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aH itally COREL = Pe TMC PTR err ttcy] Cotesia Pe ee es eee aed BE Yenc a RET es RETIN Ne) Ace reel eee 3 the best brushes in UU Tey a Recaccg feel eae Roy Nala cen UF Ue Ca ey UE aa es ys) Quickly add definition anidzingto Nain er EMI Free CD inside Mabe: Ss )S | GUIDES | FONTS | TRIAL ip Edward Hopper fe 4 | Bainter Contributors | Our panel of experts ae | Pine ie ere eters peieinoeitootrerr er peenerintientereras ie petri eaeseh renews ee ee Searcy Lene te Ce cr] Per ea Seer ney es ee in Serna areata Saree td ee eal Sere! Meoenace ie eens cee een es Cos aan Eten If you would like to bute, emailj.cole@imagine ieee srg expr maa sexaen wont outer S'Welcome Z 5 This is THE magazine for anyone wanting to further their Corel Painter skills or learn how to become a better artist No doubta lot of you will have @ F tried Corel Painter X by now and no doubt you will have been very excited by the new RealBristle brush category. This makes Corel Painter act even more like traditional media because it allows you to make the brush behave as if it was a real brush. Our tutorial on page 38 shows how it works usinga rather lovely seascape as an example. ‘And keeping with the brush theme, our feature this issue explores some of the best brushes for creating certain artistic effects, While a mere feature could never hope to. capture the complete power of Corel Painter’s brushes and controls, it’s enough to give you some creative ideas! And for even more ideas, turn to our Paint Like... tutorial (page 56) and discover how to re-create one of the most iconic modern paintings of our time ~ Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks. Also learn about OM) 2NSS) oc Paint like: Ema oop composition on page 66 and see how it can re aime improve your artwork. rac Happy painting! SSC ena 4 JoColeBaitor Painter Fill ts 6 er arr oe p giv tiedeya esto Soom yee ele lee atcrec ule) Liter ltd nee Ucar aso) a oa Reviews 84 Fulflm FinePix Fite REGUlArS i: sic 08 su : 97 Reader's Challenge Caso RealBristle brushes 4 painter-titorials Create inspirational art may ne Primers Getupandrw Drawing 101 Feature focus Traditional artistic techniques Getto know your tools Se Nie e ee Cm Lele mn NE Pie pay only £3.60 an issue if you subscribe by Direct Debit! oN SO (a-1) . ] eR lm ele eof | - \ Cisne BVA \ t= OEE aCe mac d Fa . ee Seat siecle Mt scriber Peete be 2 eh yi e ret REAL AE Se up to 40% TUTE ot Sy Cetra oe) eMC at Ny LON Cel melee aU elie Svea gets Ke} PUA en tt cy About the magazine RT rag eye gy (by Direct Debit) £21.60 every 6 issues (by Cheque or credit card) £62.40 every 13 issues aa e: £70 every 13 issues a e World: £80 every 13 issues TA eee 0870 423 0699 Eee HI uedtd Send your EnV ens ye: ve wanted to get ino digtal art fora letters tO... whienowand nally have the ime now ficlconipaner that lam retired The thing i fel as Nogizne rege though have missed the boatin terms of Asia cwrond Finding help online resources Ist tvs 3 ebro ates visit rom 2 on. Also, ; canyeugive me the contact details of any : artists who sll print of thei work? ne way, congratelations on ag ine es already helpme gt te Quick Cone, so Lam ore than sed thatithas come out Pease keep Up the good workt eat Stee Ment lester wtbhtHe Helo Steve, thanks for geting nt forthepratelin fact, thankyou to how the tie can develop = with yourhel, of course] Now onto your question, Alto artstsoffer prints of teie work from their se, butby farthe best wayto shop for might that yu/veakeady found tout havent its a bubbling caucron of talent sts covering ll dcpines. The shop al you to buyprints (canvas and paper of your fevourte work, a well as caleedats, zles and vaious other navelyitems, Find ital at Featured Gallery er favou galery this month Lynne Mitchell won User/LynneMitchel Gyr Letter’ Welcome to the part of the magazine where you can come and share your thoughts on anything you fancy! Famous paintings Iejustbougheissueone~greatstat particularly iked the Van Gogh tutorial And wondered ifyailbedoingmoreofthe Twealwaysbeen fascinated with masterpieces Dare Ray Irsoundsikeyou couldhave cares forgery business, Davel ust keep o YoU nl be deichtecto hear that we'lshow howtore- . Corel Painter portfolio wondering you'd be in printing my images in titled Fall and hil nature has inspired me more than any tmereatearts, Auturan in ofthe most beautiful seasons. When iteamesto colours, nature isthe best inspiration, So in the Fall im laying to duplicate some ofthe colours thatnature offers and I did my very best togetitright Talay wanted to paint portraits and with My Love, had some inspiration to paint the portrait of lady that love. This Image was painted in Corel Painter Cand the Artists Oils brushes were used f medium. lused Adobe Photoshop forthe fal touches like tonal and the odd bitof painter ieee Reon ennui ses Peer eer eer eet Semen onion a) colour correction, Itook me 16 hours to complete it nages, Ala, We ut slike tas Work, getyourel www atadesignercom on the subj ‘only takes a few moments. Once fs do free to upload your mages otal «3 ull quice on how t werks, um to page 52 for tutorial Forum highlights a of ee Es to the forum to se ion tod Head ov the topi interview | Philip Straub Cae eestor Pa eer cae es tC acorn ee ey Silent Mocsing open ropes creer rrr emi entries a finalist. In my experience, the _ ices peeelareela acetone Le eae te eee eee ed eter center iat Se eer ene meee a ery generousin including mein such youarecurrently wrking on. Do you plan asa setup licensing Pea heen eR eo eam ee rT Ue ee ee en eam ee a Scenic ti ig mae oe reece eet os Tee omer mene? Soe een aa ae een tent cel eae Seer me ee heat erent ey eee ey Rese ree ener rer am ei ere with Philiptodiscoverhowhe worksand inmy careerandisalwaysachallnge Wallcovering and I've been negotating Pe a eT he eee Prana e eece Bair ene ert ecner ee ee ese Peg finish th itworldwide eventually have fils two other book projeets 'm workin before ican complete this >k the goal sto distribute ‘What s your proudest creative moment sofar? dont know. that robably winning Medal inthe ity oflllustrators annual lustrati feel ike still have so it field and am How do you start a digital painting? Do You havea typical workflow process or ‘does it differ according tothe particular re youare doing? The answers yesand yes! Ihave a of different workovis fuse depending on my mood and the project For my more free-form personal oncept illustrations the process usually quite chaotic, [just simply start apesand happens, Usually le something takes shape from ther —— " Se RAR A Ea, ea touch to all the MLL Lee ‘When working ona commissioned Painting the process s usually ‘more precise, First, Ido some research ‘onthe subject matter by gathering all kinds of visual reference sol ean have sscomplete an understanding Jements in the painting Next usually b and white ata fairly low re that memory limitations don'tstfle the During the sketch phase all the pace. Once 'm happy position, Lusualy ng, Focusing on perspective ‘Once I'm feling ng, tll begin How di you make the leap from: artist tohome decor products? Treally lke the idea of di portfolio and the work that | produce When ! began working with rep, suggested | begin tailoring felt that my more whimsical children’s book style could find suecess on licens products so began to expand that out {nto the flatter, more gr he serapb wallpaper products Ip all tie credit though my fianeé helps me ‘outwith alotof the brand de ing stationery and duce eat take Did you find the move from traditional painting to digital painting smooth or Wwasitabitofajolt? Tsay twas bie offo asa traditional oll painter ‘ume [thought that was ho ‘procuce paintings fr the rest of my life Iesimp ils jusebelng of aoc fnterioc Dex «do the Graphic De n majors but mi artists stil hadnt made the transition, Iwas introduced to digital lustration at my firstreal ar job working for children's boo Mercer May played around with computer-aided design witha programs before bu tight of itas areal illustration tool. wast'talone very Attervcon Light (abo Whe Pointer and Ph down the structure the endo few illustrators were using it to“paint and much ofthe eomputer-generated illastrotion atthat ime was flat and phi When Istarted at Mercer's Stulio remember thinking how difieut Photoshop 1.0 was - i's kinda funny Tooking back on those day ‘Are you thinking of expanding the Products for sale on your website? Fm currently not setup for e-commerce imply because I've just not found the time, As most illustrators will tel you, depending on how much you want todo with yoursite, maintaining an online presence can become very time consuming, [ty to post regular updates ‘on my siteas wells postas much ofthe I produce once is available learance, Right now Lourrently ne of my images available finearcarchive quality prints through Imagekind but | may expand that do the roa. What inspires you? Somany different things Films, artists contemporary and classe tele < Interview | PhiipStraa- shows, books, muse, and every d [find there's inspiration tobe fo everywhere you lok! 1s your personal work different to your professional art? Absolutely. Althoug try to always bring worktends to iticandl an extension Why did you start using Corel Painter and when did youstart? Ive been using Corel Painter almost 8 | painter the rst version | used but think inmy workflow for around te Cote Painter has alway's been res amazing at reproducing traditional media, and i'just blast to experiment with ‘What's your favourite Corel Painter tool? ¥y absolute Favourites the Rotate nozzle tools within Corel Painter quite extensively to quickly create different types of foliage | cover pel ma pecially inthe eary Ityou'd like to see more of Philip's wor o etched in Painter 4 vrriedy of dierent eaperinrentel 3 regularly de, | bounced back snd forth betucen Photoshop and Pointer as { Werke ung sence of my faourte brushes n beth paciyes aaa m Feature | Get started with Corel Painter brushes ty es: : at if; RAD & Get started Corel Pa brushes Pere ta[0}sop (6]en 1 atete gee Rola UNl eons, Keds elt eeitl(e(om Ota RO Set Si ‘magine being etloose in the biggest, most well-stocked art shop inthe world, witha unlimited amount of spending I ‘maney at your disposal for any artista dream come true | Indeed! Naw multiply the excitement ofthat perfect scenario by tenand youll conte dase to the experience of stepping {nto the artists! heaven thatis Corel Painter! ‘Within Corel Painter every palnting and drawing tooland every painting and drawing medium isatyour fingertips, with amind- ‘boggling selection of brushes thatno paints could ever hold. Its true to say thatthiscollection of toolsis so vast that for the novice Corel Painter user it can be quite overwhelming ad that was the ‘inspiration for his feature to lead you bythe hand through this ‘mammoth collection. Of course, even we hijacked the whole magazine fr this feature there stil wouldn't be enough space to giveyou thefulllow-down onallthe brushes. But wel giveyouthe basics so you can dive nco the wonderful world of Corl Painter brushes with more confidence Corel Painters brushes ae divided int categories which relate totraditional painting and drawing media, so before you choose aanactual brush, you need to chousethe category that relates tothe medium you want to simulate such a Oils Pastels, Watercolor, Charcoal and so on, The actual brushes chat relate to the chosen ‘medium reside inside the estegory.andthere are many brish varlantsto choose from. A brush variants a particularly shaped brush, witha number ofpreset settings applied to it, Wellookat thosesettings in more etal throughout this feature. You can completely change the way a brish behaves, and the marks itmakes, by changing the settings applied toityia the Brush Controls palette (Window=Brush Controls»Show General), or ia ‘the Brush Creator (Window=Show Brush Creator) These brush controls relate directly to every aspect ofthe brush, inching ts ‘ize, the way internets with paintalready applied tothe canvas, hhow much paint tcarries and the kind of strokes it makes, among plethora of other characteristics. Ofcourse, the way brush ‘behaves also depends on the kindof surface you're painting on. and before you star ta pain you need to choose this fam the Papers palette (Window>Library Palettes>show Papers) Bainter Feature | Get started with Corel Painter brushes OFY, OFAQUE MEDIA BRUSHES Build up a painting full of texture and gloopy goodness by using this selection of brushes for the wet and loaded look ‘let's et down tosome specifiesaboutthese remarkable brushes! First, ‘we're goingto takea lookatthe brushes within Corel Painter ‘which use opaque gloopy mediums such as Oils, Acrylics, and Gouache, These are the category of brushes that youl useto create palntings with rugged paint surfaces, bay And texture, where the marks made by the brushes can either be wonderfully oly nd! wet, or where thick, opaqueareas of paint can be laid on tothe canvas creating stunningly realistic impasto fects. As farasthe specific categories ofthese brushesare concerned, they consist of & ARUCS B ARTISTS OLS A ous A GOUACHE ‘Within these separate categoriesarea Inuge number of Brush Variants which are designed to apply the virtual paintin many diferent ways. So, for instance, within Artists’ Olls, youl find variants that range from soft blender brushes, which apply very wet paintina very soft way, through todry and grainy brushes which react strongly to your chosen painting surface. You even get heavy impasto brushes which apply lots of nce thick paint that olds marks made bythe brush