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How could we improve the project we did

For relief valves that neede replacement, we were making datsheets for enquiry but
actually we knoew that we will not be able to actually install the new relief valves.
We then had to change the datasheet issued as-built to enable project to be closed
out and new project to be raised to actualy relace the relief valve.
Packaged boiler psvs inlet line losses were not good and was expected to chatter. Its
outlet line size was increased and engineering analysis was performed to show that
the relief valve will actually be fine.
For thermal relief valves over pressure of 20% can be used.
Short deadline work example is liquigas
Examples were solved the problem
In methanex I found out that the properties were not correctly predicted by the
simulator therefore, contacted Aspentech to rectify the issue.
Work that benifted the company
Aramco flare design job.

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