Preliminar Project of Networks

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Relations between Courses and Its

Preliminar Project
Communication & Networks - Professor Carlos Alberto Kamienski

Group composition
Henrique Rocha


Larissa Akashi


Brbara Rodrigues


Santo Andr

In a university where students are free to create their own formation, it is common
to note that many students work out a single education plan. We can not ignore that there
is an ideal model grid and also the requirement to complete the compulsory courses.
However, this essay focuses on how the materials are related, if students agree with
official recommendations and the level of complexity that each courses requires.

The first curiosity of the group was regarding the following matters over training in
UFABC. We believe that the construction of knowledge needs to be continuous and
efficient way to accomplish it is by division of knowledge into parts, so that the
understanding of each allow progress on the courses, advance levels of complexity. From
this situation, we will perform a search for articles and documents that contain more indepth information on each course.
Therefore, the group's attention turned to the analysis of the relationship between
materials. In this part, the dependencies will be analyzed in order to which content
depends on other content to be widely understood. The courses will be divided into two
groups initially: those that do not require previous requisites and those who require it.
Later, the group will relate to those who need previous requisites to primary and secondary
raw so that we can build our network.
The conclusion of the project will be with the addition of a third stage in which the
group will promote the collection of testimonials about the disciplines that should have
changed their recommendations. This will allow the group to compare these data with the
recommendations contained in the official catalog of materials and analyze a change in the
recommendations, adding or subtracting disciplines, according to the opinion of those who
collaborated with the project. The group selected articles, documents that interested them
in order to promote good reading and study to this work.

On the first stage of the project, there was a study about the courses considered
obligatory and some other courses that could have a significant importance to complement
other courses. Our study is based on the Course Catalog by Prograd, UFABC.
BC0404 - Analytical Geometry (3-0-6)
Recommendation: None.
Summary: Vectors, Coordinates, Straight, Plans, Circumference, Conical and quadric.
BC0003 - Mathematical bases (4-0-5)
Recommendation: None.

Summary: Matrices and Linear Systems. Elementary concepts of probability functions:

Definition and properties. Polynomials, Rational Functions, Trigonometric Functions,
Exponential and logarithm. Introduction to Limit and Derivative Concept. Techniques and
Examples of Derivation.
BC0102 - Structure of Matter (3-0-4)
Recommendation: None.
Summary: Macro to Micro (structures). Micro to macro (interactions). Atomic theory. Model
Dalton / Gay-Lussac. mass conservation principles and volume. Avogadro constant.
Loschmidt. Faraday. Periodic Table (Mendeleev). Body Black / Photoelectric effect.
Brownian motion. Millikan. Radiation (Rntgen, Becquerel, Curie, Rutherford). relativistic
energy. atomic spectra (Fraunhoffer Bohr). Wavelike properties: reflection, diffraction and
interference and Nature wave of matter. Uncertainty Principle.
BC0304 - Origin of Life and Diversity of Living Beings (3-0-4)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Theories about the origin of life. History of evolutionary thought. Taxonomy and
phylogeny. adaptation to environment and natural selection. Origin of prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. Diversification of living organisms. notions embryonic development and
cellular differentiation. Levels of organization of living things. bodies and ecosystems.
Biodiversity and economy.
BC0402 - A Variable Functions (4-0-6)
Recommendation: Mathematical Bases
Summary: Limits. Settings. Properties. Sequence and Series. sequence limits and series.
Setting the limit via sequence and series. Continuity. Derived. Definition. geometric
interpretations, mechanical, biological, economic, etc. Derivation rules. Derivatives of
elementary functions. Higher order derivatives. Differential function of a variable.
Applications derived. Taylor's formula. Maximums and minimums, absolute and relative.
functions of behavior analysis through derivatives. Rule Lhopital. Growth, decrease and
concavity. Builds charts. Indefinite Integral. Geometric interpretation. Properties. Rules and
integration methods. Integral set. fundamental theorem of calculus. Applications of the
definite integral. Techniques Primitives: Technical Elementary. Integration by parts. Change
variables and trigonometric substitution. Integration of rational functions by partial

BC0306 - Transformations in Living Beings and Environment (3-0-4)

