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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Nuclear power must be unfavorable because the waster from nuclear reactions is highly {alto life and untiendly tothe environment 1 anything that hasill-effeets on the ecosystem must he prohibited 2, waste from nuclear reactors ean be disposed safely and efficiently 3. nuclear scientist have not exerted enough efor to control and dispose the wast radius safely 44, measures taken to control and dispose of waste from nuclear reactors have been fuiless 5. today, technology cannot effectively reduce harmful effets of nuclear waste disposal (Chloro‘tourocarbons are popular as propellants and solvents because they are 1. reactive 3. stable 5. biodegradable 2 soluble 4. ches ‘Monoculture cropping or planting & single erop in large area is not advisable because it promotes pest infestation equites more water lowers the water table requires less fertilizer causes drovight ‘Which ofthe following isthe major eause of cora-reef destruction? 1. Dynamite fishing 3, moro-ami 5.oil spill 2 sewerage polation Putting up dams along rivers negatively affect on marine fishes because Jess water will flow tothe sea 1 2. less minerals will flow tothe sea 3. when dams break, the eoneetion wall can be harmful o fishes, 44. some marine fishes spends part oftheir life eyele upstreams 5. some marine fishes need the coral ees upstream ‘The government is established far the furtherance and guarantees of certain inalienabale ‘human rights. 1. proclamation 2. suspension 3. transfer 4. prohibition 5. preservation The court has resisted the clamor to issue a temporary injumetion for the sake of 1. principle 3. integrity 5. sincerity 2. expediency 4. honesty [From the extensive date gathered in the Philippines for the period 1990-1995, there are indications that some rivers are still relatively clean particularly in Mindanao the over-all quality ofthe rivers has deteriorated ‘not all rivers inthe Philippines are polluted Philippine rivers could no longer sustain life ‘The rivers in the Philippines are polluted Rivers in Luzon and Visayas are unsafe for fishing and recreational purposes In being economical, one must decide where the best place to begin really in some families engage in petty economic that requires effort disproportionate tothe happiness guined 4. money saved crifice mode 5. time spent resources conserved 1 3 Education isnot preparation for lif, iis life sel education has no beginning or end education does not prepare us fo life education is useless when we have short ie ve do not need to study, we only need to live the sum total of our happiness isthe source of life-long learning CURRENT EVENTS At present, how many percent ofthe population of the Philippines are aliens? 1.30% 40% 5.70% 225% 0% ‘What project of the DENR that includes the protection of Industrial pollution of our Environment? 1. Bantay Kalikasan 2.Bantay log 3. Bantay Dagat 4, Beological Watch 5, Solid Waste Management ‘What government agency thus the status of government employee in the fiee voluntary services belong? 1, Secretary 3, Municipal 5. Barangay 2. Regional 44. National Which is not a ground for Impeachment of the Pres., Vice-Pres., Ombudsman, and Senator? 