 2
, , , , , , , , , ,
. ,

Theopompus Hist., Testimonia (0566: )FGrH #115.
Volume-Jacoby-T 2b,115,T, fragment 8, line 1
.... ,
(69 T 1)


, ,
SUID. s.

(F 251 254), (F 257)
. , .
. STRAB. XIV 1, 35.
. . Dionis Prusaensis quem vocant
Chrysostomum quae exstant omnia, vols. 12, 2nd edn., Ed. von Arnim,
J.Berlin: Weidmann, 1:1893; 2:1896, Repr. 1962.Oration 4, section 1, line
, .
. . Oration 13, section 5, line 5
' '

, ;

Polyaenus Rhet., Strategemata Polyaeni strategematon libri viii, Ed.
Woelfflin, E., Melber, J.Leipzig: Teubner, 1887, Repr. 1970.Book 8,
chapter 25, section 3, line 1



Socratis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistolographi Graeci, Ed. Hercher, R.
Paris: Didot, 1873, Repr. 1965.Epistle 7, section 5, line 4

, '
, ,

. ,

. Epistulae et dialexeis (0638: 006)
FlaVII Philostrati opera, vol. 2, Ed. Kayser, C.L.Leipzig: Teubner,
1871, Repr. 1964.Section 1, epistle or discourse 39, line 18
... ,
, ,
, .
, .
, , '
, .
Antiochus Hist., Fragmenta (1145: 003)FHG 1, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 7, line 12

, .
. .
, .


, , .
Apollonius Soph., Lexicon Homericum (1168: )Apollonii Sophistae
lexicon Homericum, Ed. Bekker, I.Berlin: Reimer, 1833, Repr.
1967.Page 92, line 5
. .
. [] ,
. .
, .
, .
' .
Apollonius Soph., Lexicon Homericum Page 112, line 2
, '
, , ' , .
, .
, ,
. .

Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol., PseudoClementina

(epitome altera auctore Symeone Metaphrasta) [Sp.] (1271: 011)
Clementinorum epitomae duae, 2nd edn., Ed. Dressel, A.R.M.
Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1873.Section 42, line 2

. ,


, .
Craterus Hist., Fragmenta (1288: 003)FHG 2, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 16a, line 3

() ...
Stephan. Byz: , . .
' .
Idem v. : ,
, .
Harpocratio: , , .
Duris Hist., Fragmenta (1339: 005)FHG 2, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 63, line 2
... .

. Plutarch. Agesil. c. 3: '

' . .
. Recensio sive Recensio vetusta (1386:
) . vol. 1, Ed. Kroll, W.Berlin: Weidmann,
1926.Book 2, chapter 16, section 9, line 2

, .



, ,
... .
. Recensio (1386: 006)Anonymi
Byzantini vita Alexandri regis Macedonum, Ed. Trumpf, J.Stuttgart:
Teubner, 1974.Chapter 15, section 7, line 10
. ,
' .


' . .

Memnon Hist., Fragmenta (1496: 003)FHG 3, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 22, line 3


, , ,
Oracula Sibyllina, Oracula (1551: )Die Oracula Sibyllina, Ed.
Geffcken, J.Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1902; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller 8.Section 4, line 138
' ,
' ,


, ,
, ' ,
' .
, , .
Oracula Sibyllina, Oracula Section 13, line 122

' ' .
, ,
, ' .
, ,
, ' ,

Palaephatus Myth., De incredibilibus (1553: )Palaephati
, Ed. Festa, N.Leipzig: Teubner, 1902; Mythographi Graeci 3.2.
Section 28, line 14

, .

, .
; . , ,

Palaephatus Myth., De incredibilibus Section 31, line 34


' , , '
[] .
, ,

, ,

Phanodemus Hist., Fragmenta (1583: 003)FHG 1, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 9, line 4
... ,
. Schol. Aristoph. Vesp. 1238 (1190): ,
', , ( ) ,
, ,
, '
, . Etymolog. M.: ,
Philoxenus Gramm., Fragmenta (1602: )Die Fragmente des
Grammatikers Philoxenos, Ed. Theodoridis, C.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1976;
Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer Grammatiker 2.Fragment 1, l 6
a. Et. Gud. 379, 11 Stef.:

. .
b. Et. Gen. AB s. v. (ex Orione), unde EM 286, 42: . , , ,
, ,
, ,
Teles Phil., (1699: 003)Teletis reliquiae, 2nd edn., Ed.
Hense, O.Tbingen: Mohr, 1909, Repr. 1969.Page 23, line 7
, ;
. ' -


. , , , .
, ,
. '
, ' , ; ,
; , ' .
Cratippus Hist., Fragmenta (1907: 003)FHG 2, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 3, line 2
Marcellin. Vit. Thuc. c. 46:

, .
Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil., sive
Caesares (2003: 010)L'empereur Julien. Oeuvres compltes, vol. 2.2,
Ed. Lacombrade, C.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1964.Section 10, line 12
... , ,
. ,

, .
Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil., Misopogon (sc.
) L'empereur Julien. Oeuvres compltes, vol. 2.2, Ed.
Lacombrade, C.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1964.Section 31, line 2


. .

, '
( ),
, , ,
Synesius Phil., Epistulae (2006: )Epistolographi Graeci, Ed. Hercher,
R.Paris: Didot, 1873, Repr. 1965.Epistle 72, line 44
. ;
' ,
, .
, '
, ' ' .
. De vita sua Line 547
, ' ,

' ' , ,
' ,


. Carmina moralia (2022: 060); MPG 37.Page

572, line 11
, .

. Carmina de se ipso (2022: 061); MPG
37.Page 1241, line 3
, .
, ' .
, , '

' .
. .
' , , , , ,
, , , .
' ,
' ,
Chronica Fragment 6, section 2, line 1
, .

, , . ,
' .
. (Excidit folium.)


Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium

reliquiae (2034: 014)Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem
pertinentium reliquiae, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed. Schrader, H.Leipzig: Teubner,
1:1880; 2:1882.Iliad book 10, section 416sqq, line 34
, ( 55)
( 7) ' .
' , ( 159).
( 63). '
( 248). ,
. (2037: )Ioannis Stobaei anthologium, 5
vols., Ed. Wachsmuth, C., Hense, O.
Berlin: Weidmann, 12:1884; 3:1894; 4:1909; 5:1912, Repr. 1958.
Book 2, chapter 7, section 13, line 47
... ' .
, ,


, ,
, '
. Book 3, chapter 40, section 8, line 31
. , , , .
, ,
. '


, '
, ; , ' .
. Enarratio in prophetam Isaiam [Dub.] (2040:
San Basilio. Commento al profeta Isaia, 2 vols., Ed. Trevisan, P.
Turin: Societ Editrice Internazionale, 1939.Chapter 2, section 96, line 25
, . ,

. '
, .
De oratione (2042: 008)Origenes Werke, vol. 2,
Ed. Koetschau, P.Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1899; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller 3.Chapter 3, section 1, line 2
, .

, , ,
, '
, , .

Homiliae in Job (fragmenta in catenis, typus II) (e

codd. Marc. gr. 21, 538) (2042: 073); MPG 17.Volume 17, page 84, line


. , , , , .
. . .
, ,
, .
Hephaestion Astrol., Apotelesmatica (2043: )Hephaestionis Thebani
apotelesmaticorum libri tres, vol. 1, Ed. Pingree, D.Leipzig: Teubner,
1973.Page 323, line 8



Nonnus Epic., Paraphrasis sancti evangelii Joannei (fort. auctore
Nonno alio) (2045: 002)Paraphrasis s. evangelii Ioannei, Ed.
Scheindler, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1881.Demonstratio 1, line 63
' ,


; ;

. .
Salaminius HermiSozomenus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica
(2048: )Sozomenus. Kirchengeschichte, Ed. Bidez, J., Hansen, G.C.
Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1960; Die griechischen christlichen


Schriftsteller 50.Book 3, chapter 6, section 5, line 3

, . (
, .
. , ,
' , .
Salaminius HermiSozomenus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica
Book 4, chapter 10, section 2, line 2
, .

, .
' ,
Asterius Sophista Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Psalmos (homiliae 31)
Homily 20, section 15, line 4
. , ,
. ,
. ,
. ,



. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt (2062: 087)Jean

Chrysostome. Sur la providence de Dieu, Ed. Malingrey, A.M.Paris:
Cerf, 1961; Sources chrtiennes 79.Chapter 10, section 41, li 8

, ,
, ,
, ,
, , , , .

. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 43, line 5

, ;

, , ,

; ;
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 16, section 1, line 5
, ,
' ,
; ,

, ,


. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt

Chapter 16, section 3, line 4
; ,
; ,
, ,
; , ,
, ,
; , ,
, ,
. Epistulae ad Olympiadem (epist. 117) (2062:
088)Jean Chrysostome. Lettres Olympias, 2nd edn., Ed. Malingrey,
A.M.Paris: Cerf, 1968; Sources chrtiennes 13 bis.Epistle 7, section 3,
line 29


. Epistulae ad Olympiadem (epist. 1-17) Epistle
10, section 3, line 53
' ,

. ,





Pseudo-Macarius Scr. Eccl., Sermones 64 (collectio B) (2109: )

Makarios/Symeon Reden und Briefe, 2 vols., Ed. Berthold, H.
Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1973; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller.Homily 18, chapter 2, section 4, line 6
, ,


Cyrillus Scr. Eccl., Catecheses ad illuminandos 118 (2110: 003)
Cyrilli Hierosolymorum archiepiscopi opera quae supersunt omnia, 2
vols., Ed. Reischl, W.C., Rupp, J.Munich: Lentner, 1:1848; 2:1860,
Repr. 1967.Catechesis 6, chapter 26, line 10
, ,
. ,
, .
' ,
. '
, .
, ;
, , ;
Amphilochius Scr. Eccl., Iambi ad Seleucum (2112: 002)
Amphilochii Iconiensis iambi ad Seleucum, Ed. Oberg, E.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1969; Patristische Texte und Studien 9.


Line 223
, ' ,


Hippolytus Scr. Eccl., Commentarium in DanielemHippolyte.
Commentaire sur Daniel, Ed. Lefvre, M.Paris: Cerf, 1947; Sources
chrtiennes 14.Book 3, chapter 5, section 1, line 6

, ' , ... ...

Arcadius Gramm., De accentibus [Sp.] Page 23, line 19
. .

[] .

, , .

Arcadius Gramm., De accentibus [Sp.] Page 218, line 5


, ,
. .
, , , ,
, .

Libanius Rhet., Soph., Orationes 164 (2200: )

Libanii opera, vols. 14, Ed. Foerster, R.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1.11.2:1903; 2:1904; 3:1906; 4:1908, Repr. 1997.
Oration 14, section 10, line 10
, , ,
, ' ' ,

Libanius Rhet., Soph., Orationes 1-64 Oration 15, section 38, line 7

Libanius Rhet., Soph., Orationes 1-64 Oration 24, section 40, line 5
, ;
, , ,
, .


, , , , .

Chronicon Paschale, Chronicon paschale (2371: )
Chronicon paschale, vol. 1, Ed. Dindorf, L.
Bonn: Weber, 1832; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.
Page 336, line 5
, ,

, ,
, .
Chronicon Paschale, Chronicon paschale Page 521, line 3
, ,

, , , .
Hierocles Phil., In aureum carmen (2571: )Hieroclis in aureum
Pythagoreorum carmen commentarius, Ed. Khler, F.G.Stuttgart:
Teubner, 1974.Chapter 24, section 2, line 3
, ,


, ,
, .
Joannes Laurentius Lydus Hist., De ostentis (2580: 003)
Ioannis Laurentii Lydi liber de ostentis et calendaria Graeca omnia,
Ed. Wachsmuth, C.Leipzig: Teubner, 1897.Section 19, line 32
[, ]
. [ ] [ ]
, [ ], []
[], ,
. ' ,
[ ],
Marcellinus Biogr., Vita Thucydidis Thucydidis historiae, vol. 1, Ed.
Jones, H.S.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1942, Repr. 1970 (1st edn. rev.).
Section 31, line 1
, ,
, .
, ,
, .

Menander Rhet., (2586: 002)Menander rhetor,
Ed. Russell, D.A., Wilson, N.G.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981.
Spengel page 374, line 21

, ,
, , . -


, , ,
, , , .
Joannes Pediasimus Philol., Rhet., Scholia in Hesiodi scutum (scholia
paraphrastica Pediasimi et exegesis Joannis Tzetzae) (2592: 003)
Poetae minores Graeci, vol. 2 [Scholia ad Hesiodum], Ed. Gaisford, T.
Leipzig: Khn, 1823.Page 619, line 2
, . Di.
76 . ,
, . Di.
77 ( )
, ,

. , , ,
, ,
Joannes Pediasimus Philol., Rhet., Scholia in Hesiodi scutum (scholia
paraphrastica Pediasimi et exegesis Joannis Tzetzae) Page 619, line 17
. , , ,
, ,
, , . Di.
79 ' . ( ) , ,
, . .
Procopius Rhet., Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Isaiam (2598: ); MPG
87.2.Page 2129, line 34


, '
, . '
, ,
. ,
Procopius Rhet., Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Isaiam Page 2321, line 36
. , , ,
, . , , .

, .
, , ' . , , , .
Michael Psellus Polyhist., Chronographia (2702: )Michel Psellos.
Chronographie ou histoire d'un sicle de Byzance (9761077), 2 vols.,
Ed. Renauld, .Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1:1926; 2:1928, Repr. 1967.
Chapter 3, section 11, line 8
... ,
, ,
, , ,


. Alexi(2703: )Anna Comnne. Alexiade, 3

vols., Ed. Leib, B.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1:1937; 2:1943; 3:1945,
Repr. 12:1967.Book 5, chapter 8, section 5, line 8

. ,

. '


Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae (2714: 002)

Theodori Studitae Epistulae, vol. 12, Ed. Fatouros, G.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1992; Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Series
Berolinensis 31.Epistle 10, line 34
... , ,

. ,
, , ,
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 264, line 23
, '
, , ,

, .


Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 267, line 27

, .
, , ,
, ,
, , ,
, , .
, ,

Manuel Philes Poeta, Scr. Rerum Nat., Carmina (2718: )

Manuelis Philae Carmina, vols. 12, Ed. Miller, E.Paris, 18551857,
Repr. 1967.Chapter 1, poem 117, line 5

' .
, .

, '
Manuel Philes Poeta, Scr. Rerum Nat., Carmina Chapter 1, poem 156,
line 15
, , ,

, .



Manuel Philes Poeta, Scr. Rerum Nat., Carmina Chapter 1, poem 173,
line 30
, ,

, ,

Flavius Justinianus Imperator Theol., Edictum de asylo (2734: 024)
Scritti teologici ed ecclesiastici di Giustiniano, Ed. Amelotti, M.,
Zingale, L.M.Milan: Giuffr, 1977.Line 23
, .
. . ,

. . .
. . ,
, '
, ,
' ' ,

Historia Monachorum In Aegypto, Historia monachorum in Aegypto
(2744: )Historia monachorum in Aegypto, Ed. Festugire, A.J.
Brussels: Socit des Bollandistes, 1971.Vita 14, line 26
' .
, , , ' .


. , .
, ,
Alexander Scr. Eccl., Inventio crucis (fort. auctore Alexandro alio)
(2860: ); MPG 87.3.Page 4041, line 2
, ,
, ,
, .
( ) '
, ,
Alexander Scr. Eccl., Laudatio Barnabae apostoli (2860: 003)
Hagiographica Cypria. Sancti Barnabae laudatio auctore Alexandro
monacho, Ed. van Deun, P.Turnhout: Brepols, 1993; Corpus
Christianorum. Series Graeca 26.Line 668

, .
, .
, ' ,
Cyrillus Biogr., Vita Euthymii (2877: )Kyrillos von Skythopolis, Ed.
Schwartz, E.Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1939; Texte und Untersuchungen


49.2.Page 14, line 1

, . , ,

Epistula ad Theophilum imperatorem de
sanctis et venerandis imaginibus [Sp.] (2934: 050); MPG 95.Volume
95, page 364, line 24
, , ,
, ,
. ,
, ; ,
, .
Priscus Hist., Rhet., Fragmenta (2946: 002)Prisci Panitae fragmenta,
Ed. Bornmann, F.Florence: Le Monnier, 1979.Fragment 7, line 60
' , ,
, '
. '
. , , ,

Priscus Hist., Rhet., Fragmenta Fragment 8, line 206


, ' .
Joannes Camaterus Astrol., Astron., Introductio in astronomiam
(3014: )Johannes Kamateros. , Ed. Weigl, L.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1908.Line 282
' ,
, .
, ' .
' , ,

Joannes Camaterus Astrol., Astron., Introductio in astronomiam
Line 1425

, .
, ,

, , ,


Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum (3018: )

Georgius Cedrenus Ioannis Scylitzae ope, 2 vols., Ed. Bekker, I.
Bonn: Weber, 1:1838; 2:1839; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.
Volume 1, page 716, line 13
' . .
, .
Joannes Cinnamus Gramm., Hist., Epitome rerum ab Joanne et Alexio
Comnenis gestarum Page 40, line 24

. . , ' ,
. , , ,

VIIImperator Hist., De legationibus
Page 128, line 12
, ' ,

, , .


VIIImperator Hist., De legationibus

Page 221, line 7
, , .
. ,

, ,
, '
, .
VIIImperator Hist., De legationibus
Page 293, line 14
, ' ,

, '

. ' '

VIIImperator Hist., De legationibus
Page 294, line 8



, , -


Josephus Genesius Hist., (3040: )Iosephi Genesii regum libri
quattuor, Ed. LesmllerWerner, A., Thurn, J.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1978;
Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 14. Series Berolinensis.
Book 1, section 1, line 6
, ,
, '
, ,
, ' , .

Josephus Genesius Hist., Book 4, section 15, line 31



, ,
Georgius Monachus Chronogr., Chronicon (lib. 14) (3043: )
Georgii monachi chronicon, 2 vols., Ed. de Boor, C.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1904, Repr. 1978 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).
Page 478, line 3
. .



Georgius Syncellus Chronogr., Ecloga chronographica (3045: )
Georgius Syncellus. Ecloga chronographica, Ed. Mosshammer, A.A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1984.Page 320, line 25

Georgius Syncellus Chronogr., Ecloga chronographica Page 335, line 24
, ,

, . '

Georgius Syncellus Chronogr., Ecloga chronographica Page 356, line 15
' , , ,
, .


Georgius Syncellus Chronogr., Ecloga chronographica Page 363, line 20
, ,
. '
, ,


Michael Glycas atrol., Hist., Annales Page 612, line 5
, ,
. '
. . . . . ' , , .
, .
Georgius Monachus Continuatus, Chronicon (continuatio) (redactio A)
(3051: )Theophanes Continuatus, Ioannes Cameniata, Symeon Magister,
Georgius Monachus, Ed. Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber, 1838; Corpus
scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.Page 796, line 14
' .

' . ,

, .


, ,
. ,
Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum Ioannis Scylitzae
synopsis historiarum, Ed. Thurn, J.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973; Corpus
fontium historiae Byzantinae 5. Series Berolinensis.Emperor life Mich2,
section 5, line 13
. ,
, , .

) ,

Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum
Emperor life Mich2, section 18, line 25
, ' , , . '
' , ' , ', , .
Symeon Logothetes Hist., Chronicon (sub nomine Leonis Grammatici
vel Theodosii Melisseni vel Julii Pollucis) (redactio A + B operis sub t
Page 218, line 18

' . ,


, , .
, .
, .
Constantinus Manasses Hist., Poeta, Compendium chronicum
onstantini Manassis breviarium historiae metricum, Ed. Bekker, I.Bonn:
Weber, 1837; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.Line 1170
. ,
, .
, .
, ,

Constantinus Manasses Hist., Poeta, Compendium chronicum
Line 3245

, .

, ! ,
, , , , ,
, ,
, ,
Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia (3079: )Michaelis Attaliotae historia,
Ed. Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber, 1853; Corpus scriptorum historiae
Byzantinae.Page 17, line 5


, ,
. ' . ' ,
Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia Page 67, line 14
( )
, '
, .
' .
, , .
Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia Page 158, line 17
. '

' ,
' ,
, .
' ,
Nicephorus I Scr. Eccl., Hist., Theol., Breviarium historicum de rebus
gestis post imperium Mauricii (e cod. Vat. gr. 977) (3086: )
Nicephori archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani opuscula historica, Ed. de
Boor, C.Leipzig: Teubner, 1880, Repr. 1975.Page 46, line 22


, , . , , .
Nicephorus I Scr. Eccl., Hist., Theol., Breviarium historicum de rebus
gestis post imperium Mauricii (e cod. Vat. gr. 977) Page 51, line 8

, ,
. .
' .

, .
Historia (= )
Reign John2, page 32, line of page 7
( '
, '
), ,

Historia (= )
Reign Andron1,pt1, page 296, line of page 9
' . ' ,


( ),
, , ,
' ,
Theophylactus Simocatta Epist., Hist., Historiae (3130: 003)
Theophylacti Simocattae historiae, Ed. de Boor, C.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1887, Repr. 1972 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).
Book-dialogue-index 7, chapter 7, section 11, line 1

. , (
) . ,
Joannes Zonaras Gramm., Hist., Epitome historiarum (lib. 112)
(3135: )Ioannis Zonarae epitome historiarum, 3 vols., Ed. Dindorf,
L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1868; 2:1869; 3:1870.Volume 1, page 246, line 24
. ; ,
; '
, .
; .
, ' .
', , . .
, , .


Joannes ZonarasGramm., Hist., Epitome historiarum (lib. 1318)

(3135: 002)Ioannis Zonarae epitomae historiarum libri xviii, vol. 3,
Ed. BttnerWobst, T.Bonn: Weber, 1897; Corpus scriptorum historiae
Byzantinae.Page 296, line 14

. , ,

, .
Joel Chronogr., Chronographia compendiaria Ioelis chronographia
compendiaria, Ed. Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber, 1836; Corpus scriptorum
historiae Byzantinae.Page 62, line 21
, ,

, ,
, . '

. , ' .
. Annales (3141: 002)
Georgii Acropolitae opera, vol. 1, Ed. Heisenberg, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1903, Repr. 1978 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).
Section 8, line 41



, '
' ,
. Annales Section 11, line 60
. .



. Annales Section 61, line 42
, , .

, ,

. ,
Georgius Pachymeres Hist., (libri VII de
Andronico Palaeologo) (3142: 002)Georgii Pachymeris de Michaele et
Andronico Palaeologis libri tredecim, vol. 2, Ed. Bekker, I.
Bonn: Weber, 1835; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.
Page 4, line 10
19. .
20. . 21. ' -


. 22.
. 23. . 24.
. 25.
. 26.
. 27. ,
. 28. .
29. , . 30. . 31.
Georgius Pachymeres Hist., (libri VII de
Andronico Palaeologo) Page 632, line 6
, , .
, ' , . , . , '
, ,
Georgius Sphrantzes Hist., Chronicon sive Minus [Sp.] (3143: )
Georgios Sphrantzes. Memorii 14011477, Ed. Grecu, V.
Bucharest: Academie Republicii Socialiste Romnia, 1966; Scriptores
Byzantini 5.Chapter 22, section 9, line 2
, ' , ,

, .

Georgius Sphrantzes Hist., Chronicon sive Minus [Sp.] Chapter 31,
section 12, line 2


- -

Georgius Sphrantzes Hist., Chronicon sive Minus [Sp.] Chapter 37,
section 13, line 5

, ,
. .
- , ,
. -

Michael Critobulus Hist., Historiae Book 4, chapter 10, section 7, line 2


. ,
' .
Theodorus Scutariota Hist., Additamenta ad Georgii Acropolitae
historiam (3157: )Georgii Acropolitae opera, vol. 1, Ed. Heisenberg,
A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1903, Repr. 1978 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).Fragment
20, line 11

, , ,


, ' , ,
, , , , , , .
K.VIHistoriae (3169: )Ioannis Cantacuzeni
eximperatoris historiarum libri iv, 3 vols., Ed. Schopen, L.Bonn: Weber,
1:1828; 2:1831; 3:1832; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.
Volume 1, page 450, line 20
' , ,
, , , ' ,

, ,
' .
Ephraem Hist., Poeta, Chronicon (3170: )Ephraemius, Ed. Bekker,
I.Bonn: Weber, 1840; Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.
Line 3940



, .


Ephraem Hist., Poeta, Chronicon Line 5180

' ,

, '
Pseudo-Sphrantzes Hist., Chronicon sive Maius (partim sub auctore
Macario Melisseno)
Page 360, line 31
, ' . ' .
- -
Pseudo-Symeon Hist., Chronographia (partim edita e cod. Paris. gr.
1712) (3182: )Theophanes Continuatus, Ioannes Cameniata, Symeon
Magister, Georgius Monachus, Ed. Bekker, I.Bonn: Weber, 1838;
Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.Page 632, line 12
, ' .
' .

, , .
, .


, .

Joannes Philoponus Phil., In Aristotelis libros de generatione et
corruptione commentaria (4015: 006)Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis
libros de generatione et corruptione commentaria, Ed. Vitelli, H.
Berlin: Reimer, 1897; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 14.2.
Volume 14,2, page 266, line 5

, (
' ),

, ,
Joannes Philoponus Phil., In Aristotelis libros de anima commentaria
(4015: 008)Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis de anima libros
commentaria, Ed. Hayduck, M.Berlin: Reimer, 1897; Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca 15.Volume 15, page 73, line 33
, . ,

' , .