Recommendation: None
Summary: Introduction. Physical environment and biomes. Energy and biogeochemical
cycles. Adaptation variants environments. Lifecycles, sex and evolution. social behavior.
Population structure. growth models and dynamic population. Predation, competition, and

mathematical models. Coevolution and mutualism. Ecological succession. Biodiversity,

conservation and sustainability.
BC0208 - Mechanical Phenomens (3-2-6)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Laws and physical quantities. Notions of differential and integral calculus.
Movement of a particle. Vector geometry concepts. Force and inertia. dynamic laws. Work
and mechanical energy. Linear momentum. Collisions.
BC0504 - Nature of Information (3-0-4)
Recommendation: Computational Science Basis
Summary: Data, information and coding. Theories of information. Entropy. Numbering
Systems. analog and digital representation. Storage of information, semiotics Notions.
Introduction to cognitive sciences. Biological information.
BC0506 - Communication and Networks (3-0-4)
Recommendation: Nature of Information; Information Processing
Summary: Communication Theories. channel capacity. Transmission, propagation; Noise.
Wired networks and wireless; optical fiber (reflection and refraction of light). Internet
operation. Means of communication and dissemination of information. Social networks.
BC0005 - Computational Foundations of Science (0-2-2)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Basics of computing and its relationship to science. Modeling and computer
simulations, through integration with the Experimental Base disciplines of Natural Sciences
and Mathematics Basic.
BC0407 - Multiple Variables Functions (4-0-4)
Recommendation: Analytical Geometry; Functions of a Variable
Summary: Convergence and continuity. Partial derivatives. Directional derivative. Rule
Chain. Gradient. Maximums and minimums. Taylor's formula. Notions of multiple integrals.
Line integrals. Theorem of divergence. Stokes theorem
BC0205 - Thermal Phenomena (3-1-4)
Recommendation: None
Summary: temperature, heat and first law of thermodynamics; kinetic theory of gases;
Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics.
BC0004 - Epistemological Bases of Modern Science (3-0-4)
Recommendation: None
Summary: scientific and technological knowledge. Methodology, rationality and evaluation
of theories. Values and ethics in scientific practice. epistemic axis and ways of thinking.
Epistemology of experimentation, observation and simulation.
BC0001 - Experimental Basis of Natural Sciences (0-3-2)
Recommendation: None

Summary: The experimental method; Chemistry, Physics and Experimental Biology.

selected experiments.
BC0307 - Chemical Transformations (3-2-6)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Interactions and states of matter. chemical transformations. kinetic aspects of
chemical. Chemical balance.
BC0505 - Information Processing (3-2-5)
Recommendation: Computational Bases of Science; Nature of Information
Summary: computer organization Notions. programming logic, algorithms and
programming (theory and practice): sequencing operations, decisions and repetitions,
modularization and data abstraction. Processing
vectors and matrices.
BC0603 - Science, Technology and Society (3-0-4)
Recommendation: None
Summary: bio-cultural evolution of the human being: techniques and technologies as
dimensions of humanity. Methodology, rationality and relativism. Science, technology and
innovation as a social fact. Individual, state and society. science and technology policy.
Values and ethics in scientific practice. scientific controversies.
BC0405 - Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (4-0-4)
Recommendation: Functions of a Variable
Summary: Introduction to differential equations. basics and terminology. Mathematical
models. equations
first order differential: introduction. Separation of variables. homogeneous equations. linear
equations. Bernoulli equation. Linear differential equations and higher order linear
systems. Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients. A method of
undetermined coefficients. Application of differential second-order equations: mechanical
and electrical models: oscillations, resonance, wave motion, superposition principle.
compartmental models. Applications: population dynamics, systems of interaction between
species and epidemiology models.
BC1710 - Introduction to Engineering (2-0-4)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Provide an introduction to engineering with an emphasis on engineering offered
by UFABC: their interconnections with the evolution of society. They will discuss topics that
display the work of professional engineers with a focus on the development of the
individual and society. Address the ethical and technical responsibilities of engineers in
professional practice. Addressing engineering as an individual and collective effort interand multidisciplinary. Discuss some technological and scientific challenges in case studies.
BC1105 - Materials and Their Properties (3-1-5)
Recommendation: None

