Another Gospel - Galatians 1.6-9 PDF

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Another Gospel Galatians 1:6-9 /another-gospel/
Micah Hackett
Galatians 1:6-9
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is
not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel
from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As
we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him
be accursed.

Assemblies are in grave danger today as the devil seeks to destroy any standing we take on Truth and to some
extent he has been succeeding, because far too many professing Christians see it as too much work to stand for
something which the majority rejects. We have begun to divide Truth into essential and non-essential categories. We
have begun to think as if relativists when it comes to assembly teaching, thinking that we can never really be sure
regarding what God expects of the local church. This sort of thinking leads to a compromise of the gospel; and when
we compromise that, we have no place to stand upon as believers (1 Corinthians 3:2).
In reality, the gospel is not only a message to unbelievers, it is doctrine which believers must continually uphold. So
then, it is essential to know and watch for characteristics of a false gospel, as it is described in our text. We have one
body of Truth to uphold, and if we miss that, we miss everything, because Christ is Truth.

I. Another Gospel takes away from the grace of Christ.

In Galatia, there was a problem: legalism in its truest sense. People were spreading the lie that God demands the
keeping of the Law in addition to Christ for the salvation of the soul. And despite the clear scope of the gospel (which
is by grace), these believers had fallen from grace. No, it was not that they became unsaved, but that they
compromised what it meant to be under Grace as opposed to Law. To this Paul responds If righteousness is come
by the Law, Christ is dead in vain. You see, it is mans sinful nature to pridefully do something for God in order to
please Him, when in reality He sees them as filthy rags. And if we are not watchful, this message of righteousness
by works will creep into our churches, and we will turn the gospel into ritual. By doing this, we do something even
more severe, as we will see.

II. Another Gospel draws us away from God.

By compromising the grace of the Lord in the gospel, the compromised the very Lord of the gospel. It is not that the
Galatians were called away from doctrine (though that was tragically true), but they were called away from a Person:
Him that called you. Dear believer, never think that doctrine and the gospel message is just simple trivial fact and
that what really matters is service. Both are vital. Your attitude toward doctrine and the message of the gospel
reflects your attitude toward God. And it doesnt stop there: when the Devil realizes we are vulnerable to one lie,
another will follow, and another, and another. Then the time will come sooner than you would expect that you leave
your first love and cease to draw near to God as you once would have done. The reason many churches must focus
on emotion-based spoon-fed worship by entertainment is because their doctrines are not strong enough to


genuinely bring them near to God in the gospel. It is a shame that such is the case. The Lord Jesus paid everything
your sins demanded so that you not only could be reconciled but also brought near in fellowship to God. Dont
despise His work by selling a privileged fellowship with the Creator for another gospel.

III. Another Gospel has nothing to do with the true one.

Oh, it might come under the umbrella of Christendom, but Paul plainly says that it is not another gospel at all. You
see, the true gospel is exclusive by nature; one cannot have two contradicting claims both be true. One must be
wrong for the other to be right. It is no different with the gospel. Gods Truth cannot be changed or replaced it is by
nature absolute.
It is also nice to know, that even when faced with another gospel that may look appealing, in the end it is never
worth your time. Gospel means good news. And so when Paul says that other gospel messages are not
genuine, in effect He is saying You have been called to another gospel, which in reality is not good news at all. It is
never worth it to compromise our blessed message with a fake imitation that will only break in the end. Dont settle
for that which is not good news.

IV. Another Gospel comes from wolves amongst sheep.

This is helpful, because if we can as Paul told the Romans mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary
to doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them, then we can prevent a great deal of false doctrine from
perverting the assembly. We must understand that those who always question the overseers, preach a shallow
gospel, think doctrine is of no value, and stir up the believers against themselves doctrinally are those who, if not
prevented, will lead us into another gospel. This is why a Biblical outlook on sin and wise assembly discipline (1
Cor. 5) is always vital.

V. Another Gospel is wrong, regardless of who said it.

Why do so many cults exist today? Because they believe the original revelation of God is not enough and that some
enlightened person(s) was/were enlightened to new truth, around which was formed an organization or religious
group. With the Mormons, they believe an angel came to a man named Joseph Smith to reveal another testament of
Christ. With the Jehovahs Witnesses, they believe a man name C. T. Russel began an organization (the
Watchtower) which is inspired of God just as is Scripture. With Seventh Day Adventists, they follow Ellen G. White.
And yet despite the claims of their leaders, we can look to Scripture and point out the lies amongst these religious
Our text tells us a vital truth which these people miss: what is wrong in Scripture will always be wrong, regardless of
the person who says it is right. It doesnt matter if an acclaimed apostle or a bright angel presents new truth: if it is
new truth it is false truth, because Scripture is complete in itself. Dont worry about the fame of a preacher. Dont
worry about the prosperity of a certain religious group. Their prosperity doesnt define their reality. You are
responsible to uphold truth from Gods Word and nowhere else. In fact, when witnessing to those who falsely claim to
believe the Bible yet are in a cult, this is a profitable passage to show them; then you can contrast their beliefs with

VI. Another Gospel brings tremendous consequences.


The Lord Jesus said Whosoever shall stumble one of these little ones, it were better for him that a millstone be tied
about his neck and cast into the sea. It is not a laughable occupation to deceive the people of God. It is not a light
thing to teach false doctrines to the people of God, for it hinders them from God Himself. Paul emphasized twice
over that he which perverts the gospel of Christ and preaches another is accursed as long as he continues in that
doctrine. God is absolutely abhorred when He sees His blood-bought people subject to what the Devil wishes to
teach regarding Christ: our view of His Person are at stake! And the same is true regarding the souls of both the false
teacher and the false learner.

So then, what will our response be to Divinely revealed Truth? Our response to it reflects our response to God
Himself. Let us not minimize the importance of preaching a clear and Scriptural gospel message, both to the
unregenerate and to the saved. We must uphold Truth at all costs. And it starts by knowing Truth by the power of the
Holy Spirit revealing Christ to you through the pages of Scripture. Will you stand by what He reveals to you? Or will
you deceive yourself and be drawn away from God unto a so-called other gospel. Be not deceived! Truth matters,
and it affects everything.


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