, .
Syrianus Phil., Commentarium in Hermogenis librum
(4017: )Syriani in Hermogenem commentaria, vol. 2, Ed. Rabe, H.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1893.Page 90, line 15
, ,


, ,
. ,
' ,
Asclepius Phil., In Aristotelis metaphysicorum libros AZ
commentaria (4018: )Asclepii in Aristotelis metaphysicorum libros AZ
commentaria, Ed. Hayduck, M.Berlin: Reimer, 1888; Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca 6.2.Page 197, line 21
; ,
. ,
, , ,
. '
, ,
. ,
. , ,
, ,
. ,
Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Gorgiam commentaria (4019: 005)
Olympiodori in Platonis Gorgiam commentaria, Ed. Westerink, L.G.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1970.Chapter 33, section 2, line 25
( ),
, , ,



David Phil., Prolegomena philosophiae (4021: )Davidis prolegomena
et in Porphyrii isagogen commentarium, Ed. Busse, A.Berlin: Reimer,
1904; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 18.2.Page 63, line 31



' , ,
Stephanus Gramm., Ethnica (epitome) Stephan von Byzanz. Ethnika,
Ed. Meineke, A.Berlin: Reimer, 1849, Repr. 1958.Page 205, ine 6
. .
, , . [ ] .
, , , ,
, '
. .
Stephanus Gramm., Ethnica (epitome) Page 683, line 7
, .
, . .
' . '
, .
, .


, .

Proclus Phil., In Platonis Parmenidem Procli philosophi Platonici
opera inedita, pt. 3, Ed. Cousin, V.Paris: Durand, 1864, Repr. 1961.
Page 681, line 27

, ' ,
' , ,
. '
' , .
Proclus Phil., In Platonis Parmenidem Page 977, line 30
, ,
, ' .
, ' .
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca (4040: )
Photius. Bibliothque, 8 vols., Ed. Henry, R.Paris: Les Belles Lettres,
Codex 65, Bekker page 31b, line 25
, .
, .

, -


. .
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca
Codex 92, Bekker page 72a, line 31
, , . . , , . ,
, . ,
, .
. ( ) (4040: 030)
, pts. 12, Ed. Porson, R.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1822.Alphabetic letter lambda,
Page 226, line 4
. :
, '
.: .
Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia (4046: )
Theophanis chronographia, vol. 1, Ed. de Boor, C.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1883, Repr. 1963.Page 43, line 11
, . ,
, ,
' .


, ,
' .
Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia
Page 60, line 8
, ,
, ,
' [] ,
Menander Protector Hist., De legationibus Romanorum ad gentes
(fragmenta ap. Constantinum Porphyrogenitum, De legationibus) (4076:
003)Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti confecta,
vol. 111exccrptt deeleggtiooibuu, t., Ed. de Boor, C.Berlin: Weidmann,
1903.Section 20, line 34
, , .
. ,

, ,
, '
, .
. .
Volume 1, page 351, line 24
, ,
. ' . [(v. 335)


, , '
.] (v. 336)
, ' ,
, .
, ,
. .
Volume 1, page 464, line 15
. , .
. (v. 603) ,
. [ ,
, ,

. .
Volume 3, page 101, line 12
' (v. 418)
, .
, , .
, , ,
. ,
' , , ,

' .
Eustathius Philol., Scr. Eccl., De capta Thessalonica Eustazio di
Tessalonica. La espugnazione di Tessalonica, Ed. Kyriakidis, S.Palermo:
Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici, 1961; Testi e
Monumenti. Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e eoellenici. Testi 5.Page
30, line 4


, , '
, ,
, ,


Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) (4085: 002)Hesychii Alexandrini
lexicon, vols. 12, Ed. Latte, K.Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1:1953;
2:1966.6916, line 1
(g) (Ezech. 17,6)
( 276? Ps. 77,60?)
(Ps. 87,6)
(Am. 5,21)

Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter delta, entry 2324,
line 1

vPSn . P
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter iota, entry 794,
line 1
' ( 708),
, , [ Av,


(Ar. Nubb. 74)

[.] . []

' '
( 52)
, (Ier. 4,29 ..) ASvg
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter iota, entry 797,
line 1
[.] . []

' '
( 52)
, (Ier. 4,29 ..) ASvg

Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter iota, entry 854,

line 1
, . . .
, Av (g).
( 336)
( 2)

[ ].
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) (4085: 003)Hesychii Alexandrini
lexicon, vols. 34, Ed. Schmidt, M.Halle: n.p., 3:1861; 4:1862, Repr.
1965.Alphabetic letter phi, entry 941, line 1



Theodoretus Scr. Eccl., Theol., De sancta trinitate (4089: 020); MPG

75.Volume 75, page 1168, line 36

, , ,

[cod. ]
' . ; .
Cyrillus Theol., Commentarius in xii prophetminores (4090: )
Sancti patris nostri Cyrilli archiepiscopi Alexandrini in xii prophetas, 2
vols., Ed. Pusey, P.E.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1868, Repr. 1965.
Volume 1, page 217, line 14
, ,
, , ,

. ,
, , .
Cyrillus Theol., Epistulae paschales sive Homiliae paschales (epist. 1
30) (4090: 032); MPG 77.Volume 77, page 501, line 23
, ,
. ,
, -


. ,

Cyrillus Theol., Epistulae paschales sive Homiliae paschales (epist. 1-30)
Volume 77, page 501, line 38
. ,
. ,

. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii
Alexandrini canones isagogicos de flexione nominum (4093: )
Grammatici Graeci, vol. 4.1, Ed. Hilgard, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1894,
Repr. 1965.Page 115, line 5

, ,
, , ,
, ,
, , ,
824 , , ,
285, '
' [
] .
. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini
canones isagogicos de flexione nominum Page 122, line 8


, '
' , ' ' . ,.
. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini
canones isagogicos de flexione nominum Page 125, line 28
. ,
, ' ,
, [ ],
, ,
, ,
[ , , , ] ,
Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )
(4098: )Etymologicum Gudianum, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed. de Stefani, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1909; 2:1920, Repr. 1965.Alphabetic entry alpha,
page 134, line 12
. , , , , ,
, , ,
. { }Ps. 10,
1 . , ,
Hesiod. Op. 639 ' ' ,
. 10
. .
fr. 82 Bergk4 , .

Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum (

) (4098: 002)Etymologicum Graecae linguae Gudianum et alia
grammaticorum scripta e codicibus manuscriptis nunc primum edita,
Ed. Sturz, F.W.Leipzig: Weigel, 1818, Repr. 1973.Alphabetic entry


omicron, page 432, line 48

, .
, , ,

, ,
, .

Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )
Alphabetic entry pi, page 482, line 38
, , , , , , , ,
, ,
, .
Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )
Alphabetic entry phi, page 559, line 35
, , ,
, .
, .
, , .
, , , .
, , .
Etymologicum Gudianum, Additamenta in Etymologicum Gudianum
( ) (e codd. Vat. Barber. gr. 70 [olim Barber. I 70] + Paris.
suppl. gr. 172) (4098: 003)Etymologicum Gudianum, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed.
de Stefani, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1909; Repr. 1965.Alphabetic entry
alpha, page 137, line 16
[] , , '


, , , .
. 14 ,
' . '
, []
. ,
[] , .

Magnum. (4099: )
Etymologicum magnum, Ed. Gaisford, T.Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1848, Repr. 1967.Kallierges page 286, line 42
: ,
, . ,
, ,
, .
: ,
, ,
, ,
Magnum. Kallierges page 581, line 44
, ,, .
. ,
, .
, .
: ,
, ,
, .
Magnum. Kallierges page 595, line 22


, , , .
: , . , ,
, ' .
Magnum. Kallierges page 629, line 31
( ) .

, , ,
. ,

. ,
Magnum. Kallierges page 690, line 19
: , ,
, ,
, .
Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Acta (catena Andreae) (e
cod. Oxon. coll. nov. 58) (4102: 008)Catenae Graecorum patrum in
Novum Testamentum, vol. 3, Ed. Cramer, J.A.Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1838, Repr. 1967.Page 115, line 25
{ .}
, , , ,


, ,

' .
Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Acta (catena Andreae) (e cod.
Oxon. coll. nov. 58) Page 162, line 24
, '

, .
{ .}
, ,
, ,

, ' '
Julianus Scr. Eccl., Commentarius in Job Page 263, line 12

, .
Julianus Scr. Eccl., Commentarius in Job Page 288, line 5

. ,

, .
, '
, .


Evagrius Scr. Eccl., Practicus (capita centum) (4110: )vagre le

Pontique. Trait pratique ou le moine, vol. 2, Ed. Guillaumont, A.,
Guillaumont, C.Paris: Cerf, 1971; Sources chrtiennes 171.Prologuechapter-epilogue 41, line 5
, ,


Ephraem Syrus Theol., In sermonem, quem dixit dominus, quod: In

hoc mundo pressuram habebitis, et de perfectione hominis (4138:
073) , vol. 4, Ed. Phrantzoles,
Konstantinos G.Thessalonica: , 1992.
Page 365, line 12
. '
, ;
, ,
, , , ,

Ephraem Syrus Theol., In sermonem, quem dixit dominus, quod: In hoc
mundo pressuram habebitis, et de perfectione hominis
Page 373, line 10


, ,


, ,
, ,
, ,
Nicephorus GregorHist., Historia Romana (4145: )Nicephori
Gregorae historiae Byzantinae, 3 vols., Ed. Schopen, L., Bekker, I.
Bonn: Weber, 1:1829; 2:1830; 3:1855; Corpus scriptorum historiae
Byzantinae.Volume 1, page 16, line 2
. ' ,
' .
. ' , . (.)
, ,
Nicephorus Gregoras Hist., Historia Romana Volume 1, page 82, line 5

, . (.) ' .

Nicephorus GregorHist., Historia Romana Volume 1, page 413, line 7


' . (.)


, .

. ' ,

Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 51, line 5

, .
, (
) ,
, .
Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 166, line 6
) ,
, ,

, .
, '
, , ,
Commentaria In Dionysii Thracis Artem Grammaticam, Scholia
Londinensia (partim excerpta ex Heliodoro) (4175: 006)Grammatici


Graeci, vol. 1.3, Ed. Hilgard, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1901, Repr. 1965.
Page 553, line 12
, .

, , ,
, . ,
, , ,
, , ,

[] , , , .
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus
rhetoribus et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Coislin.
345) (4289: 005)Anecdota Graeca, vol. 1, Ed. Bachmann, L.
Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1828.Alphabetic entry epsilon, page 231, line 2
: . . .
: . .
: .
: .
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus
et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co Alphabetic entry mu,
page 299, line 15
: . .
: .
: . .
: . .
: .
Apomasar Astrol., De revolutionibus nativitatum (4361: 008)
Albumasaris de revolutionibus nativitatum, Ed. Pingree, D.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1968.
Page 123, line 19



, .
Joannes Antiochenus Hist., Fragmenta (4394: )FHG 4, Ed. Mller,
K.Paris: Didot, 18411870.Fragment 63, line 2
Ibid.: , ,
, , . ,

Joannes Antiochenus Hist., Fragmenta Fragment 119, line 65
, , .
3. ,
. , ' . , ,
, ,
, .
Magica, Papyri magicae (5002: )Papyri Graecae magicae. Die
griechischen Zauberpapyri, vols. 12, 2nd edn., Ed. Preisendanz, K.,
Henrichs, A.Stuttgart: Teubner, 1:1973; 2:1974.Preisendanz number 2,


line 95

, '
, , , , '
, . , , '
, , ,
' .
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem Treatise Pan,
Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 142,13, line 11
. AC. .
] , . A.
, . A.
, .
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem
Treatise Pan, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 192,1, line 3
. , , , ' ,
, ' . C.
] ,
, .
] . C.
. B.
Scholia In Aeschinem, Scholia in Aeschinem (5009: )
Aeschinis orationes, Ed. Schultz, F.Leipzig: Teubner, 1865, Repr.
1973.Oration 3, scholion 79, line 1
. Vat. Laur. Fg. -


, ,
. ,
. Vat. Laur. g.
] . Vat. Laur. g.
. , . Vat. Laur. g.
] .
Scholia In Aeschinem, Scholia in Aeschinem Oration 3, scholion 79, line
... , ,
. ,
. ] .
. , . Vat. Laur. g.
] .
Scholia In Aeschinem, Scholia in Aeschinem
Oration 3, scholion 86, line 2

. Vat. Laur. g.
] B.
] .
. .
Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Aeschylum
Play Th, hypothesis-epigram-scholion 191b, line 1
] . PdYaYb
] . Yb


. X
] ' .
] .
Scholia In Apollonium Rhodium, Scholia in Apollonii Rhodii
Argonautica (5012: )Scholia in Apollonium Rhodium vetera, Ed.
Wendel, K.Berlin: Weidmann, 1935, Repr. 1974.
Page 290, line 20
694 : ,
698 99a , , . L
b , ' . 704 07 : , , ,
. Scholia in vesp(scholia vetera, recentiora
Tricliniana et Aldina) Scholia in Vespas, Pacem, Aves et Lysistratam,
Ed. Koster, W.J.W.Groningen: Bouma, 1978; Scholia in Aristophanem
2.1.Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch vesp, verse 1238b, li6
, Lh
VAld VLhAld

. Scholia in ranScholia Graeca in
Aristophanem, Ed. Dbner, F.Paris: Didot, 1877, Repr. 1969.
Argumentum-scholion arg ran, verse 3, line 36
, . , '
, ,


. Scholia in ran
Argumentum-scholion sch ran, verse 956, line 3
, . , ,
. . R. M.
' : .
R. V. , . E.
. Scholia in ran Argumentum-scholion sch
ran, verse 1163, line 2
. R. V.
( : , , ,
.) . R. V.
, .

Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem (5023: )Scholia in
Euripidem, 2 vols., Ed. Schwartz, E.Berlin: Reimer, 1:1887; 2:1891,
Repr. 1966.Vita-argumentum-scholion sch Or, section 1484, line 3
' :
, , [ ] ,
, , ,

, , .
, .
Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem Vita-argumentum-scholion
arg Ph, section 1, line 2




Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem

Vita-argumentum-scholion sch Ph, section 393, line 3
: : B
: Mg
: MiAg
. .

. . (5026: )Scholia Graeca in Homeri

Iliadem (scholia vetera), vols. 15, 7, Ed. Erbse, H.Berlin: De Gruyter,
1:1969; 2:1971; 3:1974; 4:1975; 5:1977; 7:1988.Book of Iliad 2, verse
662, line of scholion 2
D :
. A
Hrd. { } : (p. 42 B.)
( 410) . (fr. 10 P.)
' . '
. . Book of Iliad 4, verse 88-9a1, line of
scholion 6

(cf. 192 204). | .
. |



. . Book of Iliad 11, verse 741c, line of
scholion 3
D : , .
, .
. . Book of Iliad 14, verse 119a, line of
scholion 2
Ariston.' :
. (cf. 117) , ' .
(fr. 228 M. W.) ' , .
. . Book of Iliad 14, verse 120, line of
scholion 3
ex. | ex. | Ariston. | ex. :
, . b(BCE3)T |
. | ,
' ( 119). |
Scholia In Lycophronem, Scholia in Lycophronem (et recentiora
partim Isaac et Joannis Tzetzae) (5030: )Lycophronis Alexandra, vol. 2,
Ed. Scheer, E.Berlin: Weidmann, 1958.Scholion 175, line 119




Scholia In Lycophronem, Scholia in Lycophronem (et recentiora partim

Isaac et Joannis Tzetzae) Scholion 175bis, line 9

, ' .

Scholia In Oppianum, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (et recentiora)
(5032: 002)Scholia et paraphrases in Nicandrum et ppianum in Scholia
in Theocritum (ed. F. Dbner), Ed. Bussemaker, U.C.Paris: Didot,
1849.Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 278, line 2
, .
, , . , .
. , .
, ,
Scholia In Pindarum, Scholia in Pindarum in Pindari carmina, 3
vols., Ed. Drachmann, A.B.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1903; 2:1910; 3:1927,
Repr. 1:1969; 2:1967; 3:1966.Ode O 2, scholion 28a, line 3
A: ,
, . ,


Scholia In Pindarum, Scholia in Pindarum Ode O 12, scholion inscr b,
line 4


, .
Scholia In Pindarum, Scholia in Pindarum Ode O 12, scholion 8, line 7
A . ,
. ,
Scholia In Platonem, Scholia in Platonem Dialogue Lg, Stephanus page
682e, line 2
(O4). .
(O4). (A: O).
(O4). . om. O: suppl. O3 in marg. (A: O).
(O4). (O: A).

Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Ajacem (5037: )

, Ed. Christodoulos, G.A.
Athens: University of Athens Press, 1977.Hypothesis-scholion 462, line 2


, .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclem (5037: )
Scholia in Sophoclis tragoedivetera, Ed. Papageorgius, P.N.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1888.Play Aj, verse 462, line 2


Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora) (5039: )
Scholia in Thucydidem ad optimos codices collata, Ed. Hude, K.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1927, Repr. 1973.Book 6, chapter 92, section 3, line 2
: Mvc2
...: AB

...: , Mvc2
...: .
, , .

Graeca (7000: )Anthologia Graeca, 4 vols., 2nd edn., Ed.

Beckby, H.Munich: Heimeran, 12:1965; 34:1968.
Book 9, epigram 370, line 5
, ,
, '
' .


, '
' , , '
Graeca Book 10, epigram 64, line 3

, , , '
Graeca Book 12, epigram 252, line 2
, , ,
Doctrina Patrum, Doctrina patrum (fort. auctore Anastasio Sinata vel
Anastasio Apocrisiario) (7051: )Doctrina patrum de incarnatione verbi,
Ed. Diekamp, F.Mnster: Aschendorff, 1907.Page 81, line 16
, . ,
, , , '
, .

, ,

, , .
Michael Apostolius Paroemiogr., Collectio paroemiarum (9009: )
Corpus paroemiographorum Graecorum, vol. 2, Ed. von Leutsch, E.L.
Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1851, Repr. 1958.
Centuria 5, section 58, line 31


. '
. , ,
. epsilon, entry 1835, line 2
, .
, .
' .
: , .

. epsilon, entry 2482, line 1
: , , .
: .
' .
: .
. epsilon, entry 3953, line 7
, ' . ,
, .
, . ,
. ,


. zeta, entry 84, line 20

. , , ,
, .
, .
. eta, entry 181, line 2
. ,
, .
. '
. kappa, entry 1714, line 7
, .
, ( )

. '
, .
. lambda, entry 386, line 1
: . , .
, . , ,
' .
. lambda, entry 591, line 1


, .
: . . , , .
: .
: . ,

. mu, entry 714, line 1

: , .
: , .
: . , , .
: , . '
. phi, entry 810, line 3
: '
. , .
: , . , .
, . ,
. , . .
. phi, entry 845, line 1
: . .
: .
: .
Ignatius Biogr., Poeta, Vita Nicephori (9012: 002)
Nicephori archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani opuscula historica, Ed. de
Boor, C.Leipzig: Teubner, 1880, Repr. 1975.Page 188, line 27


, ,


De exilio (599a607f) (0007: 110)Plutarchi moralia, vol.

3, Ed. Sieveking, W.Leipzig: Teubner, 1929, Repr. 1972.
Stephanus page 601, section E, line 7
' ' ,
, '
' ' .
De vitando aere alieno (827d832a) (0007:
120)Plutarch's moralia, vol. 10, Ed. Fowler, H.N.Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1936, Repr. 1969.Stephanus page 831, section
B, line 13

, ;

; '
, ' ; ,
, ' .


De facie in orbe lunae (920b945e) (0007: 126)Plutarchi

moralia, vol. 5.3, 2nd edn., Ed. Pohlenz, M.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1960.Stephanus page 925, section F, line 4

, ' .

, '
' |
, , .
Sophocles Trag., Fragmenta (1: 008)Tragicorum Graecorum
fragmenta, vol. 4, Ed. Radt, S.Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
1977.Fragment 4, line 1

Homerus Epic., Ili(2: )Homeri Ilias, vols. 23, Ed. Allen, T.W.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1931.Book 9, line 63
. ' ' , ,
. '
. '
Aristophanes Comic., Pax (9: 005)Aristophane, vol. 2, Ed. Coulon, V.,
van Daele, M.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1924, Repr. 1969 (1st edn.
corr.).Line 1097
' ' ,
, '


' .
{.} ' .
{.} ' '
, , ,
{.} ,

. Antiquitates Romanae Dionysii alicarnasei
antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt, 4 vols., Ed. Jacoby,
K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1885, Repr. 1967.Book 6, chapter 56, section 2,
line 8
, ,


' . ,

, , , .
. Ars rhetorica [Sp.] (0081: 016)Dionysii
Halicarnasei quae exstant, vol. 6, Ed. Usener, H., Radermacher,
L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1929, Repr. 1965.Chapter 8, section 14, line 35
... , .

, , ,

, ,


. Aristotelis , Ed. Ross, W.D.Oxford:

Clarendon Press, 1957, Repr. 1964.Bekker page 1253a, li5.
... . - '
, ,

, . ,
. (0284: 042)
Aristides, vol. 1, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 521, line 34
... ,
, , , ,
, ' . ' ,
' , '
, .
. Historiae (0543: )Polybii historiae, vols. 14,
Ed. BttnerWobst, T.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1905; 2:1889; 3:1893; 4:1904,
Repr. 1:1962; 23:1965; 4:1967.Book 12, chapter 26, section 4, line 2
... ,
. ,.
Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae (0557: )
Epicteti dissertationes ab Arriano digestae, Ed. Schenkl, H.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1916, Repr. 1965.Book 4, chapter 11, section 23, line 4


, '
. ,
, , ,
, ,

, , ;
Maximus Soph., Dialexeis (0563: )Maximi Tyrii philosophumena, Ed.
Hobein, H.Leipzig: Teubner, 1910.Lecture 8, chapter 8, section g, line 1
... , , ,
, ,
, .
Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 15, chapter 4, section c, line 2
' , ; ,
; , ;
, ; ,
; , ;
; '
, , .
, ,
, . , ' , .
Orationes (0612: )Dionis Prusaensis quem
vocant Chrysostomum quae exstant omnia, vols. 12, 2nd edn., Ed. von
Arnim, J.Berlin: Weidmann, 1:1893; 2:1896, Repr. 1962.
Oration 40, section 2, line 11


' .
, . ,
, .
Ammonius Gramm., De adfinium vocabulorum differentia (=
) (fort. epitome operis sub auctore
Herennio Philone) (0708: )Ammonii qui dicitur liber de adfinium
vocabulorum differentia, Ed. Nickau, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1966.
Lexical entry 113, line 13
... . ' (theog. 454) ,
{} .
(FGHist 84 F 7)
, ' .
' (fr. 628 N.2) .
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta logica et physica (1264: )Stoicorum
veterum fragmenta, vol. 2, Ed. von Arnim, J.Leipzig: Teubner, 1903,
Repr. 1968.Fragment 177, line 34
, ,
, ,
. , , ,
(sequuntur exempla).
' , etc.
Favorinus Phil., Rhet., Fragmenta Favorino di Arelate. Opere, Ed.


Barigazzi, A.Florence: Monnier, 1966.Fragment 96,26, line 34

| , |
| |
. |
; | |,
' | , | |
| . 5.
| | ,
, ' , | [].
(H)eren(n)ius Philo Gramm., Hist., De diversis verborum
significationibus (= ) (epitome operis Herennii
Philonis) (e cod. Paris.suppl. gr. 1238) (1416: )Herennius Philo. De
diversis verborum significationibus, Ed. Palmieri, V.Naples: d'Auria,
1988.Alphabetic letter beta, entry 37, line 8

' ,
(Hom. Od. xiv 159 xVII 156 xix 304 xx 231),
. ' (Theog. 454)
(FGrH 84 f 7)
, ' . '
(fr. 628 n.2) .
Timaeus Hist., Fragmenta (1733: 002)FGrH #566.Volume-Jacoby-F
3b,566,F, fragment 22, line 34
, /
. (4)
(I 63/4) , /
. (5)
(F 453 N2) , /
, / , . / -


, /
/ / .
Vitae Homeri,Plutarchi De Homero 2 (1805: 012)[Plutarchi] De
Homero, Ed. Kindstrand, J.F. Line 2304
, .


' , .
Themistius Phil., Rhet., (2: 030)Themistii
orationes quae supersunt, vol. 2, Ed. Schenkl, H., Downey, G., Norman,
A.F.Leipzig: Teubner, 1971.Harduin page 349, section d, line 4
, ,
, .

, , ,
, , .
Synesius Phil., Epistulae Epistle 103, line 3
, ,

. '
. . Commentaria in Psalmos


(2018: 034); MPG 2324.Volume 23, page 469, line 35

, ' , , ,
. , , , .
, . '
; , , .
. In theophania (orat. 38) (2022: 046); MPG
36.Volume 36, page 317, line 10
, ' ,
, , ,
, , ,
, ,
, '

. Carmina moralia (2022: 060); MPG 37.Page

544, line 6
' ,
, .
, ,
, , ,
', , , ,.


Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem ertinentium

reliquiae (2034: 014)Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem
pertinentium reliquiae, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed. Schrader, H.Leipzig: Teubner,
1:1880; 2:1882.Iliad book 10, section 416sqq, line 35
( 7) ' .
' , ( 159).
( 63). '
( 248). ,

( 334) , .
Quaestionum Homericarum liber i (recensio V) (2034:
017)Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum liber i, Ed. Sodano,
A.R.Naples: Giannini, 1970.Section 10, line 14
... ' .
' .


Quaestionum Homericarum liber i (recensio ) (2034:
018)Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum liber i, Ed. Sodano,
A.R.Naples: Giannini, 1970.Section 10, line 14
, .




. (2037: )Ioannis Stobaei anthologium, 5
vols., Ed. Wachsmuth, C., Hense, O.
Berlin: Weidmann, 12:1884; 3:1894; 4:1909; 5:1912, Repr. 1958.
Book 4, chapter 9, section 4, line 2
, ' .
(fr. 110 Schr.).

