Ch.5 Quiz B

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Which of the following is the first step in the hypnosis process?

A person is made comfortable in a quiet environment.

To which of the following traits does an individual's susceptibility to hypnosis
seem related?
The tendency to become absorbed in one's activities
According to famed hypnosis researcher _____
Hilgard, hypnosis causes a division of consciousness.
Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding potential crosscultural variation in the attempt to alter consciousness?
The attempt to alter consciousness appears to be universal, but the particular
means to do so vary from culture to culture.
____ drugs are drugs that influence a person's emotions, perceptions, and
Which of the following is not a psychoactive drug?
According to the text, the DARE program is used in approximately _____ of the
school districts in the U. S.
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the effect of caffeine
and the other stimulants on the nervous system?
They have an arousal effect on the central nervous system.
Caffeine mimics the effects of a natural brain chemical called:
The "date rape" drug is _____; it is a _____.
rohypnol; depressant
MDMA and lysergic acid diethylamide are _____.
LSD and Ecstasy influence the operation of the neurotransmitter _____ in the
Drug addiction occurs when a(n)
physical or psychological dependence on taking the drug develops.

Drugs that create a sense of relaxation and lowered inhibitions by reducing the
activity of the central nervous system are called
The definition of a binge drinking episode is having more than ___________
drinks in a row.
Jerry who is fairly a conservative person, stopped at a bar on the way home from
work to have a couple of drinks with his friends. On the way home he suddenly
pulls into a retail store and buys a new 60-inch wide-screen TV. What is the most
likely explanation for his behavior?
The alcohol in the drinks reduced his inhibitions and impulse control.
Morphine and heroin are derivatives of
Your friend reported feeling greater energy and a sense of well-being after taking
a drug.
Medical tests reveal increased activity of her central nervous system. The drug
she took is most likely some type of
Kate, a longtime coffee drinker, complains of pounding headaches and lowered
mood when she skips her coffee in the morning. What is the likely cause of these
Caffeine withdrawal
The divided consciousness theory of hypnosis is supported by evidence that
hypnotized people can be aware of pain sensation without experiencing
emotional distress.
Which of the following notions regarding hypnosis is false?
People lose all will of their own.
Which of the following is true of altered state of consciousness?
People feel a sense of ineffability.
_____ drugs are drugs that influence a person's emotions, perceptions, and
In _____ dependence, people believe that they need the drug to respond to the
stresses of daily living.

Assessment of the DARE program has revealed that:

DARE graduates were more likely to use marijuana than was a comparison
group of nongraduates.
Caffeine mimics the effects of a natural brain chemical called:
Nicotine activates neural mechanisms similar to those activated by _____.
Fawn consumed a large amount of the most popular street drug at a party. It
gave her a sense of energy and alertness although she also became anxious
and irritable. Which of the following drugs has she most likely consumed?
LSD and Ecstasy influence the operation of the neurotransmitter _____ in the
The need to take increasing amounts of a drug in order to get the same effect is
referred to as
Bethany is experiencing headaches, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating. She
most likely stopped using which drug?
What type of drug is crystal meth?
Research on the legalization of marijuana in California found
no effect on overall usage.
LSD and marijuana fall into the psychotropic drug category of
You decide to undergo hypnosis out of curiosity. You expect that hypnosis will
result in a state of
eightened openness to suggestion.
Approximately what percentage of the population cannot be hypnotized at all?
Stimulants are drugs that
have an arousal effect on the central nervous system, causing a rise in heart
rate, blood pressure, and muscular tension.

Tranquilizers and alcohol belong to a drug category called

"Medical marijuana" is known to
All of these
Which of the following notions regarding hypnosis is TRUE?
People cannot be hypnotized against their will.
When traditional practitioners of the ancient Eastern religion of Zen Buddhism
want to achieve greater spiritual insight, they turn to a technique that has been
used for centuries to alter their state of consciousness. This technique is called
____ drugs are drugs that produce a biological or psychological dependence in
the user so that withdrawal from them leads to a craving for the drug that, in
some cases, may be nearly irresistible.
Which of the following withdrawal symptoms are related to the use of stimulants?
Apathy, general fatigue, prolonged sleep
The use of _____ results in euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, heightened sense of
oneself and insight, and disoriented behavior.
Voluntary motor behavior becomes affected when one's blood alcohol content
level reaches:
Methadone is used to treat addiction to:
College students who consume large amounts of alcohol on weekends are
abusing which type(s) of drugs?
________ is a psychological state of altered attention and expectation in which
an individual is more open to suggestions.
The most widely used illegal drug by high school students is

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