(DRAFT) Teenage Problems and Ways To Solve Them (ENG)

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Teenagers face a number of problems these days, and just as our society
has changed over time, so have the problems faced by teens.
To be fair, no one has ever pretended that parenting a teenager was going
to be easy.
Teenagers are basically hard-wired to butt heads with their parents, says
Stuart Goldman, MD, director of psychiatric education at Children's
Hospital in Boston. "Adolescence is a time of rapid change for kids both
physically and cognitively," he explains. "It's the task of the teenager to
fire their parents and then re-hire them years later, but as consultants
rather than managers."
Its normal for teenagers to worry about things. Some common teenage
issues are schoolwork, stress, bullying and body image. If your childs
worry about teenage issues wont go away, you can do lots of things to
Today in the modern society, there a lot of problems, especially problems
related with teenagers. A lot of factors influenced in this situation. For
example some teenagers felt lack of love from their parents. Another
factor is the lack of education because of poverty. In most of the cases the
problems deal with drugs, alcohol, prostitution, teen pregnancy,
depression, etc.
As children become teenagers, theyll come across problems they need to
sort out themselves. You wont always be there to give your child advice,
but you can help him develop problem-solving skills and strategies that he
can use on his own.

Depression is the most common mental health problem faced by
teenagers which may sometimes lead to suicide. Teenagers cant
differentiate sadness and depression. Many factors can lead to depression
and the reaction of each teen is different to such things.
Symptoms of major depression in teenagers
-Teenage sleep problems
-Behavioral changes
-Careless about physical safety
-Disturbed mental health
-Frequent health issues like headache
-Preoccupation with death and suicide
-Giving warning hints such as I wont be a problem for you much longer
-Prolonged sad or angry mood
-Suddenly clearing out belongings and getting them in order
-Becoming suddenly cheerful without reason after being depressed
These are the most teenage health problems symptoms you can observe
in your childs behavior. So, being a parent, what should you do? Well, find

a good place to talk. Make your child comfortable with the surroundings
and talk to him/her calmly and patiently. Try to identify your childs
problem and see what you can do to help him/her out.

Drinking, Smoking and Drugs

Teenagers find drinking alcohol, having drugs, smoking hookah or cigars
very fashionable and trendy. It makes them feel very cool and proud and
be part of the grown ups crowd. They suddenly feel that rush in them, all
energized, wanting to explore anything and everything. To deal with this
problem effectively, first and foremost, try to find out the reason why your
teen is drinking alcohol or getting into smoking and drugs. If parents
consume alcohol on regular basis, then teen is more likely to start drinking
at an early age. Parents need to feel free to talk to their teens about
certain subjects like dating, sex, drugs, and alcohol. It is this inability to
discuss the good and bad points that drives them to take wrong steps out
of curiosity. Someone drinks with curiosity and some to get out of feeling
of hell! Alcohol acts as a depressant and helps them to escape their
troubled teen lives. When teens see their peers drinking or smoking, they
too indulge in without thinking right or wrong. Peer pressure is probably
the toughest challenge teens have to deal with. And the least a teenager
would want is to be left out of his/her group of friends. When it comes to
drugs, the most important thing as parents you can do is express plenty of
love to your juniors to get them rid of this deadly addiction.


Staying Out Too Late

It takes a toll on parents when their teenage kids stay out too late in the
night. You surely must have set good limits for your children but then why
do they break them again and again? In this case, your child does not feel
happy to stay at home. You must try to talk to your child calmly and find
out what is the reason that is keeping him/her so late. Teenage girl
problems are more common as they observe changes in their body
suddenly. You must ensure to set proper rules for them. If they still
continue to ignore you, it is time to set the consequences and ensure that
they follow the said rules. for eg.. you can try like no going out in
evenings this whole week, no hanging out with friends for a week, if
proper timing is not followed Along with the above, teenage attitude
problems also include generation gap, parental exception, career
judgement, socialization, peer pressure and sexual pressure. All these are
likely to make them depressed and stressed. One and only best solution
for these problems is your unconditional love and care. Be their best friend
and guide them without being demanding. Trying to control them harshly
or imposing things will only make situations worse for you as well as them.


Cyber Space Addiction

Its no secret that many teens are big fans of cyber space. They are always
glued to their computers, laptops or cell phones. Internet is very useful, it
makes things very easy but like everything has its pros and cons, so does

internet. You are surely known with the fact how one can become trapped
and hooked to internet with all the attractive things its got to offer. So, one
must be careful while using internet day and night and be rational. Parents
must monitor what their children are doing with the smart devices and to
what extent are they being exposed to the world outside. You must make
sure to spend good amount of time your children to build that bond of love
and trust so that they can freely communicate their thoughts, feelings and
problems with you. You can get children away from the computer by
exposing them to social activities such as team sports. Find out if your
child is using the Internet to deal with stress caused by life changes, such
as divorce or problems at school. Ensure you follow the same limits on
Internet usage that you set for your child. Its also important to get an
authority figure to provide advice on using the computer too much
because adolescents often reject advice from their parents.
Problems that teenagers are faced with today are multifarious but
interrelated in many cases. One problem invites another, then to more
problems. Parents, teachers and other guardians should be well aware of
the problems that today's teenagers are facing and be prepared to
eliminate the problems to their best abilities. The sad fact is, even in solid
and stable family units, teenagers may face with uncertainly, confusion
and wrong directions involving their lives. Those who have witnessed and
experienced broken homes, unsafe sex, alcohol, drug abuse, and bullying
issues, show themselves differently in the community they live in. Proper
parenting is vital, especially in the very formative years of the children, so
that they can grow up with the manners and teachings taught by their
We have seen that it's not easy for a teenager to solve his problems and
that, for every problem, the same solution is not possible. The four major
problems of teenagers that I have discussed here are media & technology,
non-presence of a life goal, alcohol and drug abuse, and insomnia in
teenagers. Moreover, I have also discussed the incorrect way in which
some parents treat their teenagers when teenagers want to discuss their
problems with them. So it's very important for parents to know the right
way in which their teenaged children should be treated. Whatever the
teenagers do, the parents should not consider them a curse to their life.
Being a teenager is not something bad because it is, in my opinion, the
best period of ones life and all our good times are spent in this period.

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