(63 s.).
, , ,
. Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis (2040:
024); MPG 31.Volume 31, page 313, line 51
, '
, , , ,
, , ,
, , . ,
; .
Homiliae in Job (fragmenta in catenis, typus II) (e
codd. Marc. gr. 21, 538) (2042: 073); MPG 17.Volume 17, page 84, li25
. , , , , .
. . .
, ,


, .
Asterius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae 114 (2060: )Asterius of Amasea.
Homilies ixiv, Ed. Datema, C.Leiden: Brill, 1970.Homily 3, chapter 15,
section 2, line 3

, , , ,
, ,
, ,
, ;
. In Genesim (homiliae 167) (2062: 112); MPG
53:21385; 54:385580.Vol 53, pg 325, ln 60
, ,
. ,
, ,
, , ,
, '
. , ,
, .
. In Genesim (homiliae 1-67)
Vol 53, pg 335, ln 39
, ,


, '
, ,

. In Genesim (homiliae 1-67)

Vol 53, pg 345, ln 32
, .
; , ' ,
, , ,

, ,
, .
. Commentarius in Job
Pg 139, ln 10
22,11a , 11b

22,12a , 12b
; 22,13a
; 13b ; 22,14a
, .
Manetho Astrol., Apotelesmatica (2583: )Poetae bucolici et didactici,
Ed. Koechly, A.Paris: Didot, 1862.Book 4, line 57


' '
, '
, ,
, , , ,
, ,

Eusebius Phil., Fragmenta (2640: )Fragmenta philosophorum
Graecorum, vol. 3, Ed. Mullach, F.W.A.Paris: Didot, 1881, Repr. 1968.
Fragment 59, line 7
, , ,

, '
. , '
, '
VIIImperator Hist., De sententiis
(3023: )Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti
confecta, vol. 4: excerpta de sententiis, Ed. Boissevain, U.P.
Berlin: Weidmann, 1906.Page 158, line 24

, ,
, .


Historia (= ) (3094: )Nicetae

Choniatae historia, pars prior, Ed. van Dieten, J.Berlin: De Gruyter,
1975; Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 11.1. Series
Berolinensis.Reign Alex2, page 249, line of page 9
, .

, ,

. ,
. , '

Pseudo-Zonaras Lexicogr., Lexicon (3136: )Iohannis Zonarae lexicon

ex tribus codicibus manuscriptis, 2 vols., Ed. Tittmann, J.A.H.
Leipzig: Crusius, 1808, Repr. 1967.Alphabetic letter alpha, page 171, line
. . .
. , .
. .
. , ,
, ,
. Laudatio Petri et Pauli (3141:
13)Georgii Acropolitae opera, vol. 2, Ed. Heisenberg, A.Leipzig:
Teubner, 1903, Repr. 1978 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).Section 8, line 33
, ,



Theodorus Scutariota Hist., Additamenta ad Georgii Acropolitae
historiam (3157: )Georgii Acropolitae opera, vol. 1, Ed. Heisenberg,
A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1903, Repr. 1978 (1st edn. corr. P. Wirth).Fragment
20, line 12
, , ,
, ' , ,
, , , , , ,
, .
K.VIHistoriae (3169: )Ioannis Cantacuzeni
eximperatoris historiarum libri iv, 3 vols., Ed. Schopen, L.
Bonn: Weber, 1:1828; 2:1831; 3:1832; Corpus scriptorum historiae
Byzantinae.Volume 3, page 332, line 10
, '
' , , ' ,
, ,
. ,
Simplicius Phil., In Aristotelis categoricommentarium (4013: 003)
Simplicii in Aristotelis categoricommentarium, Ed. Kalbfleisch, K.
Berlin: Reimer, 1907; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 8.Volume 8,


page 396, line 9

, .
, .
, ,

, ,
Joannes Philoponus Phil., De opificio mundi (4015: 011)
Joannis Philoponi de opificio mundi libri vii, Ed. Reichardt, W.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1897.Page 71, line 8

, , , ,
. , , ,
Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii (4019: )
Olympiodorus. Commentary on the first Alcibiades of Plato, Ed.
Westerink, L.G.Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1956, Repr. 1982.
Section 183, line 4
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, .


: ; ' ; .
' .
. ( ) (4040: 029)
Photii patriarchae lexicon, vol. 1 ( ), Ed. Theodoridis, C.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1982.1882, line 1
, . .
, .

Cyrillus Theol., Epistulae paschales sive Homiliae paschales (epist. 1

30) (4090: 032); MPG 77.Volume 77, page 648, line 38
, , , , , ;
, , '
, , , ,
Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (
) (4097: 002)Etymologicum magnum genuinum. Symeonis
etymologicum una cum magna grammatica. Etymologicum magnum
auctum, vol. 2, Ed. Lasserre, F., Livadaras, N.Athens: Parnassos Literary
Society, 1992.810, line 2

AB, Sym. 980, EM 1315. Epim. Hom.
, .
. (Zenob. fr. novum) AB, EM
1317. Zenob.


Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (

) 847, line 1
( 63) , AB, Sym.
1014, EM 1360. Comm. Hom.
(Ps. 5, 10)

AB, Sym. 1009, EM 1369. Choerob. epim. ps. 107, 32.
( 533) , .
Magnum. (4099: )Etymologicum magnum, Ed.
Gaisford, T.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1848, Repr. 1967.Kallierges
page 104, line 30
: , , , , ,
, , .
: , .
: ' .
Kallierges page 382, line 45
' .
, , ,
. ,
: . , ,
, , ,

Julianus Scr. Eccl., Commentarius in Job Der Hiobkommentar des

Arianers Julian, Ed. Hagedorn, D.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973; Patristische
Texte uns Studien 14.Page 190, line 4

, ,
, ,
. 31,9 12


, ,

, ' .
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus
rhetoribus et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Coislin.
345) (4289: 005)Anecdota Graeca, vol. 1, Ed. Bachmann, L.
Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1828.Alphabetic entry alpha, page 92, line 12
[] ;
: .
: .
: .
: .
: .
Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis (
) (4311: 002)Etymologicum magnum genuinum. Symeonis
etymologicum una cum magna grammatica. Etymologicum magnum
auctum, vol. 2, Ed. Lasserre, F., Livadaras, N.Athens: Parnassos Literary
Society, 1992.Volume 1, page 48, line 22
( 63) , Z171. Et.
gen. 847.
(Fr. Com. inc. novum)

, Z190. Et. gen. 852.
. . (5026: )Scholia Graeca in Homeri
Iliadem (scholia vetera), vols. 15, 7, Ed. Erbse, H.Berlin: De Gruyter,
1:1969; 2:1971; 3:1974; 4:1975; 5:1977; 7:1988.Book of Iliad 9, verse
63c, line of scholion 1
D | ex. | ,
64) .
ex.(?): . .


ex.' :
. . Book of Iliad 10, verse 418a, line of
scholion 4
E4) Porph. :
, ,
. (cf. 1,157,7 [= 1,9,15
S.]). D: .
Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora)
(5039: )Scholia in Thucydidem ad optimos codices collata, Ed. Hude,
K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1927, Repr. 1973.Book 4, chapter 61, section 8, li8
, ,
, sc2
: [ 63] , ,
, ,
, .
Suda, Lexicon (9010: )Suidae lexicon, 4 vols., Ed. Adler, A.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1.1:1928; 1.2:1931; 1.3:1933; 1.4:1935, Repr.
1.1:1971; 1.2:1967; 1.3:1967; 1.4:1971; Lexicographi Graeci 1.11.4.
2331, line 1
: .
: . ,
: . ,
. .


Arsenius Paroemiogr., Apophthegmata (9018: )Corpus

paroemiographorum Graecorum, vol. 2, Ed. von Leutsch,
E.L.Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1851, Repr. 1958.Centuria 4,
section 54c, line 1
, , ,
, .
: . .
' ' , , .

, . ,
, 63.
, . ,

Homerus Epic., Ili(2: )Homeri Ilias, vols. 23, Ed. Allen, T.W.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1931.Book 9, line 63
. ' ' , ,
. '
Aristophanes Comic., Pax (9: 005)Aristophane, vol. 2, Ed. Coulon, V.,
van Daele, M.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1924, Repr. 1969 (1st edn.
corr.).Line 1097
' ' ,
, '


' .
{.} ' .
{.} ' '
, , ,
{.} ,

{.} ,
. Ars rhetorica [Sp.] (0081: 016)Dionysii
Halicarnasei quae exstant, vol. 6, Ed. Usener, H., Radermacher,
L.Leipzig: Teubner, 1929, Repr. 1965.Chapter 8, section 14, line 35
, .

, , ,

, ,
. (0086: 035)Aristotelis , Ed. Ross,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957, Repr. 1964.Bekker page 1253a, line 5
. ' .
. , ,


. (0284: 042)
Aristides, vol. 1, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.
Jebb page 521, line 33
, , . '
, , , ,
, ' . ' .
. Historiae (0543: )Polybii historiae, vols. 14,
Ed. BttnerWobst, T.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1905; 2:1889; 3:1893; 4:1904,
Repr. 1:1962; 23:1965; 4:1967.Book 12, chapter 26, section 4, line 2


, ,
Aristonicus Gramm., De signis Iliadis (1194: 002)Aristonici
reliquiae emendatiores, Ed. Friedlnder, L.
Gttingen: Dieterich, 1853, Repr. 1965.Book of Iliad 9, verse in book 57,
line of scholion 8
A. Reliqua exciderunt. Sequuntur deinde haec: ,
. Tria illa priora verba fortasse
ad scholium Aristonici pertinuerunt, sed quatuor ultima irrepsisse videntur ex margine, ubi aliquis adscripserat ad indicandum sensum versuum 63, 64: .
Timaeus Hist., Fragmenta (1733: 002)FGrH #566.Volume-Jacoby-F
3b,566,F, fragment 22, line 33


, '
. (3)

(Il. 890/1) ,
/ . (4)
(I 63/4)
, /
. (5) (F 453
N2) , / , /
, . / , /
/ /
Vitae Homeri, Plutarchi De Homero 2 (1805: 012)[Plutarchi] De
Homero, Ed. Kindstrand, J.F.Leipzig: Teubner, 1990.Line 2304


' , .
Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium
reliquiae (2034: 014)Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem
pertinentium reliquiae, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed. Schrader, H.Leipzig: Teubner,
1:1880; 2:1882.Iliad book 10, section 416sqq, line 34
, ( 55)
( 7) ' .
' , ( 159).
( 63). '
( 248). -



. (2037: )
Ioannis Stobaei anthologium, 5 vols., Ed. Wachsmuth, C., Hense, O.
Berlin: Weidmann, 12:1884; 3:1894; 4:1909; 5:1912, Repr. 1958.
Book 4, chapter 9, section 4, line 2
, ' .
(fr. 110 Schr.).

(63 s.).
, , ,
(IX 593 s.).
, ,
' .

VIIImperator Hist., De sententiis
(3023: )Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti
confecta, vol. 4: excerpta de sententiis, Ed. Boissevain, U.P.
Berlin: Weidmann, 1906.Page 158, line 24


Pseudo-Zonaras Lexicogr., Lexicon (3136: )Iohannis Zonarae lexicon
ex tribus codicibus manuscriptis, 2 vols., Ed. Tittmann, J.A.H.Leipzig:
Crusius, 1808, Repr. 1967.Alphabetic letter alpha, page 352, line 5
. .
. . .


, .
Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii (4019: )
Olympiodorus. Commentary on the first Alcibiades of Plato, Ed.
Westerink, L.G.Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1956, Repr. 1982.Section 134, li 6
. , '
. ,
, ,
. ,
Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii Section 183,
line 4
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, .
: ; ' ; .
' .
. . (4083: )Eustathii
archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem
pertinentes, vols. 14, Ed. van der Valk, M.Leiden: Brill, 1:1971;
2:1976; 3:1979; 4:1987.Volume 1, page 364, line 18

, '

, '
, ,


. .
. .
Volume 2, page 657, line 8
, . (v. 61)
, . (v. 62)
' . '
. (v. 63 s.)

, ,
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) (4085: 002)Hesychii Alexandrini
lexicon, vols. 12, Ed. Latte, K.Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1:1953;
2:1966.8763, line 1
n ( 282)
S ( 63)


Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (

) (4097: 002)Etymologicum magnum genuinum. Symeonis
etymologicum una cum magna grammatica. Etymologicum magnum
auctum, vol. 2, Ed. Lasserre, F., Livadaras, N.Athens: Parnassos Literary
Society, 1992.1492, line 1
( 282) , AB, Sym.
1642, EM 2188. Comm. Hom.
(I 63) .
AB, Sym. 1643,
EM 2184, Eust. 735, 50. Comm. Hom.
, ,
AB, Sym. 1644, EM 2197. Orio.
( 495)


Etymologicum Gudianum, Additamenta in Etymologicum Gudianum

( ) (e codd. Vat. Barber. gr. 70 [olim Barber. I 70] + Paris.
suppl. gr. 172) (4098: 003)Etymologicum Gudianum, fasc. 1 & 2, Ed.
de Stefani, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1909; 2:1920, Repr. 1965.Alphabetic
entry alpha, page 245, line 16
. .
Hesiod. Theog. 196
, Troad. 989 ' []
Magnum. Etymologicum magnum, Ed. Gaisford,
T.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1848, Repr. 1967.Kallierges page
178, line 39
: ,
, . :
, , .
Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis (
) (4311: 002)Etymologicum magnum genuinum. Symeonis
etymologicum una cum magna grammatica. Etymologicum magnum
auctum, vol. 2, Ed. Lasserre, F., Livadaras, N.Athens: Parnassos Literary
Society, 1992.Volume 1, page 346, line 23
M' Z360. Et. gen. 1489.
M'. Et. gen. 1490.
( 282) ,
M'. Et. gen. 1491.
( 63) 15 M' Z352. Et.
gen. 1492.
, M'. Et. gen. 1493.
( 495) 5
M' Z356. Et. gen. 1494.


. . (5026: )Scholia Graeca in Homeri

Iliadem (scholia vetera), vols. 15, 7, Ed. Erbse, H.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1:1969; 2:1971; 3:1974; 4:1975; 5:1977; 7:1988.
Book of Iliad 9, verse 63-4, line of scholion 1
ex. / : .
' ( 379).
ex. : , .
, ' (
338), .
, .
, ( 698).
. . Book of Iliad 9, verse 63-4, line of
scholion 5
ex. : , .
, ' (
338), .
, .
, ( 698).
b(BCE3E4)T , ,
(sc. 112 3. 163 73). (sc. or. 4, 15 7),
. . Book of Iliad 9, verse 63a, line of schol1
(sc. or. 4, 15 7),
. b(BE3E4)T
, ' , . T
, . Aint


. . A
ex.: , , ' ( 115), .
. . (scholia recentiora Theodori Meliteniotis)
(e cod. Genevensi gr. 44) (5026: )Les scolies genevoises de l'Iliade, vol.
2, Ed. Nicole, J.Geneva: Georg, 1891, Repr. 1966.Book of Iliad 9, verse
63, line of scholion 1
] . ] '
] . ]
. [] , .
. . (= D scholia) (5026: 017)
Homeri Ilias, 2 vols., Ed. Heyne, C.G.Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1834.Book of Iliad 9, verse 63, line of scholion 1
. . ,
.. .
Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora)
(5039: )Scholia in Thucydidem ad optimos codices collata, Ed. Hude,
Leipzig: Teubner, 1927, Repr. 1973.Book 4, chapter 61, section 8, line 8
, ,
, ,
, ,
Arsenius Paroemiogr., Apophthegmata (9018: )
Corpus paroemiographorum Graecorum, vol. 2, Ed. von Leutsch, E.L.
Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1851, Repr. 1958.
Centuria 4, section 54c, line 1
, , ,


, .
: .
' ' , , .

. Vitae philosophorum Book 6, section 38, line 5

; ,
(N29, Adesp. 284) , ,
, , , ' .
' , ,
. ,
. , , .
. Fragmenta Hypsipyles Fragment I,iv, line 18
... ' ; ()

[] ' ' [ '
[. ', '
[ ' ' ',
. Medea Line 255
' .
' '
' '
' ,
' '
, ,
', ,
' .


' .
. Medea Line 646
, ' '
, ,
' ',
. Hippolytus Line 1029

' ' .
[ , ,]

, ' .
' '
' .
Themistocles Chapter 11, section 5, line 2
, . ,
, ,
, .


Timoleon Chapter 1, section 3, line 2

, '


De exilio (599a-607f) Stephanus page 601, section E, line 7

, '
' ,
, '
' ' .

Sophocles Trag., Antigone Line 370
{Ant. 2.}
' ,
, ' ' ,



Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 2, line 1

, . '
, ,
, ,
, (Gen. 25, 27)

Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 3, li5
, ,
(Exod. 1, 21) ,
, ,
. , , ,
. ,
. ,

. , ;
De gigantibus Section 67, line 2
. ,
, ,
, .



De virtutibus Section 190, line 1


. ,
, .

Antiphon Orat., Tetralogia 1 Tetralogy 2, section 9, line 8
, .
, ,
Leges Stephanus page 766, section d, line 3
, ,
, ,

Leges Stephanus page 928, section e, line 7


, ,
, , ,

, , ,

, .
. Quomodo historia conscribenda sit Sect 41, line 8
, , ,
, ,

, , , , , .
' '
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 6, chapter 56, section 2, line 8
, ,


' . ,

, , , .
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 8, chapter 1, section 6, line 4


. ' , , '
, .
. Bekker page 1253a, line 3

, ,
. ' .

. .
Part+volume 3,1, page 93, line 43
, , , . .
. ,
,, .
,, , , . .
. (II 91)
, . '

. .


Part+volume 3,1, page 349, line 3

, , , ,
, . .

, ,
, , , , ,
, , , . .
. .
Part+volume 3,2, page 432, line 13

, ,

, , , , , , , ,
, , , , , ,
, , , , , , .
, .
, .
. .
Part+volume 3,2, page 700, line 2
), (
), ,
. .
. De lapidibus (= fr. 2, Wimmer) Section 47, line 8
, , .
. '


' . ,
. Jebb page 111, line 11
. '
, ,
' , ,
, ' .
Diogenes Phil., Trag., Fragmenta Fragment 4, line 1
, ' ' , { }
{ }
, , , , ,
, '

(CAF), Fragmenta incertorum poetarum
Fragment 127, line 1

' ' '
' '
. , , ,
, , , ' ,



Philemon Comic., Fragmenta Fragment t11, line 1

, ' ,
' ,
. . Book 3, section 58, line 1
. , ,
, ,
, , ,
, .
(frg 148 Tur) . ' (Leg VI 766 D) ' .
' (FHG I p 331.
332) .
. ,
Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae
Book 3, chapter 22, section 47, line 1
. , ,
, .
, , ,
, ,, ; ,
. , , , , , ,
. []; ,
, ;
[] , '
Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae
Book 4, chapter 11, section 23, line 3


, '
. ,
, , ,
, ,

. Vita Apollonii
Chapter 1, section 24, line 4
, '

, ,
() , ,
, ,
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta moralia Fragment 680, line 2
, .
, ,
Philo de Gigantibus 67 Vol. II p. 55, 5 Wendl.

, .
Philo quaest. et solut. in Genesin IV 76 (p. 304 Aucher). Secundo vero legem statuit nimis naturalem, quam nonnulli philosophorum
sibi conciliarunt. Lex autem est, ut ex insipientibus nullus sit rex, quamvis terrae et maris totam vim subiugarit, sed solus sapiens et dei amans,
Diogenes Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 20, column col2, line 4


. , , [] ,

Favorinus Phil., Rhet., Fragmenta Fragment 96,26, line 34
| , |
| |
. |
; | |,
' | , | |
| . 5.
| | ,
, ' , | []
, Fragmenta Fragment 284, line 1
' ' ;
' ' ;
, ,
, '
' ' .

' .
Vitae Homeri, Vita Herodotea Line 543
. '


, ,
, .


. ' '
Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil.,
Section 14, line 14
, , , ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
' ,
Synesius Phil., Epistulae Epistle 103, line 3
, ,

. '

Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., Orationes viii de beatitudinibus
Volume 44, page 1293, line 54
, .



, ,

, ,
. . Commentaria in Psalmos
Volume 23, page 469, line 35
, ' , , ,
. , , , .
, . '
; , , .
, '
. Christus patiens [Dub.] (fort. auctore
Constantino Manasse) Line 756
' , ' ,

' ,
, , .
, ,
' , , ;
', ' , ' .
Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium
reliquiae Iliad book 10, section 416sqq, line 34
, ( 55)


( 7) ' .
' , ( 159).
( 63). '
( 248). ,

Quaestionum Homericarum liber i (recensio V)
Section 10, line 13
' .
' .
. Sermo 10 (praevia institutio ascetica) [Dub.]
Volume 31, page 621, line 16
, ,
, .
, , ,
. , , .
, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum
Volume 4, page 534, line 23



, ,
, , ' ,

, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum Volume 4, page 534, line 24

, ,
, , ' ,

, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum Volume 4, page 534, line 25

, ,
, , ' ,

. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 26, line 8
, '



, , , , ,
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 41, line 8

, ,
, ,
, ,
, , , , .

. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 43, line 5

, ;

, , ,

; ;
. Eclogae i-xlviii ex diversis homiliis [Sp.]
Vol 63, pg 783, ln 65

. , , ;
, , ,
, , , -


, , , .
, ; ' .

, '
Pseudo-Macarius Scr. Eccl., Sermones 64 (collectio B)
Homily 14, chapter 4, section 1, line 9
{ }.
, .
, .
Libanius Rhet., Soph., Progymnasmata Progymnasma 11, section 15,
subsection 6, line 3
, .
, '
, '
; ,
Manetho Astrol., Apotelesmatica Book 4, line 282
, ,
, ,
, ' , ,
, ,


, ,
, , , ,
, , ,
' .
, ,
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae
Epistle 156, line 7

, ,

, , , ,
; , .
; ,
Basilius Scr. Eccl., De vita et miraculis sanctae Theclae libri ii [Sp.]
Book 1, section 15, line 43
! !
! !
. ,
, , . , , . , ,
. ,
Theognostus Gramm., Canones sive De orthographia
Section 724, line 4
, , ,


, , , .

, .
, ,
, , ,
K.VIHistoriae Volume 3, page 332, line 10
, '
' , , ' ,
, ,
. ,
Ammonius Phil., In Aristotelis librum de interpretatione commentarius
Page 163, line 16

, '
, , , ,

, ,
Syrianus Phil., Commentarium in Hermogenis librum
Page 100, line 16
, ,



, .

, .

. . Volume 2, page 657, line 9
. (v. 62) '
. '
. (v. 63 s.)

, ,
, ,
, ,
, .
. . Volume 3, page 101, line 12
' (v. 418)
, .
, , .
, , ,
. ,
' , , ,

' .
. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini
canones isagogicos de flexione nominum Page 196, line 31
, , , ( ), (
), ,


, .
Magnum. Kallierges page 178, line 40
, .
: , ,
. ,
. ,
Scholia In Euripidem, Glossae in Euripidis Troiades
Section 1292, line 2

. . Book of Iliad 9, verse 63a, line of schol 3

. b(BE3E4)T
, ' , .
, .
. .
ex.: , , ' ( 115), .
. . Book of Iliad 10, verse 418a, line of
scholion 4
, .
Porph. :
, ,


Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclem Play Ant, verse 370, line 1



' .

Graeca Book 9, epigram 425, line 1

' ,
, .
. 453, line 2
, .
: .
: .
, .
: .
, .
, . , , , , .
. , ' .
' : . .
. alpha, entry 3395, line 1
: , . . ' , .


, .
: , , .
: .
. .
, ,
, .
. alpha, entry 3489, line 1
: , .
: . , .
, ,
, ' .
. ,
, ' .

. Vitae philosophorum Book 6, section 38, l 5

; ,

(N29, Adesp. 284)
, , ,
, , ' .
' , ,
, . , ,
. .
. Hippolytus Line 1029
' ' '
. ' [ ,


, ' . ' '

', '
Septem sapientium convivium (146b-164d)
Stephanus page 155, section A, line 2
, , , ,
, ' ,
, ' .
De vitando aere alieno (827d-832a) Stephanus page 831,
section B, line 13


; '
, ' ; ,
, ' .

Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 2, line 1
, . '
, ,
, ,
, (Gen. 25, 27)



Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 3, line 5

, ,
(Exod. 1, 21) ,
, ,
. , , ,
. ,
. ,

. , ;
Symposium Stephanus page 203, section d, line 1
, .

. ,
, ,
, , , .

, ,
, , .
. Gallus Section 17, line 5



. .
Part+volume 3,1, page 539, line 13
,, .
, , , , , , , ,
. ' ,, , . .
,, ,

. .
Part+volume 3,2, page 113, line 9
' (Il. 450),
, (potius , ).
, ,
, , ,
Diogenes Phil., Trag., Fragmenta Fragment 4, line 1
, ' ' , { }
{ }

, , ,
, ,

. . Book 4, section 125, line 1


, .

, '
, .
, ' . , .
, ,
. ' (II frg 21 Ko)
Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae
Book 3, chapter 22, section 47, line 1
. , ,
, .
, , ,
, ,, ; ,
. , , , , , ,
. []; ,
, ;
[] , '
Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Book 4, chapter 11, section
23, line 3

, '
. ,
, , ,
, ,



Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 16, chapter 1, section c, line 8

, , ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, '
, .

Orationes Oration 40, section 2, line 10

' .
, . ,
, .
Gaius Musonius Rufus Phil., Dissertationum a Lucio digestarum
reliquiae Discourse 14, line 5
, ,
, , , ,

, ' '

' ,
; .


Ammonius Gramm., De adfinium vocabulorum differentia (=

) (fort. epitome operis sub aucto Lexical
entry 113, line 13
( 100) '
( 159 156 304 231) ' ,
. ' (theog. 454) , {}
. (FGHist 84 F 7)
, ' .
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta logica et physica Fragment 177, line 34
, ,
, ,
. , , ,
(sequuntur exempla).
' , etc.
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta moralia Fragment 680, line 2
, .
, ,
Philo de Gigantibus 67 Vol. II p. 55, 5 Wendl.
, .
Diogenes Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 20, column col2, line 5
. , , []


, v. .

