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The San Francisco Blue Ribbon Panel report (sfblueribbonpanel.

com) published July 2016

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secrecy; irresponsible and ineffective disciplinary processes and complaint resolution;
nepotism and racism in hiring and promotion. One page on each of these topics highlights
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San Francisco residents: please demand civic action to implement recommendations of the
report. Add your name, email and neighborhood on our webpage at

Irresponsible disciplinary processes and

ineecve complaint resoluon, without
civilian oversight, impede community trust.

California law protects an ocer from punishment
when an invesgaon is not completed within one

year. Between 2010 and 2015


disciplinary cases resulted in no

discipline because the statute of
limitaons lapsed

(p. 91 of the Blue Ribbon Panel Report)

Oce of Cizen Complaint (OCC) invesgates complaints led by public against police
ocers. More than 211 complaints led since 2012. Fewer than 10% of complaints are
sustained; of these 60% to 80% result only in admonishments (p. 106)
Police Commission does not take an acve role in responding to reports and informaon it
receives as an oversight body (p. 102)

failed to invesgate whether series of texng scandals

Police Commissioners
indicate potenal systemic bias within SFPD (p. 103)

No policy obligates SFPD ocers or employees to

report evidence of illegal bias (p. 131-2)
Authority for promoons rests solely with Police Chief (p. 53). No requirement to consider
past disciplinary history prior to giving promoon (p. 54)
There is no civilian oversight of the discipline process (p. 97); the Chief has signicant
inuence on how aggressively disciplinary maers are pursued (p. 13); and the Police
Commission does not take an acve role in responding to reports and informaon it
receives, for example idenfying police ocers who exhibit risky behaviors to address with
early intervenon (p. 102)
Disciplinary cases and acons are not fully reported or tracked and informaon not shared
between oces and the public (p. 95)
September 2016

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