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BALKANJM 01 (2013) 16-27

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A New Method for Fast Computation of Factorials of Numbers

Fikret Cihana, Fatih Aydinb, Adnan Fatih Kocamaz*c

Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli, Turkey

Department of Computer Programming, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli, Turkey


Department of Software Engineering, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli, Turkey



Article history:
Received 23 December 2012
Accepted 23 January 2013
Available online 6 February 2013

This study introduces a newly developed algorithm for fast

computation of the factorial of big numbers. The algorithm
reduces by half the number of multiplications required to
compute the factorial of a number. Then, to speed up the
multiplication process, the numbers to be multiplied are
converted into binary trees. Following the conversion, the
products for the left and right branches of the tree are computed
synchronically, and the multiplication of the two values yields the
result of the factorial.
In computing the factorial of numbers rapidly, 11 non-primenumber based algorithms are used, which are compared to the
method developed in this study. Analyses show that the newly
developed method, in addition to being simpler and easy to use,
computes the factorial of big numbers much faster compared to
the other methods.

Analyze of algorithm Factorial
Binary tree
Fast factorial computation

2013 BALKANJM All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The notation n! is defined for integers n 0 as
" 1, if (n = 0)
n! = #
$n.(n 1)!,if (n > 0)

Thus, n! = 1.2.3...n .

Corresponding author: E-mail: (A., F., Kocamaz)

2013.001.02 2013 BALKANJM All rights reserved


F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


A weak upper bound on the factorial function is n! n n , since each of the n terms in
the factorial product is at most n [1]. Stirlings approximation,

n! = 2 n # & e an


< an <
12n +1


Stirlings approximation yields a result very close to the real result, though the result of
the number whose factorial is to be computed is not absolute. However, the higher the value
of n , the closer one gets to the real result. This is illustrated in Equation (4).



2 n % (


The factorial function is used in mathematics, the number theory, the probability theory,
exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, series expansions, permutations and
combinations. As such, fast computation of factorial is highly significant.
Most basic occurrence of the factorial operation is the fact that there are n! ways to
arrange n distinct objects into a sequence. This fact was known at least as early as the 12th
century, to Indian scholars [2]. The notation n! was introduced by Christian Kramp in 1808
The asymptotically best efficiency is obtained by computing n! from its prime
factorization. Prime factorization allows n! to be computed in time O(n(log nloglogn)2 ) ,
provided that a fast multiplication algorithm is used [4].
The method that computes the factorial as a product of the numbers 1 n is known as
the naive product [1, 5]. Considering function call overhead, the recursive method is even
slower than the naive product. Computing factorials has long been a tedious task, requiring
many multiplications and working with numbers that grow exponentially by the number of
digits of their values [6]. Such cases greatly increase the time required to compute the
factorial of big numbers. This has led researchers to develop faster factorial computation
methods, including BoitenSplit, Split, Swing Simple, Swing, Square Difference etc.
BoitenSplit algorithm transforms the multiplication of even numbers into shift operations and

F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


applies multiplication only to odd numbers [7]. Swing Simple is a simple Swing algorithm.
Square Difference is an algorithm based on the differences of squares. A benchmark program
developed by Peter Luschny features most of fast factorial computation algorithms [8]. The
11 fast factorial computation algorithms used in this study can be found in that benchmark
2. Description and Complexity of the fast factorial computation algorithm
The algorithm introduced in this study uses the following approximation in computing
the factorial of numbers. This approximation reduces by half the number of multiplications in
computing the factorial. In this approximation, the number whose factorial is to be calculated
is factorized. After that, the first term is multiplied by the last term; then the second term is
multiplied by the second-from-last term etc., thus multiplying all the terms. Equation (7)
illustrates this.
n! =


n"n %
n! = n.2(n 1).3(n 2).4(n 3).5(n 4) $ +1'
2#2 &


" n 2 + 2n %
n! = n.(2n 2).(3n 6).(4n 12).(5n 20)$
# 4 &


Afterwards, the difference between terms is considered. (8) shows the difference
between terms. As can be seen, the difference between terms is 2, which is a constant. (8)
shows further that the difference between the last two terms is 2.
" n 2 + 2n % " n 2 + 2n 8 %









$# 4 '& $#




Thus, the factors required for 20! are as in (9). An analysis of the difference between
factors for 20! shows that the first difference is 18 . In other words, it is always the number
whose factorial is to be calculated minus 2 . Then, the difference decreases by two, ultimately
reducing down to 2 . Thus, the value of the second difference becomes 16 , and that of the
last difference becomes 2 . Crucially, the number of multiplications required for 20! is
reduced from 20 to 9 .
20! =


F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


This rule can be used with odd numbers as well as even numbers, though with a little
trick. Assuming n to be odd, its factorial can be considered as n.(n 1)! . Thus, in computing
n! , one can first calculate (n 1)! using the above method, and then multiply the result by the

value of n .
The method developed to compute the factorial of even numbers is formulated in (10).
The formula is explained next.
2.1 Theorem The formula developed to compute the factorial of even numbers is as follows:
when n > 1 and n is even;

n! = [2 + 4 ++ (n 2) + n].[4 + 6 ++ (n 2) + n][(n 2) + n].n


Proof If we choose the method of induction to prove the theorem.

