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Manual digsy

Chapter X
IC Bootloader TOOLKIT

Drawing - Number: 04 068 375 000 A

Issued: 10.01.12
Stored 10.01.12
Version: 1.0.1
Filename 04-68375 Manual Chapter X Bootloader TOOLKIT
Author: N. Majumdar

This manual was prepared with great care. The details and data in this document are regularly checked and updated
and are at any time subject to change without notice. Nevertheless, INTER CONTROL does not assume liability for the
correctness of the details/data in this document, since, despite great effort, mistakes cannot always be completely ruled
out. In addition, INTER CONTROL reserves the right to make at any time technical changes to the product, which can
also result in deviations from the contents of this document.
The document includes information that enjoys protection of copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced
and/or translated into other languages without the prior written permission of INTER CONTROL.
Of course, any ideas and suggestions regarding amendments, or notes concerning mistakes in this document are
welcome. Please refer to INTER CONTROL.

Hermann Koehler Elektrik GmbH & Co. KG
Schafhofstrae 30
D-90411 Nrnberg

++49 911 9522-5

++49 911 9522-857

X- IC Bootloader TOOLKIT



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Version 1.0.1


Seite 2

Document creation
Bootl. Toolkit3 added

X- IC Bootloader TOOLKIT


XVI. IC Bootloader TOOLKIT ..................................................................................................... 4
XVI.1 INTER CONTROL BOOTLOADER TOOLKIT PROGRAM ........................................ 4
XVI.1.1 ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... 4
XVI.2 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 5
XVI.3 License Window .......................................................................................................... 6
XVI.4 Main Window ............................................................................................................... 7
XVI.4.1 Main Screen Buttons............................................................................................ 8
XVI.4.1.1 Login ................................................................................................................ 8
XVI.4.1.2 Logout ............................................................................................................ 10
XVI.4.2 Combo Boxes .................................................................................................... 10
XVI.4.2.1 Devices .......................................................................................................... 10
XVI.4.2.2 Com Ports ...................................................................................................... 10
XVI.4.3 Menu Items ........................................................................................................ 11
XVI.4.3.1 Download Menu............................................................................................. 11
XVI.4.3.2 Upload Menu ................................................................................................. 12
XVI.4.3.3 Erase Menu ................................................................................................... 13
XVI.4.3.4 Project Menu ................................................................................................. 14
XVI.4.3.5 Info Menu ....................................................................................................... 17
XVI.4.3.6 Help Menu ..................................................................................................... 18
XVI.5 Bootstrap window ...................................................................................................... 19
XVI.6 Bootloader ToolKit 2.x.x ............................................................................................ 21
XVI.6.1 Main Window ..................................................................................................... 22
XVI.6.2 Main Screen Buttons.......................................................................................... 23
XVI.6.2.1 Flashing ......................................................................................................... 23
XVI.6.2.2 Select File ...................................................................................................... 24
XVI.6.3 Combo Boxes .................................................................................................... 24
XVI.6.3.1 Product .......................................................................................................... 24
XVI.6.3.2 Com Port ....................................................................................................... 24
XVI.6.4 Menu Items ........................................................................................................ 25
XVI.6.4.1 File Menu ....................................................................................................... 25
XVI.6.4.2 Help Menu ..................................................................................................... 26
XVI.6.4.3 Functions Menu ............................................................................................. 27
XVI.7 Notes ......................................................................................................................... 29

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X- IC Bootloader TOOLKIT




This manual describes how to use the InterControl Bootloader Tool Kit .This program is
compatible with the digsy family of products. This application interfaces with the digsy device
via the serial port and also an universal serial bus (USB) emulating a serial port. It is capable of
downloading, uploading, erasing device contents for e.g. application program, retain data,
firmware etc. to and from the flash memory of the device.

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X.2 Introduction
The IC Bootloader ToolKit3 follows the Bootloader ToolKit2 and has many added functionalities.
It is compatible with the digsycompact E, digsycompact R, digsycompact-Subunit I/O, digsyCGM,
digsyCMV range of products. All digsy devices use an Operating System (OS) developed by
Inter Control. During login, the Bootloader firmware is now loaded into a free RAM (Random
Access Memory) area of the device, the firmware is downloaded to the device only when
explicitly requested by the user. The user can also download the application program, retain
data, graphic data, mask blocks etc. as the case maybe. The user can also upload and erase
such area contents. A list of allowed operations for a particular digsy device is provided in an
initialization file (ini).
Before using this programme ensure that the digsy device and the computer are connected via
a serial interface using the desired serial port. Usually there are two serial ports present on the
computer namely COM1 and COM2. However this program can also communicate via a USB
(Universal Serial Bus) port emulating a serial port. The more recent computers come almost
exclusively with USB ports.
The terms device and digsy have been used interchangeably.