and produce JImpastoeflects where the paint stands proud ofthe paintingsurface. On the whole all ofthese brushes pinewith opaque colour, but each of the variants within each category can behave quite differently. t's worth taking Some time to look atthe individual Brush Property settings that can significantly affectthe way the variants work, how they interactwith paintalready applied to the canvas an how they reaetto your choice of painting surface Broakly speaking, within each ofthe above categories, youl find a selection of brushes which can be divided into four distinettypes: Dry Brushes: These brush variants, although they still apply opaque pain, are rather dry, and tend to deposit paint ‘oughly over your painting surface, ‘catching justthe high pointofthe paper sgrainand texture, Wee Brushes: These brushes give the appearance ofapplyinglots of very wet paint, whieh can mixnd blend with an aint already applied tothe canvas, These Th ip -~ typesofbrush are great for quick, gestural lines and arge, painterly areas of colo: Impasto Brushes: Here were dealing with brushes which apply very tick paint Which stands proud ofthe painting surface and create impasto. You will often see this effect sed in many traditional oi and acrylicpaintings, Sof, bending rushes: This group of brushes apply wet paint which readily blends with paint already applied. Marks nade with these brushes blend together as you pant, creating very subtle transitions between different colours nd tones. ‘Asyou can sue from the painting above by choosing your brush variants fareflly from these categories, super realsiceffectscan heachieved. One reat wayto get used to exactly what Uhesebrushes can dois to use the Brush (Grzator[WindowsShow Brush Creator), Withnchis panel, you can seeand modiy allofthe attributes applied to the brush, And tests appearance in thelarge white eee en castes Gloopy, opaque brushes ; | thatareapplied tothe eurrentbrush are | Layer the paint on nice a i etter tr stg Pace yes cy ‘whileany properties which don'tfeature Inthe rsh are greyed out For instance if you dickon Impasto, which soften avery Important characteristic of these opaque ‘media brushes,you'llbeabletocontrolthe } acrylic - Thick Acrylic AO Clumpy Br extent ofthisImpast effect via the Depth wees p canes slider The same applies ta changingany ‘other brush characteristics within the Brush Creator Forany ofthese brushes to work propery is vital thatyou first set your Brush Tracking via HlitPreferences> AO Dry Brush AO Impasto Oils Brush Tracking sothat the Core Paine brushes know how to respond tothe ‘unique way you use yourstylus Within ‘the Brush Tracking dialog, simply makea you would normally use your stylis , andCorelPainterwilladjustthebrushes | 0 Soft Blender Brush responsiveness accordingly. Allofthe usualbrush shapes appear wales cag Sirti foe Nail Brute retire ecttrstentotoccaegates | Soathe- re Br ee oak that ereate the range oftechniques and ‘effects that you'd expect to see with ‘opaque media, Remember, many ofthese brushes 4 create impasto effects and tiscan be ‘switched on and off via the small button Gouache - Wet Oils - Bristle ok atthe top right of the document window. Gouache Round You can also control the depth and shine ‘ofthe impasto effec via Canvas>Surface Lighting. Within the dialog you ean also ‘modify the direction and intensity ofthe Tight that alls across the image and create ouache - Broad Cover Brush the highlights and shadows that describe Oils - Fine Feathering ils-Smeary Round | thesurfaceofthe impast. oils Oils Tick Fat is Thick Wet Gis | Opaque Acryl Thick Acrylic Fat il Wet Acrylic madlanies Srctou eat oy oo me : _ Ba Painter | 22 DRY MEDIA BRUSHES Feature Get started with Core! Painter brushes When it comes to traditional real media effects, the dry brushes are very hard to beat. Here's a look at the best... “PAY tec rresta dy media ALT Ff ssthes cares, Pnc, A Ghateandrascs ne a Growing eds, andthe surface yours on wor band flare operand nts re ttactsaharod By Ute very ature ry Indie port by topline ono ithe ureeterare ofthe tiawingatrfoesanieepetr ck wh sticks ands isrb byte plng farielea Dyed deed he particeotpigrentel gsheved stand Pedi the paper tecurefyouvere ety Bete seers caw sae rac forinstancn weld notes Sing vsblnark However na stark comrastotis fea vere sete Semele of charcoalons pee of ough fandhupe js heights stake wld Creates pros dens bocnartn. ete erate ae corer fen youre tang foynctu wuchce Roscoe sighlterncts thee at j coemeenees seperate by thesuraceyou choose TBwork mba he tnky tings soupy ists perce ru nde ab sts eee The Dry Media categories within Corel Painter consist of Bak Bi PENCILS @ core @ rAses @ OL PASTELS Bi COLORED PENCILS Bi CRASONS Although these categories are distinctly diferent, they areall dependent on particular characteristics when it comes to controlling the marks the brushes within thecategories make and the effect you can achieve with them, ‘When you're using any ofthe variants within these categories, one of the most vital setting you will come across isthe Grain slider. This setting determines how ‘much effect the surface ofyour chosen paper as onthe strokes made with the currenty selected dry media brush variant. Atreativly low values, the marks made by the brush penetrate the paper grain very little, sothe paper texture Isvery obvious within the strokes of colour: Athigh rain values, the dry media penetrates deeply nto the paper grain, 50 the surface texture itself will be nich ess hwiousin your finished drawing ‘The Resatslider controls the amountof tolour that replenishes within the stroke. ‘100% the colour will be at mains Sgrirationall the way through the stroke, thissaturation within the stroke will Feiuce atlower Resat values. You! also see Bleed slider when tsingdry media variants, which s pretty importantin determining how your brush, bulaves Essentially, the Bleed value Dry mediums work Be celec on, or on determines how mucha currentsteoke Dthebrush blends with any other colour already applied beneath it. Athigh values, tela from your brush will blend readily with any colour beneath it. Atlow Bleed ‘taluesit il blend very litle A practical Aernonstration ofthis is that any dry nea brush variant that contains the word'sof'in ts name will automatically haveamedium co highbleed value, ‘whereas forthe brush variants labelled hard the Bleed vale will quite often be (Ofcourse the settings within the brush ‘snotthe only thing that determines ‘eloak ofthe strokes made withthe brush. The actual ook ofthe brush salso dependent on its footprint. You can easily See the individual footprint ofthe brush, simply by makingasingle click withthe brush on yourcanvas, You'll see from this footprintthat some brushes contain texture within their fotprint while tthershave ether hard or soft edges. Here lwecome to another feature of dry media brushes which should nate averlooked, hamely jitter By default the stroke ‘fabrush willbe made up of multiple footprints ofthe brush placed dlosely togethorand inline with each other The Jiterslider adjusts the placement ofthese footprints, scattering them either side of ‘the central ine ofthe brushstrake toa lesser or greater extent dependent onthe value ofthe iter slider Ths feature an bbe wery usefulto avoid the edges of your Dbrushstroke being too uniform andis ‘worth experimenting with Remember thatall of thevariants within the dry media categorieshereare sit : ie surface texture drawing media and as suc, the kind of ‘marks yon make with the brush variantsis key to replicating the effect ofa traditional drawing. good to bear in mind that ddrawingisan exercise that depends very ‘much onbullding up tones with lots af linear shading and crosshatched strokes, Aswellasthis, many ofthese variants also respond tothe pressure you apply to your drawing stylus, in regard to size, opacity and grain soit vital that you consider thisas you draw. Inthe boxout o the rightyou'l see a selection ofexamplesofsome othe bestbrush variants from each ofthe dry media categories available within Corel Painter: Try each ofthem and vary the paper surface you use with them tosee the diferenteffects thatcan be created ne fina point; rememiner that dry media brushes often work very well on coloured ground, so experiment with fisefillingyourcanvaslayer with a solid ‘colour rather than automatically choosing white canvas, Dry media brushes For briliantly-textured papered effects Mii: lls Dull Grainy Chalk ! Square Chalk Oily Variable Pencil aw Gre ma Soft Charcoal ‘Soft Vine Charcoal RR Artist Pastel Chalk Soft Pastel ‘Square Hard Pastel ' Soft oii Pastel Sketching Pencil th, Chunky oil Pastel Bee Waxy Crayons EIA BRUSHES R@OLOUR AND TRANSLU atercolour painting i often seenassynonymouswith thevery best in Britishart There isa charm, delicacy © anddirectness associat with water-based transparent media that simply cannotbe replicated by any other techniquesand this fact holds true within the realms of Corel Painter Thisis oneatea Where Core Painter particularly excel, and some ofthe most realistic results can be achieved. Here can be regarded as transp Z sum @ WATERCOLOR &@ DIGITAL WATERCOLOR © Lialiip ink ‘The Sumi-e category features variants similar to those traditionally used in Chinese brush painting techniques and can WATE Get started with Corel Painter brushes create beautiful ff ike paintings. The va category vary from brushes th small detail Sumi-e brushes, Fach ofthem feature the Resa setting ‘mentioned in the previous setion and nother brush property, namely the Feature slider. This slider, common in many ofthe brushes in the waterenlour-like categories control the density ofthe hat orbristles within the brush, Law values here create strokes where the individual hairsare densely packed, producing more sold strokes. High values produce strokes ‘where the bristles ofthe brush are more sparsely yacked leaving unpainted eps between them The Digital Watercolor category contains a wealth of rushes whieh canbe used onthe Canvas ayet, or normal floatinglayers to create effective Watercolour paintings. Although these brushes area less advanced version ofthe Watercolor eatogory brushes, they ean still yield super resultsand are dependent on very particularbrush property settings. When you need a bit of subtlety in your work or just the bearest hint of colour, the watercolour and translucent options are well worth investigating. Try these suggestions to start with... The brush variant inthis ea d mop brushes, which apply ret broad washes of colour dry brushes which wil give the impression of aflrly dry brush usthrushingthesurface igrainof your painting surface and even Trushes which appeat to spatter colour land wateracross your canvas. Al these brush variants feature two very important Linish properties to create feel of Watercolour: The isto these variables, Diffusion essentially controls how wet thesurface is that you're painting on. Tracitionlly, working witha watercolour, Aiyouaply paint to wet paper iespreads and difusesas soon as you makea mark, Thissetting creates exactly thesame fect Low Diffusion values mean that thebrush you use keens itsdistinctedges, bathigh values mean thatthe edges of thecoiour you apply diffuseinto the sroundingarea The Wot Fringe setting s great for simulating the effet of watercolour fulnt pooling’ around the edges ofa bushstroke, the effect intensifying at higher values applied to this slider The Watercolor category group ofbrush “ariants deserve special attention, as thestunningly realistic effects you can “sthieve with these brushes equal those “frealsworid watercolour effects. They ‘sorely on some very specific settings. “These Watercolor brishes require a Special type oflayer, which willbe added. Hoyour images soon as you begin tose ‘oe ofthe brushes. The feature ofthese brushes which deserves special attention isthe Water section ofthe Brush Controls palette. The settings inthis category of brush properties allow the colour you apply with the brush to diffuse and flow across the painting surface and in this section you can control how wet the paint and paper is, how faritrunsand diffuses, anu even the direction in which colour applied by thebrush flows, There isa vast range of variants within the Watercolor category of buses and allofthemare directly comparableto traditional techniques, The variants themselves incuderunny brushes which apply pools ofreally wet paint that will Theres a charwa associated. with water-based transparent wedia that canvet be replicated! flow over the paper: dry brushes which ‘an create areas of texture that take advantage ofthe surface texture ofthe paper sponge elect brushes and wash brushes that canbe used to apply broad, Aitfused washes of colour, ‘The Liquid nk group of brush variants imitate the effect ofinks, which can range from thick, gloopy nkto fine, almost pen Tike calligraphiclines ofink. Again this group of brush variants work ona special Iayer,addedas soon as your begin touse ‘one ofthe brushes. This group ofbrushes ‘fantastic fr spontaneous sketches and bol, graphicimages, With thes variants, you'lals find wo new brush property settings; Smoothness and ‘Volume, which allow you to control theamount oink onthe brush and the ‘smoothness of your strokes Transparent brushes Use for subtle washes and calm landscapes ‘Sumie Dry Ink Flat Wet Sumi CUR hie Dw - Diffuse Water DW Spatter Water | Watercolor -piftuse | Camel Watercolor - Grainy Wash Bristle Watercolor - Runny Watercolor - Wet Flat Sponge Wet ‘Watercolor - smooth Watercolor - Runny Camel Wet Wash Flat BN kip Watercolor - Watery Watercolor | Soft Bristle Spatter Water Liquid nk. Liguid ink - ‘Smooth Bristle EB Sparse Bristle Liquid nk - Velocity Liguid nk - ‘Sketcher lumpy ink Liquid ink | calligraphic Flat ee a ae eR Tutorial | Cloneandgiaze | Jett Johnson stows you how to Clone and glaze In this tutorial, Jeff Johnson walks you through how he cloned a photo and applied a glaze effect to create a digital masterpiece ‘Tutorial info P34 eingarestesssor, tam vento i tring every way ean discover » toachieve myends.lameven J Iielyto earn aw thing inthis tutorial Corl Painters so versatile that Detects canbeachievedinmany ways and a \ [RRR The projectathand stoutdleaveus = witha vey nice emulation ofa character BI Prnetratisiethetcinquor S Sits pho Slowly buildingup ight, shade and colour ANIKI TY harmonies with semi-transparent layers of digital paint Boca ‘muslim gawking at masterworks from the Renaissance, there willbea flavour of thatlook inthe final piece ‘Weill beginby doinga few necessary thingstoa photo reference, including adding parts ofthe body. We will then ferthe gure to background we will prepare together. After establishing alightsource, we wllbuild up the kind of atmosphericeffects that one associates ‘ith ol painting Because the process isa sradual one, ‘matched by the forgiving nature of digital paintingin general Ifa muddle-head ike ‘myself can dois can you! Photo and sketch The two starting elements Akeringandrotatingthe Createa reference study 1 sainetiertercentoonen OZ picwgamrmicenos — OS earners. CR tOlenecm ine Sect cee eer cca tem davies th = thededite ‘addto maketh | painter Bh Bre b 1c) Tutorial | Clone and glaze Merge photos and sketch Get that traditional look igthereference \inen ool copied and 08 “size aguide Soft light layer for modifying mid-tones and shadows pati pained orta uth a dark colour would suc carken ondecfllyumingus oe . 