Let us assume that;

forn = 2,2! = 2


forn = 4,4! = (2 + 4).4 = 6.4 = 24


forn = k,k! = [2 + 4 ++ (k 2) + k].[4 + 6 ++ (k 2) + k].k


And show that;

forn = k + 2,(k + 2)! = [2 + 4 ++ k + (k + 2)]..[k + (k + 2)].(k + 2)

Then, we get

(k + 2)! = (k + 2).(k +1).k!

= (k + 2).(k +1).[2 + 4 ++ (k 2) + k].[4 + 6 ++ (k 2) + k].k
!k $ !k +2$ !k 2$ !k + 4$ !k 4$
4 !k 2$
= (k + 2).(k +1). # &. #
&. #
&. #
&. #
&.. . #
"2% " 2 % " 2 % " 2 % " 2 %
2 " 2 %
! k + 2 $ ! k + 4$ ! k $ ! k + 6 $ ! k 2 $ ! k +8$
4 ! 2k + 2 $
&. #
&. # &. #
&. #
&. #
&.. . #
&.(k + 2)
" 2 % " 2 % "2% " 2 % " 2 % " 2 %
2 " 2 %

= [2 + 4 ++ k + (k + 2)].[4 + 6 ++ k + (k + 2)]..[k + (k + 2)].(k + 2)

Which proves the theorem.


F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


The method developed for fast factorial computation is shown to greatly reduce the
number of multiplications required. (15) gives the number of multiplications required to
compute the factorial of a number. Here, n is the number whose factorial is to be computed,
and f (n) is the number of multiplications required to compute the factorial of n .
1, if n is even

f (n) =
n , if n is odd


The number is first factorized and then the factors are multiplied with one another,
which yields the result. However, multiplying these numbers in natural methods takes a much
longer time than multiplying the factors in the binary tree structure, hence our preference of
the binary tree structure. Due to the use of the binary tree structure, the multiplication
function is recursive. Figure 1 illustrates this point.

Figure 1. A recursion tree for the recurrence

The general form for the time complexity of a recursion tree has been shown in (16)
equation. Here a and b rates are arbitrary substantive. f (n) function is a function of n .
According to this equation the tree in (n / b) dimension is divided into sub problem till a .
The reunification of these sub problems gives the rate of f (n) function. The time complexity
of level 1 which is the sub-level of the root node of tree has been shown in (17) equation. This
situation goes on until it is reached to the leaves of tree.

( b) + f (n)

T (n) = a.T n


F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27

( b) = a.T ( n b ) + f (n b)

T n


The basic situation in the leaves is related to 1 n b . By this way tree has log b n
level. The total number of the leaves is the same as it is shown in (18) equation.

a logb n = n logb a

According to this, the total of consumed time is the total of the consumed time in every
level. Then, the consumed time in i level is a i f (n bi ) . The level of the tree is log b n then i
interval is from 0 to log b n 1 . In this situation, the total consumed time with the consumed
time in every level is as the same as the total number of consumed time in the leaves. This is
shown in (19) equation.

T (n) =

log b (n1)

a i . f # i & + O ( n logb a )
"b %


Since the used tree structure in developed algorithm is a complete tree and the cost of
every leaf is fixed the total cost of the entire leaves is as it is in (20). However, if we want to
show the top limit of the cost for the worst situation, we show it as it is in (21) equation.

T (n)only all leaves = O nlogb a = (logb n )


T (n)only all leaves = O ( n logb a )


The asymptotic growth of f (n) function located in (19) equation is compared with the
asymptotic growth of the number of leaves. If the growth of leaves is slower than f function,
the time cost is as it is shown in (22) term. If the growth of leaves and f function is the same,
the cost of time is as it is shown in (23) term. But if the growth of f function is faster than
the growth of leaves, the cost of time is as it is shown in (24) term.

