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Rewrite Walkthrough

The vast majority of the raw information comes from

te%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5/rewrite%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7/, though the wa
lkthrough given here was designed and written by me--Ixrec--and several of the l
ittle details (like where specific mappie events are on the map) have been added
by me. I also had to correct the information on Quest #24: "Seeker of the Truth
" (it turned out all the Japanese walkthroughs were partially wrong about it).
General Information
Like most VNs, the routes are actually quite easy to get and you shouldn't reall
y need any help. Just pick all the choices that involve being nice to or spendin
g time with the target heroine, and that's it. In particular, always follow them
whenever they go somewhere if given the choice (no matter how stalker-y it feel
s). If for some reason you do need help, the "Routes: Walkthrough" section lists
what I think are the important choices for each route (and documents how to get
all the bad ends).
However, unlike most VNs, Rewrite has "Mappie segments", and long lists of Frien
ds, Monsters and Quests (each of which is a tab in the Memory menu) that you can
encounter or complete as you play. The Monsters list is the shortest, and will
be completed no matter what by the time you finish reading the VN, so it is comp
letely ignored in this walkthrough.
Once you get a Friend or Quest, it remains "unlocked" in the Memory section fore
ver. The real difficulty is that some quests, especially Quest 28: "Proof of Par
anormal Phenomena", have other quests as prerequisites, in which case you might
have to do all the prerequisites in a single playthrough in order to complete th
e bigger quest, even if you've done those prerequisites in past playthroughs.
It is impossible to get all the Friends and Quests on a single playthrough, and
very hard to get all of them on your own without any sort of guidance. The "Frie
nds and Quests: Walkthrough" section describes what I think is the most efficien
t way to go about getting literally every single friend and quest. The vast majo
rity of you will be most interested in this section.
By the way, even if you're not a completionist, you should still care about gett
ing all the Friends and Quests for three reasons: 1) almost all of the text you
end up reading during the process of getting them is just as hilarious as anythi
ng else in the common route, and 2) the common route has a handful of nice bonus
scenes that get unlocked after completing the game, and 3) you need to complete
all quests--and one quest requires getting 100 friends--in order to reach the O
ppai Ending. Trust me, you want to read this ending.
Below that are "Friends: List" and "Quests: List" sections, which simply list ho
w to obtain each individual friend or quest. If you managed to complete almost e
verything on your own and are just missing a handful of things, you'll want to l
ook at these.
Routes: Walkthrough
As far as I can tell, absolutely nothing in the Mappie segments influences which
of the five heroine routes you end up on (if any), not even the parts where one
of the heroines accompanies you. So they're ignored in this section.

I don't try to list every single choice you should make for each route, because
a lot of them probably don't matter. Instead I try to list only the important ch
oices, the ones I think are enough to guarantee you get the route no matter what
else you do.
I'll also point out bad ends, since why not.
10/3: Something She Likes
10/4: Eat With Kotori
10/6: It Doesn't Matter (to avoid Chihaya route)
10/7: I Can't Answer That
10/16: Follow Kotori
10/18: It's Not a Big Deal (to avoid Lucia route)
10/21: Take This Opportunity to Sleep (to avoid Lucia route)
10/23: Follow Her
10/25: Follow Kotori (choose Go Solo and Look for Chihaya instead to get a bad e
nd on 10/31).
During Kotori's Route:
Only one choice, and it has only one option.
10/5: Help Her Out
10/6: Follow Her, Save Her
10/7: I Can't Answer That, Braking
10/18: It's Not a Big Deal (to avoid Lucia route)
10/20: I Don't Like His Attitude, But I Want to See the Cat
10/21: Take This Opportunity to Sleep (to avoid Lucia route)
10/23: Watch Her Leave (to avoid Kotori route)
10/25: Go Solo and Look for Chihaya
11/3: I Don't Know
11/12: Save Chihaya
During Chihaya's Route:
Three choices, each with two options. For each choice, one option leads to an im
mediate bad end. The bad end options are "Dodge It", "Attack Tenma Directly" and
"Strengthen Myself Anyway".
10/6: It Doesn't Matter (to avoid Chihaya route)
10/7: I Can't Answer That
10/9: The Classroom's Fine
10/16: Go to the Cafeteria
10/18: I Wanna Know...
10/21: Collaborate with Yoshino
10/23: I Have to Do Something
During Lucia's Route:
No choices.
Unlock this route by completing Kotori's route.
10/6: It Doesn't Matter (to avoid Chihaya route)
10/7: Myself
10/18: Talk to Her, It's Not a Big Deal (to avoid Lucia route)
10/20: Go
10/21: Take This Opportunity to Sleep (to avoid Lucia route)
10/23: Watch Her Leave (to avoid Kotori route)
10/25: Go Check on Shizuru

