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Valores cristo para crianas / Christian Values for Children

Integrity means having a

fixed moral foundation
which is the touchstone
for your actions. For
Christians, that
touchstone is Gods

Ser ntegro ter um

padro moral fixo pelo
qual algum orienta
suas aes. Para o
cristo, esse padro e a
Palavra de Deus.

Integrity is living according to scriptural principles. Its being honest, noble, trustworthy, reliable, acting
honorably, keeping your word. Its acting or speaking with transparency, as if someone you love or respect
is watching what you are doing. Its not speaking negatively about others or gossiping. Its treating others
as you would want them to treat you. Its living an honorable and respectful life.
We are all flawed humans, and no one is perfect, but as believers, we want to do our best to live in
accordance with Gods values, which results in living our lives with integrity.

Ter integridade viver segundo os

princpios bblicos. ser sincero, nobre,
digno de confiana, honrado, cumpridor da
sua palavra. agir ou falar com
transparncia, como se algum que voc
ama e respeita o observasse. no falar
negativamente sobre os outros nem fazer
fofoca. tratar os outros como gostaria
que tratassem voc. viver de forma digna
de honra e respeito.
Somos humanos falhos e ningum
perfeito, mas, por sermos crentes,
queremos fazer o melhor ao nosso alcance
para viver em conformidade com os
valores de Deus, o que necessariamente
significa viver com integridade.

Making the commitment to live your life with

integrity makes it easier to make good choices when
faced with difficult ones. If you are faced with the
opportunity to take something thats not yours, to do
something you know you shouldnt, to deceive, to
lie, to speak ill of someone, to spread gossip, to
violate an agreement you made, you will have the
moral fiber to choose not to do it even if you are
temptedbecause doing so would violate the values
you have determined to live by.

Comprometer-se a viver com integridade torna mais

fcil fazer as escolhas certas, diante de decises
difceis. Ao se vir diante da possibilidade de pegar
algo que no lhe pertence, fazer algo que no
deveria, enganar, mentir, falar mal de algum,
espalhar fofocas, violar um acordo, ter a coragem
moral para escolher no fazer tais coisas, mesmo
que se sinta tentado a contrariar os valores que
escolheu para orientar sua vida.

What should we do if weve let our

moral standard fall? The good news
is that we can go to the Lord, confess
our sins, ask His forgiveness, and
reconnect with Him and His truth. By
His grace and with His help, and
perhaps the help of others, our lives
can be turned around and we can
rebuild our integrity.

O que deve fazer algum que

permitiu que seu padro moral
baixasse? A boa notcia que
podemos buscar o Senhor, confessar
nossos pecados, pedir Seu perdo,
reconectarmo-nos a Ele e Sua
verdade. Pela Sua graa, com Sua
ajuda e, talvez, com a dos outros
tambm, nossa vidas podem mudar e
poderemos reconstruir nossa

The sum of your daily decisions is what

makes you what you are. You control your
life, and you are responsible for your
personal decisions and their outcomes.
Living with integrity is a key to a better life,
a better future, and a better eternity.

A soma de suas decises dirias o que faz

de voc quem voc . Voc controla sua
vida, responsvel por suas decises e seus
respectivos desdobramentos. Viver com
integridade o segredo para uma vida
melhor, um futuro melhor e uma eternidade
Art and text TFI. Used by permission.

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