Ch.3 Quiz B

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_____ is an automatic, involuntary response to an incoming stimulus.

_____ are neurons that connect sensory and motor neurons, carrying messages
between the two.
The branch of psychology that seeks to identify behavior patterns that are a
result of our genetic inheritance from our ancestors is known as
Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary psychologists have spawned a new and increasingly influential field
Behaviorial Genetics
A key component of the endocrine system is the tiny _____ gland, which is found
nearand regulated bythe _____ in the brain.
pituitary; hypothalamus
The hormone oxytocin has been implicated in each of the following behaviors
tendency to produce violent, dangerous behavior.
Which brain imaging technique below is CORRECTLY matched with its
EEGrecords the brain's electrical activity with electrodes
The hindbrain includes each of the following structures EXCEPT the:
The part of the brain closest to the spinal cord is the _____; it is important for
such functions as _____.
medulla; heart rate and respiration
The part of the brain that controls bodily balance is the _____
The _____ is a tiny part of the brain that maintains homeostasis and produces
and regulates vital behavior, such as eating, drinking, and sexual behavior.
Violet's speech is slow and labored; however, she can understand others'
speech. Violet has:
Broca's aphasia.
Trevor is scratching his head, trying desperately to solve a verbal analogy as part
of a standardized entrance examination; Sienna, meanwhile, is giving an oral

presentation in a political science class. Of the brain's hemispheres, Trevor's

_____ hemisphere is most active; Sienna's _____ hemisphere is most active.
left; left
Magnetic resonance imaging is a technique that works by
detecting and interpreting magnetic activity from hydrogen levels in the
Which brain imaging technique allows scientists to actually see what is
happening in the brain while it is working?
The iron rod which damaged Phineas Gage's frontal lobe resulted in
changes in personality.
The area of the cerebral cortex that controls voluntary muscle movement is the
motor cortex.
The area of the brain that controls the production of speech is
Broca's area.
The set of glands that regulates the activities of certain organs is called the
___________ system.
The ___________ gland regulates all the other glands.
Which expression below most closely approximates the number of neural
connections in the brain?
10 quadrillion
Which of the following is TRUE of the spinal cord's control of behavior?
The spinal cord can control some simple reflexes without the brain's help.
Somatic is to autonomic what _____ is to _____.
voluntary; involuntary
Darnell underwent surgery to control his severe epilepsy. Now, however, Darnell
cannot form new memories of his experiences, although he does remember
events in the past. Most likely, the surgery destroyed a portion of the _____ in
Darnell's brain.
The visual area in the cortex is located in the _____.
occipital lobe

The _____ areas are considered to be the site of higher mental processes such
as thinking, language, memory, and speech.
Which structure of the brain would be most beneficial to a professional golfer who
is trying to create a repetitive golf swing?
Basal ganglia
Theus is about to take the bar exam. Which lobe of the brain will he be relying on
most to do well?
Broca's area is located in the ___________ hemisphere.
The corpus callosum is
a band of nerve fiber connecting the right and left hemispheres.
With respect to its potential basis in nervous system activity, "voodoo death" has
been attributed to:
an overactive sympathetic nervous system.
The thalamus may be likened to a(n):
relay station.
The _____ is referred to as the "new brain."
cerebral cortex
The brain injury suffered by 19th-century railroad worker Phineas Gage allowed
psychologists to learn about the functions of the brain's:
association areas.
The hemispheres of the brain are connected by a bundle of fibers called the:
corpus callosum.
Which of the following generalizations is probably most accurate regarding
potential gender differences in the lateralization of language?
Language is more strongly left-lateralized among males than among
Body temperature, emotional states, and coping with stress are functions
controlled by the

What is unique about stem cells?

