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the film get on a plane

1. Reading
a) Have you ever seen a film that made you want to go to the place where the film
was made?

b) Read the article and try to complete each text with the name of the film and the
country where it was made. Use the photos to help you.

c) Read the article again and answer the questions. Which films
1) had three parts?
2) Were based on a book?
3) Was set at the beginning of the 20th century?
4) Was set in a place where later there was a natural disaster?
5) Was filmed in a wildlife park?
6) Didnt win an Oscar?
7) Was a romantic film?
8) Was directed by a man born in the country where the film was made?

2. Grammar
a) Read about The Beach again. Underline an example of the present passive, the
past passive, and the present perfect passive. How do you form the passive?

b) Look at the active sentences in the chart below and underline the verbs. What
tense are they? In pairs, complete the chart with passive verbs.

c) Read the rules and do the exercises.

3. Vocabulary
a) Try to remember words or phrases which means

b) Vocabulary bank

4. Speaking
a) Read the questionnaire and think about the answers.

b) In pairs, interview each other. Do you have similar tastes?

5. Listening
a) Look at the photographs and answer the questions.

b) Listen to the first part of an interview with Dagmara and check your answers to
1) Who do you think the man and woman are?
2) Where do you think they are?
3) What film do you think was being made?
4) What do you think is happening?

c) Listen again and answer these questions.

1) Where does Dagmara live?
2) What was she doing before the shooting of the film started?

3) Was that her real job?

4) Where did she meet Spielberg?
5) What did she have to do there? Why?
6) How well did she do it?
7) What happened afterwards?

d) Now listen to the second part of the interview and then make notes under the
headings below.

What she had to do during the film
Go to the film set every day, translate

The most difficult thing about the job

The worst moment

What it was like to work with Spielberg

Her opinion of the film

How she feels when she watches the film

e) Compare with a partner. Then listen again and complete your notes.

6. Making a short movie Dotty

a) Speaking
- How many texts do you send a day?
- How many texts do you get a day?
- How long does it take you to compose a normal message?

b) Vocabulary
1) To text
2) To unlock your mobile
3) To enter your PIN
4) To scroll down/up
5) To go to the main menu
6) To select
7) To press a button
c) Writing
You have to help an 80-year-old lady who wants to text her daughter. She has never sent
a text before nor used a mobile phone. Her new phone is turned off.
In pairs, write step by step instructions to ensure that the elderly lady can write and
send her message. Be precise and clear. It has to be well structured.

d) Compare it with the rest of the class. What are the essential steps?

e) Watch the first part of the movie and elicit all the problems the old lady has:

f) How do you think the film will end?

g) Watch the rest of the film. Do you like the ending? Why/Why not?

h) Discuss these questions:
1) What do you think the message of the film is?
2) How do you think the old ladys daughter feels?
3) How does the film make you feel?
4) Do you know an elderly person who finds it difficult to use new technology?

7. Make your own movie!

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