If you want to get a lot of Friends and Quests done on your initial playthrough,
consider following the instructions from "Playthrough 3" (in the next section).
The only thing in there you won't be able to do is get the Legendary Sukumon (p
rereq for Friend #90), but missing just one Friend won't prevent you from unlock
ing anything later.
During Shizuru's Route:
One choice, two options. Choose "Keep Going As-Is" to get an immediate bad end.
Unlock this route by completing Chihaya's route.
10/6: It Doesn't Matter (to avoid Chihaya route)
10/7: The World
10/16: Go Somewhere Else
10/18: It's Not a Big Deal (to avoid Lucia route)
10/21: Take This Opportunity to Sleep (to avoid Lucia route)
10/23: Watch Her Leave (to avoid Kotori route)
10/25: Stay Here
If you want to get a lot of Friends and Quests done on your initial playthrough,
consider following the instructions from "Playthrough 4" (in the next section).
The only thing in there you won't be able to do is read the Oppai Ending, but y
ou can easily leave a save on 11/7 to help you get to that ending quickly once y
ou can unlock it.
During Akane's Route:
No choices.
Unlock this route by completing all five heroines' routes, then choose it from t
he main menu.
No choices.
Unlock this route by completing Moon, then choose it from the main menu.
Several choices, though only one of them gives you multiple options that actuall
y lead to different outcomes. On that one choice, you get a bad end unless you c
hoose "Let It Go".
Oppai Ending:
Complete all quests, then complete Quest #28: "Proof of Paranormal Phenomena" an
d never choose "That's Enough".
For this reason, it's best to save Quest #28 for last (or leave a save file on 1
1/7 before completing it).
Friends and Quests: Walkthrough
This is meant to be a step-by-step guide to completing all quests and finding al
l friends within a reasonable number of playthroughs, so that you don't have to
come up with a plan of you own based on the rather large amount of information i
n the lists below.
-------------------Playthrough 1
-------------------First, actually finish reading the entire VN. This completes Quest 31: "Rewrite"

This should be easy to do, but if you need help consult the "Routes: Walkthrough
" section above.
Quests #2: "Tsuchinoko Sighting on Campus!?" and #8: "I Have Superpowers" are un
avoidable, and 66 of the friends are unavoidable (counting all routes). You will
get more quests and friends than that no matter what, but which additional ones
is not predetermined. If you're curious, the unavoidable friends are: 1-26, 2851, 58, 62-63, 81-82, 93, 96, 98-99, 101-106, and 108.
-------------------Playthrough 2
-------------------Second, complete Quest #29: "Spoiled end" by getting all bad ends, if you haven'
t already. You should be able to complete this without any help (see the "Routes
: Walkthrough" section if you do need help), and it doesn't make much sense to t
ry completing anything else alongside this, so get it out of the way now.
-------------------Playthrough 3
-------------------The goal here is to complete two multi-part quests (#23 and #26, which involve c
ollecting porn books and planting seeds respectively) and a handful of friends (
#64, #94 and #95) that we simply can't complete during the last playthrough. Com
pleting quests #23 and #26 and getting friend #64 requires a Kotori-related Mapp
ie segment, and friends #94 and #95 require a Shizuru-related scene, so we'll be
going down both of their routes, kind of. I'll also throw in other random frien
ds (like the Sukumon-related ones) which we might as well get out of the way now
to simplify the last playthrough.
Obtain the Legendary Sukumon from a hidden circle: eastern edge, just above path
(prereq for friend #90). Note that this circle will not appear if you haven't f
inished the VN yet.
Obtain friend #67 by clicking a hidden circle (south of the school).
Choose "Follow Her" and "Save Her".
Choose "Myself".
Save at choice. Obtain friend #59 by choosing "Braking".
Reload and choose "Breaking" to prevent Chihaya from showing up in the park on t
he 20th.
-----10/7 Mappie:
Porn book: 3rd floor, just left of center
Click on a hidden triangle: 3rd floor, second visit, just right of center (prere
q for friend #84).
If you haven't finished Quest #22: "Taste her plate" before, then choose "The Cl
assroom's Fine".
-----10/11 Mappie:
Obtain friend #84 from the hidden circle just SW of the right-hand stairs.
Obtain friend #92 from the hidden circle in the bottom left corner.
If you haven't finished Quest #22: "Taste her plate" before, then save, choose "
Go to the Cafeteria" to complete it, then reload.
Start Quest #26: "Say it with flowers" by choosing "Follow Kotori".
-----10/16 Mappie:
Plant three seeds: 1st floor, two places outside (NE shore of lake, SW of wester

nmost tree), 2nd floor (NW classroom)