1 graft and corruption 2. sexual harassment 3. grave abuse of the authority 4. agains! the Family ithe child scolded by the parents, 2 a What isthe ground for impeachment of the Pres, Vi Other erimes 2-Pres., Ombudsman, and Senator? sexual harassment hhcinous crime: grave abuse ofthe authority raft and comuption ble violation of the Constitution LOGICAL ANALYS| Mitch is probably a pianist, She can really stretch her hand and fingers ‘only people with big hands and long fingers ean be pianist, playing the piano helps Mitch stretch her hands and fingers stretching helps pianist perform long streich enables 10 read more, keep in the piano Cris i a responsible man, He takes good care ofhis Family taking good care ofthe family is the responsibility of men responsible men take good eare oftheir families the family is responsible for taking care of men «4 pood family produces responsible men 4 responsible person has a good family All lowers are fragrant. Some flowers are brightly colored, The gumamela isa kind of Slower, the sabilais not a kind of ower. some brightly colored flowers are fragrant the sbila isnot brightly colored the sila isnot fragrant the gumamela is brightly colored ‘the gumamela is fragrant fishes cannot breed, they will ie. Corl reefs are the only breeding places of fishes. All coral reefs will he destroyed by 20 years from now. now species of fishes will appear ‘coral ree will frm inthe deepest sea ‘seas and oceans will have higher contact, fishes will be very expensive fishes will cease to exist Joel's poem are modemistc, since they deal with complicated subject matters. 1. complicated subject matters ae intellectually stimulating 2. complicated subject matters are suited to modemistie poetry 3. modernistic poetry i intellectually pretentious 4. modernistic poetry depiets true to live 'S. none ofthese ‘What power that can be delevated by the President? 1 pardon power 2 military power 3 Judicial power 4 ‘executive power 5 legislative power In 1987 Constitution, what government agency is given the highest priority budget? 1.DND 3. Agriculture 5. NEDA 2. Health 4, Education ‘What government organization is contolled by the Local Goverament? 1 DILG 2 House of Speaker 3 Senator 4 Congressman 5 ‘Ombudsman ‘What kind of gas that should be reeycledireusable? 1. kerosene 3. natural gas 5. others 2. LPG gas 4. biogas ‘What will you say, oF suggest, oF what will you do if you see hundred of papers floating onthe river? collet it as souvenie let the fishes cat all the papers papers can be recycled biodegradable none of these points M, N, © and P are atranged in such a way that three of them lie ina Hine, bow many lines are there? La 36 5.10 23 48 Find the correct number that replaces the number that breaks the pattern of the series 405, 135,35, 15,5 13s 3.55 5.15 IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS |. They were able to WEATHER the storm, reached home safely survived the erisis defeated the enemies realized their mistakes predicted the calamity 2, TRUST men and they will be tue to you ‘2 man is loyal in whom confidence had been placed ‘man must trust you robe faithful © you a soeret is. test of friendship destruct the people justifies their deserving trust all men ia everything or more in anything 3. CUT your coat to your loth ‘walk in accordance with your ability desire only what you ean afford patronize first your own product express only relevant ideas «dressup according to the accessaries 4, Paddle your own CANOE, always tris his best cam his own money have self-respect lear from his mistakes be self-reliant 5. This report leaves much to be DESIRED, 1. satisfactory 2. longed 3. imporant 4. legible 5. ready 6, He was man of PRINCIPLE, 1. popular 2. forvefil 5. hardworking 4. noble 5. righteous She is running up an ACCOUNT with the store. Keep the books ofthe store is paying her bis al inthe store is buying many things in credit \works as part-time aocountant spends mich buying unnecessary things ‘STRIKE while the iron is bot tse his physical and mental poser ‘make the most of every opportanity solves any problems immediately use his time wisely ‘work hard all the time In union, there is ST oH. power is gained through