Concept Attainment Lesson

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Concept Attainment Lesson Plan (10 pts)

Lesson Background:
Your Name: Nicole Kincius & Mariah McKinnon
Grade Level: (circle one) K 1 2 3 4 5 6
Language Arts
Social Studies
Lesson Title: What is a Planet?
Content Standards:


Common Core:
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different
aspects of a topic.
Science and engineering practices (from Next Generation Science Standards):

Develop a model using an analogy, example, or abstract representation to describe a scientific

principle. (4-PS4-1)
Develop a model to describe phenomena. (4-PS4-2)
Science findings are based on recognizing patterns (4-PS4-1)

Materials Needed:
Paper plates
Black and white images of planets to color
Crayons, markers, colored pencils
Place to hang/display paper plates
Books to be used to research the planets
Research devices (computers, laptops, iPads, etc.)
Prerequisite Skills:
Awareness of the planets and other objects in the solar system (names, etc.)
Reading and writing
Research procedures
Types of measurement (meters, miles, etc.)
Lesson Objective:
Fourth grade students will show their understanding of what a planet is when they are
divided into eight groups and each group will be given crayons and a paper plate, which
they will color the paper plate to look like their planet and write at least five accurate
facts on the plate.
Concept Label: Creating my Planet
Critical Attributes:
gravity makes it round
gas giant


Non-critical Attributes: [no]

Definition of Concept: what is a planet? (see in references)
The International Astronomical Union defined a planet as an object that:
orbits the sun
has sufficient mass to be round, or nearly round
is not a satellite (moon) of another object
has removed debris and small objects from the area around its orbit

Interaction with Students:

1. Provide examples and non-examples to the class: (Distinguish yes/no attributes)
Time: 5 minutes
Start with orbit and asteroid. Keep going in the order that is listed above.
Keep going until it is very obvious that the students know what the teacher is
describing. If it is unclear that the students understand or not, continue down to
the next step.
2. Test for attainment: (Do the students understand the concept?) Time: 2 minutes
While writing the list down it should be pretty easy to know if the students are starting to
understand depending on how many items from the list you have to write down. This is
an informal way to assess attainment. If they guess what it is pretty early on you can
continue the yes/no list orally but ask them if the item should go under the yes or no
3. Analyze student thinking processes and integration of learning: Time: 5
(Are they able to provide additional examples and non-examples?)
Have students brainstorm more things they could write in the columns. Have a few
students come up and write their ideas on the board. Depending on students knowledge
this part of the lesson can be extended into the teacher describing what a planet is.
4. Clarify lesson objectives: (What are students going to DO with these?) Time: 2
Now that we know a couple of characteristics of what a planet is, we are going to do a
quick mini lesson to make sure we all understand what makes a planet, a planet. Then
we will split into groups and create your planet by coloring a paper plate. I want you to

make the paper plate as accurate as possible when coloring it. You will also need to
write at least five facts on the plate. Everyone is your group should have a role!
5. Procedures for Using the Concept in a meaningful way? Time: 10 minutes
Teacher-led lesson about characteristics of planets
What makes a planet?
o orbits the sun
o has sufficient mass to be round, or nearly round
o is not a satellite (moon) of another object
o has removed debris and small objects from the area around its orbit
Review the names and the order of the planets. Examine a few of the planets.
Discuss how they present these characteristics.
Remind students that the different planets have different characteristics.
o Describe the difference between terrestrial planets and gas giants.
6. Assessment / Closure (How do you evaluate student progress or provide closure
for this lesson?) Include rubric, checklist, assessment documents.
25 minutes
Paper plate activity (see below in references)
Discuss objectives: For this activity, you will be making a paper plate of your
planet. Eventually, the whole class will come together and well make a
classroom diagram of our Solar System. On your plate, you will need to color a
picture of your planet, and your color choices should be accurate, so that it really
looks like the actual planet. You should also write at least 5 accurate facts in the
space around the planet. These should be written clearly so that when someone
walks by, they can read it easily.
Break class into 8 groups (one for each planet. The reason Pluto isnt included
should be addressed in another lesson). Students should be assigned to groups
randomly by pulling names. Ask students to meet with their group.
Each group gets one paper plate to describe a planet.
o Explain that students should write in big letters the name of their planet.
o Students should color in a picture of their planet. The colors used should
accurately represent the actual colors and shapes included in the planet
(for example, Neptune should be blue, Jupiter should have the Big Red
Spot on it, etc.)
o They should also list at least 5 accurate facts learned (what makes this a
planet and specific characteristics of that planet). This might require
students to research through books or websites. These should be clearly
written; if students need to print facts rather than write them, they have
that option.
o Students should have different to color, one to research, one
to record, etc. Allow time for students to decide what role they would like
within their groups.
o Some ideas of things they should look for (this list could be projected onto
the board to remind students):
terrestrial or gas giant?
does this planet have moons?
How far away from the Sun is it?
How big is it compared to Earth?

What are some general characteristics of the planet (i.e. icy, rocky,
hot, atmospheres, etc.)
When everyone has finished, the whole class will construct a model of the solar
system. This could be done by hanging up the plates from the ceiling, or
attaching them to a whiteboard with magnets. (This might have to be done on
another day, but should be mentioned when teachers describe the lesson).
The checklist teachers should use to assess student work is included below:

What to look for:

Does the plate include a colored picture of the planet?
Does the picture accurately represent the planet?
Does the plate include the name of the planet?
Does the plate include at least 5 facts?
Are these facts accurate?
Are these facts clearly written/typed?
7. DIFFERENTIATION of Content, Process or Product:
a. Adaptation for students who need extra help, time, or attention?
Students can use a fill-in-the-blanks note sheet to help them find the right
information in their books/websites. This could include exact directions on where
to look (i.e. click on this link and read through this page or try using this book to
find your information).
Students can reference a vocabulary sheet or word bank created by the teacher.
This could include both words and short definitions, or just the words.

b. Extension for students of high ability? (Remember, assigning gifted

students to be the tutor for others is not sufficient academic challenging
for students who have mastered the lesson).

Students can calculate the distances between their planet and the Earth. If a
spaceship moves at a certain speed (at least 17,500 miles per hour), then how
long would it take for the students in the spaceship to get to their planet? To all
the planets?
Students could brainstorm, and eventually design, a travel brochure listing the
information that goes on the paper plates and persuasive sentences about why
someone should visit. The brochure should include prices, whats included in the
trip, what sights there are to see, and interesting facts about the planet.


8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum lab, previous
teachers as resources, online websites, your past experiences, or your own initiatives,
What is a Planet? website:
Planet definition:
Idea for paper plates: inspired by

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