(H)eren(n)ius Philo Gramm., Hist., De diversis verborum

significationibus (= ) (epitome operis Herennii
Philonis) (e c Alphabetic letter beta, entry 37, line 9

' ,
(Hom. Od. xiv 159 xVII 156 xix 304 xx 231),
. ' (Theog. 454)
(FGrH 84 f 7)
, ' . '
(fr. 628 n.2)

Ptolemaeus Gramm., De differentia vocabulorum (=

) [Sp.] (e cod. Ambros. E 26 sup.)
Alphabetic letter upsilon, entry 157, line 2
... .
, .
. , ,
. ,
Seniores Alexandrini Scr. Eccl., Fragmenta Fragment 9, line 3
Psalmus CXXI.
v. 3. .
, [
]. ' ,


, Fragmenta Fragment 284, line 1
' ' ;
' ' ;
, ,
, '
' ' .

Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil.,
Section 14, line 14
, , , ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
' ,
Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., Dialogus de anima et resurrectione
Volume 46, page 117, line 21
. ,
' ;



. ,

. . Commentaria in Psalmos
Volume 23, page 469, line 34

, ' , , ,
. , , , .
, . '
; , , .
, '
. In sanctum baptisma (orat. 40)
Volume 36, page 404, line 11
, . , , ; ,
, ,
. , , ; ,
, , .
. Carmina moralia Page 876, line 14


' ,
, ,
. '
, .
'; ;

' ,
' ,
. Book 4, chapter 22a, section 20, line 8
, , , ,
, ,
, ' '

, ,
. Sermo 10 (praevia institutio ascetica) [Dub.]
Volume 31, page 621, line 16
, , ,
. , , .
Contra Celsum Book 4, section 39, line 30


, .

, ,
, , .
' ,
, ,
Asterius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae 1-14 Homily 3, chapter 15, section 2, line 3

, , , ,

. ,
, ,
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt Chapter 10, section
26, line 8

, '


, , , , ,
; ,
, ' ,
, ' ,
, ,


. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt

Chapter 10, section 43, line 5
' .

, ;

, , ,

; ;
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 16, section 2, line 2
' ,
; ,

, ,

Commentarii in Job (7.20c-11)
Codex page 221, line 1

. , []
[ ] [] [ ] []
[ ]
[, ]


Fragmenta in Proverbia
Volume 39, page 1633, line 48
. . '
. . , ,

Arcadius Gramm., De accentibus [Sp.] Page 223, line 9
. , '
. .

Orion Gramm., Etymologicum Alphabetic letter sigma, page 142, line 8
. .
. , ,
. .

. ,
, .
. Alexi Book 3, chapter 12, section 8, line 11

, .


, '

Sacra parallela (recensiones secundum alphabeti
litterdispositae, quae tres libros conflant) (fragmenta e cod. Volume 96,
page 389, line 31
, . ,
. , .
, ;
, .
Pseudo-Zonaras Lexicogr., Lexicon Alphabetic , page 70, l 22
. ,
, , . .
, , . .
. Annales Section 59, line 28



, . . -


. Annales Section 59, line 79
, . , '

. ,
' .
Historia Turcobyzantina Chapter 40, section 5, line 9
, ' , ,
, .
, ' '
, '
Simplicius Phil., In Aristotelis categoricommentarium Volume 8, page
396, line 9

, .
, .
, ,


Joannes Philoponus Phil., De opificio mundi Page 69, line 22

, , ,
, , ,
, , ,

Ammonius Phil., In Aristotelis librum de interpretatione commentarius
Page 163, line 16

, '
, , , ,

, .
. ( ) 1882, li 1
, .
(fr. 362 K. Th.): , ,
; , .
. , .
. Odysseam
Volume 1, page 255, line 35
(Vers. 307.)
, . (Vers. 305.)


. ,
, . ,
. , . , , .
-, . , .
, , .
. ,
, . ', . ,
. ,
' . , .

. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini

canones isagogicos de flexione verborum Page 55, line 16

, , ,
, , , , , ,
' , '

. Epimerismi in Psalmos Page 17, line 4
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , , ,
, , .
; , ,
, , , , , , , ,
, , , .


. De spiritibus (excerpta) Page 193, li 10

, ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
, ,
Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (
) 847, line 1
( 63) , AB, Sym.
1014, EM 1360. Comm. Hom.
(Ps. 5, 10)

AB, Sym. 1009, EM 1369. Choerob. epim. ps. 107, 32.
( 533) ,
Magnum. Kallierges page 37, line 13
. :
. , , , .
, .
, ,
, , .
Magnum. Kallierges page 104, line 30

. : , , , , ,
, , . : , .


Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Matthaeum (catena integra) (e

cod. Paris. Coislin. gr. 23) Page 170, line 13
, .
, , ,

, .
{ .}
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus
et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co Alphabetic entry
alpha, page 92, line 12
[] ; : .
: . : . : .
Lexica In Opera Gregorii Nazianzeni, Lexicon in carmina Gregorii
Nazianzeni (= Lexicon Casinense) (e cod. Casinensi Arch. Abbat. T 550)
Alphabetic letter alpha, line 191

Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis ( )

Volume 1, page 158, line 18
( 185) 2
. , ,
, ,
c 236 Z70. Et. gen. 223 + 1571.
8 . c 237
Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis (
) Volume 1, page 48, line 22


, Z214. Et.
gen. 850. ( 573)

Z191. Et. gen. 851. ( 63) , .
Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Prometheum vinctum
Vita-argumentum-scholion-epigram sch, verse 708, line 2

B marg:
(?) .
. . Book of Iliad 10, verse 418a, line of
scholion 4
, . E4)
Porph. :
, ,
. .
(cf. 1,157,7 [= 1,9,15 S.]).

Scholia In Lucianum, Scholia in Lucianum (et recentiora Arethae)

Lucianic work 22, section 17, line 1
] . ~ CV. Addunt CV:
. ~
] . ~
] , , , ,


. alpha, entry 2331, line 1

: .
: . ,
: . ,
. .

De exilio (599a-607f) Stephanus page 601, section E, line 7

, '
' ,
, '
' ' .


De vitando aere alieno (827d-832a) Stephanus page 831,
section B, line 13

, ;

; '
, ' ; ,
, ' .

De facie in orbe lunae (920b-945e)


Stephanus page 925, section F, line 4

, ' .

, '
' |
, , .
Homerus Epic., Ili Book 9, line 63
. ' ' , ,
. '
. '
Aristophanes Comic., Pax Line 1097
' ' ,
, '
' .
{.} ' .
{.} ' '
, , ,
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 6, chapter 56, section 2, line 8
, ,
[]. -



' . ,

, , ,
. Ars rhetorica [Sp.] Chapter 8, section 14,
line 35
, , ,

, ,

. Bekker page 1253a, line 5
. ' .
. , ,

Jebb page 521, line 34
, , , ,


, ' . ' ,
' , '
, .
. Historiae Book 12, chapter 26, section 4, line 2


, ,
Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae Book 4, chapter 11, section
23, line 4

, '
. ,
, , ,
, ,

, , ;
Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 8, chapter 8, section g, line 1
Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 15, chapter 4, section c, line 2
' , ; ,
; , ;


, ; ,
; , ;
; '
, , .
, ,
, . , ' .
Orationes Oration 40, section 2, line 11
' .
, . ,
, .
Ammonius Gramm., De adfinium vocabulorum differentia (=
) (fort. epitome operis sub aucto
Lexical entry 113, line 13
' , . '
(theog. 454) , {}
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta logica et physica Fragment 177, line 34
, ,
, ,
. , , ,
(sequuntur exempla).


' , etc.
Favorinus Phil., Rhet., Fragmenta Fragment 96,26, line 34
| , |
| |
. |
; | |,
' | , | |
| . 5.
| | ,
, ' , .
(H)eren(n)ius Philo Gramm., Hist., De diversis verborum
significationibus (= ) (epitome operis Herennii
Philonis) (e c Alphabetic letter beta, entry 37, line 8

' ,
(Hom. Od. xiv 159 xVII 156 xix 304 xx 231),
. ' (Theog. 454)
(FGrH 84 f 7)
, ' . '
(fr. 628 n.2)
Timaeus Hist., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 3b,566,F, fragm 22, li 34
. (3)
(Il. 890/1)
/ . (4)
(I 63/4)
, /
. (5) (F 453
N2) , / , /


, . / , /
/ .
Vitae Homeri,Plutarchi De Homero 2 Line 2304

. ,

' , .
Themistius Phil., Rhet., Harduin page 349, section
d, line 4
, ,
, .

, , ,
, , . , , .
. . Commentaria in Psalmos
Volume 23, page 469, line 35
, ' , , ,
. , , , .
, . '
; , , .
, '


. In theophania (orat. 38)

Volume 36, page 317, line 10
, ' ,
, , ,
, , ,
, ,
, '

Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium
reliquiae Iliad book 10, section 416sqq, line 35
( 7) ' .
' , ( 159).
( 63). '
( 248). ,

( 334) ,.
Quaestionum Homericarum liber i (recensio V)
Section 10, line 14
' .
' .




Quaestionum Homericarum liber i (recensio )
Section 10, line 14
, .



. Book 4, chapter 9, section 4, line 2
, ' .
(fr. 110 Schr.).

(63 s.).
, , ,
(IX 593 s.).
. Homilia in illud: Attende tibi ipsi
Page 32, line 22
, ,
, . ,
, , ,

, .
, , ,
, , ' , ,


; , ,
. Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis
Volume 31, page 313, line 51
, '
, , , ,
, , ,
, , . ,
Homiliae in Job (fragmenta in catenis, typus II) (e
codd. Marc. gr. 21, 538) Volume 17, page 84, line 25
. , , , , .
. . .
, ,
, .
Asterius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae 1-14 Homily 3, chapter 15, section 2, line 3

, , , ,
, ,


, ,

. In Genesim (homiliae 1-67) Vol 53, pg 325, ln
, ,
. ,
, ,
, , ,
, '
. , ,
, .
. In Genesim (homiliae 1-67)
Vol 53, pg 335, ln 39
, ,
, '
, ,
. In Genesim (homiliae 1-67)
Vol 53, pg 345, ln 32
, .
; , ' ,
, , ,


. De Davide et Saule (homiliae 1-3)
Vol 54, pg 707, ln 18

. , ,
; , , , , , ,

, , .
, ; '
Eusebius Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 59, line 7
, , ,

, '
. , '
, '
VIIImperator Hist., De sententiis
Page 158, line 24




Historia (= )
Reign Alex2, page 249, line of page 9
, .

, ,

. ,

. ,
. Laudatio Petri et Pauli
Section 8, line 33
, ,

Theodorus Scutariota Hist., Additamenta ad Georgii Acropolitae
historiam Fragment 20, line 12
, , ,
, ' , ,
, , , -


, , ,
, .
K.VI Historiae Volume 3, page 332, line 10
, '
' , , ' ,
, ,
. ,
Simplicius Phil., In Aristotelis categoricommentarium Volume 8, page
396, line 9

, .

, .
, ,

Joannes Philoponus Phil., De opificio mundi Page 71, line 8

, , , ,


. , , ,

Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii
Section 183, line 4
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, .
: ; ' ; .
' .
. ( ) 1882, line 1
, .
(fr. 362 K. Th.): , ,
; , . .
, .
. . Volume 2, page 657, line 8
, . (v. 61)
, . (v. 62)
' . '
. (v. 63 s.)

, ,
, ,
, ,
, .
. . Volume 3, page 101, line 11
, ,


' (v. 418)

, .
, , .
, , ,
. ,
' , , ,

' .
Cyrillus Theol., Epistulae paschales sive Homiliae paschales (epist. 1-30)
Volume 77, page 648, line 38
, , , , , ;
, , '
, , , ,
. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini
canones isagogicos de flexione nominum
Page 289, line 30
, , .

fragm. 4 N2. ,

Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (
) 810, line 2


AB, Sym. 980, EM 1315. Epim. Hom.
, .
. (Zenob. fr. novum) AB, EM 1317. Zenob.
Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (
) 847, line 1
( 412) , AB, Sym. 1010.
Comm. Hom.
( 63) , AB, Sym.
1014, EM 1360. Comm. Hom.
(Ps. 5, 10)

AB, Sym. 1009, EM 1369. Choerob. epim. ps. 107, 32.
( 533) ,
Magnum. Kallierges page 382, line 45
. , ,
, ,
' .
, , ,
. ,
: . , ,
, , ,
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus
et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co
Alphabetic entry alpha, page 92, line 12
... [] ; : .
: . : . : .
Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis (
) Volume 1, page 48, line 22
( 573)


Z191. Et. gen. 851. ( 63) , Z171. Et.
gen. 847. (Fr. Com. inc. novum)

, Z190. Et. gen. 852.
. . Book of Iliad 9, verse 63c, line of schol 1
ex.: , , ' ( 115), .
D | ex. | ,
64) .
ex.(?): . .
ex.' :
Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora)
Book 4, chapter 61, section 8, line 8
ABFc2 Patm.
, ,
, sc2
: [ 63]
, ,
, ,
, ,
. alpha, entry 2331, line 1
: .
: . ,


: . ,
. .
Arsenius Paroemiogr., Apophthegmata Centuria 4, section 54c, line 1
: .
, :
, , ,
, .
: .

. Vitae philosophorum Book 6, section 38, line 5

; ,

(N29, Adesp. 284)
, , ,
, , ' .
' , ,
, . , ,
. Hippolytus Line 1029

' ' .
[ , ,]


, ' .
' '
' ,
Septem sapientium convivium (146b-164d)
Stephanus page 155, section A, line 2

, , , ,
, ' ,
, ' .
, , ,

Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 2, lin 1
, . '
, ,
, ,
, (Gen. 25, 27)

Legum allegoriarum libri i-iii Book 3, section 3, line 5
, ,
(Exod. 1, 21) ,
, ,
. , -


, ,
. ,
. ,

. ,
De gigantibus Section 67, line 2
. ,
, ,
, .

De congressu eruditionis gratia Section 62, line 2
, ,
, , , ,
. , , (Gen. 25, 27),
, ,
Symposium Stephanus page 203, section d, line 1
, .

. ,
, ,
, , , .


, ,
. Gallus Section 17, line 5


. .
Part+volume 3,1, page 539, line 13
,, .
, , , , , , , ,
. ' ,, , . .
,, ,

. . Part+volume 3,2, page
248, line 10
' , .
, ,
, ,
( 415)
Diogenes Phil., Trag., Fragmenta Fragment 4, line 1
, ,


, , , '

(CAF), Fragmenta incertorum poetarum Fragment

127, line 1

' ' '

' '
, , ,
, , ,
' ,

, ;
. . Book 4, section 125, line 1
, .

, '
, .
, ' . , .
, ,
. ' .
Claudius Aelianus Soph., Varia historia Book 3, section 29, line 4
, ;



Dissertationes ab Arriano digestae
Book 3, chapter 22, section 47, line 1
. , ,
, .
, , ,
, ,, ; ,
. , , , , , ,
. []; ,
, ;
[] , '
Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 16, chapter 1, section c, line 8
, , ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, '
, .

Orationes Oration 40, section 2, line 10

' .
, . ,
, .


Gaius Musonius Rufus Phil., Dissertationum a Lucio digestarum

reliquiae Discourse 14, line 5
, ,
, , , ,

, ' '

' ,
Ammonius Gramm., De adfinium vocabulorum differentia (=
) (fort. epitome operis sub aucto
Lexical entry 113, line 13
. ' (theog. 454) ,
{} .
(FGHist 84 F 7)
, ' .
' (fr. 628 N.2)
Apion Gramm., Fragmenta de glossis Homericis Fragment 133, line 2
, . 72 Ap. S. 148, 15:
. ... '
( 181) .
. 66
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta logica et physica Fragment 177, line 34
, ,
, ,


. , , ,
(sequuntur exempla).
' , etc.
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta moralia Fragment 680, line 2
, .
, ,
Philo de Gigantibus 67 Vol. II p. 55, 5 Wendl.
, .
Philo quaest. et solut. in Genesin IV 76 (p. 304 Aucher). Secundo vero legem statuit nimis naturalem, quam nonnulli philosophorum
sibi conciliarunt. Lex autem est, ut ex insipientibus nullus sit rex, quamvis terrae et maris totam vim subiugarit, sed solus sapiens et dei amans,
Tyrannion Gramm., Fragmenta Fragment 47, line 7
', ( 450),
, .
, ,


, .

, ,
. .
Diogenes Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 20, column col2, line 5

. , , [ ]-



, v. .
(H)eren(n)ius Philo Gramm., Hist., De diversis verborum
significationibus (= ) (epitome operis Herennii
Philonis) (e c Alphabetic letter beta, entry 37, line 9

' ,
(Hom. Od. xiv 159 xVII 156 xix 304 xx 231),
. ' (Theog. 454)
(FGrH 84 f 7)
, ' . '
(fr. 628 n.2)

Ptolemaeus Gramm., De differentia vocabulorum (=

) [Sp.] (e cod. Ambros. E 26 sup.)
Alphabetic letter upsilon, entry 157, line 2

, .
. , ,
. ,
Seniores Alexandrini Scr. Eccl., Fragmenta Fragment 9, line 3
v. 3.


[ ].
' ,

, Fragmenta Fragment 284, line 1
' ' ;
' ' ;
, ,
, '
' ' .

' .
Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil.,
Section 14, line 14
, , , ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
' ,
Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., Dialogus de anima et resurrectione
Volume 46, page 117, line 21


' ;

. ,
. . Commentaria in Psalmos
Volume 23, page 469, line 34

, ' , , ,
. , , , .
, . '
; , , .
, '
. In sanctum baptisma (orat. 40)
Volume 36, page 404, line 11
, . , , ; ,
, ,
. , , ; ,
, , .
, ,


. Book 4, chapter 22a, section 20, line 8

, , , ,
, ,
, ' '

, ,
. Sermo 10 (praevia institutio ascetica) [Dub.]
Volume 31, page 621, line 16
, .
, , ,
. , , .
Contra Celsum Book 4, section 39, line 30

, .

, ,
, , .
' ,
, ,


Asterius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae 1-14 Homily 3, chapter 15, section 2, line 3
, , , ,
, ,
, ,
, ;
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 26, line 8
, '


, , , , ,
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 41, line 8

, ,
, ,
, ,
, , , , .

. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 10, section 43, line 5

, ;



, , ,

; ;
. Ad eos qui scandalizati sunt
Chapter 16, section 2, line 2
' ,
; ,

, ,

Commentarii in Job (7.20c-11) Codex page 221, lin 1

. , []
[ ] [] [ ] []
[, ]
Fragmenta in Proverbia Vol 39, page 1633, line 48
. .
, .
. . '


. . , ,

Arcadius Gramm., De accentibus [Sp.] Page 223, line 9
. , '
. .


, .
, '
Orion Gramm., Etymologicum Alphabetic letter sigma, page 142, line 8
. .
. ,
. .
. , ,
. .

. ,
, .
. AlexiBook 3, chapter 12, section 8, line 11

, .
, '


Sacra parallela (recensiones secundum alphabeti
litterdispositae, quae tres libros conflant) (fragmenta e cod. Volume 96,
page 389, line 31
, .
, ;
Pseudo-Zonaras Lexicogr., Lexicon
Alphabetic letter alpha, page 70, line 22
. ,
, , . .
, , . .
. .

. Annales Section 59, line 28



, . . -


. Annales Section 59, line 79
, . , '

. ,
Historia Turcobyzantina Chapter 40, section 5, line 9
, ,
. ,
' , , .
. , '
' ,
Simplicius Phil., In Aristotelis category commentarium
Volume 8, page 396, line 9

, .
, .
, ,


Joannes Philoponus Phil., De opificio mundi Page 69, line 22

, , ,
, , ,
, , ,

Ammonius Phil., In Aristotelis librum de interpretatione commentarius
Page 163, line 16

, '
, , , ,

, ,
. ( ) 1882, line 1
. , .
. . .
. Odysseam Vol 1, page 255, li35
(Vers. 307.)
, . (Vers. 305.)
. ,
, . ,
. , . , , .


, . , .
, , .
. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini
canones isagogicos de flexione verborum Page 55, line 16

, , ,
, , , , , ,
' , '

. Epimerismi in Psalmos Page 17, line 4
; , ,
, , , , , , , ,
, , , .
Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum (
) 1571, line 2
AB, Sym. 369, EM 693. Theodos. Lex. can. 61, 18.
(Jo. Dam. can. iamb. 2, 107)
AB, EM 114. Theodos. Lex. can. 59, 25.
( 185) , ,
. , , , , ,
. ( 2)


Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )

Alphabetic entry alpha, page 51, line 7
, ,
, , .
. ,
Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )
Alphabetic entry iota, page 285, line 36
. , , ,
. , , . ,
, .
, , , , .
' ,
Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )
Alphabetic entry upsilon, page 541, line 16
, , ' ,
, , '
. ,
, .
Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Matthaeum (catena integra) (e
cod. Paris. Coislin. gr. 23) Page 170, line 13


, .
, , ,

, . { .}
Julianus Scr. Eccl., Commentarius in Job Page 108, line 19
, ,
. 15,29 30

. 15,31 33 ,

Theodorus Scr. Eccl., Fragmenta in Matthaeum (in catenis)
Fragment 111, line 1

. Mt 21, 17
Mt 21, 33 41

Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus
et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co
Alphabetic entry alpha, page 92, line 12
[] ;
: .
: .
: .
: .


Lexica In Opera Gregorii Nazianzeni, Lexicon in carmina Gregorii

Nazianzeni (= Lexicon Casinense) (e cod. Casinensi Arch. Abbat. T 550)
Alphabetic letter alpha, line 191

Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis ( )
Volume 1, page 158, line 18
( 185) 2
. , ,
, ,
c 236 Z70. Et. gen. 223 + 1571.
8 . c 237
Z70. Et. gen. 224. ( 9) (l. c.)
Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis (
) Volume 1, page 48, line 22
( 573)

Z191. Et. gen. 851. ( 63) , Z171. Et.
gen. 847.
Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Prometheum vinctum
Vita-argumentum-scholion-epigram sch, verse 708, line 2
(?) .
P marg: ...] .
(709 711) :

( '


. . Book of Iliad 10, verse 418a, line of

scholion 4
... : T
, ,
. b(BCE3E4)
T . b(BCE3)T
(cf. 1,157,7 [= 1,9,15 S.]). T
D: .
. . Book of Iliad 20, verse 72c, line of
scholion 8
( 450), (cf. 491), ( 876.
119 al.). ,

( 43. 64 al.)
. ,
, .
, , , .
Scholia In Lucianum, Scholia in Lucianum (et recentiora Arethae)
Lucianic work 22, section 17, line 1
] . ~
] , , , ,
. ~
. alpha, entry 2331, line 1
: .
: . ,


: . ,
. .

. . Book 1, chapter 142, section 4, line 2

' ,

, ,

' .
. . Book 2, chapter 57, section 1, line 5
, ' .


, .

. . Book 4, chapter 41, section 3, line 3
( )




, ,
. . Book 4, chapter 118, section 7, line 1
, .
, ,

, , .
. . Book 5, chapter 2, section 3, line 2
, , .

, . ' , '
, . ,

, .
. . Book 5, chapter 14, section 3, line 6
' ,
, ,
, -


' , .
. . Book 7, chapter 13, section 2, line 5
, ,
, ,


, ' .
. . Book 7, chapter 13, section 2, line 10
, ,


, ' ,
( ' ), '

. '
. . Book 7, chapter 26, section 2, line 5

, ,

, , .



. . Book 8, chapter 40, section 2, line 5



, ,

Solon Chapter 8, section 4, line 5
' ,
, ,
, ' .
, .
Publicola hapter 18, section 3, line 1
, ,

, ,
, . ,
Publicola Chapter 22, section 3, line 4


, ' . ' ,
, , . ' ' , . ' ,

Themistocles Chapter 12, section 8, line 4

, .
. ' , , , ,
. . Book 3, Kaibel paragraph 39, line
(884). ' (I 152 K)
. '
, , , ,
, .
. . Book 3, Kaibel paragraph 89, line
(I 802 K)
(ib. 151)
' '
' .


' (p. 282 L)

. ' (c. 120) .
. . Book 3, Kaibel paragraph 92, line
, ,
, . ,
(p. 247 L)
. . Book 9, Kaibel paragraph 17, li 2
(fr. 26, 4 B49)
. (fr. 67) '
(p. 247 L)

' .
. . Book 9, Kaibel paragraph 35, lin6
(I 627 K)
', ,
{.} .
(I 153 K)
(II 487 K)
' ' '
. . Book 9, Kaibel paragraph 54, lin5
{.} ; {.} .


(I 157 K) ' . (I 153 K) ' .
(I 761 K)

' (c. 183) .
Isocrates Orat., In Callimachum (orat. 18) Section 49, line 8
, '
, . ,

Isocrates Orat., De pace (orat. 8) Section 44, line 5
... , ' ,
' ,
, '
, ' , '
, ' ' .
' '
, ,
, .
Sophocles Trag., Fragmenta Fragment 691, line 1

Demosthenes Orat., In Timocratem Section 128, line 2


; ,
, ' '
' .
, .
, ' ,
' , .
Herodianus Hist., Ab excessu divi Marci Book 5, chapter 4, section 2,
line 4
, . '
. , , ,
, . ' .
Herodianus Hist., Ab excessu divi Marci Book 5, chapter 4, section 4,
line 8
, .

, ' ,
. . Book 2, section 30, line 2


, ,

. . Book 2, section 30, line 4
, ,

' .
. . Book 2, section 31, line 4


. . Book 3, section 154, line 9
. , ,

, '


. [] .
. . Book 3, section 155, line 17
, ; ;
, ' ' . , ,

. . Book 8, section 26, line 1
... ,
, '
, .
, .

. . Book 8, section 82, line 2

. ,

..... ,


' .
. . Book 8, section 82, line 6
..... ,


, .
Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat
Section 173, line 5
, |
' '

; ;

' ;
, .
De posteritate Caini Section 172, line 4
' , '
. ,
; ,


, ,
. '
Aristophanes Comic., Equites Line 26
{. } .
{. } .

