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Spring 2016 Wang - AAE 338


AAE338 Thermal Sciences

Homework 14
(Last homework! Due on April 27, 2016, before class)
1. What three conditions define the standard reference state?
2. The Helmholtz function (or Helmholtz free energy) is defined as = , where is
the internal energy, temperature and entropy. Consider a closed reacting system with
constant temperature and constant volume . What is the criterion for this system to reach
chemical equilibrium, in terms of the Helmholtz function?
3. Consider the equilibrium reaction CO2 CO + O2. At 10 atm and 3000 K, the equilibrium
mole fractions of a particular mixture of CO2, CO, and O2 are 0.6783, 0.2144, and 0.1072,
respectively. Determine the equilibrium constant for this situation.
4. Calculate the equilibrium composition for the reaction H2 + O2 H2O when the ratio of
the number of moles of elemental hydrogen to elemental oxygen is one. The temperature is
2000 K, and the pressure is 1 atm. Express the equilibrium composition in terms of mole

Students in this course are expected to abide by the Purdue University Statement of Integrity and Code of Conduct. Any
work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the students own work. You can discuss questions
from homework with each other, but the final submitted homework should be yours. Purdues student guide on Academic
Integrity is available at

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