10 rites Understand glazes ii-tones and ; Sadows The shining light from the darkest shadows | [4 mets apae eso cana eae ten eri [stented tare med pcee The ected taesa feet proach Aninec ae ‘begins with an underpainting thats then modified by suc ‘ ‘previous layer. in traditional oif technique, gl ? idpouetsceaddnchckgleacnesy entat : ‘ar etrer andor pe ethan apace : yellow and you see immediately that you h hat has optical a ‘properties that can't beachieved by mixing paint. That is indirect painting. | 2 tense f eiPaepcssa minbercttnsatonsdwalatcanbeces | fl pint ety, Sarpy reducing repay of alr ora sh Wor Composit ayer ke Gel analy areparer wel stedorsn dec approach escover ew method tee 1.2 Ai depth and manceto shadows 2 11 Beoatenttevaluerange eae 13 sre Multiply layer a Tutorial | clone and giaze Lighting eat colour tweaks Going from go Snel Don’t get painton your nose 15 iene 1 issepans ‘worked trough Paintingisieon| thesereen ovina to these of yea Case eraath 1.4 fesingn some eta lero ater Stop the parting. Increct patting Isaproctssot harmonising elements {elifanyoneste is working towards tat tndor ro, On-line resources ereare acount attter Yaluabeinsighs fom/matertals/ Indirect has synopsis Reed Kaysencelent cates ‘onindret ling ‘asoclety rains Corel Panter ans frtechngues forum Iashandy tutors and op advice rom Same ofthe most painter Effects menu painter Tonal Control ii Use this Effects group to make sure the colours in your image are loud and proud ‘ur next stop on the journey down the Effects mena is the Tonal Control group. As youean guess by the name, the options in here allow youto edit the colours inanimage. To many people, Corel Painter just tool for creating digital art, butt also hasan impressive set of tools fr editing photos and the Tonal Controls eects playa major partin this. Prom here you can perform tasks such as adjusting brightness and contrast, editing selected colours and applying posterisation eof theedits will workas lowingyou to make VideoLegal mage tor morean dynamic lye ce oe thers se pe In ain ots thatinprov the oneal | cola fan mae Eouag) sashes paint firstpaya visio the Tonal Control options. By boosting saturation or enhancing shadows, you can makea photo more painterly Adjust Color Enjoy complete colour cr The Ads coor determine thee arisad)uste: torn Ca pape gran a use asthe astment na {Luminance wl tae the Wminance nthe mage asthe starting pon for acustment Original sliders to alter the hue, saturation or value ee | Bainter Brightness/Contrast Overall colour ed es Berths em, bghnasand contrasts Seectn the eit othewholeet adjstents with nes/canrast command athe Tor Control set, window wl ppea witha Conta Slider op anda Brighnes lider ootom, ‘Move thesidersright tolncease the effector left decrease. goes wrong Ne Reset. painter sda ee Edit on a dynamic layer pean Experiment without any regret! ieemuneugte tan eect without one forthe Brightness thebattomatthe palette andthe Dynamic Pighsicon ‘romthslef). Peete New layer, please ssoon ‘asyoumakeachoke femthe meray sna abo heceresponding coeur you eres, for caps ae a ouaetreeto Equalize Negative and Posterize For when you need precise contrast edits effects with just one click NN yy 122529 ae atows youro improve ares and brightness by sttng lak and sai points, once corel Painter wil then ise these to pent to evenly ‘stout the ales aros the yer orselcto, ‘after ging te reersonal Consol euaie, thetmage wi be asst teligntest oour iswhiteand the artests bic. You ake adhstnents by moving the black and white imarersvales tothe ight ofthe white marker Become white, and valuesto the letof the back = Twoot the Tonal Control oon are partly 20d for dramatcly teringa poor image egatve ting willereafe a megs version of your layer rseleton andi particulary trfective nealages or backgrounds ‘The Posterze option allows you tit Dis animage Cota 3 contrebPosterze and ete for tener! evel ou vill nom haveamoe ivstate ookto ands igreat starting pont for vectar or cone books images. Yu tan also posterie using closet painter | 37 JeulLid JOx]U09 jeuoy, painter sda ee Edit on a dynamic layer pean Experiment without any regret! ieemuneugte tan eect without one forthe Brightness thebattomatthe palette andthe Dynamic Pighsicon ‘romthslef). Peete New layer, please ssoon ‘asyoumakeachoke femthe meray sna abo heceresponding coeur you eres, for caps ae a ouaetreeto Equalize Negative and Posterize For when you need precise contrast edits effects with just one click NN yy 122529 ae atows youro improve ares and brightness by sttng lak and sai points, once corel Painter wil then ise these to pent to evenly ‘stout the ales aros the yer orselcto, ‘after ging te reersonal Consol euaie, thetmage wi be asst teligntest oour iswhiteand the artests bic. You ake adhstnents by moving the black and white imarersvales tothe ight ofthe white marker Become white, and valuesto the letof the back = Twoot the Tonal Control oon are partly 20d for dramatcly teringa poor image egatve ting willereafe a megs version of your layer rseleton andi particulary trfective nealages or backgrounds ‘The Posterze option allows you tit Dis animage Cota 3 contrebPosterze and ete for tener! evel ou vill nom haveamoe ivstate ookto ands igreat starting pont for vectar or cone books images. Yu tan also posterie using closet painter | 37 JeulLid JOx]U09 jeuoy, Tutorial info Timstelboune _| Cie) Intesmeetate Using the RealBristle brushes RealBristle brushes are new to Corel Painter X and in this tutorial, we demonstrate just how easy it is to use them to create stunning paintings full of brush strokes! ‘your primary goal in using Corel Painter ist produce images which areas close as possibleto real world ol or acrylic paintings, version X y new super-powerful creative we right at your fingertips, namely the RealBristle Pslatingsystem inthe following tutorial provetoyou allyareand producea a ‘which you wouldbe hard presse tell apart real-world equ RealBristle brushes Saysnig apsuigieay variability and vitality that artists have co knowand ove in these brushes. The brush variants themselves range from short fats, through to lovely full-bodied round brushes and even include tapered Varieties which mimic traditional bers. swells the selection of preset brush variants you'll find within the RealBristle categories, you're also able to customise and change every aspect ofthe particular brush character the RealBristle section controls, You can eh length, brstie rig rojec sal about painting, so use ju guide, but dont be afraid to npersonality and vitality into ‘your brush strokes as vou work. Use these brushes with enthusiasm and the rewards will come! De Tutorial | RealBristle brushes Laying down the base colour | From sketch to painting OQ) eenttesteteh nonobese denn macsavi ‘tom wiv pent ypansigote Fiessave -Asandsaethe fle under arevname andasa Core Panter if fe, Cicethe Papers swat and choose Ast Caras. Cickthe Bash ool and choosethe ears Busbescateooy. Choose the Rel Roundbvetevarint Chooses ‘midbrown fom the Colors, i Loadingthe Color set acess ae smite : anes es ma Sateen, Sowtesnca Sceicr, Seen sagt sation Gene ()6 lanza cmonney a oe crepe berscoaite poate on Meaty ennemnere cas acaerac™ Ses aedtaediorae shoe 2 Raiforcetne sketch wns bjushataround fo paz refore ‘hedstantshorlneandercscapesimp¥ by roughly painting over thesheth oes, You can leavethe sketching nine styasits Change tothe Rel lara Incase thebrush Seo coun SOpinaandin these category of teach Contos, change the Minimum Szeto 5% O nttia O7 fests ChonsetheRealFat Opaqueverart. Set eed 1555 este fo? land send 0 2% Inthe rusncreator wingowssea Brash Geato choose theo vaiabity category Sei siger 1 10% Choose avy Aetkblulock rom theColos plete Add aravilyer(Cricmde Shute Nowbeginto pantie te foreground hiisancland nas, O4 Pai ‘some water Asyousaint ‘re blue ofthe 39, piodealyeneoee either ashy ome or darkershode ofthe ‘opurtovarythe be heteand thee Now ‘hoosea darterbue fromineclourset nd sing thesarre brshatasmale se, roughly paintin the ‘waterUsrg energetic hoviontltokes QD Levktnestoward csc arsine ‘eobourana begin topaintintis oie aeasofthesky UseitsoFshorstekesheren randomdrectons.Remerberths bash seis ‘olor ied srdstarstobiend aferceroin «contact vith canis fr awhlesoequary i yousilusand thenbagintapamtagan OS Thenilsareaivet cca ates Ol Shorvaint Set lena 0 27%. Featureto..tand Grainto 72% Choose avery carkblsgesn fom sates and resuce ne Suectthebnsh ta arcund 79 naa, Nowbegin ‘opantinthedstanthis Again useshorskes hotest rove anges, 40 | Bainter For thea bivo of the sky, we il use the Real Alt ‘arian Thsisa great Realistic bush because it tle enabes your coverlrge areas with elo ‘hati! mantas oto ible brshstrokes for Interest anstevtire These brushstrokes become vislebeeauseef the fay gh Blend vale fated a inthebris | Real Round Bristle Te Real Round erste variant eaves visible brite marks within i stoke making eat forsoftareassucias te carkershagesin ie skyand cous “our pick of the RealBristle brushes For the darker loud aresin the sk, weve sing the Real Round Briste variant. The attributes we apy tote rsh means thas iy high Feature setng, hich allows the ial sts within the brush {oremainvisibleinthe areas of pan applies. The ‘ow Blenavaue means hs the oor maine foe Tonge as you continue tapas best se this brash ata arly large se and witha stint ssribing oton. RealFlat- High Blend witha high lena stig, the Rel Flat. ‘aan ends reel andqueky wth the ‘vas andosie paint. The sky's the limit thanks to Corel Painter Forthligher parts af the clouds we use the Impasto brushed uhh a modified version ofthe Real ois Short vara. Th great ting about ‘his brs stat pat tn mpastoand best ‘ed shor dabsinvarous directions or alla these brushes ne athe most inpartant ‘values tht of lend thigh valves the rushes il ‘rate stakes and oats which end together, a Tower values your brushstrokes wl be ore distin Real Flat Low Blend With alow Blend setting, the same arint blends less and leaves much mare distinc brush marks as oupaln Mites « ibiry Realils Short -Impasto ‘ecuse we vemadtes the mpasto ‘properties ofthe Rea Ol Shot variant, it Bats win ver east Impasta, making it ‘ear the bolder areas tthe si, Continue with the colour We're still applying base colour! Suggesting detail Usestor. ‘zibbling moverentshere regula 08 == stom the able, Re Bheszeof the brush asyoustar aoWae3s alg theshorene adda ‘alvercalstovestoindeate ees nares ree 09 1086 Fe Layetspalette, eum Layer teeth suecitnebnh to pce. Now beg oad ‘he darker testo the coud Use nie random Darker clouds Cxangetoshe es) Found Bstlevarint setaleadio sureto2 BandBiendto i Inthe 10 redusng thei of te rh Refer tothe fmshedpaning fc More sky Rodicethesiz ofthe brusha lite nd ine areas ofthesky ist above the icon Ie. Again, wes, cating Sroka, brushing ove some ates rested to blend hace area ite, Re ‘900d deaasyougo tochoose ashy ware of coke hueot asia ‘on trom tne Coborsplet Real lls Short - NoImpasto ere youcan se the sare variant without he Impast value apple. Youcan easly achleve ‘ambxbetween the tuo simply by sing ery low impasto value. rhe => Tutorial | RealBristle brushes i Suggest detail with subtle shading Ital in the brush work — Create the Impasto brush hoot the Rea oi Shorevaanand set Bleed torn eseenstozeein the Properties ar. Now gto the rsh (lor snd Depth, and SeltheDeptnster tousecekthe Arts category fdvsathese Seung Brsting So, chminess 95%, Intecener Category se Grin oreston tote Category, set Feature xeon tone once youre back ra Balter eke ihevarlan selector Sndehacse Save 1G Datkshades, broken colour brgintoaddsomerealcakstothelageticeberk 9 ‘onthelttofthe parting itsimparanttobreae —_upitsoutineandblenaitsigty whe sey ‘othsarea wth toes sightyalifwen Now continu ado dark ates of retest ‘oousrom dark rwnstroughtovery dark along heshoraie tlvaryin he colours you Gusky bes. Agrestrangect hese colousaen —seheeandt suppl Bainter ~ Misone sobs stele ae 42 Fathgthecauisvthantne! 