-----10/17 Mappie:
Before choosing either Chihaya or Shizuru, plant three seeds: south of lake, mos
t northeasterly blue building, postbox near west edge. Also, click on a hidden c
ircle (southwest of that blue building) to obtain friend #65.
After choosing Chihaya, find various hidden circles: the park in the center (inf
o #10 and friend #91), west side just under the higher yellow road (friend #66),
green area at the bottom (requires friend #84, prereq for friends #85-90)
Choose "Talk to Her".
Choose "It's Not a Big Deal" (to avoid Lucia route).
Choose "Go".
If Chihaya doesn't come meet you in the park, you will be given info #6.
-----10/21 Mappie:
Plant one seed in the first alley: roof of 5th upper building from the left
Obtain friend #27 by choosing "Be Honest".
Plant two seeds in the second alley: roof of 6th upper building from the left, a
lley between 2nd and 3rd lower buildings from the right
Choose "Follow Her".
-----10/24 Mappie:
Choose "Watch Him", then plant one seed in the fourth alley (after the dogs star
t chasing you): just under the upper building with stairs (that isn't right on t
he left edge)
Save at the second choice.
Choose "Go Check on Shizuru" and control to the 26th to obtain friends #94 and #
Reload and choose "Listen to Kotori and Hurry Up" then "Follow Kotori" to get th
e Mappie segment.
-----10/25 Mappie:
Plant one seed. However, in order to actually plant the seed you must first coll
ect several random items from other hidden circles. Oddly enough, not all of the
relevant circles can be found right away, so the order matters a little.
- Click a hidden circle near the bottom just west of the vertical yellow street
to get a boomerang.
- Click a hidden circle just under the coffee shop two blocks NE of the yellow i
ntersection to get a magnet.
- Click a hidden circle on the west side of a blue building directly north of th
e objective to get a cardboard nikuman.
- Click a hidden circle next to a postbox near the NW corner to get an alligator
- Click a hidden circle just SE of the yellow intersection to get an AA battery.
- Click a hidden circle on the sideways L-shaped green patch northeast of the ob
jective. Click a second time to use these items and plant the seed.
Obtain friend #64 by clicking on a hidden circle (top left corner, just under th
e coffee place).
Porn books: east side between all the blue buildings, west side south of the roa
d west of the hospital, top right corner
After the Mappie segment you will automatically send Inoue a report on the cat t
hat can see ghosts (part of Quest #24: "Seeker of the Truth").
Choose Quest #6: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity". During
Quest #6, find a porn book and friend #107: bottom left corner of big room, 1st
If you planted all the seeds, Quest #26: "Say it with flowers" is completed afte
r talking to Kotori.
-----11/6 Mappie:

Porn book: just under the first horizontal portion of the path. This should comp
lete Quest #23: "Erohim bless you".
Obtain friends #85, #86, #87, #88, #89 and #90 from a series of five hidden circ
les, each of which is on the path.
-------------------Playthrough 4
-------------------Now we're going to try and get every single remaining quest and friend all in on
e playthrough (though there will be a lot of reloading). Make sure you do every
single one of the following steps, even if you already have that particular frie
nd/quest, because quite a few of them are prerequisites for others. It's easier
to just do everything rather than try and work out which parts you can get away
with not doing.
Most of the remaining quests involve finding "info" then investigating it, and s
ome of these investigation opportunities only appear for Akane, so we'll have to
go down her route (this is why playthroughs 3 and 4 can't really be combined).
There is exactly one detail with regards to which playthrough 3 is required for
playthrough 4 to work: if you've never read to end of Oct 25th after choosing "F
ollow Kotori", you're missing part of Quest #24: "Seeker of the Truth".
Obtain info #3 and friends #53, #54, #55, #56 and #57 by choosing "Recruit Membe
rs" on Oct 5th.
Choose "It Doesn't Matter" so that Chihaya won't come to the park on 10/20.
Choose "The World".
-----10/7 Mappie: [be sure to execute these steps in order since you can't backt
rack during this segment]
Obtain info #9 from a hidden circle in the lake.
Enter the school.
Obtain friend #60 from a hidden circle (3rd floor, near bathroom).
Go to 2nd floor.
Obtain friend #61 from a hidden circle (2nd floor, bottom left corner).
Obtain info #1 from a hidden triangle (2nd floor, just left of center).
Obtain friend #68 from a hidden circle (2nd floor, right-hand bathroom).
Visit classroom 1-C, go to 3rd floor, go to 4th floor.
Click hidden circle (in bathroom).
Visit classroom 3-B, go to Skywalk, then go to 5th floor.
Obtain info #18 from a hidden circle (left-hand stairs).
Obtain friend #69 from hidden circle (near bathroom).
As a prereq for part of Quest #25: "Play with Yoshino", click a hidden circle in
front of one of the center classroom.
-----10/11 Mappie: [be sure to execute these steps in order since you can't back
track during this segment]
Obtain info #16 by clicking all four non-hidden circles in the first part.
Complete Quest #18: Wonder #5 - "Story of the Stairs" with the hidden circle on
the left-hand stairs. Send report to Inoue (part of Quest #24: "Seeker of the Tr
Talk to all four students. Go through three hallway segments. Kotarou and Yoshin
o decide to turn back.
In each of the three remaining hallway segments, there is exactly one hidden cir
cle. Find all three.
The circle in the second hallway completes Quest #1: "The Terrifying Old Men". C
hoose "Yes" to write a report on it.
The other two circles are part of Quest #25: "Play with Yoshino".
After finshing the Mappie segment, you will automatically send your report on Qu