justification those who wait cannot be defeated 1 person should not try to rash the work! on his shoulder fone clerk cannot run a large office ‘man who rise fight hard be litle 10, Deep sea fishing, he is an OLD MAN, broad-minded tunable experience inefficient umstilled VOCABULARY \THEMA most nearly 1. avi 2, remedy 3.curse Aveure 5. relieves 2. PIPE most nearly 1. tigity 2. flexibility 3. pliabitity 4. adaptability 5. claticity 3. QPULENCE 1 sickly 2, wealthy 5. disease 4. poverty 5. unfortune 4. AMENITIES 1 pleasant 2. convenience 3. injury 4. calamities 5 tisk 5. CONJECTURE 1. guess 2. principle 3. ideas 4. gesture 5 lecture 6. LEERY, 1. distrust 2. dishonest 5. disboastfl 4 hesitant 5. fallabte 7. VIRTUOSO most nearly 1. virtue pedestal 3. invest 4. skillful 5, moral 8. SIET most nesrly ieve, analyze, examine 9, CARICATURE = distortion, imitation, discription 10, CHURLISH 1. sleepy. 2. dizzy 3. surly 4 hesitant 5 religion 11, SUSUGPUIN = mapipigitan 12, BUR surdy 1, HINIMUK ng mga bata ang kanilang guro para payggan silang umuwi ng maaga. 2. kinumbinsi decrease, decline, shrivel sacrifice accusation, impeachment 17, PROPENSITY = tendency, inclination 18, PROPITIOUS favourable 19, VESTIGES trace, mark, sign, indication, remains, suggestion 20, FUGITIVE = ficeing, escaping, transient 21, BANTULOT = atubil, slangania 22, ASTOUNDED = amazed, astonish, compound, stagger, daze 23, RAMPANT = uncontrolled, unrestrained, standing, rank rearing 24, PERIL ~ jeopardy, hazard, danger, rish, menace, vulnerability 25, The prisoner give @ BESTIAL treatment ~ cruel, inhuman, butal, degraded, sensu, low, vile 26, LATENT = potential, undeveloped, unrealized, dormant, tacit 27, TACKTURN, most neatly reserved, quiet, silent, very litle, mum mute 28, TRENCHANT most nearly = effective, effectual, vigorous, severe, sarcastic, strong 29, BRIDGET 1. sone 2, wood 3. rock 4. lass 5.erystal 30, VIXEN 1. quarrelsome 2. dishonest 3. serious 4. boast 5 kind 31, DURESS 1. oath 2. pressure 5. careless 4. respect 5. fortune 32. ACCLAIMED, 1. gathered 2, analyze 3. cenify 4. glorified 5. confirm SINGLE WORD APPROACH 1. happiness is to Prosperity as Condolence is 10 1. toneliness 2. awkward 3. contend 4. reginess 5 vigorous 2. Com isto Ear as Cabbage i to 1. bead 2. banc 3. flower 4 garden 5 seed Gun is to Holster as Sword isto 1 pistol 2 cadet 3. slay 4, scabbard 5. war ‘Skin is to Man as Hide isto 1. walls 2. scales 3. fish 4 imal 5 clothes ‘TYCOON is to BUSINESS as VIRTUOSO is to 1 theater 2. virtue 3. music 4. clergy 5. diplomacy CONSANGUINITY is to BLOOD as AFFINITY isto 1 race 2. accupation 3. marriage 4. profession 5 ith ‘STATUE is to SCULPTURE @s BALLET isto 1. director 2. composer 3. primadonna 4, courtourier 5. choreographer BILINGUAL isto LANG GE as BICAMERAL is to 1. legislative 2. representation 3. authority 4. couneil 5 taxation 1. contract 2. jurist, 3. cout 4, profession Saud ZOOLOGY is to ANIMALS as BOTANY isto Lotivers 2 plants 3. rocks 4, genes 5 insects DOUBLE WORD APPROACH Future is to as Yesterday isto 1. hope past 1 2. Judge verdict Stell remember him erry 5. recall forget Headline is to News Story as sw. 1. title novel 2. preface book 3. iyme poem 4, salutation lewter 5. conclusion short story SCHOOL js to HOSPITAL as 1. principal doctor 2swore —: customer 3 student teacher 4. nest bird 5. village people TEST isto CHEATING as Letawyer council 2. compromise: principles 3. polities raft 4. swindle business 5. army discipline SENTENCE COMPLETION, “The student didnot take the Joke of the teacher. Itwetless 2, shrewd NUMBER SERIES 416 525 636749 864 1 2 a 9.36 3. 88 58. 77 9al 4 668 Ce) 98 3.96 5.36 86 an 28 43 V6 2 ns 43 3. 136 5.34 23 ais 1 sas 6 10.25 3. 1575 5. none 1225 4. 