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Pro Talaq

All India Muslim Personal Board-> Opposing SC- SC trying to indulge in

judicial legislation in the name of 'socially reforming' Islamic practices
of marriage and divorce. Holy Koran are out of bounds for SC.
Personal laws of a community cannot be rewritten in the name of social
reforms. Practices of one religion should not be compared with other religion.
Court cannot supplant its own interpretations over the text of scriptures.
Talaq only after mutual consensus.

Con Talaq and UCC

Patriarchal non representative body, common civil code- false pretense of
No religious conception have veto over the transformative promise of
Debate should not be over one community's virtues versus other. It should
be closing the gap between freedom and equality and social practice.
Something must not be imposed on one if they do not consent on it. Freedom
from another community cannot be the freedom to oppress them within.

Hangzhou Action Plan- G20 summit

Sustainable global growth, tax transparency, financial regulation
85% World trade, 2/3 rd population

Innovation- new driving force of world economy

devt- 2030 SDG

enhance international anti-corruption cooperation

Advantage India- G20 refused to mention deadline on ratifying Paris
climate agreement within 2016 end and also specifying date for ending
fossil fuel subsidies. India has disagreements in ratifying deal within Dec
2016 and not certain on date for ending fuel subsidies. Steel Industrial
over capacity of China impacts Indian steel companies to go bad shape
and accumulating as non performing assets of banks, loss of many jobs in
EU. It should be dealt on multilateral basis else will attract trade
protectionist actions by individual countries. Also regional trade
agreements should be fully compatible with multilateral agreements.
Rising protectionism, highly leveraged financial markets, sluggish demand,
volatile financial markets, feeble trade and investment- require country
specific monetary, fiscal and structural reforms.
India also pitched for BEPS which need countries outside G20 too.
Sustainable growth, innovation, Brexit, terrorism, refugee influx and
AMR has also been discussed.
China ensured talks on economic agenda and ensured to safeguard its
sovereignty and maritime rights on South China sea. Global southChina

SC- making a strong criticism of government is not even defamatory, let
alone seditionary. Only incitement to violence and public disorder could form
basis for sedition charge.
Kedarnath Singh vs State of Bihar 1962- cons bench ruled in favour of
constitutionality of Sec 124 A of IPC.
Sec 124 A-> any person by words or otherwise attempts to bring into hatred
or contempt, excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards government
established by law.

Sedition is cognisable, non-bailable, non-compoundable- max life

imprisonment-not under original IPC, attracted in 1860 and introduced in
Handy to muzzle nationalist voices and demands for freedom- Tilak, Gandhi,
Bhagat, Nehru.
Tilak- 6yrs- Kesari's 'misfortune of country'.
Kedarnath Singh speech CBI dogs, Congress goondas, people revolution- RR
to right to speech - security of state and public order. - prevent govt
established by law from being subverted. Continued existence of govt is
essential for stability of the State.
Sedition Disapproval of govt measures with a view to
improvement by lawful means.
Citizen has right to criticize or comment about govt so long as he
does not incite people to violence with the intention of public

RBI efficiency depends on trust the government reposes in the governor and
important to protect RBI ability to say no.

Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA)

Pursued since 2002 and signed in 2016. no setting up of permanent military
bases in either country. Facilitates mutual basing facilities on case by case.

Speeds up humanitarian relief operations and smoothen operational logistics.

Strengthens cooperation between world's 2 largest democracies.
Perceived as pivot towards Asia and effort as containment of China. On
shore and off shore oil fields.
2005-Indo US Defence cooperation agreement, renewed and expanded
in 2010 and 2015.
2007-loosening of strict controls in transferring excluded categories of
3 foundational agreements- LSA (Logistics support agreement), CISMOA
(Communications interoperability and security memorandum of agreement) ,
BECA (Basic exchange and cooperation agreement) for geo spatial
cooperation. If India signs all these 3, it will become major defence partner
into a non-NATO ally. India hesitated to sign LSA as it undermine strategic
US Real Politik- changes in policy constantly effected to suit its global
requirements- Special relations with UK post Brexit, renewed relations with
Iran and Saudi looked as villian, mending US-Russia relations, US wouldnt
detach Pakistan completely, India moves closer to US and Russia moves
closer to China strengthening its links economically and strategically
involving South China Sea, opposing US attempts to install Missile defense
System in Asia. Russia strengthens its ties with ASEAN, Vietnam.
China and Russia trying to exclude US influence from region labelling it as
non-Asian player. Philippines mending its ties with China in South China Sea
Ally of one power and that too whose power seems to be waning.

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