est #1: "The Terrifying Old Men" to Inoue (part of Quest #24: "Seeker of the Tru
th"), after which she will send you info #15.
You will automatically receive info #13 if you sent Inoue reports on quests #1 a
nd #18.
Choose "Go Somewhere Else".
-----10/16 Mappie:
Click on Lucia on the 2nd floor once (not twice!), then go back to the 1st floor
and click a hidden circle on the right-hand stairs to obtain info #21.
-----10/17 Mappie:
After choosing Chihaya, click a hidden circle in the park in the center (info #1
0 and friend #91).
If Chihaya doesn't come meet you in the park, you will be given info #6.
Save at the second choice. Complete Quest #9: "I Actually Do Have Superpowers",
reload, complete Quest #10: "I'm the One Who Really Does Have Superpowers", relo
ad, then complete Quest #13: "Doll User". It is important that you do Quest #13:
"Doll User" last.
Friends #71, #72 and #79 come with quests #9, #10 and #13 respectively.
-----10/21 Mappie:
Obtain info #5 from the right-most triangle in the first alley.
After talking to Gossuri-san in the second alley, obtain info #11 from a hidden
triangle on the left.
Choose "Watch Her Leave" (to avoid Kotori route).
Choose "Stay Here".
Save at the choice.
To complete Quest #25: "Play with Yoshino", choose "I'll Take It" and then "Keep
Going As-Is".
Reload and choose "No Thanks".
Save at the next choice and complete Quest #11: "Super- and Spiritual Power Comb
o Pack" and Quest #12: "A Supergirl is Born" by reloading.
Friends #73, #74, #75, #76, #77 and #78 come with Quest #11.
You should have completed Quest #30: "100 Friends" by this point.
Save at the choice and complete Quests #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7 by reloading (this
also completes Quest #27: "Weekend Quest"). Make sure you do Quest #6: "Mysterio
us Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity" last.
For Quest #4: "Cohabitation with Ghosts for No Money Down" - At the second choic
e, you must choose "Do It Anyway", then skip ahead to the end of 11/2 to actuall
y complete the quest.
For Quest #6: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity" - During th
e Mappie segment, obtain info #19 from a hidden circle (center of big room, 2nd
Friend #97 comes with Quest #4, and friend #83 comes with Quest #5.
Quests #4 and #7 are also part of Quest #24: "Seeker of the Truth".
Save at the choice and complete Quests #14, #15, #16, #17 and #20 (Wonders #1, #
2, #3, #4 and #7) by reloading. Do Quest #14: Wonder #1 - "Entrance to an Altern
ate Dimension" last.
Friend #52 comes with Quest #16.
Choose Quest #19: Wonder #6 - "Something Walking in the Physics Room...?". Frien
d #80 comes with Quest #19.
-----11/6 Mappie:
Locate a two-horned beetle: at the very top, between the three trees. Send the p

icture to Inoue (part of Quest #24: "Seeker of the Truth").

Save here, just in case you missed something and need to come back later to get
the Oppai ending.
Choose Quest #21: Wonder #8 - "???". This is the last part of Quest #24: "Seeker
of the Truth", so you should complete that as well.
Quest #28: "Proof of Paranormal Phenomena" should be automatically completed in
the next scene, if you've completed Quests #13: "Doll User", #14, #19 and #21 (W
onders #1, #6 and #8) in this playthrough (i.e., those aren't the ones you overw
rote by reloading saves).
Choices should appear immediately after completing Quest #28 which give you acce
ss to the Oppai Ending.
Trigger the Oppai Ending by never choosing "That's Enough".
Friend #100 comes with the Oppai Ending.
Quests: List
1) The Terrifying Old Men
Obtain info from a hidden triangle on the second floor of the school during the
Oct 7th Mappie segment. Complete the quest at a hidden circle in the second segm
ent of the hallway (when heading back) during the Oct 11th Mappie segment.
2) Tsuchinoko Sighting on Campus!?
Completing this quest on 10/14 is unavoidable.
3) Mysterious Flying Object Downtown!?
Obtain info by choosing "Recruit Members" on Oct 5th. Complete the quest using t
he Oct 30th choice.
4) Cohabitation with Ghosts for No Money Down
Obtaining this info is unavoidable. Use the Oct 30th choice to investigate, then
choose "Do It Anyway". The quest will be completed on 11/2.
5) Monster in the Forest!? The Legendary Treeman!
Obtain this info from the right-most triangle during the first part of the Oct 2
1st Mappie segment. Complete the quest using the Oct 30th choice.
6) Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity
Obtain this info in the park during Oct 20th if you haven't met Chihaya. Complet
e the quest using the Oct 30th choice.
7) The T-rex survived into the 20th century!
Obtaining this info is unavoidable. Choose this on Oct 30th.
8) I Have Superpowers
Completing this quest on 10/20 is unavoidable.
9) I Actually Do Have Superpowers
Obtain this info from a hidden circle (in the lake) during the Oct 7th Mappie se

gment. Complete the quest using the Oct 21st choice.

