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Hands-On 2 :Beyond Basic

KU1201 Pengantar Rekayasa Desain II

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Please pay more attention to several things below:

Please check on the Lego Mindstrom EV3 software about instructions and guidelines in
detail. The software provides you several basic ideas in solving those problems. You can
learn from it, but you may not use the instructions on the same way (several Hands-On may
use same way). You must create and develop your own robots design, so that there will be
many different solutions.

2. Every team must create a single video document showing :

a. All team members (please include student ID and name).
b. The making process of the robot in short.
c. Documentation for each instruction listed below.
The video duration should not be more than 5 minutes. Feel free to create your own video
presentation. We expect and really appreciate your own creativity.
3. After the class ended, there are several things you have to do :
a. You have to submit your individual analysis for every hands-on instruction result,
the analysis have to contain explanation of how every hands-on instruction being
done based on the result and explanation of the chosen method for every hands-on
instruction. You will get 1 day for preparing the analysis, please submit it before 2
PM in the following day (Friday). File name format and Email Subject: Analisis
Individu-Beyond Basic-Nama-NIM-Kelompok.
b. You must upload your video (file name format: PRD2-Beyond
Basic_ClassNumber_TeamNumber) to Youtube. You will get 2 days of work for
preparing and uploading your video and please submit the videos link before 23.59
on the deadline day.
c. You have to make a team report (format of the report will be given in blog). You will
get 2 days of work for preparing and uploading your report, please submit it before
23.59 of the deadline day. File name format and Email Subject: Laporan
Kelompok_Beyond Basic_Nomor Kelompok.
d. All documents in a-c must be submitted to your assistants email address.
4. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your class assistant.
Hands-On Instruction:
1. Multitasking
Using Driving Based you have built in Hands On 1, program the Driving Base so that it can:
Move straight forward while playing notes, the notes are C, D, and E. After all the
notes being played, the Driving Base moves backward while playing E, C, and D
notes then stop moving and stop playing the notes.

Note: You can learn doing this instruction by trying/examining the example first in
Multitasking section.
2. Loop
Build Touch Sensor-Driving Base, equip the Driving Base with it. Make program so that the
Driving Base can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Loop section.
3. Switch
Build Color Sensor Down-Driving Base, equip the Driving Base with it. Make program so that
the Driving Base can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Switch section.
4. Multiple Switch
Build a Cuboid, build a Color Sensor Forward-Driving Base, equip Driving Base with it, and
program the Driving Base so that it can:
Move straight forward when color sensor detects green color.
Turns Left when color sensor detects red color.
Turn Right when color sensor detects blue color.
Move straight backward when color sensor detects yellow color.
Stop when color sensor detects no color.
Note: You can learn doing this instruction by trying/examining the example first in Multiple
Switch section
5. Data Wires
Use the Cuboid you have built, Build an Ultrasonic Sensor Brick, equip Driving Base with it,
and program the Driving Base so that it can:
Show distance value between Cuboid and Ultrasonic Sensor on the screen with its
dimension, the dimension should be in cm.
Show PRD 2 on the screen when the distance value is under 5 cm.
Note: LEGO connector in Ultrasonic Sensor Brick is only suitable for EV3 Brick only
without Driving Base, please modify the connector in Ultrasonic Sensor Brick so
that it can be attached to Driving Base. You can learn doing this instruction by
trying/examining the example first in Data Wires section.
6. Random
Use the Driving Base you have built and program it so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Random section.
7. Sensor Blocks
Build a Color Sensor Forward-Driving Base, build a Touch Sensor Driving Base, equip
Driving Base with them, and program the Driving Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Sensor Blocks section.
Note: You can use a black band to cover the Color Sensor to give dark room experience.
8. Text
Use Cuboid you have built, build an Ultrasonic Sensor- Driving Base, and Program the
Driving Base so that it can:

Just follow the example exactly as given in Text section.

9. Range
Use the Cuboid you have built, use the Ultrasonic Sensor- Driving Base you have built, equip
Driving Base with it, and program the Driving Base so that it can:
Move forward only if it detects the Cuboid at a distance of 5cm to 15cm
Note: You can learn doing this instruction by trying/examining the example first in Range
10. Mathematics Basic
Use the Driving Base you have built, program the Driving Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Mathematics-Basics section.
11. Gyro Rate
Use the Driving Base you have built, build a Gyro Sensor Brick, equip the Driving Base with
it, and program the Driving Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Gyro Rate section.
Note: LEGO connector in Gyro Sensor Brick is only suitable for EV3 Brick only without
Driving Base, please modify the connector in Gyro Sensor Brick so that it can be
attached to Driving Base.
IMPORTANT: Keep the Gyro Sensor and EV3 steady when connecting the cable and during
start-up of the EV3.
12. Compare
Use the Cuboid you have built, use Color Sensor Forward-Driving Base you have built, equip
the Driving Base with it, and program the Driving Base so that it can :
Just follow the example exactly as given in Compare section.
13. Variables
Use the Touch Sensor-Driving Base you have built, equip the Driving Base with it, and
program the Driving Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Variables section.
14. Color Sensor - Calibrate
Use the Color Sensor Down-Driving Base you have built, equip the Driving Base with it, and
program the Driving Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Variables section.
Note: You can use a black band and a white paper to do calibration for this instruction as
seen in the example.
15. Messaging
Use the Cuboid you have built, use the Driving Base, and program the Driving Base so that it
Just follow the example exactly as given in Messaging section.
Note: You have to work with other team to do this instruction.

16. Logic
Use the Cuboid you have built, use the Color Sensor Down-Driving Base you have built, use
the Ultrasonic Sensor- Driving Base you have built, equip the Driving Base with them, and
program the Driving Base so that it can :
Just follow the example exactly as given in Logic section.
17. Mathematics-Advance
Build a Gyro Sensor-Driving Base, equip the Driving Base with it, and program the Driving
Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Mathematics-Advance section.
18. Arrays
Use the Cuboid you have built, use the Color Sensor Forward-Driving Base you have built,
use the Touch Sensor- Driving Base you have built, equip the Driving Base with them, and
program the Driving Base so that it can:
Just follow the example exactly as given in Arrays section.

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