Music 110

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Due date: 4-21-15 Tuesday class

Quiz II
MU110 Listening to Music

1. From what condition did Beethoven suffer?

a. paralysis
b. deafness
c. blindness
d. mental breakdown
2. Which best describes the early-nineteenth-century concept of the artist, as exemplified by
a. a socialite who caters to the desires of the aristocracy in artistic matters
b. an inspired soul who suffers to deliver art to humanity
c. an artisan under the authority of the church
d. an artisan under the authority of the court
3. The scherzo, a fast, triple-meter movement, evolved by Beethoven from the:
a. fugue.
b. rondo.
c. sonata.
d. minuet.
4. The first movement of Symphony No. 5 in C Minor by Beethoven is dominated by a returning:
a. vocal cadenza section.
b. development section.
c. violin solo.
d. motive.
5. What happens at the end of the third movement of Symphony No. 5 in C Minor?
a. A transition passage leads directly into the fourth movement.
b. Woodwinds play variations on the theme
c. Trombones are heard for the first time.
d. The music reaches a loud cadence.
6. The innovative element in the fourth movement of Symphony No. 5 in C Minor is:

the march theme in the beginning.

the piano introduction of the development.
the oboe cadenza before the recapitulation.
the appearance of the second theme of the scherzo movement before the

7. Which describes the emotional goal of music in the nineteenth century?

a. a search for freedom of individual emotional expression
b. light entertainment, with comedy reigning supreme
c. a return to religious mysticism and spiritual values
d. artificial, intellectual; suppression of an emotions

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Due date: 4-21-15 Tuesday class

8. The musical term applied to flexibility in rhythm is:
a. rubato.
b. ritardando.
c. rallentando.
d. accelerando.
9. Music without singing but derived from a poem, story, or other literary source, is called:
a. thematic transformation.
b. a Romantic symphony.
c. Gesamtkunstwerk.
d. program music.
10. The form of Erlknig by Schubert is ________ form.
a. rondo
b. A B A
c. strophic
d. through-composed
11. The performing forces in Erlknig consist of:
a. one soloist, piano, and drum.
b. three soloists and piano.
c. two soloists and piano.
d. one soloist and piano.
12. A song cycle is a(n):
a. art song in German with several verses of poetry.
b. group of songs with a common poetic theme or unifying story.
c. group of four or more operas all unified by the same characters.
d. form used in multimovement lieder in which the same theme comes back in each
13. A character piece is a:
a. miniature composition for orchestra.
b. composition for voice and piano.
c. grandiose composition for piano.
d. miniature composition for piano.
14. The Fantastic Symphony by Berlioz includes a(n):
a. group of vocal soloists.
b. violin soloist.
c. ide fixe.
d. chorus.
15. Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti, and Gioacchino Rossini were all:
a. legendary singers of the bel canto era.
b. famous tenors in the nineteenth century.
c. early Italian Romantic opera composers.
d. owners of the most famous early opera houses.

16. A style of opera dominated early Italian Romantic composers was called:
a. da capo aria.
b. bel canto.
c. canzona.
d. rubato.
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Due date: 4-21-15 Tuesday class

17. La donna mobile from Rigoletto by Verdi is a(n):
a. aria.
b. lied.
c. sonata.
d. recitative.
18. What were the two most important elements of Wagners operatic style?
a. the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk and the technique of leitmotiv
b. predominance of the orchestra and bel canto style
c. the use of leitmotiv and ide fixe
d. aria and recitative
19. The Nibelungs Ring is based on:
a. a play by Shakespeare.
b. a poem by Schopenhauer.
c. Germanic or Norse legends.
d. an original story by Richard Wagner.
20. What is characteristic of all nationalistic music?
a. the use of the folk music of each country
b. the use of major and minor modes
c. the use of religious subject matter
d. the use of dissonant harmonies

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