10) I'm the One Who Really Does Have Superpowers
After choosing Chihaya on the Oct 17th Mappie segment, obtain this info from a h
idden circle (the park in the center). Complete the quest using the Oct 21st cho
11) Super- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack
Talk to Gossuri-san during the Oct 21st Mappie segment (second alley segment) th
en obtain info from a hidden triangle on the left. Complete this quest using the
Oct 27th choice.
12) A Supergirl is Born
Complete this quest using the Oct 27th choice.
13) Doll User
Obtain info by sending Inoue reports on both Quest #18: Wonder #5 - "Story of th
e Stairs" and Quest #1: "The Terrifying Old Men". Complete the quest using the O
ct 21st choice.
14) The Seven Wonders: #1 - Entrance to an Alternate Dimension
Complete this quest using a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or 7th, assuming you're on Ak
ane's route.
15) The Seven Wonders: #2 - The Unopenable Door
Obtain info by sending Inoue a report on Quest #1: "The Terrifying Old Men". Com
plete this quest using a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or 7th, assuming you're on Akane
's route.
16) The Seven Wonders: #3 - The Beethoven Mystery
Obtain info by clicking all four non-hidden circles during the first part of the
Oct 11th Mappie segment. Complete this quest using a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or
7th, assuming you're on Akane's route.
17) The Seven Wonders: #4 - Hanako-san of the Toilet
Complete this quest using a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or 7th, assuming you're on Ak
ane's route.
18) The Seven Wonders: #5 - Story of the Stairs
Obtain this info from a hidden circle (5th floor stairs) during the Oct 7th Mapp
ie segment. Complete this quest with a hidden circle (stairs) during the Oct 11t
h Mappie segment.
19) The Seven Wonders: #6 - Something Walking in the Physics Room...?
Obtain info from a hidden circle (second floor) during investigation of Quest #6
: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity". Complete this quest us
ing a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or 7th, assuming you're on Akane's route.
20) The Seven Wonders: #7 - Red Boy

Complete this quest using a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or 7th, assuming you're on Ak
ane's route.
21) The Seven Wonders: #8 - ???
Obtain info from a hidden circle (first floor) during the Oct 16th Mappie segmen
t. Note that you must click on Lucia's triangle once (not twice!) before the cir
cle can be found. Complete this quest using a choice on Nov 2nd, 5th or 7th, ass
uming you're on Akane's route.
22) Taste her plate
On October 9th, choose "The Classroom's Fine".
On October 16th, choose "Go to the Cafeteria".
The other plate-licking scenes are unavoidable, so this is all you need to do.
23) Erohim bless you
Find all porn books in Mappie segments. The easiest one to miss is during the in
vestigation of Quest #6: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity".
-----10/7 Mappie:
Porn book: 3rd floor, just left of center
-----10/25 Mappie:
Porn books: east side between all the blue buildings, west side S of road W of h
ospital, top right corner
Choose Quest #6: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity".
-----10/30 Quest #6 Mappie:
Porn book: bottom left corner of the big room on the 1st floor
-----11/6 Mappie:
Porn book: just under the first horizontal portion of the path. This should comp
lete Quest #23.
24) Seeker of the Truth
Send Inoue the following reports:
-Complete Quest #18: Wonder #5 - "Story of the Stairs" during Oct 11th Mappie se
-Complete Quest #1: "The Terrifying Old Men" during Oct 11th Mappie segment
-Complete Quest #21: Wonder #8 - "???" after a choice (on Akane's route) on Nov
2nd, 5th or 7th.
-Complete Quest #7: "The T-rex survived into the 20th century!" with Oct 30th ch
-Complete Quest #4: "Cohabitation with Ghosts for No Money Down" with Oct 30th c
hoice (remember it isn't completed until Nov 2nd).
-Locate a two-horned beetle during the Nov 6th Mappie segment (at the very top,
between the three trees).
-Choose "Follow Kotori" on Oct 25th (at the end of the day you send a report on
the cat which can see ghosts).
These cannot all be done in a single continuous playthrough, so you don't need t
o worry about trying to do that. Also, all the Japanese walkthroughs I saw had e
ither more or fewer conditions than this, but my own testing implies this list i
s more accurate.
25) Play with Yoshino
-----10/7 Mappie:
On the 5th floor, click a hidden circle in front of one of the center classroom
(prereq for a circle on 10/11).

