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Unit Title: A Graphic Novel Study

Grade level: ELL English 4 (Mixed grade, Higher level English ability)
Length of unit: 4 weeks
Stage 1 Desired Results
Enduring Understandings/Generalizations:

Essential Questions:

Graphic novels and comics are sequential art.

Art is an expression of literature.
Connecting a text to personal, biographical, social, and
historical context, enhances appreciation.
Understanding a text requires interpreting the author's
words, intent, purpose, or message, and supporting that
interpretation with evidence.

What are graphic novels?

How can different genres present similar ideas and themes in
differing ways?
How can comparing one text to another enhance our
understanding larger concepts?
How do sounds enhance our ability to understand and imagine a
How do you read a graphic novel differently than a regular novel?
How does art let you understand what a character is feeling or
saying without using text?

Knowledge & Skills Acquisition

Learning Goals: (e.g., Iowa/Common Core standards.)
Employ the full range of research-based comprehension strategies, including making connections, determining importance, questioning,
visualizing, making inferences, summarizing, and monitoring for comprehension.
Read on-level text, both silently and orally, at an appropriate rate with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the

cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a
formal or informal tone).
Analyze how an authors choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g.,
pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise.
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneonone, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners
on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of disciplinespecific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing
feedback, including new arguments or information.
Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills using appropriate tools and resources to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems
and make informed decisions.

Students will know

Facts: Where Afghanistan is, what are the major groups

in Afghanistan, and what are major conflicts and issues in
the country.
Concepts: onomatopoeia , character design, authors
purpose, characterization, plot panel, setting, conflict,
rising action, climax, resolution, symbols, theme,
foreshadowing, word balloons, and using art as an
expression of literature.
Vocabulary: onomatopoeia, idioms, dialogue, expression,
plot, setting, characterization, purpose, word balloons,
story balloon, thought balloon, dialogue balloon, sound
effect balloon, balloon-less balloon, panel.

Students will be able to

Identify and define the elements of the graphic novel genre

Collaborate in peer discussion the elements of the novel
including plot, setting, characterization, and authors
Compare and contrast elements of traditional novels or
literature to graphic novels.
Apply graphic novel elements to traditional literature.
Connect the themes in the text to their world and current
Create a graphic novel about a person or current event.

Graphic Novel: Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Graphic Novel Resources: es/interactives/comic/
Supporting Classroom materials: SmartBoard Game for Producing Thought
Graphic Novels (Any, need about 10)
Support Text: Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Necklace by: Guy De Maupassant
A Horseman in the Sky by: Ambrose Bierce
The Open Window by: H.H. Munro
To Build a Fire by: Jack London

The Monkeys Paw by: W.W. Jacobs

The Lottery by: Shirley Jackson
Names/Nombres by: Julia Alvarez
The Third Wish by: Joan Aiken
Seventh Grade by: Gary Soto
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
Additional Materials:
Graphic Novel templates
Presentations about: onomatopoeia, setting, characterization, graphic novels
Stage 2 Evidence (Assessment)
Types of assessment: Selected-Response (tests, quizzes); Personal Communication (interview, oral exam,
discussion); Written Response (short constructed response questions, entrance/exit slips, essays); Performance
Assessment (role-play, Simulation, labs, dramatization)
Diagnostic Assessment:
How will you integrate diagnostic assessment or assess student prior knowledge in this unit?
Students are going to do entrance and exit exams or slips so I know what questions they have. They will keep vocabulary
logs so I know what vocabulary they dont know. They will keep dictionaries. Each time I will make notes about what they know
or dont know.
They play a game in class about Afghanistan. The surprise quiz will test how much they know or dont know.
Students will compete a pre-test on graphic novels. This will dictate how in depth I go on certain terms or concepts.
What will you do if a student(s) has demonstrated mastery of the knowledge or skills you plan to teach?
In the literature circles, students who are more advanced in graphic novels, reading, or in the subject matter of Afghanistan are
able to lead the groups discussion, assist in creating the graphic novels (drawing or story boarding) or help the teacher teach
different lesson (onomatopoeia, setting, plot, or other lessons). Because grading is on SRG, students who have showed mastery

of the 3 knowledge and skills, will be encouraged to produce work that goes above and beyond to reach level 4. This includes
writing their own graphic novel, writing longer reflection, and adding external connections to their journal and dictionary.
Formative Assessment (Assessment for Learning):

How will you make sure that students are learning your goals/objectives/enduring understandings throughout the unit?