, ' , ' .
{. } .
Aristophanes Comic., Nubes Line 1104
{.} ' ;
{.} '. ,
{.} ;
, ;
{.} '
, '
Oppianus Epic., Cynegetica Book 4, line 225
' , .
' ' ,

' ,
, '
, ,
, ' ,


Aeschines Orat., In Timarchum Section 159, line 10
, , '
, ,

Aeschines Orat., De falsa legatione Section 79, line 4

. ' , '
' ,
, '
' ,
Andocides Orat., De mysteriis Section 44, line 6

' .
, ,
, ,
. Book 6, chapter 2, section 15, line 3

, ,


. ,
, . ' ,
. Book 6, chapter 2, section 15, line 4
, ,

. ,
, . ' ,
, ,
. Book 7, chapter 3, section 10, line 9
, , .
, ;
Niciae Epistula, Epistula Line 48

, -


, , ,
, '
Niciae Epistula, Epistula Line 53
, , ,
, '
, '
' '

. ' ,
Themistoclis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 8, line 95
' , '
, (

, ,

Aeneas Tact., Poliorcetica Chapter 22, section 14, line 3



, ,
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 2, chapter 26, section 4, line 8
, , ,

. ,

' , .
. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 2, chapter 26, section 8, line 1
' .


, ,
Pseudo- . Amores Section 12, line 15
, ' , ' '
. '
, '




' .
Pseudo- . Demosthenis encomium Section 46, line

, ,

. . , , ' ,
, ,
. De mercede conductis potentium familiaribus
Section 5, line 9

, ,

. Navigium Section 37, line 3

. {}
. '
, , -


Flavius Arrianus Hist., Phil., Alexandri anabasis
Book 1, chapter 20, section 10, line 3

. ,
, ,

. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 1, chapter 64, section 2, line 3


, .
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 2, chapter 39, section 1, line 12
, '




. . Part+volume 3,1,
page 163, line 7
, , , , .
, ,
, , , . ,
. , , .
(c. 30) ,

. . , .
. . Part+volume 3,1,
page 163, line 8
, ,
, , , . ,
. , , .
(c. 30) ,

. . , . .
. . Schematismi Homerici Section 77, li 3
, ,
, , , ' :
, ( cod.),
, ,


. Jebb page 160, line 14

' , '
, ,
, '
, '
, , ' .
Jebb page 368, line 18

. ,
, ,
, .
Jebb page 368, line 35
, .

. .
, , , ' ,
, . '
, '
. Jebb page 379, line 11
' ' ;
, ,


. ,
, ' ,
, ' , ' ,
' , '
, ' ,
' , '
, ,
. ( )
Jebb page 442, line 31
' .
' ,
, '
, '

, '
Cassius Dio Hist., Historiae Romanae Book 11, chapter 43, section 32b,
line 2
, ,

, ' .
M. 122 (p. 182).

, ' . Bekk.
Anecd. p. 171 26.
Cassius Dio Hist., Historiae Romanae Book 12, chapter 49, section 7,


line 6

, ( ) .
. UR9 6 (p. 378).
, . M. 128 (p. 185).
Pherecrates Comic., Fragmenta Fragment tit 19-31, line 1

' .
, ,
Pherecrates Comic., Fragmenta Play Aut, fragment tit, line 1
' ; {.} .
, ,
. {.} ' '
Pausanias Perieg., Graeciae descriptio Book 4, chapter 12, section 2, li5
' .

, , -


. Antiquitates Judaicae
Book 6, chapter 237, line 4

, '
', . , , . ' , '
Septuaginta, Josue (Cod. Vaticanus + Cod. Alexandrinus)
Chapter 10, section 1, line 4

, .



Septuaginta, Josue (Cod. Vaticanus + Cod. Alexandrinus)

Chapter 10, section 4, line 2

Ephorus Hist., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 2a,70,F, fragment 58b, li4


LXIII 140, 2: ,

Menander Comic., Aspis Line 43
{()} , '

' ,

' ' '
' ,
. . Book 1, section 174, line 1
, . , ,
, , .
, , , ,
, , . . , , , ,
, , , , ,
. .
, , ,
, , , , , , . .
. . Book 2, section 33, line 9
, (frg 230 Bl), ,
(I frg 400 Ko). , ,
. (II frg
50 Ko) , (I frg 30 Ko)
, .
, ( 248)


. . Book 4, section 35, line 3
' . ' ,
, , , , ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , .
. . Book 4, section 38, line 2
, , , , ,
, ,
, , , ,
. , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , ,
, , , ,
, , , , ,
. Historiae Book 1, chapter 19, section 7, line 5
' . '


. . .


. Historiae Book 1, chapter 67, section 7, line 4

, ' .
, ,
' '
. ;

Claudius Aelianus Soph., De natura animalium Book 2, sec 11, line 38

, , .
, ,
, ,

Appianus Hist., Samnitica (fragmenta) Chapter 11, section 2, line 2
, , ,

. ' .

, , .
' , ,


Appianus Hist., Annibaica Section 97, line 1



, , ,
' , ,
. '
Chariton Scr. Erot., De Chaerea et Callirhoe Book 8, chapter 8, section
9, line 1
, . '

, .
, ,


, .
. Protrepticus Chapter 10, section 93,
subsection 2, line 1

, ,
, ,
. .

, ,

, , , ,


Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 36, chapter 3, section d, line 2

, ,
; ; ;

, ,
, ,
, ,
Rufus Med., Quaestiones medicinales Section 54, line 2
, .
, , , .
, .
, .
, ,
, ,

Polyaenus Rhet., Strategemata Book 1, chapter pro, section 9, line 4
, ,

, ... ,
. '

Polyaenus Rhet., Strategemata Book 3, chapter 9, section 57, line 2




- , '

. Heroicus Olearius page 737, line 36

, ,

Aristophanes Gramm., Aristophanis historiae animalium epitome
subjunctis Aeliani Timothei aliorumque eclogis Chapter 2, sec 230, lin 3
' ,
, ' .
. ,

Onasander Tact., Strategicus Chapter 10, section 15T, line 1

, ,
' .
. [ ]



, , , .
Eutecnius Soph., Paraphrasis in Oppiani cynegetica (fort. auctore
Eutecnio) Page 26, line 4

, , ,
, ',
, .
Ctesias Hist., Med., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 3c,688,F, fragment 1b,
line 799

, ,


, . (5)
Ctesias Hist., Med., Fragmenta Volume-Jacoby-F 3c,688,F, fragment 1b,
line 813
-, . (8)

- (?) ,


' -
Posidonius Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 194a, line 95
, ,
, , ,
. .
5. ,
, .
, ,
. .
Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta moralia Fragment 680, line 3
, ,
. Philo de Gigantibus 67 Vol. II p. 55, 5 Wendl.
, .
Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol., Epistula i ad Corinthios
Chapter 28, section 2, line 3

' ;

; ,
, .
Aelius Dionysius Attic., Alphabetic letter pi, entry 10,
line 2
, ,
-. , .


(e. g. II 31, 1) .
. (1, 1)
, .
(II 265 M. = fr. 31 K.).
. ,
. .
(133). ( 6) .
. Recensio sive Recensio vetusta
Book 2, chapter 19, section 7, line 5

, .

... ,
. Recensio Chapter 19, section 1, line 18

. ,
. ,
Harpocration Gramm., Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos
Page 168, line 13
' ,
: ,
, .


, ,
Memnon Hist., Fragmenta Fragment 40, line 9
(2) ,
, . , ,
, .
Memnon Hist., Fragmenta Fragment 51, line 47
. (5)


, .
Palaephatus Myth., De incredibilibus Section 16, line 8
. .
, , ' .

, .

, ,
, ' .


Phrynichus Attic., Praeparatio sophistica (fragmenta) Fragme 74, line 2
. . (in Athen. 3 Bl.) B 339, 10. Phot. 21, 24.
: .
(fr. 29)
, .
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus Gramm., Hist.,
Section 4, line 13

, ,
, .
, .
' (fr. 84 R)

Bruti Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 12, line 7

, ' ,

Themistius Phil., Rhet.,
Harduin page 314, section b, line 3



, '

. ' .
Martyrium Pionii, Martyrium Pionii presbyteri et sodalium
Chapter 4, section 3, line 1
, , , ,
, .

. , ,
Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., Antirrheticus adversus Apollinarium
Volume 3,1, page 180, line 3
, ,
. ;

Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., De mortuis non esse dolendum
Volume 9, page 52, line 4



, ,


. . Praeparatio evangelica Book
14, chapter 24, section 3, line 4
, ,

, ,

, .
. . Historia ecclesiastica Book
3, chapter 6, section 1, line 5

. ,

, ,
' , '
, ,
' ,
. Contra Julianum imperatorem 1 (orat. 4)
Volume 35, page 576, line 3
. ;



, , ,
. Epigrammata Book 8, epigram 175, line 6
, .

' .
Sopater Rhet., Volume 8, page 36, line 7
, .
. , , ; ; ;
; ,
, ;
; ;
; , ,

Sopater Rhet., Volume 8, page 140, line 7
, '
, , '
, ' . , '


Athanasius Theol., Apologia ad Constantium imperatorem

Section 34, line 21
; , ,
, , ,

, , .
. ,
, .
Athanasius Theol., Disputatio contra Arium [Sp.]
Volume 28, page 460, line 4
; .
, . .
, . , , , . . .
. .
. Book 4, chapter 16, section 3, line 1
(fr. 193 N.2).
, .
(fr. 101 Kaib.).
' ,


(Aul. 16 ss.).
. De spiritu sancto Chapter 25, section 60, line 28

. , ,

. De spiritu sancto Chapter 30, section 76, line 18

, ,
, '
Contra Celsum Book 1, section 36, line 24
, '

' ,

' . '
' ,
Contra Celsum Book 3, section 2, line 30




Contra Celsum Book 5, section 3, line 3



' ,
. ,
, .
Contra Celsum Book 8, section 12, line 12

, , , .
, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum Volume 4, page 706, line 19


, '
' ,
, .
Salaminius HermiSozomenus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica
Book 6, chapter 1, section 12, line 4



Salaminius HermiSozomenus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica
Book 8, chapter 4, section 1, line 1
. , ,
, ,
, '
, , ' .

Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica


Book 9, chapter 6, section 3, line 3




Socrates Scholasticus Hist., Historia ecclesiastica Book 3, chapter 21,

line 33
. ,
, , .
' ,

, . ,
, '
, ,
. ,
Socrates Scholasticus Hist., Historia ecclesiastica Book 3, chap 22, li23
, ,
. ,

, .
Philostorgius Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (fragmenta ap. Photium)
Book 2, fragment 5, line 29


' .
. ' ,
' .
' .
Philostorgius Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (fragmenta ap. Photium)
Book 3, fragment 12, line 20
, , '
' ,
. .
Asterius Scr. Eccl., Homiliae 1-14 Homily 3, chapter 13, section 5, line 8



, .

, ;
; ;
, ;
. Quod regulares feminae viris cohabitare non
debeant Sect 3, ln 10


. ,

. ,
, ' '
. De incomprehensibili dei natura (= Contra
Anomoeos, homiliae 1-5) Homily 3, line 449
' ,
, ,

, , ,
, ,
, .
Libanius Rhet., Soph., Declamationes 1-51
Declamation 44, (subdivision) 1, section 39, line 5

. , ,

, .
Chronicon Paschale, Chronicon paschale Page 215, line 7


. , . .
Joannes Laurentius Lydus Hist., De ostentis Section 39, line 35

, ,
. ,
. ......
, , .
Procopius Rhet., Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Isaiam Page 2177, line 37
. , .

. ' , .
Procopius Rhet., Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Isaiam
Page 2185, line 50
. ' ,
, , .
, , ' -


. .
, '
Procopius Rhet., Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Isaiam Page 2312, lin 11
, . .
, , ,
Michael Psellus Polyhist., Chronographia Chapter 7, section 11, line 17
, ,
, ,
' ,
, ,
, , ' .
Michael Psellus Polyhist., Oratoria minora Oration 37, line 396
, , ,
' .
. AlexiBook 1, chapter 12, section 6, line 5



, ,
. AlexiBook 1, chapter 15, section 5, line 9
, ,
, ,
, .

, . '

Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 225, line 87
. , ,
, ; ' ,
, '
; ,
. . ,
; ,
, (),
Evagrius Scholasticus Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica Page 234, line 12
. , ,


, ,

Hesychius Scr. Eccl., Homilia i in sanctum Lazarum (homilia 11)
Section 4, line 8

' .
, , ,
' , ' ,

, . ;
Hesychius Scr. Eccl., In conceptionem venerabilis praecursoris (homilia
16) Section 15, line 15
, , ;
; ; ;
; ; ;
; ;
; , ;
Hesychius Scr. Eccl., In conceptionem venerabilis praecursoris (homilia
16) Section 25, line 3
, ' ,


, ' .
. , ,
, , ,
Basilius Scr. Eccl., Sermones xli Page 132, line 24

, ,
. ,
, '

Olympiodorus Diaconus Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Jeremiam (in
catenis) Volume 93, page 697, line 52
. ,
. ,
. .
, ,
, ,

Oecumenius Phil., Rhet., Commentarius in Apocalypsin

Page 98, line 7
' ,



, '
Romanus Melodus Hymnographus, Cantica Hymn 52, section 15, line 4
, , .
, , ,


Maximus Confessor Theol., Quaestiones ad Thalassium
Section 52, line 149

. ,
, '

, ,
Constitutiones Apostolorum, Constitutiones apostolorum (fort.
compilatore Juliano Ariano) Book 2, chapter 63, line 25
, , ;
, , ,

. ,
, .



Passio sancti Artemii [Dub.]
Volume 96, page 1264, line 45
. , ' , , , , ,
, . , ,
, , .
Sextus Julius Africanus Hist., Cesti (fragmenta)
Book 1, chapter 2, line 82
, .
. , .
' , ,
, ' , ,
[ ] .
Sextus Julius Africanus Hist., Cesti (fragmenta) Book 1, chap 11, line 5

. ' .
, -


. , ,
, ,
Petrus Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistula canonica (e ) (canones
1-14) Canon number 3, line 3
, , ' ,
, ,
Joannes Camaterus Astrol., Astron., Introductio in astronomiam
Line 21

, ,
, ,

, ' .


Joannes Cameniates Hist., De expugnatione Thessalonicae
Chapter 46, section 11, line 2
, '

, , ,
Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum


Volume 1, page 183, line 7

. , .
, , . .

. ,
. .
Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum
Volume 2, page 208, line 23
, , .

VII Imperator Hist., De legationibus
Page 84, line 5

, (
) .
, .
, ,
' .


VII Imperator Hist., De legationibus

Page 85, line 6
, '
VIIImperator Hist., De legationibus
Page 181, line 3
. , ,
, ,
, ,

, '
. ,
Georgius Monachus Chronogr., Chronicon (lib. 1-4) Page 799, line 15

; , ;
, , .
Georgius Monachus Chronogr., Chronicon breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio


recentior) Volume 110, page 312, line 22

. ,

. ,

(48a) ,
Michael GlycAstrol., Hist., Annales Page 298, line 1
. '
' . ( ' )
Michael Glycas Astrol., Hist., Annales Page 609, line 7


, ,
Michael Glycas Astrol., Hist., Annales Page 624, line 13
, ,


. , '
, ' .
Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum Emperor life Bas1, section
18, line 54
, ,
. '


Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum Emperor life Bas1, section
26, line 29

, .

, ,
, ,

' .
Pseudo-Mauricius Tact., Strategicon (sub nomine Mauricii Imperatoris
vel Urbicii) Book 8, chapter 1, section 11, line 1


, ' .
, ,
, ,
, .
, , '
Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia Page 94, line 18
, ,
. , ,
' ,
Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia Page 142, line 2
. ,
, '

Michael Attaliates Hist., Historia Page 215, line 19

, ,
. '


, ,

Nicephorus I Scr. Eccl., Hist., Theol., Refutatio et eversio definitionis
synodalis anni 815 Chapter 76, line 4
. .


Nicephorus Bryennius Hist., Historiae Book 1, section 11, line 28

, ' ,

, .
Historia (= ) Reign John2, page 36,
line of page 9
, , .
' (
) . '


Historia (= ) Reign Man1,pt4, page
139, line of page 9

, . '
, , .
Pseudo-Nonnus, Scholia mythologica Oration 5, historia 3, line 6

, ,
, , .
, .


Theophylactus Simocatta Epist., Hist., Historiae Book-dialogue-index
index, chapter 2, section 1, line 12
. .
. .
. , -


, .
. .
Theophylactus Simocatta Epist., Hist., Historiae
Book-dialogue-index 2, chapter 4, section 12, line 4
. '
. '


Theophylactus Simocatta Epist., Hist., Historiae
Book-dialogue-index 2, chapter 10, section 13, line 6


. '
. '
Joannes Zonaras Gramm., Hist., Epitome historiarum (lib. 1-12)
Volume 1, page 173, line 11
. '



, ' . .
Joannes Zonaras Gramm., Hist., Epitome historiarum (lib. 1-12)
Volume 1, page 175, line 6


, , , ,
Laonicus Chalcocondyles Hist., Historiae
Volume 1, page 16, line 4
, '
, , ,
, , .
Laonicus Chalcocondyles Hist., Historiae Volume 1, page 16, line 11

, , .


, , , '
, ,
, .
. Annales Section 3, line 32

. , ,
' ,
, .
. Historia in brevius redacta
Section 3, line 29
, ,

, .
, ' , .

Georgius Pachymeres Hist., (libri vi de Michaele
Palaeologo) Page 3, line 15
. .
. ,


, .
Georgius Pachymeres Hist., (libri vi de Michaele
Palaeologo) Page 15, line 15

Historia Turcobyzantina Chapter 3, section 1, line 13
, ,
. , ,
, ,

. ,

, ,
, , .
Michael Critobulus Hist., Historiae Book 3, chapter 19, section 1, line

' ,
' ,
, '


Michael Critobulus Hist., Historiae Book 3, chapter 19, section 3, line 3


, .
K.VIHistoriae Volume 1, page 105, line 13
' , .
' , .
, .
K.VIHistoriae Volume 1, page 172, line 14
. , .

. '
Nicephorus II PhocImperator Tact., De velitatione bellica (sub nomine
Nicephori II Phocae) Chapter 10, section 7, line 2


. , '

, , ' ,

, , ,
' .
Anonymus De Scientia Hist., De scientia dialogus
(olim sub auctore Petro Patricio) (e cod. Vat. gr. 1298) Page 29, line 3
... , []
. [] ()

, , () '
Anonymus De Scientia Hist., De scientia dialogus
(olim sub auctore Petro Patricio) (e cod. Vat. gr. 1298) Page 29, line 16
, [ ]
[] . [........]
... [] [.......][..]

[ .......]. .
, []
/ [.....].
() .
Joannes Actuarius Med., De spiritu animali Book 1, chapter 16, setion


9, line 4

, ,
' ,

, ,
, ' '

, .
Olympiodorus Phil., In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii
Section 26, line 24
, : ,

Agathias Scholasticus Epigr., Hist., Historiae Page 36, line 26
. 9 , , , . ,
( )

, ,
. 10
Stephanus Gramm., Ethnica (epitome) Page 148, line 14
, .


, . .
. , ' .
, , ,
, , .
Stephanus Gramm., Ethnica (epitome) Page 148, line 15
, . .
. , ' .
, , ,
, , .
, , ' .
Procopius Hist., De bellis Book 1, chapter 12, section 22, line 2

, .
, .
Procopius Hist., De bellis Book 1, chapter 15, section 31, line 5


' , ,
) .
, ,
, .
Procopius Hist., De bellis Book 2, chapter 2, section 13, line 2

. .

. ,

Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca Codex 65, Bekker page
28a, line 28

, ,
, .
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca
Codex 224, Bekker page 233a, line 31
, .


, ,
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca
Codex 224, Bekker page 237a, line 37


, .
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca
Codex 244, Bekker page 389a, line 1
, ,
. ( ) 705, line 4
. (fr. 560 K.)
(fr. 24 K.) ',
(487a 25)
(Hist. pl. 7, 7, 2).


Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia Page 195, line 14

, , .

, .

, ,
, .
Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia Page 229, line 16
. '
, .

Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia Page 271, line 14


, ,

Damascius Phil., Vita Isidori (ap. Sudam, Hesychium, Photium et e cod.
Vat. 1950) Fragment 317, line 4


Suda III 615, 17 s. v.

.... ,
. '
Menander Protector Hist., De legationibus Romanorum ad gentes
(fragmenta ap. Constantinum Porphyrogenitum, De legationibus)
Section 3, line 320
. , ,
, ,
, ,

, '
. ,
' .
Menander Protector Hist., De legationibus Romanorum ad gentes
(fragmenta ap. Constantinum Porphyrogenitum, De legationibus)
Section 20, line 31
, (
) ' , , , .
. ,

, ,


. Odysseam
Volume 1, page 432, line 33
' , ' .
, .
' ,
. ' ,
, ,
, , .
' , ' ,
' ' ,
Zosimus Hist., Historia nova Book 3, chapter 18, section 1, line 7

, ,


Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) 5853, line 1


vgASn , (Prov.


Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) 8442, line 1

. (fr. 229)
vgASn [ (fr. 629)]
Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter mu, entry 437,
line 1
Avg vg

ns, ( 120) ASvgn
, (Hes. Theog.
Theodoretus Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae: Collectio Sirmondiana
(epistulae 96-147) Epistle 131, line 12
. .
, ,
, '
. , , '
, .
Theodoretus Scr. Eccl., Theol., Commentaria in Isaiam
Section 4, line 534



, ()

Cyrillus Theol., Commentarius in xii prophetminores Volume 1, page 17,
line 6
. ,
, ,
. , ,
, ,
Cyrillus Theol., Commentarius in xii prophetminores
Volume 1, page 174, line 20
. ,

, , ;
. , . ;
, . ,
, ,
. Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini
canones isagogicos de flexione verborum Page 123, line 2
, , , ,
, , ,
, , , , ,


, , ,
, ,

Choricius Rhet., Soph., Opera Oration-declamation-dialexis 17, section
2, paragraph 25, line 3
, ,
. , , .
, , , , .
Etymologicum Gudianum, Additamenta in Etymologicum Gudianum
( ) (e codd. Vat. Barber. gr. 70 [olim Barber. I 70] + Pari
Alphabetic entry alpha, page 236, line 21
... ' .
, .
, , , ...
, ,
' .
Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Joannem (catena integra) (e
codd. Paris. Coislin. 23 + Oxon. Bodl. Auct. T.1.4)
Page 182, line 26

, , '
. { .}


, , , ,
, , , .


Eustathius Scr. Eccl., Theol., Commentarius in hexaemeron [Sp.]

Page 792, line 41
. , ,


, ,
, ,
, ,
Theodorus Scr. Eccl., Fragmenta in Joannem (in catenis)
Fragment 12, line 17
, ,

, , '

. ' .
Diodorus Scr. Eccl., Fragmenta in epistulam ad Romanos (in catenis)
Page 94, line 34



, ' ,
' . ; . ;


Nicephorus Gregoras Hist., Historia Romana Volume 1, page 74, line 8

' .
, .
, ,
, ,

Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 8, line 2
. ,
. '

, ' ,
, .
Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 62, line 13
' .

, '
, . ,


Joannes Rhet., Commentarium in Hermogenis librum

6, Page 278, line 4
, ,
; , ,
, , ' .
Lexica Segueriana, Anonymus antatticista (e cod. Coislin. 345)
Alphabetic entry epsilon, page 95, line 28
: .
. : . .
: .
Lexica Segueriana, De syntacticis (e cod. Coislin. 345)
Alphabetic entry sigma, page 171, line 28
: .
: , .
, , ' .
: .
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus
et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co Alphabetic entry
alpha, page 14, line 16
: . .


: ,
, .
: , . : .
: ' .
Joannes Antiochenus Hist., Fragmenta Fragment 136, line 53
, ,


, .
, , ,
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem
Treatise Pan, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 160,8, line 1
, . AC.
, .
. '
] .
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem
Treatise Pan, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 160,8, line 2
, . AC.
, .


' ]
Scholia In Aeschinem, Scholia in Aeschinem Oration 1, scholion 159,
line 4
] . Vat. Laur. gmq.
, . Vat. Laur. gm.
] . Vat. Laur. gm.
. Scholia in equites (et recentiora Triclinii)
Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch eq, section-verse 21b, line
, .

. .

, .

. VatLh vet Tr : ,
, .
. Scholia in equites (et recentiora Triclinii)
Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch eq, section-verse 73b, li 1
' : ,
Tr ' ] .
Tr ] .
vet ] .
' : ,
. ' ,
. Scholia in plutum (et fort. recentiora sub
auctore Moschopulo) Argumentum-scholion sch plut, verse 1150, line 4


, ' , .
, . Br. :
. : . P. , . LB. , . . . Dv.
, . V. . ':
. LB. ': . Dv. '
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano)
Oration 24, section 256a, line 3
] . YL
] , . ' . YL
] , ' .

. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 24, section
256c, line 2
... ] ,

. A
... ]
, .
. ,
. ,
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano)
Oration 24, section 256c, line 8
. ,
. ,


. ]

, .
Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem
Vita-argumentum-scholion sch Andr, section 1245, line 2
.... [frg. 98a]
, : MNOA
: .
. . Book of Iliad 13, verse 374-6a2, line of
scholion 1
ex. , /
, ' , .
' .
Did. { } {}: , .
Scholia In Homerum, Scholia in Odysseam
Book 8, hypothesis-verse 517, line 8
. E.P.Q.V. .
. . , ' .


... ' ...

, .

Scholia In Lucianum, Scholia in Lucianum (et recentiora Arethae)

Lucianic work 21, section 53, line 17

Scholia In Lycophronem, Scholia in Lycophronem (et recentiora partim
Isaac et Joannis Tzetzae) Scholion 911, line 19


, (L 352)
(45) , (Phil. 604. 1326),
Scholia In Oppianum, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (et recentiora)
Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 193, line 1
. , .