-----10/11 Mappie:
Talk to all four students. Go through three hallway segments. Kotarou and Yoshin
o decide to turn back.
In each of the three remaining hallway segments, there is exactly one hidden cir
The circles in the first and third segments are part of this quest.
Choose "I'll Take It" and then "Keep Going As-Is".
26) Say it with flowers
Complete this quest on Nov 1st after finding all eleven seed-planting spots.
Start Quest #26 by choosing "Follow Kotori".
-----10/16 Mappie:
Plant three seeds: two places on the 1st floor before going inside (NE shore of
lake, SW of westernmost tree) and one place on the 2nd floor (NW classroom)
-----10/17 Mappie:
Before choosing either Chihaya or Shizuru, plant three seeds: south of lake, mos
t northeasterly blue building, postbox near west edge. Also, click on a hidden c
ircle (southwest of that blue building) to obtain friend #65.
-----10/21 Mappie:
Plant one seed in the first alley: roof of 5th upper building from the left
Plant two seeds in the second alley: roof of 6th upper building from the left, a
lley between 2nd and 3rd lower buildings from the right
-----10/24 Mappie:
Choose "Watch Him", then plant one seed in the fourth alley (after the dogs star
t chasing you): just under the upper building with stairs (that isn't right on t
he left edge)
-----10/25 Mappie:
Plant one seed. However, in order to actually plant the seed you must first coll
ect several random items from other hidden circles. Oddly enough, not all of the
relevant circles can be found right away, so the order matters a little.
- Click a hidden circle near the bottom just west of the vertical yellow street
to get a boomerang.
- Click a hidden circle just under the coffee shop two blocks NE of the yellow i
ntersection to get a magnet.
- Click a hidden circle on the west side of a blue building directly north of th
e objective to get a cardboard nikuman.
- Click a hidden circle next to a postbox near the NW corner to get an alligator
- Click a hidden circle just SE of the yellow intersection to get an AA battery.
- Click a hidden circle on the sideways L-shaped green patch northeast of the ob
jective. Click a second time to use these items and plant the seed.
If you planted all the seeds, Quest #26 is completed after talking to Kotori.
27) Weekend Quest
Complete Quests #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7.
28) Proof of Paranormal Phenomena
Choose Quest #13: "Doll User" on Oct 21st. Choose Quest #14: Wonder #1 - "Entran
ce to an Alternate Dimension", Quest #19: Wonder #6 - "Something Walking in the
Physics Room...?" and Quest #21: Wonder #8 - "???" on Nov 2nd, 5th and 7th (does
n't matter what order).

Obtain info #3 by choosing "Recruit Members".

Choose "It Doesn't Matter" so that Chihaya won't come to the park on 10/20.
Choose "The World"
-----10/7 Mappie:
Obtain info #1 from a hidden triangle (2nd floor, just left of center).
Obtain info #18 from a hidden circle (5th floor, left-hand stairs).
-----10/11 Mappie:
Complete Quest #18: Wonder #5 - "Story of the Stairs" with the hidden circle on
the left-hand stairs. Send report to Inoue.
Talk to all four students. Go through three hallway segments. Kotarou and Yoshin
o decide to turn back.
In each of the three remaining hallway segments, there is exactly one hidden cir
The circle in the second hallway completes Quest #1: "The Terrifying Old Men". C
hoose "Yes" to write a report on it.
After finshing the Mappie segment, you will automatically send your report on Qu
est #1: "The Terrifying Old Men" to Inoue, after which she will send you info #1
You will automatically receive info #13 if you sent Inoue reports on Quests #1:
"The Terrifying Old Men" and #18: Wonder #5 - "Story of the Stairs".
Choose "Go Somewhere Else".
-----10/16 Mappie:
Click on Lucia on the 2nd floor once (not twice!), then go back to the 1st floor
and click a hidden circle on the right-hand stairs to obtain info #21.
If Chihaya doesn't come meet you in the park, you will be given info #6.
Choose Quest #13: "Doll User".
Choose "Watch Her Leave" (to avoid Kotori route).
Choose "Stay Here".
Choose Quest #6: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity".
-----10/30 Quest #6 Mappie:
Obtain info #19 from a hidden circle: center of big room, 2nd floor.
Choose Quest #14: Wonder #1 - "Entrance to an Alternate Dimension".
Choose Quest #19: Wonder #6 - "Something Walking in the Physics Room...?".
Save here so you can come back later to get the Oppai ending once you've finishe
d everything else.
Choose Quest #21: Wonder #8 - "???".
This quest should be automatically completed in the next scene.
29) Spoiled end
See all bad ends.
-One bad end for not entering any character route
-Three bad ends during fights in Chihaya's route
-One bad end in Shizuru's route
-One bad end in the Terra route
30) 100 Friends

Obtain one hundred friends.

