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Prologue : Dark Designs

A vast piece of the night soared silently on glittering wings, a single silvery
eye gazing balefully at the world below. Massive jaws parted, and the immense
black dragon let out an eerie howl that echoed in the stillness of the night. The
creatures scales sparkled like the night sky; glowing speckles that resembled stars
twinkled like their celestial counterparts. The underside of the dragons wings held
the pale expanse of the Milky Way.
The mental entreaty turned the massive head ground-ward. The giant wings
angled down, and the beast landed lightly before his summoner atop a grassy hill.
Master, forgive me for interrupting your flight. The handsome young man
knelt before him, forehead touching the ground.
For a while, the black dragon stared silently at the man. The man had wings
of his own sweeping midnight blue and silver wings with a frame as jagged as
lightning. Jagged silver horns poked out of short, midnight blue hair. His claws, the
same color as his wings, were smaller versions of his masters much larger talons.
The dark dragons gaze hardened. Despite his outward beauty (marred only
by a scar along his missing left eye) the dragons mental voice was less than
beautiful, accompanied as it was by what seemed to be the screaming of millions of
tortured souls.
To this night, I hold out hope that you will not summon me for a trivial matter.
Your continued existence is proof of my eternal patience. Be quick with your news,
Jack, lest you incur my eternal wrath as well.
My humblest apologies once more, Lord of Darkness, but this is an important
matter. Jack lifted his head from the ground, rising to stand before his master.
Mighty Shadow Dragon, Keeper of the Orb of Darkness, I bring word that the Orb of
Air has finally found its master. The Guardians of Light move to intercept him
The Shadow Dragon roared with a hellish laughter, wings spread wide. His
head turned to where the full moon lit the sky the moon that was the corporeal
form of his own Orb of Darkness.
On this, the night my power is at its peak, they seek to mock my inability to
intervene in this war of Guardians. But while I cannot directly interfere with the
Guardians of Light, I may still lend you my considerable power. Go, my Lightning
Dragon. Assemble the Guardians of Darkness and the Shen Zodiac. Destroy the
Golden Dragons champions and bring me their Orbs. This war shall end tonight.

Jack bowed at the waist, spreading his wings with a snap. At a dismissive
wave from the Shadow Dragon, the Lightning Dragon launched himself skyward. A
parting echo rang in his head.
Do not fail me, Guardian.
Chapter I Premonitions
Derek Halaway woke with a start, his sheets soaked with sweat. He tossed
aside the covers, rising slowly to his feet. He ran a hand through his short brown
hair and gazed out the window. The full moon cast a pale blue-white light into his
What a crazy dream Derek murmured.
Derek stared blankly at the full moon, mulling over the details of his dream.
In it, he stood on a vast plain. To his left was darkness, the field blackened and
dead. The only light came from the moon, or what appeared to be the moon. Its
cratered surface was gone and now the moon resembled nothing more than a
massive round eye, its gaze sweeping across the blasted landscape. On Dereks
right was daylight, a golden orb shining in a pure blue sky. Its bright light shone
upon a lush green field, speckled with colorful flowers.
As Derek watched, the fine line between the darkness and light widened into
a deep fissure, the ground beneath his feet ripping apart but Derek did not fall.
Instead, suspended in midair, he watched as the two regions split farther apart. In a
blink, two armies stood facing one another across the rift. On the side of darkness
stood four large dragons, shadowy creatures standing in formation behind them.
On the side of light stood four different creatures a massive bird, an immense
tiger, and a gigantic turtle with a huge serpent winding around its shell. A fourth
figure stood alongside the three, but Derek could barely see it. It was vague, as if a
painter had smeared the image. Derek squinted, trying to better see the fourth
creature. As if noticing his regard, the shimmering form seemed to turn to face him.
Entranced, Derek could not tear his gaze away. The entire world seemed to dwindle
down until nothing existed save for Derek and the mysterious creature. As he
watched, the creature disappeared like a mirage, replaced with a blue orb the color
of the sky and the size of a softball. Derek reached out for it, the orb pulsing with
welcoming warmth.
Before Derek could grasp the orb, tendrils of black spread through its core
like a disease. The dark tendrils burst through the orbs surface, shattering it into
pieces. Everything around him went dark, the smothering darkness gripping Derek
like icy hands. Dark laughter echoed in the shadows.
Derek had awakened from the sensation of something indescribably evil
turning to look at him, a chilling voice echoing in his mind.

Ive found you.