, , . ' , ' ,
' .
, , , .
Scholia In Oppianum, Scholia et glossae in halieutica (et recentiora)
Hypothesis-book 1, scholion 193, line 2
. , .
, , . ' , ' ,
' .
, , , . , .
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia et glossae in Sophoclis Ajacem (glossae
et scholia recentiora) Scholion 37a, line 1
. HGsl : , . Nsl
- : . Gm
, , . FONHsl : .
Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora) Book 1,
chapter 142, section 4, line 2
: ABFG :
Patm. : .
: . :

Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora)
Book 2, chapter 57, section 1, line 2


Patm. :
, ;

Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora)
Book 3, chapter 58, section 3, line 4
. :
: , Patm.
Graeca Book 5, epigram 207, line 3

' ' , . ,
Graeca Book 8, epigram 175, line 6
, .

' .

. alpha, entry 788, line 3
. : , . ,
: , .


' .

. alpha, entry 2695, line 1


, ,
. , ,


. alpha, entry 2986, line 2
: . .
: , .
, , .
: .
: , . .
: .
, , .

. alpha, entry 4510, line 1

, .
: .


. .
. alpha, entry 4510, line 3
, .
: .

. .
: ' .
ThomMagister Philol., Ecloga nominum et verborum Atticorum
Alphabetic letter alpha, page 50, line 8.
... '


, ,
Apophthegmata Laconica [Sp.?] (208b-242d)
Stephanus page 241, section A, line 1
| , .
' (Anth. Pal. VII 433)

, ' .
De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute (326d-345b)
Stephanus page 345, section B, line 2




, ,

' , ' .
De fato [Sp.] (568b-574f) Stephanus page 569, section D,
line 9
; , ,
, , ,
, .
' , ' '
' , , ' .

De fato [Sp.] (568b-574f) Stephanus page 569, section E,
line 3
' , ' '
' , , ' .

, ,

, '
. . Book 10, Kaibel paragraph 59,
line 20



(FHG IV 377) '
(IV 88 M)

' ,
De cherubim Section 32, line 2
(Gen. 22, 6), ' , ;

, ,
, ,
(Num. 22, 29) ,
, .
Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat
Section 142, line 4
, ;
, ,
. '

; ,

. ; '
; ' .
De gigantibus Section 43, line 2


, ' .
, ,
, , ' ,

Phalaridis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 4, section 1, line 9
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ' ,
' , ' ,
' , ' , '
, , '
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 8, chapter 79, section 2, line 14

, ' ,
, , .
, ,
' ' , '
. ' , ,

' ' .
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 9, chapter 50, section 6, line 3



. ' ,


. ' ,
, .
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Imperator Phil.,
Book 11, chapter 9, section 1, line 8
, '
. ,
, ,

. ,
Maximus Soph., Dialexeis Lecture 3, chapter 7*, section b, line 4
, , , ,
, ,

, '


Aelius Dionysius Attic., Alphabetic letter pi, entry 36,

line 1
, .
, . (I 10, 4).
. (28, 3).
. ,
, , . (IV 73, 1)
. (cf. II
43, 4)
Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., De vita Gregorii Thaumaturgi Volume 46,
page 945, line 51

, ,
, ' ,

. Epistulae Epistle 150, section 1, line 40

, '
, ,
. ' , . ,
Asterius Sophista Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Psalmos (homiliae 31)
Homily 7, section 9, line 6


, .

. ; ,
, , , . ,

. Ad Theodorum lapsum (lib. 2) (= Epistula ad
Theodorum monachum) Sect 1, ln 9
. ,
, ,
, ,
. .
Commentarii in Psalmos 22-26.10
Codex page 112, line 8
, ' . ,
, | . . |
| .
|, ' ,
| ,
In Genesim Codex page 233, line 28


. .
. ,

, .
Palladius Scr. Eccl., Dialogus de vita Joannis Chrysostomi
Page 88, line 7
, ,
, .
, , ,
, .
, .

. .
Palladius Scr. Eccl., Dialogus de vita Joannis Chrysostomi
Page 133, line 16
;) ' ,

' , ,
, ,
, , , , , ,
, .


Damon Hist., Fragmentum Fragment 1, line 8

, '
. , ,
, ,
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 8, line 8
. , ,

' ,
, ,
, .
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 145, line 7
, ,

, ,
, , ' ,
Josephus Genesius Hist., Book 4, section 34, line 21




Nicolaus I Mysticus Theol., Epist., Epistulae Epistle 75, line 28
, ,
' '
, ' ,
, ;
. ( ) Alphabetic letter lambda, Page 226, li 4
: . :
. : .
. ( ) Alphabetic letter lambda, Page 226, lin5
, '
: .
: .
Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia Page 347, line 3


' .

Hesychius Lexicogr., Lexicon ( ) Alphabetic letter lambda, entry

544, line 1
* n

p, r
Etymologicum Gudianum, Etymologicum Gudianum ( )
Alphabetic entry lambda, page 371, line 26
. , .
, , .
Catenae (Novum Testamentum), Catena in Acta (catena Andreae) (e cod.
Oxon. coll. nov. 58) Page 5, line 19.
{ .}

, , ,
, , .


Ephraem Syrus Theol., Encomium in sanctos quadraginta martyres

Page 148, line 9
, ' ,

. ' , , '
, , ,
, . , ,
Lexica Segueriana, Collectio verborum utilium e differentibus rhetoribus
et sapientibus multis (b) (recensio aucta e cod. Co Alphabetic entry
lambda, page 291, line 4
: . . :
. . : . : . .
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 24, section 234,
line 1
] . A
] .
, ' . ,
, ' .
, (119)
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 24, section 235,
line 5
] . A
] .
, ' . ,
, ' .
, (119)
. gTBc
, . Y


] , .
. . Book of Iliad 4, verse 302, line of schol 2
ex. :
. b(BCE3E4)T
Ariston. :
Scholia In Theocritum, Scholia in Theocritum Prolegomenon-anecdotepoem 13, section-verse 73, line 1
: , ,
, .
UgEgPg : , , .
KUEAPT : , .
' : K
, .
. lambda, entry 591, line 1
, .
: . . , , .

. . (epitome) Volume 2,2, page 41,
line 28
' .


, .
. Antiquitates Romanae Book 3, chapter 30,
section 7, line 5
' .

, ' []

. ' ,

Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus Gramm., Rhet., Partitiones (=
) [Sp.?] (e codd. Paris. 2543 + 2570) Page 78, line 10
, ,
, , , , ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
, ,
Asclepiodotus Tact., Tactica Chapter 3, section 6, line 8
, ,
, '



Hippiatrica, Hippiatrica Berolinensia Chapter 1, section 9, line 7

, .
, , , ' ,
, ,
, ' .
Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol., Epistula i ad Corinthios
Chapter 21, section 4, line 1

, ,


Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol., Epistula Clementis ad
Jacobum [Sp.] Chapter 12, section 2, line 1
' , .

, ,


, .

Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol., Epistula Clementis ad
Jacobum [Sp.] Chapter 17, section 2, line 2


, ,
, '
, ; ,
, ' '
. '
Pseudo-Heracliti Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 7, section 5, line 7

' '
, - ,
' .
Vitae Homeri, Plutarchi De Homero 2 Line 2410
' ,
' ,
; , .
Themistius Phil., Rhet.,
Harduin page 13, section c, line 2
, , ,


, .
, .
Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., De perfectione Christiana ad Olympium
monachum Volume 8,1, page 208, line 22




, ;
. . Antiquorum martyriorum
collectio (fragmenta) Volume 20, page 1524, line 28

, ' , ,
, ,
, .
, .
, .
Sopater Rhet., Scholia ad Hermogenis status seu artem rhetoricam
Volume 5, page 66, line 30
, -


, ,

Sopater Rhet., Scholia ad Hermogenis status seu artem rhetoricam
Volume 5, page 181, line 30
, ,
, ,

' ,
Athanasius Theol., Epistulae ad Castorem [Sp.]
Volume 28, page 901, line 1
, ,
, .
, ,
, '
. Epistulae Epistle 8, section 6, line 8


, '

, . , , ,
, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum Volume 4, page 116, line 22

, , ,
, ,


. Epistulae 18-242 Vol 52, pg 637, ln 54
, ,
' , ' .
, ,
. Epistulae 18-242 Vol 52, pg 725, ln 17
. ' ,


, , ,
, ,
, , ,
, ' , , ,
, ,
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 77, line 18
, , .
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
. , ,
, .
, .
Theodorus Studites Scr. Eccl., Theol., Epistulae Epistle 81, line 20
, ,


Cyrillus Biogr., Vita Sabae Page 123, line 12





. .
Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum
Volume 2, page 134, line 22
, ' , ,
, , '
. , , ,
. ' , ,
Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum
Volume 2, page 229, line 19

' .

. .

, ,

Georgius Syncellus Chronogr., Ecloga chronographica Page 446, lin7
, .

, ,


, ,


Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum Emperor life Theoph,
section 23, line 91
. ,
' ;
, ; , , '
, , .
' , , , , .

Joannes Scylitzes Hist., Synopsis historiarum Emperor life Bas1, section
32, line 16
' .

. .


, , , ,
Pseudo-Mauricius Tact., Strategicon (sub nomine Mauricii Imperatoris
vel Urbicii) Book 2, chapter 1, section 10, line 3


, ,

Joannes Zonaras Gramm., Hist., Epitome historiarum (lib. 1-12)

Volume 3, page 133, line 18

. ,
. , ,
K.VI Historiae Volume 2, page 246, line 15
, , .
, '
, ( ,) .
, .
' , , .
Anonymus De Scientia Hist., De scientia dialogus
(olim sub auctore Petro Patricio) (e cod. Vat. gr. 1298) Page 41, line 16
(), -


, , , , ()
, , , ,
, , .
Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem
rhetoricam commentarium Page 75, line 4

. [b19]

. [b24]

. [b33]

[b34] ,
, ,
, ,
. ( ) Alphabetic letter pi, Page 418, line 20
: .
: .
, .
: , , .
Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia Page 445, line 11
, .


, ,
. , ,
, ,
. . Volume 1, page 336, line 15

, ,
, ,
' ,
, ,
, .

. . Volume 1, page 354, line 15
, .
, '
, (v. 357 9)
, , ,
, '
Cyrillus Theol., Commentarii in Joannem Volume 1, page 405, line 22
, , , .
, , ,


, .


Etymologicum Genuinum, Etymologicum genuinum ( )

312, line 4
(Et. Gen. 348) B, Sym. 378, EM 629. Methodius. ( 39) ,

, B, Sym. 379, EM 631.
Magnum. Kallierges page 46, line 29
, ( , , ) , ,
. ,
, , , . [
, .]
Evagrius Scr. Eccl., Practicus (capita centum) Prologue-chapter-epilogue
21, line 5

Nicephorus Gregoras Hist., Historia Romana Volume 3, page 566, li 3
. ,

. , , ,

, ' , ,
, -


( .
Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 129, line 1
. , ;
, ,
' . , , ,
, . '
, .
Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 302, line 19
, ,

, ,
. .
Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia (lib. 1-6) Page 303, line 9
, ,
, ,
, ,



Etymologicum Symeonis, Etymologicum Symeonis ( )

Volume 1, page 206, line 10
... ( 39) ,
, 207, 1 , Z99.
Et. gen. 312:
207, 5 , . , ,
Scholia In Aelium Aristidem, Scholia in Aelium Aristidem Treatise
Tett, Jebb pagline-Hypothesis-Epigram 170,2, line 4
... , ]
] . .
] . B. . ,
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano)
Oration 3, section 68, line 2
... ] ;


. ,
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 3, section 68,
line 4
... ] ;



. ,
. .
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 21, section 386,
line 3
' , '
. '
. TBcFj
] ,
. . TBcFj
] ' ,
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 21, section 473,
line 3
... ] ,
. VfTBcFj
. .
, . VfTBcFj
. VfTBcFj
, ]
. (fort. auctore Ulpiano) Oration 21, section 646,
line 9
' .
, , .
' ,
; ,
. .


. Commentarium in librum
Volume 7, page 673, line 16
, .
' , ,
, ,
, , ,
. Commentarium in librum Volume
7, page 673, line 17
' , ,
, ,
, , ,
. Commentarium in librum Volume
7, page 676, line 14
, . ,


, ,
, ,
, .
, , ,
Scholia In Hesiodum, Scholia in opera et dies (partim Procli et ecentiora
partim Moschopuli, Tzetzae et Joannis Galeni Prolegomenon-scholion
sch, page-verse 316, line 9
. , ,

, ,
, , , .
, ,
, , .
. . Book of Iliad 2, verse 391-3, line of
scholion 3
... ex. ' :
. b(BCE3)T ( 351).
. b(BE3)T
ex. / : . b(BCE3)Til
. . Book of Iliad 14, verse 91-4, line of
scholion 3
... ex.
/ :
. (sc.
391 3). .


Michael Apostolius Paroemiogr., Collectio paroemiarum
Centuria 13, section 21, line 2
. '
, '
. lambda, entry 386, line 1
, .
: . , .
, . , ,
' .
. lambda, entry 591, line 2
: . . , , .
. pi, entry 1204, line 2
: , .
: , , . . (

Themistoclis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistolographi Graeci, Ed.
Hercher, R.Paris: Didot, 1873, Repr. 1965.Epistle 8, line 69


; ' ; . ' (
) , '

, ' '
, '
. . (lib. 120) (0060: 001)
Diodori bibliotheca historica, 5 vols., 3rd edn., Ed. Vogel, F., Fischer,
K.T. (post I. Bekker & L. Dindorf)Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1888; 2:1890;
3:1893; 45:1906, Repr. 1964.Book 3, chapter 47, section 6, line 2

. ,
' ,
' , , , ,

. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 5, chapter 20, section 1, line 2

, ' .

. '


. . (lib. 1-20)
Book 6, chapter 1, section 4, line 4
' , .
. '
, ,

Pseudo-Scymnus Geogr., Ad Nicomedem regem, vv. 1980 (sub titulo
Orbis descriptio) Geographi Graeci minores, vol. 1, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 1855, Repr. 1965.Line 26

, ,
, ,
, , , ,
, ,
, ,
Historia animalium Aristote. Histoire des animaux, vols.
13, Ed. Louis, P.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1:1964; 2:1968; 3:1969.
Bekker page 488a, line 14
. , , , , . '
' ,
' , .
, ' . , , , ' ,


Historia animalium Bekker page 578b, line 29

, ,
, ,
' .
, ' , ,
Historia animalium Bekker page 599a, line 4
' , , ' , .
, .
, .
De partibus animalium (0086: 030)Aristote. Les parties
des animaux, Ed. Louis, P.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1956.Bekker page
694a, line 6
, '

. '
. '




Rhetorica Aristotelis ars rhetorica, Ed. Ross, W.D.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959, Repr. 1964.Bekker page 1414b, line 29
, []
, .

, ,

Fragmenta varia (0086: 051)Aristotelis qui ferebantur
librorum fragmenta, Ed. Rose, V.Leipzig: Teubner, 1886, Repr. 1967.
Category 7, treatise title 39, fragment 303, line 2
<> ... ,
, , , , . ib.
p. 328f: () . (p. 543, 5), .
Athen. VII, 303d: <> '
<> <> .
Athen. III, 88b: <> '
, , , , , , , ,
, , ... , ,
, , .
Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus Gramm., Rhet.,
(0087: 043)Anecdota Graeca, vol.
3, Ed. Bekker, I.Berlin: Reimer, 1821, Repr. 1965.Page 1088, line 31


, . ' , ,
. ,
< .>
, < .> , , <
;> , , , .
. . Strabonis geographica, 3 vols., Ed. Meineke,
A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1877, Repr. 1969.Book 1, chapter 2, sect 34, line 40
, '

( ),
. ,
' . ' ,
. .
. . Book 1, chapter 3, section 4, line 51


. . Book 1, chapter 3, section 21, line 19




. . Book 3, chapter 3, section 8, line 2

' , '
' .
. . Book 3, chapter 4, section 13, line 34

, '
' )
' ,

. . Book 5, chapter 2, section 6, line 55

. ' ,
, '

, ,


, .
. . Book 15, chapter 1, section 37, line 3
' .
' ,
, .

. Historiae Polybii historiae, vols. 14, Ed.
BttnerWobst, T.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1905; 2:1889; 3:1893; 4:1904,
Repr. 1:1962; 23:1965; 4:1967.Book 12, chapter 6b, section 1, line 3


, ()
' , '
, ' . .
Apollodorus Gramm., Fragmenta FHG 1, Ed. Mller, K.
Paris: Didot, 1853.Fragment 45a, line 12

, ,
, ,


, ,
, , , ,
, ,
, ,

. Paedagogus (0555: 002)

Clment d'Alexandrie. Le pdagogue, 3 vols., Ed. Marrou, H.I., Harl,
M., Mondsert, C., Matray, C.
Paris: Cerf, 1:1960; 2:1965; 3:1970; Sources chrtiennes 70, 108, 158.
Book 3, chapter 3, subchapter 19, section 3, line 5
, ,
, ,
, ,
, <>
' .

Aristonicus Gramm., De signis Odysseae Aristonici
reliquiae emendatiores, Ed. Carnuth, O.Leipzig: Hirzel,
1869.Book of Odyssey 4, verse in book 556, line of scholion 6
< >.
) [ Heckerus]

Eust. 1508, 60:
. cf. L. Ar. 247. 55. 100. 277.
8. 204. 321. 1. 190. 383.
< ' >.


Pytheas Perieg., Fragmenta (1650: 001)Pytheas von Massalia, Ed.

Mette, H.J.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1952.Fragment 6g, line 2
, (
F 34 p. 206 R. Stiehle), <> ' <>
' ,
<> .

' <>
, ,
(s. F 6a)
. . Praeparatio evangelica
(2018: 001)Eusebius Werke, Band 8: Die Praeparatio evangelica, Ed.
Mras, K.Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 43.1:1954; 43.2:1956; Die
riechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 43.1 & 43.2.Book 2, chapter 2,
section 55, line 3

, .




, .
Epiphanius Scr. Eccl., Panarion (= Adversus haereses) (2021: 002)
Epiphanius, Bnde 13: Ancoratus und Panarion, Ed. Holl, K.
Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1:1915; 2:1922; 3:1933; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller 25, 31, 37.Volume 3, page 429, line 12
, , *
. <>



, ,
, .
. Supremum vale (orat. 42) (2022: 050); MPG
36.Volume 36, page 461, line 12
, '
. , ,
, , , .
, ,
, ( !)
Michael Psellus Polyhist., Oratoria minora (2702: 009)
Michaelis Pselli oratoria minora, Ed. Littlewood, A.R.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1985.Oration 37, line 149
, ' .

, , , ,
, .

, , '
, ,
VIIImperator Hist., De sententiis
(3023: 004)Excerpta historica iussu imp. Constantini Porphyrogeniti
confecta, vol. 4: excerpta de sententiis, Ed. Boissevain, U.P.
Berlin: Weidmann, 1906.Page 146, line 2


, , ,

, <>
' , '
, ' .
Historia (= ) (3094: 001)
Nicetae Choniatae historia, pars prior, Ed. van Dieten, J.
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1975; Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 11.1.
Series Berolinensis.Reign Andron1,pt2, page 338, line of page 10
, ,
, ' ,
, ,
, ,
Historia (= ) Reign Isaac2,pt2,
page 417, line of page 4
, ' .

, ,



Pseudo-Zonaras Lexicogr., Lexicon Iohannis Zonarae lexicon ex tribus

codicibus manuscriptis, 2 vols., Ed. Tittmann, J.A.H.Leipzig: Crusius,
1808, Repr. 1967.Alphabetic letter epsilon, page 653, line 21
<>. .

. . (4083: 001)
Eustathii archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis commentarii ad Homeri
Iliadem pertinentes, vols. 14, Ed. van der Valk, M.
Leiden: Brill, 1:1971; 2:1976; 3:1979; 4:1987.
Volume 2, page 738, line 8
, , .
, , ,

, .
. ,
, . ,
, ,
. Odysseam
Volume 1, page 217, line 16
, , .
, .
. (Vers. 278.) ,
, ' ,

, ,
. . '
. (Vers. 281.)


. Odysseam Volume 1, page 217, line

, . '
, , ,
. ,
. '
, . , .
(Vers. 285.) ,
, , ,

Lexicon Vindobonense, Lexicon Vindobonense (auctore Andrea

Lopadiota) (e cod. phil. gr. Vindob. 169) Lexicon Vindobonense, Ed.
Nauck, A.St. Petersburg: n.p., 1867, Repr. 1965.Alphabetic letter epsilon,
entry 38, line 1
<> . <> . <>
' .
< > . <> , ,
Lexicon Vindobonense, Lexicon Vindobonense (auctore Andrea
Lopadiota) (e cod. phil. gr. Vindob. 169) Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry
38, line 2
<> . <> . <>
' .


< > . <> , , .

Scholia In Aristophanem, Scholia in nubes (scholia vetera) (5014: 003)

Prolegomena de comoedia. Scholia in Acharnenses, Equites, Nubes,
Ed. Holwerda, D.Groningen: Bouma, 1977; Scholia in Aristophanem
1.3.1.Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch nub, verse 542b
alpha, line 2
< > E:
<:> , ' . ENNp

Scholia In Homerum, Scholia in Odysseam (scholia vetera) (5026:
007)Scholia Graeca in Homeri Odysseam, 2 vols., Ed. Dindorf, W.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1855, Repr. 1962.Book 5, hypothesisverse 286, line 2
. P.T. . T.V.
. P. ] . V.
] ,
. B. , .
. P.Q.
Scholia In Sophoclem, Scholia in Sophoclis Oedipum tyrannum
(scholia recentiora) (5037: 005)Scholia Byzantina in Sophoclis Oedipum
tyrannum, Ed. Longo, O.Padua: Antenore, 1971.Source of scholion sch
mos, scholion 1342-43, line 1
' ,


' , ,
; ,
, ; ,
, ;
] . ] .

Suda, Lexicon (9010: 001)Suidae lexicon, 4 vols., Ed. Adler, A.

Leipzig: Teubner, 1.1:1928; 1.2:1931; 1.3:1933; 1.4:1935, Repr.
1.1:1971; 1.2:1967; 1.3:1967; 1.4:1971; Lexicographi Graeci 1.11.4.
Alphabetic letter epsilon, entry 667, line 1
<:> .
<:> . .
<:> . .
<:> .
<:> , , .
, , , .

. ,
, ,
, . ,
, ,

(: 76 .3386/2005),
, , ,

74 ..,


, ,
34 . 2 .3459/2006, .
. Phoenisae Line 369
... . ' , ,
' ' ,
' '
, ' '
. ', ,
, , .
Vitae decem oratorum [Sp.] (832b-852e)
Stephanus page 836, section A, line 2
, . '
' ,
, ' ,
, , ,
. .
Xenophon Hist., Cyropaedia Book 2, chapter 1, section 15, line 5
, ,
. ' ,
' ' .
' , ,
, , .


Themistoclis Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 20, line 58

' .
' .

. Timon Section 38, line 10


. ,
' .
. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 6, chapter 52, section 3, line 3

, , ,
. , ,

, ' ,



. Antiquitates Romanae
Book 11, chapter 57, section 3, line 5
, .
' , .



. De causis plantarum (lib. 1)
Book 1, chapter 17, section 10, line 1
, ,
, ,
, .

Aesopus et Aesopica Scr. Fab., Fabulae Fable 125, version 1, line 4

' . .


Jebb page 244, line 6

' .

, , ' .
, ,

, , ,
, ,
Pausanias Perieg., Graeciae descriptio
Book 2, chapter 14, section 2, line 7
, ,
, ,

. '
Pausanias Perieg., Graeciae descriptio Book 3, chapter 6, section 3, li 1


. ,



. Antiquitates Judaicae Book 16, chapter 245,

li 2
, , .
. ' ,
, ' .
. Contra Apionem (= De Judaeorum
Book 1, section 241, line 3

. '

, '
' .
. De bello Judaico libri VII Book 1, section
49, line 5
. ,
' ,

' ,
, .



. ,
Pseudo-Apollodorus Myth., Bibliotheca (sub nomine Apollodori)
Chapter 2, section 134, line 8
, .
, '
, .
Nicolaus Hist., Fragmenta Fragment 101, line 383

' (13) ' .
, , ( ) (1).
(2). '
Pseudo-Justinus Martyr, Oratio ad gentiles Morel page 40, section E,
line 3
, , '
, . .


Pseudo-Justinus Martyr, Quaestiones et responsiones ad orthodoxos

Morel page 462, section D, line 9
, ,
, ,
, ,
; , ,
, ,
Cornelius Alexander Polyhist., Fragmenta Fragment 12, line 14
. '
, .

, .
Cornelius Alexander Polyhist., Fragmenta Fragment 12, line 16
. '
, .

, , ,


Favorinus Phil., Rhet., Fragmenta Fragment 96,7, line 8

| [, ]' |
[][] | [ ] [
]| [ ][ ][, ] | [
' ] [] | [ ' ], [
]| [] [ , ' '] | [].
[ ] | [] [] [] |.
2. , [], [ ] |
[ ] | [ ] | [ ] ,
[ ] | [] [' ]|
Manetho Hist., Fragmenta Fragment 54, line 74
. '
. '
' .
, ,
Moeris Attic., Lexicon Atticum Page 188, line 13
, .
, .
, ,
, .
, .
, .
Oenomaus Phil., Fragmenta Fragment 14, line 157


; ' ,
' ,
, ,
' .
Philolaus Phil., Testimonia Fragment 1a, line 4
PLATO Phaedo 61 E , '
Dazu Schol.: .

' .
(= c. 46) .
Bruti Epistulae, Epistulae Epistle 40, line 16
), ,
, .
, , .
Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil.,
Section 16, line 3

, [] .

, .


