Fire Safety

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Healthier Business

Fire Safety


Death by:

Being overcome by gas or smoke
Burns and being overcome by gas or smoke
Common Causes

Faulty appliances and leads
Misuse of equipment
Placing articles to close to heat

Fire Risk Assessment

It is a legal requirement that all organisations carry out a fire risk assessment and
implement emergency procedures to be taken in the event of a fire.

Clearly the larger the organisation the more complex the arrangements.

Organisational arrangements

The organisation must inform you what they are! As a minimum you should know:

How to activate the fire alarm

What the alarm sounds like
What the escape routes are from your place of work
The arrangements in place to evacuate walking patients,
patents confined to their beds, members of the public.

Fire Extinguishers

Used for SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic and
FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol, oil etc
You should only use them if you are trained in their use
Multi-purpose extinguisher can be used on:
SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic, fires.
FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol, oil.
FLAMMABLE GASES such as propane, butane, methane.
Carbon Dioxide
For fires involving electrical apparatus.
It will also extinguish FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as
paraffin, petrol and oil.
NO POST FIRE SECURITY, meaning the fire could easily re-ignite.
Used for SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic etc.

Action in the event of a fire

Raise the alarm
Extinguish the fire if you are able to do so and at no risk to yourself using the correct
fire extinguisher
Follow the emergency plan for the area you are working in!
If you dont know ask. It will be to late if the alarms do activate.

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