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X.3 License Window

Figure 1.0 License window

The first time the user uses the application, a window appears asking the user to enter the
license number. The license number comprises of three fields. The full functionality of the
ICBootloaderToolkit 3 is available only on entering a valid license number. The user can
however download firmware and erase permitted blocks without a license.


If the version of ICBootloaderToolKit3 is unregistered, the license window

appears each time the program is started.

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X.4 Main Window

Select device to use

Click to login

Select desired com


Click to logout

Displays static and

dynamic versions of
the target system.

Colour indicator active

during ensuing operation
and when device is online

Progress bar displays

status of operation

Exit application

Figure 1.1 Opening window with brief overview of functionalities

When the program is started the user is presented with the above window. At first only the
Com Ports combo box, Devices combo box, Help menu , Exit button and Login button are
enabled.The user has to select desired serial port and device before proceeding further. If the
program is not being run for the first time the last used serial port and device are automatically


To use all the functionalities of this program, static firmware version has to be
minimum V2.x.x or higher. If a version lower than V2.x.x is read the older
Bootloader ToolKit program is started on receiving confirmation from the user.
The user can only download firmware, erase the application program and
retain data using the older Bootloader ToolKit.

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X.4.1 Main Screen Buttons

X.4.1.1 Login

Figure 1.2 Device online

When Login is clicked, a message box pops up asking the user to reset the device. The user
should have already selected a com port and device. At this point the device should be reset.
The download process of the dynamic bootloader firmware should start, provided the current
firmware versions are valid. The static version read from the device is displayed in the
Versions group box under Static. This process involves writing the contents of the dynamic
bootloader firmware hex file to a free RAM area of the device.
In event of an error occuring relevant error messages are displayed.


Apart from intel hex files ( .hex), bootloader project files ( .blp) are also used by
the application. Bootloader project files are used when operating on different
blocks at a time (see Project menu)

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The entire process of downloading the dynamic Bootloder firmware to the RAM lasts up to
approximately twenty seconds the version read from the device is now the dynamic version
displayed under Versions. If the dynamic Bootloader firmware is successfully downloaded, the
device goes into the online state.
The dynamic version is read from the device at regular intervals to determine if the device is
currently online. The indicator blinks as long as the device is online. The serial port used is
therefore not available to other applications.
The user can now download to, upload from and erase contents of permitted data blocks in the


When an operation is underway a Stop button is visible just above the progress
bar. The user can abort the process by simply clicking on it.

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X.4.1.2 Logout
When Logout is clicked, the currently used serial port is freed by the the program. The user has
to login again, to continue using the program options.


Combo Boxes

X.4.2.1 Devices
The Devices combo box displays the list of the digsy family of products supported by this
application. The user can choose the desired device from this list.

X.4.2.2 Com Ports

The Com Port combo box lists the total number of available serial ports on the users machine.
The user can choose the desired serial port from this list. The last used serial port if free is the
first item in the combo box. USB ports emulating serial ports are also displayed in the combo

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Menu Items

X.4.3.1 Download Menu

The Download menu provides various options for downloading relevant data to the device.
When any of the available download options is selected a dialog box appers, the user has to
select the relevant hex file to download. If an incorrect hex file, not mapping to the said memory
block/s is chosen the download operation fails. A message informs the user whether the
download operation has been successfully completed or an error has occured (see figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 Download Menu


Before downloading any data to the device , existing device block contents
are erased. If downloading is halted midway, the memory block/s content
is/are invalid.

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X.4.3.2 Upload Menu

The Upload menu provides various options for uploading data from the device. On selecting
one of the upload options a dialog box appears.The user specifies the hex filename in which the
contents are to be uploaded. The said memory area has to be valid in order for its contents to
be uploaded. A message informs the user whether the upload operation has been successfully
completed or an error has occured (see figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 Upload Menu


During the actual upload operation the contents are written to a temporary file
named after the current serial port used, e.g. temp_COM1.hex. Only on
successful completion of upload is this file renamed to the user defined file

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X.4.3.3 Erase Menu

The Erase menu provides various options for erasing data from the device. A message informs
the user whether the erase operation has been successfully completed or an error has occurred
(see figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4 Erase Menu


Once a memory block/s is erased, the relevant memory area becomes invalid
and its contents cannot be uploaded.

