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1. There are six more boys than girls in Mr.

Rubios class, which has 28

students. Find the number of boys in the class.
(A) 13

(B) 14

(C) 15

(D) 16

7. I have a positive integer number of blocks. I can divide them evenly

among me and my brother, or among me, my brother, and my father.
I cannot divide them evenly among me and my 4 friends however. A
possible number for the number of blocks I have is which of the following:

(E) 17

(A) 9

(B) 15

(C) 18

(D) 22

(E) 30

2. John has to read a 370-page book. He read 55 pages on the first day and
45 pages each day for the next n days, finishing the book. Find n.
(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 7

8. Alan is given a rope of length 25cm and negligible thickness. He wants

to use it as a perimeter to surround as much 2D area as he possibly can.
Find the largest area he can surround with the rope.

(E) 8

(A) 50cm2

3. What is the sum of the digits of the largest three digit positive integer
that is the square of an integer?
(A) 7

(B) 9

(C) 15

(D) 16

(E) 17










(B) 331

(C) 453

(D) 481

(A) 1

(B) 314

(C) 322

(D) 386


16 cm


4 cm







(E) 2

11. Eight points in space are arranged to be the vertices of a unit cube. All
28 line segments joining pairs
of these points are drawn. How many of
these segments have length 2?

(E) 537

(A) 0

6. How many even numbers between 100 and 999 (inclusive) are not divisible
by 7?
(A) 302

4 cm

10. A square and an equilateral triangle have the same perimeter. The ratio
of the area of the square to the area of the triangle is x. Find x2 .

5. In a school of 1000 kids, 595 play a sport, 492 play an instrument, and
366 does neither. Find the number of kids who play both a sport and an
(A) 166


9. James wants to walk from his house to Jasons house. He does this by
walking one meter north and one meter east and repeats this process six
times. He then walks six meter north and one meter west and arrives at
Jasons house. How many meters is Jasons house away from James house?

(B) 5 meters
(C) 8 2 meters
(D) 13 meters
(A) 4 2 meters

4. Derek spins a spinner with 5 evenly distributed numbers labeled with

integers from 1 to 5. He then rolls a regular six-sided die labeled with
integers from 1 to 6. Find the probability that when he spins the spinner
and rolls the dice, he will get at least one even number.

(B) 39cm2

(E) 450

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 12

(E) 24


12. If a2 b3 is a negative integer, which of the following is impossible for all

integers a and b?
(A) a = 0
(B) a = b
(C) b > 0 > a
(E) a and b are both positive

17. On an island called Michigania, Arbores always tell the truth and Trojans
always lie. The following people, Alex, Reagan, Pratham, and Srihari have
the following conversation, in which only one person is an Arbore: Alex: I
am the only Arbore here Reagan: Pratham is an Arbore Pratham: Srihari
is a Trojan Srihari: I am the only Arbore here Which of these people is
an Arbore?

(D) 0 > a >

(A) Alex

13. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle which is inscribed in a square.

The ratio of the area of the square to the area of the triangle is x. Find
x2 .
(A) 4

(B) 8



(D) 9



(B) 145





(A) 11











(A) 45
16. In a line of chairs, there are 7 children that could be seated in any way they
want, as long as two children, Matthew and Aditya are not seated next to
each other. Find the total number of possible ways for the 7 children to
sit in this line of chairs.
(A) 480

(B) 720

(C) 3600

(D) 5040

(D) Srihari

(E) Not Enoug

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) 16

(E) 18

19. In BTD battles, there are rounds. Rounds start 3 seconds after one player
has popped every bloon of the round(a player can only pop a bloon if
it has been sent out) or 8 seconds after all bloons have been sent out,
whichever is first. The timer is 0 seconds at the beginning of round 1 and
each round takes 20 seconds to send out all the bloons. At the beginning
of round 10 exactly N seconds have passed. Find the difference of the
maximum and minimum possible values of N .


15. The sum of the positive factors of 54 is x. The sum of the reciprocals of
the positive factors of 54 is y. Find x + y.

(C) Pratham

18. All 9 diagonals of a unit regular hexagon are drawn. The

sum of the
lengths of all these diagonals can be expressed in the form a b + c, where
a, b, and c are positive integers and b is square-free. Find a + b + c.


14. In right triangle ABC with the right angle at B, side AB has length 17 and
side BC has length 144. Find the altitude of the triangle perpendicular to
side AC.

(B) Reagan

(B) 50

(C) 99

(D) 110

(E) 225

20. Triangle ABC has AB = 3, BC = 4, and AC = 5. D and E are different

points on AC. BD and BE are extended to intersect the circumcircle of
ABC at points F and G respectively. If BD = DF and BE = EG, find

(E) 5400

(A) 0









21. Find the maximal number n such that 2n divides 316 1.

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

25. Let triangle ABC be a triangle with A = 60 degrees.

the midpoint of line BC be point M , with BAM = 13 degrees. Additionally, if the tangents to the circumcircle of triangle
ABC at B and C intersect at point D, find CAD in degrees.

(E) 7

22. A circle has center O. Radius OP is drawn with OP = 2. Additionally

OP is perpendicular to P Q and P Q = 3. A line passing Q is drawn that is
tangent to the circle not at point P . The line containing OP is extended
to intersect the line mentioned above at point R. Then find P R.
(A) 6





(D) 8


(A) 6.5


23. In a custom-made BTD, a pink bloon requires 5 shots to destroy to nothing. Both black bloons and white bloons require 1 shot to pop, spawning
3 pinks. A zebra bloon requires 1 shot to pop, revealing a black bloon and
a white bloon. A rainbow bloon requires 2 shot to defeat, which spawns 2
zebra bloons. A ceramic bloon requires 15 shots to pop but spawns 2 rainbow bloons. A MOAB requires 100 shots to pop which makes 5 ceramic
bloons appear. A BFB requires 800 shots to pop which reveals 4 MOABs.
A ZOMG takes N shots to defeat and spawns 6 BFBs. A ZOMG takes
a total of 27320 shots to completely destroy down to nothing. Find the
sum of the digits of N .
(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 5

(E) 10

24. Find the largest possible four-digit number n such that the n-digit number
11...1 with n 1s will be divisible by 13.
(A) 9989

(B) 9990

(C) 9994

(D) 9995

(E) 9996

(B) 13

(C) 26

(D) 39

(E) 47

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