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8th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Period 5
Miss Leggio
Rm. 303
(609) 267-1728 ext. 354

Course Outline:
This year in the eighth grade we will explore the following concepts
Western transformation
Industry and urban growth
Progressive Era
Foreign relations
Roaring 20s
The Great Depression
Cold War
The Civil Rights Era
Vietnam Era & more...
Course Materials
- 3 or 5 subject notebook
- 1 binder split with Science
- Portfolio folder

Diocesan Grading Scale

A= 93-100
B= 92.5-85
C= 84.5-76
D= 75.5-70
F= 69.5- and below

Test Retake Policy

Course Grading Weight

Tests: 35%
Classwork: 25%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework: 10%

Students may retake a test for credit on each question incorrect which will
be added to their final test score. Students will receive their test scores after
taking the tests, but they will not receive their tests back until all retakes are
complete. Students will be given 48 hours from the retrieval of their test
scores to reschedule and retake their test. Retakes may be scheduled before
school or during recess. No retakes will be given during class time. All
students will receive their tests back after all students have completed their
retakes. Students receiving a C or below will need to have a parent or
guardian signature.
Class Cash
Students will have the opportunity to receive points (aka class cash) for
different classroom activities throughout the year. These points can be
redeemable for different items such as homework passes, extensions, and
other rewards. {See attached guidelines for more details}
Classroom Expectations
All students are expected to treat one another and their teacher
with respect and dignity.
Treat others as you would want to be treated.
There will be a zero tolerance policy for any behavior
inappropriate within the classroom.
Be on time and prepared for the day, each and every day.
Keep track of your own responsibilities and be accountable for

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