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X.4.3.4 Project Menu

The options under the Project menu are useful when the user wants to download, upload, erase
more than one block at a time (see figure 1.5).
On clicking any of the download, upload, erase options a new window appears. Here the details
of the last used bootloader project file (.blp), if available, are displayed. A message informs the
user if the selected device and opened bootloader project file are compatible. The user can
open a new project file by clicking on the Open button. The relevant check boxes and edit
boxes are updated on opening a new project file.
If a file is open and the user clicks Okay the operation commences. If the user has made any
changes to the file they are not saved.
On clicking Save the user can save a bootloader project file. He can overwrite an old file or
create a new project file. The project file contents are saved and the operation commences.
During any of the operations, if an error is encountered, the user is asked for confirmation to
abort, continue or ignore the process.
A download operation is possible for a single/multiple block only if all the relevant files are
existing. If any one file is not existing the entire operation is aborted.
An upload operation is possible for the blocks where the memory area is valid. E.g. if the
application program area has been erased , its contents cannot be uploaded.
Erasing a particular block is possible only if permission is granted. For e.g. the permission to
directly delete the firmware of a device is usually not granted.

Figure 1.5 Project Menu


A bootloader project file (.blp) typically contains the name of device and the
options selected by the user (e.g. block 02 represents the retain data block/s,
see figure 1.9)

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X- IC Bootloader TOOLKIT

Device blp file
compatibility status

Open bootloader
project file (.blp)

Corresponding Intel hex

file names for enabled

Options available and

selected status

Save and execute project


Execute project file, no


Figure 1.6 Project Window

Cancel and quit project


Once the user confirms an operation the project window is closed and the operation resumes in
the main window. Each operation can have one or multiple stages. The number of stages
depend on the memory blocks selected by the user. If an error occurs during a particular stage
of the operation the user is asked if the operation should be aborted, continued or the error
ignored. If the user chooses Abort, the entire operation is terminated, if he chooses Ignore, the
next stage of the operation is executed and if he chooses Retry, the particular stage which
returned the error is repeated (see figure 1.7).

Figure 1.7 Project error

Once the operation is complete a message reflecting the end status of the project is displayed
(see figure 1.8).


Use the Project menu options to operate on more than one block at a time.

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Figure 1.8 Project status


If for an enabled option the corresponding intel hex file does not exist, the intel
hex file name is displayed in red.

Device name
Memory block

hex file name for
memory block.

Figure 1.9 Contents of a bootloader project file (*.blp)

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X.4.3.5 Info Menu

The Info menu provides a list of the various blocks and their related operations in a tabular
form. The information displayed pertains to the currently selected device (see figure 1.11).

Figure 1.10 Info Menu

Figure 1.11 Info window

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X.4.3.6 Help Menu

Under the Help menu lies the submenu About which displays a general information window
(see figure 1.12).

Figure 1.12 About window

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Bootstrap window

The Bootstrap window can be activated by a combination of keys.

The need to activate and use this window arises when no or an older version of the bootloader
firmware (e.g DCE firmware version < V6.3.x) is present on the device.It may also be used if the
the user has failed to connect to the device or the bootloader firmware contents have been lost
or corrupted.
The user can download the Bootstrap program contained in an intel hex file. There are two
bootstrap files distributed with the application:

boot.hex for all digsy devices except digsycompact-Subunit I/O

boot_io.hex for digsycompact-Subunit I/O

The appropriate bootstrap intel hex file has to be selected by clicking on the
Select Bootstrap File button. The last used file name if available, is displayed.
When the user clicks Start a message box pops up asking the user to switch on the device in
the Bootstrap mode. If the device is not switched on in the correct mode, the operation fails.
Directly after the bootstrap program has been downloaded, the dynamic bootloader firmware is
downloaded to the device RAM. On successful completion the device is in the online state.


It is important that the user change into the bootstrap mode. E.g. set the pin
ILDN to ground for digsyDCx / digsyDCx -Subunit I/O or position a jumper on
digsyCGM and digsyCMV.

The Download Bootloader button is now enabled. The user can select the relevant hex file and
proceed to download the bootloader firmware.
In event of an error occuring relevant error messages are displayed for all operations.
The bootloader firmware hex files are named as follows:


The user has to select the file specific to the device.


All bootloader firmware, bootstrap hex files are located in the directory where
the program is installed.

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On completion, the user can exit this window and return to the main window.
The user can download, upload, erase as before after a normal Login.
This particular functionality is intended to be distributed only to selected users (see figure 1.13).

