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Tsunami a natural disater

1. 1. What is a tsunami? A tsunami is a series of waves created when water is

moved very quickly. Underwater earthquakes are the most common causes of
tsunamis, but underwater volcanic activity can also trigger a displacement in the
water, and create a mega-wave.
2. 2. First tsunami was recorded in 1480 B.C. in easternMediterranean, when the
Minoan civilization was wapedout. A large tsunami accompanied by the
earthquake ofLisbon in 1755. North and South American records have dated
suchevents back to 1788 for Alaska and 1562 for Chile. Recordsof Hawaiian
tsunami go back to 1821. Tsunami hits the Mona Passage off Puerto Rico in
1918,grand banks of Canada in 1929.
3. 3. Last one was Christmas tsunami in 2004. On 16 August 1976, a large
earthquake in the Moro Gulf in the Philippines generated a destructive local
tsunami which killed over 8,000 persons. Total 65 destructive tsunamis struck
Japan between 684 A.D to 1960. Hawaiian tsunami on 1 April 1946 destroyed
the city of Hilo, killing 159 people. Other recent tsunami that have hit Hawaii are
those of 1952,1957,1960,1964 and 1975 .

4. 4. Tsunami "Wave Train"Many people have the mistaken belief thattsunamis are
single waves. They are not.Instead tsunamis are "wave trains" consistingof
multiple waves. The chart below is a tidalgauge record from Onagawa, Japan
beginningat the time of the 1960 Chile earthquake. Timeis plotted along the
horizontal axis and waterlevel is plotted on the vertical axis. Note thenormal rise
and fall of the ocean surface,caused by tides, during the early part of thisrecord.
Then recorded are a few waves a littlelarger than normal followed by several
muchlarger waves. In many tsunami events theshoreline is pounded by repeated
large waves.
5. 5. Cosmic impacts Submarine landslides Seismic activities Heavy
rainfall Icefalls Volcanic eruptions

6. 6. Volcanic eruptions and icefalls create disturbance in water and generate

tsunami. Heavy rainfall cause overflow of water and generate tsunamis.
7. 7. .Tsunami can be generated when the see floor abruptly deforms and vertically
displaces the overlying water..Tectonic earthquakes are a particular kind of
earthquake that are associated with the earths crustal deformation, when these

earthquakes occur beneath the see, the water above the deformed area is
displayed from its equilibrium position..Waves are formed as the displaced water
mass, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to regain its equilibrium

8. 8. Ocean waves are normally divided into 3 groups, characterized by depth:

Deep water Intermediate water Shallow water Even though a tsunami is
generated in deep water (around 4000 m below mean sea level), tsunami waves
are considered shallow-water waves. As the tsunami wave approaches the
shallow waters of shore, its time period remains the same, but its wavelength
decreases rapidly, thus causing the water to pile up to form tremendous crests, in
an effect known as "shoaling".
9. 9. Subduction Zones are Potential Tsunami LocationsMost tsunamis are caused
by earthquakes generated in a seduction zone, an area wherean oceanic plate is
being forced down intothe mantle by plate tectonic forces. Thefriction between
the sub ducting plate and the overriding plate is enormous.This friction prevents
a slow and steadyrate of seduction and instead the two plates become "stuck".

10. 10. Accumulated Seismic EnergyAs the stuck plate continues to descend into the
mantlethe motion causes a slow distortion of the overriding plage.The result is an
accumulation of energy very similar to theenergy stored in a compressed spring.
Energy canaccumulate in the overriding plate over a long period oftime - decades
or even centuries.
11. 11. Tsunamis occur most frequently in the PacificOcean, but are a global
phenomenon; they are possiblewherever large bodies of water are found,
including inland lakes, wherethey can be caused by landslides.Japan is a nation
with the most recordedtsunamis in the world. The earliest recorded disaster
being thatof the 684 A.D.

12. 12. .Tsunami is one of the earths disaster. It was a Japanese wordmeaning
harbor wave, used as the scientific term for a classof abnormal sea wave that
can cause catastrophicdamage when it hits a coastline..Tsunamis can be
generated by an undersea earthquake,an undersea landslide, the eruption of an
undersea volcano,or by the force of an asteroid crashing into the ocean.
13. 13. It caused the entire planet to vibrate by as much as 1 cm (0.5 inches), and
triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska. This earthquake had the
longest duration, that is lasted for the longest amount of time, ever observed,
lasting approximately 10 minutes. The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.3 on

the Richter scale. The earthquake that caused the Sumatran tsunami is the
second largest to ever be recorded on a seismograph.
14. 14. A 10 year old tourist named Tilly Smith, who had studied tsunamis at school,
noticed the receding tide and frothing bubbles, and told her parents there was
going to be a tsunami. Her parents told the rest of the beach and everyone was
evacuated safely. There were no Tsunami Warning Systems in the Indian
Ocean on the 26th December 2004. Had there had been, many lives could have
been saved.
15. 15. View of a Tsunami Taken By A Satellite

