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Spring 2016 Wang - AAE 338


AAE338 Thermal Sciences

Homework 11
(Due on April 6, 2016 before class)
1. Over a sufficiently long isothermal flat plate boundary layer, derive the following average Nu
number, given the local Nu number formulations for laminar and turbulent cases that were
discussed in class.

2. The following questions in the textbook

19-29 (assume uniform heat flux)
19-40 (guess the film temperature to be 50)

Students in this course are expected to abide by the Purdue University Statement of Integrity and Code of Conduct. Any
work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the students own work. You can discuss questions
from homework with each other, but the final submitted homework should be yours. Purdues student guide on Academic
Integrity is available at

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