As he recalled the details of his dream, Derek turned his gaze upward to the
bright moon. He remembered the baleful eye above the dead landscape and
shuddered. Derek suddenly felt very exposed, as if the moon had become a hawk
and he was a rabbit beneath its penetrating gaze.
Something moved in the street below, drawing Dereks attention. It was not
yet time for the morning paper, and his street was far from busy, especially at this
late hour. A lone figure stood in front of his house, looking up at his window. He
could make out a feminine form, but the figure appeared to have a large, strangelyshaped backpack. Derek imagined her eyes were glowing, but the rational part of
his mind dismissed it as impossible.
What happened next shoved Dereks rational mind rudely aside as the figure
below spread large wings. His first thought was that she was some sort of angel,
but the wings she sported were much darker in color than the whitewashed wings of
a heavenly being. Perhaps she was some sort of demon, here to carry away Dereks
They know youre here, Seiryu. A womans voice intruded into Dereks mind.
You have to leave quickly.
The sense of foreboding that had awakened Derek returned sharply, and he
stole a hasty glance up at the moon as if it were the source. Without further
hesitation, Derek ran to his dresser and began to get dressed to leave.
Where was he going? What was he running from? A million questions flew
through Dereks mind as he pulled on his shoes. Was he supposed to pack some
things? How long would he be gone?
You wont be coming back. The womans voice spoke once more.
His rational mind still reeling from the nights revelations, Derek didnt bother
questioning the voice. He didnt bother packing, simply grabbing his coat as he
headed toward the door.
Derek stepped outside into the cool night air, closing the door behind him and
locking it tight. He started to laugh at the absurdity of locking the door of a house
he would not be returning to, but felt a note of hysteria on the edge of his laughter
and stifled it, turning instead to face the woman who had called to him.
The womans wings were red, painted a strange hue in the moons ghostly
light. Her eyes were gold and yes glowing with reddish flames. She approached
him, and Derek noticed that she stepped lightly on birdlike feet, a long banner of a
tail swishing behind her.

We must make haste, Seiryu. The woman murmured, her voice low and
devoid of emotion.
It was the second time she had referred to Derek as Seiryu, but the sound of
the name struck a chord somewhere deep within. It seemed right somehow.
Either way, Derek would puzzle it out at a later time. The sense of urgency
coming from the strange woman was infectious, and he felt an almost palpable
feeling of danger in the night air around him.
The night belongs to the enemy. You must stay close to me. The woman
looked up at the moon, a frown creasing her face. She turned on her heel and
started walking, looking over her shoulder. Oh, and my name is Suzaku.

Suzaku took off running down the road, Derek close behind her. The wind
was a welcoming caress, and Derek kept his eyes on Suzaku as they ran. It was
only when he turned and saw the blur of houses as they sped by that he realized
they were running at speeds no human could possibly attain. Immediately his pace
slowed at the realization, and he almost fell. Suzaku continued on for half a block
before she must have sensed or heard Derek fall behind. She skidded to a halt,
turning and jogging back to him.
Dont think about it. Suzakus unexpressive voice sounded suddenly
compassionate. There is a part of you that has begun to awaken. Let it take
What am I? Derek voiced the question that had been nagging at his mind
since Suzaku had first appeared in his life.
Suzaku shook her head. That will have to wait.
Derek started running again, mildly frustrated as he failed to reach the
breakneck pace from before. Suzaku was patient, loping silently alongside him.
Come on, Derek. He thought to himself. You ran fast before, so you know
you can do it. Stop thinking about it and just do it!
Derek closed his eyes momentarily, remembering. He remembered the wind
running its loving fingers through his hair, gently embracing him. Its whistle in his
ears was like the chatter of a beloved friend. Derek opened his eyes, and saw the
world spread out below him like a patchwork quilt as he soared on azure wings
through a sapphire sky. The wind danced around him, holding him aloft.
In a moment of terrifying clarity, Dereks conscious mind asserted itself. It
was night, he was human, and this image could not possibly be real! His stomach
lurched, and he found himself looking at Suzaku, who gazed back knowingly at him.

I I guess I was daydreaming. Derek murmured apologetically.

Suzaku shook her head. No, you were remembering.
Derek was about to respond when a flash lit the sky. Suzakus head lifted in
alarm. She reached out with a clawed hand, gripping Dereks arm.
We have to go. Now. Suzaku commanded.
Derek looked up at the sky, where the stars behind them were obscured by
ominous black clouds. Thunder growled menacingly.
That storm moved in pretty fast. Derek mused.
That is no ordinary storm. Suzakus eyes bored into Dereks. Theyre
Suzaku took to her heels, pulling Derek along. Focused more on her words
than his feet, Derek was soon sprinting alongside her at the same breakneck pace
as before. Something in Suzakus words had filled him with a terrible dread. The
storm was suddenly more than ominous it was downright dangerous. Derek
instinctively reached within himself, finding a well of power that rose to meet him
like an old friend.
They were coming.
Derek didnt know who the they Suzaku had referred to were, but he knew
deep down that they were not someone he wanted to meet. The lightning that
forked across the sky seemed sentient, seeking, and Derek knew that it had a
sinister source.
Hold on. Suzaku tore forward at blinding speed, pumping her crimson
wings and rising in the sky. She swooped around behind Derek, and he felt arms
wrap around his chest. Soon, his feet were suspended above the asphalt, and the
ground was rapidly falling away.
Derek glanced up to see Suzakus face set in a mask of fierce concentration.
They were flying over a farm now, he saw, and she appeared to be scanning for
The ground erupted, and a massive shape exploded from the earth. Dirt fell
away from the form, revealing a white tiger the size of a pickup truck.

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