They can develop into most types of human cells.
Sensory is to motor what _____ is to _____.
afferent; efferent
The limbic system contains which of the following structures?
The brain and the spinal cord constitute the _____ nervous system.
The part of the autonomic division of the nervous system that acts to prepare the
body for action in stressful situations, engaging all the organism's resources to
respond to a threat is known as the _____.
sympathetic division
The "fight-or-flight" response is associated with the _____ division.
The _____ maintains a steady internal environment for the body.
In a neurophysiological investigation, a monkey makes an involuntary gesture
when a portion of its brain is electrically stimulated. The area of the brain that
was most likely stimulated is the:
Frontal lobe
Warren suffers from Wernicke's aphasia. Which of the following will he
experience in thought or behavior?
Warren will experience difficulty understanding language.
_____ is the creation of new neurons.
The reticular formation is primarily involved in
stereotyped patterns such as walking, sleeping, or turning to attend to a
sudden noise.
If you had damage to your hippocampus, it would most likely impair
Memory formation
Theus is about to take the bar exam. Which lobe of the brain will he be relying on
most to do well?

Neurosurgeons can reduce the unbearable seizures some epileptics experience

by severing the
Corpus callosum
What is unique about stem cells?
They can develop into most types of human cells.
The two major divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the _____ and
_____ divisions.
somatic; autonomic
The _____ gland is a major component of the endocrine system which secretes
hormones that control growth and other parts of the endocrine system.
Which of the following sequences correctly identifies the orders of the
lobes of the cortex, from anterior to posterior?
Frontal temporal and parietal occipital
The brain injury suffered by 19th-century railroad worker Phineas Gage
allowed psychologists to learn about the functions of the brain's:
association areas.
The process by which the brain reorganizes itself throughout
development is termed:
Which of the following generalizations is probably most accurate
regarding potential gender differences in the lateralization of
Language is more strongly left-lateralized among males than
among females.
If a person's cerebellum were damaged in an accident, you would
expect the person to have a problem with
Balance and muscle coordination
If you had damage to your hippocampus, it would most likely impair
Memory formation
Body temperature, emotional states, and coping with stress are
functions controlled by the

The area of the cerebral cortex that controls voluntary muscle

movement is the
Motor cortex
A split brain occurs due to
a severing of the corpus callosum.
The _____ is the main means for transmitting messages between the
brain and the body.
spinal cord
The hormone oxytocin has been implicated in each of the following
behaviors EXCEPT the:
tendency to produce violent, dangerous behavior.
The iron rod which damaged Phineas Gage's frontal lobe resulted in
changes in personality.
The part of the brain closest to the spinal cord is the _____; it is
important for such functions as _____.
medulla; heart rate and respiration
After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some
meditation techniques. Doing these exercises should increase the
response of the ___________ nervous system and result in slower heart
and respiration rates and less muscular tension.
At a job interview, you broke out into a cold sweat and felt your heart
pounding. These symptoms were most likely produced by your
___________ nervous system.
An fMRI can detect brain activity because
oxygenated blood is more prominent in areas that are active.
The _____ division also directs the body to store energy for use in
Which division of the nervous system is composed of all the sensory
and motor nerves?
Peripheral nervous system
Depolarizing the membrane during an action potential first involves the
flow of ___________ ions into the membrane.

When you walk to class, you do not have to think consciously about
how to walk. When you get there, you pay attention to the lecture even
though it is boring and you are tired. The structure that plays an
important role in these activities by manipulation of various
neurotransmitters is the
reticular formation.
With respect to its potential basis in nervous system activity, "voodoo
death" has been attributed to:
an overactive sympathetic nervous system.
The _____ area is the site in the brain of the tissue that corresponds to
each of the senses, with the degree of sensitivity related to the amount
of tissue.
Which of the following best represents the function of myelin sheath in
the brain?
Amber is putting wax on her surfboard so that it will move
easily through the water.
Who would benefit the most from a highly efficient cerebellum?
Baseball Payer
____________ is the best-known example of neuroplasticity.

Which of the following statements is true about the use of substance BrdU in neurogenesis?
It is used to track how aggressively cancerous tumors are growing among
cancer patients.

The _____ maintains a steady internal environment for the body.

The temporal lobes are involved in memory and emotion because:
they house and connect with the somatosensory cortex.

