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Choose one of the three and submit a 750 word write up for the same.


Whenever talks of skill development in India surface, there are two voices heard. One of the optimist, who waxes
eloquent about its benefits, and one of the cynic, who remains skeptical about the stark reality on the ground.
The government intends to provide skill development training and proper certification so that the unskilled labour
can move to the organized sector and benefit from the manufacturing boom that Make in India is expected to
bring. But some industries refuse to pay higher wages to its workers on account of their certification, choosing to
instead hire unskilled workers and imparting skills on-the-job.
In such a situation, what should be the right way forward for the government? How should it identify the right
industries and pinpoint its efforts to optimize its skill development program? Where do MSMEs and local
entrepreneurs fall into this picture? How can the government leverage Public Private Partnerships?
An article about Modis skill development policy:


The Land Acquisition Bill has been the topic for hot debate in the Parliament. In a surprising turn of events, the
Modi government has retreated on its agenda and withdrawn all the amendments it was asking for.
In the current political scenario, the fizzing out of the changes recommended to the Bill do not augur well for the
industry. Land acquisition for industrial projects will not witness a shot in the arm it was expecting to see. The
drastic changes will not see the light of day, with Opposition parties trouncing them as anti-farmer measures.
In such a situation of political impasse, what is the right way to proceed? Should this be allowed to be played out
on the state government level? How long can the Ordinance way of functioning be sustained? Will this Bill be the
spoke in the Make in India wheel?
An article that outlines the Bills history in India:


Aimed at boosting Indias performance in future Olympic Games, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that a
Task Force would be set up to prepare a comprehensive action plan for effective participation of Indian
sportspersons in the next three Olympic Games 2020, 2024 and 2028. To avoid a Rio repeat, we need to devise
a strategy for next three Olympics, which shall include the policy level changes for promotion of sports in the
country. Is 12 years feasible time duration to make an impact? How impactful is the top down policy in the realm
of developing a sports culture in India? What are your recommendations to the role of this task force?
The below article highlights the formation of task force:

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