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The Origin of the Church

It is the time when Jesus Christ instituted the church during the
Pentecost. He made the church to propagate his mission and to
continue his work of redemption.
At this time, He made Peter the leader of the apostles ad the
first pope of the church.

Practices of the Early Christian

After Jesus made the church, the early Christians devoted their
time listening to the apostles teachings sharing common
goods, breaking of bread, and praying.

Pauls Conversion and His Journeys

The conversion of Paul marked the beginning of calling the

Gentiles to a change of heart.

God calls Paul, a persecutor, to inspire other Gentiles to follow

in his footsteps in his footsteps of accepting Jesus as Lord and

The Persecutions of the Church

The persecution of the church crystallized the faith of the early


The blood of the martyrs and the love of God became the
ultimate strength for the believers to go on fighting fearlessly
for their faith in Jesus.

The end of persecutions gave Christians the freedom to express

their belief and to worship openly in public.

Freedom of the Church

When freedom was given to early Christians, they became free

to worship the true God and express their faith in different

The Edict of Milan resulted in the tolerance of Christianity and

other existing religions in the empire.

The issuance of this edict also led to the giving of special

privileges to Christians, such as tax exemption, abolition of
crucifixion, acquisition of private properties, and declaration of
Sunday as a public holiday.

Sign and symbols were used by the early Christians to keep

their belief secret from the Roman authorities.

Dark Ages of the Church

The period of the Dark Ages of the Church was fraught with
problems that needed to be addressed immediately.

The church looked for means and ways to solve the problems
by issuing the Dictatus Papae, which proclaimed the supremacy
of the pope.

The scandals that somehow rock the foundation of the church

are homosexual priest, married priest, and other issues
concerning the life of the priests in the country


Schisms in the Church

The division of the church into 2 created a growing

misunderstanding between the Western and the Eastern
Churches. The Western Church recognized the pope as the
head of the church while the Eastern Church acknowledged the
leadership of the Patriarch of Constantinople. However, in spite
of the differences in certain beliefs, practices, and culture, the
church remained as one because both churches came from the
same founder.

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