Electrical activity in the brain can be captured by placing multiple electrodes on the scalp and then
measuring the underlying electrical activity. This method of studying the brain's activity is referred to
an electroencephalogram.

The growth and formation of new dendrites is called ____________.


Of the many principles of brain plasticity that have emerged since the 1990s, which of the following is
Almost every major structure of the neuron is capable of experience-based

Body temperature, emotional states, and coping with stress are functions controlled by the
Who would benefit the most from a highly efficient cerebellum?
Baseball player

The hypothalamus controls the _____________, which is responsible for producing and controlling
the hormones our body produces.
pituitary gland

The _____ areas are considered to be the site of higher mental processes such as thinking, language,
memory, and speech.

Which of the following statements is true about brain-computer interfaces and brain-machine
The computer usually acts as an interface between thoughts and
paralyzed limb.

_____ are neurons that connect sensory and motor neurons, carrying messages between the two.

Which of the following is TRUE about the brain?

Specific experience can modify the way in which information is processed.

In which lobe is the motor area located?


A key component of the endocrine system is the tiny _____ gland, which is found nearand regulated
bythe _____ in the brain.

pituitary; hypothalamus

The ___________ gland regulates all the other glands.


Which of the following is true about frontal lobes?

The frontal lobes are more interconnected with other brain regions than any
other part of the brain.
The area of the left temporal lobe, called ____________, is responsible for speech comprehension.
Wernicke's area
The best-known and biggest functional difference between the cerebral hemispheres is in
Which of the following measurement techniques is NOT used to examine the working brain?
Electrocardiography (ECG)

The ___________ lies directly behind the _________. These two regions are "twins."
somatosensory cortex; motor cortex

Children and teenagers act more impulsively than adults partially because their ______ are not fully
frontal lobes

Which of the following is true about event-related potential (ERP)?

ERPs provide excellent temporal resolution but poor spatial resolution.
The uppermost portion of the brain, the _____________, is folded into convolutions, or folds, and
divided into two large hemispheres.

The uppermost portion of the brain, the _____________, is folded into convolutions, or folds, and
divided into two large hemispheres.
The front-most portion of the parietal lobes is the ____________.
somatosensory cortex

Which of the following is true about magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?

MRI provides excellent temporal resolution but poor spatial resolution.

Which of the following statements regarding aphasia is true?

Wernicke's aphasia results in fluent, grammatical streams of speech that lack
Which of the following statements was considered true about neural growth until the early 1900s?
Nerve cells are incapable of growth and adult brain did not change.

The cerebrum is composed of four large areas called ___________.


The temporal lobes house the _______________.

auditory cortex

What happened when Phineas Gage sustained an injury to his frontal lobes when he was shot through
the head with an iron bar in a railroad accident?
His personality changed.

The ____________ is an important region of the frontal lobe and it descends from the top of the head
toward the center of the brain
primary motor cortex

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between the nervous system and the
endocrine system?
The endocrine system influences and is influenced by the central nervous
The ___________ regulates almost all of our major drives and motives, including hunger, thirst,
temperature, and sexual behavior.

James has suffered a head injury while practicing skateboarding. He is immediately taken to the
hospital where doctors rush him to the ER to look for any damage and abnormality in the structure of
the brain and other soft tissues. Presently, they are just interested in looking at the structures and not
interested in finding out anything about his brain activity. Which of the following techniques will most
likely be performed on James?
Magnetic resonance imaging

The left hemisphere processes information in a(n) _____________ manner.