4 > ratantlend ayer Themgectenitanisycwad 12 semmeannecmeraes Sees 1 Bests Now choose theceuce Reme hparsswih __Aghightsinthesty For uhere the ight reso ‘made eae ee mpast mast Sethe moe aneareas, __thecuds meet re esting dak areas, nceare thethickerand more tree-dmensonalthemaint the leno valveofthe oh nthe Prope ties Sor wibecome Releriothe finshed enagetorthe _spthatyouget-mocthervanstionstiom one acementof esehghight eas ance here coc ne tt Bre Seo 3 | lO 14 pester brush vd newly Choose theRealat Opaque sdethe bash ee nS 0 75%, Sut Gea to6%, Bleed Suggested detail Use orgstoces 105%, Fetuata 5 thatsiaggest eure and endo 7 Now, ndrerember atthe ightest aes lon oosing lighter grees, cstresandyellons romthesipoied Beginoada hehe Tibehils Aayouverk tured Trelis, use datkershodesof gens brow and bilge. these ares, reease th rent quite Shapestopar simalyactng ex 18 ieee Upwardstoescthe trushalong the dao Quetheimpesse ofsalieesano obec. gain ot ths eniyneedic be ute cosehntoteinage Using itt al so, Refine the detail Useihissamebrass thebrshalitieand re Sal random buss harewil work Add some extra elements Controlling the impasto effect But still keep a loose st Sometimes by etal, Core Pane ‘ansightyver-ogg ‘he pudaing when Impastoetet Tn your patigs but you teen values apie vats elaine a: Dust OF apy 22 tresats ore eed Real Blender brushes Bienen Snitapered re very ‘etl forretng Sdaresof pant ‘owe blend together i 24 oarer deta seaugete. Painter | © Selecting | Feature focus | Selecting colour colour Colour is at the heart of any painting, so it's worth mastering how to select it! Work with RGB values ityouare creating piece fart that ou row hastohave certain R68 oot Values, you might tine tnae the ee Feadout hor the ors paerels Useless, sine shams ‘Walt you ck on {his fens ti {uminta Red, 50 You ‘nse ow things are stopingust clour ion ofthebigboys when Iteomestocreatingarvor {VA sasetng te pereeth vital foany amit and comes no surprise to cower that Core Plater as ples foptionstor chosing eng and Saving aur ‘Themulncloursleton aes pace Inthe Clrspalete As yi expert from Cael Pater ths entrenched intraionalar theory andisbased around the cneeptofe cour eel This means thatyu con visually see which Colours compleent eachother or hich Dalong the same gap: Once you have Selected your ain our you cn then Saja esatrationor ela goa haven gotacluewhatthismeans,wellbe explaining esersting over these pages! Tnadalion tothe Clos alte ere arevaris other methods selecting Colours These inde he Dropper so ‘heColorsquaresand che Calor Sets pate agin well belooingat howl ofthese worn more detail ndings vealkthrough on ow create and se your or Color Sets ‘When comesto emulating traditional artccniguey though the Miser palette ispenomenalYoucan uses to mixup paints you would witha trationalpane palette andcanaiosetthebrsh opick Upmululecsours Wevegotaspecal wallehrovgh ston thier er the Page where youn outhow to use 2nd ops are aval Select using squares Quick and easy colour selection at q a = 48 | Painter es ‘The quickest ay to selet aclour andthe ‘ostinulteiyoueused tousing an mage falng program, tock the fon coloured sauareln the telboe. This call up a coors indo wth Seo wheat anda defo theriht Clekinid the whe! toselect ‘lou andadjst how gto dark tis, Saymaving the der (pero coun (darter) Tereare ako kone te topof te window hat aon yout setaferent way selecting colour These range fom colour Spectrumstiveugh to web-safecolaurs "Corel PaimerX File Eat Camas Layers Select shapes fects Me Ai IBD © | sve 2001 oxeny 5 1| amae 0 [ee Om | mer cv MAIN AND ADDITIONAL COLOUR The ret ua olor beng sed, The theaddiral celeurana comes nto lay hen you use dal olor contol | onyoutnah, The main man (plus additional) ‘Two squares are better than one ‘ne thing ha confuses most people when they ‘move froma program suanasPhtcehap oer {oCorel Painters the wo eoured squares {he tolbox. nPhotosop these would bethe foreground and background coors, bitin Corel Pater they aethe man ron) and detona! (Gad). Themaln colours the one current Selected. The adn colour ony cones nto Play nen ou ave matcolored Brosh strokes, two poim gradentsor whenever ore than one (olor is appli. tose the aon co fouble-lek onitand pick scalour norma “ae ‘COLORS PALETTE: Thetub ofchoosng | coous, thispakete Slows youtoset nue andasocataline Nalueanasatursion of hathue MIXER PALETTE Tres pale one he mst exit Feties of Corel Pantanal vith aston painpalte ra color sets These sts ea handy vray of eeping colours ofsmderalus ores togeterYoucon ue the nes that ship with ore Painter orcete your ov forthe prec coma ‘COLOR INFO Hyouhateto adhere tocertsincolourrdes maybe yu ae desing forthe you cansee th cour vives er AGB, HSV ane WebRGE romhere, Hue’s this then? Using the Color palette’s Hue ring to set colour ‘The best way to select colours te Coors pate. ‘By default this displayasaingof colour with atsangen theme although you car make Salle Tis'sbase around hue, saturation ana ‘vale colour model. teal, ths model begins ‘with you pieknga rue, which represented by thachce. Hueindicatesacolou's postion ona ‘lou whee, hence why i's presented na ng, “oselct your hue, simply ik and ag the small Dackelede, As you movelt arin the whet the ‘rlangle and mal/adaltonal colour sqares Wil Update according. Create color sets Group colours for easy location ‘olor Sets area fabulous way of grouping colours an creating ‘bespoke colour palette. Coe Panter ship with several closets, ‘tis worth creating your own, You mien make some for portrait altng landscapes, dotes. t's complete up yu. JNo|O3 8uNDaIaS, | ‘sn20j ainjeag Q)] Leenuntnesets ster by gogo Window Colt Palette=sshow ‘Color Ses, Once thepalete appeals, ck te smart Btn tous and then select New Empty Closet 2 Pekyourcoours Now tte te filyournce "= clean corset Sian by picking acoiou 2 fromthe Color paletteand then ick ‘coy the olor to Color Set button (second rom gh. Q)3 Rereatandsave ‘Contino uns you haveal he clousyou van an then cick he right poiting anew gain. Choose Save Clr Se om the menu andone yourseta namin thesaveAsex Pek alecatontosaveta andi Sa The value of saturation Use the triangle for tints and shade ‘Thetranle inthe mide of tering conto the ‘turton and value ofa alu stiration's basally how intense a colour By moving the ‘langle’ cle tothe you reduce saturation. ‘Amovetotherightwil increase tforavery strong colour "Value refers to hw igh or darka colour and ets you piektins osha of claus. By moving the cero the top ofthe tangle you teen thecolourandcrestea tine Moving he creo the bottom of the langle wit aren the colour ndthereore make ashate painter | «° Feature focus | Selecting colour Mix colours with the Mixer palette ~ Enjoy a true real media effect Users with version e IKorabove of Core Painter willbe ableto enjoy the Miserpalete. This allows you to mix and merge paint justasyou would traditional paint canvas butitean take abitofgoting used to Heres how itworks. (1 opeepthepattte sss ead) open, gato Winao=Caoe PalettessShow Moro open upthe Maer pelt, Fortheshortfare,ustaess mdz aurece ols2 Windows Wiis creations ust sought Svea ctor sefor Workin the ture, youcanakosave your ereations inthe Mer palete aye youhavecraiedthe Perfect concoct for Udorwaterseenes. recdiowarace” (A) Setonetping esa rsvas rotmeantferjstone oie set iothecolourswatchesardcick cnacierert Colour Pantin the Mir padasbetere yeu pact ‘re theorgral lou you sede youilseethe Ineraarrow ance Save ve Pas cive thepada name chose Uhre tasave and then Sve Lond Keupbypcingopen _huesstatatlend together Torealy work ther MberPodtom the in usetheMtk Coortoo. Snspbetvee the to paletemens, by pad coun Cme (Mad eri Wr). The Dropper tool Sample colour from images ‘ven though the colors plete san extremely accurate way of electing oe, ou ih ins thatyou cart gt thee that you need Mae vouaretringtoadaext toa painting huteant fa colour thatrmatches au nthe mage. For times ke these, pay ato the Dropper to. Foundin the telbos or by hitng' on your krybord), allows yout select» colour from an Image ek the mano aeetona eter squne, pick the Dropper olathe cick the colour You antto smpeinyourlmage-aslongasits visible colour i wl appear in your sare 2 Anew backaround yao Mor padisona whitsbacgyauns ijoudlater chargets ckkon ep menu aro edhe chose Charge Background. A Coos dalgbacwl ope, sopickthenew cou youwa.Thsi-0604 prtcefyosalepartngontoa cred arkgyoundasyousetow he cours sppesrerce med 5 Ue thecotour innova wth the blended colour youneed toapply tothe canes Do thsby ting the SanpleClortoalatthe bottom afte Mer plete tl becomethe mah colou Now palit thenew colour 3 Apprcnour oomsresuanne IMierpad cin the Aly Clr colt taker ofthe Moerglete Go uptatheronct ‘ious atthetopof re paleteardcickononevou lke Return tothe Me padandpin Yourecen celour wl apes. A @\|2ax—" 06 Bilinthe brush encore X,you can use certain brushes tami Sourdrecyon he Mer pecans move ‘.ertothecanvestostaripartngstaght ana) The varantshatsupportthsare ones that sethese dab ypes Came Ha Fa, Bstle Spray, Watercolor Camel Wateralr Fat snc vintereolor ere, Clone colour from images Go for preset colours Another way of using colours from an existing Images tous the Cone clr option. This ‘Werks by ting abr ek op abe of clour from tha cone sues. youre sing ews that has dabsbased dab ype, ce clour wil be napproxiationa the done sources colour Rendered dab types sample vrous colors, ving very reat reut, ‘Open an imageand goto FleClne. Now to Seectoalfand pres delet/backspace Piet brush and open the Colors palette. lek te Clone Color button and str painting | Know your Mixer | | palette tools Ensure perfect control ‘vel dom othe botionotte irate and you ilfinda range of tothe alow youto ‘anil how yourbx the colours These areal you 08 rine palette youareabe fovoasmorethan one ‘louronabrish ‘eed node create your on pel cour “oueanco ea Ines forwhstver thao athens ntonta = thetols dor rgt abou the setngsaralabie thesamensre be theta “ ig val eeeseete yarn sae your uber padwertpace Serpe usple coor c pad wrk tool Selecta Suche cas Dirty Brush Mode too | 7 au See metintwoadtoyowcams | abushsdered? eacehowbigthe | on mmning,morethepantstoundinthevindow to sample arab, Cl g-tthemyouwant CreccattheDity Bush _inthepadtopKkup Mocetcoliselctedand then-oveowrtoyou _colaurandthenpai ‘anes Thecolouyouustmikesilbeappled. —enyour canvas, Further afield Customise your colours 0 Apply Color tot sets te cen the op swatches and apply a clourto the pad JNQ|OD SuNDIa}aS | sMIOJaunjee4 Mx color too! les clos the pad and uni he Apply olor too does tad amy mare Sample olor toot Use tis to sample colour rom the pat NN SS ‘Sample Multiple Colors toot nen youTaveapeasingbend use thistoleed up multe hes, a Gps Zoomtoct ‘ui zoom nan ou of areas on he iverrad Pan tool You pad expe beyond te resins ofthe pals, ise histo move about Otherswatches meiner vallopen witha detaut st of colours ayovcanguigetictosnouot Fcka 4 Q) Savethe colours vienjoshneceamyorne con Celeur forthe Colors palate ard tan Cdk fois, gotothe plete ren srowand dick Save Miser (Mag orcir-ickQwindovs)ontheswsitnyou Cols. Gveltaname, asavelocatonandthensie! You can ioad Mae ‘lear and Reset Canvas too! Vanttochangeinthe Me palette Thesquare lousy cckng thepalettemenvarow/andpcing Load ver coos. | Get of any mar onthe pad and villcangetoyourseecteaeoou Nevoztetotheaneyeuwantandtheobeagocdur! | ‘esetthe mom eelto 100% Annotate colours Get colour information Pass the information on For when things gets technical you share your wack with thers or are ‘allaborating on project, the abit to annotate ‘lours moans everthing wllalWays match. {sveryeasy todo aswel although you have to Jbeworking froma color st tat cued names. Paints normal picking your colour from tha coor Set it ames. Now goto camasramatationss ‘Annotate. Put your curso oer the colour You want ‘oannotateand then crag aut st beyons the boundaries ofthe clo Aesoon a youl goo the mouse the nme of he colour apps Sive asa RIFF foto keep the annotation. ‘Youcan cally the Color nf paltteandlscover {he HSV a standard RGB values of he colour you fre curenty sig fin already ope, goto \WindowsCeoe PaleitessShow Color nfo. Yu Sea somesiders, which you can use t adjst the Values or siply ypea new umber in heb. ‘ick the right painting arrow toswap beeen RB or HV colour values. Ay ateration ou make cane previewed nthe sour square. Also you Shift on the HSW/RGR square in ‘the Colors palette, youcan se esadecal Re ‘ales or hen ereaing forthe we, Painter | = Bry Ler CRON MOF ec l a ORO earl a Share your Corel Painter artwork with other users and become part of a LUV eAeO TUTE eee mee hata N Serene = 7 Peeters Pe eae ea ue) also want to provide place for you to ‘come and geta healthy Corel Painter en eee) arrive! Sowhen we created our website, eee eared et een Cosh eee cares You sign up tothe site you can create Peerage es eons Cra emer Reamer ene cy eer eee artist who you particularly admire, Cerone eens eee a aver) just for Corel Painter professionals or erences Peseta Por nereen cit tt Over these pages weare going to show Poise res ee re aS ‘tthe end, we willalso highlight couple Ce ts Sree ent Ft Ah Picture of the Week ~ ‘An How Van Ge atin ame RS en CUE (earl Cou Cony Inputting profile information and uploading images Register °op along town, paintermagain Youllbe taken ‘Your profile upiote butyourightoreferto a your own aioli Mere NO aT=cl ag aed Seam C's |S ratingGalory Dod tra centad ces Poet orate oreo Pipettes ciao “Se ae deme) hein ptr epitome 