16. 16. By Impact Events like Meteorite impacts By Volcanic Eruptions. By The
Landslides. Mainly By The Earthquakes. GENERATION OF TSUNAMIS A
Tsunami is generated when a large amount of water is displaced which is done-:
17. 17. Large vertical movements of earths crust can occur at plate boundaries
which are called faults. The Sea floor abruptly deforms and displaces the sea
water lying above. Earthquakes The Major Cause
18. 18. The fast-moving water associated with the inundating tsunami can crush
homes and other coastal structures. For a typical ocean Depth of 4000m, a
tsunami moves with a speed about 700km/hr. Tsunamis may reach a maximum
vertical height onshore above sea level, often called a run up height, of 10, 20,
and even 30 meters.

19. 19. The Tsunami Affected Countries

20. 20. The Tsunami Affected Countries

21. 21. An earthquake felt near a body of water may be considered an indication that
a tsunami will shortly follow. Often no advance warning of an approaching
Tsunami Signs Of An Approaching Tsunami
22. 22. Tsunami warning system alert the people before the wave reaches the
shore Tsunami walls for the reduction in the damage. Early warnings come
from the nearby animals as they sense danger and flee to higher grounds.

23. 23. WHO estimates five million people are without basic needs. In Thailand,
more than 4,000 are feared dead and dozens of deaths are reported in Malaysia,
Myanmar and Maldives. Around 10,000 killed in India. Tsunami death toll
tops 118,000.
24. 24. Calong, A land of 13,000 vaporized by Tsunami

25. 25. The Tsunami That Struck Thailand OnDecember 26, 2004
26. 26. Still working for the betterment of the victims. Highly successful because of
the close and constant involvement of the affected communities. Building
enough homes to accommodate five families a week. Responded to the
emergency in hours. The Islamic Relief

27. 27. New houses were provided. ITC distributed over 1 lakh shirts to the victims.
Rice, mats, medicines were provided. Donations done under the Prime
Minister Relief Fund. RELIEF WORKS IN INDIA
28. 28. Stay out of low lying danger areas until an all-clear is issued by competent
authority. Never go down to the shore to watch tsunami. Stay away from all low
lying coastal areas. Tsunami warnings can be made to aware peoples. Loss of
life and property can be reduced by proper planning.

Indian ocean tsunami case study

1 Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 (a secondary impact of an
earthquake)Causes The earthquake that caused the tsunamistruck
at 7:58am on December 26th 2004 The earthquake was caused by
thesubduction of the Indo-Australian plate(oceanic) under the
Eurasian plate(continental) 240km off the coast of Indonesia This
mega-thrust earthquake involved a 20metre uplift of the sea floor all
the way along afault line which was over 1000km in length The uplift
of the sea floor caused adisplacement of billions of tonnes of
watersetting in motion a tsunami wave which hit thecoast of
Indonesia within half an hour of theearthquake
2 Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 (a secondary impact of an
earthquake)Impacts of the earthquake Primary effects
of the tsunami despite being 240km off the coast the
The wave killed people in 14 differentseismic waves
from the earthquake still caused countries around the
Indian Oceandamage to poorly built homes and better
built totalling over 250,000structures over 3 storeys
high in Banda Aceh (a The highest death toll was on
thecity on the coast of Sumatra) Indonesian island of
Sumatra where over 130,000 were killed and over
30,000 remain missing In Sumatra over 500,000
people were made homeless, over 80,000 houses
were destroyed as well as serious damage to any
ports, boats, roads, bridges, hospitals, forests and
crops within 1km of the shore 8 people were killed
in South Africa which is over 8000km from the
epicentre and over 8000 tourists from Australia,
Europe and America were also killed In Sri Lanka, a
train was derailed by the force of the wave killing
over 1000

3 Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 (a secondary impact of an

earthquake)Secondary effects of the tsunami
Diseases such as cholera and dysenteryspread due to
the lack of clean water andsanitation in the refugee
camps killing anestimated 150,000 Incomes were
lost due to the destruction offishing boats and
damage to the ocean bed Loss of foreign income
from tourism wassignificant in Thailand Emotional
and psychological impacts on thesurvivors and aid
workers Land disputes broke out as documents
werelost in the devastation and in some cases
landwas destroyed by erosion from the wave
4 Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 (a secondary impact of an
earthquake)Short term responses Bodies were
buried in mass graves to helpprevent the spread of
governmentsand NGOs (charities) in the aid effort and
tohelp with reconstruction Up to 5 million people
had to be relocatedinto temporary refugee camps and
had to beprovided with shelter, food and water It
took months to simply clear the debrisbefore
rebuilding could start again Long term responses
The Indonesian government decided to relocate the
people from the refugee camps straight into new
homes. The building of these new home took a lot
longer than expected due to the lack of building
materials and destruction of main transport routes.
An tsunami early warning system (shown below) has
now been installed in the Indian Ocean at a cost of
$20 million

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