The outer layer of the brain, with all its convolutions, is called the ___________.
cerebral cortex
Which of the following lobes of the brain are the last to fully develop in individuals?
Frontal lobes
The _______________ lobes make up the top and rear sections of the brain.
Todd, who has Broca's aphasia, experiences deficits in his ability to _____________.
produce speech

___________ is responsible for the ability to produce speech.

Broca's area

The part of the brain extending from the medulla through the pons and made up of groups of nerve
cells that can immediately activate other parts of the brain to produce general bodily arousal is known
as the _____.
reticular formation

The ____________ is a small structure that resides deep inside the cerebrum in the area that separates
the temporal lobe from the parietal lobe.
The main function of the temporal lobes is ___________.
Tamara sustained a brain injury and as a result cannot comprehend speech. Her doctors note that she
speaks fluently, but her words are streams of speech that lack meaning. Which of the following
disorders best explains Tamara's symptoms?
Wernicke's aphasia

Aphasia can be defined as a deficit in the ability to:

speak or comprehend language.

Which of the following statements regarding temporal lobes is true?

The temporal lobes lie directly below the frontal and parietal lobes and right
behind the ears.
The _______________ is a thick band of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of the brain.
corpus callosum

____________ can be defined as the brain's ability to adopt new functions, reorganize itself, or make
new neural connections throughout life, as a function of experience.
The nervous system is divided into the _____ and the _____ nervous systems.
central; peripheral
One of the pleasure centers of the brain is found in the

1. The basic elements of the nervous system are called:

2. As many as _____ neurons throughout the body are involved in the
control of behaviour.
1 trillion
4. A cluster of fibers at one end of a neuron that receives messages
from other neurons is called:
5. An axon is a(n):
long, slim, tubelike structure extending from a neuron.
6. Terminal buttons are found at the end of:
7. Dendrite is to axon what _____ is to _____.
receiving; sending
8. Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the route
followed by nerve impulses when one neuron communicates with
Dendrite cell body axon
9. Electrical wires are generally protected by a tube of plastic. A similar
insulating function is performed in the nervous system by the:
myelin sheath.
12. Regarding action potentials, which of the following statements is
The action potential moves from one end of the axon to the other like a
flame moving along a fuse.

13. Regarding mirror neurons, which of the following statements is

Mirror neurons are involved in empathy and language acquisition, but
not in face recognition.
14. A synapse is a(n):
15. Which of the following statements regarding inhibitory messages is
Inhibitory messages decrease the likelihood that a receiving neuron will
16. The reabsorption of neurotransmitters by a terminal button is
termed as:
17. Which neurotransmitter is described INCORRECTLY?
GABAan excitatory neurotransmitter inhibited by alcohol or
18. The neurotransmitter dopamine is involved in:
movement, attention, and learning.
19. The brain's special physical capacity for change is referred to as its
21. Which of the following is a role of the autonomic nervous system?
Monitors essential processes
22. Your brain has instructed your muscles to move so that you avoid
an oncoming bicyclist. Which division of the nervous system carried
this information to your muscles?
Somatic Nervous System
24. Which of the following are the two integrated parts of the
autonomic nervous system?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
27. Which division of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for
physiological symptoms such as increased heart rate and butterflies in
the stomach?
28. Who is relying most heavily on their mirror neurons?

Chie is taking a golf lesson from the local pro.

29. If a doctor told you that insufficient nutrients were being
transported from your blood vessels to your neurons, you might
suspect from that the problem was in your ___________ cells.
30. The nucleus of a neuron is located in the
Cell body
31. Which of the following best describes how information is
transmitted within a neuron?
dendrite cell body axon
37. The physical space between two neurons is called the
38. The neural message being delivered in a synaptic transmission is
carried across the synaptic gap by ___________ substances.
40. ___________ is a neurotransmitter that is produced in insufficient
amounts in many Alzheimer's patients.
41. A neurotransmitter that plays a role Parkinson's disease is
42. Kenny is taking medication to help control some of the symptoms
that he experiences from Parkinson disease. If he is given too much of
the medication, Kenny might start to exhibit symptoms associated with
44. "Running has become an important part of my life. After a good
three miles, I begin to feel euphoric. This positive feeling stays with me
most of the day." This runner is describing the
production of endorphins.
45. Which of the following neurotransmitter plays an important role in
human bonding?
46. Based on the research on oxytocin, if Julia finds herself in a
stressful situation she is most likely to
Call a friend

