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Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen

Board Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Date: August 13, 2009

Meeting Location: RMAE Middle School Building - Spanish Classroom
Meeting called to order at: 06:34 PM by President Jeff Wilhite
Board members in attendance:
Jeff Wilhite (President) Bill Tomasi Seanna Mulligan (6:45)
Kim Cox Jon Tesseo Jeff Robertson
Nora Flood Mike Novick Ann Lane
Dan Cohen (non-voting)

Others in attendance (from sign in sheet):

A Quorum is reached with those present and on the phone.

Meeting notification requirements have been met.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Board and Public Comment:

 None.

Consent Agenda:
 Minutes from the 6/10/09 and 7/9/09 meeting were NOT read and approved.

 Director’s Report:
o Dan Cohen informed the Board that JeffCo is looking for an updated version of the
Board of Director contact list. Bill Tomasi has this information and will send over to
Dan once updated with the new member information.
Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen
Board Meeting Minutes
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o Dan is looking for an updated document that outlines the Roles differences between
the Board, the PTO, and the Foundation so that our parents know which event is tied
to which group. Discussions were held around the content of this document and who
should be in charge of creating / maintaining this document.
o Jay Eggers has resigned as the PE teacher on Tuesday. Dan informed the Board that
we have two great candidates already in the hopper to fill the position and it could be
filled as soon as by next week.
o Both middle school aides resigned earlier this week as well. These positions have not
been filled yet.
o Enrollment secretary is working on cleaning up the enrollment issues created by the
departure of Rosanne D. The current estimated FTE count is about 10 or so below
the previous forecasted amount.
o CSAP results have been released and Dan handed out copies of the summary.
Discussions ensued around the results and the interpretation of the data.
o Dan informed that Board that after the meeting last night several families came to him
and complained about the middle school math being no longer being tracked and
instead is being differentiated. Lengthy discussions ensued around this issue, the
history of this situation, whether a letter from the Board or the Director is called for,
and the various issues the families brought up when they met with the Director. The
Board unanimously supports the Director with regards to this decision.
 PTO:
o No update received.
 Preschool:
o None.
 AAA:
o None.
 Financials:
o Jeff Wilhite informed the Board that JeffCo has not released the final year end
numbers but hopes to have these numbers by the next Board Meeting.
 Foundation:
o Seanna Mulligan informed the Board that the Foundation is focused on the Annual
Giving and the Capital Construction campaigns. The Foundation is going to
differentiate their approach to fundraising based on previous experiences.
o Seanna Mulligan informed the Board that the Capital Campaign is going to be more
visual in nature. She also indicated that she is looking for about 5 to 7 staff personnel
to sit on a short term facilities ad-hoc committee help develop the vision of the
permanent facilities.
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Board Meeting Minutes
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 Facilities Team:
o Postponed until later in the meeting.
 Annual Giving:
o Postponed until later in meeting.

Old Business:
 D&B Development:
o Ann Lane informed the Board that the releases are signed and the checks have been
delivered to the Foundation.
 4th Grade Class Room:
o Bill Tomasi informed the Board that the lunch room conversion into 2 new 4th grade
classrooms has been completed by a small group of dedicated parents who put in a lot
of hours over the course of a few weekends.
 Logs:
o Logs are gone and benches for another outdoor classroom are now positioned in the
trees by the greenhouse.
 Wood Chips:
o Jeff changed the contractor to a new company that is much more responsive to our
 Drainage:
o Crushed gravel is going to be brought in and put between the buildings for draining
drainage which will hopefully keep the amount of mud and dirt to a minimum for the
students who have to use the side classroom entrances.
 Fire Road:
o The Gas line would have to be moved if we were going to excavate for the fire road
but if we can build the fire road on top of it without causing any issues it would be a
better option.
New Business:
 All School Meeting – Dan informed the Board that the All School Meeting was well
attended and that he has received a lot of positive comments from parents. He also wanted to
thank the all of the presenters especially the Foundation members who educated the parents
on the role of the Foundation.
 Seanna Mulligan – Seanna turned in her resignation to the Board because her family has
moved out of Evergreen over the summer and she is moving her children to a neighborhood
school. Bill Tomasi will initiate the replacement search as described in the Board By-Laws.
Seanna noted that she is not resigning from the Foundation Board as this Board does not have
Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen
Board Meeting Minutes
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any requirements for members to be enrolled in the school. The Board unanimously supports
Seanna remaining on the Foundation Board and thanks her for her service to RMAE.
 Site Plan Enrollment Limitation – Dan informed the Board that the enrollment for the
2009/2010 school year is not going to exceed the maximum number of students specified on
the final red-lined site approval document.
 Certificate of Occupancy – Jeff Wilhite and Ann Lane informed the Board that the final
Certificate of Occupancy for the buildings should be sent to us shortly.
 Enrollment / Marketing Plan between August and October – RMAE had an
advertisement in this week’s Canyon Courier. Dan’s interview is scheduled to come out in
the 19th Canyon Courier. An updated advertisement is being looked at for the 19th, 26th, and
the 3rd Canyon Courier publications with more information about the class openings if the
budget is available.
 Board Member for Volunteer Effort with PTO – This is going to be handled by a
volunteer coordinator who will report through the PTO organization.
 Board Member for AAA – Jon Tesseo and Nora Flood have volunteered and the Board
feels that having both Jon and Nora be representatives is a very good thing.
 Board Member for Annual Giving to work with the Foundation – The Board
unanimously nominated Ann Lane to work with the Foundation in this role.
 CSAP/SAP Board Member to work with Director, Faculty, and AAA – The Board
unanimously decided that this role is best handled by AAA.

Action items to be completed before next Board Meeting –

 None.

Board and Public Comment:

 None.

With no further business, this meeting was adjourned at: 9:06 PM

Motion: Jeff Wilhite moved to adjourn the meeting; Bill Tomasi seconded the motion.
Discussions: None.
Vote: 8-0, approved (No one against, No one abstained)

Respectfully submitted
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Board Meeting Minutes
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William Tomasi

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