Entrance and exit tickets.

What questions do they have about the novel or for the author?
What vocabulary do they not know or know?
Students will maintain graphic novel dictionaries
Graphic novel checklist (does your novel contain all of these?)
Page number reading reports for literature circles
Students will complete a worksheet packet for the literature circles. To be turned in.

How will you use assessment to help scaffold student learning in this unit?

Graphic novel project can be modified to fit student needs: using picture cutouts and cutting out words if students have
difficulty drawing or writing. There are also different websites to assist in making a graphic novel.
Students are put in different literature circles based on ability. Each group will be provided differentiate to help push them.
Students who read or comprehend at a higher level will have more difficult questions and annotations to complete through
their reading. Students who are at a lower reading level will have audio or enhanced reading guides.

Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning):

How will you summatively assess student learning in this unit (end-of-unit test, essay, interview, performance
Students will create their own graphic novel about a short story per their groups choosing (the short stories are different levels)
Create a 8 to 10 pages graphic novel (depending on size of group). Students are responsible for 2 pages each
Students will laminate and bind and turn in
Students will receive another students graphic novel and give a one minute oral synopsis or a one page written synopsis. What
is the setting? What are the characters? The plot? The conflict? The resolution?

Will you have multiple assessments (one for knowledge and one for skills)?
Yes: the graphic novel, the one page written or one minute oral synopsis, the group quiz, the Graphic Novel dictionary
What knowledge or skills will you target in your summative assessment(s)?
Can students define setting, plot, characters, conflict, and resolution?
Can students differentiate and explain how novels and graphic novels are different?
Did students learn who the Afghanistan people are? Did they learn about Afghanistan?
Did students learn what a graphic novel is?


Block Day 1

Block Day 2

Block Day 3

Block Day 4

Block Day 5
Finish Last Unit
Send letter to parents about
upcoming unit. Explain why I chose
The Kite Runner.


Pre-test: What is a graphic novel?

Intro: Students, in pairs, will

receive a random graphic
novel (not Kite Runner).
They will list what makes a
graphic novel different from
a traditional novel. Also,
what is the same between
traditional and graphic
novels. (10 minutes)
Small Group: Two pairs will
come together and share
their ideas. We now have 6
to 7 small groups. (10

Hand out Graphic Novel

Terms sheet to the group,
one per group. Students are
to fill in what they THINK
they mean. One student
keeps the worksheet. (15
Large group: Hand out 3
lined sheets of paper per
student. They will fold and
staple. Create the cover of
Graphic Novel Dictionary.
Students fill in the terms
they did in their groups, with
no definition (15 minutes)

Large Group: Write the

word Onomatopoeia on the
board. Students share out
from last week what they
think this word means. (10
Individual: Have students
get dictionaries, in their
small groups from
yesterday, find the definition
and copy into their own
personal dictionary. (10
Large Group: Brainstorm
sound words on to the
board. Teacher then reads
Edgar Allan Poes The
Bells. Students listen.
Students receive copies of
the poem. Teacher reads
once more. Students are to
highlight the words that they
think are sound words. Add
to brain storm list. (30

Small Group: In the same

small groups, students will
come into class and
discover a manila folder
with five images. They are
in no particular order.
Students are to put them in
a story order that makes
since to them. Then, there
are five sheets of paper
where students are to add
sound to the images.
Depending on ability,
students can write just
words or can write
sentences to describe the
scene with sounds. (20
Large Group: Students
share their story. Students
answer: What feelings do
these images make you
feel? Why? (10 minutes)
Put the word setting on the
board. Students have
learned it before. Have
them shout out what they
think it is. (10 minutes)
Individual: Get dictionary
and complete Graphic
Novel Dictionary for Setting.
(10 minutes)