Summary: Types of materials: metals, polymers, ceramics, biomaterials and new

materials. ferrous materials. Material properties: physical, physico-chemical, mechanical,
thermal, optical and biological. Constitutive equations. Materials characterization:
mechanical testing techniques and opto-electronic. Damage and aging. Fatigue, creep and
BC0209 - Electromagnetic Phenomena (3-2-6)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Electrical charge; Coulomb's law; electric field; Gauss's law for the electric field;
electric potential; capacitance; electric current and electrical resistance; electric circuits;
magnetic field; magnetic field due to electric current (Biot-Savart); Ampere's law, Gauss's
law for the magnetic field; Faraday's law (induced and inductance); displacement current,
Ampere-Maxwell's Law and Maxwell's equations in integral form.
BC1425 - Linear Algebra (6-0-5)
Recommendation: Analytical Geometry
Summary: Systems of Linear Equations: Systems and arrays; staggered arrays;
homogeneous systems; Rank and Nullity of a matrix. Vector Space: Definition and
examples; Vector subspaces; linear combination;
Linear dependence and independence; Basis of a vector space and change base. Linear
Transformations: Definition of linear transformation and examples; Kernel and image of a
linear transformation; linear transformations and matrices; Mother changing base.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: characteristic polynomial; eigenvectors base;
Diagonalization operators.
BC0103 - Quantum Physics (3-0-4)
Recommendation: None
Summary: Experimental basis of quantum mechanics. Quantization. Bohr model and
hydrogen atom. Schrodinger equation: wave function, simple potential. eigen values
equation for simple potential. Tunneling. uncertainty relation. Atoms. Angular Momentum.
quantum numbers. Ionization energy and Spin. magnetic dipoles. Periodic table. Lasers.
On the second step, the group promoted a quiz that could abroad some opinions of
UFABC students, how they deal with the courses and what is the logic for them to do the
The group formulate some strategic questions and displayed the following quiz:
Introduction of the Quiz
We are collecting opinions on the recommendations that the offered disciplines should
have. We want to review the Course Catalog recommendations UFABC 2015-2016. If
you've done already done the following disciplines, give your opinion. Otherwise, it is not
necessary to answer.
1.In your opinion, what are the recommendations for Electromagnetic Phenomena?

a) Function of One Variable (FUV)

b) Mechanical Phenomena (Femec)
c) Analytic Geometry (GA)
d) Thermal Phenomena (Feterm)
e) Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Iedo)
f) Others
2.What are the recommendations for Materials and its Properties?
a) Structure of Matter (EM)
b) Chemical Transformations (TQ)
c) Function of One Variable (FUV)
d) Mechanical Phenomena (Femec)
e) Others
3.What are the recommendations for Linear Algebra?
a) Analytic Geometry (GA)
b) Function of One Variable (FUV)
c) Others
4.What are the recommendations to Transport Phenomena?
a) Function of One Variable (FUV)
b) Mechanical Phenomena (Femec)
c) Electromagnetic Phenomena (Eletromag)
d) Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Iedo)
e) Thermal Phenomena (Feterm)
f) Others

5.What are the recommendations for Quantum Physics?

a) Thermal Phenomena (Feterm)
b) Mechanical Phenomena (Femec)
c) Electromagnetic Phenomena (Eletromag)
d) Structure of Matter (EM)
e) Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Iedo)
f) Chemical Transformations (TQ)
By this time, the group have collected 68 students opinions. It is being analyzed so
that the group can lead into a network with their logic. We displayed our statistics on
the following:

In your opinion, what are the recommendations for Electromagnetic



What are the recommendations for Materials and its Properties?


What are the recommendations for Linear Algebra?


What are the recommendations to Transport Phenomena?


What are the recommendations for Quantum Physics?

Why the students opinions are so important to this project?

The reason is that the propose of Prograd Catalog is made based on ideas, to
teaching strategies. When it is promote an analysis of students opinion, it is based on
real experiencies and feelings about the course and its requirements. In some cases,
those two aspects do not match, and by this fact, the group can promote a discussion
of what each course really require on the pratical experience.

The nodes are all the courses to be analyzed and the edges are the connections and
dependencies that exist between them. the edges weights will be marked by
testimonies collected in order to promote a study about their relationship.

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