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The RMS Emerald project shows us a stratified reservoir with extensive faulting, multiple wells
originating from oil pads, with oil water contacts (OWC) and gas oil contacts (GOC).

The input data used to develop the geological models are:

Seismic data
Log data : porosity , depth data (MD,TVD)
Location of wells , their orientation and completion data
Fluid data : primarily gas oil contacts and oil water contacts , production data
Fault data : orientation of the faults ( 7 in number )

It is observed that there has been a change in the near well bore environment of porosity near Well C
after it has been put on production


3D snapshots of the SPE10 model

The reservoir displays high PermZ values in the upper layers of the reservoir
while the lower layers do not display such high values of Permz.

The channel facies can be clearly seen in the lower sections of the reservoir.

Univariate distribution of Permeabilities aand Porosity

Scatter Plot of Perm X Vs Porosity

Scatter Plot of Perm Y Vs Perm X

Scatter Plot of Perm Z Vs Perm X

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