13.25 PROBLEM SOLVING ‘What is the greatest aumerical value? ey ee) 5.28 256 48 ‘What is the standard numeral value for 3.54 x 10 the S® power? 1. 35,400 3. 354,000 5, 0354 2 0000353 4. O.a054 3. Which of the following has the least numerical value? 1, 6:3x4 3, 4x643 3464 2 43x6 4 3x6 ‘The formula for covering Farenheit thermometer read to centigrade reading is (F-32), What isthe equivalent of 95 degrees Fahrenheit? 13s 345 5.30 240 4. 50 ‘A farmer has seven hectares of land for rice production, What should be the average yield in eavans per hectare ofthe land to produce a total of $25 cavans? 1 90 3.85 5.9 27S 490, Mang Romy can climb « covonut tree at the rate of 108. per minute and return at 20 f pet minute, IF took him 3 minutes co climb and return. What is the height of the 1. 108, 3. 18h 5. 258 2. sf. 4208 Basketball team fost 40% of its fst 40 games, how many of is remaining 20 games, ‘must it win 10 raise its winning percentage 10 65% Las 3.16 5. 20 212 a4 8. The sum of 3 numbers is 94, if the first mumber is 3/5 of the second number and the second number is 4/3 ofthe thd, What are the three numbers? 1. 20, 44,30 2 24, 30,35 5. 24, 40,30 9, A certain elevator has a maximum weight capacity of 1, 300 Ibs. IFS employees with an average weight of 120 Ibs entered the elevator with a box weighing 250 Ibs. How much isthe adeltional weight? 1. 450 3.425 5. 500 2. 350 4 530 10, In one bag of chicken feeds there are 24 chickens eatin 4o 15 chickens consume the feeds? 1 60 a7 5. 64 2.90 4.80 11, Two planes travel from opposite direction. Plane A. travel 70 kph from one direction and Plane B travel from opposite direction at the rate of 90 kph. If the distance i 640 kin, In how many hours the two planes intersect? 3 55 4 1 2 12, There two planes fy in two dicections one is flying for East direction with the rate of 300kph and other is for West direction with the rate of 360 kp In how many minutes if they are 660 kim apart? 1. 60min, 3. 90min 5, 150 min, 2120 min 4.100 min 13.1f 28 of employees of a company are women and 4 of the remaining employees are ‘married and the rest are 9 bachelors. What i the total number of employees? 132 38 5.28 22 4 36 14, Find the square ofthe number in the number series which appears most ofthe time, 7 3 4 8 6 17 3 7 La 39 5. 49 26 4. 36 15, A man bought ten ball pens at P25.00 each and five wallet at PS0,00 each and the last is three towels at P70.00 each. What is the siallst amount of money so he ean buy all 1, P650.00 3. P7000 5. P8S0.00 2. PTO0.00 4 P800.00 16, The merchandiser bought 55 copies of books cost P3, 300.00 and add six copies more, How much should he pay forall he books? 1.3, 380.00 3. P3, 660.00 5. 3,310.00 2. P3360 4. P3, 920.00 17. The showing of the movie starts at 6:18 P.M and it will lst at 8:05, How many minutes dovs the movie showed? 1. 103 3.107 5. 157 2.123 4s 18, Three tickets of musical concert cost P714, How much a dozen of tickets cost? 1, P2, 469) 3.P2, 964 5, 4,325 2. 2, 946 43,269 19, The length of rectangular lot is one less than twice its width, IF the perimeter is 16em,, what is the width of the lot in centimeter? 33 44 1 2 20, The width of a rectangular lot is X meters and its length is $ meters more than its width. Ifits dimensions are deereased by 2 meters, then its area will derease by 1. 4sqm 3. 4x-6q.m ‘S. pone ofthis 2.4 (x-6)squn 4. 2x 359 ‘Two planes X and ¥ are 180 miles apart and moving from opposite direction at arate of 20 and 30 miles per hour respectively. How many mils is covered by the slower plane ‘when they intersect? 1. somites 3, 90 mites 5. 80 miles 2. Tmiles 4, 60 miles 22, The length of an envelope is 24 1/5 em. Three holes at 11 1/5 em. Apart are placed at the center of the envelope. How far apart the side of the envelope to the frst hole in centimeter? 