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NAME: __________________________________________________

DATE: ___________________________________________________
1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1) This workshop ...................... (take place) in the Art Gallery every Wednesday from 10am-12pm.
2) The whole team ......................................... (perform) well at the moment. I believe they will win.
3) In the UK students ....................................... (enter) law undergraduate degree programmes
immediately after high school.
4) Natural gas spot prices ............... (fall) as a result of relatively warm weather in much of the U.S.
5) Green plants ........................... (consume) carbon dioxide and .......................... (release) oxygen
under the influence of light.
6) What .................................. (you/do)? I ..................................... (try) to write an essay.
7) Please be quiet! I .............................. (want) to watch the game.
8) The company .............. (operate) a wide range of cultural sightseeing every year.
9) My parents ........................................ (sail) around western Italy this summer, and probably won't
be back until late September.
10) Paula is busy right now. She ............................................ (talk) on the phone with her dad.

2. Read the following model answer. There are eight mistakes in the use of articles. Find
and correct the mistakes.
Model answer
The pie chart shows the main careers of millionaires in the United States in percentages. We can
see that a majority of millionaires are businesspeople, while other jobs such as in the entertainment
or the politics only represent small proportion of the total. However, it could be said that millionaires
are mostly people in the business and entertainment industries.
In the USA, people who work in a business account for just under two thirds of millionaires. Next
largest group of millionaires on the chart is people who work in film and television. They account for
15% of the total. This group is closely followed by people who work in music. This sector accounts
for the tenth of all millionaires in the USA.
The smaller groups all make up fewer than ten per cent of millionaires when combined. These
people are sportspeople, politicians and people in other careers. The smallest group is an other
group with two per cent.
1. ________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________
7. _________ 8. ___________

NAME: __________________________________________________
DATE: ___________________________________________________
3. Look at the chart and fill in the gaps with the past simple or present perfect simple of
the verbs in brackets to make true sentences.

1) The chart shows the percentage of American students who ................................. (use) illicit
drugs since2000.
2) The proportion of female students who have ever used illicit drugs .............................. (increase)
by more than 50% since 2000.
3) In 2010, the percentage of American male students reported to be using drugs ................... (rise)
to 50%.
4) From the graph we can see that illicit drug use among American female student
.................................. (rise) each year.
5) The percentage of male students who used illicit drugs ...................................... (be) greater than
the percentage of female students from 2000 to 2010.
6) However, American female students ......................................... (overtake) male students in drug
usage since 2010.
7) The overall drug-use rate among American students ............. (grow) each year and the most
significant rise ................................................... (occur) between 2000 and 2005.

NAME: __________________________________________________
DATE: ___________________________________________________


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