02: Reiner SATs amas eae Pipi eee | Deca ieeeeoereae cr Other site features Paco Hem! core ee ne 3 Editing Gallery Del a) Berens 1 Cetra mene SNe ee en eee eet a sere een tae ery eer pee | Picture Statistics fel eee co rns ee Nae | reel (oye Pres etter) rate ee FLO pacers soa ACT Res art ene oye 56 | painter | Paint like Edward Hopper primetmeres’ ‘ier Ighthawks was based ona Greenich village spot that attracted Hoppers native eye. The artist was known for roamingthe streets of New York, where he lived for 54 years, to find spats flnterest. He would make afew sketches on location buteontinueto do the great bull of work inhisstudio, Like many truly great works of art, [Nighthawisisatimeless piece. The locality ofthe all night diner is interesting to note but the place could in fact be anywhere, Its strength is in the strong sense of place and atmosphere. The three silent customers are eerily captivating. They are lstin their own thoughtsand inevitably make uuswonder oftheir personal circumstance. Also fluorescent lights were new inthe carly 1940s and here they create a unique slow andthe place stands out onthe dark Athe time of Nighthawks’ first exhibition, Hopper was already a wel: ‘known artist. He made his name painting houses and other buildings, barns and farmhouses, often lonely ina sea of landscape. Be ta rural or urban setting, Hoppers paintings were ofan outsider Jookingin, 11920 Hopper had hisirstsolo show atthe Whitney Studio Clubin Greenwich Village. His style wasa success from the very startofhis career and bis acclaim continued to grow duringhis lifetime. He remained a private person who spent ‘much of his ife in hs house on Cape Cod, ‘where many of his most famous works were created. He was fascinated by lightand its changingnature atcliferenttimes. Hopper isreported to have sid ofhimselE- “I guess Fmnot very human, Alli really wantto do ‘spalntlighton the side ofa house: ‘According othe artist's wife and muse, Josephine, Hopperhad avery clearidea ‘ofapieceheforehe started the work, He ‘mixed the orginal sketches with extensive studio ol paintings often using Josephine asamodel To prodice ourown workin the style lof Hopper; we will createa sketch ofthis pleceasa guide, Inthe spiritofimitating ‘eal lf, we will use the simple 2B Pencil Hopper’ preferred painting medium was oiland tis usually applied quite smoothly, with strokes being highly vsibleat times. ‘We willalso end up with an ol panting but Instead of applying impasta directly onto the guiding sketch, we will explore Corel Painter's tools and aray of paint media, ipa We will stare with filingin the sketch and moveon tothe Airbrush. This isused cosmaoth the surface in preparation for oll aint application. The last painting stage the Impasto brush, providing the oll painting look. We will adjust the Impasto tor The ee ofthe puzzle willbe toadjust and texture. We will apply Image Luminance othe il paint to see its effect on the paint stroke tel ‘Asexpocted in such a comprehensive application, there is mare than one way toachieve different effects. Aback-and white sketch, for example, canbe created ‘singa pencil or you could take tutomatic route. You can apply roto the finished piece oF tured canvas and soon, basic sketch Tutorial info Hannah Gal Intermediate Final file and steichguide O1 Ses copethe fralpantng romineds Ths wel essing cay, Nameths ayer reference’ Joddoy premp3 ayy quied = FeO, Tutorial | Paint like Edward Hopper Laying down base colours Set up your palette 05°" paint resiea new yerto apph pantandname eaclgeund Goto the rusnseector anschoose the Os brush category. Now selet Senn sie 4 eur set Deionantte Sora andset Opacity Gedicatedto hemakingofthspiece, 103-54, Choose Tswlliccude the many erentshadeswithn the Cover Method Heong Usethetyeeroppertosamplea andthe subeatgory ae ‘obur Double-ickon theNancolawsquare SoCo frm the O66 rattng cessor increas arg ‘oopen themainColorspaete Nowseect —_-Ganezal ruth Conl Keep the Generaland ie paletes open anda cnt sou ColorPaleto thi em rigt}>Neve Dragthe palette Youcan work pant Brush efor the vast spaces can belarge but isneeds tobe reducee samples colour down io then creates overthecrauingat forsmaterones Were oniyayngimnsometare colour dor cover ety ‘colour palette, contruewith dfferentcolousto fd opacyoreducelt bhtofwhte wth dscolout Opacty can beadustedo hen needs tobe buld up yours. intheLaerspalete changed, Set ExpresontoNone atthe stage O7 ee building Coninuetocoser thedranegihie observing the finshed thatinaseparate te aETy ssehe rte, (JQ Thefestcharactr ne aes Reference ajeron ard palette, open aeajr and name t offasresdes Vay Manone, We se ready tostartcolounng inh (Opactybetween? _fourcaracers A separate yet foreach vl av and lO%asyouspply grater contolasyouprogress Vitnthesome layesofpain Weare brusnasbelore obsevethefiralimage zoomin fing nthedkowing _onthemanand apply pact Start with he ods wingudecolou. ——ofeorkareasand mevetolght. —— Layers Toorgansethe Layers patette more effcenty, consider ‘ruping Ths means Bacng relevant ayers Inagroup saving bothspaceandtine. ll 10 weer realayerforbath Mood example ere nandis Soxtateonn, (YO) Centaur on ane ee forthemaninthecenreo heimage Reem ane pdnamet acd Flow be pevaussep ‘ine calurserarge favessshiestec tolonlycovrteman thpant Cbsene the Sra horton a. thembtteLayes cgnalesyouvteyour own cou pate ¥ you ‘iscanbe Phleteandthen _feelsshadeiemeang ple ndad6 tothe set sswewile thoes Group. rocompietee pant ater Smoothing and enhancing the colour e Airbrush categ andconsceay leepen the painting Impasto Ay brush canbe sdsed to pintin jeumnt saddou premp3 ay ques Tutorial | Paint ike Edward Hopper Lay it on thick ild up pair with The Brush Creator For the ultimate touch of realism The reason why Core Panter sso good emulating real media fects isbecauseit has such amazingses. An important part pasto lt understanding how te program works avaves etrato grips 19 impastos Inter wid te ers Creator Here we ake a orerlook atom to bull realstlepaln texture nna ep, 135%. zoominon sndemeath. besimia se\Draw Tota vaso tough OL, ‘Athoughthe fromundertaning Tansporter and Randerizer While brush, usethe the Bush Gear 20 mse pte Daw 2 tesinicaiau reas oscar rt Veco anda we eur Lokand seareal cca acis nhat he bulk ‘ius Cone andhow tbat = 03 pers won ine yourself —— lapping ols ee cndecieto aye pple stokes : treugrout the Adjust Colours nich uv your cesiontoNane Chocsingary ofthe is ober Expresson == optonsbringsinyour hs epee Painter spy Surface Tenture a croose Paper. The Preven nindow wilnow hi cenuren sftnssat Cand et Amount be hangeinthe preiw window and ads according tapetsoal eee. Petre:090%, shine 190% and eflecton to 101586 paring se Continue to edit colour perfect the colour texture for a great look 100% window see Luminous quality z00r tosethe effectin ful The mage besureto wel, yan ew aul te ‘ghficton onthe panting set Adjust Tone once youhave pied the petimentl ‘ose the Ui ‘coredifexent paper tere painted oncom res papeson thelist po Surface Texture New paper iothePaperslsctr More Impasto The inpasto brush looks termined ‘depth. Under Canvas> can adjust level of Shine for more hss, ‘mount and more, Borisatimesaver alowingappiction ‘ofthe past ok {otheente image. besuretodlearany Ingato onto taseeuhat, sitet they have on neta Brush ook revons, loH pAeMp3 ay UIE ml Painter | «3 Primer | Airbrushes BRUSH CATEGORY If your prefer your paint sprayed rather than plastered, you should experience the flawless finish of Corel Painter's airbrushes! if} he humble airbrush has © been one ofthe most rusted | llustrator’s tools for many ‘year, its use dating backto pre-digital times when photographers used itfor retouching photographs, The airbrushis synonymous with very fine, polished illustrations with beautifully sft ‘gradations of tones and highlights. Core) Panter has aluge selection of alrbrushes ‘and you never haveto breatheinany fumes from sprayed paint ‘The Corel Painter Airbrushes feature variants thatspraya very fine mist of colour, with which you can bulld up super- smoath tones and gradients, tiny versions that can be used to create super-fine Aetailsand even really coarse, spatter airbrushes that feature almost tactile grain and grit ‘And what's more, Corel Painter Arbrushes work justlike the real thing, even responding tothe tiltof Your pressure-sensitivestylusso that they spray colour across your ‘mage, rather than just perfectly cireular footprints ofthe airbrush! © Theattof using these super- sensitive variants sto bulld up tones gradually by very gently working over particularareas again and again rather than tryingto lay down colourin one hit See the samples opposite for the cream of the erop of Airbrushes! Brush Size Control the speckler ‘The Feature sider iscteal when youre using the airbustes, Because determines the ste ofthe India rans oF Specs within the alors stroke, Athighvahies these. tals ar large and packed Closely together When se at Tower vals, he alrrashes hat ano produce * * * * fine indeed. wing] YOUCEN actly caw vith | icrsnestco! Hes, me Sketching vse cheies Ueing the Detach Abrshesare great ‘satch vt as yal yout buld upyex {racial Soul ectorang PEPPER AND SALT Here the Pepper Spray variant was sed Duet yeast specks andsurface interest on the apes. The Pepoer Spreyarert spreysavery conse pattem ofeolour rien iSeny utes ‘ocestng nteresingexte ndgiah inyoutlusvators Soft centres Setting smooth or hard lines ital to remember that by thal very nature, irbrushes produce strokes nit very sot edges, Sf you want hard edges around objectsin your baiting, you ned to pain nice selections. ‘sete ass too to draw over the object youre altng a then pant inside the shape wth the Eeletion sti ace. lternstivey, pln the bape ‘onto a separate ayer with one of thes ‘roms tnd then neck reserve Tonepareny the LyerspaletsYoucan now pant inside the Shope without any colour markingthe transparent eas ofthe ayer! ‘Aibrushes » Broad wheel Airbrush 20 [is secinesaroasn20 ® B:0ad Wheel Airbrush 30 ‘BRUSH PALETTE Salecinga brush ques nothing mote than ckeking tne bbushvariantmenuand then clicking onthe brah you want from theme, Digital Airorush Fine Dera Ar 3 | Fine Detail Air § a fine Deal Ar 8 @ Fine Seay Fine Tp sof ar 20 # Fine Tip Soft Air 30 Fine Tp Sot Ar 40 Fine Tp Soh ir 50 L@ Fine Wheel Airbrush | @ Finer Spray SO (@Graits [® inverea Pressure | @ Pepper Spray a | SeLection Box I Intl ach grape vespantedtedes | i selection With the cael selection active, each | ‘gape nas then filed inviththe basecolour ‘wth one ofthe soft Dros vaante ‘Oncethe ital eolour was filed thesame arbushwesusedith | Preserve anspaency | checkedinthe Layers paetetoadathe dark | Sed ighter medeing | @ Pixel Spray (Sort Airbrush 20 Soft irrush 30 AY @ som airocush 40 4 | @ Soft Airbrush 50 | ctesesians © Tapered Detal Air S © Tapered Detail Air 8 4) # Tiny Soft airs 1 Ty Soar arash #}/@ variable splatter = CATCHING THE LIGHT henghightshere were axes with one ofthe Fine TipSof ir varans, along therighighs tobe ult up ver sony andsubty grat ‘ceasing ninety into purewhntecacrighs. | Control yourself Dictate every stroke ‘The Bush Controls palette hasa ‘compete panel decieated sale 10 chris, whereyoucancntolhow ‘much color Hows rom the arbrush as Yyoupant with ieanéalso cone the Sead the stakes rmkes. You ean ‘choose for these charactriste the Contrles ina number af ways, sch as bingaffecte bythe ito ourstyis ‘orty the presse you app 2s you Dain. et this option via he expression ‘ptlon in thissection of he palette. Choosing your brush Get the perfect effect each time ‘he srrushes in corel Panter offer ses an exellent ay of sraualy bulinguetfectsin the paings Theres ae mount of variants o coos from, which can bee terest an airs efector jus smooth clus. | i | | @Oere zea Wt beg | eer ~w Fine air Detail * CW Tapered Detail ir Fine Spray Te soft ir Te | Fine Tp Soft air TinySpattery Airbrush | é Fine Whee! Airbrush Finer Spray ll Variable Splatter SaySMuquIY | FaULd Composition , Understand. the rules of | ; } Composition. Ce The core of a successful painting is good composition and there are lots of theories and ules that can help you set up the dream arrangement. We take a look at the best here \\ our painting an be set to While thismay sound quiteloftyand an unnatural succeed or fail before you annoyingly vague, the good news is for yourself ward way. Tey it an imageand try haveevenappliedany colour _thataletofcompasition theory is based and remember where your eyes land orformonto the canvasand around instinctive haviour. Our eyes first. lo feel h eves wander itsall because ofcomposition.Atruly __travelincertaindireetionsanditissuch about the scene. Iti this behaviour that successful mage Isone that plays with an ingrained action you probablyhaven't canbe controlled by what composition viewer's eye, moving them around even noticedit.Forexample, when you techniques the artist has employed, thedifferentareasinthe most pleasing _read your eyes goin acertain direction Now, we know that this sounds likea ‘manner. In essence, composition isa and most peopletend tolook tthe top tobe honest, t Jigsaw puzzle.Poritto work properly third section ofan image. When an mage is. Everyone s obviously different ard you'llneed toworkoutexactly whereto feels wrong itis mostlikely because youll never be able to.come up with a ful place objects for the maximum effect. Is forcing the viewer’ eye ta move in proof way of ensuring that every single person who looks at your painting will respond tits composition in the same viay, Well, you could just have one thing fillingthe entve frame, but even that technique can beimproved by