Intro: Students are given a

list of people on the board
(Astronaut, Server,
Mailman, etc) and are to
write 3 to 5 sentences that
describe their setting for
that character, without
naming or describing the
character. Share with table
group and have them guess
the character. (15 minutes)
Large Group: Put the word
Characterization on the
board. Have students share
what they thought it was. (5
Individual: Have students
get dictionary and fill in their
Graphic Novel Dictionary.
(10 minutes)
Small Group: Hand out
random graphic novels to
groups. Students are to find
five examples of
characterization, five
examples of onomatopoeia,
and five examples of
setting. (30 minutes)

Intro: When students enter,

they randomly pick a
popsicle stick. It has one of
seven colors. That is their
group. They must sit at the
table with their
corresponding group. (5
Small Group: Each color
group is given a story panel:
plot, conflict, rising action,
climax, resolution, symbols,
foreshadowing. They have
the word and they have a
graphic novel at their table.
They are to define the word
in their dictionaries, then
recreate one of the pictures
or panels that represents
their particular panel word.
They will do this on a large
sticky sheet. Drawing can
be bad! Need to see the
action and text. (20
Large Group: Share their
panel word, what it means,
students are to complete
their dictionaries with the
group. Share their panel
and how it represents it. (25

Students grab copies of the

Kite Runner as they enter.
Large group: Teacher will
read the first five pages as
students follow along. (20
Small Group: Literature
circle introduction. Students
are in differentiated groups,
pre-assigned. They are to
come up with a reading plan
based on ability (read
individually as homework, or
as a group). No matter
what, the book should be
completed by day 13.

Students are given a

Graphic Novel Notes
worksheet. They are to
complete this individually
and as a group. Will be
handed in at the end.
Also, at the back of their
dictionary, they are to list all
of the words they do not

Intro: Thought Bubble

Strategy Game (thought
Organization vs impulsive
answering). Need:
SmartBoard. Students do
this in turns. Practices
vocabulary, idioms,
synonyms, antonyms, and
teaching them to organize
thoughts. (20 minutes)
Small Group: in their
literature circle groups,
students are given an
envelope with cutouts of a
word balloon, story balloon,
thought balloon, dialogue
balloon, sound effect
balloon and a balloon-less
balloon (just words). They
are to match them to the
definition (also in cut outs).
(15 minutes)
After they have been
approved by teacher,
students fill them in, in their
Rest of class to read. (15
Exit Ticket: complete the
page number report sheet.
Also, write down three
questions about the
book/story. Hand in to

Entrance ticket: Students

are to write anything they
know about Afghanistan
(either, they have learned
from the book or real life).
This is individual and will be
used for discussion (5

Small Group: In Literature

Circles, students are to
conference. Make sure they
are on track. Pages read
are tracked and students
are completing the packet
given to them on the first
day (15 minutes)

Small Group: Students are

divided into 8 groups (about
3 people per group,
students choose). Students
are given handout 1.1. Each
group is assigned an
ethnicity. Each group will tell
the rest of the class who
they are, what they are
known for, and where they
reside in Afghanistan. (30

Large group: Re-introduce

final project. The Graphic
Novel. Students will create
a Graphic Novel from a
short story of their choice
(Im providing 10 different
stories, no story can be
done twice). Play Prezi with
examples and information
for students. See attached
for more information. (20

Large Group: Students will

be mixed up, then split in
half. Half the class on one
side, half the class on the
other. Students will be given
a surprise quiz. Teacher
will ask a question, and the
two groups conference with
each other and each get a
chance to answer. Points
are tallied for fun. (20

Small Group: Students pick

a short story. Time for
reading short story or
graphic novel.