Click to select
bootstrap file.


Last used
bootstrap file

Click to start

Exit window

Figure 1.13 Bootstrap window

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X.6 Bootloader ToolKit 2.x.x

The Bootloader ToolKit 2 is the predecessor of the Bootloader ToolKit 3. On using the current
version, if an older firmware version is detected by the program (i.e. firmware versions below
V2.x.x) a message box appears asking the user if he wants to start the old bootloader toolkit.On
receiving confirmation the old Bootloader ToolKit 2 is started. The following sections give a
detailed explanation of the workings of the Bootloader ToolKit2.


The Bootloader ToolKit2 is meant for firmware versions below V2.x.x. The
program can download firmware and erase retain data and application


The users having firmware versions higher than V2.x.x can skip reading the
following sections.

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X.6.1 Main Window

Select device to

Displays the digsy


Select desired
com port

Select hex file to be


Indicates percentage of
flashing completed

Displays user
selected hex file

Colour Indicator active

during the flashing

Starts the process of

flashing to digsy flash


Password protected
special features of the
Bootloader Kit for IC
use only

Exit application

Figure 1.14 Opening window with brief overview of functionalities

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X.6.2 Main Screen Buttons

X.6.2.1 Flashing

Figure 1.15 Flashing completed

When Flashing is clicked a message box pops up asking the user to reset the device, the user
should reset the device. At this point the flashing process should start provided the versions are
valid. This process involves writing the contents of the hex file to the flash memory of the
An error message will popup if the file selected by the user is not compatible with the device.In
this situation the user should select a file suitable for the device. The files used by the
application are HEX-files (file extension .hex).


The file name suitable for a particular device has the first three letters matching
with the device. If the device is CGM the corresponding file names will also
begin with CGM, e.g. CGM1_311.hex or CGM1_304.hex.

The entire flashing process lasts approximately three minutes. After the flashing process is
completed the checksums are calculated and results displayed. If transmission is successful the
results are displayed against a green background (see figure 1.15), in case of error the result
will be displayed against a red background.


It is advisable that the user does not terminate the Flashing process during the
early stages.

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X.6.2.2 Select File

When Select File is clicked a dialog box pops up where the user can select the desired HEXfile. To select the hex file compatible with the device the user should choose a file where the
first three letters match the name of the device - e.g. CGM1_304.hex if the device is CGM.
If the user presses Okay the file is selected and displayed in the edit box. If the user selects
Cancel the last used HEX-file is displayed.
If the user is using the programme for the first time he must choose a file before he can start
flashing. In this case the message SELECT THE FILE TO BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE
FILE MENU appears in the edit box in the opening screen.


Combo Boxes

X.6.3.1 Product
The Product Combo Box displays the list of available products. The user can choose the device
from this list.

X.6.3.2 Com Port

The Com Port Combo Box lists the total number of available serial ports on the users machine.
The user can choose the desired serial port from this list. Port selection will be successful if the
serial port is free, i.e. not used by another application. The last used serial port if free is
automatically opened at the start of the application. In this case if the download file is selected
the user can start flashing straightaway.

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Menu Items

X.6.4.1 File Menu

The File menu provides two options:
a) Open.. : the user can select the HEX-file to be downloaded by clicking here
b) Exit : clicking here will close the application

Figure 1.16 File Menu

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X.6.4.2 Help Menu

The About option under Help displays general version and copyright information relating to the
Bootloader ToolKit (see figure 1.17).

Figure 1.17 Help Menu

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X.6.4.3 Functions Menu

This menu provides two options:

Figure 1.18 Functions Menu

a) Erase APP erases the contents of the application program from the flash memory of the
device. The user is asked to reset the device and prompted for confirmation before the contents
are erased (see figure 1.18).


Erasing the APP will result in all user information and configurations being set
to default (e.g. the baudrate is set to 19200 when the device is restarted)

b) Erase Retain erases the contents of the retain variables from the flash memory of the
device. Retain variables as the name suggests are those variables which retain their values
even when the device is switched off. The user is asked to reset the device and prompted for
confirmation before the contents are erased (see figure 1.18).


If the Erase Retain operation is successful both the retain blocks are erased

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The Erase APP and the Erase Retain functions are available only from
version 1.3 for digsy DCE /DCE-IO and Version 1.9 for digsy CGM.



Bootloader Version

Firmware Version

Table X.1 Bootloader and firmware versions for which Erase APP and Erase Retain are

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X.7 Notes

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