31) Rewrite
Clear Terra route.
Friends: List
1) Kanbe Kotori - Common route.
2) Ohtori Chihaya - Common route.
3) Senri Akane - Common route.
4) Nakatsu Shizuru - Common route.
5) Konohana Lucia - Common route.
6) Kagari (Moon) - Moon route.
7) Kagari (Earth) - Terra route.
8) Yoshino Haruhiko - Common route.
9) Ohtori Sakuya - Common route.
10) Nishikujou Touka - Common route.
11) Midou - Chihaya route.
12) Esaka Shugen - Common route.
13) Chibimoth - Common route.
14) Tsukuno - Akane route.
15) Inoue - Common route.
16) Imamiya Arata - Common route.
17) Kanbe Keisuke - Kotori route.
18) Kanbe Rikako - Common route.
19) Brenda MacFarden - Lucia route.
20) Suzaki Shuuichirou - Akane route.
21) Gen-san - Common route.
22) Man with Glasses (Sekime) - Shizuru route.
23) Ordinary Man (Moriguchi) - Shizuru route.
24) Man with Bandana (Marcus Noe) - Shizuru route.
25) Old Man (Tsurumi) - Shizuru route.
26) Hook-nosed Man (Okogi Reinin) - Shizuru route.
27) Winter Fang - Common route. Choose "Be Honest" on 10/21.
28) Ansai - Common route.
29) Teacher - Common route.
30) Tsuruhashi - Akane route.
31) Shimako - Akane route.
32) Fuku Iko - Terra route.
33) Instructor Kiyomizu - Terra route.
34) Mikuni - Terra route.
35) Luis - Terra route.
36) Yasumin - Terra route.
37) Kajima Sakura - Akane route.
38) Sakuya HB (Heavy Body) - Moon route.
39) Zanbrako Murata & Unpappa Katou - Chihaya route.
40) Tenjin - Chihaya route.
41) Tenma - Chihaya route.
42) Takasago - Akane route.
43) Tennouji's Father - Terra route.
44) Tennouji's Mother - Terra route.
45) Gil - Common route.
46) Pani - Common route.
47) Tomoko - Common route.
48) Saburou - Common route.
49) Keitarou - Common route.
50) Johnson - Common route.

51) Yasuko - Common route.

52) Mayumi - Common route. Choose Quest #16: Wonder #3 - "The Beethoven Mystery"
on 11/2, 11/5 or 11/7.
53) Suzuki - Common route. Choose "Recruit Members" on 10/5.
54) First-Year Suzuki A - Common route. Choose "Recruit Members" on 10/5.
55) First-Year Suzuki B - Common route. Choose "Recruit Members" on 10/5.
56) Suzuki (female) - Common route. Choose "Recruit Members" on 10/5.
57) Ex-Prez - Common route. Choose "Recruit Members" on 10/5.
58) Lunch Lady - Common route.
59) Bike Repairman - Common route. Choose "Follow Her" and "Save Her" on 10/6, a
nd choose "Braking" on 10/7.
60) Kazamatsuri Police Late-night Hotline - Common route. During the 10/7 Mappie
segment, click on a hidden circle on the 3rd floor, near the bathroom.
61) Kazamatsuri Red Dragon Alliance - Common route. During the 10/7 Mappie segme
nt, click on a hidden circle on the 2nd floor, in the bottom left corner.
62) Egashira - Common route.
63) Autosave Spirit - Common route.
64) Con Artist - Common route. Choose "Follow Kotori" on 10/25, then during the
Mappie segment click on a hidden circle in the top left corner, just under the c
offee place.
65) Wandering Man - Common route. During the 10/17 Mappie segment, before choosi
ng Chihaya or Shizuru, click on a hidden circle in the top right, just southwest
of the most northeasterly blue building.
66) Porn Book Prince - Common route. During the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chi
haya then click on a hidden circle on the west side just under the higher yellow
67) Giovanni - Common route. During the 10/4 Mappie segment, click on a hidden c
ircle just south of the school.
68) Lustful Boy - Common route. During the 10/7 Mappie segment, click on a hidde
n circle on the 2nd floor, near the right-hand bathroom.
69) Game King - Common route. During the 10/7 Mappie segment, click on hidden ci
rcles on the 2nd, 4th and 5th floors (in that order). Each one is in or near a b
70) Midoribashi - Common route.
71) Yuuka - Common route. During the 10/7 Mappie segment, click on a hidden circ
le in the lake, then choose Quest #9: "I Actually Do Have Superpowers" on 10/21.
72) Edogawa - Common route. During the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chihaya then
click on a hidden circle in the park in the center, then choose Quest #10: "I'm
the One Who Really Does Have Superpowers" on 10/21.
73) Spoon - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappie segment, after talking to Goss
uri-san, click on a hidden triangle on the left, then choose Quest #11: "Superand Spiritual Power Combo Pack" on 10/27.
74) Ballpoint Pen - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappie segment, after talking
to Gossuri-san, click on a hidden triangle on the left, then choose Quest #11:
"Super- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack" on 10/27.
75) Spirit Girl - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappie segment, after talking t
o Gossuri-san, click on a hidden triangle on the left, then choose Quest #11: "S
uper- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack" on 10/27.
76) Dry Ice Eater - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappie segment, after talking
to Gossuri-san, click on a hidden triangle on the left, then choose Quest #11:
"Super- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack" on 10/27.
77) Hardcore Otaku - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappie segment, after talkin
g to Gossuri-san, click on a hidden triangle on the left, then choose Quest #11:
"Super- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack" on 10/27.
78) Fantasy World Warrior - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappie segment, after
talking to Gossuri-san, click on a hidden triangle on the left, then choose Que
st #11: "Super- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack" on 10/27.
79) Anbe - Common route. Choose Quest #13: "Doll User" on 10/21.
80) Fujiwara - Common route. Choose Quest #19: Wonder #6 - "Something Walking in
the Physics Room...?" on 11/2, 11/5 or 11/7.

