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Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen

Board Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Date: February 09, 2009

Meeting Location: RMAE Middle School Building - Spanish Classroom
Meeting called to order at: 08:43 PM by President John Morrill
Board members in attendance:
John Morrill (President) Bill Tomasi Ryan Lucas (non-voting)
Jeff Wilhite Nancy Fiore Jeff Robertson
Karen Hines Mike Novick (on phone) Seanna Mulligan

Others in attendance (from sign in sheet):

Roseann Dashowitz

A Quorum is reached with those present, on the phone, and through proxies received.
Meeting notification requirements have been met. (per Board emergency meeting by-laws)
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Board and Public Comment:

• None.

Old Business:
• Enrollment policies and procedures – Postponed until next meeting.

Executive Session:
Motion: john Morrill motioned that the Board move into Executive Session pursuant to
section C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b); Mike Novick seconded.
Discussions: None
Vote: 7-0, approved (no one abstained).

• Pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(b), the Board is going into executive session at 8:46pm for
the discussion of conferences with an attorney for the local public body for the purposes of
Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen
Board Meeting Minutes
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receiving legal advice on specific legal questions. The Board invited Roseann Dashowitz into
the executive session.

Motion: John Morrill motioned to come out of executive session at 10:04 PM; Jeff
Robertson seconded the motion.
Discussion: None.
Vote: 7-0, approved (no one abstained).

Action Items to be Completed Before Next Board Meeting -

• None.

Board and Public Comment:

• None.

Next board meeting scheduled for: February 02th, 2009 at: 8:45 pm

With no further business, this meeting was adjourned at: 10:05 PM

Motion: Ryan Lucas moved to adjourn the meeting; Karen Hines seconded the motion.
Discussions: None.
Vote: 7-0, approved (No one abstained)

Respectfully submitted

William Tomasi

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