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suas paige Last modified Friday, 20 October 2018, 11:18 PM Fle submissions Wistar docx Submision comments Pconnensio) Weebly History of Poverty ond Educahon Feedback Grade An in-depth Comprehensive [Focused in-depth In-depth inquiry In-depth inquiry _Inqulry int issue i indepth and focused Inguiry that andfocused in-_Jinguly that that explores how that explores how on the NZ context. How the issue of explores how depth inquiry that Jexpiores how your | your chosen idea your chosen idea poverty spacfically shapes teaching, your chosen explores how your |chosen idea seeks|seeks fo influence seaks to Influence leaming and curriculum choice because of| idea seeks to chosen idea seeks|to infuence and [end shape and shape the perspectives and issues identified Influence and toiniuence and |shape teaching, teaching, learning teaching, leaming oul ave been developed in more detail shape teaching, shape teaching, learning and {and currcukum and currcukum learning and earning and —_Jourrculum content| content in your content in your ‘curriculum curriculum content|in your chosen chosen chosen content in your in your chosen educational sector | educational sector educational sector chosen {educational sector |in Aotearoa, NZ is in Aotearoa, NZ is in Aotearoa, NZ Ie ‘educational in Aotearoa, NZ is evident evident not evident. sector in evident ‘Aotearoa, NZ. Wide range of Comprehensive [Wide range of |Some Range of “The influence of a range of ideas is pporspectives of and wide range of |perspectives of |perspectives of perspectives of developed, THe history of the cash how your Perspectives of [how your chosen [how your chosen how your chosen between sodialjustce/egattarian and neo- chosen idea how your chosen idea socks to idea socks to idea socks to _iberalism over the last 30 year is carefully sooks to idea seeks to [influence and _[infuence and influence and developed. An emphasis is place on the influence and influence and [shape teaching, |shape teaching, shape teaching, neo-liberal being negative. Broad learning and curriculum content in your chosen educational sector in Aotearoa, NZ explored. relation to the different Implications it will create for toaching, learning and ‘curriculum content within your Identified ‘educational context. ‘Adherence to academic conventions Including APA th edition referencing teaming and ‘curriculum content In your chosen education sector in Aotearoa, NZ are explored and integrated. [Comprehensive land focused exploration of the Atferent iconsequentia! ideals of fering perspectives on your chosen idea leads to insightful land vide ranging Identification of spectic implications for teaching, earning land curriculum | content within your entiied educational context, [APA 6th edition referencing format is felowed and no errors are evident lcurrcalum content |curiculum content curiculum content debate has hed on education butt woulé In your chosen leducation sector in Aotearoa, NZ are explored and integrated. Focused exploration of the afferent Jconsequential ideas o afering perspectives on your chosen idea leads to wide ranging identification of pectic implications for teaching, learning and curriculum content within your identified educational context. JAPA 6th edtion referencing format is otowed with tew ecrors evident. ln your chosen education sector in Aotearoa, NZ are explore. Exploration of the different ‘consequential ideals of fering perspectives on| your chosen idea leads to the Identifcation of a few implications for teaching, leaming end curriculum content wthin your Idontiieg educational ‘conte [APA 6th edtion referencing format |sfolowed wih a few errors consistenty evident in your chosen education sector in Aotearoa, NZ are not explored, Exploration of the different ‘consequential ideals of cfring perspectives on your chosen idea does not lead to the dentfation of a implications for teaching, aming and currleulum content within your Identiieg educational ‘context APA ath edition referencing format 's not folowed ‘andor major consistently evident hhave been good to see more specific evelopment on how each seeks to influence learning, teaching and curiculum ‘choos. Its great to see how well you understand and can articulataly present an ‘argument round your passion, “The consequences of ach perspective ‘and implications for education are very ell developed and ask the reader to reflect and consider some very insightful {questions about ther role as an educator and also about what the role of education Itself should be founded. development of |Web 2.0 format is |Web 2.0 format is Web 2.0formatis. chosen to create @ active engagement with a wide range of ‘a website, Using |chosan to create [chosen to create chosen to create @ wobste that media sinckded and itis very easy to aWeb2.0 ——|aninnovative, Janindepth website thet meets your peer’s navigate format, creative in-depth |website tha fairly meets your poer’s needs, I not website that meets your peer's needs. appropriate, comprehensively. |needs. and fairly meets your peer’s needs. Resources for Appropriate and [Appropriate and Appropriate and ‘A wide range of resources are provided for poers to accessible links are accessible inks are | acoassble inks are not the reader to consider the influence ofthe Support them in. made to a wide range of made toa range of (made toa range of idea, especialy from the social justice and thelr own, balanced resources for resources for peers to |resouroes for peers to crlique ofthe neo-liberal perspective, consideration of peers to consider as consider as they engage | consider as they engage and they engage with the [with the idea of nfuence | with the idea of infuence engagement idea of influence or or consider how they can |or consider how they can With the issue, consider how they can |pedagogically engage | pedagogically engage ppedagogicaly engage _|the idea within the own |the idea within thelr own the idea within thei own |teaching and learning. —|teaching and learning or teaching and learning, inks are made but are Pot appropriate. A Graded Thursday, § November 2018, 2:46 PM or Burts

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