81) Hissy Cat - Common route.

82) Pero - Terra route.
83) Ex-Martial Artist Turned Web Designer - Common route. During the 10/21 Mappi
e segment, click on the right-most triangle, then choose Quest #5: "Monster in t
he Forest!? The Legendary Treeman!" on 10/30.
84) Sukumon Boy - Common route. During the 10/7 Mappie segment, click on a hidde
n triangle on the 3rd floor (the second time you visit that floor) just right of
center. Then during the 10/11 Mappie segment, click on a hidden circle just sou
thwest of the right-hand stairs.
85) My Sukumon - Common route. Obtain friend #84 as described above. Then during
the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chihaya and click on a hidden circle in the gr
een area at the bottom. Then during the 11/6 Mappie segment, click on the five h
idden circles along the path.
86) Sukumon Breeder - Common route. Obtain friend #84 as described above. Then d
uring the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chihaya and click on a hidden circle in t
he green area at the bottom. Then during the 11/6 Mappie segment, click on the f
ive hidden circles along the path.
87) Lightning Shun - Common route. Obtain friend #84 as described above. Then du
ring the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chihaya and click on a hidden circle in th
e green area at the bottom. Then during the 11/6 Mappie segment, click on the fi
ve hidden circles along the path.
88) Whirlwind Ran - Common route. Obtain friend #84 as described above. Then dur
ing the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chihaya and click on a hidden circle in the
green area at the bottom. Then during the 11/6 Mappie segment, click on the fiv
e hidden circles along the path.
89) Torrent Daisaku - Common route. Obtain friend #84 as described above. Then d
uring the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chihaya and click on a hidden circle in t
he green area at the bottom. Then during the 11/6 Mappie segment, click on the f
ive hidden circles along the path.
90) Sukumon Champion - Finish Rewrite, then during the 10/3 Mappie segment click
on a new hidden circle near the eastern edge, just above the path. Then obtain
friend #84 as described above. Then during the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chih
aya and click on a hidden circle in the green area at the bottom. Then during th
e 11/6 Mappie segment, click on the five hidden circles along the path.
91) W.G. Kazamatsuri - Common route. During the 10/17 Mappie segment, choose Chi
haya then click on a hidden circle in the park in the center.
92) Substitute - Common route. During the 10/11 Mappie segment, click on a hidde
n circle in the bottom left corner.
93) Gossuri-san - Common route.
94) Tsukamoto - Shizuru version of the common route. Choose "Go Check on Shizuru
" on 10/25. Note that you don't meet her until 10/26.
95) Ueda - Shizuru version of the common route. Choose "Go Check on Shizuru" on
10/25. Note that you don't meet her until 10/26.
96) Chakki-san - Common route.
97) Candy Shop Owner - Common route. Choose Quest #4: "Cohabitation with Ghosts
for No Money Down" on 10/30.
98) Black Spice Alliance Leader - Lucia version of the common route.
99) Black Spice Alliance Member - Lucia version of the common route.
100) Third Planet From the Magic - Creamy Kagarin - Oppai Ending. To get that endin
g, complete all quests, then compelete Quest #28: "Proof of Paranormal Phenomena
" and never choose "That's Enough".
101) Nishinari - Common route.
102) Okino-san - Kotori route.
103) Classmates - Kotori route.
104) Oonishi - Terra route.
105) Kanbe Kotori (young) - Terra route.
106) Senri Akane (young) - Terra route.
107) Lord Erohim - Common route. Choose Quest #6: "Mysterious Building in Town Rumored Ghost Activity" on 10/30, then during the Mappie segment click on a hid
den circle in the bottom left corner of the big room on the 1st floor.

108) Takashima - Chihaya Route.

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