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Mini-Essay: Module 5: Part A

Climate change in and of itself is a touchy topic. It is very controversial and many people
dont even believe in it. (Dalby, 44). For those that do there are still many differing opinions on
how to combat it. In this paper I will explore my ideas on how this problem could be addressed
by the Canadian government. Solutions are never easy and mine may not be the correct one but I
believe in a multi-faceted approach to this issue.
Firstly, I would like to address the term climate change and how it is used to turn action
into discussion. In an interview Senator Rubio clearly denies the causality between human
action and climate change. (Uluorta, Dec 2, 2015). Climate change focuses on studying the
worlds climate over a long period of time which makes it easier to deny and harder to prove. I
believe corporations and people that benefit from exploits that cause pollution have used this to
their advantage and are now arguing about climate change itself instead of taking action to stop
pollution. Pollution is arguably the cause of climate change and yet we have shifted the focus
onto the symptom instead. Pollutions negative effects are also more clearly evident and have a
much more direct effect on human life than climate change does. There are a lot of
environmental issues such as stresses on food and water supplies, urban hazards and pollution,
the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of fragile ecosystems, (Death, 61), and I think these
are where our focus needs to be shifted to instead of the symptom we are experiencing as climate
Secondly, I would like to address the issues raised by former Prime Minister Stephen
Harper. He claims that drastic environmental change will be bad for the economy, and I tend to

agree with him. (Uluorta, Dec 2, 2015). This is a clear side effect of moving into an
environmental age, but if we want to try to continue living in a similar way to how we are now,
we are going to need to make some sacrifices. As long as States continue to claim a sovereign
right to develop and grow their own economy we are going to be faced with these
environmental issues. (Death, 74).
One solution to this is presented by the idea of climate capitalism. This involves putting
extra taxes on creating pollutants and other financial incentives to go green. (Dalby, 56). While
this is a good idea Im not sure that its the solution. I disagree with taxation itself and as such I
am reluctant to embrace this solution. But unless taxation is abolished this seems like it might at
least slow down some of our pollution habits. Other solutions include ideas such as carbon
offsetting, but this also has problems as it may cause people to just plant more trees instead of
reducing carbon emissions. (Dalby, 54).
At the end of the day whatever solutions we can think up, they will only work if put into
action. There is a debate between reformists and revolutionaries, one wanting to change current
institutions and the other believes that revolution is the key. (Death, 77). Given the current
political climate I feel that the only way this can be done with any great effect is by a revolution
of some sort. In the Stern Report it is argued that there will be a greater cost in the long run to
doing nothing about pollution, giving a counterpoint to Harpers argument discussed earlier.
(Dalby, 56). Despite the heavy costs and damage to the economy that may come from going
green, the implications of not doing anything now are going to be far worse for future
generations. The only way to do this is to completely overthrow the current system and start

This prospect is scary for most people, pretty much anyone with anything to lose, because
everyone will have to make some sacrifices. This is not a pleasant solution but neither is drinking
cough syrup, we simply do it because it works. Obviously people with money invested in
companies that pollute are going to take the biggest hit with this solution. However, a more
palatable solution would be for the government to invest in scientists of all kinds to assess the
situation and come up with better sources of renewable energy, new ways to clean the
environment and replacements for things like plastic that damage the environment. Most
importantly we need to implement as many of these solutions as possible and record the results.
If we at least start there perhaps revolution wont be necessary, but I wont be holding my breath.

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