applying ‘composition techniques. Thankfully there have been many studies on what foranaesthetic arrangement and studies, plus centuries of artists try now techniques, have resulted in a set of {guidelines that will help you geta good Composition. Although some of them have come tobe known as rules’ never ever eel as though you have torigily Sticleto them, Notall of them will workin allstuations and sometimes an image's folout or structure oF texture will ‘override any composition factors. While it’s easy to think of composition rules only in relation to where objects are placed i’simportant to remember that every single element in an image ontribuies tothe successor fallure ofthe omposition. For example having an even balance of ight and dark areas will give ‘amore balanced image-Have an image with too much dark area and youcan drag everything down ~go or too much lightand you have a lonty result, The facts that composition covers every thing you putin your image, whether you are actually conscious ofit ‘or not But by familiarising yourself with some good composition practice, you ‘will be more in control when iteomes to paintingaseene and will be able to make Informed decisions about how something should be arranged, ‘Welle looking atsome of the most 3 composition rules over the following pages, demonstrating how they can help your images become stronger From the slentifi principles ofthe golden section, the rule ofthirds and divine proportion to general advice for arranging elements so they have ‘maximum impact. Corel Painter also has some inbull tools for handling composition, 0 we'll alsa look at what these are and how they work. ‘Arrange your objects FH zg 5 Fs 8 Bigger is not always better Trynot tla frame with your main object Delng used realy arg. Use smaller sze so there’ roam for other elaments to giveasenseof sting h Drawing101 | Composition )\Pick a format Your first decision shaped format that you like, butthemain happy with, try cropping itin a different you have lots going on in the foreground, Lm = aoe ‘what’sthere.It'salso good formatto use for, unsurprisingly landscape paintings because you can havea meandering river or path thatleads the viewer's eye towardsa focal point. Pus, fyouhavea moving subject na painting such asan animal or bird, the landscape format gives more room around the subjectand can ‘help heighten the feeling of movement ‘The portrait format works well wien you havea stationary subject that you wantto emphasise. Itis also good for landscape subjects especially those that havea directional device fr leading the eye upwards. Because portrait formats taller it means that the ee hasfartherto Drawing 101 z2=. )\The golden ratio/divine proportion What happens when maths meets art ronklyalotofaristccompostion created grid thathascome tobe Pp Seopistectarcamtmattonatal hrowadstheslsen section Wallis equations. When looking atthe actually been calledall sorts of things, history of composition theory, many from golden section, golden number, and peoplewill cite theanelent Grecksas divine proportion The intersecting lines playing a pivotal ole. Asartistsand created by this grid became the hotspots architects, the ancent Greeks were ‘ona canvasand marked the spots where fanatical about perfection and this the viewer's attention would fall-This fanaticism drovethemtocreate objects _gaveartistsaguldeas to where to put thatarestilllaudedastrueworksofart. the subject(s) for maximum impact and ‘They decided that therehadtobbeareason interest, For maths fans, the technical vhyacertain arrangement orbalance _dofiniton ofthe golden ratiols that the Was pleasingto theeyeand why another sum of two quantities istothe larger one wasn't, ‘quantity and the larger sto the smaller. ‘Their studiesled them toa certain Youalso have something called a ratio. By constructing acanvas into eight golden rectangle. Ths, not surprisingly, parts horizontally and vertically, and le whose side lengths are the ‘then ountingfivestopsinhorizontally golden ratio, You can make one by first {rom theleftand right, and then five makinga square. Now drawa line from stops in from thetopand bottom, they _themidpointof one side over the opposite, corner Use this tomake an are, which will then give youthe height ofthe rectangle, You ean now complete it, ‘The golden ratio has been diseussed for over 2400 years, withthe Greeks attributing the ratio to Pythagoras. But itwasn'tuntl the Renaissance period thattany literature on how the golden ratio can help aesthetics was developed. ‘The first was De Divina Proportioneby LiycaPaciol in 1509, Pacioll applied the mathematies behind the ratio to explain hhow itpreduces harmonious proportions The three-volume edition was also liustrated by Leonardo da Vine, who vas convinced that the human body had proportions chat Fitted with the golden ratio. Ithas been said thathe constructed some of his most recognisable artwork using divine proportion, inciading the Infamous Mona Lisa, Mr da Vinci was notoriausly private abouthis artwork, but given his love of maths and codes, i's completely believable, Classical division Divide and conquer alcoboasted tof lustatons evonsrate how fren forms ‘ouldbe spitupaccordingtathe ‘goldenrato chs ensuring the mst resthetically pleasing arrangement human formas measurements 3n0 beak down pats inthe eevant length and ith, Obvious You do'thaveto adhere to ese rats, but they are ‘stl forte dang especiythe Inner detain future se Heavenly composi ion for everyone ‘ith core Panter, you can apply gules to help youmake your {reatons hereto divine proportion, Tis gies You aprester sense fwhere the areas of Interest are and where to plac eres tap owe the viewers eye aroune the canvas ‘st swith te Layout ri, youcan eat and customise the oo and alter tei, ane, clo a opotyo the deandahoedit ere, which wilt how many times an area vides inte vou can alsa hoods ta ust see pats the guide. Ti ‘nepalete cle the ances areyouit Guise tomate work istingartwore Tis ‘move the Szeslder ibigge orate to ttyouhavetheDvineProprtontooselectedin the ‘ool, you can ove theresized rid wherever youliieon your ‘amas. Yucanalso turnoff smear the puesto st eet th the ‘pial grid or xs Sayan delete presets a ithe Layout Gri Bainter Drawing 101 | Composition Meet the mainevent 101 22. D The Layout Grid Divide up your canvas wee sreny seen how theruleof thirds has | beenusedn phtozraphy andarttlmprove ‘cmposiion and this grid-based syst at ‘he heartof the Layout rd. once enabled eu wilsee a non-pitins grid apearon Yur cans. Ts dvges your camvasupinto Sections nd you ge tres default opdons Strightout ofthe ox. These ae the ile of this, sand. vou alsonave the option ‘omocty these gids by altering the number of son, angle, cola pct or sae. any Alterations you make canbe saved forte Use orto give to oer people Mere'show to set {he grid up and alsa ete options. )) Rule of thirds et forgetting the most from your foreground for background, By placing your horizon line onthe highesthorizontal line, you giveyourselfaniceamount of space for foreground interest. Ifyou use the rule of thirds toa portraitformat, you have even ‘more room for the foreground elements, Alternatively, get the most from skyseapes by placing your horizon line onthe lower horizontal line. Now you have two thirds ofthe image to dedicate toa dramatic skyline. Even though you have committed tohaving the top area s the main point of interest, the lower third provides an Important ‘rest area heforethe main event. This avoids bombarding the viewer ‘with the main point of interest and will actually enhance the foeal point, STEP Oi wit yourcanas open gto Windowshow Layouts ‘neste palette opens clckthe Enable Gridchack box to seu the Usethedtop-down etutoappiyoneat thepresets we lcked ule ofthis. Layout Grahere wots By the toalbon. youcan ren STEP D2 wvicontaland vertical ines wit appese anjorcanas yaar hese ware {Stars snp let aro nso colo Sauneandtenpekaclor rome peso sak Bainter Drawing101 | Composition )\ Other rules General guides for getting the best composition sprungup. While they may not beas iconicas the ones we've lookedat so far, they are stil good techniques to employ inyour work The diagonal rulesplits one halfofa Pictureinto two and then each half divided into threeseparate parts. The adjacent side is then divided so the ines connecting the points make a diagonal frame. The most important elements of apicture ould then be placed along these diagonals Diagonallines in painting are preferable to horizontal or vertical, since they donot un parallel with the frame ofthe picture. You can mergeall ines, but make one noticeably longer: When usinga diagonal composition, try to has elements in both setions. straight strong diagonal line with abject juston ‘one side won't look that good. Keeping adiagonai line in mind when itcomes toaildinga second abjectof interests also helpful. Keep one larger than the ther and place them diagonally across From each other This will be far more attractive than righton top of each other! In fact, on the subject of multiple points of interest, i's worth saying that multiple subjects shouldbe grouped within the contre of interest. Donat scatter them sartists have developed and allover theimage otherwise they will compote for the eye's attention. Also, ifyou can, try to stay away from even numbers or rigidly symmetricalimages. Things always seem ta work better with odd numbers. Triangular composition is an {interesting one and is very goad for painting portraits, works bestfthe backgrounds simpleand plain and then the figures placed tothe ideina triangular format. The space around the figure wll actually makeit more powerful andthe clean geometry will enhance t even Further, may sound ikea bit of weird thing to say, but when thinking about ‘composition, you need to make sure that you don't pusha viewer outofthe picture Frame. I'you have a road orriver or any ther such element, don'thave itleaving the frame. tmeedsto go into the horizon, rather than out ofthe frame, Ifyou have Ananimal or personin your painting, have them facing straight out or facing and Tooking inwards, ‘When itcomes tothe actual objects In your image, try and mix up formsand shapes. I'yau have lats of mountains oF vertical elements, afty round clouds will actasa good balance, Ina similar vein, i your scene haslots of horlaontal planes, {ry mixing things up by adding vertical etal such as trees, Drawing 101 =. The paint can bonus Limited edition tools fyouhave bought the tinted eon paint ‘an. orifyeu end up Being one ofthe chy 30 owin onein he compettionsetinast issue, you wl bent tom the pei Composition ude tol. witht, you can Dysleally place a groverthe seen in Frontofyouand then sett taneer what YoU see ont the canvas. “mere ave ive ferent rs inthis tool covering the ule tres, divine Proportion (oth rand sia) 6 ‘idan the dlagonalrule. oust, Sly pullout the one you wan ard {hen ld upin rtf You. You can then callup the corespondigtoo frm the Core Palnterxsftune nd ete sues to pant your pcre. THe tools erect forty are ou about, maybe ‘sing laptop todo some gta pamting onthe. ?2 | painter Lines of interest Make the viewer's eye travel around the canvas Mix and match lines When there are no objects, use lines to add e interest to the scene ‘There desrthaetobe an ajetinascene fort tobe interesting Inthe example ow eres ands ook lot because here s0 teh notnges Even rough eample on he ig as nea xterentin ern of form, the fe has ois vral an Slaganal ines mates eam an appengto he ewe Keep it odd Stay away from symmetry youare dealing with nseape paintings, think where our nes are cecting te Viet AS ould ad abitol exterpent ight nes. Even hough the eal horizon the Diagonal compositions Good advice for working on a slope JOERG WARDA ea Re en era etna ig Ce eee ry reser en er tat eee aco ore eet ents eee een bt Art- Clase Your painter questions answered Make light work of it Istheresucha thingas an ultimate light source direction that looks ood no matter what? ‘Bey Perense Ide grest to say something ike topleft but this question cannotbe answered at east we thin. none 90, Think about what sort of scene youre rf painting and what kind of atmesphere you are uying to create t's good gofor taht we Sources that wil cast intersting shadows aed Pickoutfascnating highlights that vil add intrigue to the overall parting, So if youre panting scenery, stong scattered sunight ‘fom sunpartally heen behind clouds il i 7 | ceatebeausful variation over your and > Wen-xi chen anda depth inaway event sielght Y Sev ae vit key backltscenes are perfect as many old dlscoveed. Fantasy art pas often calfor mysterusand oddly coloured ambient ight and many i Sources radiating froma andereatures \ ees é : RY Sirwwmdeclicene PBA Fie art snr, Behind glass + Mlustration ys. Justcanvt seem to getthe lasses. Any tips? look of We sympathise with you Adnan Decne ve aa het ees Alternative youcan emi vat placed upon, Sof the wearers shortsighted cee seen things behind the lens willappeor smal and vce versaifthe person long-sighted Modem antireflectve lenses asa mean tat here ft muchin the way ofighignts to paintexcep for around the edges were the gloss s actualy cut. Assuming you are not parting the subject under vty dramatic lightingyou can generally ignore he shadows cast the frame itso happens thatthe eyeshappen tobe Send in your questions for our experts to answer at opm@imagine- Int andsadon nonce " to-observe the wayitooks and 76 | Bainter Eye concern How can paint realistic eyes? Ym fine with the shapeand the shading, butalways seem to go ‘wrong when it comes to theirs. ‘Tony TREGONAL, = Theiss far mote complicated