47. The practice of women bringing food to other women during times
of crisis may have been triggered by which neurotransmitter?
Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of glial cells?
They communicate messages within the nervous system.
You cannot fire a gun softly, or flush a toilet halfway. Like an action
potential, gun fire and a toilet's flush follow the _____ law.
The state in which there is a negative electrical charge of about -70
millivolts within a neuron is known as the _____ state.
Walter has a degenerative condition that eats away at his myelin
sheath. We can expect that his cognitive abilities will
decrease in proficiency.
The all-or-nothing principle refers to
Action Potentials
Neurotransmitters are stored in
Terminal Buttons
A neurotransmitter that plays a role Parkinson's disease is
Depression is associated with low levels of what neurotransmitter?

Which division of the nervous system is composed of all the

sensory and motor nerves?
Peripheral nervous system
After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by
engaging in some meditation techniques. Doing these
exercises should increase the response of the ___________
nervous system and result in slower heart and respiration
rates and less muscular tension.

At a job interview, you broke out into a cold sweat and felt
your heart pounding. These symptoms were most likely
produced by your ___________ nervous system.
Which of the following is true for when a neuron is in its resting state?
The fluid outside the axon has a positive charge.
You are sitting in a public place next to a new acquaintance to whom you are
attracted. You feel this person's hand touch yours. You move your hand to return
the gesture. Your heart beats faster, and you feel "butterflies" in your stomach.
Your hand movement was initiated by your ___________ nervous system, while
your increased heart rate and stomach contractions were initiated by your
___________ nervous system
somatic; autonomic
___________ can be defined as neurons that communicate only with other neurons.
At the end of the axon, at each synapse, is a(n) _________ containing tiny sacs of
terminal button
A cluster of fibers at one end of a neuron that receives messages from other
neurons is called:
At a job interview, you broke out into a cold sweat and felt your heart pounding.
These symptoms were most likely produced by your ___________ nervous system.

Within the brain, ____________ receive, integrate, and generate messages.

The axons of some neurons are wrapped in a fatty ____________.
myelin sheath
Depression is associated with low levels of what neurotransmitter?
When a neuron is at rest, the charge difference between the inside and the
outside of the axon is -70 millivolts (mV). This value is the __________ of the
neuronal membrane.
resting potential

The _______________ serves the involuntary systems of the body, such as the
internal organs and glands.
autonomic nervous system

Sarah has major depressive disorder. The medication she takes to treat her
symptoms likely increases the availability of ____________ in her brain.

If a doctor told you that insufficient nutrients were being transported from your
blood vessels to your neurons, you might suspect from that the problem was in
your ___________ cells.

_______________ is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.


___________ is a neurotransmitter that is produced in insufficient amounts in many

Alzheimer's patients.
The all-or-nothing principle refers to
action potentials.
Of the following, ____________ is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.
Which neurotransmitter is described INCORRECTLY?
GABAan excitatory neurotransmitter inhibited by alcohol or tranquilizers
A(n) _______________ contains a nucleus and other components needed for cell
maintenance and function.
______ can be defined as the chemically charged particles that predominate in
bodily fluids and are found both inside and outside cells.

A neurotransmitter that plays a role Parkinson's disease is

The basic elements of the nervous system are called:

At a job interview, you broke out into a cold sweat and felt your heart pounding.
These symptoms were most likely produced by your ___________ nervous system.
_______________ is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.
Information is transmitted between neurons by means of chemicals called
The two main branches of the autonomic nervous system are the _____________
and the ___________.
sympathetic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system

The reabsorption of neurotransmitters by a terminal button is termed as:


Karl catches a football and runs down the field toward the end zone, attempting
to score a touchdown. Neurologically, ________________ are taking prompts from
Karl's brain and transmitting this information to his legs, commanding them to
motor neurons

______________ is involved in voluntarily controlling muscles and is released during

feelings of pleasure or reward.

An example of the process of enzymatic degradation is when ACh

neurotransmitters are broken down by the the enzyme __________.

Neurotransmitters are stored in

terminal buttons.

