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Technical Writing, Research & Presentation

Implementation of Strategic Placement of the Branches of

Karate Kid Japanese Fast Food
Based on the book Start Your Own Business
By: The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc.

Mr. Ryan Danel C. Salivia, Advisor

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

July 2016

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Technical Writing, Research & Presentation

This research entitled Implementation of Strategic Placement of Karate
Kid Fast Food Based on the Book of Start Your Own Business in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Technical Writing, Research and
Presentation for the degree of the Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and
approval for oral defense.

Prof. Ryan Danel C. Salivia

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with grade of

Prof. Alan Cabaluna

Prof. Ryan Danel C. Salivia


Prof. Lanie Ann Rebano

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Technical Writing, Research and Presentation for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration.

Prof. Ryan Danel C. Salivia

Academic Head
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Technical Writing, Research & Presentation


Every challenging work, needs group efforts as well as guidance of

elders, especially those who were very close to our hearts.

Our humble effort we dedicate to out sweet and loving

Father & Mother,

Whose affection, love, encourangement and prayers of day and night

make us able to get such success and honor,

Along with all hard working and respected


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Technical Writing, Research & Presentation

We thank all who in one way or another contributed to the completion of
this thesis. First, we give thanks to God for protection and the ability to do the
We are so grateful to the Faculty of Informatics College-Caloocan for
making it possible for us to study here. We would like to express deepest
gratitude to our advisor Mr. Ryan Danel Salivia for his full support, expert
guidance, understanding and encouragement throughout our study and
research. Without his incredible patience, timely wisdom, and counsel, our
thesis work would have been a frustrating and overwhelming pursuit.
We also deeply thankful to our informants. Their names cannot be
disclosed, but we want to acknowledge and appreciate their transparency and
help during my research. Their information has helped us complete this thesis.
We also thank our family who encouraged us and prayed for us
throughout the time of our research. This thesis is heartily dedicated to our
parents who took the lead to heaven before the completion of this work.
May the Almighty God richly bless all of you.

Table of Contents
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Technical Writing, Research & Presentation

Chapter I

Background of the Study

Background of the Study
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitation
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms

Chapter II

Review of Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature
Local Literature
Foreign Studies
Local Studies

Chapter III

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

Survey Question no. 1-7( bar graph)
Interview Guide

Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


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