1. 910 3. 1s 3.13 2 70 4. 12110 23, 4% of 510 Ibs. OF sea water is salt. How much pure water is to be extr contain 17% salt? 1. 220 tbs, 3. 397 Ibs 5, 200s. 2. 390 bs, 4107.1 tbs. 24, The population ofthe present time is 20% less than the previous population. Ifthe present population is 4, 000, What isthe previous population? 1. 5,000 3. 4,200 5. 8,000 2. 5,200 45,800 PROBLEM SOLVING 1. bought cashew suls worth P 210/ Kilo and peanuts at P 130) Kilo, How many kilos or cashew nuts and peanuts, where in it will become S kilos worth PI7S per kilo? 1a 241 3.23 432 5, none 2. A female Honey bee has two parents while male Honey bee has one parent: How many srand parents are there? 12 23 a4 44s 5, move than five 3. Scans of stock has 6 cans for display. The remaining 6 cans of stock less 4 cans for display. How many cans of stock remained in the bodegs? 12 23 34 4s 5.6 4. Aman has 2 rs. at his disposal, How far ean he ride atthe rate of 20 km per hr. and return by walking atthe rate of Ski. per br. Ls 210 au 42 5.13 5. A perimeter ofa rectangle is 24 fect. If the width of the rectangle is X ft. How many square Feet is the area of the rectangle? 6. A Laundry women bought a washing machine cost P 1350. Before, it cost her P250 10 \wash clothes but now with the washing machine, it eost her P160 in washing clothes, In how many moms that she has to pay her washing machine ffom her savings? 1s 2.18 3.20 4.24 5. 16 7. A broker sold a house and lot worth 1.6 million at $ 14 % commission. How did he 1. P38, 000,00 3. P-78,000.00 5. none ofthese 2 P68, 000.00 5. 88,000.00 8. IP four books of equal thickness placed one of top of the other reach a height of 19 em. How many centimeters thick is each ofthe book? 1.375 3.45 5. none of this 2425 4475 ‘Which ofthe following is equal to 1 1. 0 3.00 5, none of these 2 on 401 Three boys weigh 55 kilos, 45 kilos and 51 kilos, respectively. What must be the weight of the 4" boy ifthe average weight of the following boys is to be 52 kilos? 188 3 sa '. none of this 257 432 ‘Which ofthe following numbers isthe largest? 1. 6%0f20 3. 10% of 1S 5, none of these 2. Sof 16 4.12% of 12 ‘Mrs, Dizon's 33 acres of sugar beefs yielded 498 bushels. What was the average yield per acre? Lis 3.13 5. none of these 2 412 ‘The larger of two number is even times the smaller number. What i the larger numbers if their sum is $6? 1.49 3.35 5. mone ofthese 242 4, 28 ‘A popular model estimated her clothing needs as follows: 1 gown at P4S0.00 2 pairs of shoes at P89.95 each 3 pairs of panty hose at P15.95 each 2 Shits at P7S.00 each 1 blouse at P99.95 1 dress at P189.95 How many money does she have to raise to met her clothing needs?n 1. 902.80 3. pe20.80 5. none of these 2PL1670 4 PLLATLOS. There are 30 boys ina class. [Fhe ration ofthe boys to gitls i 3:5, how many girs are in the elass? 1.35 335 5, none AA fuctory reduced the oumber of its workers from 6, 900 to 3, 79S. What percent ofthe ‘otal number oF employees was laid off? 12s 3.35 5. none 2.36 455 18, [Ftwelve men can assemble 5 cars in a week, how many men are needed to assemble 15 cars ina week? 1.23 333 5. none 2 36 43 19, Attendance in a big rally was estimated to be one and a half million people, Writen out, this is the same as: 1. 1, 000,000) 3. 1,008, 000 5. none 2 1,500,000 4. 