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The Objectives of Sony (Interest)

Sony announced its "Environmental Vision Towards Sustainability. This vision expresses high level
of Sony's objectives (Green Management 2002). Now days stoke holders and consumers were more
concerned in environmental issues. Companies are rated by the environmental measures and
Socially Responsible Investments (SRIs).Many countries are charging environmental taxes and
schemes to CO2 emission rights.Eccomic terms the environmental policy have higher importance
now days.
Sony realized the importance of sustainable economy, Sony introduced a new strategy to combine
economy and ecology together in management policy.
"Environmental Vision Towards Sustainability" ( 2009
Sony understand that global environment development is the most important subject for the
humanity in this 21st centaury. Sony's main are, continuous technological innovation and initiatives of
1. Marketing must be the most priority of the company
2. Client views are most important than the company view
3. Focussing on the future and Investing
4. Should be patient after done all these.

1, Corporate Citizenship
Sony has wide range of responsibility towards the society . Sony is one of the worlds corporate
organisation which give desired respect to their employees . and also help their employees to
develop their knowledge by varios learning methods like organising training program ,orientation
towards new products etc. Sony also show high levels of co-operate integrity to both stakeholder and
society. Sony has always a keen view of their importance in local as well as global environment
,which allow the active participation in the different region of the world in the sense to become a
good corporate citizen

2. Business Planning
Sustainability and performance is the key factor of their prior consideration in planning a new product
and services. creating new business models is to decrease their environment impact and to move
forward to attain a sustainable growth

3. Research & Development

The main And objective of Sony international ltd, is to develop a new technology which can
contribute towards the improvement of our society, They will also aim to increase their productivity
and the product performance and services to make them sustainable and to access high quality

4.Product Design
Sony is applying its creative technology principle to design all their product and services in the sense
to meet the environmental benefits. All their product has been designed in such a way to reduce their
technological impact on the environmental through out their life period , Sony also focus their
attention towards reducing electronic wastes which is very harmful to the human life

5.Manufacturing Process and Site Management

Sony continuously focusing its entire concentration in environmental management through improving
their sites both at manufacturing and non manufacturing and tired to move towards zero emission
production .Sony is implementing technological innovation and environmental management to
reduce its impact on environment while manufacturing their products.

6 Distribution, Sales, Marketing,

Sony marketing is mainly based on their product qualities. Sony has tried to reduce their impact on
environment in almost all their processing sectors like packaging , distribution. They successfully
includes all the vital information for the costumers in their products

7. Post-use Resource Management

Sony gives the more value to the customer services. They entertain their customers with varies take
back or reuse policies which will help to re- use their product and also to covert the waste in to the
useful resources

8. Information Disclosure and Stakeholder Communication

Sony always discuss the matters all its products and other matters with stake holders and also
disclose all its information details in a form that is accessible to public they also consider the
suggestion of the staff and opinions of the stake holders and take effort for a detail evaluation to
improve their products and performance

9. Risk, Health and Safety Management

The Sony also focus the attention towards health and safety problems that arise during the
manufacturing of their products. They also focus their concentration in all the management part to
rectify it. Their aim to reduce the accidents and causality to zero. Sony will discuss the risk factor

with stakeholders and public as they realise these measures are the integral part of any business

Sonys Swot Analysis

Sony is a well-established and valued brand with consumers, and its products covering a wide range
of the entertainment industrial markets.It was on 2004, two group of companies such as Bertelsmann
music group and Sony Entertainment made a joint venture known as Sony BMG. With the
headquarters in New York, they are operating in more than 46 offices over the world. Their primary
aim was to spread their branch over the world through range of distribution channels. The popularity
of Sony was its brand image with evident of over 1000 artists catered by them. They have positioned
in market as the second largest recording company. Though they had problems with the top
positioned executives, they managed well to keep the overall performance in their range. They were
focused on customer oriented services and succeeded in introducing artists as many as possible into
the market.

The entry of new hi-tech entertainment industries in the competitive market is a real threat to Sony's
present holding position .The main reason is the dramatic technological shift from analog to digital
.The successful combination of complex electronic parts helped Sony to access the complicated
electronic functions in the analog era. Sony by it's accumulated expertise took a competitive
advantage in designing and manufacturing of electronic parts . In digital era, There was a huge
changes happened in technology. The entire complicated functionality had been concentrated into
semi conductors and other key digital devices .The semi conductors and other key devices are
readily available at affordable rates because of their mass production devices. .this technological
revolution has bring great influence in consumer audio visual product markets. This sudden change
had immense impact on the Sony products as they were forced to reduce their selling price due to
their limited dealers and retailers

- DVD format of sony electronics is more than a decade old , so it is
showing all the maturation signs and find itself too difficult to compete
with latest advance version of other entrepreneurs brand. Sony is

working to meet the new challenge with intension to protect its

shattered position in newly emerged technological market
Financial Services
- Sony is facing the economic instability due to global economic changes, privatization of postal
services, liberalization of insurance sectors , changing policies of banks and other private and
government organizations .

In the electronic division,there are huge variety of products and specialized market
Audio - Sony has lost its position in the market of portable audio.
Source: Essay UK -

Formats and technologies[edit]

Further information: List of Sony trademarks
Sony has historically been notable for creating its own in-house standards for new recording and
storage technologies, instead of adopting those of other manufacturers and standards bodies. Sony
(either alone or with partners) has introduced several of the most popular recording formats,
including the floppy disk,Compact Disc and Blu-ray Disc.

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