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A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1200K at a rate of 500kW and rejects the
waste heat to a medium at 300K. The power output of the heat engine is 180kW. Determine
the reversible power and the irreversibility rate from this process.

Ans: 375 kW and 195 kW

Q2. Air at 1 bar and 270C is heated in a non-flow system at constant pressure to 1770C. Heat
is supplied from a constant temperature reservoir at 5770C. The atmospheric temperature
is 200C. What percentage of heat added per kg of air is the AE?

Ans: 65.53%

Q3. The exhaust gas leaves an IC engine at 8000C and 1 atm after having done 1050kJ of
work per kg of gas in the engine. Take Cp of gas as 1.1 kJ/kgK and temperature of the
surroundings as 300C.
How much AE per kg of gas is lost by throwing away exhaust gases?
What is the ratio of lost AE to the engine work?

Ans: 425.55 kJ/kg and 0.4014

Q4. The exhaust gas at 6500C from a boiler is used to heat water. The rate of gas flow is
1510 kg/min and the rate of water flow is 1890 kg/min. The water enters the heat
exchanger at 350C, and the gases leave the exchanger at 1450C. Assume that the mean
specific heat of gases and water are 1.088 kJ/kgK and 4.27 kJ/kgK respectively. The
atmospheric temperature is 270C. Determine the loss of AE resulting from heat transfer.

Ans: 306869 kJ/min

Q5. 1000 kJ of heat is supplied by hot gases at 14000 C from a fire box. This heat is used to
generate the steam at 2500C. The atmospheric temperature is 20C. Calculate the enrgy as
available and unavailable portion,
as it leaves the hot gases
as it enters the system

Q6. Prove that the availability of a closed system always decreases in an irreversible

Q7. Air in a piston-cylinder arrangement is heated at constant pressure by addition of 100
kJ/kg of air. The air is initially at 280C while the surroundings is at 210C. Calculate the change
in availability per kg of air.

Ans: 15.66 kJ/kgs

Q8. A rigid cylinder with a volume of 2.5 m3 contains air at 150kPa and 270C. The heat is
transferred to air from a constant-temperature heat source at 1500K and air in the cylinder
is heated to 700K. The atmosphere is at 1 bar and 170C. Calculate the initial and final
availability of air, maximum useful work and irreversibility.

Ans: 22.83 kJ, 504.68 kJ, 524.53 kJ

Q9. Determine the maximum work that can be produced by a steam turbine which has an
inlet state of 3MPa and 4500C and an outlet state as a dry saturated steam at 0.1MPa. The
heat transfer with surroundings is 250C.

Ans: 750.72 kJ/kg

Q10. The steam at 1000kPa, 2750C enters a steady flow system with negligible velocity and
leaves at 100 kPa, 1200C with a velocity of 160m/s. The steam flow rate is 9500 kg/h. Heat is
exchanged with only surroundings at 150C. Determine the maximum possible power output.

Ans: 1040 kW

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