Exit Ticket: What are three

questions you have for the
author or about the book?

Entrance ticket: On the

board are five short
sentences from the book
The Kite Runner. Students
are to sketch those
sentences. They also may
log on to the computer and
find a picture (or pictures) or
they may cut out images
from the magazines in the
corner. (Share with a
partner) (20 minutes)
Differentiated time:
Students may read the short
story in groups or
individually, read the Kite
Runner in groups or
individually, students are to
finish up any missing
homework or definitions in
their dictionary. (30

Large group: Teacher

reads a chapter from the
middle of the book and
students follow along. (20
Small group: Students are
to create four to six panels,
in either a quick sketch, or
writing, what happened in
this chapter. Students are
not to look or take
instruction from the graphic
novel! (30 minutes)

Large group: guided

discussion on the
differences between the
chapter we read in the novel
compared to the graphic
novel. How do our panels
differ from the graphic novel
provided to us? (20
Two Literature Circle groups
come together and share
their vocabulary list. They
are to compile a master list.
As a class, students write all
words on the board,
creating a master list as a
class. The teacher has the
right to omit any words
deemed unnecessary to
study further. Then, each
small group chooses five
words (or a portion) to find
the definitions. Each group
does this. The definitions
are collected by the teacher
and copies will be made to
share with other students.
(30 minutes)

Reading Due!
Small Group: Literature
Circles meet for final time.
Finish reading logs and
worksheet. Turn in to
teacher. (15 minutes)
Large Group: Teacher
reads the final chapter from
The Kite Runner book and
students follow along.
Guided Discussion about
the difference between this
book as a novel and as a
graphic novel. Touch on
heavy themes. How does a
graphic novel change or
add to the novels themes?
(35 minutes)

Intro: Watch a video about

the author Khaled Hosseini
talking about his graphic
novel (20 minutes)
Students are to write down
three statements or points
that resonated with them.
Large group: Discuss the
video. What does he have
to say? How do you feel?
What questions to you
Small group: at tables,
students receive 5
questions of the questions
students have asked during
the time they read the book.
The groups are to use the
computers to find the
answers. Resources
(30 minutes)

Large group: students and

teacher have guided
discussion about their
questions and answers
about the book (20 minutes)
Large Group: Guided
instruction on how to
choose characters and
setting from the short
stories. (10 minutes)
Small group: in their
groups for their graphic
novels, students choose
their characters. (20

Large group: Guided

instruction on how to
develop a story line. What is
the problem? How do
characters try to solve the
problem? What is the rising
action? What is the climax?
What is the resolution to the
problem? (15 minutes)

Small group: Story

boarding. Students, in their
groups, decide on their
story line (still no drawing at
this point, just coming up
with ideas). (25 minutes)
Large group: Guided
instruction on ways to
create graphic novels. Give
websites to use. Show how
to create cut outs (from
magazines or other media).
Show how to include
drawings. (10 minutes)

Students must choose AS A

GROUP to do one of these.
They cannot separately use
different mediums.

Large group: Answer any

questions about the project.
(10 minutes)
Small group: Students
break into their groups and
begin working on graphic
novel. Each student is
responsible for two pages.
Any students drawing or
doing cut outs are given
blank graphic novel
templates. (40 minutes)

Entrance ticket: Write:

What do you like about
graphic novels? What do
you not like?
Small group: Students
workshop their graphic

Graphic Novels due. We

will print them, laminate
them, and bind them, in
class. If students are still
working, they must come
see me outside of class to
get them finished.

Small Group Students are

to trade novels with another
group and read together.
Discuss the characters,
setting, conflict, resolution,
and plot. (30 minutes)
Individual: write a one
page (either typed or
handwritten) paper about
what it was about.
Characters? Setting?
Conflict? Resolution? Plot?
(20 minutes)
Students may also prepare
a one minute oral synopsis.

Since this is a timed write, I

am more focused on the
ideas and not the grammar
or spelling or structure.
Turn in to teacher or
perform for teacher or

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