1:080,000 20, Mr. Perez bought & P5,000.00 reigerator on installment basi payment. How much will he be paying monthly for 12 months? He paid 25% as down 1. P3000 3. P315.00 5. none 2. P3120 4. P350.50 21. A folding hed on a sale bass been marked P8400. If this price is 30 ‘original price, For how naich was the bed previously selling? less than the 1, P109.20 3. P120.00 5. none 2.P112.00 4 P1a8.00 DATA SUFFICIENCY 1. A magazine has a nationwide circulation of 2,000,000 copies weekly. Regular subscribers from Luzon received 43% of all the copies; Visayas, 30% and Mindanao, 22% How many more copies aresIeR tobe sold? hnumber of copies sok at newsstand price ofeach copy value ofthe whole circulation price of yearly subscription ho information lacking 2. Miss Ramos paid her account with the Cooperative Store in equal payments twice a ‘month, IPthe total amount paid was P $76, how much did each payment amount to? amount to Miss Ramos account rumber of months the account was paid Pereent of interest charged on the account amount of monthly salary deduction zo information lacking 3. Miss Jorge bought a clearance sale, where prices of all items were reduced. A desk fin regularly priced P 1, 738 and an oven toaster regularly priced 3, 698. How much did she 6. save ia the two items? amount saved in buying the oven toaster ‘amount saved in buying the desk fan rate of discount sale price ofthe desk fan no information lacking, PUIL CONSTITUTION Hoow many years thatthe constitution can be amended? a 2s 36 47 5.10 ‘What is the retirement age of a justice? 1. 65 2.75 3.70 478 5. 80 ‘What disqualified a voter to vote during election? ititerate rot able to oor Filipino citizen less than six months of residence rd and write [No person shall be held to answer fora criminal offense without 1. public trial 4. bearing 2. cross — examination 5 specdy trial 3. due process of law In all criminal prosceutions, the accused shall be presumed ___until the contrary is proved 1. innocent 2. acquitted ofthe crime 3. guilty of the erime 4 putin prison ‘5S. amested ‘What ageney of the government that can declare that the city i @ highly organized city? Department of Inerior and Local Government Department of Budget and Finance Department of Secretary Department of Education Department of Agrarian Reform 2 inflicts punishment without tial, 1. Writ of Habeas Corpus 4. Subpoena 2. Billof Attainder 5. Reclusion Perpetua 3. Ex: Post Facto Law 8. mples thatthe State isthe guardian ofthe people! 9, What government institution that ean initiate the impeachment ofthe Presidency’? 1. Supreme Court 2. House of Senate 3. House of Representative! Congress 4. Lower Court 5. Cabinet 10, Which was the largest vote to impeach the President? House ofthe Senate House ofthe Congress Cabinet Office of the Ombudsman Supreme court VOCABULARY, 1, PALPABLE means most neatly the same as 1. Capable 2. tangible 2, ICHTHYOLOGY means nearly the same as Biology Geology Anthropology Zoology “Archeology WORD ANALOGY 1. CORRESPONDENCE is to CLERK as RECORD is to 2. TRIPOD isto as STATUE isto, DATA SUFFICIENCY A magazine has a nationwide circulation of 2, 000, 000 copies weekly. Regular subscribers from Luzon recsived 43% of all the copies: Visayas, 30% and Mindanao, 22%. How many more copies are let to be sold? number of copies sok at newsstand price of each copy value ofthe whole eireulation price of yearly subseription no information lacking Miss Ramos paid her account with the Cooperative Store in equal payments vice a ‘month, Ifthe total amount paid was P57, how much did each payment amount 9? amount of Miss Ramos aecount hnumber of months the account was paid percent of interest charged on the account amount of monthly salary deduction no information lacking. Miss Jorge bought ffom a clearance sale, where prices of all items were reduce. A desk fan regularly priced P 1, 735 and an oven toaster regularly priced P3695, How much did she save in the two items? amount saved in buying the oven toaster amount saved in buying the desk fan rate of discount sale price of the desk fan no information lacking

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