Walter has a degenerative condition that eats away at his myelin sheath. We can
expect that his cognitive abilities will
decrease in proficiency.

The _____________ transmits electrical impulses toward the adjacent neuron.


The neurotransmitter _________________ controls muscle movement and plays a

role in mental processes such as learning, memory, attention, sleeping, and

Within the brain, ____________ receive, integrate, and generate messages.


___________ can be defined as neurons that communicate only with other neurons.

_________________ increase the likelihood that a receiving neuron will fire.

Excitatory neurotransmitters

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a(n) ____________ neurotransmitter.


The myelin sheath insulates the ___________ so that the impulse travels more
efficiently and strengthens the connection to adjacent neurons.
_____________ are the cells that process and transmit information throughout the
nervous system.
During the process of reuptake, excess neurotransmitter _________.
is returned to the presynaptic neuron for storage in vesicles and future

Which division of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for physiological

symptoms such as increased heart rate and butterflies in the stomach?

At a job interview, you broke out into a cold sweat and felt your heart pounding.
These symptoms were most likely produced by your ___________ nervous system.

______________ is involved in voluntarily controlling muscles and is released during

feelings of pleasure or reward.

Information is transmitted between neurons by means of chemicals called

___________ is a neurotransmitter that is produced in insufficient amounts in many
Alzheimer's patients.
Electrical wires are generally protected by a tube of plastic. A similar insulating
function is performed in the nervous system by the:
myelin sheath.

Cocaine blocks reuptake of the neurotransmitter ____________, thereby increasing

its availability in the synaptic cleft and stimulating feelings of euphoria.

At the end of the axon, at each synapse, is a(n) _________ containing tiny sacs of
terminal button

"Running has become an important part of my life. After a good three miles, I
begin to feel euphoric. This positive feeling stays with me most of the day." This
runner is describing the
production of endorphins.
The all-or-none principle states that:
once the threshold has been crossed, an action potential either fires or it
does not.

Who is relying most heavily on their mirror neurons?

Chie is taking a golf lesson from the local pro.
Which of the following does information in neural transmission, that always
travels in one direction in the neuron go through the last?

Without the neurotransmitter ______________, the nervous system would literally

be out of control, never ceasing activity.
gamma-aminobutyric acid
The _____________ transmits electrical impulses toward the adjacent neuron.
A neurotransmitter that plays a role Parkinson's disease is

At a job interview, you broke out into a cold sweat and felt your heart pounding.
These symptoms were most likely produced by your ___________ nervous system.

Depolarizing the membrane during an action potential first involves the flow of
___________ ions into the membrane.

The information in neural transmission which always travels in one direction in

the neuron first goes through the ____________.

The junction between the axon and the adjacent neuron is known as the

Which division of the nervous system is composed of all the sensory and motor
Peripheral nervous system
After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some meditation
techniques. Doing these exercises should increase the response of the
___________ nervous system and result in slower heart and respiration rates and
less muscular tension.

Neurotransmitters that do not bind with the postsynaptic neuron are sometimes
taken back up into the presynaptic neuron in a process called ___________________.
___________ are the central nervous system cells that provide structural support,
promote efficient communication between neurons, and remove cellular debris.
Glial cells
An example of the process of enzymatic degradation is when ACh
neurotransmitters are broken down by the the enzyme

The ______________ is the impulse of positive charge that runs one way down an
action potential

______________ plays a role in dreaming and in controlling emotional states such

as anger, anxiety, and depression.
Any sensation one receives activates ____________ which take the message to the
brain for processing.
sensory neurons
The cell body of a neuron is called a(n) ________.
The __________ potentials bring the neuron closer to threshold, while the _______
potentials bring it farther away from threshold.
excitatory; inhibitory

The neurobiologist explained to the students, "The neural system is

very much like the wires connecting your T.V. and stereo to the
electrical outlet. If the wires were not covered with insulation, the
signal would short circuit." The neurobiologist was describing the
function of the: (Points: 5)
myelin sheath.

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