T (n) = O ( n logb a )


T (n) = ( n logb a log n )


T (n) = ( f ( n ))


F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


Since the time complexity of the developed algorithm is T (n 2) = 2T (n 4) + (n 2) ,

f (n) equates (n 2) . The rate is 2 and b rate is 4. The total number of leaves is as it is shown
in (18) equation. According to this the number of leaves is n1 2 . According to this, f (n)
function is growing faster than the number of leaves. As a result of this, a time complexity
that is shown in (24) equation occurs. Thats to say, time complexity is as it is below:

T (n) = ( f (n)) = (n)


For the tree shown in Figure 1, the calculations have been done simultaneously from
level 1. Thus, time complexity is done as it is in (26) equation. As it is seen in this equation,
the time complexity of algorithm has decreased.

( 4) = 2.T (n 8 ) + f (n 4)

T n


T (n) = (n 4)


Consequently, the time cost of algorithm is as it is shown (27) equation. This situation
shows that algorithm has increased the multiplier number performance and other methods
have provided additional contribution to this situation.
3. Algorithm Details
Algorithm has been developed by using .NET 4.0 library and C# programming
language in MS Visual Studio 2010. So as to calculate the factorial of bigger numbers,
System.Numerics.BigInteger [9] data type has been used. The details of algorithm have
been shown as Pseudo code below.
In Figure 2, the starting functions of algorithms were given. In this function, if n value
takes a value under 0, the practice throws an exception. If the n value is higher than 0 and
lowers than 7, the factorial of the number between these intervals is returned. The reason for
making such kind of an operation is that for n value, one branch of the tree needs n 4
element. For each number lower than 7, this value will be 1. For such a situation, because a
binary tree hasnt been prepared, the factorial of the number until 7 is kept in a line and

F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


Figure 2. Main function

In Figure 3, to calculate the factorial of numbers higher than 6, a function named

Initialize Factorial is shown. In this function, there are made operations according to
whether the number whose factorial is to be calculated is uneven or even number. For, the
multiplying number changes depending on if the number is uneven or even. The change of
multiplying number (15) is shown in the expression. Besides these procedures, the factors of
the number whose factorial is to be found are thrown into a set. The numbers put in the set are
sent to the function called Synchronized Binary Tree to be multiplied. The result obtained
from this function is then multiplied with 2 n 2 for; its factors are two times of each one.

Figure 3. Initialize Factorial function

F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


In Figure 4, the factors of the number whose factorial is to be found are turned into
binary tree structure. For the calculation times of the left and right branches of the tree to be
same, the left and right branches are calculated simultaneously. Thus, the calculation speed is

Figure 4. Synchronized Binary Tree function

In Figure 5, the factors of the number whose factorial is to be found start to be

multiplied with each other. On such a tree, the leaves have not been designed in the way to
send the value of each number. On the leaves, at least two numbers are multiplied with each
other and a result is returned. Hence, the depth of the tree doesnt always have a changeable
structure. Besides, the tree is enabled to be a full tree. Such a structure runs with a better
performance comparing with another structure.

Figure 5. Recursive Binary Tree function

4. Results and discussion

The tests of algorithm have been realized in benchmark program called Silver
Factorial that is developed by Peter Luschny. The algorithms chosen for testing are:
SquaredDiff, ProductRecursive, Boiten Split, SwingDouble, SwingRational, SwingSimple,
Hyper, SwingRationalDbl, Split, SquaredDiffProd and Swing. These algorithms were

F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


implemented in on the Windows 7 Ultimate operating system, with a Intel Core i7 CPU
Q 740 @ 1.73 GHz and 4 GB of RAM. According to the tests done, it has been seen that
newly developed algorithms are faster than the other algorithms. The results of tests done are
seen in Table 1. When the results are investigated, it is seen that the best result is given by the
newly developed algorithms. Secondly, the fastest algorithm is Swing. Then is
SquaredDiffProd algorithm. The developed algorithm has produced the same fast result as it
is in Split algorithm when calculating the factorial of 5000 number. However, it has gone
beyond in the other algorithms that have bigger worthies after this value.
The algorithms that are used in the tests are not the algorithms based on prime numbers.
According to the tests done, the reason behind the fact why these algorithms have been
chosen is the fact that new algorithm can do fast factorial calculation based on normal
methods. Furthermore, the developed algorithm has an easy and simple applicable structure.
Table 1. The comparative results of calculations of fast factorial algorithms (in milliseconds)








100000 Average
























































































5. Conclusion
As a result, the developed algorithm factorial, at worst situation, decreases the
multiplication number, which is necessary for the number to be calculated, to the half. By this
way, the calculations at high speed can be done. The tests have been done according to 11
algorithms and newly developed algorithm. 11 algorithms used for comparison are not the

F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


fast factorial calculation algorithms based on prime numbers. According to the tests done,
newly developed algorithm factorial calculates the results of the numbers that will be
calculated in a fastest way. If the complexity of algorithm is shown via Theta notation, it will

( 4) .

be as n

F. Cihan et. al. /BALKANJM 01 (2013) 13-27


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