Gregorius Nyssenus Theol., Oratio consolatoria in Pulcheriam

Volume 9, page 464, line 8




Epiphanius Scr. Eccl., Panarion (= Adversus haereses)

Volume 1, page 298, line 16

, ,
, , ,
Acta Thomae, Acta Thomae Section 75, line 14


. Epistulae Epistle 71, section 2, line 25

. ' ,


. ,
. Epistulae Epistle 263, section 3, line 14
, . '

, .
, ,
Fragmenta in Psalmos 1-150 [Dub.] Psalm 58, verse
7, line 39
. ,
. , ,
, ,
, , . Ad Hermogenis Status, Scholia ad
Hermogenis librum Volume 4, page 406, line 10
, , , '
, ' ,

' ,


, ,
Eunapius Hist., Soph., Fragmenta historica Volume 1, page 205, line 8
. , ,

, ,

Philostorgius Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (fragmenta ap. Photium)
Book 9, fragment 19, line 7
( ) , 8

. .
Philostorgius Scr. Eccl., Historia ecclesiastica (fragmenta ap. Photium)
Book 9, fragment 19, line 9
, . .

. .


. De paenitentia (homiliae 1-9)

Vol 49, pg 281, ln 5
, ;
. ; .
. De sancto Meletio Antiocheno
Vol 50, pg 517, ln 44
, ,
, ,
Libanius Rhet., Soph., Epistulae 1-1544 Epistle 1106, section 3, line 2

, '

, , '

Joannes Laurentius Lydus Hist., De mensibus Book 4, section 5, line 3



Procopius Rhet., Scr. Eccl., Commentarii in Isaiam Page 2476, line 26
' .
. ,
, ' , .

, ...
Michael Psellus Polyhist., Chronographia Chapter 5, section 22, line 21

, '
, ,
, ' , ,
Michael Psellus Polyhist., Chronographia Chapter 5, section 45, line 8
' , , ,

, ,


, ,
. Alexias Book 1, chapter 13, section 2, line 10

, .
, ,
, ' .

, , ,
. Alexias Book 5, chapter 9, section 4, line 9

, ,
( ,
. Alexias Book 6, chapter 12, section 1, line 18




, .
. Alexias Book 7, chapter 2, section 1, line 2



, , .
. Alexias Book 9, chapter 7, section 6, line 13
; , ,
Flavius Justinianus Imperator Theol., Novellae Page 15, line 13

, , , '
, '
, ,
, . .


Flavius Justinianus Imperator Theol., Novellae Page 39, line 8

, , ' ,
. , , . '


Georgius Cedrenus Chronogr., Compendium historiarum Volume 1, page
523, line 17
, .

, , .
, . ' , ,
. .
VIIImperator Hist., De insidiis Page
42, line 34

' . '
' .
. '


VIIImperator Hist., De sententiis
Page 15, line 11

. , , , .
. .

Joannes Galenus Gramm., Allegoriae in Hesiodi theogoniam
Page 352, line 18
820. .


, ,
, ,
Georgius Monachus Chronogr., Chronicon breve (lib. 1-6) (redactio
recentior) Volume 110, page 1209, line 39

, ,


865 , .
Leo Diaconus Hist., Historia Page 106, line 4
, , ,
, , ,
' .
, ,
Constantinus Manasses Hist., Poeta, Compendium chronicum
Line 343

, .



Constantinus Manasses Hist., Poeta, Compendium chronicum
Line 1695
' ,
' ,


, ,
, .
Nicolaus I Mysticus Theol., Epist., Epistulae Epistle 12, line 132
, ,
, ,
, ' , '
, ,
Nicolaus I Mysticus Theol., Epist., Epistulae Epistle 23, line 170
. ( ) ,
, ,
' ,
Joannes Zonaras Gramm., Hist., Epitome historiarum (lib. 13-18)
Page 521, line 2
, .

, .



, , ,
Laonicus Chalcocondyles Hist., Historiae Volume 2, page 54, line 20
. , , ,
, .
Georgius Pachymeres Hist., (libri vi de Michaele
Palaeologo) Page 109, line 17

, , ,
, .
, ; '
, .
Michael Critobulus Hist., Historiae Book 4, chapter 10, section 2, line 1

, ,
, .


Michael Critobulus Hist., Historiae Book 4, chapter 10, section 3, line 2


' .

K.VIHistoriae Volume 1, page 431, line 6

, . ,
, . ,
, .
K.VI Historiae Volume 2, page 101, line 23
, . , , ' ,
. ,

, , '
, .
K.VI Historiae Volume 3, page 138, line 14


, ,
, , .
, . ,
, ,
( ' ,) ' ,
' , '
, ' , '
, .
, .
Ephraem Hist., Poeta, Chronicon Line 6345


' .

Syrianus Phil., Commentarium in Hermogenis librum
Page 187, line 6

, ,
, ,
, , ,

Agathias Scholasticus Epigr., Hist., Historiae Page 109, line 2




, . 4
, , ,
. .
. 5 '
, ,
, .
Anonymi In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Rhet., In Aristotelis artem
rhetoricam commentarium Page 23, line 28
, , . .
, , ,
- , , ,
, , ,
, ,
- , ,

Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibliotheca Codex 77, Bekker page
54a, line 1
Photius Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl., Theol., Bibl Codex 186, Bekker p 136b, l3
. ,


( '
) .
, .
Theophanes Confessor Chronogr., Chronographia Page 134, line 6
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, ,


. . ' .
, .
. . Volume 1, page 521, line 14
, ,

. (v. 743) ,
, ,
, , .
. ,
. Odysseam Volume 1, page 415, l 1
, , .
' .
, ' .
' ' , (Vers. 286.) ,
, . ,


(Vers. 290.) ,
. ' .
' , ' (Vers. 292.)
. . '
, , (Vers.
294.) .
Zosimus Hist., Historia nova Book 3, chapter 6, section 2, line 10

, ,

, , ,


Theodoretus Scr. Eccl., Theol., Quaestiones et responsiones ad
orthodoxos [Dub.] Page 111, line 16
. ,

, ,
Cyrillus Theol., Commentarius in Isaiam prophetam Volume 70, page
1128, line 19
, . , ,
, , ,
, . -


, , .
Choricius Rhet., Soph., Opera Oration-declamation-dialexis 40, section
1, paragraph 75, line 3
; .
, , , , ;
, ;
, .
Nicephorus Gregoras Hist., Historia Romana Volume 3, pag 387, li 14
, , ,

, .
Concilia Oecumenica (ACO), Concilium universale Ephesenum anno
431 Tomvolumpart 1,1,1, page 75, line 11
, '

, '
, '


. ,
Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Aeschylum Play Ch, hypothesisepigram-scholion 968a, line 1
... ]
] .
[] .
] ,

Scholia In Aeschylum, Scholia in Aeschylum Play Th, hypothesisepigram-scholion 646-648, line 2

, .

. Commentarium in plutum (recensio 2)
(scholia recentiora Tzetzae) Argumentum-dramatis personae-scholion sch
plut, verse 842, line 36
, .
((' ' :))



Scholia In Demosthenem, Scholia in Demosthenem (fort. auctore

Ulpiano) Oration 9, section 59, line 1
] .] . '
] , . ]
. ... ]
Scholia In Demosthenem, Scholia in Demosthenem (fort. auctore
Ulpiano) Oration 19, section 199, line 2
(4, 17) . ]
. A
] ,

, ,
, ,
Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem Vita-argumentum-scholion
sch Hec, section 98, line 5
, ,

, .
Scholia In Euripidem, Scholia in Euripidem Vita-argumentum-scholion
sch Med, section 942, line 2
, , : B ' :
, . : B


' :
, :
AB . : Bi :
, ,
: AB :
Scholia In Homerum, Scholia in Iliadem Book of Iliad 1, verse 38b, line
of scholion 2
, . b (BCE4) T
D :
(FGrHist 115, 350). A
ex. :

, ' .
Scholia In Lycophronem, Scholia in Lycophronem (et recentiora partim
Isaac et Joannis Tzetzae) Scholion 592, line 42
. .

. Steph. ,
. sch. DP 483 ' T

/ / .
Scholia In Platonem, Scholia in Platonem Dialogue Phd, Stephanus page
61d,bis, line 4

. '
, . ,


. .
Scholia In Platonem, Scholia in Platonem Dialogue Grg, Stephanus page
464e, line 2
' ,
. .
Scholia In Thucydidem, Scholia in Thucydidem (et recentiora)
Book 1, chapter 89, section 2, line 6
... : , .
, , ,
. : . :.

. . () {} 1. ,
, : ~ |} /
~ || ~ 2.

~ 3. (.)
: ~ 4. (.)
: - .
. [. . .
. < - + -< , ],
. . ].] {-. - (. -), -} 1. (), . , :

2. ()
. () .]. ,
-, - |.] . . :
~ || ~.


- . ,
, ,
, .

() ()
. ,
. ,
/ .
10 . ,
, .

, ,
, ,
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Franz Miklosich, Josef Mller - 2012 - ... , ;
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Anthony Cramer - 1839 - . , ,
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Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae - 488 1839 - ...

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Evagrii Scholastici Epiphaniensis et ex praefectis ecclesiasticae ...1844 134 ' , , ) ,
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- 2011 - , ,

, :
Peri adikmatn kai poinn ... - 92 Cesare Beccaria, Adamantios
Koras - 1823 - '- , '
. , ...
Polytechneio '73: reportaz me tn historia : to chroniko, hoi ...Girgos
Gatos - 2002 - , . ()
, . () . : .


(8 .) , . (8,5 .)
, . (16 .) ...
Praktika tn synedriasen ts Vouls ... - 2 - 132 1865 ,
, 3 4
. , ,

Procheiron nomn, to legomenon h Hexavivlos: syllechtheisa

apo ...Knstantinos (ho Armenopoulos.) - 1833 -
. _ 15.
, .
. , ...
Ridi, pagliaccio: , - 2012 - 52

Solmika - 287 Stephanos Rozans - 2000 -
_/ (
), '
Thesaurus iuris romani: continens rariora meliorum interpretum ...1733 - ,
. ...
To smeiomatario henos pilatou - 252 Paulos G. Delaportas 1978 - ,

. , , . "
' ...
Tomos charas en ho periechontai: 3 1705 - ... ":
, ,
' lu , ',

Vekkariou Peri adikmatn kai poinn - 218 Cesare marchese di
Beccaria, Adamantios Koras - 1823 - '


' , ,
(' ),
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-: - 2014 ,
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- 3

- 2011 - : , , : Nicholas Alexiou - 2013 "A bilingual collection of poetry in Greek and English about Greeks in
America, particularly in the Astoria section of New York"--Provided by
, ... - 2011 -
, ,
1953 ...
: - 23 -. .
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-- !: . 1979 : , 1948-1950. 1974 -
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- 2013 -
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K., Constantine KOUSKOUROULES - 1809 - ,
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Exile in ancient Greece



TLG Texts



TLG Texts

A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture 2009 Hippias' tyranny lasted another four years until 510, when he was driven
into exile thanks to the efforts of the exiled Alcmaeonids. The key to their
success was good relations with Delphi. Taking advantage of the
Delphians' failure to rebuild ...
A Companion to Ancient Greek Government Hans Beck - 2013 - Our
knowledge of Greek government in the fifth century derives mostly, but
not exclusively, from Athens, owing to the ... Exile. The experienceof
Archaic tyranny andaristocratic factionalism seemsto have inspired
anumberof measures ...
A History of Exile in the Roman Republic - 77 Gordon P. Kelly 2006 - Thus he chose Dyrrachiumafreestate on the Western coast of
Greece as his place of exile.24 Although he was never recalled and died
a banished man, his choice of Dyrrachium as a new domicile anticipated
a trend in the following century ...
A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece - 3 - 73 Karl
Otfried Mller, John William Donaldson - 1858 - Polybius, who was of
course one of those deported from Greece, had made the acquaintance
of ]Emilius Paullus and his ... After an exile or captivity of seventeen
years, the proscribed Achaeans, who were reduced from one thousand to
three ...
A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece - 3 - 73 Karl
Otfried Mller, John William Donaldson - 1858 - 9, 5. Appian (Pun. 1
33) calls Polybius the liSdaKa\os of Scipio .Emilian u s ; and he may
have been employed as a Greek tutor during the first year of his exile.
That he was the confidential friend and adviser of Scipio is well known ;
see Plut.
A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece; from the
Foundation ...1858 - Polybius, who was of course one of those deported
from Greece, had made the acquaintance of ZEmilius Paullus and his ...


documents at Rome.8 After an exile 0r captivity of seventeen years, the

proscribed Achaeans, who were reduced from ...
A Manuel of Grecian Antiquities: Being a Compendious Account of
the ...G. H. Smith - 1832 - Being a Compendious Account of the Manners
and Customs of the Ancient Greeks, with an Appendix on the Greek
Coinage and ... The goods of exiled persons were confiscated and sold by
auction, and the place of their exile was not fixed. 7.
A to Z of Ancient Greek and Roman Women - 165 Marjorie
Lightman, Benjamin Lightman - 2008 - In 2 B.C.E. Julia's mother
became part of a public scandal that resulted in her exile for adultery and
conspiracy. Four years later her brother Lucius ... Bauman, Richard A.
Women and Politics in Ancient Rome. London: Routledge, 1994, pp.
An analysis of the literature of ancient Greece - 67 Hodgson
Brailsford - 1833 - He was recalled from exile, and died at Athens, in the
eightieth year of his age, 391 a. c. The history of Thucydides is comprised
in eight books, and is an authentic account of the Pelopon- nesian war up
to the period of his death.
Anabasis: With an Interlinear Translation, for the Use of Schools ...
Xenophon, Thomas Clark - 2012 Ancient Coins Through the Bible - 76 Joseph A. Dow - 2011 From the Exile to the Greek Empire After the Babylonians' victory over
Judah in 587 BC,Judah suffered many deportations at the hand of
Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonians killed a number of the prominent
political, military, and religious ...
Ancient Greece and Rome - 146 Michael Gagarin - 2009 - [See
also Amnesty; Draco; Ostracism; Purification and Pollution; and Slavery,
subentry Slavery in Greece.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Forsdyke, Sara. Exile,
Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece.
Princeton, N.J.: ...
Ancient Greece and Rome - 642 1893 - But after the death of
Pausanias, some papers were discovered showing that the Athenian exile
had been at least aware of the Spartan traitor's designs; and the Spartans
Ephors, glad of a pretext to injure the man they hated, sent messengers ...
Ancient Greece Crime and Punishment - 24 Richard Dargie 2007 - Magistrates patrolled the port to make sure that exiles did not
secretly return to the city. e man who is convicted of involuntary


homicide shall ... Exil For the citizens of an ancient Greek city, exile was
a terrible punishment. People who were ...
Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander: The Evidence - 268
Joseph Roisman - 2011 - leaders in Athens were at work strengthening its
democracy even before Cimon's exile. Chief among them were Cimon's
rivals Ephialtes andhis younger partner Pericles. This chapter discusses
the measures that these and other leaders ...
Ancient Greece: From the Archaic Period to the Death of
Alexander ...Britannica Educational Publishing, Kuiper, Kathleen - 2010 exile. (An ancient critic reported that he was exiled three times.)
Alcaeus's poetry in this period dwells on his misfortunes, battles, and
tireless rancour against Pittacus, whom he mocks for disloyalty, physical
defects (including flat feet and a big ...
Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic
Times ...Matthew Dillon, Lynda Garland - 2010 - Alcaeus, however, in
exile again, hopes that the a Fury of those comrades whom Pittakos
betrayed will avenge them. Alcaeus is in exile in this poem but still on
Lesbos. For further abuse of apot belly Pittakos, see doc. 7.30. 1 the
Lesbians ...
Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic
Times ...2005 - 19.6 indicate thatthe Peisistratidai wentinto permanent
exile; thelawagainst tyrannyat Ath. Pol. 16.10 presumably came into play
atthispoint (see doc. 4.16), sothe Peisistratidai andtheir descendants were
nowatimoi, without citizen rights; they ...
Ancient Greece: The Triumph of a Culture - 209 Robert Payne 1964 - if THE TRAGIC TRIUMPH E MAY never know where the
Greeks came from, or what roads they traveled on ... Aeschylus, the great
granite figure who stands at the beginning of all our drama, evidently felt
deeply on the subject of exile.
Ancient Greek Arbitration - 277 Derek Roebuck - 2001 - On their
return, the exiles expected their old land and other property, confiscated
by those who had stayed behind, to be restored to them under the peace
agreement. But they did not think it fair that they should have to repay
debts, and ...
Ancient Greek Beliefs - 319 Perry L. Westmoreland - 2007 - By
now, he is old and blind, and he is ushered about by his daughter,
Antigone. He is not certain ... She announces that Polynices, who has


been in exile, has returned with a large army of Argives to make war on
Thebes. Even though they ...
Ancient Greek Democracy: Readings and Sources - 76 Eric W.
Robinson - 2008 - Introduction Though the very earliest democracies
likely took shape elsewhere in Greece, Athens embraced it ... to the
Athenian state, and the populist ostracism law that enabled citizens to
exile dangerous or undesirable politicians by vote.
Ancient Greek Literary Letters: Selections in Translation - 70
Patricia A. Rosenmeyer - 2006 - I'm a refugee in a strange land and city,
and I'll probably die here, still stuck in exile. Indeed, would I have
attacked the enemy so furiously ifI could have predicted such an
outcome? Would I have pursued this victory ifI had realized it would ...
Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989 - 124 Justine
McConnell, Edith Hall - 2016 - Kishkan's Odysseus is indeed a slow
burner: his exile on the other side of the world, attendant on the wanton
violence directed at both his family and home, sees him buried under a
metaphorical bed of leaves, only to provide him eventually ...
Bella Vivante - 2002 - Already from the outset of hostilities,
Thucydides had been recording the course of a conflict he judged the
greatest disturbance in human history. But, as he tells us, it was "my fate
to be an exile for twenty years after my command at Amphipolis ...
British Aestheticism and Ancient Greece: Hellenism, Reception,
Gods ...S. Evangelista - 2009 - This book is the first comprehensive study
of the reception of classical Greece among English aesthetic writers of
the nineteenth century.
Colburn's New Monthly Magazine - 246 1823 - There are four
pictures indicative of the Life of Christ, by Juan de Valdes Leal; some
scenes from the Old Testament, by Pedro de ... WHEN we begin to feel
the influence of 246 Ancient Song of a Greek Exile, Ancient Song of a
Greek Exile.
Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome [3 volumes]: The Definitive ...Sara
E. Phang, Iain Spence Ph.D., Douglas Kelly Ph.D. - 2016 - Greek states
commonly imposed capital penalties (death, confiscation of property) for
serious political crimes. Defendants often chose to flee into exile rather
than face trial. An exile returning to his native land would be executed if


Contrary Commonwealth: The Theme of Exile in Medieval

and ...Randolph Starn - 1982 - St.- John Perse, Exil, II, 20-21 " nfinite are
the examples in every age of those . . . driven by exile JL from a city or a
state," wrote the Venetian political theorist and historian Paolo Paruta in
the 1580s. As in ancient Greece and Rome, so again ...
Convict Labor in the Portuguese Empire, 1740-1932: Redefining
the ...Timothy J. Coates - 2013 - Examples of its use can be found from
the ancient world in places such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. It is
a relatively easy and inexpensive method of social control. Those who
violate the norms in a given society were exiled or ...
Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants: Germany, Israel and Russia in ...Rainer
Munz, Rainer Ohliger - 2004 - The Greek term diaspora, meaning
dispersion, was first used in ancient Greece to characterize the exile of
the Aegean population after the Peleponesian War. It found its Hebrew
equivalent in the term galut (Deuteronomy 28:25), meaning the ...
Dreams in Exile: Rediscovering Science and Ethics in ... - 282
George E. McCarthy - 2009 - Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient
Greek World (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Uni- versity Press, 1981) and Moses I.
Finley, The Ancient Economy (Berkeley: University of California Press,
1985) turn to Ober's essay, Aristotle's Political Sociology: ...
Egripid mdeia: metaphras 1989 - Events that Changed Ancient Greece
- 121
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece - 287 Nigel Wilson - 2013 EXILE AND DETENTION 287 Neutsch, Bernhard, Exekias: ein Meist e
r der griec hisc he Vasenmalerei, Marburg: ... Greek historians frequently
do not make clear whether groups (or individuals) were exiled or fled
voluntarily. In most cases ...
Epistolary Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature - 323 Owen
Hodkinson, Patricia Rosenmeyer, Evelien Bracke - 2013 - Epistles19
and 1112, however, are at least supposed to be from Aeschines while he
is in exile from Athens: they are addressed to friends and enemies at
Athens, or to the Athenian assembly, and they deal with the events that
led to his ...
Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy III: Plato - 75 John P. Anton,
John Peter Anton, Anthony Preus - 1989 - Now, Socrates asks whether
under the threat of death, these old agreements have turned out to be


"child's play and ... Any reader of the Apology can answer that question:
Socrates had refused to name exile as his punishment, that is, to leave ...
Essays on the institutions, government, and manners, of the
States ...Henry David HILL (D.D.) - 1823 - and being equally unable to
discharge it, avoided by flight the fate of Miltiades, and died in exile. ' In
Mr. Mitford's very accurate History of Greece, there is a note (vol. i. 241
edit. p. 874), in which the learned author supports the opinion of Bayle, ...
Everyday Life in Ancient Greece - 23 Kirsten Campbell Holm 2012 - agora (A-guh-ruh) A large market in ancient Greece. ambassadors
(am-BA-suh-durz) Officials who represent their ... live under it. exile
(EG-zyl) To make a person leave his or her home or country. expelled
(ek-SPELD) Removed from a place.
Exile and the poetics of loss in Greek tradition - 2 Nancy Sultan 1999 - I focus specifically on the role women play as both obstacles and
facilitators during the hero's exile and return. ... I focus on the idea that
the themes and images connected with the wandering heroes of ancient
Greek poetic traditions are ...
Exile, ostracism, and democracy: the politics of expulsion in ...Sara
Forsdyke - 2005 - This book explores the cultural and political
significance of ostracism in democratic Athens.
Exile: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian Conceptions - 173
James M. Scott - 1997 - Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian
PERIOD1 James M. Scott Trinity Western ... say, that of Greeks in the
Roman period, on which see Simon Swain, Hellenism and Empire:
Language, Classicism, and ...
Greek Diaspora and Migration since 1700: Society, Politics and Culture
Professor Dimitris Tziovas - 2013 - Dimitris Tziovas It could be argued
that diaspora, exile and immigration represent three successive phases in
Modern Greek history and that they could serve as useful vantage points
from which to analyse changes in Greek society, politics ...
Hard Nuts of History: Ancient Greece - 8 Tracey Turner - 2014
-... Cleisthenes became famous for his politics, but first he had to battle a
power-crazed tyrant, a ruthless rival, and an ancient family curse. ... But
then Cleisthenes was sent into exile by his political rival Isagoras and his
Spartan friends.


Hellenism and English Women's Writing, 1800--1840: Poetics of

the ...2008 - Greece officially declared its separation from Ottoman rule
in 1 822, leading to an extremely bloody and costly struggle. ... Memory
of Lord Charles Murray," "The Death-Song of Alcestis," "Ancient Greek
Song of Exile," "Greek Funeral Chant," ...
History of Ancient Greece, from the earliest times, till it became
a ...Greece, Pons Augustin Alletz - 1768 - Such a proposition threw that
illustrious exile into the greatest perplexity : Agitated on the. one hand by
thefirong affection fiillretained by him for hisunaetive country, and-the
dishonour heshould draw on himself by bearing arms- against it; and, ...
History of the literature of ancient Greece - 1 - 323 Karl
Otfried Mller - 1840 - motives for the residence of iEschylus in Sicily,
which was' an ascertained fact, by enumerating all the circumstances in
his life at Athens, which could have induced him to become a voluntary
exile. Some accounts of a different character have, ...
History of the literature of ancient Greece [tr. by sir G.C. Lewis ...Carl
Otfried Mller, John William Donaldson - 1858 - 9, J. Appian (Pun.
131) calls Polybius the Kakot of Scipio .-Emilianus ; and he may have
been employed as a Greek tutor during the first year of his exile. That he
was the confidential friend and adviser of Scipio is well known ; see Plut.
History of the Literature of Ancient Greece by K. O. Mller: Vol. 1 1840
- ... of their countrymen after democracy and dominion over other
Greeks; and who sought. to maintain the. ancient severe ... of the Greeks
and Athenians; among the rest, of Themistocles, who at that time had
probably gone into exile on account ...
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece - 55 Sean Sheehan 2002 - Exile Exile, the expulsion of someone from his own city-state,
was a common punishment in the Greek world. Wrongdoers were not
usually put in prison, so exile was an effective way of dealing with
individuals who were no longer welcome in ...
Introducing the Ancient Greeks: From Bronze Age Seafarers to ...Edith
Hall - 2014 - ... aristocratic families (including Aeschylus's own) had
maintained power through membership of one of the four ancient ...
which the citizens often used their right to exile one of their number,
chosen by the voting system known as ostracism, ...
Language and Provisions of Ancient Greek Treaties 1975 - 36: provision
regarding exiles (EXILES) (cf. ll A a, 25 A and B and C, 52 C a) the


restoration of exiles, allowing exiles to return a)- kai tous phugadas

kathentas: and that they bring back the exiles (211) (and similarly in 136,
I.G. I* 101, 2O7, 275, ...
Marine Fisheries and the Ancient Greek Economy - 229 Ephraim
Lytle - 2006 - Consensus is reflected in Briscoe's remarks: It is odd that
Zeuxippus could hope to go into exile here, as it was part of the Boeotian
Confederacy. He further suggests that perhaps he intended to cross to
Euboea, and Livius has abbreviated ...
Meandering with the Meaning of Euripides' Medea: Reflections on
an ...2006 - ... hands; and that, finally, by supernatural means, she would
escape to Athens and take refuge with the old king Aegeus. ... The
children, whether left with their stepmother or taken into exile, were
confronted with an intractable predicament: the ...
Memorable Barbarities and National Myths: Ancient Greek Tragedy
AND ... of Muirthemne William Butler Yeats once described Deirdre,
protagonist of the ancient Irish legend of the exile of the ...
Moral Codes and Social Structure in Ancient Greece: A Sociology
of ...Joseph M. Bryant - 1996 - A Sociology of Greek Ethics From
Homer to the Epicureans and Stoics Joseph M. Bryant ... Particularly
relevant in this regard is Teles' discussion of exile, which he composed
with arguments drawn primarily from the writings of Stilpo (c.
Myths and Tragedies in Their Ancient Greek Contexts - 37
Richard Buxton - 2013 - In his poem about a person in exile Alkaios
writes as follows: 'I live a life in the wilds, longing to hear the agora...I
am in exile, living on the I settled alone as a lukaimiais'
(PLF 130.1625). The last word is a puzzle, and the ...
Narrative and Identity in the Ancient Greek Novel: Returning Romance
Tim Whitmarsh - 2011 - As a result of this exile, Calasiris now leads 'a
life of roaming' (bios al et es, 2.24.5; cf. plan e, 2.26.1;49 which he
spreads contagiously to his wards Charicleia and Theagenes).50 This
exile, however, is also a voyage of philosophical ...
Nature, Woman, and the Art of Politics - 19 Eduardo A. Velsquez
- 2000 - Exile. Domnica. Radulescu. Out of the ash I rise with my red
hair And I eat men like air. Sylvia Plath, "Lady Lazarus" Medea, ...