structurally than you might tink, Topainiareaisic eye's, howe, simpler than the anatomy of tieeye, Once Youhave mastered cresting the 3D look o theeyesthen panting the pups smple processn Corel arr Iisa good dea to have aphotoreerence or tolookatyour dn eyesin terior yous trying to hive pertect easm ori you are use whattodo OD Tetutne snout I chose abasic Digtal rrush ate pantshort sos tat OD Stating nssaccovosyoning fede ct Receneo en lenis sys tnas Bitegrmatthe momen, btitdossstthebattom hat Thscante mary een coous bux pian ose tolemuctoaterthstietandielespplton _thatmatenyour desedclour Panta dsb ofwhteosmisatght Dofeclowandtumtintoaresisiceyetrathae _refecion feanbea cice ot er arrarereastileok ake miaacountthe Ines. Tosanwih younsestoapelysome _suroundings, eg he efecto of eats, Shadegtothe tophalfandthe uerring ofthe its Useadarer colour han the base cou Bat artigo fer pre biackHneecs be occupa lqhtercosourane sac thebattomPal with he lghtrcoiour OL 222s yornanane antacid usethe oss Secon :reatetheshopesyaunees lineout ide ith tiecolou you watthegjetobe ‘and thesmalrcilesould be black A touch of evil | wantto show thata character iseviland menacing. Ihave the basic form sorted, but am having problems with the shadow —what'sthe easiest way of ereating dramaticshadows? Enbie Denesey he two things takeepinmindhere ‘are having averylone, song and interestingly shaped cast shadow and ing on the characteris. ushould design your comacstion so thatitcan show the castshadow clearly and Tight soureinan unusual way. A dass scary"ighting scheme st ight person om underneath ~tsis nt often seen innormal condars when the ightis ‘usually from abo Here we have ascary gu postioned at bottom of tall compasiionso the cast shadow can ba ued as ang and dramatic SSeDLV | Wad | ArtClass element. The red isa ough plan of where the ight wl fal. green ight was evenly chosen to adstothesenseof drama, your character's shapeis closed affyou use the Magic Wand toolta select the white space round. Then Slectnvertto tur the slectoninte the shape af the character and the SelectsTransform Selection option todiag the selecton up and widen Shagowsare often soft Usethe select selection edge tocreae anew yes fi dand\va cathe commando soften the ling. W's good idea the shadow and aneutal ey, Then just pant your aracteronaers abort Last, add alight toderk gradient Furry critter Any gor advie for getting the look offur? seem tocither not have ‘enough ortoo much, Sanna cuusen Unless out thinking of ery short bristly fc pong furs rater hee painting ai. Ty layering your strokes tocreate the eluson of fiffiness ard depth Work with atool that youTind easy to control "eopaity of -a good vice isa basic Loaded Palette Knife, and paint with short dees strokes from te roatof thefurto the tis ur per shoul fal most heavy a art and fade towardsthe tps; this creates soft leoking fur Yourbase colour shouldbe relathely darks upper layers wil create a Shaiow on thelovir lays and the layers o fu should get radvaliyighter asyouresch surface Ler. Using asm brush se, ickoutsome highlights and ingle ais, Colour concerns Are there any special rules when itcomesto choosing colours fora painting? Should itbe limited toa certain numer? PereAaMs Unless you rel do know what you car make t look aowded, confused ad often dovivight si Ris normaly a good idea to use your oburs ey sul and rey more on cerent A stiong panting hasan underhing ‘colour ere to, However saya ths may leadt0 ‘count product, asin some cases mary diferent colours go to make wht yeu mat concoie tobe jst one crlour vent and Sketching an outline Thereare huge umber of rushes } nore Pater tt y wilco line sketching 3 alot comes dann toyour petsonal preference. One ff my favounte sketching brushes sone you might insmecately thn of for ths the Pastel variant Square Hard Pastel: Tiss captured dab bush that realy ook ke itsnamesake This brush works wall with the paper textures and has2 ry nice organ felt it ng alone ook othe h-Aswathallbrushes ncae Pane: uc mosly (jy Roughintheman shapes sar wth itwth the Brsh Contra to Squire Hard Pastel 10 Yan xe the further custome te teat ster settng excepto the ae, when shoe Aandlookstohoivyou wishit. besa 2 ora a near ook Thecpacty Toappesr Similar beushescan _shoudasobe aveted 033% for mre ight and asobe foundin the Chaleand ck ary. ust us black forthe colour at stage Charcoal categories thegreycomes em varying thepeesure cltencontsting colours make the panting tel Open up some of your faustepaintngs and goto Windows Color Palttes> Shen Color Sets and crete anew colour set am th image. ive yousome indication ast how mary colours the pros are using, Abit ofado raven Wrcitt ‘making things far more complicated than they actully shouldbe. Many arts ofa citferent ends ond style simple and cirect a they mature tho When you da and then shade n air you shouldthinkafitasan verallshapeorgtoup Hear ssn tra of shapes, instead of inci strands. Ther ‘Yeattyou would any other shape and think of hon height his feaer concer 2 Eiisnthecompostonrowioesabsh erate backround. Fora syed elect sith he sh io SuahtLine ‘Sokeskayocard shortcut Vor thebsieesinte far dstance Tis alous you corakes ibave oh the Vey every tineyounartto make aeuline hat does tcomnecothelastone. Togo backto the reg feerand Sole, ustithe 8 key. You canal use he butors nthe roger Bar O3 raoetais © fnsnythieentne | brushtemake srading| stokes iheyresilutinestosuogest | shadonsandvlume, fal twckitorasethedtarsetiogto. | ‘and asethespachgsetingin ‘He BiusnConvelspaette rom itsdefauktoaroue 12085. Ths Ceatesaspttey beh that tse te tree Sth Intveerdiogverhelenes sored , | artclass ame Lip service What’ fool proof method ofshading lps? cant get the rounded look my lpsare aways at Ake MeLaan | yyy. Aslooaasyouhave abasic rasp ofthe shape and contour of lipsthen te same pcs apt psa2 tary ote Dect Projecting a shadow unde the ove pips crete thellusion of roundness and svategicalypacedhighlgs villas actievethseffectThemost important part to gehts the shape ‘fthelover ip anémost of tht comes dwn to placng highights in therght ces \ Q2 Colour andstadow owning n:nat taghsoaenelpih a Shadowsandcolous ofthe ips wiry accord The ope ip nea ook se catterthan thlonerinduetothewsythecuneotiteterssyth oh Shodowonthe cin in many hah condtions. / | i) o3 er \ satiogsome \ . sehighighstotre Z isla te averip andalitieakorothe Uo ipmaetrose {ss poo and appear ert Clee ores ces ‘feloveripsanen Painting fabric ‘What's agood way to getan authenticloak of abr? icshave very cifferent properties inthe way they fld the Penny TROT ‘ay they reflectlight th opacty and surface texture. Satin, for examples lective andwilloften form quite cramatic iflghted areas along folded edges, Cotton lon thecther hand has a mattesurfaceandhas ‘amore een tonal dstnbuton There isa whole myradf abi out tere, and the best way to al each one sto work from observation takeout some clothes and rape them over furniture taste thesortof shapes the folding create and hey shadows ae formed inthese foes. Experiment tle anc sehow your esuts vary. Common mistakes in paiting fabric are ignoring gravity and tension, oF tpainttoo many folds0 fooks unnatural Xl MARK BANNERMAN nite | G ‘During his professional career, Mark has been involved inthe entre spectrum of design, from creating ilustrations for advertising and editorial, to producing mages for BBC TV. He now works entirely within the digital realm, merging 3D andiother techniques. Ot eT Lato In Magazine as month s ge Traditional paint techniques De OE CINE tna Cece Raa ny (n-depth tool quides Cee Ne anes Ce rer oma Expert tuition from the ery best corel Coe ee Ea Te noe en eee ‘and see how they can improve your paintings es projects ) Ee eae Next issue on sale 26 April 2007 a PUSS tot eo ing Betas a ecg cd aa Ce mE eas isd Pot Pra CET Cage Gn Ciera, 4 atten Us aaa ra) ELT) oo et Porites eetiets Sealeonpac? rarer painter | 22 Reviews | Fujifilm FinePix F3ifd Fujifilm FinePix F31fd £249 | Face Detection and low-light capabilities for a modest price Navigating your on-screen ‘options Geiokionre conc ‘frst glance, the Fujifilm FinePix F31(@Jooks pretty ordinary, With 6.3 megapixels, 3x optical oom and 2;5-inch cb screen, on the surface it seems the camera is nothing particularly special Inonderto discover the true beauty ofthis atest offering from Fujifilm, we must delves little deeper beneath the F31fa's matte silver body. ‘his offering takes after its older sibling: ths ‘eamera san upgraded version ofthe much revered F30, Its predevessor was praised for itsperformance in low light, something which ‘the F3ifd certainly upholds: the AF-tlhiminator abl that helps the camera tofind a point of focus by shedding somelight on shady situations does great job, helping the AF system to focus Auieldy. Users can choose to either activate the Intelligent Flash system let the camera pick the 180 sensitivity automaticaly, or set the shooting moat to Manual and seloct the SO themselves, With a comprehensive range of 0 settings available (100-3200) the Ff really does let the photographertake contral oftheir creative decisions, But that’s not the only trick the camera hasup its sleeve Within the sleek, stylish, yet solid shel les the technology that gives the eamerathe new credentialsatthe end ofits name: Face Detection, ‘This is one ofthe latestand most exciting pieces of technology to be developed in some time andthe F31fd demonstrates the possibilities itholds for FUJIFILM, the future of photography very well indeed. With the touch ofone button on the hack ofthe eamera, ‘you can aetivate the Face Detection feature in Auto, Anti Blur or seene modes, but curiously not In Shutter Speed Priority, Aperture Priority or Manual modes. The Face Detection system works by seeking ‘out eyes, noses and mouths, and adjusting the ‘cameras settingstoa best fit exposure forall the facesin the frame. However, itcan only locate faces when they are facing the camera, The system is fooled by glasses and itwon'trecognise ‘face thats in profil, or tilted to one side, The ‘manualalso states thatthe FD system will not Wworkifthe subjects not human, ifthe camera is not held correctly, or ifthe subjects standing on their head! That aside, what we had anticipated as being a fantastclitte feature seems to bea litle sensitive in reality. In practice, once a target has been acquired, a green box surrounds the subject’ face and you ‘an fire the shutter. Howover, unless the subject remains perfectly stillthey may move outside ofthe FD frame,so youll end up with a partot the background beautifully n focus, bt not your ‘intended subject! When you do everything right however, the Face Detection isa great too) that will omen very handy for family gatherings and nights out ‘The Face Detection button doubles as an Exposure button, allowing users to quickly ater wiseanoe ‘dao me Memory card ris aan etobr len facet Pate” aximum zoom = Difajmack sso eas aba ee bad Fujifilm FinePix F3ifd 245 BARSPioscne © meomoseteayy OES : TS tan Q expenses SBASSE. Sas Fr cone resscetsenn Ea on Tet ; onto2) HEstoe tered oe | | 927x567 «278mm | | 3 paeteec tie titi fon NE Oe) seme | ee aod aienege Zeke saeco 3 cotgers 2 ie vm puis cesin ve ta Ee ieee ate gz Petts ecichce : Solteayi ay stone sn tere 5 The Face Detection is a great tgol that wall come in handy for 1 frevily gathertoys ard. out ee hao Tiaculisepeedorapetrorewithouthavingo Oped thoF 321! managost elas hunethronthemminmeni a deine pusor_ gondasilooks-this ssh ite umer ven ters Whole toa thet i erisons when chasspedel¥ destin nge grips that matele Shooting Anotherexcelenfeaturesthe ini: realiyeomfotaletoholtantensytousewth | P= ied Communicator, which sends and receives: just one hand. An extremely quick start-up time, ue Ingestoandromanotherfujfimcamersor _ greatlowlight performance ieligns sh cher devices with capably. nace eteefonar sta fo of i buls & ‘though Flim aa orieright when features that keer ouGarecommended” | : cae a ee ee arate buy hugs range of preset sheoting modesas ote ikedscromode Samermodesnd.cb _walgsmoreadvancedseringsmaketisan, vote t brighnessvallofwhichcanbeacessed with exelleseintoductory eames especial a ons touchofthed-pa-stingsharegenea bt yoiTs long rsorvettnglghtand refi _ _— ee ees | Wevele — vinveatle a stn eet eacce selcims eve ane 7 with s Prlle fgeded Tis AU PRA Quicksearup ij attignisos juonaoaiccmoneirna Secieioteweursermee | melaeice — tatmbcatare bbe usefulifusers could program this button to quality and some really innovative technology Per Contsinger aecessthefunctonstheyuseon aregularbasis, toboot catty Soares me Wide angle 5 Caournga ene The occasional ee confusingdesign 9.3 coca: Meier tentacle Falfdhassome 9,0 ‘and produces gaily of resul decent images, Pearce ae cours >» colourcapture Theat toate po “Repent aol coaurmearsts ieee asta tose, ‘scr orang ay score Reviews | HP Photosmart Pro 89180 HP Photosmart Pro B9180 £499 | When it comes to printing out artwork, bigger is always better. We discover what results this A3 printer will give the home artist this month we'retestinga printer from HHP which enables you to printat A3+ size Itgoes without saying thatthe BO180 is 'more expensive than the usual inkjet printer ‘you'l find on the shelves of yout local appliance store, but we thought twas worth trying out considering thatit was voted the best A3 photo printerin Europe by the Technical Image Press Associaton, quitean accolade, Thesetting isalotmore complicated than other printers we've come across. After shaking each ink cartridge precise umber oftimesata 25 degree Angle and wiping each printhead moze ‘with individual foam swabs, the printer then needed to he let Fr 30t060 minutes while the initalsat course However ithas tobe said that although this pare was time-consuming, the software Installation was quileand simple Interms ofappearance the printers ‘obviously large and quite dominating, so you tcan be expensive tohave your images printed professionally atalargesize, so kamal me On-screen instruction Tels pater ene, wie ao ace sl eyo) me avoid damaging any of ork sty —— Ikea painter considerable amount of desk space tthe units robustly built inside allyisan ideal purchase fr those of you who work ina busy studio, butts also justas viable for home users who are serious about printing ‘While the printers obviously tailored for lange format prints, it’s also possible to print on smaller sizes than A3 by placing them into the ‘ain tray ofthe unt. Ifyou wantto printonto si largespecialist uchas canvas sheets or watercolour paper, all you have todo isload it Into the speciality media tray, which seasily located on the front of theunitandis simply flipped open, Loading paper into the speciality media tray {is simple itmustbe fed into th front ofthe tray until the edge nearest you lines up with the date ‘ofthe paper's poking outafthe back ofthe printer Once you commit your me Noneed torush {he B9180 then impressively feeds th ‘outand then backiinto the printer an toprint me Paper textures The priercsegt esed Vita caries Asexpected, the BB180 works atits best sehen printing onto HP sheets of paper. We printed outimages onto 2 variety of different papertypes from HP When printing onto matte canvas paper we found the image was improved, especially ifthe colours arefirst ilvenabitoa boost However, even though the results subtle i's very effective, appearing {ohaveactually been painted onto the canvas sheet. We also tested printing photo onto the HP.A3+ Habnemuhle Watercolour paps and found the resultsamazing.