Furthermore, Medea is a mythological figure often associated in ancient

Greece with the goddess Hera herself, ...
Oath and State in Ancient Greece - 247 Alan H. Sommerstein,
Andrew James Bayliss - 2013 - Their long history of observing sacred
truces for the Olympic, Isthmian, Nemean and Carnean festivals suggests
that the ... Pritchett observes: The weight of the evidence shows that the
Greeks, especially those of the Peloponnese, among whom the force ...
10.4): Cimon returned from exile and negotiated a peace (eirene) between
10:3 The first sworn peace treaties 247 10.3 The first sworn peace
Oidipous Tyrannos Sophocles - 1989 Oracles of God: Perceptions of Ancient Prophecy in Israel After
the ...John Barton - 2007 - Drawing on documents including the Old
Testament itself, the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, the New Testament,
the writings of Philo and Josephus, and the works of the early Church
Fathers, Barton arrives at a series of controversial ...
Oscar Wilde and Ancient Greece - 216 Iain Ross - 2012 - F. M.
Turner, The Greek Heritage in Victorian Britain, New Haven, London:
Yale University Press, 1981, 1ff.; C. Stray, ... S. Evangelista, British
Aestheticism and Ancient Greece: Hellenism, Reception, Gods in Exile,
Basingstoke: Palgrave ...
Performance and Gender in Ancient Greece: Nondramatic Poetry in
Its ...Eva Stehle - 2014 - The singer adopts a setting appropriate to firstperson lament in order to give immediacy to the idea of exile.76 The
hetaireia is not referred to, for the first half of the poem contrasts exile
with political activity in the city. However, the isolated life ...
Performing Exile, Performing Self: Drama, Theatre, Film Y. Meerzon 2012 - Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: the Postmodern Stage.
Baltimore: ... Testimony:Crises of Witnessing in Literature,
Psychoanalysis and History. 1992. Fral ... Exile, Ostracism,and
Democracy: ThePolitics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece.
Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in Ancient Greece - 136 Matthew Dillon
- 2013 - The question of which exile cannot be resolved: that of 427
387 or that of 373338. The fact that neither exile was sixty years in
length is a chronological problem without resolution.50 The first
celebration of the Great Daidala in which the ...


Poet, Public, and Performance in Ancient Greece - 65 Lowell

Edmunds, Robert W. Wallace - 2000 - The survivors, in the closing
moments of the play, can only comfort one another as private individuals,
alone, defeated, and on the verge of exile. Because the chorus of the
Bacchae stands in an adversarial relation to the human protagonists, ...
Reciprocity in Ancient Greece - 150 Christopher Gill, Norman
Postlethwaite, Richard Seaford - 1998 - f"iolence against kin is also
unimportant in the epic pattern of the suppliant-exile, common in minor
incidents of the plot.26 Often, the epic hiketes is an exile because he has
killed someone and flees retribution from the dead man's kin.
Rites of Passage in Ancient Greece: Literature, Religion, Society Mark
William Padilla - 1999 - And in each of these cases, the youthful
violence is punished: this may take the form of flogging (a substitute for
death), as in the Orthia rite, but the punishment is more commonly some
kind of exile. For the Arcadian and Delphian youths, this ...
Russia's Frozen Frontier: A History of Siberia and the Russian Far ... Alan
Wood - 2011 - Exile. System. The title of this chapter is taken from the
words of the English traveller and writer, John Foster Fraser, already ...
Old Testament mythology apart, both ancient Greece and Rome practised
Chapter 6 'Fetters in the Snow' ...
Semiotics of Exile in Contemporary Chinese Film H. Zeng - 2012 - As
he traveled the world, the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote about
earthy, amusing performances and songs that seemed odd to him, but
which were certainly very popular with common folk. He saw these,
however, as the exception ...
Singing the Dead: A Model for Epic Evolution - 89 Reyes
Bertoln Cebrin - 2006 - In contrast to that, funeral rites in Ancient
Greece were performed by women who were in charge not only of
cleansing and ... A recent study by Sultan about exile and the poetics of
loss points out the important role of women as depositaries of ...
Social Conflict in Ancient Greece - 213 Alexander Fuks - 1984 - THE story of Dion of Syracuse was told by ancient writers, and is still
being told by modern historians, in the main as a story of 'freedom versus
tyranny". The liberation of the greatest state in the Hellenic world from
the rule of the most powerful tyrants' house in Greek experience ... in
midsummer 356 B.C. In 360 B.C. Dion since 366 an exile from the
court of Dionysios II started preparing for a return to ...


Space in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek ...I.J.F. de

Jong - 2012 - Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, volume three I.J.F. de
Jong. SOPHOCLES R. ... Trachiniae is set before the house where
Deianira and her children live in exile, and the play makes no signicant
reference to the polis of Trachis. Philoctetes ...
The Art of Ancient Greece: Sources and Documents - 55 J. J.
Pollitt - 1990 - Pericles was in charge, and Pheidias made it. And
Pheidias, after he had made it, was tried for having embezzled some of
the ivory which was used for the scales [of the snake represented with
Athena]. Having gone into exile in Elis, he is said ...
The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: From the Archaic
Age ...Geoffrey Ernest Maurice De Ste. Croix - 1989 - In this chapter I
propose to concentrate mainly on the ways in which the class struggle in
Greek history manifested itself on ... a class-conscious aristocrat if ever
there was one, had been driven into exile and his lands confiscated: for
this he XXIV.
The Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language, and Space in ...Sophia
A. McClennen - 2004 - The history of the dialectic and dialectical
thinking is as long as the history of exile. We find early examples of
dialectics in the ancient philosophy of the Greeks, especially in the work
of Aristotle and Heraclitus, who taught, "everything is in flux," ...
The Exile of Aeneas - ii Ed DeHoratius - 2010 - The Follow Your
Fates series enlists you the reader as the main character in the classic
literature of ancient Greece and Rome. You assume the identity of each
character, follow his story, and make the decisions he makes. Each
decision you ...
The Frontier of Loyalty: Political Exiles in the Age of the Nation-State
Yossi Shain - 2010 - Robert Paul Wolff, In Defense of Anarchism, 1970
The Political Exile and the Evolution of National Loyalty This book ...
century B.C. and to ancient Greece of the fifth century B.c, where
factional strife forced political rivals out of their homelands.
The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From
the ...John Gillies - 1809 - The Athenian soldiers likewise, though they
detested the impiety, admired the valour, of the illustrious exile, and
longed to fee him restored to the service of his country. All ranks
lamented the dangerous situation of Athens; many thought that ...


The History of Ancient Greece: Its Colonies and Conquests; from

the ...John Gillies - 1822 - Including the History of Literature,
Philosophy, and the Fine Arts John Gillies. CHAP. ni. Distracted State of
Greece. ... In the eighth year of his exile he returned with his partisans,
and took just vengeance on the abominable Egystheus and ...
The International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome
Coleman Phillipson - 1911 - Indeed, Madvig says with much truth that
Cicero is merely resorting to subtlety and specious argument in his
endeavour to prove that a Roman citizen could not lose his citizenship in
spite of himself, that exile did not really entail its loss, and ...
The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece.
David M. Schaps - 2004 - After ten years of exile, he returned with an
army that may have included a good number of mercenaries;3 at his
appearance, old supporters and probably new ones as well deserted to his
side.4 He defeated the army of Athens and returned to ...
The New Monthly Magazine - 6 - 246 1823 - There are
four pictures indicative of the Life of Christ, by Juan de Valdes Leal ;
some scenes from the Old Testament, by Pedro de Orrente, &c. In a word,
to go ... Domine, D. S. ANCIENT SONG Of A GREEK EXILE. Where is
the Summer, with ...
The New Monthly Magazine, and Literary Journal - 6 - 246
1823 - D. S. ANCIENT SONG OF A GREEK EXILE. Where is the
Summer, with her golden sun ? That festal glory hath not pass'd from
earth ! For me alone the laughing day is done ; Where is the Summer,
with her voice of mirth? Far in my own ...
The Primacy of the Political: A History of Political Thought from ... Dick
Howard - 2010 - A History of Political Thought from the Greeks to the
French and American Revolutions Dick Howard. Sieys Abb ... The
assault on Rome failed, and the Tarquins died in exile. telos: Greek for
end or purpose. In ancient Greek thought, ...
The Sophisticated Olive: The Complete Guide to Olive Cuisine Marie
Nadine Antol - 2003 - If found guilty, the punishment was death or exile.
The olive was so revered in ancient Greece that only virgins and
unbearded young men sworn to a life of chastity were considered pure
enough to harvest the fruit. You probably know that the ...
The Theme of Returning Home in Ancient Greek Literature: The
Nostos ... Marig Alexopoulou - 2009 - Thus, long after the colonization


movement the colonial tale enables the Greeks to continue to colonize the
past. One may ... The Greek exile is a wanderer not so much in his
endless movement as because he is deprived of one's home and he ...
Time in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek narrative
Irene de Jong, Ren Nnlist - 2007 - Studies in Ancient Greek narrative
Irene de Jong, Ren Nnlist ... Socrates' warning that Xenophon would
get into trouble is later confirmed by a proleptic account of his life in
exile, settled by the Spartans at Scillus: he bought a piece of land ...
Twelve Voices from Greece and Rome: Ancient Ideas for Modern Times
Christopher Pelling, Maria Wyke - 2014 - Then in he held a command in
northern Greece, but failed to protect the city of Amphipolis from the
gifted Spartan commander Brasidas, and was punished by exile. He
moved to his family estate in Thrace and spent the next twenty years ...
Tyranny and Political Culture in Ancient Greece - 168 James F.
McGlew - 1993 - The Greeks did not exile their criminals to colonies,
and colonists were not simply "the poor, hungry, and huddled masses,"26
yet every colony, as a new autonomous polis, required the establishment
of a new social order, and in this the first ...
Visual Culture: Spaces of visual culture - 141 Joanne Morra,
Marquard Smith - 2006 - Such concepts as exile, diaspora, and
nomadism are often invoked of late as alternatives and antidotes to the
totaling character of ... Current notions of exile, nomadism, and diaspora
are inescapably tied to the Hebrew Bible, ancient Greece, ...
Wandering Greeks: The Ancient Greek Diaspora from the Age of Homer
...Robert Garland - 2014 - The Ancient Greek Diaspora from the Age of
Homer to the Death of Alexander the Great Robert Garland ... 605c,
citing several men of letters who wrote in exile, states: The muses, it
seems, co-opted exile as their fellow-worker in perfecting for ...
Wandering in Ancient Greek Culture - 30 Silvia Montiglio - 2005
- Oedipus claims that he never knew where he was going in the
wanderings of his life.21 The Exile as Wanderer The identification of
wandering with suffering has its main social referent in the practice of
exile, which the Greeks, as the language ...
War in Ancient Greece - 283 Bob Carruthers - 2014 Hippocrates and himself had had overtures made to them by certain men
in the cities in Boeotia, who wished to change the constitution and


introduce a democracy as at Athens; Ptoeodorus, a Theban exile, being

the chief mover in this intrigue ...
Wisdom From The Ancients: Enduring Business Lessons from
Alexander ...Thomas J. Figueira, T. Corey Brennan, Rachel Hall
Sternberg - 2009 - - Enduring Business Lessons from Alexander the
Great, Julius Caesar and the Illustrious Leaders of Ancient Greece and ...
Remarkably, after he had worn out his welcome in the enemy camp, he
engineered a return from exile to become the ...
Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece - 180 Anne L. Klinck - 2008 - Horace contrasts Sappho's songs about girls with Alcaeus's about the
pains of shipwreck, exile, and war (Odes 1.32.311, in Alcaeus T26 and
Fr. 430 Campbell). The woman's voice passages I have included here are
highly unusual among ...
Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome - 5 Ellen Greene 2005 - Second, if we reexamine the corpus, actively presupposing that
Sappho, like any other Greek poet, might have written about ... First, of
course, the Parian Marble tells us of her exile exile (cpvyouaa), not a
"voyage to Sicily" (Page 1955, 226): ...
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome: An Anthology - 10
Ian Michael Plant - 2004 - Sappho went into exile in Sicily before 595/4.
11 The exile has been attributed to the tyranny of Pittacus at Mytilene;
Sappho warns against friendship with the family into which he married
(L-P 7 1).12 In poem 36 Sappho apologises to her ...
Writing Exile: The Discourse of Displacement in Greco-Roman ...Jan
Felix Gaertner - 2007 - Ancient Greek terminology also observes
different boundaries. The verb 'I go into exile', also has the meaning 'I
flee' and 'I run away from', and in both senses the group or individual
who may do so voluntarily or unwillingly, ...

Exile in Greece
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About us - Exile Room Her work has aired on PBS (USA), WNET (NY),
ERT (Greece), YLE (Finland), EBS (Korea). Her films have been shown
at various film festivals and WHO'S ON ...


Exile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Exile means to be away

from one's home while either being explicitly refused permission to ....
Exile is an early motif in ancient Greek tragedy: To wander away from
the city-state (the home) is to be exposed without the protection of
government ...
Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in
Ancient ...Perhaps no ancient Greek practice is more opaque to us than
the Athenian institution of ostracism. Scholars have repeatedly labeled it
bizarre, intrinsically ...
Greece's former king goes home after 46-year exile | World news ...15
2013 - Greeks who have the means may be leaving in droves, but
after 46 years in exile the former king, Constantine II, has moved back to
his ...
Greek military junta of 196774 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The
Greek military junta of 196774, commonly known as the Regime of the
Colonels or in ...... Most of them were subjected to internal exile on
Greek deserted islands, such as Makronisos, Gyaros, Gioura, or inhabited
islands such as Leros, ...
Ostracism - Wikipedia, Ostracism (Greek: , ostrakismos)
was a procedure under the Athenian democracy ... It has been called an
"honourable exile" by scholar P.J. Rhodes. The word "ostracism"
continues to be used for various cases of social shunning.
ostracism | ancient Greek politics | Ostracism must be
carefully distinguished from exile in the Roman sense, ... history of
ancient Greece (in ancient Greek civilization: The system of
ostracism) ...
Procedure Distinction from other ... Period of operation Purpose
Greek government-in-exile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The
Greek government-in-exile was the government in exile of Greece
formed in the aftermath of the Battle of Greece, and the subsequent
occupation of Greece ...
Summer in Greece: Return from Exile - Greek American Girl 1
2016 - going to Greece in the summer expresses the longing for Hellenic
Diaspora to return to their roots, reconnect with their tribe, recharge


Ancient Greece, 585, 586, 587, 588,

589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594,
595, 596, 597, 598
Apocalypsis Joannis, 37
Byzantium, 108
exile, 12, 53, 108, 585, 586, 587,
588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593,
594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599
Exile, 585, 586, 587, 589, 590,
591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596,
598, 599
exiled, 585, 586, 587, 589, 590
exiles, 587, 588, 592
Greek, 34, 579, 585, 586, 587,
588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593,
594, 595, 597, 598, 599, 600
Historia Alexandri Magni, 38, 39, 41,
42, 43
Ostracism, 587, 594
, 578
, 40, 41, 42, 43, 71, 91, 100,
, 16, 17, 184,
414, 497, 508
., 23, 200, 201,
202, 331, 332, 351, 390, 427,
, 60, 230, 306, 360,
379, 400, 450, 454, 464, 490
, 450
, , , ,
, 229, 341, 399
, 130, 139, 143, 156,
174, 177, 178, 185, 193, 219,
449, 486, 529
, 132, 139, 177, 214,
, 132
, 65, 80, 81
, 176, 177, 225, 295, 296,
297, 298, 301, 303, 304, 308,
311, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318,
319, 320, 321, 324, 325, 330,
339, 345, 370, 371, 372, 374,
375, 376, 377, 380, 383, 386,
, 313, 368,
386, 408

, 73, 238, 361, 401,

455, 556, 557
, 214, 229, 230, 295, 298,
299, 300, 302, 305, 308, 310,
311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 325,
326, 328, 329, 333, 335, 336,
337, 338, 341, 342, 344, 346,
348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353,
354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360,
361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366,
367, 368, 369, 372,373, 374,
375, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383,
385, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391,
392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397,
398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403,
404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409,
, 334, 352, 353, 358, 391,
392, 393, 398
, 542, 543, 545, 547,
550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 564,
, 543, 548, 557, 558,
562, 567
, 10, 541
, 182
, 118, 167, 175
, 176, 214, 225, 229, 230,
267, 294, 296, 297, 298, 300,
302, 303, 304, 306, 309, 314,
316, 319, 322, 324, 325, 326,
327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332,
333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338,
339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344,
345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 351,
352, 354, 356, 357,358, 359,
360, 364, 368, 369, 371, 372,
374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 382,
384, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391,
392, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399,
400, 404, 408, 440
, 5, 6, 124, 582
, 141
, 128, 129, 131, 133,
134, 136, 139, 143, 154, 155,
156, 166, 174, 206, 414

, 199, 260, 315, 325,
387, 443, 478, 494, 530
., 13, 21, 169, 198,
199, 297, 316, 331, 371, 580
, 233
, 10
, 78, 79, 430, 432,
437, 450, 452, 454, 457, 458,
461, 463, 471, 478, 481, 484,
485, 488, 498
, 434, 495
, 245, 266, 413, 424,
435, 451, 458, 461, 469, 480,
481, 484, 492

, , 481
, 410, 411, 413, 416,
417, 425, 427, 430, 432, 433,
438, 439, 460, 462, 465, 473,
478, 487, 488, 490
, 481
, 176, 177, 225, 295, 297,
298, 301, 303, 304, 308, 311,
314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319,
320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 331,
339, 345, 346, 370, 371, 372,
374, 375, 376, 377, 380, 383,
, 296, 297, 304, 315, 316,
317, 319, 320, 321, 322, 324,
325, 346, 370, 371, 377, 387
, 55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 99,
101, 140, 226, 265, 304, 339,
358, 377, 378, 398, 447, 501,
513, 552
, 81, 89, 90, 104, 105,
252, 479, 497, 508, 521, 529
, 255, 308,
362, 381, 402, 470, 471
, 50, 51
, 32, 33
, 132
, 230, 360, 400
, 47, 48, 50, 71, 102, 103,
194, 197, 212, 216
, 50
, 7, 17, 18, 118, 156,
167, 175, 177, 189, 264, 412,
523, 564

, 553
, 109

, 188
, 129, 329, 353, 392
, 20, 134, 135,
193, 194, 195, 196, 424, 425,
, 21, 196,
197, 296, 316, 330, 370, 371,
427, 498, 499, 508, 543, 544
, 28, 29
, 34, 299, 353,
373, 392
, 230, 241, 251, 273, 295,
340, 349, 359, 360, 365, 369,
399, 400, 405
, 202, 222, 229, 231, 268,
, 410
> , 540
, 13
, 527, 532, 533, 535,
536, 538, 539, 541
, 10, 527, 572, 573
, 13
, 13
, 582
, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 36,
40, 126, 573, 574, 575, 576,
577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582,
583, 584, 585
, 10, 12, 23, 24, 51, 82, 86,
116, 122, 145, 293, 578
, 27, 35, 60, 63, 75, 83, 84,
85, 89, 90, 91, 103, 105, 111
, 572
, 35, 47, 92, 102, 103, 107,
117, 119
, 57, 64, 67, 76, 77, 78, 82,
85, 95, 99, 118, 119, 120, 121,
, 77, 120
, 38, 50, 51, 60, 61, 63, 64,
65, 68, 75, 83, 86, 90, 98, 101,
102, 104, 105, 112, 113, 115,
116, 121, 177
, 572, 573
, 5, 6, 9, 32, 40, 125,
574, 576, 578, 579, 580, 582,
, 13, 27, 42, 49, 58, 61, 62,
64, 65, 67, 71, 74, 76, 78, 79,
80, 87, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98, 99, 100, 106, 108, 109, 111,

112, 118, 119, 120, 122, 156,
172, 269
, 14, 116
, 15, 25, 37, 54, 59, 81, 84,
86, 110, 117
, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 59,
69, 93, 100
, 18
, 32, 48, 66, 118, 123
, 14, 35, 90, 118
, 118, 177
, 23, 31
, 16
, 11, 14, 30, 56, 123
, 18, 24, 34, 44, 74, 120
, 44, 120
, 25
, 118, 177
, 19, 56, 73
, 15, 16, 17, 19, 28, 30,
36, 46, 56, 71, 74, 79, 93, 110
, 41
, 26, 29, 51, 57, 79, 83, 93
, 22, 103
, 15
, 111
, 72
, 29, 62, 101
, 21, 26, 36, 37, 58,
66, 75, 77, 109, 117
, 42, 44
, 19, 32, 33, 34, 38, 52,
58, 86, 87, 88, 92, 97, 115, 117
, 42
, 37
, 33
, 21, 31, 53, 54
, 53
, 577
, 118, 121
, , 159, 173
, 45, 48, 97
, 16
, 31
, 45, 47, 55
, 54
, 28, 67, 69, 88, 104, 107
, 17, 18, 60, 65, 66, 78,
79, 91, 102, 104, 105, 106, 112,
113, 114, 177
, 7, 572, 578
, 40, 64, 71, 93, 112, 114,
122, 177, 209, 287, 293
, 168

, 160
' ,
, 127, 131, 133, 139,
142, 148, 150, 155, 159, 162,
, 135
, 4, 10, 125
, 4, 123
, 127, 130, 156, 160,
164, 165, 172, 173, 174
, 126
, 143
, 50
, 449
, 31, 33, 214, 298, 334,
352, 372, 392
, 52, 54, 63, 73, 77, 82,
83, 94, 98, 228
, 14, 15, 180, 325, 326,
348, 387, 542
, 47, 48
, 176, 225, 303, 304, 318,
338, 339, 376, 377
, 126, 187, 188, 417,
418, 419
, 8, 9, 126, 168, 170,
171, 174, 178, 209, 330, 409,
410, 411, 412, 440, 500, 518,
, 578
, 74, 75
, 69, 70, 71,
141, 229, 230, 231, 305, 306,
340, 341, 359, 360, 379, 399,
400, 452, 501, 513, 514, 554
172, 176
, 104
, 223
, 578
76, 77, 78, 79, 80
, 496
, 265, 293, 505, 508,
, 17, 139
, 19

,, 147
, 183
, 272, 274

, 572
, 25, 26, 77, 85, 89, 149,
153, 179, 183, 203, 287, 331,
435, 538, 567
, 152, 253, 308,
381, 467, 537
., 101, 102,
103, 104, 105, 106, 107
, 189, 190, 191, 422, 423
, 206
, 285, 286, 313, 323, 324,
346, 368, 386, 408, 490, 507,
525, 526
, 43, 120, 217, 273, 279,
296, 304, 314, 316, 319, 337,
370, 377, 386, 433, 437, 440,
533, 535, 539
, 12, 92, 156, 172,
266, 320, 321, 345, 383, 519,
538, 566
, 123, 125, 126
, 124, 125, 126
, 125
, 176
, 574
, 13, 92, 110, 129, 130,
137, 138, 140, 143, 153, 156,
159, 163, 166, 169, 170, 172,
173, 175
, 110, 163, 170
, 13, 92, 102, 133, 140,
157, 159, 160, 172, 173, 192,
, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 58,
72, 100, 108, 144, 151, 188,
, 26, 118
, 27, 81, 84, 119
, 132
, 11, 19, 20, 34, 51, 55,
140, 154, 162, 192, 193, 202,
205, 261, 264, 329, 347, 350,
389, 415, 495, 505, 549, 551,
, 7, 15, 16, 127, 128,
129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 180,
181, 182, 183, 283, 294, 295,
326, 327, 349, 369, 388, 413,
414, 496, 542

, 51, 176, 225, 303, 314,

318, 338, 339, 346, 368, 376,
377, 408
, 73
, 28
, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120,
121, 122, 166, 167, 175, 177,
291, 292, 293, 347, 348, 369,
386, 409, 494, 495, 507, 526
, 54, 55, 225, 226, 304,
319, 358, 377, 397, 447
, 24, 201, 203, 531, 532,
, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 156, 165, 182, 344,
364, 404
, 130, 133
, 174
, 23, 24
, 122
, 38, 253
, 442,
, 188, 328, 329,
349, 350, 388, 389, 420, 497,
, 111, 112, 118, 167, 175,
176, 177, 197, 211, 217, 245,
259, 266, 287, 480, 481, 545
, , 112, 178
, 50
, 112, 122, 176, 177, 178,
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,
191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196,
197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202,
203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208,
209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215,
216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221,
222, 223, 224, 225,226, 227,
228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234,
235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240,
241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247,
248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,
254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259,
260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266,
267, 269, 270, 272, 274, 275,
276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282,
283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288,
289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 303,
304, 305, 306, 309, 319, 326,
328, 339, 348, 349, 350, 360,
376, 377, 378, 381, 387, 388,

394, 400, 425, 440, 480, 491,
528, 534
., 505
, 174

, 331, 345
, 10
, 146
, 10, 123

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