= the image ‘wouldnt have looked outof place hung ina fine “(és an ideal t tor these of you who work in a busy studio, but its alge just as. viohle tor bowe users whe are strious about printig art gallery. We certainly weren'-disappointed when printing onto HP Advanced Photo Paper, ‘The results were crisp clear and displayed excellent tone, thanks inno small part tothe fourHP70 dual-colour printheadsand 8148 nozzles which the printer features Notonly were we pleased with the quality ofthe prints, the time taken to output each Was fast—with an A3¢ sheet ofeanvas taking around five minutes. Even though the setup processwas lengthier than normal, this mare ‘than paid offinthe quality and speed ofthe finished printed pieces. Ifyou buy the 89180 itreally is worth lnvestingin the specialist types of paper that HP offers forsome really a) ‘outstanding prints Italso has the aided bonus offeaturing eight individual ink cartridges, aif ‘oneruns ut you don't have to replace the whale sot. The cast ofeach HP Vivera nk eartridge is , which can be expensive replacing all at ‘once. However ifthis is compared tothe price ofgettingacollection of your images printed at {A3¢ size professionally itrelly ls great value for money Iewouldnt ne unheard of to pay £70 formare foran A3 printed canvas, and with the B9180, you can getthe same quality butin the comfortof your own home, Artwork looks divine and the quality ofthe photos means they look as though they could be hungina gallery. Definitely one to save up for! 2m output pins of iferent sizes ees pies noe "sii Se ese Aelestat se a ceil > versatile printing Produces beaut pratson avarety of rater Prins rich brant and Fd and lengthy csp enous setup process sy to load paner, vihichisthen fed Backint the ptr easonableoutpu time for Aa+ ons eee outers Coe ees cae ie Evian cry oer 9.0 Painter | 8” eee oe } Reviews | Books Painter $45.00 | A glossy collection of inspirational art ually any subtitle ina book sctthatthereareso manystyles Sabor istakenforshow.ltsaclever _representedinthe book meansthatthere _Datiel Wadeand arketing ploy and thereader is somethingthat willstrikeachord with °2 generally takesitwithapinch you,nomatter what your favoured look | $4800 ofsalt~ItSPRsway ofaddingabitof is. Italso makes foran incredibly lush {eel arene excitementandzingtothe book.This __=justby flicking through thebook you __‘allstic Publishing offeringfrom BalsticPublishinghas __willseeeverything fromtraditional-style S34, ‘one ofthese subtitles ~ The Worlds portraits to fantastical scenesand furry 921002162 FinestPainter Art-butifanything,this _eritters, What's also goods that there is. lundersellsthe extraordinary content _ nothing togetin the way ofthe artwork found within the 190-odd pages. What =the pages are glossy and the colours {you have here isa collection of jaw- are beautifully rendered, Ian artwork Aropping,envy-inducing Corel Painter doesn't happen to take upan entire page, artwork Divided into 12sections,the __itis placed ena black background. This artistsherehave been chosen by aspecial_ means that everything is shown off to its board of noted Corel Painter evangelists very bestadvantage. and representsome ofthe best work being But simply, this book reallyisan produced with the software.Theseetions essential by. It has obviously been put overa specificstyleand deal with together by people who love Corel Painter Character in Repose, Characterin Motion, and whoare passionateabowt using it toits full potential, The quality of work Hast by fking through the beck you will ce Srenhtatingandhgnysprtona fhiy tom epdeche pert to tantostical or tances sténes ond. furry critters Portraits, Concept Art Fantasy, Editorial Iiustration, Humorous, Environment, Wildlife, sil Life, Transport and Abstract 4 Surreal, and each section starts with the artists who were awarded the ttle fot of Master and Excellence. They then deftly move onto the ather works in that wal particular style me artistic indulgence Acrylics Workshop: Simple Steps to Success £9.99 | Learn more about this flexible art medium & crylicsareafabulousmedium — ™ Inspiration ee topaintinbeeau e —foral Pls McDowell ypouthedepth and look of Pike ‘yetyou cat also dite them to 0 'awatercolour feel, The Acrylics Dortingkindersioy 1-40534578-4 Acrylics Warkshop — stretch yourlegs on the walkthroughs “ex Forvarious paintings, and use the guide S__ tobrustistrokesto setup your own wt ingbook that has L— EL plentytateach whether you're workingin CGS eager trained format Theres tons informationand interesting ideas ‘noir Giovanni Civardi’s Comple Guide to Drawing £19.99 | In-depth guide to improving your drawing skills ata hisisahetytome,comingin me Basletecniques Giovani Grad ajustunder 400 pages andis Tabi ce packed tothegillswithtechniques _ scomlesbe £1999 forimprovingyour drawing sls searhtee Starting withbast tochiwesanda ‘sex fabulous display of what pencl marks give 1184448206 whatkindofeffect, the bookthen moves: ontotypesofdrawingaswellastypes ofmediui, very conceptis accompanied by detailed instructions ofhow it worksand there are plenty of in progress’ shots for understanding howto get rom Ato B. The bbook’sauthor gives a constant narrative of information, pointing ut what’ going on nan exampleand why itshappening ‘There’splenty to learn from this tite, ‘whether youwantto get started in drawing or you're just ookingte improve yours. ‘ Reviews | Output Tutorial info PF ae BF ion SS Beginne Mount your images to MDF The Big Print Company offers customers professional printing options at affordable | prices. We see how the site v ‘ememberthe days when DI the only option for printing DA photos was x6-inch prints, BEVVA. witha choice of gloss or matte finish (butonlyifyou were lucky)? I'you Wanted larger print you had te try and scout out professional printers an pay a hheftyamount of money to getthe result you wanted, Now you can get digital files printed on loads of diferent media,ina seemingly endless numberof different sizes. One retailer offering such service i The Big Print Company Based in Manchester, this isan online haven for artistsand photographers who want a show off theirwork in the best possible way. You can have images printed on high-quality paper canvas, MDF board or paste, get NOrkS them laminated and even framed so they cantake pride of place on your wall. The ‘company ean work with digital files, or you can send in your prints, negatives trtransparencies tobe seanned in, And cory i'your imageis a biton the small side - The Big Prat Company ean scale an image upto 1600%4 without a discernable loss of quality, so there's hope for those old negatives yet! Before any orderis started, the customers senta section ofthe image a printsize to check thatthe resolution meets thelr standards, Ifit doesnt, the order ean be cancelled at no cost ‘Over these three pages we're going tatake you step-by-step through the process ofuploading an imageto thesite and ordering print example ofan MDF board here, which lvesa very robust solution to displaying your artwork, Plus woe al fans of ‘Changing Roomsso if MDF's good enough for building bedroom, i's certainly good enough forus! Ses how tall worksand then fry it for yourself “The Big Frint Company can scale an imaye up to [600% withaxt a discérvatle loss of quality, xo theres hope tor those old. ve tives yet! Pick your product It's easy to place your order Aide varietyof formatssactetes bythe Big Prine {ompany but there are guideines wort folowing ifyoure uploading the mage ‘othest Plan Rob image case thisallows teste {oprovde an online {humbled etd Size image of your ke mapaonie cen | ramen J eee e Makeyourchoke Yona emaerant fed nr of idiom Meinencyerpaiinar pets Sorensen Suman eee ene cing canescens Woppedpovion sul pciteien a da Ey Anartistic e ce us ww. fearon RSE I incudng thecan tarot Rasa ed Cart box at the top of the window. This wll keep bbutifyou' ( cathe nexxpege gies howto getyourimage ithecempany you sgotheupload route thefleupardot0 ImagesimageSze TheBig tint Conpary recommends that yourflesnolager Save and send Once youhsneyourfle atthe corect dimers elon setings #stine head oiheSavedlog, Were Sovngas pa, somakesue thatthe Quasar isuptothemarand nteina compresson. Once ata don, lekOk aeretumto wneteyoulet of atThesigprintcompny. Painter |» Reviews | Output Getting your Upload and pay filethere The final order steps Meveshown youbow toupvdatieto theeompany sity echoes the uickest opto, ‘busy this ist sulted everyone youmayhaeasion Internet corection Uploading Nowthefe sinthecorectfonmat anderson tk nie ances Pickand choose oleyirdow Pepostand ate te Ubeedoptoned Bae macnn mimes: ferckitecione _ falpurbyar tic Oxcrouteendtreie Fa conto Ue pre ereccr ath re Gee a cccncren. ‘Thereit is Alte thumbnail sppear intheuploadboe ‘whichshoulbe theimage youve justselected, tes ‘Continsetouploadine ‘mage Ths may take awhiedependingon These ot he mage orthespeedotyour Ive connacton, Ordersummary ore uploades you szeasummary ofyourorder inducing postage atesand frat. fyou want to oder more products, ck the Continue Sopeing button ihyouwantio acer mare than one oo} eter theumber you antinthe Quantity bor ‘andchee Update Vien se isasyoo wantitiobe, ‘ic theroceed9 Checkout button, Details, details With the reer out ofthemay iste toaddvourdetals Thefrststep to. scdyourneme and adress and thenthe county youlwen, World onastick Youswilpetacento ‘The ig Pint company shesecureWoraPay server hee you daiverswordwede so canenteryourpaymient deta andins upyour dentworyyaure order Yauwlreceve an emai cenfmation and ‘utsdetheUK.Cick _atabefornarded apart sze porn ofyout theProceedtoSecue _magetomakesuceit'stherescitonyouwentt Server bution enter tobe, Thenjstst packandwatabouta week for yourcarddeta yourprintioarve! °2| painter og Ta ame cg (Zora oa ooa) Time to indulge yourself in more HAS eee are le IN Mike NeW (@) (NA @ONK =| Painter user. This month, we feast our CVO MOL aOm cnc oe oe eet ‘issue's disc you will have seen Jennifer eres eee is Reson gy eee ats Caer cee eters resistineuding erin the magazine. Currently living onthe East coast of ‘America with her husband, four parrots Pee oy none race een De tee Pe ements Painter Cassicbackin 2001, she applies eee ty eet ee et an eens prefers to leave a rough and organiefeel, Eat enue eg Sees beeen ts ier ean Peete ey en ele GD, — Title: Barn Owl - Five of Hearts 03; Title: These Velvet Skies a PU ee a nna) GD Title: Corvid Triptych cealon meaning and a combined m 352 psy. They wore compe Paste : Likeshine Portrait Sea the rest was done ont mature (characte with Palette Koil and Dk usedin | past | | WOVE Aer s sg ee ere Poteet hee set Oreo a nn a a eT eee X Cee ea ae a eT tt \ whatthe devil this page isall about. work printed onto canvas, courtesy ofthe excellent Ce een ete et me ty ten eet teen ee eee ee ae eye een nT ted SIS renee eran cr ee ee This challenges naaterial: Renters Seer torent ae ene hat Peer rons rremeerttiected tetas ery Remember! You can email your entries to Pg | a Your Corel Painter resources ——— ee tord > Onthe CD... & Learn about the creative materials on this issue's free CD-ROM Citta aC ys UUM Mee Tear yg eg uc amon eres ee s ee oe CR oR eee ERs ea Uae Ce aU a ot Perrone rey Prec ey Pi preity crn aire nati pretarne) ets Access content Find lof theese content clicking the relevant ion, utingteheeovsueo {reshand setching Peres f esr yous out youcan ode Ed °8 | painter re eda) eed irestirentcee tents err Protons lal Peet ey Borer sioaianaaiay COREL = Ee bOnt Cory Secu) Dee Eady PCR a parle eens errr) ee) Demers Perens ee cee VU AAS \(—10 (eA using iStock? Josh Rhinehart, Doan) eed CC Coca Ed Exotic royalty-free stock, starting as lowes i) id | Pet ea tay

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